The Monthnb Apr-May 2012.Qxd

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The Monthnb Apr-May 2012.Qxd April-May 2012 NOTICE board Helping victims of New book surveys Aldborough Hatch’s domestic violence fascinating history PARISHIONERS at St Peter's Re-shaping Ministry – Lay During her training, Jackie did a church, Aldborough Hatch, education and training adviser placement with a workplace chaplain have been celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Revd Elizabeth Jordan meets and she was inspired to think how people need care at work. Now that church's consecration on pastoral minister Jackie Turner she is working part-time as a March 6, 1862. hairdresser she finds her training has And retired journalist Ron WHAT does someone do who helps made her much more aware of her Jeffries has spent a number with the pastoral work of a church? clients' needs as they talk together. of years researching the And what sort of training and She also feels much more history of Aldborough Hatch, resources can the Diocese supply? confident in speaking about her culminating in the publication I talked to Jackie Turner, a membership of church and being of his new book ‘Aldborough pastoral care assistant at Holy recognised as a Christian. Hatch – The Village in the Trinity, Rayleigh, to hear her story. “My prayer is that the doors of the Suburbs – A History’. Jackie finished the Course in church are opened wide and we, as Ron says: “One interesting Christian Studies (CCS) in 2005. Church family, are out there as part fact is that over the years it Her baby was born 10 days after: of the community being disciples of has been assumed that St she had arrived at the presentation Jesus,” says Jackie. Peter's was built in 1863. service in the Cathedral with a bag PASTORAL MINISTER: Jackie Turner She knows there is strong support “Indeed, every reference packed for hospital. from the other members of her book we have consulted Jackie had thought it would be is organised, as well as a project in church and especially from the rest states this, but they all centuries – but this is no dull several years before she did the participant’s own church. All this of the pastoral team at Rayleigh. skilfully avoid any mention of catalogue of the past; for the ● anything to follow up the CCS, but a is supported with Biblical reflection If you would like to know more the date of its Consecration. pages bring to life little- taster of the training for pastoral and prayer. about training for pastoral ministry, “These include such known facts such as that ministry was held at her church and Jackie herself thought she might contact the lay training department: revered tomes as Edward Aldborough Hatch had its she was immediately attracted. She be getting involved in visiting people 01245 294449, ejordan@ Tuck's ‘A Sketch Of Ancient own ‘Lover’s-walk’, that the Barking, Its Abbey, and Ilford’ finished the one year course in in hospital, or in their homes. And, Dick Turpin had his roots in a ● (1899), George Tasker's ‘Ilford 2010. yes, there are people in her church A ‘Care and Share’ course has been beer house in a cottage, that Past and Present’ (1901), and The course, which is run each who do that. But the church was designed to help train and support diarist Samuel Pepys visited, asked by Essex County Council to people involved in caring. The five Norman Gunby's ‘A Potted year, helps people to learn to listen and that poet John Donne display a ‘J9’ sticker, signifying a sessions can be run in local churches History of Ilford’ (1991 and better and to understand the lived in the village. place of information for victims of and the course can be downloaded 1997). problems face at different times in Lulu's Boom Bang-a-Bang their lives. It builds on the life domestic violence. This connection from the diocesan website: “We went through every has led Jackie into an unexpected file, book and paper in the started life in the village; the experiences that participants already first lady churchwarden at St have. A placement in a new context area of ministry. careandshare.html Parish Office, and consulted many organisations, but drew Peter’s was elected in 1915 a blank. (three years before women “We had given up all hope had the vote); actor, of every finding the date of producer, director and author consecration when the Bryan Forbes lived here and Back to Church surprise Hollywood superstar Rock Sacristan suggested that we might look amongst the Hudson visited the village. THE Diocese of Chelmsford “As an adult, I have taken Communion Plate. There we ● The book is available from will be celebrating the eighth the decision to go back to found a silver paten with the the author, Ron Jeffries, at year of Back to Church church because after inscription on the reverse 37 Spearpoint Gardens, Sunday, the largest single attending Back To Church reading: ‘A thank offering for Aldborough Road North, local-church invitational Sunday I have realised that the consecration of St. Aldborough Hatch, Ilford, initiative in the world, on I want to learn more. Peter's Church Aldborough Essex IG2 7SX, for £14.99 September 30, 2012. “I now go to church Hatch March 6th 1862.’” plus £2.50 postage and The concept is simple – every Sunday and I find it The book is a lively, often packing in UK. Please make to invite someone you to be very uplifting and amusing and sometimes cheques payable to Ron already know back to emotional. revealing journey across the Jeffries. church. “Every Sunday I am Since its first day in welcomed into the church Manchester in 2004, and I feel like a member of around 230,000 people the family. I absolutely love have taken up their listening to Mina's sermons invitation to come back to WARM WELCOME: Thames View vicar Revd Wilhelmina and I take a lot away with church. Smallman, left, and new parishioner Linda Collins me from the services. I am In 2011, it is estimated so glad that I accepted the that an additional 77,000 Diocese invited friends and Church Sunday, I did feel Back to Church Sunday people attended church on neighbours to join them in strange walking back into invitation.” Co-ordinator of Pastoral Ministry Back to Church Sunday. church. the church after so many ● To take part in Back to This year Back to Church Linda Collins, who was years. Everyone was very Church Sunday, churches We are looking for a committed and suitably qualified person to Sunday aims to increase invited to Christ Church, friendly and I had a lovely need to register online at act as Co-ordinator of Pastoral Ministry. The post will include the number of participating Thames View, was morning. ● churches in 2012 by 20 per surprised how it felt to be “During the rest of the Registrations for Back To Co-ordinating and developing the organisation and delivery of the Pastoral Assistants Training programme in the diocese, cent. welcomed by the church following week, I decided to Church Sunday 2012 will ● Back to Church Sunday family and the vicar, Revd go to church the following open on April 12. Working with Area colleagues to support and review the work of Pastoral Assistants, 2011 was a huge success. Wilhelmina Smallman. Sunday. On arriving, I felt For more information, ● Members of more than 200 Linda said: “When I instantly welcomed by the email team@backtochurch. Working with the Lay Education and Training Adviser and churches in Chelmsford attended the Back to congregation. networks to develop best practice in the development of pastoral care in the diocese. ● The Co-ordinator may also be involved in delivery of training. Mothers’ Union celebrates St George’s Day It is estimated that 16 hours each week should be allocated to this work. It is non stipendiary, but all expenses will be met, and THE Mothers' Union is holding a big Coffee will be served from 10am with Midday prayers will be followed by office space and necessary equipment will be provided. celebration in Chelmsford Cathedral a short Council meeting commencing lunch and at 1.30pm there will be a on Monday, April 23 and it is hoped at 10.30. celebration Festival Eucharist, when If you would like more information about this post, please that all attending will wear a red rose The morning session ends with Sue the Bishop of Bradwell, Rt Revd John contact Revd Elizabeth Jordan, Lay Education and Training (real or artificial). Mills, the buying and sales manager Wraw, will preside and preach. Adviser, at the Diocesan Office, 53, New Street, Chelmsford, The day is a celebration of St George, for Mothers' Union Enterprises, talking The day will close with the cutting CM1 1AT, 01268 254449 or [email protected] the birthday of William Shakespeare, about her work to bring the selection of a three-tier cake and an invitation before April 21, 2012. Queen Elizabeth ll's Diamond Jubilee of cards and gifts into the Mothers’ to sign a large card, to be sent from and the Olympic Games. Union catalogue. the diocese to Her Majesty. II THE MONTH — NB SUPPLEMENT April-May 2012 THE MONTH — NB SUPPLEMENT April-May 2012 III Cycle of Prayer for daily use in Diocese of Chelmsford 21 Monday ● DODDINGHURST (All Saints): Gill Frith (PIC). “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our ● Doddinghurst Junior School: Margaret Cooper (HT). exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the ● place for the first time.” (T.S.
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