Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 2007 No. 44 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, The message also announced that The Reverend Johann Arnold, Church rule XX, further proceedings on this pursuant to section 276d–276g of title Communities International, Rifton, question will be postponed. 22, United States Code, as amended, the New York, offered the following prayer: The point of no quorum is considered Chair, on behalf of the Vice President, Lord, we thank Thee for another day withdrawn. appoints the following Senator as and for another chance to serve Thee f Chairman of the Senate Delegation to and our beloved Nation. the Canada-United States Inter- Before Thee we are like little chil- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE parliamentary Group conference during dren who do not know how to carry out The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman the One Hundred Tenth Congress: our duties. Therefore, we ask, like King from Florida (Mr. KLEIN) come forward The Senator from Minnesota (Ms. Solomon, not for long life, not for and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- KLOBUCHAR). wealth for ourselves, not for the death legiance. f of our enemies, but for discernment to Mr. KLEIN of Florida led the Pledge WELCOMING REVEREND JOHANN administer justice and to distinguish of Allegiance as follows: CHRISTOPH ARNOLD between right and wrong. Let us to- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the gether heed the words of the Apostle United States of America, and to the Repub- (Mr. HINCHEY asked and was given John: ‘‘If we love one another, God lic for which it stands, one nation under God, permission to address the House for 1 dwelleth in us.’’ Let us hope that this indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. minute.) spirit will become the order of the day f Mr. HINCHEY. Madam Speaker, it is my great pleasure and honor to intro- right here in Washington. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE We pray for our President, for our duce a dear friend of mine and a very Madam Speaker, and for all our broth- A message from the Senate by Ms. respected member of our community, ers and sisters in the House and in the Curtis, one of its clerks, announced Johann Christoph Arnold, for his open- Senate, for our servicemen and -women that the Senate has passed without ing prayer as the guest chaplain of the and their families. We pray for our be- amendment a bill of the House of the House of Representatives today. loved Nation. May it always be under following title: Pastor Johann Christoph Arnold and the rulership of God. Amen. H.R. 1129. An act to provide for the con- his wife, Verena, are senior pastors of struction, operation, and maintenance of an Church Communities International, an f arterial road in St. Louis County, Missouri. international movement that is dedi- The message also announced that cated to peace around the world. They THE JOURNAL pursuant to section 276n of title 22, work very diligently and very effec- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- United States Code, as amended, the tively with families, with individuals, ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Chair, on behalf of the President pro with veterans, and a host of other peo- ceedings and announces to the House tempore, appoints the following Sen- ple to bring them the kind of coun- her approval thereof. ator as Chairman of the United States- seling and conciliation they need in Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- China Interparliamentary Group con- many communities. nal stands approved. ference during the One Hundred Tenth Pastor Arnold and his wife, Verena, Mr. HINCHEY. Madam Speaker, pur- Congress: are the parents of eight children and 34 suant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a The Senator from Hawaii (Mr. grandchildren. For over 35 years as vote on agreeing to the Speaker’s ap- INOUYE). family counselors, they have advised proval of the Journal. The message also announced that thousands of couples in our community The SPEAKER. The question is on pursuant to section 276n of title 22, and in many other places here in the the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. United States Code, as amended, the United States and around the world. The question was taken; and the Chair, on behalf of the President pro People have come to expect sound ad- Speaker announced that the ayes ap- tempore, appoints the following Sen- vice from this award-winning author, peared to have it. ator as Vice Chairman of the United whose books have sold over 350,000 cop- Mr. HINCHEY. Madam Speaker, I ob- States-China Interparliamentary ies in English and have been translated ject to the vote on the ground that a Group conference during the One Hun- into 19 other languages. quorum is not present and make the dred Tenth Congress: It is a great pleasure and an honor to point of order that a quorum is not The Senator from Alaska (Mr. STE- have Johann Christoph Arnold, his present. VENS). wife, Verena, and other members of b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2489 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:39 Mar 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR7.000 H14MRPT1 mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with HOUSE H2490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2007 their community here with us this seen a tsunami of foreclosures and tur- will strengthen the safety of the com- morning; and I thank him very much moil in the subprime markets. The munity. for his opening prayer. Federal regulators’ recent joint guid- After Hurricane Wilma struck, Dania f ance to stop issuance of loans that bor- Beach could not restore its power and rowers can’t repay in full is a good first the pole damage quickly enough, leav- OPPOSING THE IRAQ FUNDING step, but lenders won’t make bad loans ing the city streets without lighting BILL if no one will buy them. The secondary for a lengthy period of time. With the (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given market must stop buying the loans new solar panels, the streetlights will permission to address the House for 1 causing this crisis. not be dependent on electricity, and minute and to revise and extend his re- Freddie Mac did this voluntarily, and the panels will be mounted to with- marks.) I am introducing legislation to require stand even the most fierce hurricane Mr. KUCINICH. At present, Congress all the housing GSEs to do the same. In winds. has before it, for consideration in com- the interim, I call on Fannie Mae and I applaud this sort of ground-break- mittee, an Iraq funding bill which will the Federal Home Loan Banks to fol- ing, innovative way of thinking. Alter- keep the war going perhaps through low Freddie Mac and stop buying these native energy sources are the way of the end of President Bush’s term. It risky loans. Both Congress and the the future. If more communities would order the privatization of Iraq’s GSEs must act to protect homeowners around the country would follow Dania oil and open the door for the President and stabilize the system. Beach’s lead, we would leave our envi- to order an attack on Iran without con- f ronment in a much better condition for our children and our grandchildren. gressional authorization. BUILDING A STRONG WORKFORCE Democrats were brought to power BY IMPROVING MENTAL HEALTH f not to spread war, but to stop it. The TREATMENT CAIR MEETING administration took us into war for oil. We should not be confirming that pur- (Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania (Mr. MCHENRY asked and was given pose by promoting privatization in the asked and was given permission to ad- permission to address the House for 1 Iraq funding bill. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- minute.) The President desires to attack Iran vise and extend his remarks.) Mr. MCHENRY. Mr. Speaker, House without Congress asserting its con- Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Democrats and the Speaker of the stitutional authority. We should be as- Employers spend over $26 billion per House arranged for a conference room serting our constitutional authority to year in direct medical costs to treat in the Capitol to be used by the Council restrain another administration abuse depression. But the indirect costs, in- on American-Islamic Relations, or of power. cluding lost productivity and absentee- CAIR, an Islamic advocacy group ism, increased spending by some $51.5 which refuses to disavow terrorist f billion per year, but appropriate treat- groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. DEMOCRATIC PLAN FOR IRAQ IS ment for depression reduces health CAIR officials have been charged RECIPE FOR FAILURE care costs for businesses. with, and some convicted of, offenses The National Institutes of Mental related to the support of terrorism, in- (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina Health reported depression treatments cluding a CAIR fundraiser, Rabih asked and was given permission to ad- reduce absenteeism and save money. Haddad, as well as a founding board dress the House for 1 minute and to re- Plans for Federal employees where member and a former CAIR civil rights vise and extend his remarks.) mental health coverage is included in coordinator.