To Power GOP Loses After 9-Year Reign Insurgents Join Stokes to Dominate Committee Robert T, Weltchek and A
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In can of emergency The Zip Code call . 376-0400 for Police Deportment for Springfield is or First Aid Squad 376-0144 for Fire Department 07081 376-6440 for'hoMlne' Published Every Thursday by Trumar Publlfl?lng"Cbrp. on drug problems ' '•' ' 41 Mountoln ov.,. SprlngfUlcl, N.J.070B1 - <8t-7700 Molllno Addron. • •-.. SPRINGFIELD; NJ; ThURSC^Y/NOVEMftER 5, 1970 Subscription Rata Stcend Clots Pot tog t ]5 Cents Per Copy P.O. B»» 69, Sp»lngll»ld, N.J. 0708) ».5O Y»mly Paid ol Springfield, N.J. to power GOP loses after 9-year reign Insurgents join Stokes to dominate committee Robert T, Weltchek and A. Arthur Caprio_ won election to the Township Committee on Tuesday to give the Democrats control of the governing body for the first Umein nine years. Caprio received 3.609 votes and Weltchek, 3,535. For the Republicans, Mayor Henry J. Bultman Jr. had 3.293 votes and J. Scott Donlngtpn, 3,253. The four candidates were running for the seats, held by Bultman and by. former Mayor Arthur M. Falkln, who is re-' . tiring from office after.nlne years. 1 ogether with a fellow Democrat, Nat Stokes, who was elected last year, Weltchek and Caprio will constitute a majority on thefive-man com- mittee. Republican members will be Robert JIOBERT T. WELTCHECK A. ARTHUR CAPRIO 0. Planer and Raymond W, Forbes, both of.' whom have another year to serve. Sen. Harrison A. Williams led the Demo- ELECTION TABULATION cratic ticket with a victory on the local level over Republican Nelson c. Gross, 3,755 to TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE U.S. !SENATE CONGRESS 2,869,- as he. swept across the state to a %: third six-year term,,; ' .". ) ) Rep. Florence P. Dwyer, a Republican, led : "• ! ' t ! (D everybody In town,' with 4,183 votes to 2,437 (R 1 o for Daniel Lundy, her Democratic opponent, I g s Mrs. Dwyer won atteasy victory forheroighth .1 Capri Gros term In the House of,Representatives. Distric I • -I.•;% The four county- Democratic candidates all . 1 ; won in Springfield: In their races for three 223 220 .171 . 154 202 251 121 ^three-year terms; on the Union County Board 1 176 "bf Freeholders aiSd one two-year term. Thoy 2 twent on to win in the county totals. 207 212 184 181 . 161 229 251 133 . Democratic candidates for full terms, and their'Springfield, totals, were; Everett C 3 227 241 141 134 205 174 275 102 Lattlmore, 3>1*?! Thomas J. Long, 3,360, and Harold J. Seymour Jr., 3,291. '••' ' 4 297 292 155 154 265 191 .345 105 ,t> ' WHEEUNO AND DEALING w Mr; and Mrs. Herman Balcoff make „ Bailey"UVMrCenterrAt rtghUs Louis Vefflurl, instructor for the Their incumbent Republican opponents, with local figures, wero: Jerome Epstein, 3,048; ^^,P^^&^i^^^r^^^ "» -' _j^ >tobyBob,Ba*er) ji^Ardnu: Manner, 3,011, and Charles Tracy, • • .5.. ' 254 265 . 155 137 228 176 288 112 ^•c Fofcvihe two-year "term,-Democrat John 6- 495 470 :' 431 431 422 493 573 323 - >' Mottley fed Republican Incumbent Henry Daale- man, 3,222 to 2,887, In local tallies. Democrats begin celebration early f In the total county vote, the figures were: 7 205 205 - 310 312 185 326 281 226 Long, 91,259; .Lattlmore, 91,071; Seymour, 89,775; Tracy; 77,688; Manner. 76,410; Ep- • 160 164 328 318 118 361 233 239 stein, 76,325;? Mottley, 86,519; Daaloman, as insurgents sweep to easy triumph 76,227,' . •' •<• !? - - 244 242 214 201 235 204 302 142 A ,'ByABNERGOLD preference for the party's Township Commit- in power in Town Hall; The devours were CAPRIO AND WELTCHECK, in taking the Bxcitement peaked early Tuesday night In the tee candidates, Arthur Caprio and Robert washed away with cans of beer, a few drinks of local' election, won In six of the '13 election 10 223 215 394 413 222 400 344 271 three crowded rooms at Morris and Mountain Weltchek. whiskey and many battles of soda for the districts. These- were the 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, avenues which was Springfield Democratic The next crescendo came when the 1 lth went teenagers and the press. ."•..'•• 12th and 13th. They followed almost exactly 11 250 233 423 416 197 459 312 334 headquarters. The crowd of perhaps 50 men,. for Caprio and Weltchek by about 180 votes. At The candidates'were-excited, but stoutly the example set a year ago by their fellow women and teenagers listened intently as the that point it was all over butthe shouting — and Democrat, Stokes, who won all these dis- district figures were tallied. maintained they were not at all surprised. By . 354 342 220 354 358 221 there, was plenty of that as the party ticket 8:30, Republican candidate J, Scott Donington tricts, as well as the 9th, : The first big cheer, came for the voters of swept to victory. Of the town's three swing-districts, those was there to extend his good wishes to the 237 the 8th District, who showed a two-to-one After nine years, the Democrats were back winners. ••• • • ' - most likely to go either way, the Democrats 13 270 261 349 342 235 382 370 "I wish the victors my heartfelt congratula- won in two. They took the 7th by 105 votes and the 13th' by 72, but dropped the 2nd, by Total 3293 3253 3609 -3535 2869 3755 4183 2437 tions," he said. '.'Now I will join the loyal 26 votes. - opposition." • ' An Interesting sidelight 18 what is happening Cautious GOP optimism ' Mayor Henry J. Bultman Jr., the other to the 6th. District, which contains Troy Republican candidate, was on hand five minutes Village and Summit Hill, two of the town's- Classic comedy hit later with his congratulations. He was followed three large luxury apartment developments. by former mayor William Koonz, Republican Traditionally strongly Republican, the dis- fades quickly for faithful campaign manager,' and Mrs. Alice Lorimer,. trict went to the Republicans by only six votes will be staged by GOP municipal chairman, last year and by only 39 on Tuesday. but to stay together for next year. He then By DAVE M. LlfiBERFARB • • «.* • Local voters this Tuesday also expressed There was no champagne at Springfield said that he wished "to thank the-most won- THE WINNERS' TURN to speak came once themselves on two public questions. The pro- high school players Republican headquarters Tuesday night. With derful woman in the world, my wife." posal to lower the voting age to 19 lost in the notable exception of Mrs. FlorenceDwyar, Campaign manager Bill Koonz also sounded the shouting and the I-told-you-so chatter died "The Man Who Came to Dinner, "the comedy down a.little. Springfield, 2,613 to 2,425, The plan to in- hit by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart, will Republicans came out second best In the town- a battle cry for next year's election. Weltchek commented: "I am both very grati- crease real estate tax exemptions for senior * ship in local, county and state' contests. "We got roughed up a bit," he admitted, be. presented by the Jonathan Dayton Regional GOP workers, who had gathered at party . (Continued on page 8) . (Continued on page 8) High School players on Friday and Saturday, headquarters to await the results, seemed (Continued on page 8) Nov. 20 and 21, atHaJsey Hall with curtain time cautiously optimistic as the 8. p.m. voting set at 8:15 both nights. - deadline approached. There was nothing more Joseph F. Trinity, director of the play, said to do but wait now for the first returns and that'the comedy features the reign of Sheridan' offer their best wishes to the candidates and W.hitestde's confinement in the home of the their families. • . Stanleys following a fall and a broken hip. It " Neither Mayor Henry J. Bultman nor his has 24 speaking parts. Rehearsals are under running mate Scott Dpnlngton wished to make way with the following cqst: THIS MAP of voting districts in Springfield any official statements before the decision, Mrs. Ernest W. Stanley, Suzle Atkln; Miss is printed as an aid to understanding the But the mayor did thank all the people who Preen, Denise DeVone; Richard Stanley, Stu election results printed elsewhere on this worked for him during the often acrimonious Li'ebesklnd; June Stanley, Sue Denner; John, page. Districts 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are usually campaign. v • Jeff Cohen; Sarah, Debby Simon; Mrs. Dexter, Republican. Districts 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 • Shortly after eight the first returns began Debbie Reich; Mrs. McCutcheon, MelanleGlan- are normally Democratic. The outcome is w come in. Within 10 minutes It was all over. as; Mr. Stanley, Larry Goldberg; Maggie usually decided by the results In the swing the early results, coming from normally Re- Cutler, Missy Sheehan; Dr. Bradley, Robert districts — 2, 7 and 13. dubllcan districts like the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Garner; Sheridan Whiteside, Phil Cohen; Har- ?th, were greeted with cheers, but party ex- riet Stanley, Sally Haines; Bert Jefferson, ' pens were soon muttering, r'lt's not enough. David Hodes; Professor Metz, Mitch Fidel; Mr. It's not enough." . Baker, Jeff Kampf; Expressman, Paul Colonial bedroom This analysis.-wqs soon borne put as lop- Fanaroff; Plainclothes man, Robert Sergl and sided Democratic returns came in from the Jeff Kampf; Lorraine Sheldon, Judy Orbach; to open on Nov. 14 11th,- 7th, 13th, 10th and then 8th Districts. Sandy, Gary Berger; Beverly Carlton, John .' ..'. j» »* Kozloff; Westcott, Allan Brindell, and Banjo, " Saturday, Nov. 14,.is the, date.; • THE JREPUBUCANS Harry Deltz.