Extensions of Remarks E1234 HON. RICHARD HUDSON HON. JARED
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E1234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 2, 2013 Mr. Parker began his Chairmanship in 2000 which complement classroom learning. The Nov. 8, 2010, senior administration officials and has since worked diligently to protect and Humboldt State University faculty has estab- explicitly ‘decoupled’ Darfur from the larg- to promote conservative ideals and values in lished a strong reputation for excellence in est bilateral issue between Washington and Khartoum: the latter’s place on the U.S. list South Mississippi. He has proved to be not teaching and research. of state sponsors of terrorism.’’ only an outstanding Chairman, but also an A longstanding commitment to environ- While Reeves’ focus in the enclosed edi- asset in helping to grow the Republican Party. mental and social responsibility permeates the torial is on Darfur—that region is far from From local elections to the Governor’s race, Humboldt State University curriculum and being the only humanitarian and human Mr. Parker is well known throughout the State campus culture, which has enabled its alumni rights catastrophe in Sudan. Last year I vis- for his key involvement and noteworthy enthu- to make a difference wherever they live. ited Yida refugee camp in South Sudan. I heard harrowing stories from a growing ref- siasm. Mr. Speaker, I commend Humboldt State ugee population that had fled the Nuba Outside of his political work, Mr. Parker is University for its many academic achieve- Mountains, including indiscriminate aerial notorious within his community for his contin- ments and for the services it provides to many bombardments aimed at civilian popu- ued support of local charities and willingness students throughout the state and nation. I en- lations, the use of food as a weapon of war, to lend a hand to those in need. courage my colleagues and the North Coast people driven from their homes and targeted Mr. Parker is a true public servant and community to join me in celebrating the uni- for killing because of the color of their skin. versity’s centennial and in offering best wishes In short I heard echoes of my time spent in strong community leader dedicated to pro- Darfur as the first member of the House of viding a better future for our country. He has for its next 100 years. Representatives to visit in July 2004. been an invaluable part of the fabric of the f Last year I offered an amendment to the Jones County Republican Party, and his lead- State and Foreign Operations Appropriations ership will be truly missed. WHAT IS THIS ADMINISTRATION’S bill which would have cut non-humanitarian Mr. Parker, on behalf of the United States POLICY IN SUDAN? foreign assistance to any nation that allowed Congress, thank you for your hard work and Sudanese President Omar Bashir, an inter- nationally indicted war criminal, into their commitment as Chairman of the Jones County HON. FRANK R. WOLF country without arresting him. The amend- Republican Party. I wish you all the best in OF VIRGINIA ment was adopted with bipartisan support by your future endeavors. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES voice vote. f Friday, August 2, 2013 The amendment I proposed would have ef- fectively isolated Bashir and made him an PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I rise to submit a international pariah as is befitting a man letter I sent today to President Obama regard- with blood on his hands. It is noteworthy HON. RICHARD HUDSON ing Sudan as well as a copy of my Darfur trip that the amendment garnered the support of report which I issued in July 2004 after having 70 prominent Holocaust and genocide schol- OF NORTH CAROLINA ars. Dr. Rafael Medoff, director of the been a part of the first Congressional delega- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wyman Institute, which initiated a letter of tion to the region. Just months later then-Sec- support to the administration from these Friday, August 2, 2013 retary of State Colin Powell described what scholars, said: ‘‘Halting aid to those who Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. was happening as genocide—a descriptor that host Bashir would be the first concrete step 430, I was unavoidably detained at a personal President Obama himself used as recently as the U.S. has taken to isolate the Butcher of doctor’s appointment. 2009. Darfur and pave the way for his arrest. If the And yet, the Sudan Special Envoy position Obama administration is serious about pun- Had I been present, I would have voted ishing perpetrators of genocide, it should ‘‘yes’’. remains vacant after nearly five months. Vio- support the Wolf Amendment.’’ f lence, displacement and atrocities continue in Sadly that support never materialized. In Darfur and the Nuba Mountains. And Suda- fact your administration actively sought to CELEBRATING HUMBOLDT STATE nese President Bashir continues to travel the remove this language from the final bill. UNIVERSITY’S CENTENNIAL YEAR globe with virtual impunity. Meanwhile, Bashir remains free to travel What is this administration’s policy in where he pleases, and the people of Sudan see Sudan? no end in sight to their suffering and U.S. HON. JARED HUFFMAN policy is in tatters. OF CALIFORNIA CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, The FY 2014 State and Foreign Operations HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Appropriations bill, which just last week Washington, DC, August 2, 2013. passed out of the full committee, included Friday, August 2, 2013 Hon. BARACK H. OBAMA, language consistent with the amendment I Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, it gives me The President, The White House, Washington, offered last year. In seeking to isolate DC. great pleasure to recognize Humboldt State Bashir, our options are limited but far from DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I have written you nonexistent. University’s Centennial Year. Founded in on more than one occasion about the per- Will your administration support this ef- 1913, Humboldt State University is the only sistent vacancy of the Sudan Special Envoy fort? Will Bashir be made to face some mod- state university in coastal Northern California post, which has been unfilled for nearly five icum of consequence for his actions? Will the and in my Congressional District. The univer- months. This is indefensible given the cur- special envoy position be filled before the sity has made major contributions to the intel- rent state of affairs in Sudan. fall? lectual life, culture and economy of the North I enclose for your reference a recent piece Professor Reeves’ piece featured this quote from you: ‘‘We can’t say ‘never again’ and Coast, California and the nation. that Sudan expert and advocate Professor Eric Reeves authored for the Washington then allow it to happen again, and as a presi- One hundred years ago, on June 16, 1913, Post. He paints a grim picture about the sit- dent of the United States, I don’t intend to North Coast citizens had the foresight to help uation in Darfur, lamenting that this geno- abandon people or turn a blind eye to slaugh- formally establish Humboldt State Normal cide, which once captured our collective na- ter.’’ I wish, and more importantly the suf- School and to pledge $12,000 and 12 acres of tional outrage, now seems to have dis- fering people of Sudan wish, we had seen an land to the school. Humboldt State University appeared from public view leaving us with ounce of that moral clarity and conviction formally opened on April 6, 1914, and has the misperception that the violence has sub- since you took office. Sudan has historically been a bipartisan issue. We may be from dif- since awarded more than 55,000 degrees to sided and the crisis resolved. Nothing could be further from the truth. ferent parties but I had thought, based on students from diverse economic and ethnic Reeves writes ‘‘. the slaughter has con- your campaign rhetoric, that this might be backgrounds. tinued in Darfur: Some 500,000 people have an area of common cause. Humboldt State University offers a broad died in the past 10 years from war-related Best wishes. array of academic programs and an out- causes. In 2009, as president, Obama again de- Sincerely, standing college experience for 8,000 students clared that ‘genocide’ was occurring in FRANK R. WOLF, each year, while contributing greatly to the re- Darfur, yet little followed from this.’’ He Member of Congress. continued, ‘‘But the people of Darfur have gional community. The annual economic im- [From the Washington Post] pact of Humboldt State University is estimated been left defenseless largely because of an unforgivable lack of attention and leadership CIVILIANS IN SUDAN’S DARFUR REGION FACE to be $190 million on the North Coast and by the United States. The policies of WHOLESALE DESTRUCTION $400 million statewide. Obama’s administration have hardly (By Eric Reeves) Humboldt State University is widely known matched his rhetoric. Indeed, in a bizarre re- After years of obscurity and little reliable for the personal attention faculty provide to prise of policies for which Obama had sharp- international reporting, the vast human ca- students, and for the hands-on experiences ly criticized the Bush administration, on tastrophe in Sudan’s Darfur region is again VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:10 Aug 03, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02AU8.077 E02AUPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 2, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1235 in the news. It was regularly making head- president, Obama again declared that ‘‘geno- We heard countless stories about rape, lines before 2008, when the then-five-year-old cide’’ was occurring in Darfur, yet little fol- murder and plunder.