Village & Townwise Primary Census Abstract, Maldah, Part XIII-B, Series
~~ CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-2~ WEST BENGAL DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART XIII-B VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT MALDAH DISTRICT S.- N. GHOSH of the fndian Admihist'rative Service DIRECTOR Of' CENSUS OPERATIONS WEST BENGAL © Price: (Inland) Rs. 15.00 (Foreign) £ 1.75 or 5 $ 40 Cents. \ PUBLISHED BY THE CONTROLLER, (JOVERNMENT PRINTkNG, WEST BENGAL AND PRINTED BY THE EUREKA PRINTING WORKS (P.) LTD. 76, B. B ..Ganguli Street, Calcutta~700 012 1986 CONTENTS Pages Foreword (v-vi) Preface (vii-viii) Map of the District (ix) Important Statistics (xi-xii) Analytical Note and Analysis of Data 1-11 District Primary Census Abstract 12-15 ( Police Station-wise Total, Rural, Urba~) Police Station~wise Primary Census. Abstract 1. Harishchandrapur Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 16-17 (b) Village-wise Primary Ceq sus Abstract fS-25- 2. Kharba ( Chanchal ) Police Station (a) Alpbabeticallist of Villages. 26-27 (b) Village-wIse Primary Census Abstract 28-35- 3. Ratua Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 36-37 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 3~-4S ..f. Gajole Police Station (a) Alpbabetical list of Villages 40-49' (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 50-61 5. Bamangola Police Station (a) Alphabetical Jist of Villages 62-63 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 64-69 6. Habibpur Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 70-73 (b) Village-wise Primary Census. Abstract 74-85 7. Maldah Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 86-87 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 88-93 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract (For Statutory town, ward-wise) 8_ English Bazar Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 94- 95 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 96-103 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract (For Statutory town, ward-wise) ( iv ) '9.
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