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And "0 at ,I.", end ttf 1\1 dY. whrn Ihe CuL... In " thrr out (I f f"lIr in a . eries at "hea ~I a di llm 10 gh lhem a two·an . a · half·~am . , bulge in the ElI"lt m Dhi· ion, ther wa... thi" "fene befort' a dlluhle· header aft r Ihe !\r"l had I""t the fir t t W(I contesl". "WI' gnl t •• win tl'O today" aid ROil Sw boda, " We gut to kee p the . tatu... 'lUO, J£ we don't win, we fall that far bt'hind. W e win ,wo and We make it all U J.' By Rid·J UIlI', tl1(' dub bad n ot yel reo captured till- m gic thal had turned 0 11 'h~ entire haseball world during Ih.·iT Imflo~~ibl' Drt'am. T hen t hi} tt",l 10 t il" road an hit Iheir wnr ~ l uway·fro .h me --lrdch in Hodge"- reglm , Til Atlunta, Cinl'innati and Hn u ~ " IIl, they "IH Jld win only twi n ' ill eight ~1llUe~ , "Wt" rl' nol playing "f·ared." sa id "h"rt ~lll p Bud Hdrrel, uIL " t' didn't \~ i n a pennant li nd Wnrld S eri!'~ hy pluy m g ~curt'd, Yuu I'un "LUII to \\ in to() m Ul' h. T hf'n yuu play difTt'rpl1ll }." T h at'~ IIt(; \\ hole puinl. lice Y"lI ~lick your head up obove the c rowd. YOII be· l Ume Ihe prime t ur~el Ollrt' )'1111 d i ~cuvl'r Ihal you .:fIn du it ont' timt'. th"11 somt'· th ing i""ide you i .. nul quit 81'; Illuse a~ it lI st'd to be, "I fi nd i hard to h 1i.,VP Lhat t!very· bod l Ull II wingil1 <Y tit. bat a~ hadly il~ the majoriLY of ill art'." said ('atelIer .J CTry l~rote, Cleon Jlin '. the ,340 hilli'r, I h, big gun in Ih(· 1\11" line· up, tilt· man IllS t a m matl'~ huli ('ome to depend u p fl. C' • pt·rit·n 'cd t' arlY ' ~('a~' m riitlieuities. lnlo the ~l'l'I,"d lli ird nf th. 'uml'aig lL 111' \\8 hailing .210. He had hit inll) 10 dtluLle pl ay,. II,· W8>' fighlin~ him"elf "Whut hay I m i ~s d'}" a ·hd II guy whit Ita no' ~I't' n him for ~ttm. ' \t'e!,." "You uin t mi ~,,~ci not hi ng:' replied CI,~t)f\ , not .JDII\\ar of ItO\' milch he had me' nt til tilt' 1\1 t, in their ifllT diLl,· M noger Gil Ho dges never knew what it was like to be on origi nol Met; to be port of a leam d imb, 11 11\, mlldl h had In mean if they about whom people joked, He says jt', no harder 10 wi n a second cha mpionship tho 0 1>1 were to d o il again. "E" ryhod y' \\alling fUT him to \;ome p ial' to fir"t. d oes what Ihe Mets dId to I'om,' 1If! "ilh are:; \\h..n a ~e"ri around:" adm '"pd Sham,ky. 'l( In." n I last year and tried 10 duplica[e thL year, aga in. t the \\url rl I'haml)ion~ arne hi llinu, the n we hay lrlluLlc, ' ' S m u h Ie)': i' e,' pected of a ninth· arulI nd thi" ~l'a~Hn, The puint, n l'O u r~e, i.~ Ihul allillid ~ place learn, omparcd to a penna nl con· "''' Oil gu ,\ilh YOllr 10 1.-'" 'lI!;!in~1 ,h.. · Lan~.. 'Hilt tlu' rime~ OIU'e a \,inn r t nd'r or ~ha t we a re," ~ u y ~ Art Sbam· oesl," e\plains DtlTlwh",r, Tim, il hn.... al wa,'~ a \\ inn .. r i,n t ""a' tl y I lrui"m in ll k y. "Thi: ~ea 'on it' · been the pres"lI re. invariulily b en Bill Hano ' J(l'n Huitt.· IJ a.., h111. I l w lI~h Ho d ~{'!o wUll ln haw u.., It'. been wanting to p ro,, /, that what w. man a nd Ferl!u"on .Ienkin~ workinf! for hdit'\ it i" did in 19119 wa. n'l somet hing "llIlt rived Ihe C u L~ ugainj;t ~e\\ York. TIJe trtlll hl .. wil h t:il i ~ Ih al III 1II·..·er by iln gl'l ~ in the outfi d J and elves in the "They b"al u ,)l It (f It le-t s a. on," knew wh t it \\ u r!'ally Ilke tll he an infield. Pe p ie didn't 1)1> 11 v liS, " l ayLe " ), RUIl San'!), "11\ natur I ,.nullt;h 1(1 orillinal Md . HI' wa' /lever a man about m o ~t "r u~ didn'l beli t'v' it wl l .n wt. want tl) hea t tlll'm. T didn', 1ll'lic\'p. II 1\ IJum p 'ur)l.. mad jOkl'~' WIIt' II II... ~tar t ..d to ro u\' ' l a~' se sun, 1\ layLt, otlta uhnllt th rn, httl IlltY ~hU\\ld m ," p l ilv~d (or th.: Dudger., Il f t;l!f'" and a pt!tiJllc still d on't lw lievc it. ~ ow YOll j1.t1 What' mor.> to Ihe" (J llint. tl",,,gh. j, RIIIlIll~()n " nider anJ Furill. ~ · Impun. tl out to wi n t'very ~ i n g le :,!ame. You e P('ct thaI 11 om lI lt' op !l ing of . pr ins: Iraming, ellu and u.-, h \\, ' .. P O! I of a t!'an. ,hat Ii to, Lut t'\l'ryhody d .. " ant", to kn,)f' k YOli Ih \1"ls bel'um,· al\ure 'hat Ihey Iwd to rarely 'I."II 11t (lIIgltl uf (Jrt'~,.ure T hey Y' righ dl)w n: ' ~III '" 11 agam, The wch:hl n Ilwir hal k .. Wt'rt't, pt't'Il'd ttl \, in und u. u I/ v did w Tha[ i" ill the n ture of thing. WI ... rt, ne\ er 1"""cllI d unl'/' the s e ll,.IJO Itl' an, When th 1970 :-ea~OIl b 'gan, an oM the J\fel~ got ~et'(md·lille pil<:her" tlln)\vn "YUl! tell y"\Jr~,' lf )'.Ill ,'an Will it f i..nd lI'ked notlgt;' ~ how 1%1} ('oulJ he a ga insl them hero n: they d iu ' heir UIl· lI~Uill by p layin ' /!(j(,r\ baJl:' ~ ;Jy- Sham topped J rtislkull}. P' r!'al d U llg last !wa~on , Tlval managcn ,!,.y, "LUI ylIlI d llll't Itelit'\'(' it. W, '\It' hac! "1\0 WlI)" sUld Cil. "We ( '1ll1 do it ur , rigged Iheir pik hing s off!' tn I. " ('t'rtrun to b· 'tie hllrtlt'r again In <'1"" hft!, th r ding can be, to -~ 30 ~ee how clo."e we ean get to last year, Bud Harrelson, above, Jerry bUI whal happened then can't be rec:ap Grote, below, and Art Shamsk.y, right, lured a" a whole. Our problem is winning know that every other club again. but the problem is no greater than in the Notional League was shooting for them this year. It', the Ihe olle tht' Cubs or Cardinals have. Last price you pay for being world champs. year was lasl year. This year is now." So sorry, Cil. One year may have no r e lution~hip to the next when you've nt'vt' r experipnct'd the heady flavor of ,uere;;,.. But once you do what the Mets did. tllt're is no po~"ible way it can be hlo('kpd I)ul. non Swoboda knows. He was part of the team wlwn it was material for TV and nightclub ('omil".' and the fan s who ..ilcpred for lo>,er~ , laughed at their c1own j ~ h ways and loved them for it all. And he was part of the metamorphosis, as the ugly duckling turned into a swan. .. ( know that Gil wa, never on a team thaI made >,0 drastic a move a~ we did," say" Swo/.mda. "We wcnt from the cellar of til L' leaglle to the top of the world. If we win a few back to ha('k, or fini sh high for a few "pa>,ons, then maybe we'll think th e way he thinh. But he has to under· "tand wh pre we cume from." Hodges II l1 derstunds. but he i ~ eut frorn a diffprcnt mold. He's a man who was a part of it , but held himself a loof. If he who was on(;c a part of the Cardinal,;' i" not a perfectionist. then he approaches winning tradition. It i" not Tug McGraw one "ith hi ., demanding manner. He who. a, recently as last sea~ on. was rarcly rai"e, his voice, but hehind it thought to be more in Heed of maturity there i., a hurd core of di", ·iplinc. He can than of a curve ball. he ('ausli,- in his remark" to his players, In the immediate aftermath of the h'I1 Ill' c.\ude" an aura "f paternalism. Met,,' fi\' c'game Series vic tory over th "I don't think it's :l ny tougher to win Orioles last October, JlYcG raw approa('h· a sc('ond (' hampion~h JJl than it i,; to win cd J erry Koo~m an. winning pitcher in the thc fir ·t." he "ay~.