General Index

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General Index General Index Abraham 209 Antioch 34, 36–7, 145, 153, 158, 251, 282–3, Acacius, b. of Beroea 283–4 304–5, 343–4 Acacius, b. of Constantinople 302–3 Antiochene Achor 31 school/exegesis 9, 143n14, 409, 415, 418, Adam 210, 212–13, 222, 481–2, 486–7, 492 420–1, 432, 438, 446–7 Adonis 49 schism 282–4 Adversus Iudaeos literature 389, 393–4, Antoninus, b. of Fussala 250–1, 259 396–7, 401 Antoninus Pius, emperor 48 Aelius Aristides 48 Antony the Great 85–8, 128 Aeneas 216–18, 222 Anysius, b. of Thessaloniki 278–80 Agathias 364 Aphrodisias 32 Alcinous 103 Aphrodite 49 Alexander, b. of Alexandria 376 Aphroditian 391–4 Alexander, b. of Antioch 283–4, 413 apocryphal literature 386–7, 394–5 Alexander the Great 29 Apollinarians/ism 414, 416, 432 Alexandria 118, 128–9, 131, 134, 251, 283, Apollinarius of Laodicea 108–9, 376, 415, 370n13, 400 420, 438, 446 Alexandrian school/exegesis 7, 9, 143n14, Apollo 49 409, 418, 420–1, 432, 438, 446 apostles 36–7, 65, 128, 151n47, 199–200, 231, almsgiving 31, 37, 156, 169, 174, 210–11, 250, 241–2, 398, 454, 463 254–5, 326 Aquinas See Thomas Aquinas poor-roll/matricula 250–1 Arab conquest 2, 9, 343 Altar of Victory 8, 168 Arcadia, wife of Zeno 299n32 alterity See identity, false/non-/negative; Ares 49 heretics Ariadne, empress 9, 293–314 Alypius, b. of Thagaste 252, 275 Aristides of Athens 6, 48–9, 54 Ambrose, b. of Milan 8, 167–84, 230–40, Aristotle 147 242–3, 252, 278, 334–6, 413, 482 Arius/Arianism 121, 141, 172–5, 177–8, 197, Ambrosiaster 413, 482 282, 297, 366–7, 376, 378–9, 398, 413–15, Amoun 128, 252 420, 432 Amphilochios of Ikonion 93 Armatus, nephew of Basiliscus 301–3 amulets 7, 67–72, 74, 76–7 Artemidoros 56, 329 Ananias 211 Artemis 49, 56 Anastasius, bibliothecarius 374n22 asceticism 7, 73, 86–91, 94–6, 117, 119, 125, Anastasius, emperor 293–4, 306–13 128, 143, 149, 169, 188–9, 204, 210, 213, Anastasius of Sinai 334 252, 269, 273, 325, 335, 484 angels 62, 75–6, 90, 96–7, 201, 328, 338, 350, See also monasticism 372 Asklepios 49 Annisa 91–2, 95 Aspar 296–7 Anomoians 121, 282 Assyrian conquest 29 Anthemius, emperor 299 Athanasius, b. of Alexandria 88, 334, 413, Anthemius, praetorian prefect 309 415, 421–2, 438 anthropology, human 144, 147, 249–50, Athenagoras 134 256–63, 478, 480–93 Athenian philosophical school 157 General index 509 Athens 87, 89, 91 Buddhism 392, 478 Attis 49 Bulgars 373 audience 6 Buonaiuti, Ernesto 460 Augustine, b. of Hippo 8, 85, 117, 135, 190, 225–44, 248–64, 271, 275, 324, 330n40, Caelestius 275–7 336, 482, 486–91 Caesarea 88, 91–3, 118, 136–7 Aurelius, b. of Carthage 275, 277 Cairo 449 Auxentius 173, 178 Calandion, b. of Antioch 304 Calligonus 173 Babai the Great 446 Callinicum 8, 183 Babylon 200 canons 93, 268, 330n38 Babylonian conciliar/synodical 93 conquest 29 patristic 93, 270 exile 29 Cappadocia 302, 344 Bacht, Heinrich 410 Carthage 218, 252, 390–1 Balthasar, Hans Urs von 495–6 Cassian, John 86, 252 baptism 26, 34, 42–3, 60, 91, 94, 192, 270, Cassiciacum 190 272–3, 281, 393, 395, 396n29, 399, 401, Cataphrygians 269 445, 472, 479, 483, 495 catechesis 188, 225 barbarians 3, 48–9, 51, 61–2, 85, 177–8 Catholic/catholic see Christianity Barlaam romance 48–9 Catholic Modernism 10, 456–60, 471–2 Barnabas 36 Cellia 128 Basil I, emperor 401 Celsus 69–70, 107 Basil of Caesarea 7, 86–99, 101, 108, 344, 346, Chalcedon 301–2 351, 359 Chalcis 208, 210 Basilides 131 Chaldaeans 49 Basiliscus, emperor 293, 296, 301, 305 Chambésy 431, 439 Basiliscus/Leo, caesar 293, 301–2 chastity see virginity Belisarius 390 Cherris 304–5 Benedict of Nursia 85, 252, 327 China 426 Benedict XVI, pope 494 Chosroes I 392 Beroea 283 Chosroes II 392 Bethlehem 208n1, 221, 252, 277 Christ see christology bible Christian/s 6, 9, 25, 27, 33, 42–4, 48, 50–1, Vetus Latina 227n10, 240 61–2, 65, 70, 75–6, 87, 93–4, 129, 171–2, Vulgate 227n10, 240 180–81, 188–90, 193, 195, 199, 205, 208, Septuagint 105, 195, 240 220, 311, 322, 364, 366–7, 373, 376, biblical criticism 457–8, 460, 465–72 386–7, 389, 391–5, 399, 409, 464–5, 473 bishop/s 6, 65, 86, 93, 95, 119, 128–9, 170, clergy See priests 172–3, 175, 176n52, 178–83, 188–9, 191, dispensation 199n47, 205 248–9, 250–6, 262, 268–9, 273–85, 310, fanatics 179 312, 326–7, 364, 366, 371–4, 376–7, 381, Judaism 27, 34, 36–8, 42 388, 392–3, 458, 480, 493, 495, 497 literature 401–2 Blandina, martyr 483 storytelling 387 Boniface, b. of Rome 283 Christianisation 188–90, 205, 399 Bonosians 274, 278–82, 284–5 Christianity 2, 25, 27–8, 33–5, 37, 40–1, 54, Bonosus, b. of Niš 278–9 105, 119, 171–2, 180, 190–1, 252–3, 267–8, .
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