Glossary of Climate Change Terms English - Kajjin Majel

Office of Environment Planning Policy Coordination - OEPPC Republic of the Marshall Islands

Glossary of Climate Change Terms English - Kajjin Majel

Riyad Mucadam, Ph.D. & Raynard Gideon

Office of Environment Planning Policy Coordination - OEPPC Republic of the Marshall Islands i Glossary of Climate Change Terms English - Kajjin Majel

Copyright Mucadam, Riyad & Gideon, Raynard. 2015. All rights reserved. Use or republication of any part of this book without approval of the authors is prohibited.

Office of Environment Planning Policy Coordination - OEPPC Republic of the Marshall Islands

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the OEPPC, RMI and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

Cover design: Riyad Mucadam, Ph.D.

The stick chart or meto is a tool used in the navigation of the ocean by traditional means of the Marshall Islands. It represents a technology and perhaps helps to capture and use a base of common and empirical technical knowledge. The Eiffel Tower, a symbol of Paris, France, is superimposed on the meto. A Pacifika-theme of motifs are used in place of the trusses of the Eiffel Tower. The most important climate change treaty, the Conference of Parties (COP21), was concluded at Paris on December 11, 2015.

Front cover photo: Marshallese Stick Chart © 2006 Karen Earnshaw Book Layout: Brett Schellhase

Desktop Published: 2015 Micronitor News & Printing Company ii FOREWORD

This book evolved from a simple idea. The idea was that an expanded vocabulary and understanding of kajjin Majel, the , would help a more widespread appreciation concerning the conversation about climate change and the Marshall Islands. Climate change, its effects and the proposed responses to its effects are topics very often quoted in the local and international media. Political leaders, educational institutions and regional organizations lead conversations, workshops and international efforts related to coping with climate change effects in the Pacific region. Through these efforts a great deal of international attention in the form of media coverage has been received at the Marshall Islands. The challenge ahead lies in matching our actions with this widespread attention.

Thought and words often precede action, and informed thought and words would help informed action. This glossary of climate change terms is a new step towards effectuating that process in the Marshall Islands. It can also serve as a starting point for a greater interest in traditional Majel-based science. Science, including climate change science, requires an expanded and precise way of thinking with a vocabulary to match the scientific way of observing and describing the world around us.

This is a first edition. There are a larger number of phrases and illustrations included in this glossary than in similar glossaries of other Pacific island languages. The electronic version of this glossary allows sorting of terms by thematic areas and includes many more phrases that are not available in the print version. We also hope that it provides a template and space for other interested persons and users to further improve upon. We hope this glossary of climate change terms is used in schools, workshops, government, in media and by the Marshallese diaspora.

This glossary was prepared through a consultative process. We acknowledge particularly the motivated efforts of Mr. Karl Fellenius, Mr. Isaac Marty, Mr. Kennedy Kaneko, Mr. Mark Stege, and Mr. Raynard Gideon. Staff of the RMI’s Marine Resources Authority & the Environmental Protection Authority also contributed keenly. The European Union’s Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA), Suva, provided funds to support this project. We thank Mr. Bruce Kijiner and Dr. Gillian Cambers for recognizing the value of this idea. Mr. Lowell Alik, Warwick Harris, Ywao Elanzo Jr. and Ms. Moriana Phillip of the OEPPC provided their support. Dr. Riyad M. Mucadam, Senior Advisor Climate Change, proposed this idea, led action and synthesized its content.


Wilbur Heine Minister in Assistance to the President; Minister Responsible for Environment Office of the President Office of Environment Planning Policy Coordination-OEPPC

December 11, 2015


Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit

Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on 1 & Credit

oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok Illustra)on Majel Concept abrupt English climate Concept change Majel Descrip)on thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; accre)on wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. parijet coastal process of island building oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate AcroporaAcropora species harves)ng species coral collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing Woja Ailinglaplap growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 coral e.g. fast-­‐growing jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining itorerein ane ko. waters on atolls Delap Majuro atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013 im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo baal ekadiklok im deWan kilene ko menaan ekoba eo, meje im ko komman rej ejaak bwe jan en an dik an okmanaan menin no rubi, im jan lan ko kab jen nan juon men reef soils crest ranges where from spurs high to (rela)ve low, high and parts vegeta)on-­‐covered of the reef) surfaces and grooves and oceans have a low albedo (channels in the reef) are formed Likiep Likiep Dean an eddek ibwij ko im im paat dan lok; eo ioon lojet. rej komman bwe en wor wod, deka im bwe en walok elap baal algal ridge from waves, storms, and )dal draining of the reef flat; made up of coral, coral rock, and significant Jacobson 2003 kubween al im ujoj in lojet ko rej eddep im kijnene einwot cement na ioon amounts of crustose and fleshy coralline algae that cement the parts of the reef together pedpedjidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet.

jabdewot kain ijoko jabdewot kain kaan ko im jej kojerbali im bar kokaali im remaron bok jikin alterna)ve energy any energy source that is an alterna)ve to fossil fuel and is renewable kaan/kab ko jet kaan ko rainin jej kojerbali

ukoktak ko ijekien im ipelaakin lal in rej itok wot jan makitkit ko armej rej local and global changes that are human-­‐caused; in the context of greenhouse gases, emissions that are komanman in armej anthropogenic kommani; ne baj okmanaan in mejatoto im kaWoon mejatoto rej itok wot jan produced as the result of human ac)vi)es makitkit ko armej rej kommani.

koba in gas ko rej jepoole lal in; enanin 79.1 percent in nitrogen (ej jonak eo), mixture of gases surrounding the Earth; about 79.1 percent nitrogen (by volume), 20.9 percent oxygen, 20 percent oxygen, 0.036 percent carbon dioxide, ej kwalok deWan gas ko ie. 0.036 percent carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases. The atmosphere can be divided into a mejatoto, lan atmosphere, air Mejatoto ej kabukwonkwon ilo elon moWan ekkar nan kain chemical ko ie, number of layers according to its mixing or chemical characteris)cs, generally determined by pedped ioon deWan okmanaan ko ie. temperature

ane ak aelon rej ejaak jan wod ko ilukkwon lometo, ko rej jurek er make, ak annular mid-­‐ocean reefs; the reef rim supports isolated, or near-­‐con)nuous, reef islands composed of Dean Jacobson rej ekkar ippan doon, ko im walok jan an ejojik deka im bok ippan doon, ane/aelon atoll unlithified or poorly consolidated sand or gravel, and encloses a central lagoon; formed by the gradual 2002 ejaake juon lomalo ilowaan; rej ejaak jan an kar wor volcano ie kab kon an subsisdence of volcanic islands and accompanying fringing coral reef growth pedped ko jino ejaak im jepooli

ijo emman jokkin mour im ajmuur nan an armej maron mour ie, im bwe ren capacity of atoll ecosystems to maintain human occupa)on; ability of humans to inhabit atolls in the ijo emaron wor mour atoll habitability maron ekkal aer jukjuk im pad ie ne wor oktak in mejatoto, ekoba mora im face of climate impacts including declining water quan)ty and quality, increasing flood risk, and ie ilo juon aelon jabwe daan, im an u)ej lok dan, im ne ejabwe mona nan mour. declining food security

Kwajalein Atoll pedped ko redouduul (ring shaped) im wod ko ipelaakier im renanin ak rej ring-­‐shaped coral reef with a coral rim that par)ally or completely encircles a lagoon; formed through Karl Fellenius wod ko ilo juon aelon atoll reef jepoole lomalo eo , kar ejaak million iio ko remootlok itok wot jan kon walok milions of years of volcanic subsidence and coral reef-­‐building processes 2003 volcano ko ie, ekoba an eddek lontak pedped im wod ie.

melan eo itulon in ippe ko ak parijet ko rej tori elanne ej elanne ej walok lan im no reu)ej, elap upper zone of the shore or beach affected only during storms or high swell events, especially combined parijet ikotaan pok backshore tata ne ej ialap lep; rej tori anelok jan ijoko rekon pad ie. with king )des; from the top of the berm landwards im ene; ioon ippe

melele ko jinointata ilo ejaake juon jerbal ak ekkatak; menin kenan eo jinoin melele ko jinointata, tata ilo jerbal eo ; melele ko rekaal tata rejelet ijoko pelaakid, ak juon jukjuk im ini)al informa)on on state of the environment, community, or both prior to a disturbance or baseline data pedped eo pad ak elanne rejelet aolepaerro, aikuj )lmaaki melele ko kaki mokta jan aer management interven)on naaj walok im pukot bunten ko nai. baal im kilene ko ekoba meje ko rej ejaak jan an no rubi, im jan lan ko kab jen reef crest where spurs (rela)ve high parts of the reef) and grooves (channels in the reef) are formed Likiep Likiep Dean an ibwij im paat lok; rej komman bwe en wor wod, deka im bwe en walok elap baal algal ridge from waves, storms, and )dal draining of the reef flat; made up of coral, coral rock, and significant Jacobson 2003 kubween al im ujoj in lojet ko rej eddep im kijnene einwot cement na ioon amounts of crustose and fleshy coralline algae that cement the parts of the reef together pedped Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit jabdewot kain ijoko jabdewot kain kaan ko im jej kojerbali im bar kokaali im remaron bok jikin alterna)ve energy any energy source that is an alterna)ve to fossil fuel and is renewable kaan/kab ko jet kaan ko rainin jej kojerbali Photo Loca)on 2 Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit

oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak ukoktak ko ijekien im ipelaakin lal in rej itok wot jan makitkit ko armej rej nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok local and global changes that are human-­‐caused; in the context of greenhouse gases, emissions that are Illustra)on komanman Majel Concept in armej abrupt anthropogenicEnglish climate Concept change kommani; Majel Descrip)on ne baj okmanaan in mejatoto im kaWoon mejatoto rej itok wot jan thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en produced as the result of human ac)vi)es makitkit ko armej rej kommani. respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok koba ijoko in rekwoj gas kon ko ice, rej jepoole im an lal komokajkaj in; enanin an 79.1 manaan percent in nitrogen (ej jonak eo), bwidej im komman bwe en mixture of gases surrounding the Earth; about 79.1 percent nitrogen (by volume), 20.9 percent oxygen, laplok in juon ane ak 20 percent oxygen, 0.036 percent carbon dioxide, ej kwalok deWan gas ko ie. respira)on process 0.036 percent of leading growth carbon to or fast dioxide, increase; changes and deposited in trace the carbon cycle material amounts of that other contributes gases. to The increase in size of the landmass; atmosphere can be divided into a mejatoto, lan accre)onatmosphere, air wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. parijet Mejatoto ej kabukwonkwon ilo elon moWan ekkar nan kain chemical ko ie, coastal number process of layers of according island building to its mixing or chemical characteris)cs, generally determined by oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak pedped ioon deWan okmanaan ko ie. nonlinearity temperature of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok ane ak oktak im aelon an nan rej bok an ejaak ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet jan wod ej ko komman ilukkwon bwe lometo, en eddek lok juon ane. ko rej jurek er make, ak Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal annular process mid-­‐ocean of reefs; island building the reef rim supports isolated, or near-­‐con)nuous, reef islands composed of Dean Jacobson growingAcropora species wod rej ekkar rot in ippan emokaj doon, an ko eddok im walok ak ebar jan an mokaj an ejojik mej deka im bok ippan doon, elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod ane/aelon piranran atoll unlithified or poorly consolidated sand or gravel, and encloses a central lagoon; formed by the gradual 2002 coral e.g. fast-­‐ ejaake eo ipelaakin juon lomalo im ne ilowaan; jimakon rej ko ijo rej kane. ejaak jan an kar wor volcano ie kab kon an changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 subsisdence of volcanic islands and accompanying fringing coral reef growth growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral pedped ko jino ejaak im jepooli laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ ijo eo ipelaakin emman jokkin im ne mour jimakon im ko ijo rej kane. ajmuur nan an armej maron mour ie, im bwe ren changes capacity in of atoll water quality, ecosystems coral to bleaching, maintain human and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns occupa)on; seastar preda)on ability of humans to inhabit atolls in the 2013 atet ijo emaron bok im la jan wor mour jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acroporaatoll habitabilityAcropora species harves)ng species coral maron ekkal aer jukjuk im pad ie ne wor oktak in mejatoto, ekoba mora im collec)on face of of climate sand impacts or gravel including from declining beaches, water usually quan)ty done by local labor hand and quality, increasing flood risk, and parijet ie ilo ko juon aelon itorerein ane ko. 2004 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing jabwe daan, im an u)ej lok dan, im ne ejabwe mona nan mour. declining food security Woja Ailinglaplap growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand Kwajalein Atoll parijet ko pedped itorerein ko ane ko. redouduul (ring shaped) im wod ko ipelaakier im renanin ak rej 2004 coral e.g. fast-­‐growing jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical ring-­‐shaped extrac)on coral reef of with sand, a gravel, coral or rim larger that rock; par)ally usually or completely from the shoreline or from nearshore encircles a lagoon; formed through Karl Fellenius kob wod bok ko ilo im deka juon aelon aggregate atoll reef mining jepoole lomalo eo , kar ejaak million iio ko remootlok itok wot jan kon walok itorerein ane ko. waters milions of on atolls years of volcanic subsidence and coral reef-­‐building processes 2003 volcano ko ie, ekoba an eddek lontak pedped im wod ie. Delap Majuro atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap melan eo itulon in ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin ippe ko ak parijet ko rej tori elanne ej elanne ej walok lan im no reu)ej, elap upper zone of the shore or beach affected only during storms or high swell events, especially combined Karl Fellenius parijet ikotaan pok aggregate backshore rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon tata ne ej ialap lep; rej tori anelok jan ijoko rekon pad ie. with king )des; from the top of the berm landwards 2013 im ene; ioon ippe im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon melele ko jinointata ilo ejaake juon jerbal ak ekkatak; menin kenan eo jinoin 2013FSM Harley jerbal melele in ko kallip jinointata, ilo im kallib tata aolep ilo wojke jerbal rej immenin idepdep eo ; eddek melele im ko eddek ko ippan doon ie. jet rekaal ippan tata doon; rejelet ej ijoko juon kol nan komman bwe pelaakid, ak juon jukjuk im ini)al combina)on informa)on of agriculture on state and of forestry; the environment, cropping techniques community, or that both make prior to a disturbance or sustainable use of agricultural agroforestrybaseline data Manner 2013 bukin pedped wojke eo ie; en pad juon ak elanne wot jikin rejelet an aolepaerro, aolep men aikuj eddek )lmaaki im idepdep ippan doon ie. melele ko kaki mokta jan aer management space and local-­‐scale interven)on self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment Woja Ailinglaplap naaj ekka walok wot kojerbal im pukot bok bunten im ko nai. deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry ekka an naan in jerbal ilo ien jonake ak survey ijoko iomin lojetekka an naan in Manner 2013 bukin jekjek in wojke melan ie; ko jerbal jidik en juon in ilo wot ien meran jikin jonake eo ak survey jan an ijoko al aolep ej iomin itaak men lojet; ilo eddek katak lal in im kon idepdep ippan doon ie. ej jekjekin bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in bulon lojet, study space of and the local-­‐scale boWom features self sufficiency of water in bodies, a mixed forest environment e.g. the ocean; originally referred to the ocean's depth jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of iomin lojet; katak ko bathymetryalbedo nan ekadiklok waanjonak deWan lometo; menaan jinoin eo, tata im naan komman in bwe ekon en jerbal nan ikjet ak kapin dik an okmanaan menin rela)ve to sea level, although it has come to mean “submarine topography,” or the depths and shapes of nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo kon bulon lojet lometo eddek ko im ijo im dan tulon eo ej ioon lojet. aejet, ekwe koba in ijokein aolep jej ba jekjekin bulon underwater terrain FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo lojet.kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al melanmelan eo eo an material an material ko rejebleklek ko im rejjab rejebleklek koba iiben im dron rejjab me rej bed koba iiben dron me rej bed por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men ilowanilowan ijo ijo dren ej dren jemlok ej ie lok jemlok non ijo no ie ko rekajur lok non rej telone; ijo ej no ijo ilo ko rekajur rej telone; ej ijo ilo parijet soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo parijetim eddek ewor im ko ewor pok, im pok, deka, dan deka, im eo jet im ioon lojet. iien jet bwidej iien im ej kokalle bwidej jen im ijo den ej ej kokalle topar jen ijo den ej topar e ne parijet beach zone of unconsolidated loose material from the low water mark to the limit of storm waves eibwij ne ej ibwij nan nan ijo ijo den den ej topar ej ne topar iien ialep ne ilo iien an ibwij. ialep ijo im ilo elon men an ibwij. ijo im elon men rej rej ejjepeleklekjidik ejjepeleklek in bajjek meran bajjek ie im eo ie rejjab jan im koba al rejjab ippan ej itaak doon, koba jino ilo jan ippan torerein lal doon, in dan lok ej nan jino bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jan torerein dan lok nan jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ijoekadiklok ijo ane ane tata im tata deWan no ko im rekajoor menaan no reban ko eo, topare. rekajoor im reban topare. komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo deka eddek ko ko ak im la dan ko eo ioon lojet. im rej komman jen pok im moWan libuke ko, im ne elap Woja Ailinglaplap komaku) emaron komman an makunlok melan eo; deka ko ejaak jen kobain rock formed by cemen)ng of calcareous sands and shell fragments in the foreshore; soeer than the hard Karl Fellenius na/la beachrock bok im moWan libbukwe im einwot cement metowan lok parijet; im rejjab pan and Holocene rock on other parts of the reef flat but s)ll important for coastal protec)on 2013 kijnene einwot deka ko jet ioon pedped, ebar lap tokjaer nan kojparok im jalitake parijet in ane ko.

kobban lojet iaejet ak men ko kobban lojet im rej pad iaejet ak iumwin lojet einwot wod, menin benthic marine ecological region on or near the boWom epaake lal mour ko jet im ko ioon lum ekoba bar ko jet.

kappe ko reu)ej lok nan kojparok torerein ane ko; kar ejaak jan jabdewot men raised, natural coastal protec)on feature central to the backshore and foreshore; formed by the Murray Ford 2013 kappe berm, ridge ko no ko rej tori ane tak. Widej eo ilo kappe ko im eu)ej; ej ejaak jen an no deposi)on of coarse and fine material by waves kouwe pok im na ion ane.

men ko remaron men ko remaron moramrom lok im )pdikdik jan an menin mour (bacteria) material that can be broken down into simpler substances (elements and compounds) by bacteria or maramrom lok im biodegradable kaXpdikdiki ak kon mor lok; peba ko ak kopej ko ainwot bwidej ko an menin other decomposers; paper and most organic wastes such as animal manure are biodegradable erom bwidej mour ko, ekadik pidodo aer )pdikdik im oktak jan kar nemamaeir mokta.

jonan an men in elon wot im lon kain menin mour im eddok ko ioon lal in im rej oktak jen doon, abundance (richness) and variety (eveness) of living organisms on earth, including the variability within mour im eddok ko biodiversity ekoba men ko ilo lan, ilo lojet, im ioon ane emora and between species and within and between ecosystems enjoun jen droon

ekka an walok men in ilo Aelon Kein jen wot men in mour ko lojet einwot ek )pdrik dreke jen men rubrub dreka ilo aer kappeok kijeer mona ilo wod ko. Aer tori lok men ko raar bioerosion erosion of hard marine substrates, notably carbonate structures built by coral reef animals and plants in mour im eddek ko ejaak im pen, jej konnaan kon men ko raar ejaak im walok jan pedped ko, manin mour ko im menin eddek ko.

ilo Aelon Kein, ewor kaan ej walok jen waini; gas ak kaan dan ko walok jan kaan jen men in gas or liquid fuel made from plant material (biomass); includes wood, wood waste, peat, agricultural biofuel menoknok ko ; ainwot wojke, kopej in wojke, kopej in jikin kallip, jokpej ko, eddrek ko waste, landfill gases, fish oils, and even )res kuriij in ek im roba in wa ko. ekka an naan in jerbal ilo ien jonake ak survey ijoko iomin lojetekka an naan in jekjek in melan ko jerbal ilo ien jonake ak survey ijoko iomin lojet; katak kon jekjekin bulon lojet, study of the boWom features of water bodies, e.g. the ocean; originally referred to the ocean's depth iomin lojet; katak ko bathymetry nan waanjonak lometo; jinoin tata naan in ekon jerbal nan ikjet ak kapin rela)ve to sea level, although it has come to mean “submarine topography,” or the depths and shapes of kon bulon lojet lometo im ijo tulon ej aejet, ekwe koba in ijokein aolep jej ba jekjekin bulon underwater terrain lojet. melan eo an material ko rejebleklek im rejjab koba iiben dron me rej bed ilowan ijo dren ej jemlok ie lok non ijo no ko rekajur rej telone; ej ijo ilo parijet im ewor pok, deka, im jet iien bwidej im ej kokalle jen ijo den ej topar e ne parijet beach zone of unconsolidated loose material from the low water mark to the limit of storm waves ibwij nan ijo den ej topar ne iien ialep ilo an ibwij. ijo im elon men rej ejjepeleklek bajjek ie im rejjab koba ippan doon, jino jan torerein dan lok nan Photo Loca)on ijo ane tata im no ko rekajoor reban topare. Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit deka ko ak la ko im rej komman jen pok im moWan libuke ko, im ne elap Woja Ailinglaplap komaku) emaron komman an makunlok melan eo; deka ko ejaak jen kobain rock formed by cemen)ng of calcareous sands and shell fragments in the foreshore; soeer than the hard Karl Fellenius na/la beachrock bok im moWan libbukwe im einwot cement metowan lok parijet; im rejjab pan and Holocene rock on other parts of the reef flat but s)ll important for coastal protec)on 2013Photo Loca)on kijnene einwot deka ko jet ioon pedped, ebar lap tokjaer nan kojparok im Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on 3 & Credit jalitake parijet in ane ko.

oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak kobban lojet in mejatoto iaejet ak in men mejatoto ko kobban ainwot lojet makitkit im rej ko pad an mejatoto iaejet ak ijoko iumwin ilon,naaj lojet einwot wod, menin mokaj an on lok Illustra)on Majel Concept benthicabrupt English climate Concept change Majel Descrip)on thermohaline marine English ecological Descrip)on circula)on, region rapid on or deglacia)on near the boWom and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit epaake eo emakaj lal an walok mour ijoko rekwoj ko jet kon im ice, ko ioon im an lum ekoba bar ko jet. komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok kappe ijoko rekwoj ko reu)ej kon ice, lok nan im kojparok an komokajkaj torerein an ane ko; manaan kar bwidej im komman bwe en ejaak jan jabdewot men laplok in juon ane ak respira)on process raised, natural of leading growth coastal to or fast protec)on increase; changes feature deposited in the carbon cycle central material to that the contributes backshore to and foreshore; formed by the increase in size of the landmass; Murray Ford 2013 kappe accre)onberm, ridge ko wor laplok no oktak im ko an rej nan bok tori an ejaak carbon ane makitkit. iparijet tak. Widej ej komman eo ilo bwe kappe en eddek lok juon ane. ko im eu)ej; ej ejaak jen an no parijet coastal deposi)on process of coarse of island and building fine material by waves kouwe oktak ko pok rejelet im na mejatoto ion ane. maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap men parijet ko remaron men ko remaron moramrom lok im )pdikdik jan an menin mour (bacteria) coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, material that high can rugosity be broken stony down coral into with simpler high habitat substances value (elements largely known for its vulnerability to and compounds) by bacteria or Karl Fellenius maramrom wod piranran lok im biodegradable kaXpdikdiki ak kon mor lok; peba ko ak kopej ko ainwot bwidej ko an menin coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. other changes decomposers; in water quality, paper coral and most bleaching, organic and wastes Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns such seastar preda)on as animal manure are biodegradable 2013 erom bwidej mour ko, ekadik pidodo aer )pdikdik im oktak jan kar nemamaeir mokta. growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro jonan an men in coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal elon wot in im ebbok lon bok, kain la im menin deka mour ko im rellap; eddok ekka ko aer bok jikier ilo parijet im ioon lal in im rej oktak jen doon, abundance (richness) and variety (eveness) of living organisms on earth, including the variability within Karl Fellenius mour im eddok ko growingaggregate AcroporabiodiversityAcropora species harves)ng species coral collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ekoba men ane ko ko. ilo lan, ilo lojet, im ioon ane emora and between species and within and between ecosystems 2004 enjoun jen droon e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing Woja Ailinglaplap growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko ekka itorerein an ane walok ko. men in ilo Aelon Kein jen wot men in mour ko lojet einwot ek 2004 )pdrik dreke jen men coral e.g. fast-­‐growing jerbal rubrub in dreka ebbok ilo bok, aer la kappeok im deka kijeer ko mona rellap; ilo ekka wod aer bok jikier ilo parijet im ko. Aer tori lok men ko raar mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka bioerosionaggregate mining erosion of hard marine substrates, notably carbonate structures built by coral reef animals and plants in mour im eddek ko ejaak itorerein im ane pen, ko. jej konnaan kon men ko raar ejaak im walok jan pedped ko, waters on atolls Delap Majuro manin mour ko im menin eddek ko. atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka ilo itorerein Aelon wot ane Kein, kojerbal ko. ewor bok kaan im ej deka walok nan jen ekkal waini; em/kallibin gas ak kaan dan ko walok jan wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka kaan jen ko rej men in ainin gas or liquid fuel made from plant material (biomass); includes wood, wood waste, peat, agricultural Karl Fellenius aggregate biofuel rock menoknok jet ippan ko doon; ; ej ainwot juon wojke, kol kopej nan in komman wojke, kopej bwe aolep in jikin kallip, jokpej ko, kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock eddrek ibben doon ko waste, landfill gases, fish oils, and even )res 2013 im kuriij aolep in rej ek im idepdep roba in wa ko. im eddek ippan doon ie. jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock Djarrit Majuro aolep ibben doon men in mour aolep men in mour im kein ekkan ko, ekoba men ko emoj aer mej im jino kot. 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on total mass of of living agriculture organisms and forestry; in a given cropping area techniques or volume; that dead make plant sustainable material can be included as dead use of agricultural Marshall Islands im jet menin mour ko biomassagroforestry tallep in aolepan menin mour ko ilo juon jikin; menin eddek ko remej jej ba ke Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. biomassspace and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment High School 2015 remej men ko remej ijo. Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; men jidik en juon in ko rej wot meran jikin mour eo jan ak an al mej aolep ej itaak rej men pad ilo eddek ilowaan lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. mejatoto ej eo bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in ilonin lal in, jet ilo space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment men jonan ko meram remour in al im por)on living and of the dead total organisms solar found radia)on near hiXng the a earth's surface surface that in is in parts turn of the lithosphere, atmosphere, and reflected by it; surface albedo of biospherealbedo ekadiklok lithosphere, deWan jet ilo menaan atmosphere, eo, im im jet komman ilo bwe hydrosphere; en dik an okmanaan menin bar juon in jikin global nan keinikkan juon ko men hydrosphere; soils ranges part from of high the to global low, carbon and cycle vegeta)on-­‐covered that includes surfaces living and oceans have a low albedo organisms and organic maWer carbon eddek ko ej pad im dan ie eo im ioon lojet. komman bwe menin mour en bar maron mour ie. FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin Delap Majuro nan juon men ewor cyano bacteria ko rej kakkure wod ko ilo aer Jerome oxygen eo eaurok soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. containing cyanobacteria produced under oxygen-­‐limi)ng and nutrient loading condi)ons, par)cularly Karl Fellenius kubween al maroro blue-­‐green algae nan an wod ko mour jane; cyonobacteria ej juonn bateria eo ej dapij nitrogen detrimental to coral reefs; cyanobacteria are nitrogen-­‐fixing bacteria found in almost every ecosystem 2015 im ekkutkut an walok ijoko ewor mour ie ipelaakin lal in. jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo Delap Majuro eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. Karl Fellenius juon men eo kaleke im kajutake itorerein ane nan bobrae an no ko tori parijet structure constructed or placed in the inter)dal or shallow sub)dal to reduce wave energy coming on kein bobrae kajor in 2014 & Lombok breakwater ko, rej koba in waween ko komman jan men ko rekar baj pad wot ijoko ekoba shore, ideally made of a combina)on of natural and engineered materials and located in medium energy no Indonesia Karl ko im engineer ro rej kommani im kajutaki na ijoko. environments Fellenius 2012

koman tol jiddik; ain tok pok, deka, im ko jet nan komman juon bwidej eo jikin ko kajutaki im building upwards, e.g. eu)ej im ej ped ilo parijet nan bobrae an den uwe tok ioon ene. kol eo ekka adap)ve measure of building up and out of harm's way ( e.g. eleva)ng buildings on posts) or protec)ng pat berm-­‐building kojerbale nan ekkal ioon pat ( e.g. kajjutak joor im ekkal em na ioer) ak bar eji the shoreline by re-­‐building or raising natural features (e.g. berms) lonlok im kau)eji lonlon.

jabdewot men, melaaj, jikin ko raorok, jikin jerbal, im jikin iukkure; aolepan material, spa)al, and cultural product of society's labor for living, working, and playing; everything in the ijoko komman in built environment men im ijoko kojenoloki bwe en jab eddek jabdewot ie; ainwot iial ko, moko, surroundings that is not lee to grow naturally on its own; generally considered as roads, buildings, and armej im melaaj ko kojenoloki nan kallip. cropland

an ekkek di calcifica)on an eddek di ilo menin mour ko , im an ejaak im eddek men ko ioon pedped ko. growth of calcifying organisms, build-­‐up of carbonate structures on coral reefs

an laplok deWan ak jonan an juon jukjukin pad, armej, ak juon doulul maron in an laplok maron in jerbal jen wot an laplok kapeel ko ipper im men ko bwinier nan topar koWopar coordina)ng all strengths, aWributes, and resources available within a community, society, or jerbal; kajurlok ilo capacity building ko; koba in deWan ak jonan maron ko im juon jikin ak juon doulul emarone ilo organiza)on that can be used to achieve agreed goals jerbal kin kabel jibadbad ko

ijoko carbon ej pad ie, im an oktak carbon kein jan doon ekkar nan jekjek kein all carbon reservoirs and exchanges of carbon between them by various chemical, physical, geological, eman; chemical, physical, geological, im biological; ekwe koba in jikin kein and biological processes; the four reservoirs are the atmosphere, terrestrial biosphere (includes an carbon makitkit eman rej mejatoto eo ne ej jepoole lal in, im lal in ej kobain lometo ko , carbon cycle freshwater systems), oceans, and the sediments (includes fossil fuels); each of these global reservoirs ipelaakin lal in menoknok ko (follis fuel); kajjojo iaan jikin kein (global resevoirs) maron bar may be subdivided into smaller pools, ranging in size from individual communi)es or ecosystems to the diklok pelaakier, im deWaer wot jukjuk im pad jiddik ko, ak bar ko rellap lok im total of all living organisms (biota). aolepan menin rej jukjuk im anmak ie. Djarrit Majuro aolep men in mour aolep men in mour im kein ekkan ko, ekoba men ko emoj aer mej im jino kot. total mass of living organisms in a given area or volume; dead plant material can be included as dead Marshall Islands im jet menin mour ko biomass tallep in aolepan menin mour ko ilo juon jikin; menin eddek ko remej jej ba ke biomass High School 2015 remej men ko remej ijo.

men ko rej mour ak mej rej pad ilowaan mejatoto eo ilonin lal in, jet ilo men ko remour im living and dead organisms found near the earth's surface in parts of the lithosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere lithosphere, jet ilo atmosphere, im jet ilo hydrosphere; bar juon in jikin global keinikkan ko hydrosphere; part of the global carbon cycle that includes living organisms and organic maWer carbon ej pad ie im komman bwe menin mour en bar maron mour ie.

Delap Majuro ewor cyano bacteria ko rej kakkure wod ko ilo aer Jerome oxygen eo eaurok containing cyanobacteria produced under oxygen-­‐limi)ng and nutrient loading condi)ons, par)cularly Karl Fellenius kubween al maroro blue-­‐green algae nan an wod ko mour jane; cyonobacteria ej juonn bateria eo ej dapij nitrogen detrimental to coral reefs; cyanobacteria are nitrogen-­‐fixing bacteria found in almost every ecosystem 2015 im ekkutkut an walok ijoko ewor mour ie ipelaakin lal in.

Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on Delap & Credit Majuro Karl Fellenius juon men eo kaleke im kajutake itorerein ane nan bobrae an no ko tori parijet structure constructed or placed in the inter)dal or shallow sub)dal to reduce wave energy coming on kein bobrae kajor in 2014 & Lombok breakwater ko, rej koba in waween ko komman jan men ko rekar baj pad wot ijoko ekoba shore, ideally made of a combina)on of natural and engineered materials and located in medium energy no Photo Indonesia Loca)on Karl ko im engineer ro rej kommani im kajutaki na ijoko. environments 4 Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on Fellenius & Credit 2012

oktak koman ko tol rejelet jiddik; ain mejatoto tok pok, maron deka, komman im bwe ko en jet nan komman juon bwidej eo kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak jikin ko in kajutaki mejatoto im building upwards, e.g. in eu)ej mejatoto im ej ainwot ped ilo makitkit parijet ko nan an mejatoto bobrae an ijoko den ilon,naaj uwe mokaj an on lok tok ioon ene. kol eo ekka adap)ve measure of building up and out of harm's way ( e.g. eleva)ng buildings on posts) or protec)ng Illustra)on Majel Concept abrupt English climate Concept change Majel Descrip)on thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit pateo emakaj an walok berm-­‐building kojerbale ijoko rekwoj nan kon ekkal ice, ioon im pat an ( e.g. komokajkaj kajjutak an joor manaan im ekkal em na ioer) ak bar eji bwidej im komman bwe en the shoreline by re-­‐building or raising natural features (e.g. berms) respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle wor lonlok oktak im kau)eji nan an lonlon. carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok jabdewot ijoko rekwoj men, kon melaaj, ice, jikin im ko an raorok, komokajkaj jikin an jerbal, manaan im jikin iukkure; aolepan bwidej im komman bwe en material, spa)al, and cultural product of society's labor for living, working, and playing; everything in the laplok ijoko komman in juon in ane ak respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; accre)onbuilt environment wor laplok men oktak im im ijoko an nan bok kojenoloki an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet bwe en ej jab eddek komman jabdewot bwe en eddek lok juon ane. ie; ainwot iial ko, moko, surroundings that is not lee to grow naturally on its own; generally considered as roads, buildings, and parijetarmej coastal process of island building im oktak melaaj ko rejelet ko kojenoloki mejatoto nan kallip. maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak cropland nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod an ekkek piranran di calcifica)on an eddek di ilo menin mour ko , im an ejaak im eddek men ko ioon pedped ko. growth of calcifying organisms, build-­‐up of carbonate structures on coral reefs coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran an laplok deWan ak jonan an juon jukjukin pad, armej, ak juon doulul maron in Delap Majuro an laplok maron in coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal jen in ebbok wot an bok, laplok la im kapeel deka ko ko rellap; ipper im ekka men aer bok jikier ilo parijet im ko bwinier nan topar koWopar coordina)ng all strengths, aWributes, and resources available within a community, society, or Karl Fellenius jerbal; kajurlok ilo growingaggregate Acroporacapacity Acropora building species harves)ng species coral collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ko; koba ane in ko. deWan ak jonan maron ko im juon jikin ak juon doulul emarone ilo organiza)on that can be used to achieve agreed goals 2004 jerbal kin kabel e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing Woja Ailinglaplap jibadbad ko growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ ijokoijoko eo ipelaakin carbon carbon ej pad ej im ie, pad im ne an oktak ie, jimakon carbon im ko ijo rej kane. kein an jan oktak doon ekkar carbon nan jekjek kein jan doon ekkar nan jekjek kein changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im all carbon reservoirs and exchanges of carbon between them by various chemical, physical, geological, Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species eman; kein eman; chemical, chemical, physical, physical, geological, geological, im biological; im biological; ekwe koba in ekwe jikin koba in jikin kein collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. and biological processes; the four reservoirs are the atmosphere, terrestrial biosphere (includes an carbon makitkit coral e.g. fast-­‐growing keineman eman rej rej mejatoto mejatoto eo eo ne ej jepoole ne ej lal jepoole in, im lal lal in ej kobain in, lometo im lal in ej kobain lometo ko , ko , 2004 carbon cycle jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical freshwater systems), extrac)on oceans, of sand, and gravel, the or sediments larger (includes rock; fossil usually fuels); from the each shoreline or from nearshore of these global reservoirs kob bok im deka aggregate mining menoknok ko (follis fuel); kajjojo iaan jikin kein (global resevoirs) maron bar ipelaakin lal in menoknok itorerein ane ko ko. (follis fuel); kajjojo iaan jikin kein (global resevoirs) maron bar waters on atolls diklok pelaakier, im dettaer wot jukjuk im pad jiddik ko, ak bar ko rellap lok may be subdivided into smaller pools, ranging in size from individual communi)es or ecosystems to the Delap Majuro diklok pelaakier, im deWaer wot jukjuk im pad jiddik ko, ak bar ko rellap lok im atet bok im la jan imjerbal aolepan in menin ebbok rej jukjuk bok, im la anmak im ie. deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im total of all living organisms (biota). Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng aolepan menin rej jukjuk im anmak ie. collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko ejjelok itorerein unokan ane ko. (colorless), ejjelok neman (odorless), ejjab baijin (non-­‐ 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining poisonous) gas eo im ej pad im moWan wot mejatoto eo ej jepoole koj; ijoke, Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters colorless, on odorless, atolls non-­‐poisonous gas that is a normal part of the air; product of fossil fuel combus)on CO2 Coopera)ve deka ko rej ainin men ko walok jan kopej im rej koba ippan doon im kot lok; mekarta rejjab Karl Fellenius juon carbon koba ruo aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot and coarse decaying par)culate organic material maWer; commonly although used it does for not construc)on; directly sand, impair gravel, or larger rock human health, it is the most Research Centre ibben doon carbon dioxide kauatata nan mour an armej, ak ej un eo in im ej komman an diwoj lok eWon 2013 ozygen im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. concentrated greenhouse gas with amounts of about 280 parts per million in pre-­‐industrial )mes to over Australia ko im rej komman an okmanaan lok mejatoto eo kon enanin tarrin in 280 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical 400 today extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining moWan ilo juon million kar ilo tore ko mokta (pre-­‐industrial) ak rainin emoj an Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin ella lok jan 400. Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon tallep in jonan eWoon eo ej diwoj lok nan mejatoto itok jan makutkut an juon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural jonan an laplok agroforestry doulul, jerbal ko jet kommani, makitkit ko an juon armej; epen nan ad jela total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organiza)on, event, product or person; total carbon Manner 2013 bukin carbon wojke dioxide ilo ie; carbon footprint tallep en juon in wot jonan jikin carbon an kein aolep konke men melele eddek ko im jej idepdep ippan doon ie. aikuji rellap im kab kon un in ke footprint space and cannot local-­‐scale be calculated self sufficiency because in of a the mixed forest environment large amount of data required and the fact that carbon Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko mejatotodeka ko rej ainin carbon dioxide ej naaj kar baj make walok wot ak emaron bar walok jan an dioxide is also produced by natural processes and events Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon makitkit ko rej bok jikier. 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of jerbal in kodriklok albedo nome ekadiklok im deWan kakkon menaan carbon eo, dioxide; im wojke komman im bwe menin en dik an okmanaan menin eddek ko, nan waanjonak,rej uptake and storage of carbon; trees and plants, for example, absorb carbon dioxide, release the oxygen nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo carbon dioxide jen carbon sequestra)on nome eddek carbon ko im dioxide dan eo im ioon lojet. dapiji im kadiwoj lok oxygen, im kopej ko kar juloki and store the carbon. Fossil fuels were at one )me biomass and con)nue to store the carbon un)l FSM Harley jerbal mejatoto in kallip ilo kallib imrej pad wojke bajjek immenin rej eddek carbon ko mae jet tore eo rej )li. ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on burned of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men ijoko caron ej pad ie im jekjekin aer jerome carbon kein im kakoni (i.e. kadiwoj soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. carbon reservoirs and condi)ons that take-­‐in and store more carbon (i.e. carbon sequestra)on) than ijo im elap an jerome lok carbon) im lak moj kadiwoji lok; ilo an diwoj lok carbon kein im makun lok, carbon sink they release; carbon sinks can serve to par)ally offset greenhouse gas emissions; forests and oceans are carbon jidik emaron in bobrae meran an eo jan lap al an ej diwoj itaak lok ilo gas lal in nan mejatoto; ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in wojke im lojet rej ijoko jonan meram in al large por)on carbon of the sinks total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo elap ekadiklok aer deWan kakoni im menaan dapiji eo, carbon kein. im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet.

jabdewot kain makitkit ko rej kaWoon mejatoto (e.g. iXl kopej im menoknok, ijo im ej komman any process or ac)vity that releases a greenhouse gas into the atmosphere (e.g. burning of fossil fuels or carbon source kaonlok plas)c im bar makitkit ko jet, im kon an menin mour ko uk-­‐ lik-­‐uk carbon biofuels, mel)ng permafrost, and animal respira)on and flatula)on) maan im menonoiki.

jonak eo ikijien jekjekin mejatoto ilowaan enanin 30 iio remoot lok, ikijjien an imminine kon bwil im molo, jidimkij in an oktak, im kajoor in koto; ebar maron ejja jonak eo average weather condi)ons and variability in temperature, precipita)on, and wind over at least 30 mejatoto im lan ilo climate wot nan mejatoto ko ilowaan juon allon ak lonlok, ak maron ejja jonak eo wot years; can also be averaged over a period of from months to millions of years juon tore eaitok ilowan million iio ko.

kol eo nan etale elanne ejejjet ke im jimwe jekjekin mejatoto eo rainin ekkar katu im katak kon climate backcas)ng, nan kar loe im boklote ilo tore ko mokta lok. Wawein lale ejumwe k an kein way to test the accuracy of climate models by seeing whether they would have successfully predicted oktak in mejatoto hindcas)ng jebal ko an jain)ij katu kake climate change, eo im ej bedbed ion an jumwe what has been observed in the past kein jerbal kein katu ilowaan wot melele ko mo emoj ad jela kaki kadede

kalimjeke im boklote ukoktak in mejatoto eo ijokein im ipelaakin lal in, ekoba observed and predicted changes in global and local temperature, wind, and precipita)on paWerns due to ukoktak in mejatoto climate change koto, im an ukokktak jekjekin mejatoto ekkar nan kar baj imminene ko ad jan natural and anthropogenic inputs of greenhouse gas emissions mokta im jorraan ko itok wot jan diwoj lok eWoon nan mejatoto.

komman oktak ej juon jekjek nan komman bwe en wor oktak im en eddek lok bwe en emman lok jokkin mour ilo juon jukjuk im pad; CCA ej waween eo adapa)on is an evolu)onary process whereby an organism becomes beWer able to live in its habitat; CCA kamminene ak pukot ne kojerbale bwe en wor oktak nan juon menin eddek ak menin mour (i.e. Climate Change is the adap)ve capability of a plant or animal (i.e. people) to deal with the changing climate in ways that mejalan ukoktak in armej) nan an maron jelmae ukoktak in mejatoto bwe ren maron mour ilo tore Adapta)on (CCA) ensure their survival into the future; measures aimed at reducing climate risk (e.g. berm-­‐building, re-­‐ mejatoto ko tokalik; koWopar ko rej nan kadiklok jorran ko walok jan an jorraan mejatoto vegeta)on, salt-­‐tolerant food crops, desalina)on, etc.) ( e.g. jalitak, menin eddek ko, mona ko rej eddek epaake lojet, ukot dannin lojet nan aeboj, etc.) ejjelok unokan (colorless), ejjelok neman (odorless), ejjab baijin (non-­‐ poisonous) gas eo im ej pad im moWan wot mejatoto eo ej jepoole koj; ijoke, colorless, odorless, non-­‐poisonous gas that is a normal part of the air; product of fossil fuel combus)on CO Coopera)ve men ko walok jan kopej im rej koba ippan doon im kot lok; mekarta rejjab 2 juon carbon koba ruo and decaying organic maWer; although it does not directly impair human health, it is the most carbon dioxide kauatata nan mour an armej, ak ej un eo in im ej komman an diwoj lok eWon Research Centre ozygen concentrated greenhouse gas with amounts of about 280 parts per million in pre-­‐industrial )mes to over ko im rej komman an okmanaan lok mejatoto eo kon enanin tarrin in 280 Australia 400 today moWan ilo juon million kar ilo tore ko mokta (pre-­‐industrial) ak rainin emoj an ella lok jan 400. tallep in jonan eWoon eo ej diwoj lok nan mejatoto itok jan makutkut an juon jonan an laplok doulul, jerbal ko jet kommani, makitkit ko an juon armej; epen nan ad jela total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organiza)on, event, product or person; total carbon carbon dioxide ilo carbon footprint tallep in jonan carbon kein konke melele ko jej aikuji rellap im kab kon un in ke footprint cannot be calculated because of the large amount of data required and the fact that carbon mejatoto carbon dioxide ej naaj kar baj make walok wot ak emaron bar walok jan an dioxide is also produced by natural processes and events makitkit ko rej bok jikier.

jerbal in kodriklok nome im kakkon carbon dioxide; wojke im menin eddek ko, nan waanjonak,rej uptake and storage of carbon; trees and plants, for example, absorb carbon dioxide, release the oxygen carbon dioxide jen carbon sequestra)on nome carbon dioxide im dapiji im kadiwoj lok oxygen, im kopej ko kar juloki and store the carbon. Fossil fuels were at one )me biomass and con)nue to store the carbon un)l mejatoto imrej pad bajjek rej carbon mae tore eo rej )li. burned

ijoko caron ej pad ie im jekjekin aer jerome carbon kein im kakoni (i.e. kadiwoj carbon reservoirs and condi)ons that take-­‐in and store more carbon (i.e. carbon sequestra)on) than ijo im elap an jerome lok carbon) im lak moj kadiwoji lok; ilo an diwoj lok carbon kein im makun lok, carbon sink they release; carbon sinks can serve to par)ally offset greenhouse gas emissions; forests and oceans are carbon emaron bobrae an lap an diwoj lok gas nan mejatoto; wojke im lojet rej ijoko large carbon sinks elap aer kakoni im dapiji carbon kein. Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit jabdewot kain makitkit ko rej kaWoon mejatoto (e.g. iXl kopej im menoknok, ijo im ej komman any process or ac)vity that releases a greenhouse gas into the atmosphere (e.g. burning of fossil fuels or carbon source kaonlok plas)c im bar makitkit ko jet, im kon an menin mour ko uk-­‐ lik-­‐uk carbon biofuels, mel)ng permafrost, and animal respira)on and flatula)on) Photo Loca)on maan im menonoiki. Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on 5 & Credit

oktak jonak ko eo rejelet ikijien mejatoto jekjekin mejatoto maron komman ilowaan bwe enanin en 30 kanooj iio remoot lok, ikijjien an mokaj an wor ukokak imminine kon nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak in mejatoto in bwil mejatoto im molo, ainwot jidimkij makitkit in an ko oktak, an mejatoto im kajoor ijoko in ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok koto; ebar maron ejja jonak eo average weather condi)ons and variability in temperature, precipita)on, and wind over at least 30 Illustra)on mejatoto Majel Concept im lan ilo abrupt climateEnglish climate Concept change Majel Descrip)on thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit eo emakaj an walok wot ijoko rekwoj nan kon mejatoto ice, ko im ilowaan an komokajkaj juon allon an ak lonlok, manaan bwidej im komman bwe en ak maron ejja jonak eo wot years; can also be averaged over a period of from months to millions of years juon tore eaitok respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle wor ilowan oktak million nan iio ko. an carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change kol eo nan etale elanne ejejjet ke im jimwe jekjekin mejatoto eo rainin ekkar thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok katu im in katak juon kon ane ak climate backcas)ng, nan kar loe im boklote ilo tore ko mokta lok. Wawein lale ejumwe k an kein respira)on process way to of test leading growth the to or accuracy fast increase; changes of climate deposited in the carbon cycle models material by that seeing contributes whether to they increase would have successfully predicted in size of the landmass; accre)on wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. oktak parijet in mejatoto hindcas)ng jebal ko an jain)ij katu kake climate change, eo im ej bedbed ion an jumwe coastal what has process been of observed island building in the past oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak kein jerbal kein katu ilowaan wot melele ko mo emoj ad jela kaki kadede nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet kalimjeke im boklote ukoktak in mejatoto eo ijokein im ipelaakin lal in, ekoba coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, observed and high predicted rugosity changes stony in coral global with and high local habitat temperature, value largely wind, known for its vulnerability to and precipita)on paWerns due to Karl Fellenius wod ukoktak piranran in mejatoto climate change koto, im an ukokktak jekjekin mejatoto ekkar nan kar baj imminene ko ad jan coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes natural and in water anthropogenic quality, inputs coral bleaching, of greenhouse and gas emissions Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 mokta im jorraan ko itok wot jan diwoj lok eWoon nan mejatoto. growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod komman rot oktak in ej emokaj juon an jekjek eddok ak nan ebar komman mokaj bwe an en mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan wor oktak im en eddek fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran lok bwe en emman lok jokkin mour ilo juon jukjuk im pad; CCA ej waween eo Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes adapa)on in is water an quality, evolu)onary coral process bleaching, whereby and an Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns organism seastar preda)on becomes beWer able to live in its habitat; CCA 2013 atet kamminene bok im ak la jan pukot ne jerbal kojerbale in ebbok bwe bok, en la wor im oktak deka ko nan rellap; juon ekka menin aer bok jikier ilo parijet im eddek ak menin mour (i.e. Karl Fellenius growingaggregate AcroporaClimate Acropora Change species harves)ng species coral is collec)on the adap)ve of sand capability or gravel of a from plant beaches, or animal usually (i.e. done by local labor hand people) to deal with the changing climate in ways that mejalan parijet ko ukoktak in armej) itorerein nan ane ko. an maron jelmae ukoktak in mejatoto bwe ren maron mour ilo tore 2004 e.g. coral Adapta)on fast-­‐ e.g. (CCA) fast-­‐growing ensure their survival into the future; measures aimed at reducing climate risk (e.g. berm-­‐building, re-­‐ Woja Ailinglaplap mejatoto ko tokalik; koWopar ko rej nan kadiklok jorran ko walok jan an jorraan mejatoto growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan vegeta)on, fast-­‐growing, salt-­‐tolerant high rugosity food stony crops, coral desalina)on, etc.) with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran ( e.g. jalitak, menin eddek ko, mona ko rej eddek epaake lojet, ukot dannin Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal lojet nan in ebbok aeboj, etc.) bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itok itorerein jan ane an ko. okmanaan lojet im rumwij an wor jabdewot emmakit ko komani 2004 coral e.g. fast-­‐growing jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining nan lal in im mejtoto jimor, naaj pen in de ne an wor ukoktak in mejatoto, due to the thermal iner)a of the ocean and slow processes in the biosphere and atmosphere, kallimur nan kadiklok climate change mekarta itorerein deWan ane ko. eWoon kane rej diwoj lok nan mejatoto rej dapdep wot ilo waters climate on would atolls con)nue to change even if greenhouse gases were held at today’s values; past changes Delap Majuro carbon commitment deWan ne rainin; oktak ko walok mokta lok rej komman bwe en wor ukoktak in lead to a commiWed climate change, which con)nues for as long as a radia)ve forcing persists and un)l atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng mejatoto, eo im enaaj wonmaan lok wot im dapdep nan ne ej wor oktak ko all collec)on components of sand of or the gravel climate from system beaches, have usually adjusted to a new state done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 rekaal jerbal in rej ebbok komman. bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin waween ko rej walok ijokein im ijoko jet ikijjien ukoktak in mejatoto im Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse local and par)culate global material effects of commonly climate used change for that construc)on; lead to sand, impacts gravel, or larger rock felt by any plant or animal; effects of Uliga, Majuro jorren ibben doon ko itok jenan komman bwe en jelet menin eddek im menin mour; im waween ko rejelet 2013Doreen deBrum climate change impacts im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. climate change on humanity (e.g. warming ocean leads to changes in fisheries distribu)ons, and ukoktak mejatoto mour an armej (e.g. okmanaan in lojet ej komman bwe en jelet mour an ek ko 2015 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical therefore food extrac)on security) of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining kijed, im kilen ad kojparok mona ko kijed Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon jipadpad eo nan kadiklok ak bobrae an diwoj lok eWoon nan mejatoto; ej bwe 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural jen kojerbal kol ko rekaal im kab ko im rejjab kaWoon mejatoto (renewable efforts to reduce or prevent emissions of anthropogenic greenhouse gases; using new technologies and jorraan ko jan an agroforestryclimate change Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; energy), en juon kojerbal wot jikin wot kein an aolep jerbal men ko remor eddek im im idepdep ippan doon ie. rejjab kan kaan, ak ukot kilen renewable space and energies, local-­‐scale making self older sufficiency equipment in a more mixed forest environment energy efficient, or changing management prac)ces Woja Ailinglaplap ukoktak mejatoto mi)ga)on ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin jerbali (management prac)ce) ak komleleik armej ne rej wiaik men kein or consumer behavior Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon (consumer behavior). 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jidik bwe in en meran pidodo eo ad jan melele al ej kon itaak mejatoto ilo lal ilo in tore ej ko bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in tokalik, naaj pedped wot jonan meram in al por)on simplified of representa)on the total solar of the radia)on future hiXng climate a surface based on that the is in consequences turn of anthropogenic climate reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ioon ekadiklok ta ko deWan armej menaan rej eo, kommani im bwe komman en bwe wor en ukoktak dik an okmanaan menin in mejatoto, waween eo ne nan jekjekin juon mejatoto men eo climate change scenario soils change, ranges oeen from serving high as to input low, to and impact vegeta)on-­‐covered models; serve surfaces as the and oceans have a low albedo raw material for construc)ng climate nan eddek jela ko ta im oktak dan eo ko ioon lojet. naaj bok jikier; im ej bar waween eo ne nan ad maron FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe scenarioscombina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry jerbale im jela kon jekjekin mejatoto ilo tore ko tokalik. Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo NOAA Regional jelalokjen eddek ko ko im ikijjien dan eo science ioon lojet. im rej bok jikier jan iien nan iien renaaj komman kein jerbal nan aggregated climate science variables presented in an easy-­‐to-­‐understand format for short, medium, Climate Services climate dashboard bwe en pidodo, ak bwe jen melele kon kakkol ko ejidimkij ki)er, im ko eaitok ukoktak in mejatoto and/or longterm early warning of natural hazards 2015 jidik lok ki)er in meran im ko eo jan enaaj al aetok jetnakier. ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. ukoktak ukoktak ko ko rejelet rejelet mejatoto, mejatoto, lojet, ane, ak lojet, bar waween ane, ko jet ak rej bok bar jikier waween ko jet rej bok jikier itok melelele ko kin wot itok wot jan jan an an laplok laplok okmanaan, okmanaan, emaron lon melele emaron ko lon jej jala melele kaki (positive ko jej jala kaki (posi)ve an atmospheric, oceanic, terrestrial, or other process in the climate system that is ac)vated by changes mejatoto elikin feedback), feedback), ak ak ebar maron ebar jabwe maron melele jabwe ko jemaron melele jela kaki ko (negative jemaron feedback) jela kaki (nega)ve in radia)ve forcing; climate feedbacks may increase (posi)ve feedback) or diminish (nega)ve feedback) climate feedback komman katu im feedback) ko rejelet mejatoto; ko rejelet e.g. kon an mejatoto; diklok an lal in e.g. kejeplaak kon lonlok an meran diklok eo jan an lal in kejeplaak lonlok the magnitude of climate change; e.g. reduc)on of the Earth's albedo due to glacial melt, resul)ng in ekkatak ko meran al, im kon eo an dik jan an lal al, in kejeplaak im kon lonlok an meran dik in al, an innem lal ekomman in kejeplaak bwe lonlok meran in al, innem higher amounts of radia)ve heat being absorbed into the Earth and further glacial melt ekomman manaan eo ej bwe dapdep manaan wot na ilo eo lal in en ej laplok dapdep im komman wot an oon na lok ilo ice ko. lal in en laplok im komman

jeen ko rej jerbal nan jaan in jiban ko jan ijoko jet ipelaakid im ipelaakin lal in nan kadriklok kommon CMI Majuro Karl kadriklok climate financing channeled by na)onal, regional, and interna)onal en))es for climate change mi)ga)on and climate finance carbon dioxide imejatoto nan jelmae ukoktak in mejatoto im bar program Fellenius 2015 change ak kaminene adapta)on projects and programs project ko jet. nan climate change

climate forecast, katu im lale lan katu im lale lan ilo tore kane rej pedo tok. aWempt to produce an es)mate of the actual evolu)on of climate in the future predic)on

Ilo jerbal in jonake an ukoktak mejatoto, ekka kojerbali wawein jonak kein Ekkatak kon wawein einwot jonan an wor carbon diaxide ilo mejatoto, uteejlok in lojet, oktak jonan Marshall Islands ad jonake an oktak climate indicators im tore in an wot, im wawein jonak ko jet. Ilo Aelon Kein, ewor bar wawein climate science and management variables with pressure, state, or response values described Steve Why 2013 mejatoto jonak ko im ej kojerbali ilo Reimaanlok einwot jonak ko lojet, ion ane emora, im ilo moko morn armej. itok jan an okmanaan lojet im rumwij an wor jabdewot emmakit ko komani nan lal in im mejtoto jimor, naaj pen in de ne an wor ukoktak in mejatoto, due to the thermal iner)a of the ocean and slow processes in the biosphere and atmosphere, kallimur nan kadiklok climate change mekarta deWan eWoon kane rej diwoj lok nan mejatoto rej dapdep wot ilo climate would con)nue to change even if greenhouse gases were held at today’s values; past changes carbon commitment deWan ne rainin; oktak ko walok mokta lok rej komman bwe en wor ukoktak in lead to a commiWed climate change, which con)nues for as long as a radia)ve forcing persists and un)l mejatoto, eo im enaaj wonmaan lok wot im dapdep nan ne ej wor oktak ko all components of the climate system have adjusted to a new state rekaal rej komman.

waween ko rej walok ijokein im ijoko jet ikijjien ukoktak in mejatoto im local and global effects of climate change that lead to impacts felt by any plant or animal; effects of jorren ko itok jenan komman bwe en jelet menin eddek im menin mour; im waween ko rejelet climate change impacts climate change on humanity (e.g. warming ocean leads to changes in fisheries distribu)ons, and ukoktak mejatoto mour an armej (e.g. okmanaan in lojet ej komman bwe en jelet mour an ek ko therefore food security) kijed, im kilen ad kojparok mona ko kijed

jipadpad eo nan kadiklok ak bobrae an diwoj lok eWoon nan mejatoto; ej bwe jen kojerbal kol ko rekaal im kab ko im rejjab kaWoon mejatoto (renewable efforts to reduce or prevent emissions of anthropogenic greenhouse gases; using new technologies and jorraan ko jan an climate change energy), kojerbal wot kein jerbal ko remor im rejjab kan kaan, ak ukot kilen renewable energies, making older equipment more energy efficient, or changing management prac)ces ukoktak mejatoto mi)ga)on jerbali (management prac)ce) ak komleleik armej ne rej wiaik men kein or consumer behavior (consumer behavior).

bwe en pidodo ad melele kon mejatoto ilo tore ko tokalik, naaj pedped wot simplified representa)on of the future climate based on the consequences of anthropogenic climate ioon ta ko armej rej kommani bwe en wor ukoktak in mejatoto, waween eo ne jekjekin mejatoto eo climate change scenario change, oeen serving as input to impact models; serve as the raw material for construc)ng climate nan jela ta oktak ko naaj bok jikier; im ej bar waween eo ne nan ad maron scenarios jerbale im jela kon jekjekin mejatoto ilo tore ko tokalik.

NOAA Regional jelalokjen ko ikijjien science im rej bok jikier jan iien nan iien renaaj komman kein jerbal nan aggregated climate science variables presented in an easy-­‐to-­‐understand format for short, medium, Climate Services climate dashboard bwe en pidodo, ak bwe jen melele kon kakkol ko ejidimkij ki)er, im ko eaitok ukoktak in mejatoto and/or longterm early warning of natural hazards 2015 lok ki)er im ko enaaj aetok jetnakier.

Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept ukoktak Majel Descrip)on ko rejelet mejatoto, lojet, ane, ak bar waween ko jet rej bok jikier itok English Descrip)on & Credit melelele ko kin wot jan an laplok okmanaan, emaron lon melele ko jej jala kaki (posi)ve an atmospheric, oceanic, terrestrial, or other process in the climate system that is ac)vated by changes mejatoto elikin feedback), ak ebar maron jabwe melele ko jemaron jela kaki (nega)ve in radia)ve forcing; climate feedbacks may increase (posi)ve feedback) or diminish (nega)ve feedback) climate feedback komman katu im feedback) ko rejelet mejatoto; e.g. kon an diklok an lal in kejeplaak lonlok the magnitude of climate change; e.g. reduc)on of the Earth's albedo due to glacial melt, resul)ng in Photo Loca)on 6 Illustra)on Majel ekkatak Concept ko English Concept meran Majel Descrip)on eo jan al, im kon an dik an lal in kejeplaak lonlok meran in al, innem English higher amounts Descrip)on of radia)ve heat being absorbed into the Earth and further glacial melt & Credit ekomman bwe manaan eo ej dapdep wot na ilo lal in en laplok im komman

jeen ko rej jerbal nan oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak jaan in jiban ko jan ijoko jet ipelaakid im ipelaakin lal in nan kadriklok kommon nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of CMI Photo Majuro Loca)on Karl kadriklok ukoktak climate in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok financing channeled by na)onal, regional, and interna)onal en))es for climate change mi)ga)on and Illustra)on Majel Concept abrupt English climate climate Concept finance change Majel carbon Descrip)on dioxide imejatoto nan jelmae ukoktak in mejatoto im bar program thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil Fellenius & Credit 2015 eo change emakaj ak kaminene an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en adapta)on projects and programs project ko jet. respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle nan climate change wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak climate forecast, respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; katu im lale lan accre)on wor laplok katu oktak im im an nan lale bok an lan ejaak carbon ilo makitkit. iparijet tore kane rej pedo tok. ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. aWempt to produce an es)mate of the actual evolu)on of climate in the future parijet predic)on coastal process of island building oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok Acropora species coral ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Ilo jerbal in jonake an ukoktak mejatoto, ekka kojerbali wawein jonak kein respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap Ekkatak parijet kon wawein einwot jonan an wor carbon diaxide ilo mejatoto, uteejlok in lojet, oktak jonan coastal process of island building Marshall Islands growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius ad wod jonake piranran an oktak climate indicators im tore in an wot, im wawein jonak ko jet. Ilo Aelon Kein, ewor bar wawein climate science and management variables with pressure, state, or response values described Steve Why 2013 coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 mejatoto jonak ko im ej kojerbali ilo Reimaanlok einwot jonak ko lojet, ion ane emora, growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak im ilo moko morn armej. process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran juon kilen katu eo im jej kajeon in anoke wawein an mejatoto ilo lalin oktak; Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes process of in water numerically quality, representa)ng coral bleaching, the climate and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns system based seastar preda)on on the physical, chemical, and biological 2013 ekkatak atet bok kon im jekjekin la jan jerbal in ukooktak ebbok bok, in la mejatoto im deka eo ko im rellap; ej ejaak ekka nan aer bok jikier ilo parijet im kajeon lale jekjekin mejatoto Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acroporaclimate Acropora modeling species harves)ng species coral collec)on proper)es of of its sand or components, gravel their from beaches, interac)ons usually and done feedback by local labor hand processes, and accoun)ng for all or some parijet oktak mejatoto ko eo, itorerein jerbal ane in ko. ej pedped ioon bonbon ko ak ekkatak ko rej bok jikin jen iien nan 2004 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing of its known proper)es Woja Ailinglaplap iien kake mejatoto eo growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species ekkatak ko remron jiban ro rej lale lan ko ak ri katu ro; nan jela kon jekjekin collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein mejatoto ilo ane ko. ad lale an ukoktak; ej pedped wot ioon deWan an diwoj lok simula)ons of future climate condi)ons from climate models; depend upon the 2004 katu im lale lan coral e.g. fast-­‐growing jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka climate aggregate projec)on mining eWoon nan mejatoto/gas ko rej diwoj lok/im deWan okmanaan eo ej dapdep emission/concentra)on/radia)ve forcing scenario used, which makes projec)ons more rigorous that ilowaan juon tore itorerein ane ko. waters on atolls wot ilo lal in, waween kein remaron jipan koj reimaan lok im antoone jekjekin forecasts/predic)ons Delap Majuro atet bok im la jan jerbal mejatoto in ilo ebbok tore bok, ko tokalik. la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap an ekka itorerein laplok wot ane kojerbal ukoktak ko. In bok jekjekin im deka mejatoto, nan ekkal lojet, ane, em/kallibin moWan ko wojke im menin eddek jet ilo lal in, rej kar waters highly complex on atolls interac)ng system of the atmosphere, oceans, biosphere, and geosphere; evolves in )me deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius jekejkin mejatoto eo climate aggregate system rock jan jet ippan er make doon; wot, ej em juon lak kol moj nan kon komman an koba bwe tok aolep makitkit ko jan an rup volcno ko, kain ren eddek ilo juon wot under coarse the par)culate influence material of its commonly own internal used for dynamics construc)on; and because sand, gravel, or larger rock of external forcings such as volcanic ibben doon 2013 im aolep an laplok rej idepdep okmanaan, im im eddek kab ippan doon ie. jan makitkit ko armej rej kommani. erup)ons, solar varia)ons, and anthropogenic changes jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock ilo jet ippan tore eo doon; me ej ukoktak juon in kol mejatoto nan komman etopar bwe juon aolep waween eo me ej oktak jan kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock juon ibben tore doon eo ele jen jekjek eo an mokta nan bar juon jekjek ekaal, im jejjab jela elanne meninn point when global climate changes from one stable state to another, although the new state may be 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural jonan ukoktak agroforestryclimate )pping point mour ko remaron mour ilowaan jekjek eo ekaal, e.g. elanne meto ko ilo Arc)c hos)le/uncertain for the survival of species as a whole, e.g. point where all Arc)c summer sea ice Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment mejatoto eoon lok aolepan ice ko ie ilo toren rak, ejjelok kajjitok ke enaaj kanuij mokaj disappears will lead to an accelera)on of SLR Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin an wor ki)en SLR. Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; epen jidik en juon in ad jela wot meran jikin kon eo jan jekjek an al aolep ej in itaak mejatoto men ilo eddek tokalik lal in im im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej ta bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in naaj bok jikin elanne mejatoto space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan eo meram ad in al jaje kon por)on climate of models the cannot total solar forecast radia)on exactly hiXng what a will surface happen that once is in certain turn climate reflected by it; the surface albedo of )pping points have been albedoclimate uncertainty etopar ekadiklok jet deWan tore tokalik, menaan unin, eo, ej im itok komman wot bwe jan en an depakpak deWan melele ko dik an okmanaan menin nan ukoktak juon in men mejatoto reached, soils ranges because from of high the to large low, number and of vegeta)on-­‐covered feedbacks in the climate system surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ikijjien jekjek ko im in dan mejatoto. eo ioon lojet. FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ukoktak ekadiklok ko deWan nan menaan mejatoto eo, im rejenolok im komman jan ko bwe rej en bok dik an okmanaan menin jikier rainin, ainwot ENSO nan juon men soils varia)ons ranges in from the high average to state low, of and the vegeta)on-­‐covered climate beyond that surfaces of and oceans have a low albedo individual weather events; ENSO and PDO mejatoto eo enaj im eddek PDO ko je im melele dan eo ke ioon lojet. rej ukoktak ko ilo mejatoto im rejjab moWan oktak in NOAA WSO 2013 climate variability are examples of climate variability instead of climate change, although sta)s)cs suggest that these wor wot oktak ie mejatoto (climate change), mekarta ak katak ko rej jiron koj ke rej ukoktak in climate cycles are being affected by underlying climate change jidik mejatoto in ko meran im eo rej jan ekkejel al ej wot itaak ippan ilo oktak lal in in ej mejatoto (climate change). bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet.

kauatata ko, jorraan ko, im maron eo epad ippan armej ro ilo jukjuk im pad eo expected impacts, risks, and adap)ve capabili)es of a select popula)on or community that has the climate vulnerability me kauatata naaj jelete. poten)al to be exposed to certain natural hazards

juon kain kaan eo im emaron walok ilo dreka ko im jej kojerbale ilo kejo kijeek ko im emaron oktak nan oil. malle: bwidej monaknak ak men kilmeej ko fossil fuel; black or brownish black solid, combus)ble substance formed by the par)al decomposi)on of upaaj, melle coal rekijnene (malle), rekar moWan menin eddek ko jej jokpeji ippan doon im vegetable maWer without access to air rejjab jadmatmat nan mejatoto.

iaar in aelon eo; ijoko iaar itorerein juon aelon. juon moWan ane damo lok barijet coast imeto lok jan juon ane im ejjab jako lok iumwin dan; ewor parijet in im dan ej land adjacent to the sea and not covered by seawater; coastal is land and water near the coast jepoole. juon kilen katu eo im jej kajeon in anoke wawein an mejatoto ilo lalin oktak; process of numerically representa)ng the climate system based on the physical, chemical, and biological ekkatak kon jekjekin jerbal in ukooktak in mejatoto eo im ej ejaak nan kajeon lale jekjekin mejatoto climate modeling proper)es of its components, their interac)ons and feedback processes, and accoun)ng for all or some oktak mejatoto eo, jerbal in ej pedped ioon bonbon ko ak ekkatak ko rej bok jikin jen iien nan of its known proper)es iien kake mejatoto eo

ekkatak ko remron jiban ro rej lale lan ko ak ri katu ro; nan jela kon jekjekin mejatoto ilo ad lale an ukoktak; ej pedped wot ioon deWan an diwoj lok simula)ons of future climate condi)ons from climate models; depend upon the katu im lale lan climate projec)on eWoon nan mejatoto/gas ko rej diwoj lok/im deWan okmanaan eo ej dapdep emission/concentra)on/radia)ve forcing scenario used, which makes projec)ons more rigorous that ilowaan juon tore wot ilo lal in, waween kein remaron jipan koj reimaan lok im antoone jekjekin forecasts/predic)ons mejatoto ilo tore ko tokalik.

an laplok ukoktak In jekjekin mejatoto, lojet, ane, moWan ko jet ilo lal in, rej kar highly complex interac)ng system of the atmosphere, oceans, biosphere, and geosphere; evolves in )me jekejkin mejatoto eo climate system jan er make wot, em lak moj kon an koba tok makitkit ko jan an rup volcno ko, under the influence of its own internal dynamics and because of external forcings such as volcanic im an laplok okmanaan, im kab jan makitkit ko armej rej kommani. erup)ons, solar varia)ons, and anthropogenic changes

ilo tore eo me ukoktak in mejatoto etopar juon waween eo me ej oktak jan juon tore eo ele jen jekjek eo an mokta nan bar juon jekjek ekaal, im jejjab jela elanne meninn point when global climate changes from one stable state to another, although the new state may be jonan ukoktak climate )pping point mour ko remaron mour ilowaan jekjek eo ekaal, e.g. elanne meto ko ilo Arc)c hos)le/uncertain for the survival of species as a whole, e.g. point where all Arc)c summer sea ice mejatoto eoon lok aolepan ice ko ie ilo toren rak, ejjelok kajjitok ke enaaj kanuij mokaj disappears will lead to an accelera)on of SLR an wor ki)en SLR.

epen ad jela kon jekjek in mejatoto tokalik im ta naaj bok jikin elanne mejatoto jonan eo ad jaje kon climate models cannot forecast exactly what will happen once certain climate )pping points have been climate uncertainty etopar jet tore tokalik, unin, ej itok wot jan an depakpak deWan melele ko ukoktak in mejatoto reached, because of the large number of feedbacks in the climate system ikijjien jekjek in mejatoto.

ukoktak ko nan mejatoto im rejenolok jan ko rej bok jikier rainin, ainwot ENSO varia)ons in the average state of the climate beyond that of individual weather events; ENSO and PDO mejatoto eo enaj im PDO je melele ke rej ukoktak ko ilo mejatoto im rejjab moWan oktak in NOAA WSO 2013 climate variability are examples of climate variability instead of climate change, although sta)s)cs suggest that these wor wot oktak ie mejatoto (climate change), mekarta ak katak ko rej jiron koj ke rej ukoktak in climate cycles are being affected by underlying climate change mejatoto ko im rej ekkejel wot ippan oktak in mejatoto (climate change). Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit kauatata ko, jorraan ko, im maron eo epad ippan armej ro ilo jukjuk im pad eo expected impacts, risks, and adap)ve capabili)es of a select popula)on or community that has the climate vulnerability me kauatata naaj jelete. poten)al to be exposed to certain natural hazards Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on 7 & Credit

oktak juon kain ko rejelet kaan eo mejatoto im emaron maron walok komman ilo bwe dreka en ko kanooj im jej kojerbale ilo kejo kijeek mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak in mejatoto in ko im mejatoto emaron ainwot oktak makitkit nan oil. ko an malle: mejatoto bwidej ijoko monaknak ilon,naaj ak men kilmeej ko mokaj an on lok fossil fuel; black or brownish black solid, combus)ble substance formed by the par)al decomposi)on of Illustra)on upaaj, Majel Concept melle abrupt coalEnglish climate Concept change Majel Descrip)on thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekijnene rekwoj (malle), kon rekar ice, im an moWan komokajkaj menin eddek an ko manaan jej jokpeji ippan doon im bwidej im komman bwe en vegetable maWer without access to air respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle wor rejjab oktak jadmatmat nan an nan carbon mejatoto. makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok iaar ijoko in rekwoj aelon kon eo; ice, ijoko im iaar an itorerein komokajkaj juon an aelon. manaan juon moWan ane damo lok bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; barijet coastaccre)on imeto wor laplok oktak lok im jan an nan bok juon an ejaak ane carbon makitkit. iparijet im ejjab ej jako komman lok iumwin bwe en eddek lok juon ane. dan; ewor parijet in im dan ej land adjacent to the sea and not covered by seawater; coastal is land and water near the coast parijet coastal process of island building oktak jepoole. ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet an jako lok im dik lok ane kon ibwijleplep ak waween ko jet; im ej jelet ane coastal wearing process away of of land island building by the ac)on of natural forces; occurs on island shorelines when storm waves or Uliga Majuro Karl dik lok ak jakolok growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod ̗ ̗ piranran coastal erosion parijet kon an no im lan ko baj tori wot, im ejjelok bunten ko nai; im ilo an jab high swells con)nue to wash sediment away, with no recovery; results in a steep, scoured shoreline Fellenius 2013 parijet ko coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 bojrak waween kein, innem ekakkure parijet eo. profile growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran na mejelan im lipjerjere waween ko nan parijet ko ilo ad kojerbal kapeel ko organiza)on and coordina)on of all ac)vi)es taking place in coastal areas through the applica)on of Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013Marshall Islands atet bok im la jan jerbal ikijjien in science, ebbok kakien bok, ko, la im reimaan deka lok, ko rellap; etale ekka im bok aer bok jikier ilo parijet im bunten ko rekkar; ej aikuj science, policy analysis, planning, monitoring, and compliance; management of coastal people and Karl Fellenius kōjparok barijet growingaggregate Acroporacoastal Acropora management species harves)ng species coral collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand RMI EPA 2008 parijet ko bwe itorerein armej ane ro ko. im doulul ko ren jimor bok konaer im jerbali (i.e. Juon wot boro organiza)ons across all sectors of society through the establishment and management of ins)tu)onal 2004 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing Woja Ailinglaplap im jerbal ippan doon). arrangements (i.e. society's norms and behaviors) growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand men parijet ko ko rej bok jikier itorerein ane ko. 2004Marshall Islands coral e.g. fast-­‐growing makitkit jerbal in ko ebbok an bok, koto, no, la im boka, deka SLR, ko rellap; an wod ekka eddek, aer bok jikier ilo parijet im aer kani ane kein, ekomman physical mechanical and extrac)on biological of process sand, gravel, such as or wind, larger waves, rock; )des, usually SLR, from reef-­‐building, the shoreline or from nearshore and bioerosion that lead to kob ak walok bok ilo im deka barijet coastal aggregate processes mining Murray Ford 2011 itorerein bwe wor ane oktak ko. ikijjien an ane kein ejaak/eddek im kab aer kan ane kein. waters changes on in atolls deposi)on/accre)on and erosion of islands ko ad Delap Majuro atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining men ko kalek, remaron kijinene ak rebar maron no (soe method) nan kojparok Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters variety of on atolls hard and soe methods used to protect shorelines and infrastructure from erosion and wave deka ko rej ainin torerein ane kein ekoba waween ko jet nan bobrae aer kan ane kein kab jan Karl Fellenius kōjparok parijet coastal aggregate protec)on rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse inunda)on par)culate related material to wave commonly energy; used hard for methods construc)on; do not sand, protect gravel, or larger rock the foreshore and may put adjacent ibben doon an no ko tori ne ej u)ej no; ekka ad lo ke men ko rekijinene rejjab maron 2013 im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. proper)es at greater risk jumae waween kein im ekka an walok jorraan nan ijoko itorerein ane kein. jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon makitkit ko me koWopar eo aer nan wonake men ko pelaakid nan kojparoki , 2013CMI FSM Harley Majuro MICS jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on ac)vi)es that of strive agriculture to and manage forestry; natural cropping and cultural techniques resources that in make ways sustainable that use of agricultural protect, restore, or enhance kōjparok, jabei agroforestryconserva)on dapiji, and kokajoor lok bwe en poloman pelaak eo ej jepoole kij im kab menin Manner 2014 2013 bukin wojke ie; en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. their space environmental and local-­‐scale and self social values sufficiency in a mixed forest environment aorok ko ad ipelaakin. Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner Calalin Majuro 2013 bukin oktak jekjekin wojke ie; ak jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al kakkure unokan (color) in wod ko kon an ujoj ko jejlok jan wod ko itok wot whitening por)on of or the paling total effect solar on radia)on coral hiXng that a occurs surface when that the is symbio)c in turn algae reflected by it; the surface albedo of is expelled from the coral polyp; Karl Fellenius nana an wod eo coral albedo bleaching ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men an lap okmanaan. soils dominantly ranges caused from by high an to increase low, in heat stress and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo 2014 eddok eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin Woja Ailinglaplap nan juon men ijoko roukoktak jan doon iumwin dan im wod ko rej eddek ie, rekar ejaak jan soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. diverse underwater ecosystems held together by calcium carbonate structures secreted by corals; built Karl Fellenius wod ko coral reef menin mour jiddik ko ibulon lojet im ewor nutrient ippaer im remaron kaddeki by colonies of )ny animals found in marine waters that contain few nutrients 2013 wod kein. jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. Lojemwa Majuro buk wod ko im kommakut wod ko jan ijo rej jorraan na ie, ak komaku) lok nan bar juon jikin; coral reloca)on, moving coral colonies out of harm's way, or to provide stock to restore an area (reloca)on); aWachment Karl Fellenius kaddeke io bar juon juon jikin eo me wod ko relikio im ko re)pdikdik naaj kobaiki ippan doon im transplanta)on of coral colonies or fragments to a substrate via cementa)on, electrolysis, or other means 2014 jikin renaaj leto-­‐letak mour nan doon

ujoj ko rekijnene ioon lum rej itok jan wod ko im deka ko jet ilojet; elap tokjaer Jabor Jaluit Karl hard algae deposited on the boWom from calcium and other minerals in seawater; important as the glue coralline algae nan koddapi (glue) deka jiddik ko im )pdikdik in wod ko ippan doon im Fellenius 2014 that bonds the rubble and debris of the coral reef together and produces beach sand komman bok in parijet. an jako lok im dik lok ane kon ibwijleplep ak waween ko jet; im ej jelet ane wearing away of land by the ac)on of natural forces; occurs on island shorelines when storm waves or Uliga Majuro Karl dik lok ak jakolok ̗ ̗ coastal erosion parijet kon an no im lan ko baj tori wot, im ejjelok bunten ko nai; im ilo an jab high swells con)nue to wash sediment away, with no recovery; results in a steep, scoured shoreline Fellenius 2013 parijet ko bojrak waween kein, innem ekakkure parijet eo. profile

na mejelan im lipjerjere waween ko nan parijet ko ilo ad kojerbal kapeel ko organiza)on and coordina)on of all ac)vi)es taking place in coastal areas through the applica)on of Marshall Islands ikijjien science, kakien ko, reimaan lok, etale im bok bunten ko rekkar; ej aikuj science, policy analysis, planning, monitoring, and compliance; management of coastal people and kōjparok barijet coastal management RMI EPA 2008 bwe armej ro im doulul ko ren jimor bok konaer im jerbali (i.e. Juon wot boro organiza)ons across all sectors of society through the establishment and management of ins)tu)onal im jerbal ippan doon). arrangements (i.e. society's norms and behaviors)

men ko rej bok jikier Marshall Islands makitkit ko an koto, no, boka, SLR, an wod eddek, aer kani ane kein, ekomman physical and biological process such as wind, waves, )des, SLR, reef-­‐building, and bioerosion that lead to ak walok ilo barijet coastal processes Murray Ford 2011 bwe wor oktak ikijjien an ane kein ejaak/eddek im kab aer kan ane kein. changes in deposi)on/accre)on and erosion of islands ko ad

men ko kalek, remaron kijinene ak rebar maron no (soe method) nan kojparok Woja Ailinglaplap variety of hard and soe methods used to protect shorelines and infrastructure from erosion and wave torerein ane kein ekoba waween ko jet nan bobrae aer kan ane kein kab jan Karl Fellenius kōjparok parijet coastal protec)on inunda)on related to wave energy; hard methods do not protect the foreshore and may put adjacent an no ko tori ne ej u)ej no; ekka ad lo ke men ko rekijinene rejjab maron 2013 proper)es at greater risk jumae waween kein im ekka an walok jorraan nan ijoko itorerein ane kein.

makitkit ko me koWopar eo aer nan wonake men ko pelaakid nan kojparoki , CMI Majuro MICS ac)vi)es that strive to manage natural and cultural resources in ways that protect, restore, or enhance kōjparok, jabei conserva)on dapiji, and kokajoor lok bwe en poloman pelaak eo ej jepoole kij im kab menin 2014 their environmental and social values aorok ko ad ipelaakin.

Calalin Majuro oktak jekjekin ak kakkure unokan (color) in wod ko kon an ujoj ko jejlok jan wod ko itok wot whitening or paling effect on coral that occurs when the symbio)c algae is expelled from the coral polyp; Karl Fellenius nana an wod eo coral bleaching an lap okmanaan. dominantly caused by an increase in heat stress 2014 eddok

Woja Ailinglaplap ijoko roukoktak jan doon iumwin dan im wod ko rej eddek ie, rekar ejaak jan diverse underwater ecosystems held together by calcium carbonate structures secreted by corals; built Karl Fellenius wod ko coral reef menin mour jiddik ko ibulon lojet im ewor nutrient ippaer im remaron kaddeki by colonies of )ny animals found in marine waters that contain few nutrients 2013 wod kein.

Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit Lojemwa Majuro buk wod ko im kommakut wod ko jan ijo rej jorraan na ie, ak komaku) lok nan bar juon jikin; coral reloca)on, moving coral colonies out of harm's way, or to provide stock to restore an area (reloca)on); aWachment Karl Fellenius kaddeke io bar juon juon jikin eo me wod ko relikio im ko re)pdikdik naaj kobaiki ippan doon im transplanta)on of coral colonies or fragments to a substrate via cementa)on, electrolysis, or other means 2014Photo Loca)on jikin renaaj leto-­‐letak mour nan doon 8 Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit

oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak ujoj ko rekijnene ioon lum rej itok jan wod ko im deka ko jet ilojet; elap tokjaer nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Jabor Jaluit Loca)on Karl ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok hard algae deposited on the boWom from calcium and other minerals in seawater; important as the glue Illustra)on Majel Concept abrupt English coralline climate Concept algae change Majel nan koddapi Descrip)on (glue) deka jiddik ko im )pdikdik in wod ko ippan doon im thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil Fellenius & Credit 2014 eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en that bonds the rubble and debris of the coral reef together and produces beach sand komman bok in parijet. respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil Paul Buchel -­‐ eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok oil en in ejanin juon komat ane ak pineep eo im jej bok jen burej im ej komat im liklik mokta jen an oktak nan respira)on process mixture of leading growth hydrocarbons to or fast increase; that changes exist deposited in in the carbon cycle liquid material phase that in contributes underground to reservoirs and remain liquid at increase in size of the landmass; Marine Traffic accre)oncrude oil wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. im parijet erom kaan kaan coastal atmospheric process pressure of island aeer building passing through surface separa)ng facili)es 2012 oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building jone aorok in men ko growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran damage assessment assessment of damage caused by a natural or manmade disaster; emoj kokkure coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran less rain over a period of months, years, or decades; increasing global air and sea temperatures Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013Majuro NOAA atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im associated with climate change have resulted in a decreasing trend for rainfall, with Majuro geXng Karl Fellenius diklok in wot growingaggregate Acroporadecreasing Acropora species harves)ng rainfall species coral ejjab ikutkut an wotlok wut nan waanjonak emaron ruo alen alikin juon allon collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand WSO 2013 parijet ko itorerein ane ko. about 20 inches less per year than it did in 1950; increasing frequecy and intensity of El Ninos associated 2004 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing Woja Ailinglaplap with climate variability bring decreased rainfall and drought to the RMI growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. prac)ces or processes that result in the conversion of forested lands for non-­‐forest uses; oeen cited as 2004 an jako lok wojke im coral e.g. fast-­‐growing jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical one of the extrac)on major of causes sand, of gravel, the or enhanced larger rock; greenhouse usually effect from due the shoreline or from nearshore to the burning or decomposi)on of kob bok im deka aggregate deforesta)on mining ekutkut an walok men in jen jerbal in jejek wojke ak kakkure kainekkan ko kainekkan ko itorerein ane ko. waters wood releases on atolls carbon dioxide, and the trees that once removed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in Delap Majuro the process of photosynthesis are no longer present atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls Alan Freshwater -­‐ ukook deka ko dren rej jool ainin nan kein jerbal eo e jarome jool im eWoon jen dren in lojet ak aiboj lal bwe en processes that remove minerals from saline water, so that it becomes potable; conver)ng seawater to Karl Fellenius desalina)onaggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock SOPAC 2011 aibojibben doon erom dren in idaak freshwater through reverse osmosis or solar dis)lla)on 2013 im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon process of developing or being developed; developing countries such as the RMI have historically 2013FSM Harley komanmanlok, jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural developmentagroforestry focused on economic development, although anthropogenic pollu)on and climate change necessitate an Manner 2013 bukin eddoklok wojke ie; en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment urgent shie to sustainable development Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry jorraan ko rellap im rejelet juon bukwon ak juon jukjuk im pad, ekoba ko woj Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in serious space and disrup)on local-­‐scale of the self func)oning sufficiency in of a a community mixed forest environment or a society involving widespread human, material, jonan meram in al jet im maron bar jelet mour an armej, menin jeramman ko , waween mour, ak por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of joraan ko rellap albedodisaster ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin economic, or environmental losses and impacts that exceeds the ability of the affected community or nan juon men jelet pelaak ko ie, im komman bwe jukjuk im pad eo en jab maron kemour e soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. society to cope by using its own resources make jan menin jeramman ko ie. FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo madmori oraan ko Disaster Management eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. strategies for disaster response and recovery based on medium to short-­‐term early warning; short-­‐term kilen ad bobrae jorraan ko rellap ak maan jab popo nan jelmai jorraan kein. rellap (DM) preparedness jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet.

juon bebe in disaster management wriWen or oral community plan for disaster response and recovery based on medium to short-­‐term early IOM Majuro 2014 madmore joraan ko plan warning, and short-­‐term preparedness Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit

Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on 9 & Credit

oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity knowledge and of the capaci)es climate developed system may by lead governments, to rapid professional climate response change and such a drama)c reorganiza)on of recovery organiza)ons, Photo UH Sea Loca)on Grant ukoktak in mejatoto in juon mejatoto waween ainwot eo im makitkit juon kien ko an ak mejatoto doulul ko ijoko rej ilon,naaj katakin mokaj an on lok amij nan bojak in jelmae Illustra)on Majel maanjabobo Concept abrupt English disaster climate Concept preparedness change Majel Descrip)on thermohaline communi)es English Descrip)on circula)on, and individuals rapid to deglacia)on effec)vely and an)cipate, massive respond mel)ng to, of and permafrost, recover or increases in soil from, the impacts of likely, & 2015 Credit eo emakaj an walok ijoko jorren rekwoj ko renajj kon bok ice, jikiierilo im an jikin komokajkaj eo ilju im jeklaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en imminent respira)on or leading current to hazard fast changes events or condi)ons in the carbon cycle wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en jiban laplok ko in rej juon bok ane ak jikier kokaali im kaleki jikin ko, waween mour, jokkin mour ilo jukjuk im pad ko respira)on process restora)on of leading or growth improvement to or fast increase; of changes facili)es, deposited in livelihoods, the carbon cycle material and that living contributes condi)ons to of disaster-­‐affected increase in size of the landmass; accre)ondisaster recovery wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. nan parijet ijoko rar jorren jorraan ar jele), ekoba koWopar ko nan bobrae jorraan ko tokalik. coastal communi)es, process including of island efforts building to reduce disaster risk oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet jerbal in jipan ko ejidmikij ki)er im jipan ko ilo alkin wot juon jorraan nan coastal provision process of emergency of island services building and public assistance during or immediately aeer a disaster to save jipan ko rej bok jikier growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran disaster response, relief kojparok mour an armej, kadiklok kauatata ko rejelet ajmuur, kojparok armej, lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public safety, and meet basic subsistence needs of the people elikin jorren ko rellap coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 im menin aikuj dikdik lko nan armej ro jelet er. affected growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran jonan jorren ko im rekar walok ilo jukjukin bed ko; kauwotata ko im remaron Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes poten)al in disaster water losses, quality, in coral lives, bleaching, health status, and livelihoods, Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on assets and services, which could occur to a 2013 atet jorren bok ko im rellap la jan jen jerbal walok in jen ebbok jorreen bok, ko la im im emaron deka ko jelet rellap; mour, ekka ejmour, aer bok jikier ilo parijet im jerbal, mweiuk, im men ko Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acroporadisaster Acropora risk species harves)ng species coral par)cular collec)on of community sand or or gravel a society from over beaches, some usually specified done by local labor hand future )me period; can be calculated as Lan parijet im ko koto ko bwinnid; itorerein ane emaron ko. wor mej im men ko jet rekaburomojmoj im rej walok jen 2004 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing Disaster Risk = Hazards * Vulnerability Woja Ailinglaplap jorreen kein growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 kōṃadṃōdi joraan coral Disaster e.g. Risk fast-­‐growing jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical includes both extrac)on DRR of and sand, DM gravel, strategies or underpinned larger rock; by usually governance, from capacity the shoreline or from nearshore building, awareness, and Wilhite 1999 kob bok im deka aggregate mining waween an kien ak doulul ko jiban kadiklok jorren ko ko rellap Management (DRM) itorerein ane ko. waters educa)on on atolls Delap Majuro atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining jerbal im lamlam ko nan maron kadik lok jorraan ko jan kauatata kein, ej bwe prac)ce of reducing disaster risks through systema)c efforts to analyze and manage the causes of Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls juon deka ko waween rej ainin nan Disaster Risk Reduc)on jen mokta jela kaki im lak moj pukot kilen ewi kilen ad naaj jelmai, ekoba jela disasters, including less vulnerability through wise land and ocean management, and by improved Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock kabujer ibben doon korren ko (DRR) kopooj make; kilen ko nan bobrae, kadik lok, pukot kol ko rekkar, ak pukot kilen preparedness; strategies for preven)on, mi)ga)on, adapta)on, or transfer of disaster risk based on 2013 im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. kajeeri lok jorraan kein. medium to longterm early warning; longterm preparedness jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock juon ibben wawen doon document prepared by a community, authority, sector, organiza)on, or enterprise that sets out goals and 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo disaster risk reduc)on im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural maanjabob nae agroforestry koWobar ko an kajojo doulul nan kadiklok jorren ko rejelot aelon ko specific objec)ves for reducing disaster risks together with related ac)ons to accomplish these Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; plan en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jorren ko objec)ves Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry kilen im repeltan ko juon jukjuk im pad ej aikuj makitkit kaki im bok konaan ie, Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in process space and in local-­‐scale which at-­‐risk self sufficiency communi)es in are a ac)vely mixed forest environment engaged in the iden)fica)on, analysis, treatment, jonan meram in al disaster risk reduc)on, ej nan an jela kake, katak kake, kilen komadmodi, im jela naaj ewi deWan por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin monitoring and evalua)on of disaster risks in order to reduce their vulnerabili)es and enhance nan juon men community jorraan kein naaj walok jan kauatata kein, bwe en bok bunten ko rekkar nan soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. capaci)es kadiki lok , im bwe en maron kokajoore make nan jelmai jorraan kein. FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin excava)on ac)vity carried out at least partly underwater in order to gather up boWom sediments and nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo Airport Majuro eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. move them to a different loca)on, or obtain construc)on aggregate; typically done along lagoon Karl Fellenius ekkob bok im dreka dredging shorelines in the RMI using cranes and large excavators, although this is likely to be phased out in favor 2013 of more environmentally-­‐responsible deeper lagoon suc)on dredging due to sedimenta)on impacts on jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on coral reefs of the and total loss of solar coastal radia)on protec)on services hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. prolonged absence or marked deficiency of precipita)on that results in water shortage for some ilo an aetok ki)en an jab wot nan kake aikuj ikijjien dan; ilo torean mora naaj Rairok Majuro required need; period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently prolonged to cause a serious hydrological dindin in mejelp drought komman bwe en jab emman jokkin mour; ilo torean an mora im ejjelok dan Steve Why 2013 imbalance; agricultural drought relates to moisture deficits in the topmost layer of soil (the root zone) nan an menin eddek ko eddek, ej melelein ejjelok molawi ilo mejatoto eo ilon. that affect crops

waween ko remenin aikuj nan kokajoor lok kilen leto-­‐letak melele ilo juon tore Jenrok Majuro eo emokaj ki)en nan karon kon melele ko elap tokjaer nan an kajjojo armej set of capaci)es needed to generate and disseminate )mely and meaningful warning informa)on to joun waween ad naaj Early Warning System Karl Fellenius jela kaki, ak jukjuk im pad ko, im doulul ko im kauatata kein naaj jelet er, enable individuals, communi)es, and organiza)ons threatened by hazards to take necessary kakol doon ilo idin ko (EWS) 2014 lelok elap iien nan aer bok bunten ko rekkar nan kopooj er make nan kaidki lok preparedness measures and act appropriately in sufficient )me to reduce the possibility of harm or loss deWan jorraan eo naaj kar jelet er.

jokkin mour eo emman nan kake aikuj an epepen in rainin, nan komman bwe capacity of the biosphere to meet the needs of the present genera)on, without hindering future en jab jelet epepen ko tokalik bwe ren bar maron kake aikuj ko aer make; jej genera)ons from being able to meet their own needs; using our natural resources wisely in the short-­‐ ecological sustainability aikuj jela kilen kojparok menin jeramman kein ad rainin bwe jeramman kein term so that these resources are available in the long-­‐term; capacity of ecosystems to maintain their ren pad wot im topar epepen ko tokalik; konke jokkin mour eo epoloman en essen)al func)ons and processes, and retain their biodiversity in full measure maron wonmaan lok wot im jab bojrak.

ijoko elon kain menin eddek im menin mour ko jet kojenolok jan ijoko jet, im complex system of plant, animal, fungal, and microorganism communi)es and their associated non-­‐living pelaakin ijo ejjelok mour ie, im aolepan men kein rej ideddep ippan doon im belaak ko ecosystem environment interac)ng as an ecological unit; ecosystems have no fixed boundaries; instead their mour ie, ijin elikieo im ejjab ajej ilo elon moWan ; ak kar kojenoloke wot nan parameters are set to the scien)fic, management, or policy ques)on being examined jikin ekkatak, jikin jerbal im nan jikin ejaaki kakien ko.

jabdewot menin jeramman armej rej amani jan ijoko pelaakier; kajju tok nan jerbal korej bok jikier any posi)ve benefit that the natural environment provides to people; benefits can be direct or indirect – ecosystem service er ak itok jan bar ijoko jet-­‐ dik ak lap (e.g. ek ko kijeer bok jan pedped aer ak ilo belaak ko small or large (e.g. coral reefs provide both fisheries resources and coastal protec)on services) jipan ko jet lilok nan er ikijjien kojparok torerein ane ko aneer).

kar kilen eo moktata je kon kojerbal nan jonake ae (current) ilo dan ko remanaan jan iien nan iien ( e.g. 2-­‐5 iio ), dan eo ej toor itorerein Ecuador im ini)ally used to describe a warm-­‐water current that periodically (i.e 2-­‐5 years) flows along the coast of Ien anonean Peru, im ekomman bwe en apan an ri eonod ro eonod, ekwe ej kab alikkar ke Charles Fletcher Ecuador and Perú, disrup)ng the local fishery, but has since become iden)fied as one part of ENSO; the El Nino waween in ej moWan wot ENSO; ilo torein koto ej mojno lok, im dik lok no 2014 prevailing trade winds weaken, reducing upwelling and altering ocean currents such that SSTs warm, ukot jekjek in ae ko ilo ijo emanaan dan ko ie, im ej mojno lok koto eo itok further weakening the trade winds and lowering sea levels by as much as 10cm below neutral years jan reaar im koWaik lok u)ej in lojet kon jonan in 10cm, eWa lok jan jekjek eo an iio otemjej. makitkit in manaan (El Nino), ak ilo an ejjelok jabdewot, im an molo (La Nina) mejatoto ko, ainwot jonaki ilo SST ipalaakin ijokien im ilo tureaar in Pacific cycle of warm (El Nino), neutral, and cold (La Nina) temperatures, as measured by SST of the tropical Ocean; jej lo ke manaan im molo ilo aolepan Pacific in ijo turaar dteline eo El Nino Southern central and eastern Pacific Ocean; basin-­‐wide warming or cooling of the tropical Pacific east of the NASA 1999 ENSO ewor ukoktak in mejatoto ko rej bok jikier ilo aolepan Indo-­‐Pacific in, naaj wor Oscilla)on (ENSO) dateline that has climate variability implica)ons for the en)re Indo-­‐Pacific; changes in wind strength and ukoktak in koto, maron kajoor lok ak oktak ijo ej itok jane, ewor oktak in deWan direc)on, rainfall distribu)on, typhoon frequency and intensity, and sea level wot ej wotlok, emmakijkij an wor typhoon im oknamaan mejatoto, im an oktak u)ej in dan.

Uliga Majuro Ben juon em emoj juon em juroke jan lal im pedped eo an ejjab itaak ioon bwidej konke ej ekkal building that has no basement and that has its lowest elevated floor raised above ground level by elevated building Chutaro 2015 kau)eje ioon joor. founda)on walls, posts, piers, pilings, or columns;

mejatoto ko rej kadiwoj lok gas ko nan mejatoto (e.g. ne iXl jabdewot men); konke kar baj releases of gases to the atmosphere (e.g. the release of carbon dioxide during fuel combus)on); can be emissions diwojlok lomnak wot in )li ak bolen ejjelok kar in )li either intended or unintended releases Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit prolonged absence or marked deficiency of precipita)on that results in water shortage for some ilo an aetok ki)en an jab wot nan kake aikuj ikijjien dan; ilo torean mora naaj Rairok Majuro required need; period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently prolonged to cause a serious hydrological dindin in mejelp drought komman bwe en jab emman jokkin mour; ilo torean an mora im ejjelok dan Steve Why 2013 imbalance; agricultural drought relates to moisture deficits in the topmost layer of soil (the root zone) Photo Loca)on nan an menin eddek ko eddek, ej melelein ejjelok molawi ilo mejatoto eo ilon. 10 Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on that English affect Descrip)on crops & Credit

waween ko remenin aikuj nan kokajoor lok kilen leto-­‐letak melele ilo juon tore oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak Jenrok Majuro eo emokaj ki)en nan karon kon melele ko elap tokjaer nan an kajjojo armej nonlinearity set of capaci)es of the needed climate to system generate may lead and disseminate to rapid )mely climate and change meaningful warning informa)on to such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on joun ukoktak waween in mejatoto ad naaj Early Warning System in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok Karl Fellenius Illustra)on Majel Concept abrupt English climate Concept change jela Majel kaki, Descrip)on ak jukjuk im pad ko, im doulul ko im kauatata kein naaj jelet er, thermohaline enable English individuals, Descrip)on circula)on, communi)es, rapid deglacia)on and organiza)ons and massive threatened mel)ng by of hazards permafrost, to take necessary or increases in soil & Credit eo kakol emakaj doon ilo an walok idin ko (EWS) ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle 2014 wor lelok oktak elap iien nan nan an carbon aer makitkit. bok bunten ko rekkar nan kopooj er make nan kaidki lok preparedness measures and act appropriately in sufficient )me to reduce the possibility of harm or loss deWan jorraan eo naaj kar jelet er. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change jokkin mour eo emman nan kake aikuj an epepen in rainin, nan komman bwe thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en capacity of the biosphere to meet the needs of the present genera)on, without hindering future laplok in juon ane ak en jab jelet epepen ko tokalik bwe ren bar maron kake aikuj ko aer make; jej respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; accre)on wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. genera)ons from being able to meet their own needs; using our natural resources wisely in the short-­‐ parijet ecological sustainability aikuj jela kilen kojparok menin jeramman kein ad rainin bwe jeramman kein coastal process of island building oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak term so that these resources are available in the long-­‐term; capacity of ecosystems to maintain their ren pad wot im topar epepen ko tokalik; konke jokkin mour eo epoloman en nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok essen)al func)ons and processes, and retain their biodiversity in full measure abrupt climate change maron wonmaan lok wot im jab bojrak. thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet ijoko elon kain menin eddek im menin mour ko jet kojenolok jan ijoko jet, im coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, complex system high of rugosity plant, animal, stony coral fungal, with and high habitat microorganism value communi)es largely known for its vulnerability to and their associated non-­‐living Karl Fellenius wod piranran pelaakin ijo ejjelok mour ie, im aolepan men kein rej ideddep ippan doon im belaak ko coral ecosystem e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes environment in interac)ng water quality, as an coral ecological bleaching, unit; and ecosystems Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns have seastar preda)on no fixed boundaries; instead their 2013 mour ie, ijin elikieo im ejjab ajej ilo elon moWan ; ak kar kojenoloke wot nan growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral parameters are set to the scien)fic, management, or policy ques)on being examined laplok in juon ane ak jikin ekkatak, jikin jerbal im nan jikin ejaaki kakien ko. process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal jabdewot in menin ebbok bok, jeramman la armej im deka rej ko amani rellap; jan ekka ijoko aer bok jikier ilo parijet im pelaakier; kajju tok nan Karl Fellenius jerbal korej bok jikier growingaggregate AcroporaAcropora species harves)ng species coral any collec)on posi)ve of sand benefit or that gravel the from natural beaches, environment usually provides done by local labor hand to people; benefits can be direct or indirect – parijet ko ecosystem service itorerein er ak itok ane ko. jan bar ijoko jet-­‐ dik ak lap (e.g. ek ko kijeer bok jan pedped aer ak 2004 ilo belaak ko e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing small or large (e.g. coral reefs provide both fisheries resources and coastal protec)on services) Woja Ailinglaplap jipan ko jet lilok nan er ikijjien kojparok torerein ane ko aneer). growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko kar itorerein kilen ane eo ko. moktata je kon kojerbal nan jonake ae (current) ilo dan ko 2004 coral e.g. fast-­‐growing remanaan jerbal in jan ebbok iien bok, nan la iien im ( deka e.g. ko 2-­‐5 rellap; iio ekka ), aer dan bok jikier ilo parijet im eo ej toor itorerein Ecuador im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining ini)ally used to describe a warm-­‐water current that periodically (i.e 2-­‐5 years) flows along the coast of Ien anonean itorerein Peru, im ane ekomman ko. bwe en apan an ri eonod ro eonod, ekwe ej kab alikkar ke waters on atolls Charles Fletcher Ecuador and Perú, disrup)ng the local fishery, but has since become iden)fied as one part of ENSO; the Delap Majuro El Nino waween in ej moWan wot ENSO; ilo torein koto ej mojno lok, im dik lok no 2014 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im prevailing trade winds weaken, reducing upwelling and altering ocean currents such that SSTs warm, Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng ukot jekjek in ae ko ilo ijo emanaan dan ko ie, im ej mojno lok koto eo itok collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. further weakening the trade winds and lowering sea levels by as much as 10cm below neutral years 2004 jan jerbal reaar in im ebbok koWaik bok, lok la u)ej im deka in ko lojet rellap; kon ekka jonan aer bok jikier ilo parijet im in 10cm, eWa lok jan jekjek eo mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein an iio wot ane otemjej. kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon makitkit in manaan (El Nino), ak ilo an ejjelok jabdewot, im an molo (La Nina) 2013 mejatoto im aolep ko, rej ainwot idepdep jonaki im ilo eddek SST ippan doon ie. ipalaakin ijokien im ilo tureaar in Pacific cycle of warm (El Nino), neutral, and cold (La Nina) temperatures, as measured by SST of the tropical jerbal Ocean; in jej ebbok lo bok, ke la manaan im deka im molo ko rellap; ilo aolepan ekka Pacific aer bok jikier ilo parijet im in ijo turaar dteline eo mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate El Nino mining Southern central and eastern Pacific Ocean; basin-­‐wide warming or cooling of the tropical Pacific east of the NASA Woja Ailinglaplap 1999 ENSO ekka itorerein ewor ukoktak wot ane kojerbal ko. in mejatoto bok im ko deka rej bok nan jikier ekkal ilo em/kallibin aolepan Indo-­‐Pacific in, naaj wor wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Oscilla)on (ENSO) dateline that has climate variability implica)ons for the en)re Indo-­‐Pacific; changes in wind strength and Karl Fellenius aggregate rock ukoktak jet ippan in doon; koto, ej maron juon kajoor kol lok nan ak komman oktak ijo bwe aolep ej itok kain ren eddek ilo juon wot jane, ewor oktak in deWan coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon direc)on, rainfall distribu)on, typhoon frequency and intensity, and sea level 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo wot im kallib aolep ej wojke wotlok, rej immenin idepdep emmakijkij eddek im an ko eddek wor ippan doon ie. jet ippan typhoon doon; im oknamaan ej mejatoto, im an juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; oktak en juon u)ej wot in dan. jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural Uliga Majuro Ben juon em emoj agroforestry juon em juroke jan lal im pedped eo an ejjab itaak ioon bwidej konke ej ekkal building that has no basement and that has its lowest elevated floor raised above ground level by Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; elevated building jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment Chutaro 2015 jonan kau)eje meram in al ioon joor. founda)on por)on of walls, the total posts, solar piers, pilings, radia)on or columns; hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan mejatoto juon ko men rej kadiwoj lok gas ko nan mejatoto (e.g. ne iXl jabdewot men); konke kar baj soils releases ranges of gases from high to the to atmosphere low, and (e.g. vegeta)on-­‐covered the release of surfaces carbon and oceans have a low albedo dioxide during fuel combus)on); can be emissions eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. diwojlok lomnak wot in )li ak bolen ejjelok kar in )li either intended or unintended releases jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. kejparok jarom, kadiklok kojerbal men ko elap jarom ak elap aer kan jarom; kadiklok ak jab energy conserva)on reduc)on or elimina)on of unnecessary energy use and waste belaak ko, ejmour kojerbal jaron elanne ejjab menin aikuj.

reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services; using less energy to provide the jela kojerbal jarom energy efficiency kojerbal toma ko remeram ak edik aer kan jaron. same service

lomnak eo kon an eWoon im jorraan lok mejatoto kon an lap gas ko armej rej concept that the natural greenhouse effect has been enhanced by anthropogenic emissions of Will Elder enhanced greenhouse kadiwoji lok; an gas kein laplok im kuk ippan doon jan kaan ko armej rej greenhouse gases; increased concentra)ons of gases caused by human fossil fuel consump)on trap effect kojerbali im kadiwoj lok, ekomman bwe en okmanaan lok mejatoto. more infrared radia)on, thereby exer)ng a warming influence on the climate

any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable; deteriora)on environmental an jorran pelaak ko pelaakid ej itok jan elon un. of environmental quality through deple)on of resources such as air, water, and soil; reduc)on of degrada)on ecosystem structure and func)on, and the loss of minimum viable popula)ons of wildlife

bwe en wamuruur pelaakin, aikuj laplok im bed men (nutrient) kein ie, elaptata phosphate ko rej karreoiki pelaakin ijo, fer)lizer, menoknok im kopej ecosystem response to increased levels of nutrients, mainly phosphates from detergents, fer)lizer, and eutrophica)on ko kako) ilo dan, ilo waween in naaj komman bwe en kanuij emman an menin sewage to an aqua)c system, which results in the s)mula)on of excess plant growth eddek ko eddek ijo.

an bar jeplaak lonlok dannin wot jan bwidej (Evapora)on) im diwoj lok mora lok in bwirej im combined process of evapora)on from the Earth’s surface and transpira)on from vegeta)on; loss of evapotranspira)on (transpire) jan menin eddek ko; an jako dan jan bwidej im menin eddek ko, kon wojke jimor water from plants and soil, which rises with air temperature okmanaan in mejatoto, innem ej bar jeplaak lonlon

makitkit ko ejeja aer walok ilo juon jikin ilo kajjojo iio; emaron jab itok jan aolep wawein ko oktak in mejatoto (climate change), ijellokin wot ne ej wor oktak ko nan event that is rare for a par)cular place and )me of year; not necessarily aWributed to anthropogenic extreme weather event march 2015 rekajuur ilo mejatoto mejatoto eaitok jernakier. Olep jorren ko im men ko rellap einwot mora ,det, climate change unless a paWern of extreme weather persists for some )me, such as a season koto ko rellap im rej bok jikier ilo mejatoto eo ak ijoko ilon

poten)al flood losses, in lives, health status, livelihoods, assets and services, which could occur to a DUD Majuro jorren ko remeron flood risk par)cular community or a society over some specified future )me period; can be calculated as Mark Stege 2014 walok jen ibwijleplep Flood Risk = Hazard * Exposure * Vulnerability

Woja Ailinglaplap Karl Fellenius ibwijleplep flooding ne ej iuwe dren ak ibwiji juon ene overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry 2013 Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit

kejparok jarom, kadiklok kojerbal men ko elap jarom ak elap aer kan jarom; kadiklok ak jab energy conserva)on reduc)on or elimina)on of unnecessary energy use and waste belaak ko, ejmour kojerbal jaron elanne ejjab menin aikuj. Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on 11 & Credit

oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services; using less energy to provide the Illustra)on jela Majel kojerbal Concept jarom abrupt energy English climate Concept efficiency change kojerbal Majel Descrip)on toma ko remeram ak edik aer kan jaron. thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en same service respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok lomnak ijoko rekwoj eo kon kon ice, an eWoon im an im jorraan komokajkaj lok an mejatoto manaan kon an lap gas ko armej rej bwidej im komman bwe en concept that the natural greenhouse effect has been enhanced by anthropogenic emissions of Will Elder laplok in juon ane ak enhanced greenhouse respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; accre)on wor laplok kadiwoji oktak im lok; an nan an bok an gas ejaak carbon kein makitkit. iparijet laplok im ej kuk komman ippan bwe en eddek lok juon ane. doon jan kaan ko armej rej greenhouse gases; increased concentra)ons of gases caused by human fossil fuel consump)on trap parijet effect coastal process of island building oktak kojerbali ko im rejelet kadiwoj mejatoto lok, ekomman maron komman bwe en bwe okmanaan lok mejatoto. en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak more infrared radia)on, thereby exer)ng a warming influence on the climate nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal any change process or of disturbance island building to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable; deteriora)on growingenvironmental Acropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran an jorran pelaak ko pelaakid ej itok jan elon un. of environmental quality through deple)on of resources such as air, water, and soil; reduc)on of coral degrada)on e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 ecosystem structure and func)on, and the loss of minimum viable popula)ons of wildlife growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran bwe en wamuruur pelaakin, aikuj laplok im bed men (nutrient) kein ie, Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan elaptata jerbal in phosphate ebbok bok, ko rej la karreoiki im deka pelaakin ko rellap; ijo, ekka fer)lizer, aer bok jikier ilo parijet im menoknok im kopej ecosystem response to increased levels of nutrients, mainly phosphates from detergents, fer)lizer, and Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acroporaeutrophica)onAcropora species harves)ng species coral collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko ko itorerein kako) ane ko. ilo dan, ilo waween in naaj komman bwe en kanuij emman an menin sewage to an aqua)c system, which results in the s)mula)on of excess plant growth 2004 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing Woja Ailinglaplap eddek ko eddek ijo. growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko an itorerein bar ane jeplaak ko. lonlok dannin wot jan bwidej (Evapora)on) im diwoj lok 2004 mora lok in bwirej im coral e.g. fast-­‐growing jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im combined mechanical process extrac)on of of evapora)on sand, gravel, from or the larger Earth’s rock; surface usually and from transpira)on the shoreline or from nearshore from vegeta)on; loss of kob bok im deka evapotranspira)onaggregate mining (transpire) jan menin eddek ko; an jako dan jan bwidej im menin eddek ko, kon wojke jimor itorerein ane ko. waters water from on atolls plants and soil, which rises with air temperature okmanaan in mejatoto, innem ej bar jeplaak lonlon Delap Majuro atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining makitkit ko ejeja aer walok ilo juon jikin ilo kajjojo iio; emaron jab itok jan Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls aolep deka ko wawein rej ainin ko oktak in mejatoto (climate change), ijellokin wot ne ej wor oktak ko nan event that is rare for a par)cular place and )me of year; not necessarily aWributed to anthropogenic Karl Fellenius extreme aggregate weather rock event jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock march 2015 rekajuur ibben doon ilo mejatoto mejatoto eaitok jernakier. Olep jorren ko im men ko rellap einwot mora ,det, climate change unless a paWern of extreme weather persists for some )me, such as a season 2013 im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. koto ko rellap im rej bok jikier ilo mejatoto eo ak ijoko ilon jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon poten)al flood losses, in lives, health status, livelihoods, assets and services, which could occur to a 2013DUD FSM Harley Majuro jorren jerbal in ko kallip remeron ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural flood agroforestry risk par)cular community or a society over some specified future )me period; can be calculated as Mark Manner Stege 2013 2014 bukin walok jen wojke ibwijleplep ie; en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment Flood Risk = Hazard * Exposure * Vulnerability Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner Woja Ailinglaplap 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of Karl Fellenius ibwijleplep albedoflooding ne ekadiklok ej iuwe deWan dren menaan ak ibwiji juon ene eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo 2013 eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo Bokenbuten jonan an juon bukon eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. complex sustainable development issue, linked to health through malnutri)on, but also to sustainable Majuro Karl wor kijeer mona ko food security ekkan ko ewor uneer nan kojparok ajmuur economic development, environment, and trade; having sufficient access to a safe supply of food for a Fellenius 2015 remman given )me period jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet.

itorerein lojej (tarkijet) ej jan ijo ejjab libobo kon dan ne ejjab baj lap an ibwij area of the coast typically considered to be from where the land is exposed on a mid-­‐)de to the top of tarkijet foreshore im etal wot nan ijo dan ej topare elanne ej kajoor koto im wor no reu)ej. the berm or storm high water mark; area ordinarily affected by wave runup and backwash

A general term for buried combus)ble geologic deposits of organic materials, formed from decayed Delap Majuro menoknok im kopej im menin mour ko rej libobo iumwin bwidej jan buki, buki plants and animals that have been converted to crude oil, coal, natural gas, or heavy oils by exposure to Marshalls Energy kaan eo iumin budej fossil fuel million iio ko remoot lok, im kon aer okmanaan wot na ibulon lal rej oktak heat and pressure in the earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years (e.g. coal, petroleum, crude oil, Company 2005 nemamier nan kaan ko ainwot oil, malle, im bar kaan ko jet. and natural gas)

groundwater on atolls described as a lens of freshwater floa)ng on more dense brackish water; very thin Ayers and Vacher and fragile freshwater resource that relies on regular recharge by rainfall; suscep)ble to anthropogenic aiboj lal freshwater lens 1986 ac)vi)es such as withdrawal via wells and bores, which can cause salina)on, and contamina)on from inappropriate sanita)on or surface ac)vi)es

juon iaan pedped ko jilu elon wot iaan ri meletlet (scien)st) ro rej bar kile; Mejit Island one of the three main types of coral reefs recognized by most coral reef scien)sts; dis)nguished from eooktak lok jan lukkuun pedped ko ruo einwot (ane ko ewor pepped ie), Marshalls Energy baal fringing reef the other two main types (barrier reefs and atolls) in that it has either an en)rely shallow backreef zone pedped in ba kake epejpej im emaron wor an lomalo (lagoon) ak emaron Company 2005 (lagoon) or none at all ejjelok.

okmanaan eo an lal in ej itok wot jan an jorraan kooj eo ej kalibubuik lal in im progressive gradual rise of the earth's surface temperature thought to be caused by the greenhouse David Carillet jonan okmanan eo ej global warming ekomman bwe en wor ukoktak in mejatoto; im jorraan mejatoto eo, im an effect and responsible for changes in global climate paWerns; see also greenhouse effect, enhanced walok belakin lalin laplok an jorraan, im an wor ukoktak in mejatoto greenhouse effect, and climate change

an drelon im jaje druwojlok okmanan an delon im jab diwojlok manaan jan mejatoto eo ilal; ej alikkar ke jet iaan trapping and build-­‐up of heat in the lower atmosphere; some of the heat flowing toward space from the Will Elder in Al jen wot manaan kein im rej diwojlok nan mejatoto rej dapdep wot na ippan carbon earth's surface is absorbed by carbon dioxide and several other gases and then reradiated back toward greenhouse effect greenhouse gas koan dioxide im bar gas ko jet, im jujen bar jeplaak lal tak nan lalin; ilo an gas kein the earth's surface; if the concentra)ons of these gases rise, the temperature of the lower atmosphere drelon im jaje laplok wot enaaj komman bwe mejatoto eo ilal en laplok an okmanaan will gradually increase druwojlok okmanan koppan mejatoto jejab loi en wot jabdewot gas ko rej jerome im dapdep meran in al ilo mejatoto; ekoba gas ko any gas that absorbs infrared radia)on in the atmosphere; greenhouse gases include, but are not limited carbon ilo mejatoto eo ej jepoole koj (greenhouse), im ebar koba molawi (water greenhouse gas to, water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, ozone, dioxidekoppan vapor, carbon dioxide, methaaaane, nirous oxide, hydrohlorlflurocarbones, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride mejatoto jejab loi en ozone, hydrofluorocarbons, im sulfur hexafluride. wot carbon

juon waween ekauatata, juon jekjek, makitkit an armej, ak juon waween eo a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human ac)vity, or condi)on that may cause loss of life, injury or emaron jako mour an armej, kinejnej ak jelet ajmuur, jelet men ko mweied, kauwotata ko hazard other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disrup)on, jako im jorraan men ko jej bok ad mour jani, kakkure jekjek in mour, ak jorran or environmental damage pelaakid. Bokenbuten jonan an juon bukon complex sustainable development issue, linked to health through malnutri)on, but also to sustainable Majuro Karl wor kijeer mona ko food security ekkan ko ewor uneer nan kojparok ajmuur economic development, environment, and trade; having sufficient access to a safe supply of food for a Fellenius 2015 remman given )me period

Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit itorerein lojej (tarkijet) ej jan ijo ejjab libobo kon dan ne ejjab baj lap an ibwij area of the coast typically considered to be from where the land is exposed on a mid-­‐)de to the top of tarkijet foreshore im etal wot nan ijo dan ej topare elanne ej kajoor koto im wor no reu)ej. the berm or storm high water mark; area ordinarily affected by wave runup and backwash Photo Loca)on 12 Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit

oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak A general term for buried combus)ble geologic deposits of organic materials, formed from decayed Delap Majuro menoknok im kopej im menin mour ko rej libobo iumwin bwidej jan buki, buki nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok plants and animals that have been converted to crude oil, coal, natural gas, or heavy oils by exposure to Marshalls Energy Illustra)on kaan Majel eo Concept iumin budej fossil abrupt English fuel climate Concept change million Majel iio Descrip)on ko remoot lok, im kon aer okmanaan wot na ibulon lal rej oktak thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en heat and pressure in the earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years (e.g. coal, petroleum, crude oil, Company 2005 nemamier nan kaan ko ainwot oil, malle, im bar kaan ko jet. respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. and natural gas) oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en groundwater on atolls described as a lens of freshwater floa)ng on more dense brackish water; very thin Ayers and Vacher laplok in juon ane ak respira)on process and fragile of leading freshwater growth to or fast resource increase; changes that deposited in relies the carbon cycle material on regular that recharge contributes by to rainfall; increase in size of the landmass; suscep)ble to anthropogenic aiboj lal freshwater accre)on lens wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. 1986 parijet coastal ac)vi)es process such as of island withdrawal building via wells and bores, which can cause salina)on, and contamina)on from oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity inappropriate of sanita)on the climate or surface system ac)vi)es may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok juon iaan oktak im an nan pedped bok an ko ejaak carbon jilu makitkit. iparijet elon wot ej iaan komman ri bwe meletlet en eddek lok juon ane. (scien)st) ro rej bar kile; Woja Mejit Island Ailinglaplap parijet coastal one of process the of three island main building types of coral reefs recognized by most coral reef scien)sts; dis)nguished from growingAcropora species wod eooktak rot lok in jan emokaj lukkuun an pedped eddok ak ko ebar ruo mokaj einwot an (ane ko ewor pepped ie), mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Marshalls Fellenius Energy wod baal piranran fringing reef the other two main types (barrier reefs and atolls) in that it has either an en)rely shallow backreef zone coral e.g. fast-­‐ pedped eo ipelaakin in ba im kake ne jimakon epejpej ko ijo rej kane. im emaron wor an lomalo (lagoon) ak emaron changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013Company 2005 (lagoon) or none at all growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral ejjelok. laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ okmanaan eo ipelaakin eo im an lal ne in jimakon ej ko itok ijo rej kane. wot jan an jorraan kooj eo ej kalibubuik lal in im changes progressive in gradual water rise quality, of coral the earth's bleaching, surface and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns temperature seastar preda)on thought to be caused by the greenhouse 2013David Carillet atet jonan bok okmanan im la jan eo ej jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acroporaglobal Acropora warming species harves)ng species coral ekomman bwe en wor ukoktak in mejatoto; im jorraan mejatoto eo, im an effect collec)on and of responsible sand or for gravel changes from in beaches, global usually climate done paWerns; by local labor hand see also greenhouse effect, enhanced walok parijet belakin ko lalin itorerein ane ko. 2004 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok an jorraan, im an wor ukoktak in mejatoto greenhouse effect, and climate change Woja Ailinglaplap growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet an drelon bok im im jaje la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet druwojlok ko okmanan an itorerein delon ane im ko. jab diwojlok manaan jan mejatoto eo ilal; ej alikkar ke jet iaan trapping and build-­‐up of heat in the lower atmosphere; some of the heat flowing toward space from the 2004Will Elder in Al jen wot coral e.g. fast-­‐growing manaan jerbal in kein ebbok im bok, rej la diwojlok im deka nan ko mejatoto rellap; rej ekka dapdep aer bok jikier ilo parijet im wot na ippan carbon earth's mechanical surface extrac)on is absorbed of sand, by gravel, carbon or dioxide larger and rock; several usually other from gases the shoreline or from nearshore and then reradiated back toward kob bok im deka greenhouse aggregate mining effect greenhouse gas koan dioxide itorerein im ane bar ko. gas ko jet, im jujen bar jeplaak lal tak nan lalin; ilo an gas kein waters the earth's on atolls surface; if the concentra)ons of these gases rise, the temperature of the lower atmosphere Delap Majuro drelon im jaje laplok wot enaaj komman bwe mejatoto eo ilal en laplok an okmanaan will gradually increase atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius druwojlok okmanan aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 koppan mejatoto jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob jejab bok loi im en wot deka aggregate mining jabdewot gas ko rej jerome im dapdep meran in al ilo mejatoto; ekoba gas ko Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters any gas on that atolls absorbs infrared radia)on in the atmosphere; greenhouse gases include, but are not limited deka carbon ko rej ainin ilo mejatoto eo ej jepoole koj (greenhouse), im ebar koba molawi (water Karl Fellenius aggregate greenhouse rock gas jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse to, water par)culate vapor, material carbon dioxide, commonly methane, used for nitrous construc)on; oxide, sand, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, gravel, or larger rock ozone, ibben dioxidekoppan doon vapor, carbon dioxide, methaaaane, nirous oxide, hydrohlorlflurocarbones, 2013 im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride mejatoto jejab loi en ozone, hydrofluorocarbons, im sulfur hexafluride. jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob wot bok carbon im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock juon jet ippan waween doon; ekauatata, ej juon juon kol jekjek, nan makitkit komman an bwe aolep armej, ak juon waween eo kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human ac)vity, or condi)on that may cause loss of life, injury or 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib emaron aolep wojke jako rej mour immenin idepdep an eddek im armej, ko eddek kinejnej ippan doon ie. jet ippan ak jelet doon; ajmuur, ej jelet men ko mweied, juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural kauwotata ko hazardagroforestry other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disrup)on, Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; en jako juon im jorraan wot jikin men an ko aolep jej bok men ad eddek mour im idepdep ippan doon ie. jani, kakkure jekjek in mour, ak jorran space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment or environmental damage Woja Ailinglaplap ekka pelaakid. wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in the space rise and por)on local-­‐scale of the self rise sufficiency and fall in of a sea mixed forest environment levels caused by the combined effects of gravita)onal forces jonan meram in al ne dren eo ej wonane tak jen ioon aijet im erakraklok nan ioon bok ak ane por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of ibwijleplep albedohigh )de ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin exerted by the moon, sun, and rota)on of the earth; the RMI like most of the Pacific, has a semi-­‐diurnal nan juon men tata soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. )de -­‐ two high and low )des each day FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of tore eo albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin 18th to 19th century period during which predominantly agrarian, rural socie)es in Europe and North nan juon men 1800 iio ej iio eo jinoin tata ar komman kaan ipelaakin lal in, im ilo tore in ar soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo jerbal/komman ko eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. America became industrial and urban; transi)on to new manufacturing processes from about 1760 to industrial revolu)on jino an komman kein jerbal ko remman lok im polomaer im kajoor ainwot )ma an armej raar jino 1840; age which marks the beginning of human influence on earth's climate in the form of greenhouse im wa ko jet rej kojerbal injin. kojerbal kaan jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in gas emissions jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet.

loklok im kwon ippen lamlame im jerbale elon kain koWopar ilo jabdewot jikin, doulul ko, im ijoko jet plan and manage for mul)ple objec)ves across sectors, organiza)ons, and areas (e.g. integrated coastal integrated dron (e.g. ekoba kojparok parijet ko ad). Jerbal einwot juon doulul management)

menin mour ko rej delon tok ijokein im kakkure melan ko ad ak men wojad introduced species that become destruc)ve to the environment or human interests; can also include invasive species makmake; ak ebar wor ijo kilaan ko jet im kar baj pad wot ijokein im ilo aer some na)ve species that increase in number and become destruc)ve following environmental changes lonlok wot rej kakkure pelaak ko pelaakid

colloquial term for an especially high )de, such as a perigean spring )de; not a scien)fic term, nor is it Ejit Majuro Alson ialap lep, ainwot boka ko rellap ilo iien rak,: ekka an walok no iuwe im ialap lep ko king )de used in a scien)fic context; wave inunda)ons in the RMI are more likely when high swells occur on a king Kelen 2014 komman an tukok, ne baj ilo RMI ekka an wor no u)ej ilo boka ko rellap. )de

jinoin tata kar kojerbale nan kwalok jekjek in ae eo jan iien nan ilo ijo emolo dan eo ie (i.e. 2-­‐5 ilo iio) daneo ej toor tok itorerein Ecuador im Peru, ini)ally used to describe a cold-­‐water current that periodically (i.e 2-­‐5 years) flows along the coast of Charles Fletcher im komman bwe en toor ek im emman eonod, ak ej kab alikkar ke waween in Ecuador and Perú, enhancing the local fishery, but has since become iden)fied as one part of ENSO; the La Nina La Nina 2014 ej moWan wot ENSO, ej kajoor lok koto ko, im u)ej lok no im ukot jekjekin ae prevailing trade winds strengthen, increasing upwelling and altering ocean currents such that SSTs cool, ko ainwot ilo SSTs cool, koto ko rej itok jan reaar rekajoor lok, im u)ej lok dan further stengthening the trade winds and increasing sea levels by as much as 30cm above neutral years ko kon jonan in 30cm jan jonak eo aer ilo iio otemjej.

Woja Ailinglaplap eppe ko ejaak jan no im koto itorerein ane ko ijo ane tata dan ej topare; natural elevated ridge of wind and wave debris accummulated shorewards of the high water mark; Karl Fellenius kabbe ko iar lagoon side berm eddek menin eddek ko remaron eddek im mour ie mekarta tabin no (e.g. bob, vegetated with salt-­‐tolerant species (e.g. pandanus, kone, konnat), gentle slopes, and made of fine-­‐ 2013 kone, konnat), ej jidik wot an loka lallok jekijekin , im kar ejaak jan menoknok. grained materials

the fall por)on of the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of gravita)onal forces Jabor Jaluit Karl paat low )de ne ej jako dan eo im ej emmat wod im na ko. exerted by the moon, sun, and rota)on of the earth; the RMI like most of the Pacific, has a semi-­‐diurnal Fellenius 2014 )de -­‐ two high and low )des each day

an kwon juon act of incorpora)ng something new into prevailing current of thought, influence, or ac)vity; in the ilo lamlame juon jerbal (project) elap tokjan bwe en wor kwon ippan aolep im wawein jerbal ak mainstreaming climate context, the integra)on of climate change informa)on, policies, and adapta)on measures into dedelok kar ain lomnak an kajjojo lomnak ippen aolep ongoing development planning and decision-­‐making the rise por)on of the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of gravita)onal forces ne dren eo ej wonane tak jen ioon aijet im erakraklok nan ioon bok ak ane ibwijleplep high )de exerted by the moon, sun, and rota)on of the earth; the RMI like most of the Pacific, has a semi-­‐diurnal tata )de -­‐ two high and low )des each day

tore eo 18th to 19th century period during which predominantly agrarian, rural socie)es in Europe and North 1800 iio ej iio eo jinoin tata ar komman kaan ipelaakin lal in, im ilo tore in ar jerbal/komman ko America became industrial and urban; transi)on to new manufacturing processes from about 1760 to industrial revolu)on jino an komman kein jerbal ko remman lok im polomaer im kajoor ainwot )ma an armej raar jino 1840; age which marks the beginning of human influence on earth's climate in the form of greenhouse im wa ko jet rej kojerbal injin. kojerbal kaan gas emissions Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit loklok im kwon ippen lamlame im jerbale elon kain koWopar ilo jabdewot jikin, doulul ko, im ijoko jet plan and manage for mul)ple objec)ves across sectors, organiza)ons, and areas (e.g. integrated coastal integrated dron (e.g. ekoba kojparok parijet ko ad). Jerbal einwot juon doulul management) Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on 13 & Credit

oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak menin mour ko rej delon tok ijokein im kakkure melan ko ad ak men wojad nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok introduced species that become destruc)ve to the environment or human interests; can also include Illustra)on Majel Concept abrupt invasive English climate Concept species change makmake; Majel Descrip)on ak ebar wor ijo kilaan ko jet im kar baj pad wot ijokein im ilo aer thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en some na)ve species that increase in number and become destruc)ve following environmental changes lonlok wot rej kakkure pelaak ko pelaakid respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en colloquial term for an especially high )de, such as a perigean spring )de; not a scien)fic term, nor is it Ejit Majuro Alson laplok in juon ane ak ialap lep, ainwot boka ko rellap ilo iien rak,: ekka an walok no iuwe im respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; ialap lep ko accre)onking )de wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. used in a scien)fic context; wave inunda)ons in the RMI are more likely when high swells occur on a king Kelen 2014 parijet komman an tukok, ne baj ilo RMI ekka an wor no u)ej ilo boka ko rellap. coastal process of island building oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak )de nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral jinoin tata kar kojerbale nan kwalok jekjek in ae eo jan iien nan ilo ijo respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet emolo dan eo ie (i.e. 2-­‐5 ilo iio) daneo ej toor tok itorerein Ecuador im Peru, coastal ini)ally process used to of describe island building a cold-­‐water current that periodically (i.e 2-­‐5 years) flows along the coast of growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Charles Fellenius Fletcher wod piranran im komman bwe en toor ek im emman eonod, ak ej kab alikkar ke waween in Ecuador and Perú, enhancing the local fishery, but has since become iden)fied as one part of ENSO; the La Nina coral La Nina e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 20132014 ej moWan wot ENSO, ej kajoor lok koto ko, im u)ej lok no im ukot jekjekin ae prevailing trade winds strengthen, increasing upwelling and altering ocean currents such that SSTs cool, growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak ko ainwot ilo SSTs cool, koto ko rej itok jan reaar rekajoor lok, im u)ej lok dan further process stengthening of growth the or increase; trade winds deposited and increasing material that sea contributes levels to by as increase in size of the landmass; much as 30cm above neutral years e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet ko kon jonan in 30cm jan jonak eo aer ilo iio otemjej. coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Woja Fellenius Ailinglaplap growingaggregate AcroporaAcropora species harves)ng species coral eppe ko ejaak jan no im koto itorerein ane ko ijo ane tata dan ej topare; collec)on natural elevated of sand ridge or of gravel wind from and beaches, wave usually debris done accummulated by local labor hand shorewards of the high water mark; parijet ko itorerein ane ko. Karl 2004 Fellenius kabbe ko iar e.g. coral lagoon fast-­‐ e.g. side fast-­‐growing berm eddek menin eddek ko remaron eddek im mour ie mekarta tabin no (e.g. bob, vegetated with salt-­‐tolerant species (e.g. pandanus, kone, konnat), gentle slopes, and made of fine-­‐ Woja Ailinglaplap 2013 growingAcropora species wod kone, rot konnat), in ej emokaj jidik an wot eddok an loka ak lallok ebar mokaj jekijekin an mej , im kar ejaak jan menoknok. elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, grained materials high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 coral e.g. fast-­‐growing jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical the fall por)on extrac)on of of the sand, rise gravel, and fall or of larger sea rock; levels usually caused from by the the shoreline or from nearshore combined effects of gravita)onal forces Jabor Jaluit Karl kob bok im deka aggregate mining paat low )de ne itorerein ej jako ane ko. dan eo im ej emmat wod im na ko. waters exerted on by atolls the moon, sun, and rota)on of the earth; the RMI like most of the Pacific, has a semi-­‐diurnal Delap Fellenius Majuro 2014 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im )de -­‐ two high and low )des each day Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka an kwon ko rej juon ainin act of incorpora)ng something new into prevailing current of thought, influence, or ac)vity; in the Karl Fellenius aggregate rock ilo jet lamlame ippan doon; juon ej jerbal juon (project) kol elap nan komman tokjan bwe bwe aolep en wor kwon ippan aolep im kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock wawein ibben doon jerbal ak mainstreaming climate context, the integra)on of climate change informa)on, policies, and adapta)on measures into 2013 im dedelok aolep kar rej ain idepdep lomnak im an kajjojo eddek ippan doon ie. lomnak ippen aolep jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im ongoing mechanical development extrac)on of planning sand, and gravel, decision-­‐making or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry juon jikin edede lok an komman mo nae, ej melelein ejjab malim eonod ie ak things rela)ng to the sea or ocean; any area below the high water mark; a marine protected area is Manner 2013 bukin men ko wojke ilojet ie; marine; protected area en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment Woja Ailinglaplap ebbok ekka wot jabdewot kojerbal men bok jan lojet eo. im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko limited area in which conserva)on measures are in place. deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of WSO Majuro Karl ekkatak kin mejatoto albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin interdisciplinary scien)fic study of the atmosphere, and its interac)on with the surface ocean; scien)fic nan juon men meteorology jerbal in katu im lale lan, ekka wot an Weather Service eo ilo Majuro kommani. soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo Fellenius 2014 im lan ko eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. basis for weather and wave inunda)on forecas)ng at the NOAA Weather Services Office in Majuro FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men act soils of ranges reducing from the high severity, to low, seriousness, and vegeta)on-­‐covered or painfulness of surfaces something; and oceans have a low albedo in the context of environmental eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. impact assessment, it is any management measure that reduces or eliminates a poten)al nega)ve kajjeon kapdiklok mi)ga)on kadiklok im komeraik lok eddo ko walok jan jorraan ko impact from a proposed ac)vity; in the context of climate change, it is any measure that reduces eddo eo ak jorren ko jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al greenhouse por)on of gas the emissions total solar at the radia)on source hiXng (e.g. a surface use of that alterna)ve is in energies) turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of or enhances a carbon sink (e.g. albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils re-­‐vegeta)on) ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet.

keep under systema)c review; observe and check the progress or quality of something over a period etale wot im katak jerbal in etale im katak kon juon men eaorok im maron kojerbale nan monitoring )me; in the environmental context, the use of state, pressure, and response indicators to guide adap)ve kake jabdewot jerbal. jone juon men jen ien nan ien. management; integral part of RMI's Reimaanlok conserva)on planning framework

kauatata ko im kar baj moWan wot komanman im naaj kar bok wot jikier Uliga Majuro Giff (natural) ; ainwot tsunami, typhoon, tukok jan no, ibwij leplep im aer kan ane hazard caused by a natural event; e.g. tsunami, typhoon, wave inunda)on, flooding, and erosion; oeen Johnson July kauwotata in Lal in natural hazard kein; rebar maron laplok aer bok jikier itok jan an armej ukot jekjekin ane exasperated by human ac)vity such as altered landscapes, popula)on density, or climate change 2015 kein, im kon an lonlok armej; ak bar jan an ukoktak mejatoto.

systema)c process for determining and addressing needs, or gaps between current condi)ons and etale aikuj ko needs assessment jerbal in etale ta aikuj ko an juon jukjuk im pad ak armej desired condi)ons

erom ajet, oktak in ajet ko ilojet; jan ad lo ilo jonak ko, ilo an aetok jetnakin Great Barrier erom acid, oktak in global scale, longterm increase in acidicity of the ocean due to the uptake of human-­‐driven atmospheric ocean acidifica)on laplok an jatok (acidicity) lojet itok wot jan an bour im bok carbon dioxide ko Reef Founda)on ajet ko ilojet carbon dioxide rej itok jan makitkit ko an armej.

makutkut in dren ko ijoko imemakutkut in dan itok jan boka ko, koto im ae ko ilomalo ocean current ukoktak ko rejelet lojet kon an u)ej lok dan ko ie. no ko rej drebet ak itak movement of water from )des, winds, and differences in water density ibben dron.

eppe ko ejaak lontak jan menoknok ko no im koto rej tori anetak nan ijo ane natural elevated ridge of wind and wave debris accummulated shorewards of the high water mark; Uliga Majuro Karl kabbe ko rebed ilik ocean side berm tata; ej maron eddek menin eddek ko me remaron mour im eddek ie mekarta vegetated with salt-­‐tolerant species (e.g. pandanus, kone, konnat), steep slopes, and made of coarse-­‐ Fellenius 2015 ewor tabin no (e.g. bob,kone, konnat), eju lonlok im ejaak jan menoknok grained materials juon jikin edede lok an komman mo nae, ej melelein ejjab malim eonod ie ak things rela)ng to the sea or ocean; any area below the high water mark; a marine protected area is men ko ilojet marine; protected area ebbok jabdewot men jan lojet eo. limited area in which conserva)on measures are in place.

WSO Majuro Karl ekkatak kin mejatoto interdisciplinary scien)fic study of the atmosphere, and its interac)on with the surface ocean; scien)fic meteorology jerbal in katu im lale lan, ekka wot an Weather Service eo ilo Majuro kommani. Fellenius 2014 im lan ko basis for weather and wave inunda)on forecas)ng at the NOAA Weather Services Office in Majuro

act of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something; in the context of environmental impact assessment, it is any management measure that reduces or eliminates a poten)al nega)ve kajjeon kapdiklok mi)ga)on kadiklok im komeraik lok eddo ko walok jan jorraan ko impact from a proposed ac)vity; in the context of climate change, it is any measure that reduces eddo eo ak jorren ko greenhouse gas emissions at the source (e.g. use of alterna)ve energies) or enhances a carbon sink (e.g. re-­‐vegeta)on) Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit keep under systema)c review; observe and check the progress or quality of something over a period etale wot im katak jerbal in etale im katak kon juon men eaorok im maron kojerbale nan monitoring )me; in the environmental context, the use of state, pressure, and response indicators to guide adap)ve kake jabdewot jerbal. jone juon men jen ien nan ien. Photo Loca)on management; integral part of RMI's Reimaanlok conserva)on planning framework 14 Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit

oktak kauatata ko ko rejelet im kar mejatoto baj moWan maron komman wot komanman bwe en im naaj kar bok wot jikier kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak Uliga Majuro Giff nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak in mejatoto in (natural) mejatoto ; ainwot ainwot tsunami, makitkit typhoon, ko an tukok mejatoto jan ijoko no, ilon,naaj ibwij mokaj an on lok leplep im aer kan ane hazard caused by a natural event; e.g. tsunami, typhoon, wave inunda)on, flooding, and erosion; oeen Johnson July Illustra)on Majel kauwotata Concept in Lal in abrupt English natural climate hazard Concept change Majel Descrip)on thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit eo emakaj an walok kein; ijoko rebar rekwoj kon maron ice, laplok im aer an bok komokajkaj jikier an itok jan manaan an armej ukot jekjekin ane bwidej im komman bwe en exasperated by human ac)vity such as altered landscapes, popula)on density, or climate change 2015 respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle kein, wor oktak im kon nan an an lonlok carbon makitkit. armej; ak bar jan an ukoktak mejatoto. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak respira)on process systema)c of leading process growth to for or fast determining increase; changes deposited and in the carbon cycle addressing material needs, that contributes or gaps to between increase current condi)ons and in size of the landmass; etale aikuj ko accre)onneeds assessment wor laplok jerbal oktak in im etale an nan bok ta an ejaak aikuj carbon makitkit. iparijet ko an juon ej jukjuk im pad ak armej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. parijet coastal desired process condi)ons of island building oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet erom ajet, oktak in ajet ko ilojet; jan ad lo ilo jonak ko, ilo an aetok jetnakin coastal process of island building Great Barrier erom acid, oktak in growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, global scale, longterm high rugosity increase stony in coral acidicity with of high the habitat ocean value due largely to the known for its vulnerability to uptake of human-­‐driven atmospheric Karl Fellenius wod piranran ocean acidifica)on laplok an jatok (acidicity) lojet itok wot jan an bour im bok carbon dioxide ko Reef Founda)on ajet ko ilojet coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. carbon changes dioxide in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 rej itok jan makitkit ko an armej. growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ makutkut eo ipelaakin in dren im ne ko jimakon ijoko ko imemakutkut ijo rej kane. in dan itok jan boka ko, koto im changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius ae ko ilomalo growingaggregate Acroporaocean Acropora current species harves)ng species coral ukoktak ko rejelet lojet kon an u)ej lok dan ko ie. no ko rej drebet ak itak collec)on movement of of sand water or from gravel )des, from winds, beaches, and usually differences in water density done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing ibben dron. Woja Ailinglaplap growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko eppe itorerein ko ane ejaak ko. lontak jan menoknok ko no im koto rej tori anetak nan ijo ane natural elevated ridge of wind and wave debris accummulated shorewards of the high water mark; 2004Uliga Majuro Karl coral e.g. fast-­‐growing jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob kabbe bok ko im rebed deka ilik aggregate ocean side mining berm tata; ej maron eddek menin eddek ko me remaron mour im eddek ie mekarta vegetated with salt-­‐tolerant species (e.g. pandanus, kone, konnat), steep slopes, and made of coarse-­‐ Fellenius 2015 itorerein ane ko. waters on atolls ewor tabin no (e.g. bob,kone, konnat), eju lonlok im ejaak jan menoknok grained materials Delap Majuro atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining robust, recurring paWern over about 10+ years of ocean-­‐atmosphere climate variability centered over Woja Ailinglaplap ekka Makitkit itorerein wot in ane kojerbal lojet ko. im bok mejatoto im deka eo nan ikotaan ekkal Alaska em/kallibin im Hawaii eo im ekomman an wojke im menin eddek ko the waters mid-­‐la)tude on atolls Pacific; during a warm or posi)ve phase, the west Pacific becomes cooler and part of Nate Mantua deka ko rej ainin Pacific Decadel Karl Fellenius PDO aggregate rock jet wor ippan okoktak doon; ko ilo ej juon lojet eo kol im nan mejatoto komman eo bwe ilo aolep aolepen bar Pacific im North kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse the eastern par)culate ocean material warms; during commonly a used cool for or construc)on; nega)ve sand, phase, gravel, or larger rock the opposite paWern occurs; recogni)on of NOAA 2013 ibben doon Oscilla)on (PDO) 2013 im America aolep im rej ijoko jet idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. PDO is important because it shows that normal climate condi)ons can vary over )me periods jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical comparable extrac)on to the length of sand, of gravel, a human's life)me or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon change in the balance of incoming solar radia)on and outgoing infrared radia)on; without any radia)ve 2013FSM Harley jerbal oktak in ko kallip rej ilo komman im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on forcing, solar of radia)on agriculture coming and forestry; to the cropping Earth would techniques con)nue that to make be about sustainable equal to the infrared radia)on use of agricultural agroforestryradia)ve forcing Manner 2013 bukin jen okmanan wojke ie; in Al en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space emiWed and from local-­‐scale the Earth; self the sufficiency addi)on in of a greenhouse mixed forest environment gases to the atmosphere traps an increased por)on Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko of the infrared radia)on, reradia)ng it back toward the surface of the Earth deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry algae-­‐ea)ng reef fish such as parrowish and surgeonfish that frequent shallow tropical and subtropical Manner 2013 bukin men ko wojke rej ie; bok aer jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment Ailuk Ailuk Karl jonan meram in al por)on coral reefs; of the occupy total an solar important radia)on ecological hiXng a niche surface where that algae is in growth turn is kept in check under normal reflected by it; the surface albedo of mur jen menin eddek albedoreef fish herbivore ek ekadiklok ko rej deWan mona menaan ujoj in lojet eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin Fellenius 2014 nan juon men condi)ons, soils ranges and from if high not to overfished, low, can and mi)gate vegeta)on-­‐covered coastal protec)on surfaces and and oceans have a low albedo habitat loss before, during, and wot eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. aeer coral bleaching events FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils capacity ranges to from become high strong, to healthy, low, and or successful vegeta)on-­‐covered again surfaces aeer something and oceans have a low albedo undesirable happens; in the eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. context of climate change, it addresses local capacity to adapt to new environmental condi)ons or to eben an jorren resilience ejelok jabdewot jorraan jan mejatoto naaj kakkure recover from a natural disaster; term used to highlight management prac)ces, communi)es, and even jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in iden)fy specific species, that are more suited than others in climate change adapta)on efforts jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. Woja Ailinglaplap ekkat bwe en bar jino eddek wojke ijoko remej, ijoko emaat im jako wojke ko process of replan)ng and rebuilding the soil of disturbed land, usually for food security or erosion Tuvuki bar ekkat re-­‐vegeta)on ie control; form of soe coastal protec)on that can be enhanced via plan)ng on coastal berms Ketedromo 2015

water purifica)on technology that pushes water through a semipermeable membrane to remove larger CMI Majuro Karl lik lik ak ukok dren reverse osmosis juon waween ukot dannin aeboj lal ak lojet nan dannin idaak par)cles; dissolved inorganic solids (i.e salts) are removed from a solu)on (i.e water); used extensively in Fellenius 2013 the RMI during periods of drought

boklokot im enooki juon kauatata eo maron bok jikin, im deWan jorraan ko jonan kauwatata risk combina)on of the probability of an event occurring and its nega)ve consequences naaj walok jane

kilen im lamlame jekjekin juon jorraan eo ekauatata, im repeltan na mejelan methodology to determine the nature and extent of risk by analyzing poten)al hazards and evalua)ng etale jonan jorraan kein naaj bok jikier, im etale ta mojno ko bwe en jab wor jorran nan risk assessment exis)ng condi)ons of vulnerability that could poten)ally harm exposed people, property, services, kauwatata armej ro jelet er, mweiuk, jerbal ko. im menin jeramman ko armej ro ilo jukjuk livelihoods and the environment on which they depend im pad eo rej amani.

process to manage the nature and extent of risk by addressing poten)al hazards and modifying exis)ng kōṃadṃōdi kilen jerbali im komadmodi kauatata ko rejelet juon jukjuk im pad armej ro risk management condi)ons of vulnerability that could poten)ally harm exposed people, property, services, livelihoods kauwatata ko ie. and the environment on which they depend robust, recurring paWern over about 10+ years of ocean-­‐atmosphere climate variability centered over Makitkit in lojet im mejatoto eo ikotaan Alaska im Hawaii eo im ekomman an the mid-­‐la)tude Pacific; during a warm or posi)ve phase, the west Pacific becomes cooler and part of Nate Mantua Pacific Decadel PDO wor okoktak ko ilo lojet eo im mejatoto eo ilo aolepen bar Pacific im North the eastern ocean warms; during a cool or nega)ve phase, the opposite paWern occurs; recogni)on of NOAA 2013 Oscilla)on (PDO) America im ijoko jet PDO is important because it shows that normal climate condi)ons can vary over )me periods comparable to the length of a human's life)me

change in the balance of incoming solar radia)on and outgoing infrared radia)on; without any radia)ve oktak ko rej komman forcing, solar radia)on coming to the Earth would con)nue to be about equal to the infrared radia)on radia)ve forcing jen okmanan in Al emiWed from the Earth; the addi)on of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere traps an increased por)on of the infrared radia)on, reradia)ng it back toward the surface of the Earth

algae-­‐ea)ng reef fish such as parrowish and surgeonfish that frequent shallow tropical and subtropical men ko rej bok aer Ailuk Ailuk Karl coral reefs; occupy an important ecological niche where algae growth is kept in check under normal mur jen menin eddek reef fish herbivore ek ko rej mona ujoj in lojet Fellenius 2014 condi)ons, and if not overfished, can mi)gate coastal protec)on and habitat loss before, during, and wot aeer coral bleaching events

capacity to become strong, healthy, or successful again aeer something undesirable happens; in the context of climate change, it addresses local capacity to adapt to new environmental condi)ons or to eben an jorren resilience ejelok jabdewot jorraan jan mejatoto naaj kakkure recover from a natural disaster; term used to highlight management prac)ces, communi)es, and even iden)fy specific species, that are more suited than others in climate change adapta)on efforts Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit Woja Ailinglaplap ekkat bwe en bar jino eddek wojke ijoko remej, ijoko emaat im jako wojke ko process of replan)ng and rebuilding the soil of disturbed land, usually for food security or erosion Tuvuki bar ekkat re-­‐vegeta)on ie control; form of soe coastal protec)on that can be enhanced via plan)ng on coastal berms Photo Ketedromo Loca)on 2015 Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on 15 & Credit

oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity water purifica)on of the technology climate that system pushes may lead water to through rapid climate a semipermeable change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of membrane to remove larger Photo CMI Majuro Loca)on Karl ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok Illustra)on Majel lik lik Concept ak ukok dren abrupt English reverse climate osmosis Concept change Majel juon waween Descrip)on ukot dannin aeboj lal ak lojet nan dannin idaak thermohaline par)cles; English Descrip)on dissolved circula)on, inorganic rapid solids deglacia)on (i.e salts) and are massive removed mel)ng from of a permafrost, solu)on or increases in soil (i.e water); used extensively in Fellenius & Credit 2013 eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en respira)on the RMI leading during periods to fast of drought changes in the carbon cycle wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak boklokot im enooki juon kauatata eo maron bok jikin, im deWan jorraan ko respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; jonan kauwatata accre)onrisk wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. combina)on of the probability of an event occurring and its nega)ve consequences parijet naaj walok jane coastal process of island building oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok kilen oktak im im lamlame an nan bok an jekjekin ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet juon jorraan ej eo komman ekauatata, bwe en eddek lok juon ane. im repeltan na mejelan Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal methodology process to of determine island building the nature and extent of risk by analyzing poten)al hazards and evalua)ng etale jonan growingAcropora species wod jorraan rot kein in emokaj naaj bok an jikier, eddok im ak etale ebar mokaj ta mojno an mej ko bwe en jab wor jorran nan elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran risk assessment exis)ng condi)ons of vulnerability that could poten)ally harm exposed people, property, services, kauwatata coral e.g. fast-­‐ armej eo ipelaakin ro jelet im er, ne mweiuk, jimakon jerbal ko ijo rej kane. ko. im menin jeramman ko armej ro ilo jukjuk changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 livelihoods and the environment on which they depend growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral im pad eo rej amani. laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes process to in water manage quality, the nature coral and bleaching, extent and of risk Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns by seastar preda)on addressing poten)al hazards and modifying exis)ng 2013 atet kōṃad bok ṃōdi im la jan kilen jerbal jerbali in ebbok im bok, komadmodi la im kauatata deka ko rellap; rejelet ekka juon aer bok jikier ilo parijet im jukjuk im pad armej ro Karl Fellenius growingrisk aggregate Acropora managementAcropora species harves)ng species coral collec)on condi)ons of of sand vulnerability or gravel that from could beaches, poten)ally usually harm done exposed by local labor hand people, property, services, livelihoods parijet kauwatata ko ko ie.itorerein ane ko. 2004 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing and the environment on which they depend Woja Ailinglaplap growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. rise in the level of the ocean with respect to the land due to thermal expansion of the water and mel)ng 2004Djarrit Majuro wallōn̄tak in dren coral e.g. fast-­‐growing u)ej jerbal in in lojet ebbok emoj bok, an la wanlonlok im deka jan ko rellap; kar jonak ekka eo aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mokta, rainin emoj an le of mechanical ice, as extrac)on a direct of sand, consequence gravel, of or warming larger rock; under usually climate change, from the causing shoreline or from nearshore shoreline retreat, groundwater kob bok im deka Sea aggregate Level mining Rise (SLR) OEPPC 2011 ilojet ilonin itorerein kar ane ko. jonak eo mokta salina)on, waters on and atolls increased flooding; approximately 8 inches of SLR have occurred since the industrial Delap Majuro revolu)on; rate of SLR is accelera)ng, with more than 3 feet expected before the end of century atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore NOAA Coral Reef kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters water temperature on atolls close to the ocean's surface; measure of the extent of ocean warming over )me due Watch 2014 & deka jonan ko bwil rej ainin ak molo Sea Surface Temperature Karl Fellenius aggregate rock okmanaan jet ippan in doon; dan ej eo juon ioon lojet (aejet). kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse to atmospheric par)culate warming; material used commonly as an used indicator for of construc)on; alert sand, thresholds gravel, or larger rock for coral bleaching across 5km grids in Delap Majuro eo ibben an doon tu lon in lojet (SST) 2013 im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. the tropics and subtropics PacIOOS 2014 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Anthony Harley WaWs jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib ne ej aolep wojke iien rej rak, immenin idepdep ej eddek iien im ko eddek ma ippan doon ie. im jet ippan jemaron doon; kabwiro; ej jemaron bar irir makmok im juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on breadfruit harves)ng of agriculture and much and forestry; rain during cropping the techniques wet season; that preserved make sustainable foods such as makmok and less use of agricultural iien ko ak tore ko seasons, agroforestry wet and dry 2014Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; en kakkonkon juon kijed wot jikin mokta an jan aolep an mora men ilo iien anenean. eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. rain space in and the local-­‐scale dry season self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment Ailuk Ailuk jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of tarkijet shorelinealbedo ijo ekadiklok dannin deWan lojet ej menaan jemlok eo, ie im ej komman melelein bwe jonak eo an u)ej in lojet. en dik an okmanaan menin line where water intersects the coast at mean sea level Murray Ford 2012 nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils energy ranges emiWed from in high the form to low, of and electromagne)c vegeta)on-­‐covered waves; radia)on surfaces from and oceans have a low albedo the hot Sun is rela)vely energe)c koon Al ko me ewor eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. solar radia)on jeplaak lok im lale UV -­‐ melele ko rej walok ie. and has a short wavelength (e.g. ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared) while energy re-­‐radiated from the UV ie cool earth's surface and the atmosphere has a longer wavelength (e.g. infrared radia)on) jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. Reimaanlok emman in an juon ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of natural resources; cornerstone of the Facilitator's Guide armej lale belak ko stewardship juon eo ej bok eddo im lolorjake. RMI Reimaanlok conserva)on planning process 2012 belakur

abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over and above the predicted )des; commonly associated Uliga Majuro no ko tej tore joke an u)ej lok dan eo ej tore ijoko ane, ej itok jan an kajoor lok koto eo ej pook with low pressure weather systems, the severity of which is affected by the shallowness and orienta)on Karen Earnshaw ane reuteijlok kin storm surge ioon lojet of the water body rela)ve to the storm path, and the )ming of )des; most casual)es during tropical 2008 koto ko ilo lan ko cyclones occur as the result of storm surges

kojerbale ilo juon endurance of systems and processes (ecological, sociocultural, and economic); ecological sustainability is jerbale ilo juon waween eo epoloman im )ljek, im dapij wot emman eo an wawein eo en jab sustainability the capacity of biological systems to remain diverse and produc)ve indefinitely; long-­‐lived and healthy jikin eo ak juon men. maat coral reefs and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems

men ko ion ane terrestrial jabdewot pelaak, manin mour, im wojke ko rej eddek ioon ane emora things rela)ng to the land; any area above the ocean high water mark or not covered by freshwater emora rise in the level of the ocean with respect to the land due to thermal expansion of the water and mel)ng Djarrit Majuro wallōn̄tak in dren u)ej in lojet emoj an wanlonlok jan kar jonak eo mokta, rainin emoj an le of ice, as a direct consequence of warming under climate change, causing shoreline retreat, groundwater Sea Level Rise (SLR) OEPPC 2011 ilojet ilonin kar jonak eo mokta salina)on, and increased flooding; approximately 8 inches of SLR have occurred since the industrial revolu)on; rate of SLR is accelera)ng, with more than 3 feet expected before the end of century

NOAA Coral Reef water temperature close to the ocean's surface; measure of the extent of ocean warming over )me due Watch 2014 & jonan bwil ak molo Sea Surface Temperature okmanaan in dan eo ioon lojet (aejet). to atmospheric warming; used as an indicator of alert thresholds for coral bleaching across 5km grids in Delap Majuro eo an tu lon in lojet (SST) the tropics and subtropics PacIOOS 2014

Anthony WaWs ne ej iien rak, ej iien ma im jemaron kabwiro; jemaron bar irir makmok im breadfruit harves)ng and much rain during the wet season; preserved foods such as makmok and less iien ko ak tore ko seasons, wet and dry 2014 kakkonkon kijed mokta jan an mora ilo iien anenean. rain in the dry season

Ailuk Ailuk tarkijet shoreline ijo dannin lojet ej jemlok ie ej melelein jonak eo an u)ej in lojet. line where water intersects the coast at mean sea level Murray Ford 2012

energy emiWed in the form of electromagne)c waves; radia)on from the hot Sun is rela)vely energe)c koon Al ko me ewor solar radia)on jeplaak lok im lale UV -­‐ melele ko rej walok ie. and has a short wavelength (e.g. ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared) while energy re-­‐radiated from the UV ie cool earth's surface and the atmosphere has a longer wavelength (e.g. infrared radia)on)

Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit Reimaanlok emman in an juon ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of natural resources; cornerstone of the Facilitator's Guide armej lale belak ko stewardship juon eo ej bok eddo im lolorjake. RMI Reimaanlok conserva)on planning process 2012Photo Loca)on belakur 16 Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit

oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over and above the predicted )des; commonly associated Uliga Majuro no ko tej tore joke nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak in mejatoto in an mejatoto u)ej lok ainwot dan eo makitkit ej tore ko ijoko an mejatoto ane, ej ijoko itok ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok jan an kajoor lok koto eo ej pook with low pressure weather systems, the severity of which is affected by the shallowness and orienta)on Karen Earnshaw Illustra)on Majel ane reuteijlok Concept kin abrupt English storm surge climate Concept change Majel Descrip)on thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit eo emakaj an walok ioon ijoko lojet rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en of the water body rela)ve to the storm path, and the )ming of )des; most casual)es during tropical 2008 koto ko ilo lan ko respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. cyclones occur as the result of storm surges oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil kojerbale eo emakaj ilo an juon walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en endurance of systems and processes (ecological, sociocultural, and economic); ecological sustainability is laplok in juon ane ak jerbale ilo juon waween eo epoloman im )ljek, im dapij wot emman eo an respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; wawein eo en jab accre)onsustainability wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. the capacity of biological systems to remain diverse and produc)ve indefinitely; long-­‐lived and healthy parijet jikin eo ak juon men. coastal process of island building maat oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak coral reefs and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building men ko ion ane growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran terrestrial jabdewot pelaak, manin mour, im wojke ko rej eddek ioon ane emora things rela)ng to the land; any area above the ocean high water mark or not covered by freshwater emora coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, limi)ng the average high rugosity global stony surface coral temperature with high increase habitat of value 2°C (3.6°F) largely known for its vulnerability to over the pre-­‐industrial average Karl Fellenius wod jonan piranran eo en jab Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ 1.5 eo ipelaakin ak 2 degree im ne celsius jimakon ej ko ijo rej kane. jonak eo ne jain)ij ran rej lo bwe en jab bar laplok changes has, since in the water 1990s, quality, been coral commonly bleaching, regarded and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns as an seastar preda)on adequate means of avoiding dangerous climate 2013climatescorecard. laplok atet bok an im okmaanan la jan threshold of 1.5 or 2 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate AcroporaAcropora species harves)ng species coral okmanaan in lal in jane, konke elanne elaplok jan jonak in innem enaaj change; collec)on recent of sand science, or gravel however from has beaches, shown that usually impacts done by local labor hand of a 1°C rise are now expected to be as great org 2015 1.5 parijet ak ko 2 degree degree celsius itorerein ane ko. 2004 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing komman bwe en jab emman an wor mour ilo juon ane ak aelon. those previously assumed for a 2°C rise; the Pacific Islands Forum member countries are pushing for a Woja Ailinglaplap celcius growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan limit fast-­‐growing, of 1.5°C high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko lale itorerein kokalle ane ko. eo ej kwalok jekjekin iial eo elanne ej emmakut, emman lok, 2004 ilo an lor juon ial eo coral e.g. fast-­‐growing ejorraan, jerbal in eaipokpok ebbok bok, ak ejjab la im alikkar. deka ko lo rellap; juon ekka waan aer bok jikier ilo parijet im jonak in ejarakrok, naan e direc)on mechanical that extrac)on the of condi)on sand, that gravel, a par)cular or larger indicator rock; usually is moving; from improving, the shoreline or from nearshore deteriora)ng, mixed, or kob bok im deka trendaggregate mining emoj an alikar oktak itorerein jen ane añijwiwi ko. ilo an rijarakrok lor juon koto eo emoj an alikar im ej unknownwaters on atolls Delap Majuro kotemene atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining makitkit in mejatoto ilo an errolool ainwot likaeb, ak ankeke im kobkob tulikin movement of air across a spinning, curved surface (i.e the earth); rota)ng, organized low-­‐pressure Na)onal Woja Ailinglaplap koto rej ejaak jen lan Tropical Cyclone (TC) and ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin (e.g.ainwot jekjek in lal in); ej errolool, im komman bwe en molo im weather system of clouds and thunderstorms that originates over tropical (TC) or subtropical (XTC) Karl Hurricane Fellenius Center ko im rebed ilo tropic aggregate Extratropical rock Cyclone jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon ekkododo, im penjak lan, im en lap an wot ipelaakin ijokein , im komman bwe waters; TC's may develop into tropical depressions, storms, or typhoons as energy is released when cold 20052013 ocean (XTC) im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. en maron ejaak lan, kab koto im typhoon. and warm air masses interact; XTC's impact the RMI as long-­‐period swell inunda)ons jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock Likabwiro; ibben doon koto eo 2013Micronesia FSM Harley NOAA jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib koto aolep wojke eo rej ej immenin bok idepdep jikin eddek im ilo ko eddek allōñin ippan doon ie. jet ippan rak ilo doon; tore ne im ma ko relukkun kalo ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on tropical cyclone of agriculture that reaches and sustained forestry; winds cropping of less techniques than that 39 make mi/hr sustainable (63 use of agricultural km/hr or 34 knots); It has no eye elap im naetan agroforestrytropical depression Manner 2015 2013 bukin wojke ie; emman en juon nan wot kabwiro jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. and space does and not local-­‐scale typically self have sufficiency the organiza)on in a or mixed forest environment the spiral shape of more powerful storms likabwiro Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry tropical cyclone that reaches sustained winds greater than a tropical depression, but less than a Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on typhoon; of the the dis)nc)ve total solar cyclonic radia)on shape hiXng starts a to surface develop, that although is in an turn eye is not usually present; reflected by it; the surface albedo of 2015 lan ko rekajoor albedotropical storm juon ekadiklok lan deWan ekajoor menaan ej komman eo, bwe im komman en lap bwe koto im poktak ioon lojet. en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils although ranges tropical from storms high are to less low, intense and vegeta)on-­‐covered than a hurricane surfaces they and oceans have a low albedo can produce significant damage such as eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. blown-­‐off roofing, other air-­‐borne debris, storm surge, and heavy rainfall causing localized flooding FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin tropical cyclone that reaches sustained winds of 74 miles per hour (119km/hr or 64 knots) more; nan juon men tends soils ranges to develop from high an eye, to an low, area and of vegeta)on-­‐covered rela)ve calm at surfaces the center and oceans have a low albedo of circula)on; an eyewall surrounds the East Micronesia koto eddek ko ko ilowaan im dan woden eo ioon lojet. bwil kein me kajoorier ej 74 mile juon awa, ak kajoor taipoon typhoon eye, in which the strongest thunderstorms and winds circulate; maximum sustained winds in the NOAA 2014 lok; jet iaan jikin ko ilo lal in rej naetaer hurricane ak cyclone. strongest super typhoons (category 5) have been almost 200 mi/hr (322 km/hr or 174 knots); known as jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al hurricane por)on of or the just total cyclone solar in radia)on other parts of the world hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. por)on of the electromagne)c spectrum with wavelengths shorted than visible light; the sun produces meram aidikdik eo jej loe ilo iia kan rej tak ilan im eooktak lok jan meram ko jet UV, which is commonly split into three bands of decreasing wavelength; shorter wavelength radia)on UV ultraviolet radia)on (UV) iturin, deWan aidikin wot UV,emaron deploke anbwinnid im kakkure koj, has a greater poten)al to cause biological damage on living organisms is largely absorbed by ozone and ejjelok oktak jan jorran ko jan radia)on ilo atomic bomb ko. normal oxygen in the atmosphere

men ko ilo juon jikin ak men ko jej kommani im rejjab maron kabjur jorren ko Woja Ailinglaplap mojno ko rej walok bareinwot mokaj aer jorren. jekjekin jorraan ko rejelet juon jukjuk im pad characteris)cs and circumstances of a community, system, or asset that make it suscep)ble to the Karl Fellenius ilo an juon joraan vulnerability juon doulul, ak jorran ko nan menin jeramman ko itok wot jan waween ko damaging effects of a hazard 2013 walok rekauatata rej bok jikier.

juon bunton nan methodology to determine the extent of risk by evalua)ng exis)ng condi)ons of vulnerability that kokajurlok ak vulnerability assessment juon jerbal in etal mojno ko combined with the occurrence of a hazard could poten)ally harm exposed people, property, services, karibene lok jorrren livelihoods and the environment on which they depend ko limi)ng the average global surface temperature increase of 2°C (3.6°F) over the pre-­‐industrial average jonan eo en jab 1.5 ak 2 degree celsius ej jonak eo ne jain)ij ran rej lo bwe en jab bar laplok has, since the 1990s, been commonly regarded as an adequate means of avoiding dangerous climate climatescorecard. laplok an okmaanan threshold of 1.5 or 2 okmanaan in lal in jane, konke elanne elaplok jan jonak in innem enaaj change; recent science, however has shown that impacts of a 1°C rise are now expected to be as great org 2015 1.5 ak 2 degree degree celsius komman bwe en jab emman an wor mour ilo juon ane ak aelon. those previously assumed for a 2°C rise; the Pacific Islands Forum member countries are pushing for a celcius limit of 1.5°C

lale kokalle eo ej kwalok jekjekin iial eo elanne ej emmakut, emman lok, ilo an lor juon ial eo ejorraan, eaipokpok ak ejjab alikkar. lo juon waan jonak in ejarakrok, naan e direc)on that the condi)on that a par)cular indicator is moving; improving, deteriora)ng, mixed, or trend emoj an alikar oktak jen añijwiwi ilo an rijarakrok lor juon koto eo emoj an alikar im ej unknown kotemene

makitkit in mejatoto ilo an errolool ainwot likaeb, ak ankeke im kobkob tulikin movement of air across a spinning, curved surface (i.e the earth); rota)ng, organized low-­‐pressure Na)onal koto rej ejaak jen lan Tropical Cyclone (TC) and (e.g.ainwot jekjek in lal in); ej errolool, im komman bwe en molo im weather system of clouds and thunderstorms that originates over tropical (TC) or subtropical (XTC) Hurricane Center ko im rebed ilo tropic Extratropical Cyclone ekkododo, im penjak lan, im en lap an wot ipelaakin ijokein , im komman bwe waters; TC's may develop into tropical depressions, storms, or typhoons as energy is released when cold 2005 ocean (XTC) en maron ejaak lan, kab koto im typhoon. and warm air masses interact; XTC's impact the RMI as long-­‐period swell inunda)ons

Likabwiro; koto eo Micronesia NOAA koto eo ej bok jikin ilo allōñin rak ilo tore ne im ma ko relukkun kalo tropical cyclone that reaches sustained winds of less than 39 mi/hr (63 km/hr or 34 knots); It has no eye elap im naetan tropical depression 2015 emman nan kabwiro and does not typically have the organiza)on or the spiral shape of more powerful storms likabwiro

tropical cyclone that reaches sustained winds greater than a tropical depression, but less than a typhoon; the dis)nc)ve cyclonic shape starts to develop, although an eye is not usually present; 2015 lan ko rekajoor tropical storm juon lan ekajoor ej komman bwe en lap koto im poktak ioon lojet. although tropical storms are less intense than a hurricane they can produce significant damage such as blown-­‐off roofing, other air-­‐borne debris, storm surge, and heavy rainfall causing localized flooding

tropical cyclone that reaches sustained winds of 74 miles per hour (119km/hr or 64 knots) more; tends to develop an eye, an area of rela)ve calm at the center of circula)on; an eyewall surrounds the East Micronesia koto ko ilowaan woden bwil kein me kajoorier ej 74 mile juon awa, ak kajoor taipoon typhoon eye, in which the strongest thunderstorms and winds circulate; maximum sustained winds in the NOAA 2014 lok; jet iaan jikin ko ilo lal in rej naetaer hurricane ak cyclone. strongest super typhoons (category 5) have been almost 200 mi/hr (322 km/hr or 174 knots); known as hurricane or just cyclone in other parts of the world Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit por)on of the electromagne)c spectrum with wavelengths shorted than visible light; the sun produces meram aidikdik eo jej loe ilo iia kan rej tak ilan im eooktak lok jan meram ko jet UV, which is commonly split into three bands of decreasing wavelength; shorter wavelength radia)on UV ultraviolet radia)on (UV) iturin, deWan aidikin wot UV,emaron deploke anbwinnid im kakkure koj, has a greater poten)al to cause biological damage on living organisms is largely absorbed by ozone and Photo Loca)on ejjelok oktak jan jorran ko jan radia)on ilo atomic bomb ko. Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English normal oxygen Descrip)on in the atmosphere 17 & Credit

oktak men ko ko ilo rejelet juon mejatoto jikin ak maron men ko komman jej bwe kommani en im kanooj rejjab maron kabjur jorren ko mokaj an wor ukokak Woja Ailinglaplap mojno ko rej walok nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Photo Loca)on ukoktak in mejatoto in bareinwot mejatoto mokaj ainwot aer makitkit jorren. ko jekjekin an mejatoto jorraan ko ijoko rejelet ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok juon jukjuk im pad characteris)cs and circumstances of a community, system, or asset that make it suscep)ble to the Karl Fellenius Illustra)on ilo Majel an Concept juon joraan abrupt English vulnerability climate Concept change Majel Descrip)on thermohaline English Descrip)on circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil & Credit eo emakaj an walok juon ijoko rekwoj doulul, kon ak ice, jorran im ko an nan komokajkaj menin jeramman an manaan ko itok wot jan waween ko bwidej im komman bwe en damaging effects of a hazard 2013 walok respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle rekauatata wor oktak rej nan bok an jikier. carbon makitkit. oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok juon bunton nan abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en methodology to determine the extent of risk by evalua)ng exis)ng condi)ons of vulnerability that kokajurlok laplok in ak juon ane ak respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; accre)onvulnerability assessment wor laplok juon jerbal oktak im an in nan bok etal an ejaak mojno ko carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. combined with the occurrence of a hazard could poten)ally harm exposed people, property, services, karibene parijet lok jorrren coastal process of island building oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor ukokak livelihoods and the environment on which they depend ko nonlinearity of the climate system may lead to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an on lok abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil eo emakaj an walok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman bwe en laplok in juon ane ak Acropora species coral respira)on process of leading growth to or fast increase; changes deposited in the carbon cycle material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. accre)on fast-­‐ wor laplok oktak im an nan bok an ejaak carbon makitkit. iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal complex process sustainable of island development building issue, linked to health through contaminated water, but also to growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl SPC Fellenius SOPAC 2013 wod kojparok piranran dan water security kojparok dan ko jan aer eWoon im maron jelet ajmuur. sustainable economic development, environment, and trade; having sufficient access to a safe supply of coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 potable water for a given )me period growingAcroporaAcropora species species coral laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; e.g. coral accre)on fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Woja Ailinglaplap parijet coastal process of island building growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Djarrit Majuro Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes wave hiXng in water the shoreline quality, coral with bleaching, some force, and as Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns opposed seastar preda)on to gradual flooding; result of a wave traveling 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius ibwijleplep growingaggregate Acroporawave inunda)onAcropora species harves)ng species coral ne no ej lap an tore juon jikin, emaron pejlok ilik ak pejlok iaar in aneo. collec)on some distance of sand inland or (runup); gravel typically from beaches, associated usually with done XTCs by local labor hand in the RMI, which are par)cularly damaging parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 20042014 e.g. coral fast-­‐ e.g. fast-­‐growing when they occur on a rising )de Woja Ailinglaplap growingAcropora species wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Karl Fellenius wod piranran Delap Majuro coral e.g. fast-­‐ eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius growingaggregate Acropora harves)ng species collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. state of the atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm stormy, clear cloudy; 2004 lañ ko ilowaan juon coral e.g. fast-­‐growing jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical generally refers extrac)on to day-­‐to-­‐day of sand, gravel, temperature or larger and rock; precipita)on usually ac)vity; from while the shoreline or from nearshore a tropical storm is weather dreams) kob bok im deka aggregate weather mining aolepan men ko rej walok ilon imejatoto rej kwalok jekjekin lan eo. ak ruo wot wiik itorerein ane ko. event, waters the on atolls occurrence of them during successsive El Nino periods is climate variability, and the increasing Delap Majuro frequency and intensity of such events over several decades is climate change atet bok im la jan jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im Karl Fellenius aggregate harves)ng collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko itorerein ane ko. 2004 jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius jojomar aggregate advocacy rock maron jet ippan ij jiban doon; ro ej ewor juon ao kol aikuj im mojno nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013 im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko rellap; ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka aggregate mining Woja Ailinglaplap ekka itorerein wot ane kojerbal ko. bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko waters on atolls deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im pija kallib aolep jen wojke ijo rej immenin eu)ej idepdep ak eddek im ilo ko eddek mejatoto, ippan doon ie. jet ippan ekka doon; an komman ej ippen baluun ko ak waan juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural pija jen mejatoto agroforestryaerial photography photographs taken of land or water from an elevated posi)on, commonly done from airplanes or drones Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; en ekkake juon ko wot imejatoto jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek ko deka ko rej ainin Karl Fellenius aggregate rock jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon wot coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock ibben doon 2013FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo im kallib aolep wojke rej immenin idepdep eddek im ko eddek ippan doon ie. jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin men in wojke mour ie; im jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of edrek ko rejjab itok alien albedo species kij ekadiklok ak menin deWan eddok menaan ko eo, im rej im itok komman jen ilikin bwe ak rejjab jen Aelon Kein en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo jen Aelon Kein eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural agroforestry Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; jidik en juon in wot meran jikin eo jan an al aolep ej itaak men ilo eddek lal in im idepdep ippan doon ie. ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo melele eddek ko ko im rej dan itok eo ioon lojet. jen jela an armej im ejjanin wor ekkatak kake nan kamool anecdotal informa)on e jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. jonan okmanan eo tore eo jerbal ko an armej raar jino jelet mejatoto; tarrin 200 iio mokta jen an ekar jino kakkure anthropocene jerbal ko an armej lukkun jelet menan eo ilo mejatoto eo im eaorok ilo an dapij mejatoto ikijien tore mour ak komman bwe menin mour im armej ren maron mour ilo lalin

bwinin lojet aqua)c jabdewot men eo itok jen ak ekkejel ippen lojet eo Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on & Credit

Photo Loca)on Photo Loca)on Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on English Descrip)on 18 & Credit Illustra)on Majel Concept English Concept Majel Descrip)on Bibliography English Descrip)on & Credit Priority Men Ko Lalin Science Kin Ekkatak Policy Kien Maanjabobo Planning Journal/Source/Gre Publisher & Title Loca*on Context oktak Annota*on ko rejelet mejatoto maron Year komman Author(s) bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor Web Pages Majel English y nonlinearity Lit. of the climate system may lead Loca*on to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto ukokak in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an

1 Priority abrupt climate change thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil Men Ko Lalin Science Kin Ekkatak x Policy Kien Maanjabobo Planning

eo emakaj an walok Priority on lok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman Men Ko Lalin Science Kin Ekkatak Policy Kien Maanjabobo Planning Reimaanlok: A Facilitator's Guide to Ishoda, A., D. Australian respira)on Govt. leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle oktak bwe en ko rejelet wor oktak mejatoto nan an maron carbon makitkit. komman bwe en kanooj mokaj an wor hIp:// UH Sea Grant: Implemen8ng the Reimaanlok RMI Conserva8on oktak ko rejelet mejatoto maron 2012 komman Hess, and bwe F. Regional en kanooj mokaj an wor nonlinearity Natural of the climate system may lead to rapid climate 26 no change yes such a drama)c reorganiza)on of ukoktak in mejatoto ukokak in mejatoto ainwot makitkit ko an mejatoto ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an nonlinearity /publica8ons/reimaanlok_fieldguide.pdf of the climate system may lead Honolulu to rapid climate change such a drama)c reorganiza)on of Conserva8on Planning Process ukoktak in mejatoto 1 abrupt climate change ukokak in mejatoto ainwot makitkit Edwards ko an mejatoto Heritage ijoko ilon,naaj mokaj an Programthermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil x eo emakaj an walok 1 abrupt climate change on lok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman thermohaline circula)on, rapid deglacia)on and massive mel)ng of permafrost, or increases in soil x eo emakaj an walok on lok ijoko rekwoj kon ice, im an komokajkaj an manaan bwidej im komman respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle bwe en wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. respira)on leading to fast changes in the carbon cycle laplok in juon ane ak bwe en wor oktak nan an carbon makitkit. process hIp:// of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; Reimaanlok: An Approach for 1 accre)on laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej Reimaan komman Na8onal bwe en eddek lok juon ane. Melbourne: x RMI parijetConserva8on 2008 UH Sea coastal Grant process allisland/reimaanlok_na8onal_conserva8on_area_ of island building 82 no yes Community-­‐Based Management Planning Team Baker, N. plan_for_the_marshall_islands_final_may30.pdf Reimaanlok: Appendices for the laplok in juon ane ak process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; laplok in juon ane ak 1 accre)on laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej Ishoda, komman A., D. bwe en eddek lok juon ane. process of growth or increase; deposited material that contributes to increase in size of the landmass; x Facilitator's Guide to Implemen8ng parijet 1 accre)on laplok im an bok ejaak iparijet ej komman bwe en eddek lok juon ane. coastal process hIp:// of island building UH Sea Grant: x RMI parijetConserva8on 2012 Hess, and F. UH Sea coastal Grant process of island building 264 no yes the Reimaanlok Woja Ailinglaplap Conserva8on /publica8ons/sm-­‐appendices_complete.pdf Honolulu Acropora species coral wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak Edwards ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Planning Karl Process Fellenius wod piranran 1 x e.g. fast-­‐growing eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on 2013 Provides basic informa8on on tropical cyclones, tsunamis, extratropical storms, Hess, D., D. Woja Ailinglaplap king 8des, floods, sea level rise, erosion, and drought that will allow educated Hwang, K. Woja Ailinglaplap Acropora species coral wod rot in emokaj an eddok ak ebar mokaj an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, hIp:// high rugosity stony coral with high habitat value largely known for its vulnerability to Homeowner's Karl Fellenius Handbook to Prepare wod Disaster piranran Risk decisions 1 Acropora about species the steps coral wod to rot take to in protect emokaj life an and property. It includes eddok ak Fellenius, ebar mokaj I. an mej elanne ej wor oktak ilo dan fast-­‐growing, high rugosity stony coral with UH high Sea habitat Grant: value largely known for its vulnerability to x Karl Fellenius RMI wod piranran 1 e.g. fast-­‐growing eo ipelaakin im ne jimakon ko ijo rej kane. 2015 UH Sea changes Grant /publica8ons/final-­‐ in water quality, coral bleaching, and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on88 in progress yes x For Natural 2013 Hazards Management descrip8ons e.g. fast-­‐growing of essen8al eo emergency ipelaakin supplies, im ne and jimakon evacua8on kits, planning, ko ijo rej kane. Robertson, M. changes in water quality, coral bleaching, Honolulu and Crown-­‐of-­‐Thorns seastar preda)on Delap 2013 Majuro rmi_homeowners_handbok_0.pdf atet bok im la jan and procedures. A significant focus is on to protect your property via cost-­‐ Stege, & B. Karl Fellenius 1 aggregate harves)ng ri aelon kein ekka wot aer kojerbal peier ne atet bok im la. collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand parijet ko effec8ve and recommended building retrofits. Chutaro 2004 This study has iden8fied key challenges that have to be addressed to scale up Delap Majuro renewable energy in the RMI. It is necessary to convert the recommended IRENA -­‐ Delap Majuro atet bok im la jan RMI Renewables Karl Fellenius Readiness atet Renewable bok im la jan ac8ons 1 aggregate into prac8cal harves)ng projects. ri aelon A basic kein project ekka wot structure aer outline was developed kojerbal Chen, peier ne atet bok im la. Y., G. Interna8onalcollec)on hIp:// of sand or gravel from beaches, Abu usually Dhabi: done by local labor hand Karl Fellenius RMI parijet ko 1 aggregate harves)ng ri aelon kein ekka wot aer kojerbal 2015 peier ne atet bok im la. collec)on of sand or gravel from beaches, usually done by local labor hand 48 no yes Assessment2004 parijet Energy ko assigning specific roles to stakeholders involved, developing lines of ac8vity, Gönül, & H. Wade Renewable Energy ca8ons/IRENA_RRA_Marshall%20Islands_2015.pdf IRENA 2004 es8ma8ng a 8meframe, and jerbal defining in ebbok key bok, success la indicators im deka for monitoring and ko rellap; ekka Agency aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually from the shoreline or from nearshore kob bok im deka 1 aggregate mining x x evalua8on. itorerein ane ko. waters on atolls Coastal transla8on from SOPAC Misc. rep. 222 "Coasts of Pacific Islands" with addi8on transla8on by Apia: SOPAC, Kabbe Ko Ilo Aelon In Pacific In RMI jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka 1997 ko rellap; ekka SOPAC aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical n/a extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger rock; usually 39 from yes the shoreline or from nearshore no kob Protec8on bok im deka of 1 local aggregate photos mining from the RMI. jerbal in ebbok bok, la im deka ko Jack, rellap; D. ekka aer bok jikier ilo parijet im mechanical extrac)on of sand, gravel, or larger MalGov, rock; & UNDP usually from the shoreline or from nearshore x x kob bok im deka 1 aggregate mining itorerein ane ko. waters on atolls x x itorerein ane ko. waters on atolls Woja Ailinglaplap A three-­‐part sequence of ekka guidelines wot kojerbal for coastal bok protec8on im in the Pacific. The deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek Pacific -­‐ Coastal first is on the coastal physical environment, the second on erosion, and the Sherwood, A. & SOPAC misc. rep. Coasts Karl of Fellenius Pacific Islands bok im deka 1 aggregate rock ko jet ippan doon; ej juon 1996 kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon coarse par)culate hIp:// material commonly used for SOPAC, construc)on; Apia sand, 39 gravel, or larger rock no yes x x 2013 Tropics Protec8on third on coastal protec8on wot strategies im aolep and rej structures. idepdep There are photos of im eddek ippan doon ie. R. Howorth 222 human-­‐related changes to shorelines in Majuro. Woja Ailinglaplap ekka wot kojerbal bok im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek Woja Ailinglaplap Guidelines that introduce erosion ekka wot and kojerbal wave inunda8on bok in the RMI and im deka nan ekkal em/kallibin wojke im menin eddek Karl Fellenius bok im deka 1 aggregate rock ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock x x Karl Fellenius bok im deka describes 1 aggregate coral rock reefs as the ko jet first ippan line of doon; defense ej juon for coastal protec8on. It kol nan komman bwe aolep kain ren eddek ilo juon coarse par)culate material commonly used for construc)on; sand, gravel, or larger rock x x 2013 wot im aolep rej idepdep im eddek ippan doon ie. Ford, M. & A Landowner's 2013 Guide to Coastal Coastal describes "hard" and "son" wot methods im aolep of rej protec8on idepdep and explains where each im eddek ippan doon ie. hIp:// UH Sea Grant: FSM Harley RMI jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko 2013 jet Coastal ippan doon; UH ej Sea juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on Grant of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques 17 that in progress make sustainable yes use of agricultural Protec8on Protec8on one 1 is agroforestry suitable from the perspec8ve of loca8on and wave energy. How to /publica8ons/lowres.-­‐shorlineguide.pdf Honolulu x x x Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; en juon wot jikin an aolep men Consultants eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment choose the appropriate method is dicussed in the context of their flow-­‐on effects. FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural FSM Harley jerbal in kallip ilo 1 agroforestry kallib wojke immenin eddek ko jet ippan doon; ej juon kol nan komman bwe combina)on of agriculture and forestry; cropping techniques that make sustainable use of agricultural x x x Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; 1 agroforestry en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment x x x Manner 2013 bukin wojke ie; en juon wot jikin an aolep men eddek im idepdep ippan doon ie. space and local-­‐scale self sufficiency in a mixed forest environment jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of 1 albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin x nan juon men soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in jonan meram in al jidik in meran eo jan al ej itaak ilo lal in ej bar jeplaak lonlok; ilo waween in por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of jonan meram in al 1 albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin por)on of the total solar radia)on hiXng a surface that is in turn reflected by it; the surface albedo of x nan juon men 1 albedo ekadiklok deWan menaan eo, im komman bwe en dik an okmanaan menin soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo x nan juon men eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet. soils ranges from high to low, and vegeta)on-­‐covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo eddek ko im dan eo ioon lojet.