ANATOLY SOKOLOV Vietnamese Studies in Russia and the Former Soviet Union Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021

n the former Soviet Union, active studies of began compara- Itively recently, in the early s. But in Russia, the first writings about Vietnam date back to the end of the eighteenth century. Russian and Soviet Vietnamese studies may be divided into the following (admittedly subjec- tive) periods, each of which reflects the influence of prevailing historical conditions on the field, such as the close political and socioeconomic rela- tionship between the USSR and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam dur- ing the Cold War. These periods extend () from the end of the eighteenth century until the Bolshevik Revolution in ,() from  until , () from  until , and () from  to the present.

Pre-Bolshevik Revolution (up to )

In the late eighteenth century, writings began to appear in Russian that displayed growing knowledge about certain parts of Asia, including Vietnam. The relatively limited Russian interest in this part of the world can be explained by its general insignificance to Russian economic and political interests at that time. Nevertheless, especially after the first French penetration into Vietnam in the s, passages from travel notes, naval officers’ diaries, and scientific articles about Vietnam

Journal of Vietnamese Studies, Vol. , Issue , pps. –. ISSN -X, electronic -. ©  by The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press’ Rights and Permissions website, at permissions. DOI:./vs.....

67 68 SOKOLOV began to appear regularly in the Russian press at both the metropolitan and provincial levels. In , August Semen and A. Stoikovich published a book titled Mor- als, Customs and Memorials of People All over the World. The authors discuss Annam in the chapter “Zaganskv Peninsula.” In the following decade, as the French presence in Southeast Asia grew, so did the number of publications in the Russian press about Vietnam and its inhabitants. For Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 example, the first detailed factual information about Sài Gòn, notably on its harbor installations and its occupation by French troops, appeared in the article “Sài Gòn Harbor,” published in  in St. Petersburg’s Family Illustrated Leaflet. At that time, events in Vietnam began to be described in journals like the European Herald, Proceedings of the Russian Geographical Society,and especially Marine Collection, which published diary notes and impressions of scientists and men of letters alongside the notes of naval officers. For example, the well-known Russian writer Konstantin Staniukovich, whose works were to a large extent about the oceans, was traveling in – on the ship Kalevala and wrote his notes called “The French in Cochin- china” at that time. In this work he described in detail the new seaport of Sài Gòn, French military expeditions and missionary activity, as well as Vietnamese resistance. Similarly, Vsevolod Krestovsky visited Sài Gòn in the early s as the secretary of the general-adjutant of the Russian squadron in the Pacific Ocean. He described his impressions of the town in his notes, which were published in Marine Collection and Government Herald. Russian diplomats, travelers, and scientists began to visit Vietnam in growing numbers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Many of their impressions were collected in the illustrated geographical collection Asia, published in . For example, the article “In Tonkin” by the famous Russian diplomat Grigory de Vollan appeared in this collec- tion. Vietnam was also briefly discussed in the works of A. Jatsimirsky, The Chinese Southern Neighbors, The French in Tonkin and Cochinchina, and Annam, Siam and Burma (), as well as in Vera Kolokolnikova’s Indo- china: Brief Essays on Burma, Siam, Annam, Cambodia and the Malacca Peninsula (). One of the first reports on the ethnographic character of VIETNAMESE STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION 69 the conditions and structure of the Vietnamese peasant community was Mikhail Veniukov’s notes on the Annam community, published in the magazine Russian Thought in . The Cossak Grigori Khokhlov visited Vietnam at the end of the nine- teenth century and made some interesting ethnographic observations, including those on the national clothes and customs of the Vietnamese.

Russian Prince Konstantin Vyazemsky visited many countries in Asia from Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021  to , traveling thousands of kilometers on horseback. During his journey he kept a diary consisting of about four dozen notebooks. In the (unpublished) diary, which he titled “Travels around Asia on Horseback,” he reflected on his visit to Tonkin and gave some sketches of Hà Nội and Huế. Professor Vladimir Tikhomirov’s journey to Sài Gòn in  pro- duced the work Reminiscences of a World Tour (). Another Russian scientist, Ernest Erikson, in his travel notes “In Sài Gòn,” published in the magazine Natural Science and Geography in , describes some types of Vietnamese boat and fishing methods. A. Bolshakov was the last Russian scientist to visit Vietnam before the October Revolution of ; his notes and letters were published in St. Petersburg’s Topographical and Geodesic Magazine in . Writings about Vietnam by Russian authors published before  were thus intended primarily to introduce readers to a distant country in South- east Asia. At best, it was high-quality journalism. In those years, Vietnam was not of geopolitical interest to Russia since the countries had no com- mon border and Vietnam was still a colony of France, with which Russia was allied. Some of these writings reflected the attitudes, common among representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, of sympathy for people they perceived as weaker and oppressed. Such attitudes were aptly captured by the famous English geologist Sir Roderick Impley Murchinson in  during a speech in London’s Hyde Park opposing Britain’s entry into the Crimean War:

Even if Russia expands its possessions at the expense of neighboring colonies, unlike other colonial powers, it gives these new acquisitions more than it takes from them. And not because it is driven by some kind of philanthropy or something like that. The original aspirations of all empires differ little, but where a Russian person appears, everything miraculously gets a completely different 70 SOKOLOV

direction. ...Those who are defeated by it or taken under its protection usually win in the end, preserving their way of life and spiritual institutions intact, despite their obvious insufficiency for progress, as you can easily see when you get acquainted with them more or less thoroughly, increasing your material wealth and significantly moving along the path of civilization.

Early Soviet Union (–) Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021

Vietnamese studies changed dramatically in the aftermath of the  Bol- shevik Revolution, when the field began to focus on the country’s position as a colonial and dependent country in the context of the world revolution. The principal problems that concerned Soviet scholars in those years were class struggle in Indochina, the rise of a national liberation movement, and the formation of communist organizations. Many of these questions were explored in the pages of journals like World Economy and World Policy, Materials on National and Colonial Problems, Communist International, and Red Trade Union International. The names of these journals evoke the themes of the works published in them, including scientific ones. The first publication in the Soviet press about Vietnam was an interview, “On a Visit to a Member of the Communist International,” in which the Moscow journalist and literary figure Osip Mandelstam interviewed a young Vietnamese patriot, NguyễnÁiQuốc. This interview, which appeared in the magazine Ogoniok in December , covers Vietnam itself, the hard life of the people in the colony, and a growing movement against French oppression. History has immortalized both participants of this interview: the first one entered the annals of the twentieth century as a famous polit- ical leader—Hồ Chí Minh—and the second did so as an outstanding poet who perished tragically in the years of Stalin’s repressions. The first Soviet scholars to meaningfully study Vietnam were Aleksander Guber, Vera Vasilieva, Boris Dantsig, and others, who regularly published their works in scientific and popular periodicals. The first full-length mono- graph about Vietnam during the Soviet period, Dantsig’s  book Indo- china, touched mainly upon the economic situation in Vietnam and the problems of the national liberation movement in Vietnam in –. The political, economic, and international situation in Vietnam in the late s and early s, in the context of growing contradictions between the VIETNAMESE STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION 71 greatest powers of the world for supremacy in the Far East, was examined in detail in some articles and in a book Indonesia and Indochina ()bythe well-known historian Guber. Soviet studies of the also first appeared in the s. The earliest significant work was the  Manual of the Annamite Language, by Robert Minin. Minin was a pseudonym for Nguyễn Khánh

Toàn, a Vietnamese student at the famous Communist University for the Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 Toilers of the East (Stalin School), who later became a well-known social scientist and head of the Committee of Social Sciences of Vietnam. Minin also organized the first student groups for the study of Indochina and Annamite language at the Narimanov Institute of Oriental Studies in Mos- cow, as well as beginning work on an Annamite-Russian dictionary. In ,theManual of the Annamite Language was published by the Leningrad orientalist Julian Shutsky, the brilliant scholar of many oriental languages, as well as the author of the Russian translation of the famous classical Chinese Book of Changes. This manual was made for teaching in the Leningrad Orientalist Institute. Two years later he published the shorter Structure of the Annamite Language (), which includes a detailed description of the language. This book remains useful to the present day. Unfortunately this talented scientist perished tragically in the late s, following his arrest in  on the false grounds that he was spying for Japan. The early period of Vietnamese studies in the Soviet Union culminated with the  monograph Indochina by Vasilieva, the result of her many years of scientific research on Vietnam. This book, building on the works of Guber about Vietnam and the struggle of its people for national inde- pendence, became the scientific and methodological foundation for many later studies of modern Vietnamese history in the Soviet Union. Of course, Soviet Vietnamese scientists throughout the existence of the Soviet Union wrote about their subject within the framework of Marxist-Leninist ideology. However, this did not prevent most of them from working honestly and conducting serious professional research, achieving great scientific results. Vasilieva’s book Indochina, for many years the only scientific work about the country, was written in the tradition of studying the international communist and labor movement, supporting the 72 SOKOLOV anticolonial struggle of the oppressed peoples of Asia. But for many years this book was not really in demand, because no one in the Soviet Union was engaged in the study of Indochina. After the establishment of diplo- matic relations in  between the USSR and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV), Vasilieva’s book was for a short time a kind of country guide, but then other works and books on Vietnam began to appear quickly, written on modern, relevant material and focused on the practical Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 needs of Soviet readers.

Late Soviet Union (–)

Vietnamese studies in the Soviet Union entered a new phase after diplo- matic relations were established in January .In, the history faculty of Moscow State University, and (after )theInstituteof Oriental Studies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, began to produce studies on the Vietnamese language and Vietnam itself. Many influential scholars of Vietnam in the USSR—Dega Deopik, Ivan Shche- drov, Antonina Barinova (Sitnikova), Marat Cheshkov, Igor Ognetov, Marian Tkachev, Ivetta Glebova, Vladimir Ivanov, Nikolai Nikulin, Alla Shiltova, and others—produced their scholarship as members or affiliates of the institute. Active scientific and cultural exchange between the Soviet Union and the DRV also began in this period. After the  Geneva Accords, the first Soviet Embassy was established in Hà Nội. It included professional Viet- namese researchers among its officials, such as Professor Nikulin, Russia’s present leading specialist in . Also, in  some institutes of higher education, first of all Moscow State Institute of Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, began to train Vietnamese researchers. Rashid Khamidulin, at that time the Russian ambassador in Vietnam, was a student in the first group. Beginning in , Vietnamese researchers also trained at the Institute of Oriental Lan- guages (today the Institute of Asian and African Countries) at MSU. Soviet scholars regularly visited Vietnam, where they were able to work in Hà Nội’s libraries and archives and to meet their colleagues. History was perhaps the strongest subfield in Soviet Vietnamese studies during and after the s. The leading specialist in this field was VIETNAMESE STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION 73

Professor Deopik in the Department of the History of the Far East and Southeast Asian Countries of the Institute of Asian and African Coun- tries. In , after graduating from the university’s History Department, he published an article, “Some Questions on the Ancient History of Viet- nam in the Modern Vietnamese Historiography on Vietnam,” and in  defended his dissertation on the subject of the early Việt states in the

History Department of Moscow State University. His work initiated sys- Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 tematic studies of the problems of ancient and medieval history in Viet- nam. Deopik wrote many other fundamental works about Vietnam and trained many Soviet and foreign postgraduate students on historical issues relating to Vietnam and the countries of Southeast Asia. Other important historians of this era were Ognetov and Cheshkov, who studied history at Moscow State University with Deopik. In , Ognetov wrote the first detailed study in Russian about the Tây Sơn uprising. Cheshkov’s book Sketch on the History of Feudal Vietnam () focused mainly on the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries. Aleksei Poliakov’s doctoral thesis and publications culminated in his work A Short Vietnamese History, a monument of Russian historiography on early Vietnam. Pavel Poz- ner’s research on the Vietnamese historical tradition, the system of state ideology in the countries of the Far Eastern cultural area, and the forming and development of official Vietnamese chronicles were all explored in his monograph, Ancient Vietnam: Some Problems of the Chronicles (), and in some of his articles. Soviet studies about the history of premodern Vietnam continued in the sands. Some of the significant works from this period were Aleksei Riabinin’s The Birth of the Nguyen Empire (), which revived discussion of the social and political history of the country in the beginning of the nineteenth century; Gennady Maslov’s Feudal Vietnam: The Four- teenth to Early Fifteenth Centuries (); Vladimir Antoshchenko’s dis- sertation, “Bureaucracy in the Social Structure of Feudal Vietnam in the Seventeenth to Eighteenth Centuries” (); and Andrey Fedorin’s articles on towns in from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries. Issues in relations between Vietnam and China in a concrete historical context were analyzed in detail in the works of Galina Murasheva (Vietnamese-Chinese Relations in the Eighteenth to Nineteenth Centuries, 74 SOKOLOV

) and Irina Mashkina (China and Vietnam in the Third to Thirteenth Centuries, ). Scholarship from this era about more modern subjects focused on the history of French colonial policy, as well as on the history of the national liberation movements in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This trend was started by Guber in his chapter on Indochinese history in the manual Modern History of the Colonial and Dependent Countries (). Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 The process of initiating and developing expansionist tendencies in French foreign policy in the nineteenth century regarding Vietnam and a description of the main stages of territorial annexation and of resistance were taken up in detail in some of Aleksei Narochnitsky’smonographs. The stages of French penetration into Vietnam were research objects for Iuri Dementiev (French Policy in Indochina and the Formation of the Indochina Union, – []) and Vladimir Mordvinov and Alla Shiltova (National Liberation Movement in Vietnam, – []). Other scholars who explored these questions were Oksana Novakova, Petr Tsvetov, Gennady Kadymov, Aleksander Chermensky, Elena Tiumeneva, Kiril Leonov, and Evgeny Kobelev. A particular position in the research on modern Vietnamese history belongs to Professor Suren Mkhitarian, the author of many books and articles on this subject, former head of the Indochina Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Among his most important works are the following monographs: The Working Class and the National Liberation Movement in Vietnam, –  (); The Rise of the Revolutionary Movement in Indochina in the Early s (), which is dedicated to the Nghệ Tĩnh Soviets; and The Vietnamese Revolution: Questions of Theory and Practice (), covering in detail the period –. The formation of the sociopolitical system in the DRV (–)and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (during –), as well as the class structure of Vietnamese society, are the focus of the works of Anatoly Budanov, Albert Mazaev, and Nikolai Merzliakov. The problems of social and class structure in Vietnamese society are analyzed by Dmitry Letiagin (The Working Class of , – []) and Vladimir Mazyrin (Vietnamese Society and the Working Class on the Verge of the VIETNAMESE STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION 75

Eighties []). The history and structure of the people’s armed forces are shown in Andrey Pridybailo’s book The ’s Army (). Foreign policy problems and the links between Vietnam and other countries are examined in the works of Mikhail Isaev and Albert Cherny- shev in Soviet-Vietnam Relations (), which discusses the cooperation of the two countries in political, economic, scientific, technical, military, cul- tural, and other spheres from  to , and in Isaev and Iakov Pivo- Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 varov’s The Foreign Policy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (). The evolution of French policy in Indochina from  to  is explored in a monograph by Pavel Cherkasov titled France and Indochina (). Various aspects of the policy of the United States in Southeast Asia and in Vietnam are reflected in the works of Iuri Mikheev, Nadezhda Fedulova, and in some articles by Galina Murasheva. The close economic ties between the USSR and Vietnam during the Cold War made economics another important subfield of Soviet Vietnam- ese studies. The first work of Soviet researchers on the Vietnamese econ- omy appeared in the late s and explored various aspects of the national economy of the emerging people’s democratic state. Among the first to consider these issues were Kiril Klopotov, Victor Karamyshev, Albert Mazaev, and Viktor Rastorguev. In the early s, Soviet scho- lars also paid attention to the social and economic development of South Vietnam; most significant among them were Zoia Dudnik and Ivan Shchedrov. The development of trade and industry in Vietnam was ana- lyzed in the works by Ludmila Anosova, Vassily Khatuntsev, Evgeny Glazunov, and others. Beginning in the late s, much Soviet research on the Vietnamese economy was carried out at the Department of Indo- china in the Institute of Economics of the World Socialist System of the Academy of Sciences, where a group of talented scholars worked. Marina Tregubenko, Nikolai Makarov, Evgenia Bogatova, Sergey Malygin, and others organized important conferences on the economic issues of Indo- china, which became the basis of several important works published dur- ing the sands. The later Soviet era also saw the emergence of scholarship about Viet- nam outside of historical studies. Soviet researchers began studying the physical and natural in the s. The first 76 SOKOLOV physio-geographical description of the country was made in Tatiana Shche- glova’s Vietnam (). Later some Vietnamese regions were described in Vladimir Fridland’s book The Nature of North Vietnam (). Fridland was in Vietnam during – on an economic exchange and directed the drawing of a topographical map. Other aspects of this problem were also explored in works by Gleb Sochevko, Eduard Murzaev, and Inna

Malkhanova,whoalsowrotesomeimportant articles on Vietnamese Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 demography. The first Soviet archaeological study of Vietnam was the monograph of Moscow scientist Pavel Boriskovsky, The Archaeological Past of Vietnam (), the result of his two expeditions to Vietnam in –  and . One of the first Soviet works about the religious landscape of Vietnam was Eduard Berzin’s The Catholic Church in Southeast Asia (), which describes the activities of Catholic missionaries in Vietnam since the sev- enteenth century. Grigory Stratanovich’s Popular Religious Beliefs of the Indochinese Population () examines worship and local religious sys- tems already established among the population of Indochinese countries, including Vietnam. Important factual material about religions, religious groups, and sects existing in Vietnam was collected in Genrikh Shpazni- kov’s reference book Religions in Southeast Asia (). The Leningrad scientist Anatoly Mukhlinov made many contributions to the ethnographic study of Vietnam, including a monograph titled The Origin and the Early Stages of the Development of Vietnamese People (). Archaeological, ethnographic, linguistic, and ethnobotanical material on Indochina forms the basis of Ian Chesnov’s book The Historical Ethnogra- phy of Indochinese Countries (), which focuses closely on Vietnam. Antonina Dementieva-Leskinen and Deopik wrote a number of ethno- graphic articles about Vietnam’s non-Việt populations. The first systematic study of emerged in the Institute of Philosophy (Academy of Sciences), notably the works of Vladilen Burov and Andrey Nikitin. This resulted in the anthology Vietnam Philosophy in Modern and Latest History (), jointly prepared by Soviet and Vietnamese scholars. Another subfield that developed significantly during the Soviet period was language and linguistics. In  the book The Vietnamese Language, by four authors—Vadim Solntsev, Iuri Lekomtsev, Tatiana Mkhitarian, and VIETNAMESE STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION 77

Ivetta Glebova—was one of the first scientific works on this theme pub- lished in the USSR. It followed Mkhitarian’s monograph The Phonetics of the Vietnamese Language (). The phonetic structure and tonal system of the Vietnamese language were also studied by Mirra Gordina and Vla- dislav Remartchuk, and the structure of Vietnamese syllables by Nikolai Andreev. The first grammar of the Vietnamese language in Russian was prepared in  by the Leningrad scientists Igor Bystrov and Nonna Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 Stankevich, in cooperation with Nguyễn Tài Cẩn, a leading Vietnamese linguist. Bystrov and Lekomtsev explored the morphology of the Viet- namese language in their works, while Antonina Barinova explored the phenomenon of repetition in her articles and dissertation. Barinova also wrote the Manual of the Vietnamese Language () for MSU students. Valery Panfilov and Marina Glazova wrote studies of Vietnamese verbs. Lekomtsev’s book The Structure of Vietnamese Simple Sentences () was written from the perspective of structural linguistics. The problems of classification of sentences in the Vietnamese language were studied by Idalia Aleshina, while Galina Zakharova was one of the first Soviet scholars to write about Vietnamese phraseology. A great contribution to Vietnamese language studies was made by Solnt- sev, director of the Institute of Linguistics at the Academy of Sciences. His name is linked with development of the comparative-typological method of researching languages of Southeast Asia. Thanks to Solntsev, studies began on the languages of the non-Việt populations in Vietnam and several works have already been published on this topic. Lexicographical works are represented by The Vietnamese-Russian Dictionary (, words), pre- pared in , and The Russian-Vietnamese Dictionary (, words), published in two volumes by Konstantin Alikanov, Vladimir Ivanov, and Inna Malkhanova (a third edition was published in ). The Great Vietnamese-Russian Dictionary (, words) was prepared in  by Glebova and Sokolov. My Vietnamese-Russian and Russian-Vietnamese phrasebooks have also gone through many editions. The later Soviet period, finally, witnessed the emergence of serious stud- ies of Vietnamese literature, folklore, cinema, and theater. The study of Vietnamese literature in the USSR is most closely connected with Professor Nikulin, professor of the Institute of World Literature (Moscow). In  78 SOKOLOV he completed a dissertation on the epic poem Kiều by Nguyễn Du, the most famous work in Vietnamese literature. He has written intensively on the problems of classical and modern literature of Vietnam, most notably his two monographs, Vietnamese Literature: A Brief Sketch () and Viet- namese Literature: From the Middle Ages to the Modern Period (). Nikulin was another prominent early translator of many pieces of Viet- namese folklore and fiction. In more recent times, prominent scholars of Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 Vietnamese literature and literary criticism in Russia include Marian Tka- chev (folklore, classic and modern literature), Inessa Zimonina (classic and modern literature), Sokolov (modern literature), Tatiana Filimonova (mod- ern literature), and Sergey Toporishchev (modern literature), many of whom have also translated many works of Vietnamese literature. A great deal of Vietnamese fiction and folklore, including a fifteen-volume edition of Vietnamese literature, has been translated into Russian as well as some of the other languages of the former USSR. Despite such achievements in the field of literary studies, has not received nearly as much attention by Soviet and Russian scholars. One exception is the work of Gulizar Shmeleva on the fine art of Vietnam- ese varnish painting. I write regularly on Vietnamese cinematography and on the history of Vietnamese cinema, film reviews, and notes on the cre- ative works of Vietnamese cinematographers. Aspects of modern Vietnam- ese theater have been examined in articles by me and Lena Gershberg, while the Vietnamese press has been analyzed in a dissertation and articles by Gennady Grammatchikov. With the end of the Soviet Union, another stage in the history of Soviet Vietnamese research finished. I will sum up some results of what was then a still rather new field of Vietnamese research. During the period of Soviet Vietnamese studies there were a lot of individual and collective mono- graphs and hundreds of articles published in the scientific and popular press. The most important success, however, was the training of a large group of skilled professionals. Today, the majority of researchers on Viet- nam are scholars trained in the Soviet era belonging to the middle and the older generations. They established the leading centers of national Viet- namese research, represented by academic and educational institutions in Moscow and Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). VIETNAMESE STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION 79

Post-Soviet Russia ( to Present)

The year  was the beginning of a new stage in the development of Russian Oriental studies. This was due to a number of factors, primarily the collapse of the Soviet Union and the world socialist system, which deter- mined a new direction of development and the nature of Russian- Vietnamese relations. However, this did not have a seriously negative impact on the study of Vietnam in Russia. Long-standing connections Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 between Russian and Vietnamese scholars still continue, though some organizational forms of their contacts have changed. The number of Vietnamese scholars and research centers for the study of Vietnam has actually increased since the Soviet era. They are most active in the Institute of Asian Countries at Moscow State University and the University of St. Petersburg and the University of Vladivostok. The study of Vietnam is also carried out in a number of research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, such as the Institute of the Far East, the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Institute of Philosophy, and the Institute of Linguis- tics. Russian Vietnamese studies cover various fields—history, economics, linguistics, literature, and Russian-Vietnamese relations. Five works by Russian researchers have been translated into Vietnamese and published in Hà Nội: Kobelev’s Russians about Hồ Chí Minh () and Comrade Hồ Chí Minh (), Poliakov’s Revival of the ĐạiViệt State (), my book The Comintern and Vietnam (), and Fedorin’s New Data on the Viet- namese Chronicle (). Of particular note was the  publication of the six-volume Complete Academic . It was published under the auspices of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and prepared by a large team of authors headed by Pozner, who was the initiator, director, and executive editor of this project. The team included sixteen Russian, six Vietnamese, and two French authors. The scientific work presents the history of Vietnam from the end of the fourth to the beginning of the third millennium BCE to . Another important achievement was the trans- lation into Russian of the Complete Collection of Historical Notes of the Đại Việt. Since , four volumes of this work have been published (there will be eight volumes in total). Translation and scientific commentary are car- ried out by Nikitin, Fedorin, Leonov, and Mark Ulyanov. 80 SOKOLOV

Today, Vietnam is studied in the context of various disciplines in the following Russian educational institutions and research centers. The Insti- tute of Asian and African Countries at MSU studies the history, economics, literature, political science, and linguistics of Vietnam. One of the main areas of research at the institute is the study of traditional Vietnam, in particular the history of the Middle Ages. This institute has a team of qualified teachers: Deopik (history), Oksana Novakova (history), Maksim Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 Syunnerberg (political science, history), Filimonova (Vietnamese language and literature), Vladislav Remartchuk (Vietnamese language), Iulia Makar- ova (Vietnamese language), and Valentina Nushel (Vietnamese language). Professor Deopik established the Russian school of the history of the Mid- dle Ages of Vietnam. In , the Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences established the Center for the Study of Vietnam and ASEAN, now headed by Dr. Sc. Vladimir Mazyrin, a well-known expert on the economy and history of Vietnam. The center also employs qualified spe- cialists in Vietnam, such as Kobelev (history, political science), Gennady Loksin (history, political science), Vadim Larin (history, culture), and Elena Nikulina (history, culture). The center successfully cooperates with the institutes of the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences, with the State Political Academy of Hồ Chí Minh, and with other scientific insti- tutions of Vietnam. A number of major research projects have been carried out jointly; several joint monographs have been published on Russia and Vietnam, among them: Comparative Analysis of Common Features and Features of the Transition Period in Russia, China, and Vietnam ()andNew Challenges and Security Mechanisms in East Asia (). Since , the Center for the Study of Vietnam and ASEAN has annu- ally held scientific and practical conferences on actual problems of Viet- namese studies, attended by scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Vietnam, and other foreign countries. Following each confer- ence, the center publishes collections of articles by the participants under the title Vietnamese Studies. The digest of the most interesting articles by Russian scholars on Vietnam is translated into English. In  the center published the academic directory Modern Vietnam, and in  published VIETNAMESE STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION 81 the collection XII Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam: Documents and Expert Assessments. Since  the center has published the Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. It is now one of the most significant periodicals of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, gaining wide publicity and recognition by the Vietnamese studies community all over the world, including that of Vietnam. From  to  it was published Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 as an annual collection of articles in print form. Since  it has been published as a quarterly electronic journal ( Pub- lished in Russian and English, the journal is intended for Russian and foreign readers. Both Russian and foreign authors, Vietnamese and other, have contributed to the journal. At the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the staff of the Center for Southeast Asia, Australia, and Oceania also study aspects of Vietnam. The head of the center is Professor Dmitry Mosyakov, a specialist in Cambodia. The center has published more than thirty issues of the journal Southeast Asia: Actual Problems of Development. As a staff member, I am engaged in research into modern history and sociocultural processes in Vietnam. For many years I have been studying the history of Soviet-Vietnamese relations, working in Russian and foreign archives, re- sulting in several articles, the monograph Comintern and Vietnam (), Prince Vyazemsky’s Travels around Asia on Horseback: Vietnamese Diaries,  () discussed previously, and the historical and documentary col- lection Russians in Vietnam (). All three books have been translated into Vietnamese. Practical and theoretical study of the Vietnamese language is carried out at the Department of Languages of East and Southeast Asia at the Institute of Linguistics (Russian Academy of Sciences). These issues are dealt with by an experienced linguist, Valentina Andreeva. The important result of many years of work of this department was the New Large Vietnamese-Russian Dictionary published in . It is one of the impor- tant projects of cooperation between the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences. For the first time in Vietnamese and Russian lexicography, a large bilingual dictionary was created that covers almost the entire vocabulary of the modern literary 82 SOKOLOV

Vietnamese language. This dictionary was created jointly by the Depart- ment of Languages of East and Southeast Asia at the Institute of Linguis- tics (Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Department of Institute of Lexicography and Encyclopedia (Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences). The dictionary is published in two volumes and contains about , words and expressions. The institute also conducts field expedi- tions to study minority languages of Vietnam. Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 In Moscow the study of Vietnam is also carried out by scholars at a range of other institutions. They include Tregubenko (Institute of Eco- nomics of Russia, Russian Academy of Sciences), Nikitin (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), Svetlana Glazunova (Moscow State Institute of International Relations), Iulia Minina and Irina Samar- ina (Higher School of Economics), Elena Zubtsova (Moscow Linguistic University), Petr Tsvetov (Diplomatic Academy), Elena Tiumeneva (high- er courses of foreign languages at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia), and Fedorin (International Linguistic University, currently Moscow International Academy). In addition, the Oriental studies faculty of St. Petersburg University (SPbU) teaches Vietnamese language, history, linguistics, and literature. On May , ,theHồ Chí Minh Institute at SPbU was established. It is the first and only such institution outside of Vietnam. The project is implemented jointly by SPbU and the Hồ Chí Minh State Political Academy. The institute regularly holds international conferences and has published books that reveal various aspects of the history of Vietnam and other countries and regions of the world. The director of the Hồ Chí Minh Institute is Professor Vladimir Kolotov, head of the Department of History of the Far East of St. Petersburg University. He is engaged in research related to the history of Vietnam, the biography of Hồ Chí Minh, and Southeast Asian geopolitics. Other experts on Viet- nam in St. Petersburg are Elena Knorozova (Vietnamese literature, Rus- sian Academy of Sciences) and Nina Grigorieva (Vietnamese language and history, Higher School of Economics). Vietnam is also studied at the Far Eastern Federal State University in Vladivostok. This is the only institute in Siberia and the Far East where the language, culture, and literature of Vietnam are studied. Its leading special- ist in Vietnamese language and culture is Aleksander Sokolovsky. Finally, VIETNAMESE STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION 83 professional scholars working in various fields in state institutions and private companies should be mentioned, not only in Russia but also in Vietnam and other countries. They participate in conferences, publish articles and books, do translation work, and so on. They are an integral part of Vietnamese studies in Russia. These include Leonov (history of Vietnam), Antoshchenko (history of Vietnam), Igor Britov (Vietnamese literature), Natalia Kraevskaya (art of Vietnam), Daria Mishukova (Viet- Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 namese language and culture), and Aleksei Sunnerberg (Soviet/Russian– Vietnamese relations). Historically, Vietnamese studies in the Soviet Union was heavily ideo- logical and largely oriented toward the needs of the state. Although state restrictions largely disappeared after , new problems emerged, primar- ily related to funding. But positive signs have emerged recently, as many students have studied Vietnam in the context of a range of academic and professional disciplines. The vast majority of these graduates, for economic reasons, enter into professional fields very often not related to Vietnamese studies. Nevertheless, the field remains under-supported and would benefit from more systematic collaboration across institutions and especially from more institutional support for research.

ANATOLY SOKOLOV (Анатолий Соколов) is the author and translator of various articles and books on the history, culture, and literature of Vietnam. He graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University, and he received his PhD in philology from the Institute of Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences). He is currently a Senior Research Officer at the Institute of Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences) in Moscow.

ABSTRACT This paper surveys the emergence and transformation of Vietnamese studies in Russia and the former Soviet Union from the late nineteenth century until the present. It demonstrates how writings by Russian explorers and geographers developed into a professional academic field during the Soviet era, one that was strongly shaped by ideological affinities and international connections within the communist world. Although 84 SOKOLOV

Vietnamese studies in Russia has retained some intellectual and institutional legacies from the Soviet era, it also reflects transformations in academic life in Russia since the s as well as the changing relationship between the two countries.

KEYWORDS: Russia, Soviet Union, communism, Cold War Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021

Notes . For more details, see Anatoly Sokolov, “From the History of the Study of Vietnam in Russia,” Traditional Vietnam  (Moscow, ): –. . Семен А., Стойкович А. [Semen, August and Stoikovich, A.], Нравы, обычаи и памятники земного шара [Morals, Customs and Memorials of People All over the World] (Moscow, ). . Сайгонская гавань // Иллюстрированный семейный листок [Sài Gòn Harbor, Family Illustrated Leaflet (St. Petersburg)] , nos. – (). . Станюкович К. М.[Staniukovich,K.],Французы в Кохинхине // Морской сборник [“The French in Cochinchina,” Marine Collection], nos. – (). . Three of V. Krestovsky’s(Крестовский В.) essays, “From Singapore to Sài Gòn,”“Sài Gòn,” and “From Sài Gòn to Hong Kong” [От Сингапура до Сайгона – Сайгон – От Сайгона до Гонконга] were first published in the magazine Marine Collection [Морской сборник] and the newspaper Government Herald.[Правительственный вестник], and then in the collection In Distant Seas and Countries [В дальних водах и странах] (Saint Petersburg, ) and the illustrated geographical collection Asia [Азия] (Moscow, ). . Де Воллан Г. А. [De Vollan, Grigory], В Тонкине, Азия. Иллюстрированный географический сборник [“In Tonkin,” The Illustrated Geographical Collection Asia] (Moscow, ). . Яцимирский А. И. [Jatsimirsky, A. I.], Южные соседи китайцев. Французы в Тонкине и Кохинхине. Аннам, Сиам и Бирмания [The Southern Neighbors of China, the French in Tonkin and Cochinchina, Annam, Siam and Burma] (Moscow, ); Колокольникова В. Я. [Kolokolnikova, Vera Ia.], Индокитай. Краткие очерки Бирмы. Сиама, Аннама, Камбоджи и полуострова Малакки [Indochina: Brief Essays on Burma, Siam, Annam, Cambodia and the Malacca Peninsula] (Moscow, ). . Венюков М. [Veniukov, Mikhail], Аннамская община. Русская мысль [“The Annam Community,” Russian Thought]  (). VIETNAMESE STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION 85

. Хохлов Г. Т. [Khokhlov, Grigori], Путешествие уральских казаков в Беловодское царство [Journey of the Ural Cossacks to the Kingdom of Belovodie] (Saint Petersburg, ). . The diaries are stored in the manuscripts department of the Russian state library and have not yet been published. For several years, I deciphered and processed handwritten material concerning Prince Vyazemsky’s travels in Vietnam in . A book on the subject was published in : Князь К.А. Вяземский [Prince K. A. Vyazemsky], Путешествие вокруг Азии верхом. Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 Вьетнамские дневники,  год [Travels around Asia on Horseback: Vietnamese Diaries, ], compiled with comments by Anatoly Sokolov (Moscow, ). . Тихомиров В. А. [Tikhomirov, Vladimir А.], Воспоминания кругосветного путешествия [Reminiscences of a World Tour] (Moscow, ). . Эриксон Э. [Erikson, Ernest], В Сайгоне // Естествознание и география [“In Sài Gòn,” Natural Science and Geography], no.  (). . Большаков A. М. [Bolshakov, A. M.], В Индокитай. Сингапур – Сайгон. Топографический и геодезический журнал (Санкт-Петербург)[“To Indochina. Singapore – Sài Gòn,” Topographical and Geodesic Magazine (Saint Petersburg)], no.  (). . Мандельштам Осип [Mandelshtam, Osip], Нюэн-Ай-Как. В гостях у коминтерщика // Огонек [“Nguyen Ai Quoc. On a Visit to a Member of the Communist International,” Ogoniok], no.  (December ). . Данциг Б.М. [Dantsig, Boris M.], Индокитай [Indochina] (Moscow, ). . Васильева В. Я. [Vasilieva, Vera Ia.], Индокитай [Indochina] (Moscow, ). . Деопик Д. В. [Deopik Dega V.], Некоторые вопросы древней истории Вьетнама в современной вьетнамской историографии. Вестник древней истории [“Some Questions on the Ancient History of Vietnam in the Modern Vietnamese Historiography on Vietnam,” Bulletin of Ancient History, no.  (). . Огнетов И. А. [Ognetov, Igor A.], Восстание Тэйшонов во Вьетнаме (–) [The Tây Sơn Uprising in Vietnam (–)] (Moscow, ). . Чешков М. А. [Cheshkov, Marat A.], Очерки истории феодального Вьетнама [Sketch of the History of Feudal Vietnam] (Moscow, ). . Поляков А.Б. [Poliakov, Аleksei В.], Краткая история Вьета [A Short Vietnamese History] (Moscow, ). . Познер П. В. [Pozner, Pavel V.], Древний Вьетнам. Проблемы летописания [Ancient Vietnam: Some Problems of the Chronicles] (Moscow, ). . Рябинин А. Л. [Riabinin, Aleksei], Рождение империи Нгуенов [The Birth of the Nguyen Empire] (Moscow, ); Маслов Г. М. [Maslov, Gennady], Феодальный Вьетнам. XIV – начало XV вв [Feudal Vietnam: The Fourteenth 86 SOKOLOV

to Early Fifteenth Centuries] (Moscow, ); Антощенко В. И. [Antoshchenko, Vladimir], Чиновничество в социальной структуре феодального Вьетнама XVII – XVIII вв [Bureaucracy in the Social Structure of Feudal Vietnam in the Seventeenth-Eighteenth centuries] (PhD dissertation, Moscow State University, ); Мурашева Г. Ф. [Murasheva, Galina], Вьетнамо-китайские отношения в XVIII – XIX вв [Vietnamese-Chinese Relations in the Eighteenth to Nineteenth Centuries] (Moscow, ); Машкина И. А. [Mashkina, Irina], Китай и Вьетнам. III – XIII вв, [China Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 and Vietnam in the Third to Thirteenth Centuries] (Moscow, ). . Губер А. А. [Guber, Aleksander], Индокитай (глава)//Новая история колониальных и зависимых стран [“Indochina,” in Modern History of the Colonial and Dependent countries], vol.  (Moscow, ); Дементьев Ю. П. [Dementiev, Iuri], Политика Франции в Индокитае и образование Индокитайского союза. – [French Policy in Indochina and the Formation of the Indochina Union, –] (Moscow, ); Мордвинов В. Ф., Шилтова А. П. [Mordvinov, Vladimir, and Shiltova, Alla], Национально-освободительное движение во Вьетнаме, – [National Liberation Movement in Vietnam, –] (Moscow, ). . Мхитарян С. А.[Mkhitarian,Suren],Рабочийклассинационально- освободительное движение во Вьетнаме. – [Working Class and the National Liberation Movement in Vietnam, –](Moscow,); Мхитарян С. А.[Mkhitarian,Suren],Подъем революционного движения в Индокитае в начале -х годов ХХ века [Rise of the Revolutionary Movement in Indochina in the Early s] (Moscow, ); Мхитарян С. А. [Mkhitarian, Suren], Вьетнамская революция. Вопросы теории и практики [The Vietnamese Revolution: Questions of Theory and Practice] (Moscow, ). . Летягин Д. В. [Letiagin, Dmitry], Рабочий класс Южного Вьетнама (–) [The Working Class of South Vietnam, –] (Moscow, ); Мазырин В. М. [Mazyrin, Vladimir], Вьетнамское общество и рабочий класс на рубеже –-х годов [Vietnamese Society and the Working Class on the Verge of the Eighties] (Moscow, ); Придыбайло A. [Pridybailo, Аudrey], Вьетнамская Народная армия [The Vietnamese People's Army] (Moscow, ). . Исаев M., Чернышев А. [Isaev, Mikhail, and Chernyshev, Albert], Советско- вьетнамские отношения [Soviet-Vietnam Relations], (Moscow, ); Исаев M. П., Пивоваров Я.Н. [Isaev, Мikhail, and Pivovarov, Iakov], Внешняя политика Социалистической Республики Вьетнам [The Foreign Policy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam]. (Moscow, ); Черкасов П. П. [Cherkasov, Рavel], Франция и Индокитай. – [France and Indochina, VIETNAMESE STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION 87

–] (Moscow, ); Михеев Ю. Я. [Mikheev, Iuri], Американцы в Индокитае [The Americans in Indochina] (Moscow, ); Федулова Н. Г. [Fedulova, Nadezhda], США. политика в Юго-Восточной Азии: социально- экономические аспекты [The USA: Politics in Southeast Asia; Social and Economic Aspects] (Moscow, ). . Клопотов К. [Klopotov, Kiril], Очерки народного хозяйства Демократической Республики Вьетнам [Sketches of the National Economy of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam] (Moscow, ); Карамышев В.П. Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 [Karamyshev, Victor], Сельское хозяйство ДРВ [Agriculture in the DRV] (Moscow, ); Мазаев А. Г. [Mazaev, Аlbert], Аграрная реформа в ДРВ [Agrarian Land Reform in the DRV] (Moscow, ); Расторгуев В. С. [Rastorguev, Viktor], Финансы и кредит ДРВ [Finances and Credit of the DRV] (Moscow, ). . Дудник З. В. [Dudnik, Zoia], Аграрный вопрос в Южном Вьетнаме [The Agrarian Problem in South Vietnam] (Moscow, ); Щедров И.М. [Shchedrov, Ivan], Южный Вьетнам сегодня [South Vietnam Today] (Moscow, ); Аносова Л. А. [Anosova, Ludmila], Промышленность ДРВ. – [Industry in the DRV. –] (Moscow, ); Хатунцев В. М. [Khatuntsev, Vassily], Экономика и финансы ДРВ [The Economics and Finances of the DRV] (Moscow, ); Глазунов Е. П. [Glazunov, Evgeny], Преобразование частной собственности и торговли во Вьетнаме [The Transformation of Private Property and Trade in Vietnam] (Moscow, ). . Актуальные проблемы развития экономики Вьетнама [Actual Problems of the Development of the Economics of Vietnam] (Moscow, ); Cоциалистическая Республика Вьетнам. Социально-экономические проблемы [The Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Socio-Economic Problems] (Moscow, ); Агропромышленная сфера стран Индокитая Москва [The Agro-Industrial Sphere of Indochinese Countries] (Moscow, ); Проблемы перехода к социализму стран с неразвитой экономикой [The Problems of the Transition to Socialism in Countries with Undeveloped Economies] (Moscow, ); Вьетнам: поиски путей обновления [Vietnam: Searches for Renovation Road] (Moscow, ). . Щеглова Т. Н. [Shcheglova, Tatiana], Вьетнам [Vietnam] (Moscow, ); Фридлянд В.М. [Fridland, Vladimir], Природа Северного Вьетнама [The Nature of North Vietnam] (Moscow, ). . Борисковский П. И. [Boriskovsky, Pavel], Первобытное прошлое Вьетнама [The Archaeological Past of Vietnam] (Moscow, ). . Берзин Э. О. [Berzin, Eduard], Католическая церковь в Юго-Восточной Азии [The Catholic Church in Southeast Asia] (Moscow, ); Стратанович Г. Г. [Stratanovich, Grigory], Народные верования населения Индокитая 88 SOKOLOV

[Popular Religious Beliefs of the Indochinese Population] (Moscow, ); Шпажников Г.А. [Shpaznikov, Genrikh], Религии стран Юго-Восточной Азии [Religions in Southeast Asia] (Moscow, ). . Мухлинов А. [Mukhlinov, Anatoly], И. Происхождение и ранние этапы развития вьетнамского народа [The Origin and the Early Stages of the Development of Vietnamese People] (Moscow, ); Чеснов Я. В. [Chesnov, Ian], Историческая этнография стран Индокитая [The Historical Ethnography of Indochinese Countries] (Moscow, ). Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 . Вьетнамская философия нового и новейшего времени [Vietnam Philosophy in Modern and Contemporary History] (Moscow, ). . Солнцев В. М. Лекомцев Ю. К., Мхитарян Т. Т., Глебова И. И. [Solntsev, Vadim, Lekomtsev, Iuri, Mkhitarian, Tatiana, and Glebova, Ivetta], Вьетнамский язык [The Vietnamese Language] (Moscow, ). . Мхитарян Т. Т. [Mkhitarian, Tatiana], Фонетика вьетнамского языка [The Phonetics of the Vietnamese Language] (Moscow, ). . Быстров И. С., Нгуен Тай Кан, Станкевич Н. В. [Bystrov, Igor, Nguyen Tai Can, and Stankevich, Nonna], Грамматика вьетнамского языка [Grammar of the Vietnamese Language] (Leningrad, ). . Баринова А. Н. [Barinova, Аntonina], Учебник вьетнамского языка Manual of the Vietnamese Language] (Moscow, ). . Лекомцев Ю. К.[Lekomtsev,Iuri],Структура вьетнамского простого предложения [The Structure of Vietnamese Simple Sentences] (Moscow, ). . Солнцев В. М. [Solntsev, Vadim], Язык как системно-структурное образование [Language as a System-Structural Formation] (Moscow, , nd ed. ); Солнцев В. М. [Solntsev, Vadim], Введение в теорию изолирующих языков Introduction to the Theory of Isolating Languages] (Moscow, ); Материалы советско-вьетнамский лингвистической экспедиции [Materials of the Soviet-Vietnamese Linguistic Expedition] (Moscow, , , ); Материалы российско-вьетнамский лингвис- тической экспедиции [Materials of the Russian-Vietnamese Linguistic Expedition] (Moscow, ). . Вьетнамско-русский словарь ( тыс. слов) [The Vietnamese-Russian Dictionary (, words] (Moscow, ); Аликанов К. М., Иванов В. В. и Мальханова И. А. [Alikanov, Konstantin, Ivanov, Vladimir, and Malkhanova, Inna], Русско-вьетнамский словарь ( тыс. слов) в -х томах [The Russian- Vietnamese Dictionary (, words), rd ed.] (Moscow, ); Глебова И. И. , Соколов А. А. [Glebova, Ivetta, and Sokolov, Anatoly], Вьетнамско-русский словарь ( тыс. слов) [The Great Vietnamese-Russian Dictionary (, words)] (Moscow, ); Соколов А. А. [Sokolov, Anatoly], Вьетнамско- VIETNAMESE STUDIES IN RUSSIA AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION 89

русский разговорник [The Vietnamese-Russian Phrasebook] (Moscow, ); Соколов А. А. [Sokolov, Anatoly], Русско-вьетнамский разговорник [The Russian-Vietnamese Phrasebook] (Moscow, ). . Никулин Н. И. [Nikulin, Nikolai], Вьетнамская литература. Краткий очерк Vietnamese Literature: A Brief Sketch] (Moscow, ); Никулин Н. И. [Nikulin, Nikolai], Вьетнамская литература: от средних веков к новому времени [Vietnamese Literature: From the Middle Ages to the Modern Period]

(Moscow, ). Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 . Шмелева Г. В. [Shmeleva, Gulizar], Очерки культурного строительства в Демократической Республике Вьетнам [Essays on Cultural Development in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam] (Moscow, ); Грамматчиков Г. В. [Grammatchikov, Gannady], Революционная пресса Вьетнама (–) [Revolutionary Press of Vietnam (–)] (Moscow, ). . Кобелев Е. В. [Kobelev, Evgeny], Россияне о Хо Ши Мине [Russians about Hồ Chí Minh] (Moscow, ); Кобелев Е. В. [Kobelev, Evgeny], Хо Ши Мин [Comrade Hồ Chí Minh, nd ed.] (Moscow, ); Соколов А. А. [Sokolov, Аnatoly], Коминтерн и Вьетнам Подготовка вьетнамских политических кадров в коммунистических вузах СССР, –-е годы. [The Comintern and Vietnam: The Training of Vietnamese Political Cadres in the Soviet Communist Universities, –s] (Moscow, ); Федорин А. Л. [Fedorin, Andrey], Новые данные о вьетнамском летописании [New Data on the Vietnamese Chronicles] (Moscow, ). . Полная академическая история Вьетнама. В  томах. [Complete Academic History of Vietnam,  vols.] (Moscow, ). . Полное собрание исторических записок Дайвьета. Москва, издается с  года [Complete Collection of Historical Notes of the ĐạiViệt] (Moscow, ). . Сравнительный анализ общих черт и особенностей переходного периода в России, Китае и Вьетнаме [Comparative Analysis of Common Features and Features of the Transition Period in Russia, China and Vietnam] (Moscow, ). Новые вызовы и механизмы безопасности в Восточной Азии [New Challenges and Security Mechanisms in East Asia] (Moscow, ). . XII съезд Компартии Вьетнама. Документы и экспертные оценки. [XII Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam: Documents and Expert Аssessments] (Moscow, ). . Русские во Вьетнаме: очерки и путевые заметки (XIX — начало XX в.) / Соколов А. А.-составление, подготовка, комментарии и публикация. [Russians in Vietnam: Essays and Travel Notes (Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Century)], compiled and annotated by Anatoly Sokolov (Moscow, ). . Новый Большой вьетнамско-русский словарь. В -х томах. [New Large Vietnamese-Russian Dictionary,  vols.] (Moscow, ).