Review of - 170531_area_d_assessments


We have found a number of significant errors in the report. It separates Upper and and lack clarity on where the break of the two areas is. The break between the two is a green area. has at most 3 houses and the Church along with two small commercial areas. It is not good to separate the two areas of the same Village!

Stated Stondon is a village in the east of Central and has a population of 2,300 people and contains 1,110 dwellings (population and dwellings combine Upper and Lower Stondon)350. The settlement is around 10 miles east of and around 7 miles south of . Stondon is divided into two sections, Upper Stondon and Lower Stondon, with Lower Stondon being the larger of the two villages.


Why are Upper and Lower Stondon looked at separately? There is no real separation. The number of dwellings is 1023 based on last precept.


Upper Stondon does not contain any services and facilities. Upper Stondon has 1 small Leisure Strategy site, whilst Stondon as a whole has a surplus of formal large recreation areas, play areas for children and facilities for young people. However, there is a deficit of informal large recreation areas, small amenity spaces and allotments.


This seems to contradict the information provided for Lower Stondon. There is no small Leisure Strategy site in Upper Stondon. Stondon as a whole has allotments and a range of spaces.


However, there is a deficit of informal large recreation areas, small amenity spaces and allotments

Correction There are:- Two large recreation areas (Hillside Road, Pollards Way) Allotments (since 2012 and 60 plots) What are amenity spaces? A large number of play areas.

Sewerage and Wastewater Treatment The Shillington WwTW currently has capacity issues and each new development has been required to contribute to expand them or provide a coping system (untested).

CAPACITY ASSESSMENT Item 1 – there is no expansion options for the school and will be at capacity following significant housing growth. Item 2 – The Doctors in Stondon is at capacity and the building needs expansion to cope. Item 4 – there is no theatre and we have allotments.

Summary. The information is inaccurate and includes Camp. There are no options to the East as this is a different Parish. North will start to create coalescence towards other villages and destroys the green break. This will also fall into the blast zone from MDBA Bomb manufacturing capabilities. Extending West will remove the natural break to the Countryside and the loss of agricultural land.

Capacity should be LOW as we have been advised of developments either approved or suggested to bring over 500 houses to the village.