Wilbur Smith | 400 pages | 04 Oct 2018 | Zaffre | 9781785765353 | English | London, United Kingdom : A Life of Adventures PDF Book

I took a deep breath but I could not still my heart. This Students Life. I have been privileged to meet people from all corners of the globe, I have been wherever my heart has desired and in the process my books have taken readers to many, many places. Tedious and self-centred. The action — ivory-poaching deep in the German-occupied delta of the steaming Rufiji river. It was a look that said: What were you doing in there, boy? We set off down the side of the kopje and onto the golden grass plain. Available for Click and Collect. is a worldwide phenomenon. Wilbur Smith Books. Account Options Anmelden. Also by Wilbur Smith Copyright. Would you like to proceed to the App store to download the Waterstones App? Where my father was headstrong and single-minded, my mother was gentle and artistic. For information contact Bonnier Zaffre. When will my order be ready to collect? Hunting was a way of life, a skill by which you provided for your people or helped the natural world retain its balance. Unmasked by Andy Ngo , Hardcover No ratings or reviews yet. Dear Reader. It was time for my chores to begin. Right where Brainless the boarhound should have been was a fully grown male lion, its eyes mad with fury, its mane matted with blood. Send us a new image. Products can be returned in store, or by post, for exchange or credit as long as they are returned in saleable condition within 28 days. Before we had left camp, we had showe red using unscented soap so that the big cats would be less likely to pick up our smell; otherwise they could sniff us out downwind for two miles. Now, those dreams seemed to have come to nothing. I was lucky enough to miss the big wars and not get shot, but lucky enough to grow up among the heroes who had served in them and learn from their example. I began to look around me for material, within myself and back in time, searching for the shreds of potential that The Gods First Make Mad had shown. The site uses cookies to offer you a better experience. AUS NZ. Midnight Chicken. This HighFlying Life. Maya Angelou. The Zambian author begins with his coming of age, spent with his father, an engineer and big game hunter, in s Northern Rhodesia. On Leopard Rock: A Life of Adventures Writer

Reset password. An animal padded into the hunting area beneath the buffalo carcass. Since the book arrived I was not able to put it down. I have never read any other of Wilbur Smith books however I had a fascination with his early life living in South Africa - I grew up there it was nostalgic to hear the similar stories of life on a farm on South Africa where I used to spend my holidays. I was born the son of a hunter and trader, a man who built and sold what he could. It had no mane; it was a lioness. For a while, I tried to put it out of my mind. Happy for him, but it doesn't make for very suspenseful reading. Before we had left camp, we had showe red using unscented soap so that the big cats would be less likely to pick up our smell; otherwise they could sniff us out downwind for two miles. Once I had made certain the bolt was dropped, I unearthed my secret cache from the hiding place I had burrowed out many months before. I have never that I recall read anything that he has written. Despite everything, Wilbur has managed to achieve what some people can only dream about happening to them in their lifetime. We were mute spectators, my wife and I, witnessing raw power, something that never failed to send a shiver down my spine. Kate Clanchy. I have been privileged to meet people from all corners of the globe, I have been wherever my heart has desired and in the process my books have taken readers to many, many places. His father instilled in him the need to always be on the lookout for predators, pa Master storytelling and international bestselling author Wilbur Smith takes a break from his adventure novels to offer the reader a snapshot into his personal life. The smell of death contains its own unique primordial fear, and as we waited for the cats to come alive to the prey, the sun slipped slowly in the sky and lent the bush an apricot glow, allowing the colors to become saturated, heavy with their own beauty. I wonder how I could have not known of this great Author long before now? The best piece of advice he was given which helped launch his career was to write about what he knew. Would you like to proceed to the App store to download the Waterstones App? The author describes himself as a 'gusher'; researching but not planning, then writing from start to finish without any editing. Having read this memoir, I am looking forward to revisiting his books with a new perspective, one that respects the amount of time and thought that went into each and every one of them. Always candid, sometimes hilarious and never less than thrillingly entertaining, On Leopard Rock is testament to a writer whose life is as rich and eventful as his novels are compellingly unputdownable. On Leopard Rock: A Life of Adventures Reviews

Reviews are arbitrary and the past is unchangeable. There was an error while subscribing. More Details It was time for my chores to begin. It was no sjambok I was holding. Along the way, I have lived a life that I could never have imagined. My father had been drawn to this remote country as a journeyman metal-sheet worker, having completed his apprenticeship in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, and it was here he had made his first fortune. At the age of twenty-eight, in , I stood outside the traditional thatched Rhodesian farmhouse my father had built, a polished red veranda running all the way round its white-washed walls, and watched him approach. A system of honor. An annoyingly disjointed memoir. As luck would have it my father had joined us to keep an eye on the workmen as they cut down the bush. Elephant Song Book 11 in the Standalone Books 'From under the shadow of the Mountains of the Moon and the deep, brooding Forests of the Tall Trees, to the hidden opulence of Taiwan and the panelled boardrooms of power in the heart of London, a tough, determined man and a dedicated woman begin their fight against the forces of greed, evil and corruption. The trackers had cut up the animal and hoisted her into a tree at a height that would allow a lion stretching on its back legs to feed, but not to take the bait whole. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. It's autumn in some parts of the world. Perhaps she could see how desperate I was to capture the moment, to hone my craft. Add to Cart. There are segments of his early life and childhood, but the stories are told in such a way that they come across as just that, stories. As the song by Bethany Joy Galeotti goes. Reading his autobiography is just like taking a trip through one of his many novels, for this is an author who knows first-hand what he's writing about. Not to mention sex and violence. He had no love for them and would have preferred it if I had none either. Perelman, Lawrence Durrell and the American science fiction genius Ray Bradbury, and the magazine had featured my hero C. He was an Indiana Jones character, a Victorian gentleman with a wild, untamable streak. Writing and Adventure. From being attacked by lions to close encounters with deadly reef sharks, from getting lost in the African bush without water to crawling the precarious tunnels of gold mines, from marlin fishing with Lee Marvin to near death from crash-landing a Cessna airplane, from brutal school days to redemption through writing and falling in love, Wilbur Smith tells us the intimate stories of his life that have been the raw material for his fiction. Gather Together In My Name. Unfortunately, his own story is not nearly so exciting. Community Reviews. I Wanna Be Yours. It would take three months for the wagons to ride that route, ferrying everything from blankets to champagne and dynamite to ore crushers, a mile round trip. No trivia or quizzes yet. Reading the reviews, I see I was not alone in that assessment. Want to Read saving…. He always hunted the old bull cleanly, before the animal even knew it was being stalked. But I had a rebellious streak, and maybe it was time to show my father what I was made of. Hazel Tyson. It's not just a peek but an close look into the life of this famed author and his experiences. When the Lion Feeds were the words I had written. But his anecdotes of his life! Since the book arrived I was not able to put it down. I turn to my wife, and she looks at me and smiles, but sometimes I think there is pity in her eyes for this driven man, condemned to never-ending wandering, in pursuit of something he cannot define, that will probably always be beyond his grasp. Toggle filter item Description. Wilbur Smith can write a tremendous I grew up in a house filled with Wilbur Smith books. My first encounter with Wilbur Smith was through Reader's Digest condensed books. On the other hand, some were a little bland. I used to spend so long in the outhouse latrine reading books that my father was convinced I had a stomach problem and ordered my mother to force me to swallow copious doses of castor oil. Along the way, I have lived a life that I could never have imagined. As I have said, I am so fortunate to have grown to love this author and his countless stories. One petrified instant later, I was plunging downwards, the cliff face rushing into the sky, the whole world a blur of colour and churning air.

On Leopard Rock: A Life of Adventures Read Online

I could dive into books where I found gripping tales of death and danger, the heroism and savagery of this conti-nent we called home. This item can be requested from the shops shown below. Always candid, sometimes hilarious and never less than thrillingly entertaining, On Leopard Rock is testament to a writer whose life is as rich and eventful as his novels are compellingly unputdownable. It charts the extraordinary adventures he has had throughout his life, and from these you can see very clearly where much of the My father, however, was not a man to make that bargain, and stayed on in Rhodesia determined to find a way to survive. Eagle in the Sky Book 6 in the Standalone Books 'Young David Morgan, gifted heir apparent to a South African fortune, rebels against the boardroom future mapped out for him with sickening predictability by his family. Wilbur has a way There is no finer wild animal. Along the way, I have lived a life that I could never have imagined. With dark hair and almond eyes, she was English by birth but embraced the wilds of Africa without breaking her stride. Toggle filter item Delivery. Always candid, sometimes hilarious, and never less than thrillingly entertaining, On Leopard Rock is testament to a writer whose life is as rich and eventful as his novels are compellingly unputdownable. I looked down. Wilbur Smith has lived an incredible life of adventure, and now he shares the extraordinary true stories that have inspired his fiction. All I know is that it was in me from the time I could compose my first sentence. Show More Show Less. She was ten years younger than my father, and she had met and fallen in love with him on the Copperbelt, at one of the dances to which the locals from many miles around would descend every month. Mostly, it was day-to-day goods — blankets and tools, animal skins and clothes — but sometimes he would disappear deep into the bush, coming back with buffalo hides and butchered meat to sell. Download cover. He was a man who built workshops, buildings, factories, who raised cattle and laid down new roads, but I had discovered the joy to be found in books when I was very young. Roald Dahl. For a while, I tried to put it out of my mind. Customer Reviews See All. They cover a wide range of subjects, from lost civilisations to supersonic aerial combat. The Best of Me. Welcome to Loot. Along the way, I have lived a life that I could never have imagined. My father did not distrust books; it was stories he was highly suspicious of. We have recently updated our Privacy Policy. A shot low on the shoulder and through the heart dropped her dead before she hit the ground. Hardback edition. The writing flowed, and I learnt a great deal about South Africa in regard to hunting, politics, mining, But I had a rebellious streak, and maybe it was time to show my father what I was made of. I recommitted to the daily grind of life as a tax inspector. Books comforted me through the dreaded days of boarding school, when I would rather have been anywhere else.

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