Medway Valley Strategic Landscape Enhancement Plan

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Medway Valley Strategic Landscape Enhancement Plan MEDWAY VALLEY STRATEGIC LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENT PLAN FINAL REPORT March 2015 Prepared by Fiona Fyfe Associates for Kent County Council MEDWAY VALLEY STRATEGIC LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENT PLAN PART 1: INTRODUCTION Contents Page PART 1: Introduction 3 PART 2: Evidence Base 11 Acknowledgements PART 3: Opportunities 25 The author would like to thank Robin Lines of Biodiversity 26 Robin Lines Landscape for his help with the The historic environment 28 fieldwork and public consultation, and for Farming and land management 30 preparing the rendered drawings and sketches Recreation and access 32 contained in this report. Recent and Future Development34 Thanks are also due to the client team APPENDICES 37 (specifically Ruth Childs at Kent County Council), and to the many organisations and individuals Consultees 38 who have contributed to the consultation. References and sources of All photographs (except p. 9) by Fiona Fyfe. further information 39 FIONA FYFE ASSOCIATES, March 2015 2 MEDWAY VALLEY STRATEGIC LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENT PLAN PART 1: INTRODUCTION Part 1: INTRODUCTION View west across the Medway valley towards Nettlestead 3 FIONA FYFE ASSOCIATES, March 2015 MEDWAY VALLEY STRATEGIC LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENT PLAN PART 1: INTRODUCTION Commissioning and Brief The Study Area Methodology and Stakeholder Engagement This project was commissioned in December The Study Area is shown in the map below. It is The project comprised four key stages of work: 2014 by Kent County Council. It has been focussed on the river Medway between the M20 1) Desk studies (reviewing mapped information prepared by Fiona Fyfe Associates between bridge crossing near Allington (the northernmost and relevant documents); 2) field work January and March 2015. The project brief point), and Beltring Station (the southernmost (spending several days in the study area, contains the following ‘Vision’ for the Strategic point). The Study Area is within Maidstone recording observations and taking photographs); Landscape Enhancement Plan (SLEP): The SLEP District, and in places the study area boundary 3) writing- up (creating and compiling text, will use landscape as the common thread to tie follows the District boundary. maps, illustrations and photographs) to form together cross-disciplinary aspirations and aims. this report, and 4) stakeholder engagement. It will act to cement, by knitting together Some recommendations (for example those disparate plans (e.g. Green Infrastructure relating to land management) are relevant to Stakeholder engagement has been a key part of Strategies, Local Plans etc.) which exist for an land which lies outside the formal study area, this project, and has taken place early in the area, by generating clear and practical measures but which nevertheless has a strong visual project in order to influence the direction and which can be realised... connection with the study area, and influences content of the SLEP. Public consultation took its landscape character and sense of place. the form of questionnaires which enabled Format of the Medway Valley SLEP people to describe what makes the Medway This SLEP is in the three parts. The first part valley special to them, their concerns about its (Introduction) describes the study area’s landscape, and their favourite views. These location, and provides a summary of its questionnaires were completed by members of landscape history, key features and designated the public at a drop-in session at Wateringbury sites. The second part (Evidence Base) Village Hall arranged through Parish Councils, summarises the key documents which are and throughout the fieldwork. Consultation also relevant to the landscape management of the took place with Local Authority staff, and area, and also sets out the findings of the public representatives of a variety of organisations consultation exercise undertaken at the start of engaged with the Medway Valley, including the project. The third part (Opportunities for planning officers, historic environment officers, Enhancement) presents concerns and the Environment Agency, Wildlife Trusts, opportunities for landscape enhancement in a canoeists, flooding and drainage officers and The Study Area series of themes. The Appendices provide a list access and rights of way officers. of consultees, references and sources of further information. FIONA FYFE ASSOCIATES, March 2015 4 MEDWAY VALLEY STRATEGIC LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENT PLAN PART 1: INTRODUCTION Short History of the Medway Valley Landscape Prehistory and the Roman Period their construction. There are also Roman roads Geology and Topography Evidence suggests use of local river valleys as and cemetery sites within the study area. The river Medway and its tributaries rise as a trading routes in the Bronze Age, with series of springs in the mudstone (clay) geology associated settlement and activity. Further The Medieval Period of the High and Low Weald. This geology evidence suggests that the river Medway was The study area is rich in surviving medieval extends into the southern part of the study area made navigable (at least as far as Teston) in structures, many of which remain in use. The around Yalding, with its wide valley floor and Roman times, in order to export ragstone from most well-known examples are the ragstone clay soils. For the majority of the study area, the local quarries by ship. A Roman shipwreck with bridges across the Medway at East Farleigh, Medway flows through Lower Greensand rocks. a cargo of Kentish ragstone was found near Teston and Yalding. There are numerous Greensand is a distinctive form of limestone Blackfriars Bridge in London, and another medieval churches, some within villages, and with a grey-green colour which makes excellent possible Roman shipwreck site was recently others (e.g. Barming, Nettlestead and West building material, known locally as ‘ragstone’. found in the river Medway near East Farleigh. Farleigh) in isolated locations. Maidstone has Over millennia, the river Medway has cut historically been an ecclesiastical centre (the through the Greensand to create a relatively location of the Archbishop’s palace) and steep-sided valley with a narrow valley floor. monastic sites along the Medway are suggested in place names (e.g. Priory House). The river Medway is made navigable through the study area by a series of locks. Allington Lock (at the northernmost point of the study area) is the last lock when travelling downstream; beyond this point the river is tidal down to its mouth at Chatham. Probable Roman stones (possibly part-worked column bases) found in the river Medway near Teston bridge (above) Barming church (below) East Farleigh. There are known Roman ragstone quarry sites within or close to the study area, at Allington, Dean Street, Teston and Boughton Monchelsea. Roman villa sites have been found close by, suggesting that the villas accommodated the owners/ managers of these quarries. Several Allington Lock, looking downstream local churches contain re-used Roman stones in 5 FIONA FYFE ASSOCIATES, March 2015 MEDWAY VALLEY STRATEGIC LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENT PLAN PART 1: INTRODUCTION The town of Maidstone was founded in the The following illustrations show the ruined medieval period, and the majority of villages and castle in the 19th Century, and the restored lanes within the study area would also have castle as seen from the river today. been established by c.1300. Maidstone, Kent by John Hardwicke Lewis, 1870. Gatehouse of Nettlestead Place Maidstone Museum and Bentlif Art Gallery Historic maps show many mills along the Medway and its tributaries, and many of these would have had Medieval origins. Allington Castle by Albert Goodwin, 1865. Maidstone Museum and Bentlif Art Gallery Allington Castle, at the northern end of the study area was originally a manor house, which was fortified in the 13th Century. It was subsequently enlarged into a country house, and was the home of the Wyatt family, including poet Thomas Wyatt. Henry VIII was a visitor to Allington, along with Ann Boleyn. The castle was damaged by fire in the 16th Century, and left as a ruin until 1905, when it was restored as a Yalding village, viewed from the Medieval bridge country house. It is surrounded by gardens and A particularly fine example of a medieval manor ancient woodland, but is not publicly accessible. house (with gatehouse) has survived at Nettlestead Place, overlooking the Medway Allington Castle from the east bank of the Valley south of Wateringbury. Medway FIONA FYFE ASSOCIATES, March 2015 6 MEDWAY VALLEY STRATEGIC LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENT PLAN PART 1: INTRODUCTION The Post-Medieval period The post-medieval period saw many changes in the rural landscape which can still be seen in views today. Large estates comprising country houses surrounded by parkland were laid out in this attractive countryside located an easy carriage drive from London along newly- constructed turnpike roads. Hops were introduced into Britain in the early 16th Century and hop gardens (and their accompanying oast houses) quickly became a feature of the Kent landscape. Orchards also became an established part of the local agricultural economy. In 1823, William Cobbett travelled from Maidstone to Mereworth (along the route now known as the A26) and described it as follows: From Maidstone to...[Mereworth] is about seven miles, and these are the finest seven miles that I have ever seen in England or anywhere else. The Medway is to your left, with its meadows about a mile wide. You cross the Medway, in coming out of Maidstone, and it goes and finds its way down to Rochester, through a break in the chalk ridge. From Maidstone to Merryworth, I should think that there were hop- gardens on one half of the way on both sides of the 1797 Ordnance Survey map showing part of Cobbett’s route from Maidstone to Mereworth along the road. Then looking across the Medway, you see hop- Medway Valley gardens and orchards two miles deep, on the side of a gently rising ground: and this continues with you all the way from Maidstone to Merryworth. The orchards form a great feature of the country; and the plantations of ashes and of chestnuts that I mentioned before, add greatly to the beauty.
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