Spotted Trout Or Landlocked Salmon INFORMATION FREE

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Spotted Trout Or Landlocked Salmon INFORMATION FREE ! VOL. X XV II. NO. 42. PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1905. PRICE 3 CENTS. SPORTSMEN SUPPLIES Fish and Game Oddities. SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSM UN’S SUPPLIES My wife is great on souvenirs,” said J the man with the faraway look in his eyes. “ A couple of weeks ago, as we were riding in the country, she called my attention to an oriole’s nest hang­ FLE AND PISTOL CARTl JGES ing from a limb of a tree. She had Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges of wanted one for a long time and here was the chance and I, of course, got all calibers are loaded by machinery which out and secured it.” sizes the shells, supplies the exact quantity METALLIC CARTRIDGES “ Any eggs in it?” asked the fat man. of powder, and seats the bullets properly. Old and enthusiastic hunters who have “ tried them all,” use U. M. C. Cart­ “ No, no eggs.” By using first-class materials and this ridges and recommend them to their friends. “ Any young birds?” up-to-date system of loading, the reputation No matter what make or model of rifle you use, —U. M. C. Cartridges will give “ N o.” superior results. Buy just the right Cartridges for your gun—U. M. C. Cart of Winchester Cartridges for accuracy, ridges. Every dealer—City or country—sells U. M. C. “ Any old ones?” “ N o.” reliability and excellence is maintained. Use Cartridges made by Cartridge specialists, U. M. C. Cartridges. “ Just the nest, eh?” They cost no more than inferior makes. “ Just the nest and about a 'thousand Ask for them, and insist upon getting them. THE UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO., wasps, and we were both in bed ^three Agency, 313 Broadway, New York City. days.’ ’ —Chicago News. Depot, 86-88 First St., San Francisco, Cal Bridgeport, Conn. THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HOLD Camp and 'Tottage Notes. For the First Spring Fishing for Landlocked Salmon and The flag is now flying from Saints Square Tailed Trout, go to the Rest, Senator Frye’s log cabin on the Cupsuptic lake, for our honorable sen­ ator, Wm. P. Frye, accompanied by his RANGELEY LAKE HOUSE, daughter, arrived last Saturday. All RANGELEY, MAINE. would be glad if the Senator, who near IT’S A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY. £ his cabin took the largest trout ever Send for Illustrated Booklet, free. "2,000,000 Sole! in Twelve Yea rs<T taken on a fly in the Rangeley waters, EVERY REEL WARRANTED. RANGELE\ LAKES HOTEL COMPANY, Rangeley, Maine. John B. Marble. President. Henry M. Barrows. Treasurer. which weighed over 10 pounds, would • •'jkp'.Y * " •** v ’’ bring in the mate to it during his so­ Over 800 Styles and Sizes, i- journ this spring. BOOKLETS MAILED FREE. ANNOUNCEMENT. Lake Point cottage has the hearth­ C v 0So«- , 4 - stone warm, for Capt. R. A. Tuttle has STANDARD METa L GOODS E WISH to announce to the public that we have leased a large territory at the foot of Kennebago lake and have built there a set of camps which we will open to our pa­ arrived and is entertaining for guests O u . , o f o u r w trons and friends the coming season. This new establishment in connection with four New York friends, Dr. Meeker, ■ * M a n u f a c t o ^ our camps at Beaver Pond will give our guests the manifold advantages of a very large tract in which to hunt and fish. Our guests will be able to get both lake and stream fishing Messrs. Watson, Peter Reed and Geo. ‘ v Bird and Animal Cages, and fish of excellent size both salmon and trout may be had. We have our own steamboat on Batchler. They have for guiles Chas. Kennebago lake, also buckboards making two or more trips daily from Rangeley Lake House ,Gage Specialties,Fishing Reels, to connect with our steamers. Daily mail service is assured, also both telephone and tele­ Hamden, Eben Hamden, Joe Lamb and graph connections. All telegrams will be immediately forwarded from Rangeley. We wish »y- Artificial, Baits, Spoons, Etc. to say lhat either of our establishments are ideal places for women and children. The alti­ Isaac Tibbetts. The Doctor has been tude is high, 2000 feet, thus making hay fever and like diseases unknown. Our terms are 'A* CHAIN —BraSs, Bronze, Steel and Iron. $2.00 per day per person: $1.25 for guides’ board. We furnish reliable guides on application. fishing and landed four salmon weigh­ WIRE PICTURE CORO. Parties can leave Boston at 9 o’clock a. m., on either the Eastern or Western division of the ing from 2 1-2 to 41-2 pounds each and Boston & Maine railroad for Portland. Maine Central to Farmington and the Sandy River 198-Page Tackle Catalogue on Receipt of 25 Cents. and Phillips & Rangeley railroads to Rangeley, or from Portland via Maine Central to Rum- the other gentlemen will have a good ford Junction, Portland & Rumford Falls railroad to South Rangeley and the Rangeley T he Andrew b . H endryx Co , new haven conn., u.s a Lakes steamboats to Rangeley. From Rangeley our buckboards convey parties direct to our catch to report later. camps. All inquiries cheerfully answered. W’rite us early for any particulars; we are sure we can satisfy you. We make special rates by the month. Let us hear from you that we Harry Dutton of Boston, who has may reserve some of our best accommodations for you. Address been entertaining friends at his camp To Camp Ownrs. on B pond for ten days, returned home Ed Grant & Sons., Kennebago or Beaver Pond, Me. Many owners of camps who have last Saturday, having enjoyed a good DON’T FORGET THE ’05 EDITION, M ain e W oods regularly but who have outing and had fine fly fishing. Sportsmen’s Guide Book had no camp news in our columns for a WALTER I>. HINDS. Herbert, actor. New York City; Wm. B. Leeds, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Patridge of Med­ Maine’s Leading Taxidermist. Portland, Me. Pres. Chicago, R. I. and Pacific railroad; Augus­ “ In The Maine Woods.” long time past, if ever, would do wel 1 Under Lafayette Hotel. tus Pitou, playwright and theatrical manager; S. way were at the Mountain View House to send us a little news about their peo­ 642 Congress Street. C. Manley, Treas. Maine Water Co.. W. D. Baker, this week for a short stay before open­ ple and their attractions. We would prominent lawyer, Augusta; Anna Held, actress, ing their camp for the summer. Bangor & Aroostook R. R. print it and it would pay the campa Send your Heads and Fish for mounting to W. Paris, France. H. Hatch, Cornish, Me. Carved panels, prices 192 pages, over 100 half-tone and color well. We like to have mail sent to us no higher. A. H. Pray of Boston has for the illustrations. Sent for 10 cents in stamps. as early as Monday for the current Owl Jacked by Auto. past ten days been the guest of Miss Address Dept. I. MOCCASINS. All kinds. First-class wbrkman- week, when possible. ship. Catalogue free. (Bangor Commercial.) Soule at her camp St. Barnibas on C. C. BROW’N, G. P. & T. A., M. L. Getchell & Co., Monmouth, Me. Many qu>~er freaks and many uses Rangeley lake. Bangor, Maine. J. W. B r a c k e t t Co., > E. A. BUCK .S COMPANY. have been credited to the automobile by Phillips, Maine. Bangor, - - - Maine. facetious writers but about the queerest John Eastman says Nick W. Boyles- Sporting Moccasins all kinds. Send for Catalogue. use to which one of the machines has ton of Boston is expected at his camp yet to be put was demonstrated Satur­ on Umbagog lake the first week in June. T H E RANGELEY LAKES. THE BELGRADE. day night, and as truth is always T H E V A C A T IO N SE A SO N is not complete without a trip to stranger than fiction, which is founded Five Pound Salmon Taken at Sweet’s. Many of Last Season’s Guests Are Booked this region. on fact. This latest use to which the [Special correspondence to Ma in e W oo ds.] For This Season. T H E RUM FORD F A L L S LIN E reaches direct and makes horseless carriage has been put is that N ew V ineyard, May 20, 1905. close connections with the steamers for all points on the Lakes. [Special correspondence to Ma in e W oo d s.] o f jacking game and the automobilist The fishing here the past week has THROUGH PULLMAN PARLOR CARS between Portland B e l g r a d e L a k e s , May 22, 1905. to meet with this rather unusual ex­ been very quiet, owing to most of the and Oquossoc during the Tourist Season. The season has opened encouragingly perience was W. H. Rollins, agent to people here being busy on their farms Booklet and time table mailed upon application to at Belgrade lakes and the prediction this city for the Stevens-Duryea auto­ and in the mills, but those who have R. C. B R A D FO R D , Traffic Manager, Portland, Maine. mobiles. at this place is the same as we hear taken the time to try the sport have Mr. Rollins was out in his Stevens- from the various localities, that this been amply repaid for their trouble. Duryea runabout Saturday night and will be a very successful season.
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