Absence of Langerhans Cells in Oral Hairy Leukoplakia, an AIDS-Associated Lesion
Absence of Langerhans Cells in Oral Hairy Leukoplakia, an AIDS-Associated Lesion Troy E. D aniels, D .D .S., M .S. , Deborah Greenspan, B.D.S. , John S. Greenspan, B. D .S., Ph.D ., Evelyne Lennette, Ph.D., Morten Schi0dt, D.D.S. , D r. Odont. , Vibeke Peters en, B. S., and Yvonne de Souza, M .S. Department of Stomatology, School of Dentistry, University of Ca li fo rnia (TED, DG, JSG , MS, VP, YdeS), Sa n Francisco, California; and Virolab In c. (EL), Berkeley, Cali fo rnia, U .S.A. O ral hairy leuko plakia (HL) is a recently described mani tien ts, LC were detected w ith all 3 antibodies in 11/12 festati on o f human immunode fi ciency virus (HlV) infec specimens (92%) and were found in approx imately norm al tion in w hich Epstein-Barr virus (EB V) has been sh own numbers w ith at least 1 antibo d y. T here was cl ose corre to replicate. T o seek evidence fo r a local defect in mucosal lati on between the absen ce o f LC and positive staining for immunity, w e assessed the presence o f epithelial Lan ger E BV, human papillo m a virus antigen s, and candidal h yphae h ans cells (LC ) in these lesions and in autologous no nle in the epithelium. W e conclude that LC are absent or greatl y sional mucosa. W e used monoclonal antibodies against HLA reduced in the lesions o f HL. Absen ce of n o rmal LC func DR, HLA-DQ, and T 6 antigens to identify LC in bio psy ti on m ay be impo rtant in the pathogenesis o f HL and m ay specimens of HL fro m 23 ho m osexual m en.
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