Toward Autonomous Rob ots: Robust, Adaptive and

Dynamic Motion

John Reif Department of , Duke University


Wewere engaged in researchinvarious areas of rob otic movement planning. The

movement planning problems investigated were static movement problems where

the obstacles do not move, minimum distance path planning, compliant motion

control whichinvolves planning without complete knowledge of the p osition of the

rob ot and related frictional movement problems, motion planning with indep en-

dently moving obstacles, and kino dynamic movement planning where the dynamics

are taken into account including driving forces and torque, motion planning within

p otential elds such as gravitational force p otential elds and magnetic elds and

pursuit movement games whichinvolvemovement control planning with an adver-

sary. Most of our e orts were involved in the latter problems which have b een

investigated less. This pap er will present some of our lates results on these various

problems. Also this pap er will include some improved we develop ed for

the fundamental algebraic and combinatorial problems such as ro ot nding which

app ear frequently as subproblems in these rob ot movement planning problems.

1 Intro duction

Robotics movement planning problem or motion planning problem is to

plan an obstacle-free path or tra jectory for a rob ot from a sp eci ed initial con-

guration p osition, orientation, etc. to a sp eci ed nal con guration. It is one

of the most fundamental problems in rob otics research. No matter what purp ose a

rob ot is designed for, the rst task is how to plan the rob ot to move in its working

space, while avoiding p ossible obstacles, to reach a desired con guration.

Earlier works on rob otics movement planning problem were fo cused on the basic

robotics movement planning problem known as the piano mover's problem[25 , 26 ,

28 ] when it was rst prop osed, which assumed a single rob ot moving in a static,

completely known environment without any dynamic constraint. As to the complex-

ity asp ect of this problem, Reif [20 ] showed that the generalized mover's problem

of moving n linked p olyhedra through a set of 3-D obstacles is PSPACE-hard. He

proved this by reducing the computation of any reversible Turing Machine on an

Surface address: P.O. Box 90129, Duke University, Durham, NC 27705. E-mail: [email protected]. 1

input string to an instance of the generalized mover's problem. Hop croft, Joseph

and Whitesides [15 ] improved this result by proving that the mover's problem for

2-D linkages is PSPACE-hard. Later the generalized mover's problem was proved

to b e in PSPACE by Canny[5].

Most of the works on the algorithmic approach of this problem were based on the

decomposition method [25 , 26 , 27 , 28 ], whichwas rst suggested by Reif. Using this

metho d, the free space is partitioned into simple connected comp onents cells.The

relationship b etween two comp onents is \adjacent" if and only if there is a feasible

tra jectory b etween two con gurations, one in each comp onent. Thus, the problem of

deciding whether there is a feasible path b etween two con gurations is transformed

into a relatively simpler problem of deciding whether there is a path between two

p oints in a discrete graph. This , although giving exact solutions to the

motion planning problem, takes exp onential time with resp ect to the number of


degree of freedom DOF .

As the research on the rob otics movement planning problem was further devel-

op ed, many interesting complications of this problem were studied, including but

not limited to the following:

 Dynamic Constraints

 Uncertainty of Control

 Incomplete Information

 Moving Obstacles

 Multiple Rob ots

 Presence of Friction

We are particularly interested in these complications as the assumptions of the

basic movement planning problem usually are not valid in real-world applications

of rob otics. We used theoretical and applied techniques in these areas of rob otic

movement planning. In particular we contributed to the theory by providing formal

mo dels for these problems where needed and giving improved algorithms b oth

improved sequential and then pro cessor ecient parallel algorithms as well as give

lower b ounds on the computational complexity of the problems. We contributed to

the practice by developing some prototyp e implementations for a selected number

of our algorithms.

Section 2 of this pap er summarizes some of our earlier works on various rob otics

movement planning problems. Section 3 gives more detailed descriptions of our

latest results.

2 Summary of Earlier Results

In the area of Rob otic Motion Planning, Reif has given lower and upp er b ounds

for many diverse, fundamental problems. Reif develop ed various exact and approx-

imate algorithms see [21 ] for motion of rob ots with constraints such as velo city


A rob ot system is said to have k degrees of freedom if its con guration can b e uniquely describ ed by

k real parameters. 2

or acceleration b ounds. This is a classical problem in control theory and prior to

these works, there were no known provable results except for simple results in 1-D.

Kino dynamic rob ot motion planning, which is the problem of nding a collision-

free time-optimal tra jectory for a rob ot whose acceleration and velo city are b ounded

by some norm, is of ma jor practical application to rob otic engineers, who need to

move rob ot arms in a way that not only avoids obstacles, but also the physical

constraints of the real problem as well, such as acceleration constrains due to lim-

ited force or torque from motors. This problem is particularly dicult in the often

o ccurring coupled case for example if the acceleration and velo city are b ounded in

L2 norm. For this problem, Wang and Reif [22 ] develop ed a novel approximation

metho d, using non-uniform discretization. The approximate metho d gives optimal

solution tra jectories for the rob ot, up to any given small approximation error, and

resulted in algorithms that are much more ecient than previously known. They

also showed that the same techniques gave the rst known approximation algorithm

for other problems, the most notable b eing the curvature-constrained shortest-path

problem in 3 and higher dimensions. The curvature-constrained shortest-path prob-

lem is to nd a collision-free shortest-path planning problem for a p oint rob ot that

moves among a set of p olygonal obstacles and whose path is constrained to havea

b ounded curvature. Again, this problem arises frequently in practice, for example

in the planning of tra jectories of vehicles such as cases, with a maximum radius

of curvature, and also for rob ot joint motors whichhave b ounds on the maximum

angular deviation.

Also, Reif gave complexity results including b oth algorithms and lower b ounds

for motion planning with moving obstacles [RSh94]. Furthermore, Reif gave algo-

rithms for nding the minimal path in 2D and 3D with p olygonal obstacles [RS94a],


These and other recent research result are summarized in the following abstracts.

2.1 Rob otic Motion Planning Algorithms

2.1.1 Shortest Paths in the Plane with Polygonal Obstacles

J.H. Reif and J. Storer.

JACM, 41:5, Septemb er, 1994, pp. 982-1012.


We present a practical algorithm for nding minimum-length paths between

p oints in the Euclidean plane with not necessarily convex p olygonal obstacles.

Prior to this work, the b est known algorithms for nding the shortest path b etween

2 2

two p oints in the plane required O n log n time and O n  space, where n denotes

the numb er of obstacle edges. Assuming that a triangulation or a Voronoi diagram

for the obstacle space is provided with the input if it is not, either one can be

precomputed in O n log n time, we present an O kn time algorithm, where k

denotes the number of "islands" connected comp onents in the obstacle space.

The algorithm uses only O n space and, given a source p oint s, pro duces an O n

size data structure such that the distance between s and any other p oint x in the

plane x is not necessarily an obstacle vertex or a p oint on an obstacle edge can b e 3

computed in O 1 time. The algorithm can also b e used to compute shortest paths

for the movement of a disk so that optimal movement for arbitrary ob jects can b e

computed to the accuracy of enclosing them with the smallest p ossible disk.

2.1.2 A Single-Exp onential Upp er Bound for Finding Shortest Paths

in Three Dimensions

J. Reif and J. Storer.

JACM, 41:5, Septemb er 1994, pp. 1013-1019.


We derive a single-exp onential time upp er b ound for nding the shortest path

between two p oints in a 3-dimensional Euclidean space with nonnecessarily convex

p olyhedral obstacles. Prior to this work, the b est known algorithm required double-

exp onential time. Given that the problem is known to b e PSPACE-hard, the b ound

we present is essentially the b est in the worst-case sense that can reasonably be

exp ected.

2.1.3 Approximate Kino dynamic Planning Using L2 Norm Dy-

namic Bounds

J. Reif and S. Tate.

Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.27, No.5, 1994, pp.29-44.


In this pap er we address the issue of kino dynamic motion planning. Given a

p oint that moves with b ounded acceleration and velo city,we wish to nd the time-

optimal tra jectory from a start state to a goal state a state consists of b oth a

p osition and a velo city. As nding exact optimal solutions to this problem seems

very hard, we present a provably go o d approximation algorithm using the L2 norm

to b ound acceleration and velo city. Our results are an extension of the earlier

work of Canny, Donald, Reif, and Xavier [1], who present similar results where the

dynamics b ounds can b e examined in each dimension indep endently they use the

L-in nity norm to b ound acceleration and velo city.

2.1.4 Non-Uniform Discretization Approximations to Motion Plan-

ning with Dynamic Constraints

J. Reif and H. Wang.

Submitted for publication, 1995


In the kino dynamic motion planning problem, we wish to nd a collision-free,

time-optimal tra jectory for a rob ot whose motion is governed by Newtonian dy-

namics and whose accelerations and velo cities are b ounded, due to, for example,

limited force or torque from motors. This is a frequently encountered problem in

rob otic engineering. For this problem, we develop ed a novel approximation metho d

which employs a non-uniform discretization, as opp osed to a uniform one used by 4

previous metho ds. The metho d takes advantage of the observation that the approx-

imation can be coarser in places that are far away from any obstacles, to reduce

the size of discretization. As a consequence, the running time of our approximation

is signi cantly reduced. The approximation metho d computes a tra jectory whose

time length is optimal up to any given small errors. The non-uniform discretization

technique proves to have a wide range of applications. Applying the same technique,

we obtained the rst known approximation algorithm for the curvature-constrained

path planning problem in 3 and higher dimensions.

2.1.5 Approximation Algorithms for Curvature-Constrained Short-

est Paths

H. Wang and P. Agarwal.

Pro ceeding of the 7th ACM-SIAM Symp osium on Discrete Algorithms SODA'96.


The curvature-constrained path planning problem is to compute a collision-free

shortest path, such that the curvature of the path is maximumly b ounded. The

curvature constraint corresp onds naturally to constraints imp osed by a steering

mechanism on a car-like rob ot, b ecause the path traced out by the middle p oint

between the two rear wheels has a maximum curvature determined by the maximum

steering angle of the car. For the 2 dimensional case with p olygonal obstacles, we

designed an ecient approximation metho d that computes a path whose length

is optimal up to any given small errors. Compared to the previously b est known

algorithm of Jacobs and Canny, the running time of our algorithm not only improves

in terms of the obstacle complexity if n is the number of obstacle vertices, our

2 3

running time is O n  instead of O n , but more imp ortantly it do es not dep end

on L, which is the total length of obstacle edges. This factor can be large and

can not be scaled down due to the curvature constraint. We also give a stronger

characterization of curvature-constrained shortest paths, which, apart from b eing

crucial for our algorithm, is interesting in its own right.

2.1.6 So cial Potential Fields: A Distributed Behavioral Control for

Autonomous Rob ots

J. Reif and H. Wang.

The Algorithmic Foundations of Rob otics A.K.Peters, ed., Boston, MA., 1995.


This pap er is concerned with Very Large Scale Rob otic VLSR systems con-

sisting of from hundreds to p erhaps tens of thousands or more autonomous rob ots.

In the near future as the costs of rob ots are going down and the rob ots are get-

ting more compact, more capable and more exible, we exp ect to see industrial

applications of VLSR systems, for example, many thousands of mobile rob ots p er-

forming tasks such as assembling, transp orting, and cleaning within the working

space of factories. The traditional \global control" mechanism is not suitable for

controlling VLSR systems b ecause of its complexity, unreliability, and in exibility.

Instead we prop ose a distributed control paradigm. We de ne simple arti cial force 5

laws b etween pairs of groups of rob ots and other comp onents of the system. Each

rob ot's motion is controlled by the resultant arti cial force from the other rob ots

and the other comp onents of the system. Since the force calculations can b e done

in a distributed manner, the control is distributed. We show by simulations that

such a simple control paradigm can yield interesting and useful co op erative b ehav-

iors among rob ots which achieves collision control, trac control, and b ehavioral

control for a VLSR system. We also develop metho ds for quantitatively de ning

b ehaviors of VLSR systems.

2.2 Related Work in and Al-

gebraic Algorithms

2.2.1 Work EcientParallel Solution of To eplitz Systems and Poly-

nomial GCD

J. Reif.

Pro c. 27th ACM Symp osium on Theory of Computing STOC 95, Las Vegas,

NV, May, 1995.


A matrix A = [a ] is To eplitz if a = a for each k where the matrix

ij i;j

i+k;j +k

elements are de ned. We de ne an n x n matrix to have displacement rank delta if

it can b e written as the sum of delta terms, where each term is either i the pro duct

of a lower triangular To eplitz matrix and an upp er triangular To eplitz matrix or ii

the pro duct of an upp er triangular To eplitz matrix and a lower triangular To eplitz


There are known ecient sequential algorithms [BA80,BGY80] for inverse, de-

terminant, linear system solution, factorization, and nding the rank for the case

of To eplitz matrices and matrices of b ounded displacement rank, but there are no

such results for ecient parallel algorithms. We assume the input matrices have

entries that are either integers with a p olynomial number of bits or rational num-

b ers expressed as a ratio of integers with a p olynomial numb er of bits. We makeno

other assumption on the input. We assume the arithmetic PRAM mo del of parallel

computation. We assume throughout this pap er that the PRAM is randomized,

with a sequential source of random numb ers.

In this pap er, we show that certain structured linear systems can b e solved ex-

actly and eciently in parallel, dropping these pro cessor b ounds to linear, without

signi cant slowdown. We givemuch improved parallel algorithms for the exact solu-

tion and factorization, determinant, inverse, and nding rank of various structured

matrices: in particular To eplitz and matrices of b ounded displacement rank. We

apply this result to ecient randomized parallel algorithms for the following prob-

2 o

lems in the same parallel time O log n and nlog meg an pro cessor b ounds: 1

p olynomial greatest common divisors GCD and extended GCD, 2 p olynomial

resultant, 3 Pade approximants of rational functions [P1892,G72], and 4 shift

register synthesis and BCH deco ding problems. and with a factor of O log n time

increase and the same pro cessor b ounds, we also solve: 1 the real ro ot problem:

nding all the ro ots of a p olynomial with only real ro ots, 2 the symmetric tridi- 6

agonal eigenvalue problem: nding all the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal n

x n matrix.

Previously, the b est parallel algorithms [PR87,P88,Pa90] for these problems re-

2 O


quired log n time with n = log n pro cessors or O log 1n time using at least

O 2


n = log 1n pro cessors, whereas the b est sequential time was O n log n.

Our results drop by a nearly linear factor the b est previous pro cessor b ounds for

p olylog time parallel algorithms for all these problems, and our results are within a


p olylog factor of work compared to the b est sequential work b ounds of O n log n.

We are the rst to give parallel algorithms for these problems with p olylog time

with linear pro cessors.

We rst describ e our parallel algorithm for structured linear systems of b ounded


displacement rank which costs time O log n using n log ! 1n pro cessors, where

! =2:376, and then observe that, while our pro cessor reduction is by far the ma jor

result of this pap er, using pip elining techniques of Reif [R94], we can also further

2 !

decrease our time b ounds to O log n using n log n pro cessors. We view this

sp eedup due to pip elining as less consequential compared to our pro cessor decrease.

All our computations require bit precision O n + log n, which is the asymp-

totically optimal bit precision for >= log n since the determinant, exact LU

factorization and matrix inverse require bit precision at least nbeta.

2.2.2 Ecient Parallel Solution of Sparse Eigenvalue and Eigen-

vector Problems

John H. Reif

Pro c. 35th Annual IEEE Symp osium on Foundations of Computer Science

FOCS'95, Milwaukee, WI, Octob er 1995.


The problem of computing all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a n x n matrix

has many engineering and scienti c applications, including vibration analysis in

structures, stability analysis, etc. In a large numb er of applications, the matrices are

symmetric and sparse with small separators. As a consequence, there is an enormous

amount of literature on numerical algorithms for this symmetric sparse eigenvalue


problem. The problem has an ecient sequential solution, requiring O n  work

by use of the Sparse Lanczos metho d. A ma jor remaining op en question is to

nd a p olylog time parallel algorithm with matching work b ounds. Unfortunately,

the sparse Lanczos metho d can not b e parallelized to faster than time n using n

pro cessors. All previous p olylog parallel algorithms for the characteristic p olynomial

or all the eigenvalues of a sparse matrix required at least P n pro cessors, where

P n is the pro cessor b ound to multiply two n  n matrices in O log n parallel


This pap er gives a new algorithm for computing the characteristic p olynomial

of a symmetric sparse matrix. We deriveaninteresting algebraic version of Nested

Dissection, which constructs a sparse factorization the matrix A I where A is the

input matrix. While Nested Dissection is commonly used to minimize the ll-in in

the solution of sparse linear systems, our innovation is to use the separator structure

to b ound also the work for manipulation of rational p olynomials in the recursively 7

factored matrices. We compute the characteristic p olynomial sparse symmetric


matrix in p olylog time using O nn + P sn <= O nn + sn :376 pro cessors,

where the sparsity graph of the matrix has separator size sn. Our metho d requires

only that the matrix b e symmetric and nonsingular it need not b e p ositive de nite

as usual for Nested Dissection techniques; we use p erturbation metho ds to avoid

singularities. For the frequently o ccurring case where the matrix has small separator

size our p olylog parallel algorithm requires work b ounds comp etitive with the b est

known sequential algorithms i.e. sparse Lanczos metho ds, for example:


1 when the sparsity graph is a planar graph, sn <=  n, and we require


only n :188 pro cessors, and

2 in the case where the input matrix is b-banded, we require only O nP b =

O n pro cessors, for constant b.

Given the characteristic p olynomial of the symmetric matrix, we can apply a


known ecient parallel real ro ot algorithm for all the eigenvalues, using n log n


pro cessors and further time O log nl og B  where B is the sum of output bit pre-

cision and n log n times the input bit precision.

Our other innovation is an interesting reduction from nding all eigenvectors

to the problems of back-solving a sparse linear system and multi-p oint p olynomial

evaluation. In particular, we get parallel algorithms for approximating, up to the


required output bit precision, all the n eigenvectors in further parallel time O log n


time using O n  pro cessors.

3 Latest Publications

3.1 The Complexity of the Two Dimensional Curvature-

Constrained Shortest-Path Problem

J. Reif and H. Wang

The Pro ceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations

of Rob otics

The curvature-constrained shortest-path problem is to plan a path from an

initial p osition to a nal p osition, where a p osition is de ned by a lo cation and the

orientation angle in the presence of obstacles, such that the path is the shortest

among all paths with a prescrib ed curvature b ound. This pap er shows that the

ab ove problem in two dimensions is NP-hard, when the obstacles are p olygons with

O 1

a total of N vertices and the vertex p ositions are given with N bits. Our

reduction is computed by a family of p olynomial-size circuits. Previously, there is

no known hardness result for the 2D curvature constrained shortest-path problem.

A curvature-constrained path is a path whose curvature at any p oint along the

path is no larger than a prescrib ed upp er b ound. Curvature-constrained path plan-

ning arises in a variety of rob otics problems, e.g. the motions of rob ot vehicles

controlled by steering mechanisms. This pap er studies the complexity of planning

curvature-constrained paths.


To be more precise, let P : I ! R be a d-dimensional continuous di erential

path parameterized by arc length s 2 I . The average curvature of P in the interval 8

0 0

[s ;s ] I is de ned by kP s  P s k=js s j. A path has an upp er-b ounded

1 2 1 2 1 2

curvature of C if its average curvature is at most C in every interval of the path.

A position is a tuple p; , where p is a d-dimensional vector sp ecifying the

lo cation, and sp eci es the orientation in d-dimensions, an angle suces. Given

a curvature b ound, an initial p osition, a nal p osition and a set of obstacles, the

curvature-constrained shortest-path problem is to nd a path from the initial p osi-

tion to the nal p osition such that the path is the shortest among all curvature-

constrained paths connecting the initial p osition to the nal p osition.

In the rest of the paper, without further mentioning, when we talk about paths

we mean paths that satisfy the curvature constraints.

For the case of a region without obstacles, Dubins [12 ] characterized the shortest

paths in 2D, and Sussmann [30 ] recently extended the characterization for shortest

paths in 3D. For the case of p olygonal obstacles in 2D, Fortune and Wilfong [13 ]

gave the rst algorithm which computes the exact shortest paths avoiding obsta-

cles. However, their algorithm required sup er-exp onential time. A p olynomial-time

approximation algorithm was given by Jacobs and Canny [17 ], whose running time


is O N  N is the number of obstacle vertices and dep ends on the obstacle size.

Their approximation algorithm was later improved by Wang and Agarwal [31 ] to


reduce the running time to O N . Also the running time of their algorithm do es

not dep end on the obstacle size. Agarwal, Raghavan, and Tamaki [2] also develop ed

ecient approximation algorithms for the 2D shortest paths for a restricted class

of obstacles mo derate obstacles. Reif and Wang [22 ] develop ed non-uniform dis-

cretization approximations for 3D kino dynamic motion planning and 3D curvature-

constrained shortest paths, with considerably smaller computational complexity.

Canny and Reif [6 ] proved that the problem of nding a shortest 3-dimensional

path, with no curvature constraints, and avoiding p olygonal obstacles, is NP-hard.

Subsequently, Asano, Kirkpatrick and Yap [3 ] proved using similar techniques the

NP-hardness of optimal motion of a ro d on a plane with p olygonal obstacles. As

a consequence of the ab ove result, the curvature-constrained shortest-path problem

in 3D is at least NP-hard. Although the problem in 2D is long conjectured to be

a hard problem, its complexity is never stated or proved. This pap er provides the

rst known complexity result for the curvature-constrained shortest-path problem

in 2D. We show that if the numb er of obstacle vertices N is an input parameter and

O 1

the vertex p ositions are given with N bits, this problem is NP-hard even in 2D.

Our approach to the complexity result is similar to the path-encoding approach

develop ed in [6] while the detailed techniques are quite di erent. This approachis

to enco de the b o olean assignments by paths and then to reduce the 3-SAT problem

to nding the shortest path. Recall that a 3-SAT formula in n variables X ;::: ;X

1 n

has the form


C ;



where each C is a clause of the form l _ l _ l . Each l in turn is either a

i i1 i2 i3 ij

variable X or a negation of it. The 3-SAT problem is to decide whether there is a


b o olean assignmentto X ;::: ;X such that the formula is satis ed.

1 n

There are basically three steps in the path-enco ding approach. First we arrange


the obstacles such that there are 2 shortest paths, where N =2m+n. Each path 9

enco des a di erent b o olean assignment.

For a clause, we can construct the obstacles to a \clause lter" such that the

path whose enco ding do es not satisfy this clause is stretched a little longer than

those paths with satisfying enco dings. We can arrange the obstacles such that all


the 2 paths pass through all m \clause lters". The 3-SAT formula is satis able

if and only if there exists a path whose length is not stretched more than a certain

amount the details will b e in later sections.

The third and nal step is to have a reverse of the obstacle arrangement so far.


This will make all the 2 paths end at the same lo cation with the same orientation,

which is the nal p osition. From the construction, it can be shown that the total

O 1

numb er of obstacle vertices used in the ab ove three steps is N .

Our techniques for generating and enco ding the paths are quite di erent from

those of [6 ]. In [6 ], 3D obstacles are used and a 3D path is represented by the

obstacle edges it passes through. In our case, the paths are 2 dimensional and is

represented by its orientation at certain common lo cations. In [6 ], ltering the 3

literals in a clause can b e done in parallel b ecause it is in 3D, while wehavetouse

a more complicated enco ding to emulate this in our 2D construction.

3.2 The Computational Power of Frictional Mechanical


J. Reif, Z. Sun

The Pro ceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations

of Rob otics

We de ne a class of frictional mechanical systems consisting of rigid ob jects

de ned by linear or quadratic surface patches connected by frictional contact

linkages between surfaces. This class of mechanisms is similar to the Analytical

Engine develop ed by Babbage in 1800s except that we assume frictional surfaces

instead of to othed gears. We prove that a universal Turing Machine TM can b e

simulated by a universal frictional mechanical system in this class. Our universal

frictional mechanical system has the prop erty that it can reach a distinguished nal

con guration through a sequence of legal movements if and only if the universal

TM accepts the input string enco ded by its initial con guration. There are two

implications from this result. First, the mover's problem is undecidable when there

are frictional linkages. Second, a mechanical computer can b e constructed that has

the computational p ower of any conventional electronic computer and yet has only

a constantnumb er of mechanical parts.

Previous constructions for mechanical computing devices such as Babbage's

Analytical Engine either provided no general construction for nite state control or

the control was provided by electronic devices as was common in electro-mechanical

computers such as Mark I subsequent to Turing's result. Our result seems to be

the rst to provide a general pro of of the simulation of a universal TM via a purely

mechanical mechanism.

In addition, we discuss the universal frictional mechanical system in the context

of an error mo del that allows error up to  in each mechanical op eration. First, we 10

show that for a universal TM M , a frictional mechanical system of this -error mo del

can b e constructed such that, given any space b ound S , the system can simulate the

computation of M on any input string ! if M decides ! in space b ound S , provided


that  < 2 for some constant c. Second, we show that, for any universal TM


M and space b ound S , if we let  = O S , there exists a frictional mechanical

system in the -error mo del that can simulate M on any input  which M decides

in space b ound S .

All the mo dels of works in rob otics movement planning problems mentioned

earlier assume that there is no friction between ob jects, and most of them only

allow collision-free movements so that di erent ob jects cannot even contact with

each other. The only work that addressed on motion planning in the presence of

friction is by Sellen[29]. He proved that dynamic motion planning problem with

forbidden movements in particular, sliding is undecidable by showing that the

actions of a TM can be realized by logical and arithmetic op erations, which can

be implemented by mechanical means. However, in his mo del, the motions of the

ob jects corresp onding to the computations of the TM can not b e generated deter-

ministically. Therefore, this mo del can not be used for constructing a mechanical


We de ne the frictional mover's problem to be the problem of determining

whether the ob jects in a frictional mechanical system can be moved legally from

a sp eci ed initial con guration to a sp eci ed nal con guration. We prove that the

frictional mover's problem is undecidable by reducing the acceptance problem for

2 3

Turing Machine TM, A , to the frictional mover's problem. Given a universal



TM M , we construct a frictional mechanical system to simulate this machine.

This frictional mechanical system will have the prop erty that the ob jects in this

system can b e moved from an initial con guration, which enco des an input string !

of M , to a con guration corresp onding to the accepting state of M if and only if M

accepts ! . Therefore, as the acceptance problem for Turing Machine is undecidable,

so is the frictional mover's problem. This implies that there is no realistic machine

that can solve this problem.

An interesting prop erty of this frictional mechanical system is that, if M accepts

! , there will be a unique simple path i.e., one that do es not rep eat the same

con guration from the initial con guration to the nal con guration.

Our pro of will actually construct, for any given TM M , a frictional mechanical

system that simulates M . Every movable ob ject in the system is engaged or linked

directly or indirectly with a \p ower disc" so that, when the p ower disc rotates, it will

make those ob jects move accordingly. For any input string ! of M , this frictional

mechanical system can be set to an initial con guration enco ding ! so that, after


A Turing Machine is an abstract machine with a nite state control and a tap e that can store an

in nite string of symb ols. There is a read-write head on the tap e that allows the machine to read or

write the symb ol at the current p osition of the head. The machine can write to the current p osition and

move the head left or right according to the current state and the current symb ol in a sp eci ed way.


The acceptance problem A for Turing Machine is to determine, given the description of a TM M


and its input ! , whether M accepts ! .

4 0 0

A universal TM M will take the description of anyTM M and any input string ! of M as an input


and simulate the b ehavior of M presented with input ! . 11

the \p ower disc" has rotated a sucient number of cycles, this system will result

in a con guration enco ding the accepting state rejecting state of M , if and only

if M accepts rejects ! .

This problem can b e regarded as a generalization of the movable object problem.

The movable ob ject problem is to ask whether a rob ot can move the ob jects amidst

obstacles in a space to reach a target con guration. That is, there are two typ es

of ob jects in the space: obstacles that can not be moved or even touched by the

rob ot; and ob jects that are movable by the rob ot. And the goal of the rob ot is to

either rearrange the movable ob jects in the space to a desired con guration or reach

a target con guration of itself or b oth. The rst result on movable ob ject problem

was given by Wilfong [33 ] who studied this problem for the case of a p olygonal rob ot

moving in translation amidst p olygonal movable ob jects in a b ounded p olygonal

space. He proved that if the nal con gurations of the ob jects are not sp eci ed as

part of the goal of the motion planning, this problem is NP-hard; otherwise, it is

PSPACE-hard. He also gave one algorithm for each of the two cases where only one

movable ob ject is present.

In Wilfong's mo del, a rob ot can only grasp an ob ject from a nite number of

p ositions. This problem is considered to be more dicult when this numberisin-

nite. Chen and Hwang [7 ] gave a heuristic algorithm to solve one mo del of this

problem where the total weight of ob jects moved by a rob ot is to be minimized.

Dacre-Wright, Laumond and Alami [9 ] extended Wilfong's work by providing an


O n log n algorithm for the in nite grasping p osition case where the nal con g-

urations of the ob jects are sp eci ed as part of the goal.

Compared to these previous works, our mo del is in 3-D and the surfaces of the

ob jects in the space can be non-linear. Further, in addition to moving an ob ject

by \grasping" or \pushing" directly or indirectly, a rob ot in our mo del can move

ob jects by using the friction b etween it and surrounding ob jects. More sp eci cally,

the p ower disc in the frictional mechanical system can b e deemed as a rather \dumb"

rob ot, who is restricted to rotate in a sp eci ed direction without translation. And

the problem is to ask whether this rob ot can rearrange the ob jects in the system to

a target con guration by its rotation. In our following discussion, we will refer our

problem as the \frictional mover's problem" although all the discussion applies to

this generalization of the movable ob ject problem.

We prove that a frictional mechanical system can b e constructed to simulate a

universal TM. Therefore, this system can b e used for arbitrary nite computation,

just like any conventional computer. However, the underlying assumption is that

this frictional mechanical system can be constructed exactly as it is sp eci ed. We

are also interested in the computational p ower of such a frictional mechanical system

in the case inaccuracy is allowed in the construction of the mechanical devices in

the system.

There are many factors that might induce error in the computations by a fric-

tional mechanical system including the precision of manufacture of the parts. For

example, the circumference of a disc may not exactly b e manufactured to b e a cir-

cle. The radius of a disc may not b e manufactured to b e exactly as it is sp eci ed.

When two discs are very close but still not in contact with each other theoretically,

they may already have surface contact so that the rotation of one disc will move the 12

other one, even though they are not supp osed to do so.

Since there are constantnumb er of mechanical devices in our mechanical system,

we can let  to b e the upp er b ound for the errors that o ccur in a single op eration.

This is our -error mo del. We prove that, given a space b ound S , our frictional

mechanic system in this -mo del can simulate the universal TM M on any input


string ! that can be decided by M in space b ound S , provided that  = O 2 

for some constant c.

We also prove that, given a universal TM M with space b ound S , there exists

an  = O 1 such that a frictional mechanical system in -error mo del can simulate

the computation of M presented with any input ! if M decides ! in space b ound S .

This result provides decreased required precision of parts at the exp ense of increased

numb er of parts, which increases with S .

The rst mechanical computing machine, the Di erence Engine, was designed

and constructed by Charles Babbage in 1822. As electronic devices were not avail-

able in 1800's, Babbage had to exploit a purely mechanical system to build a com-

puter. Subsequent electro-mechanical computers could exploit electronics for con-

trol, and of course so do the mo dern computers. Today, Babbage's concept of a

purely mechanical computer would at rst seem to be out of date, as computers

built by much faster electronic technology prevail in every corner of the world.

However, the emergence of nanotechnology provides new motivation on studies of

mechanical computers.

The ultimate goal of nanotechnology [19 ] see also [10 ], [11 ] and [8 ] is to build

microscopic computer systems at molecular or atomic scale. Such a computer might

b e constructed from fullerenes or diamonoids.

The presumption of nanotechnology is the capability of manipulating individual

molecules and atoms. This has b een the ma jor diculty in nanotechnology and has

pro duced substantial skepticism over the practicability of nanotechnology. However,

recent progresses in theoretical and lab oratory chemistry provided considerable ev-

idence for the p ossibility of manipulation of individual molecules and atoms needed

for building systems at a microscopic scale. For example, Han, Globus, Ja e and

Deardor [14 ] prop osed molecular gears fashioned from carb on nanotub es with teeth

added via a b enzyne reaction. Using such technology it is conceivable to construct

nano-structures that can simulate frictional surfaces.

As of to day it is not known yet how to design electronic comp onents at molecular

scale. Therefore, there is a motivation to consider a nano-computer constructed

by purely mechanical nano-devices, such as the fullerene gears mentioned ab ove.

There has b een work done in the direction of building a nano-computer following

the mo del of electronic computers, i.e., building nano-comp onents capable of data

storage, switching, random access memory, etc., as describ ed by Drexler [10 ]. It

can also be envisioned that, in the far future, a programmable molecular machine

could b e built following the mo del of the frictional mechanical system describ ed in

our pap er if the technology of pro ducing nano-devices further matures. 13

3.3 Micro Flow Bio-Molecular Computation

Recently e orts have b een made to harness the to ols develop ed by molecular biolo-

gists in the eld of Recombinant DNA RDNA technology to p erform computation.

By this means, a new typ e of computation has b een created which has b een termed

bio-molecular computation BMC. By fo cusing on a particular subset of op erations

available in the bio chemistry lab oratory or op erations using alternative technolo-

gies and suitably abstracting them, one can obtain formal mo dels for BMC.

MEMS is the technology of miniature actuators, valves, pumps, sensors and

other such mechanisms. In particular, when controlling uids it is known as micro-

ow device technology. In this pap er we prop ose bio-molecular computation BMC

that includes MEMS technology, as this provides multiple b ene ts over the current

techniques for BMC.

Some of the current limits of BMC stem from the lab or intensive nature of the

lab oratory work, the large volumes needed for the desired bio-molecular reactions

to o ccur, and the error rates. Automating the steps using available MEMS tech-

nology allows a drastic reduction in the rst asp ect. Controlling the lo cation of the

bio-molecular complexes allows a signi cant reduction of the total volume needed.

Viable parallel execution of each step of an algorithm makes achieving higher reli-

ability more practical.

In the pap er we provide a mo del for micro- ow based bio-molecular computation

MF-BMC. It provides an abstraction for the design of algorithms which account

for the constraints of the mo del. Our MF-BMC mo del uses abstractions of b oth

the recombinant DNA RDNA technology as well as of the micro- ow technology

and takes into account b oth of their limitations. For example, when considering the

eciency of the recombinant DNA op eration of annealing, we takeinto account the

limitation imp osed by the concentration of the reactants. The fabrication technology

used to construct MEMS is limited to constructing relatively thin 3D structures.

We abstract this by limiting the mo del to a small constant number of layers as is

done with VLSI mo dels.

Besides our contribution of this formal MF-BMC mo del, the pap er contains two

other classes of results. The main result is the volume and time ecient algorithm

for message routing in the MF-BMC mo del, sp eci cally useful for PA-Match [23 ].


We will show that routing of strands b etween chamb ers will o ccur in time O  ,


where N is the number of strands in the MF-BMC, n is the number of chamb ers

where RDNA op erations are o ccurring, D is the diameter of the top ology of the

layout of the chamb ers, and m is prop ortional to the channel width. Op erations



volume instead that need annealing, suchasPA-Match, are shown feasible in O 





of the previous use of O N volume, with reasonable time constraints. Applications

of the volume ecient algorithm include the use of the Join op eration for databases,

logarithmic depth solutions to SAT Bo olean formula satis ability problems and

parallel algorithms that execute on a PRAM. Existent algorithms can be mapp ed

to ones that work eciently in the MF-BMC mo del, whereas previous metho ds for

applications such as PRAM simulation in BMC were not b oth time and volume

ecient. Our other class of results are theoretical lower b ounds on the quantities

of DNA and the time needed to solve a problem in the MF-BMC mo del, analogous 14

to lower b ounds in VLSI. We b ound the pro duct BT from b elow, and further show

2 2

that BT has a stronger lower b ound of I . Here B is the maximum amount

of information enco ded in the MF-BMC system at a time, T is the time for an

algorithm to complete, and I is the information content of a problem.

Bio-molecular computation BMC is the use of biological mechanisms and struc-

tures to p erform computation. Two reasons make it rip e with p otential. The rst

is the large amount of information that could conceivably b e enco ded in a limited

volume. The other imp ortant asp ect is the available recombinant DNA RDNA

technology that makes it p ossible to harness the massive parallelism of bio-chemical

reactions. Performing an op eration in parallel on a large quantity of information, if

the implementation is p erfect, has obvious b ene ts, such as classifying all the data

into categories rapidly. However, most techniques develop ed and used in the eld of

BMC thus far have an implementation that closely matches but is not the p erfect

analogue of the abstraction that BMC algorithm designers use [1, 23 ].

The gap b etween reality and theory has many asp ects to it and has b een attacked

in many di erentways, such as the development of systematic techniques to reduce

errors [1 , 4, 18 ]. An asp ect which this pap er seeks to address is the desired and

undesired interaction of reactants. In certain contexts we wish reactants to interact,

and in other contexts we wish them not to do so.

A signi cant asp ect of chemical reactions is the randomness with which they

o ccur at the molecular level even though there is a discernible pattern at a higher

level as describ ed in kinetic mo dels [34 , 32 , 24 ]. One of the results is that even

though we can predict that a reaction b etween two molecules will eventually o ccur,

the larger the volume in which the reactants exist, the less likely it is and so the

longer it will take. This is a situation where we wish particular reactants to interact

with each other but not with other incidental complexes as that merely increases the

overall time b efore the desired reaction is completed. In such a situation if wewere

able to place molecules between which an interaction was desired, into a smaller

volume then they would interact much more quickly with high likeliho o d.

Conversely, there are certain reactants that we would prefer to isolate. While

the ability to p erform op erations in parallel on the entire data set has advantages, it

brings with it the drawback that reagents added to execute an op eration necessarily

interact with all the bio-molecular material present, even that which it do es not need

to. In addition, the presence of extraneous material increases the chance of partial

matching and other such incomplete interactions o ccurring, causing avoidable errors.

In such cases, wewould like to b e able to separate the data set where p ossible.

Living systems have evolved a simple metho d to e ect some control in such

situations. We refer here to the division of an organism into its many constituent

cells within which indep endent bio-chemical reactions o ccur. Through the use of a

circulatory system, materials are routed to particular cells which p erform di erent

op erations in parallel on the material. In addition the material can b e pro cessed and

then sent along to another destination through the infrastructure of the circulatory

system. By having limited volumes in each cell, the reactants that need to interact

can do so eciently. Certain highly reactive chemicals which have p ositive uses

but can have a detrimental e ect on other reactants and reactions can b e isolated

within particular cells, where they can b e pro ductively used without a ecting other 15


Analogously,we prop ose a frame-

work in which BMC can o ccur in a

large number of isolated regions of

limited volume. As with a living

system, there will b e an asso ciated

infrastructure that will allow reac-

tants, reagents and asso ciated ma-

terial to b e transp orted from one re-

gion to another. Since our metho d

will make use of micro- ow device

technology, we refer to the frame-

work as micro- ow bio-molecular computation MF-BMC. A 3D MEMS uid sys-

tem has b een prop osed in a di erent context [16 ] but do es not examine the BMC

p otential in any detail.

4 Publications

[ARW95] Approximation Algorithms for Shortest Paths with Bounded Curvatures in 2 and

Higher Dimensions, P. Agarwal, J. Reif and H. Wang. Submitted for publication, 1995.

Journal Articles: |||||{

[RS94a] Shortest Paths in the plane with p olygonal obstacles, J.H. Reif and J.A. Storer.

JACM 41:5, Septemb er, 1994, pp.982-1012.

[RS94b] A Single-Exp onential Upp er Bound for Finding Shortest Paths in Three Dimensions,

J.H. Reif and J. Storer. JACM 41:5, Septemb er 1994, pp.1013-1019.

[RT94] Approximate Kino dynamic Planning Using L2-norm Dynamic Bounds, J. Reif and

S. Tate. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.27, No.5, 1994, pp.29-44.

[RW95b] So cial Potential Fields: A Distributed Behavioral Control for Autonomous Rob ots,

J. Reif and H. Wang. Pro c. Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Rob otics WAFR'94, San

Francisco, California, February, 1994. Published in "The Algorithmic Foundations of Rob otics",

A.K.Peters, Boston, MA,1995.

Conference Articles: ||||||{

[RW95a] Non-Uniform Discretization Approximations to Motion Planning with Dynamic

Constraints, J. Reif and H. Wang. Pro ceedings of the 2nd Workshop of the Algorithmic Foun-

dations of Rob otics, 1996

[WA95] Approximation Algorithms for Curvature-Constrained Shortest Paths, H. Wang and

P. Agarwal. To app ear in the Pro ceeding of the 7th ACM-SIAM Symp osium on Discrete Algo-

rithms SODA'96.

[Rei95] Work Ecient Parallel Solution of To eplitz Systems and Polynomial GCD, J. Reif.

Pro c. of the 27th ACM Symp osium on Theory of Computing STOC 95, Las Vegas, NV, May

29-June 1, 1995.

[Rei95] Ecient Parallel Solution of Sparse Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Problems, J. Reif.

Pro c. of the 35th Annual IEEE Symp osium on Foundations of Computer Science FOCS'95

Milwaukee, WI, Octob er 23-25, 1995.

[Rei95] Parallel Molecular Computation: Mo dels and Simulations, J. Reif. Pro c. 7th Annual 16

ACM Symp osium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures SPAA'95 Santa Barbara, CA, July


5 Acknowlegdments

This work was upp orted by grants NSF CCR-9725021, NSF IRI-9619647, NSF/DARPA CCR-

92725021, and ARO contract DAAH-04-96-1-044.


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