Incompressible Surfaces, Hyperbolic Volume, Heegaard Genus and Homology Marc Culler, Jason Deblois and Peter B
communications in analysis and geometry Volume 17, Number 2, 155–184, 2009 Incompressible surfaces, hyperbolic volume, Heegaard genus and homology Marc Culler, Jason Deblois and Peter B. Shalen We show that if M is a complete, finite-volume, hyperbolic Z ≥ 3-manifold having exactly one cusp, and if dimZ2 H1(M; 2) 6, then M has volume greater than 5.06. We also show that if M is Z ≥ a closed, orientable hyperbolic 3-manifold with dimZ2 H1(M; 2) 1 4, and if the image of the cup product map H (M; Z2) ⊗ 1 2 H (M; Z2) → H (M; Z2) has dimension at most 1, then M has volume greater than 3.08. The proofs of these geometric results involve new topological results relating the Heegaard genus of a closed Haken manifold M to the Euler characteristic of the kishkes of the complement of an incompressible surface in M. 1. Introduction If S is a properly embedded surface in a compact 3-manifold M, let M \\ S denote the manifold that is obtained by cutting along S; it is homeomorphic to the complement in M of an open regular neighborhood of S. The topological theme of this paper is that the bounded manifold ob- tained by cutting a topologically complex closed simple Haken 3-manifold along a suitably chosen incompressible surface S ⊂ M will also be topolog- ically complex. Here the “complexity” of M is measured by its Heegaard genus, and the “complexity” of M \\ S is measured by the absolute value of the Euler characteristic of its “kishkes” (see Definitions 1.1 below).
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