I / ltJ /,),01 0 C e'l UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASIllNGTON, DC 20460 OFFICE OF PREVENTION, PESTICIDES JAN 0 6 2010 AND TOXIC SUBSTANCES Christina M. Swick, Lewis and Harrison Agent for Kimberly-Clark Global Sales, LLC 122 C Street, NW Suite 740 Washington, DC 20001 Subject: Kleenex Brand Anti-Viral Tissue EPA Registration Number: 9402-10 Notification Date: December 16,2009 EPA Receipt Date: December 16, 2009 Dear Ms. Swick: This will acknowledge receipt of your notification, submitted under the provisions ofPR Notice 95-2. Proposed Notification: • Addition of Influenza A virus (HINl) label claim General Comment: Based on a review of the submitted materials, your notification for the addition of the influenza A virus (HINl) label claim is acceptable and a part of the records on file. Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Heather Garvie at (703) 308- 0034 or by email address at
[email protected]. Sincerely, c eline McFarlane Acting) Product Manager (34) Regulatory Management Branch II Antimicrobials Division (751 OP) Pleas~ read instructions on reverse before COF"'etinfJ. form. Form Aeercr'- -l, OMB No. 2070-0060, Approval expires 05-31-98 \ United States R .\ f opp Identifier Number 0 D egls~{a Ion EPA Environmental Protection Agency D Amendment Washington, DC 20460 " [gJ Other: Notification Application for Pesticide - Section I 1. CompanylProduct Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Classification 9402-10 ShaRon Carlisle 4. Company/Product (Name) PM# C8J None Restricted Kleenex Brand Anti-Viral Tissue Team 34 o 5. Name and Address of Applicant (Include ZIP Code) 6.