Programs. Accompanied by Illugfrationslearning
.4* DOCUMENT RESUME- ED 213 858 CE 031 481 . Machine and Woodworking Tool Safety. Module SH-24., T ITLE c , Safety and Health. ITUTION Center for Occupational Researchand,Developmen t, Ine., Waco, Tex. SPONS AGENCY bffice of Vocational and Adult Education (ED). Washington, DC. Div. of National Vocational Programs. PUB DATE 81 CONTRACT- 300-79-0709 NOTE= 51p.;,lAted documents see CE031'450-507. AVAILABLE FROMThe Center for Occupational Research andDevelopment, . 601 Lake Air Dr., Suite C,Waco,ja,76710 (Instructor Guides, $9.75 each; Learning Modules, $3.00 each. Entire set of Learning Modules ayailable, at two subsets": SH-21, SK -41, SH-43, SH-45, and SH-48, $12.00; remaining 45 modules, $97.50). EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DEStRIPTORS Behavioral Objectives; *Equipment Utilization; / *Health Education; Learning Activities;Learning Modules; *Machine Tools; Postsecondary Education; *Safely EdUcation; Secondary Education;*vocational , Education; *Woodworking IDENTIFIERS *Occupational. Safety and Health . A /- . A BSTRACT . , This student module on machine andwoodworking tool Safety is one of 50 modules concerned W. hjob safety end health. This module discusses specific ptaGtic ,precautions concerned with the efficient operation and useolli6machine and woodworking tools in use today. Following theintroduction,. 13 objectives (each keyed_to a page in the text) the studentis expected to accomplish are listed (e.g., Cite'nine general safety rules that apply to all machine tools). Then each objective is taughtin detail, sometimes accompanied by illugfrationsLearningactivities are. included. A 7,-* .list of references and answers tolearning activities complete the ,.. module. (CT) .1 .111M11.. ******************A****************************************i******** .* Reproductions supplied bY EDRS are the bestthat can be made from the original document; ********************************************************************* 1IFETY AND HEALTH MACHINE AND WOODWORKING TOOL SAFETY .,:: ? ; ,1.
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