2015/2016 Annual Report.indd 1 12/8/16 4:39 PM MISSION


The Department of Education recently Manor who seek to graduate or transfer to four year revealed that by 2020, 63% of all jobs in Pennsylva- institutions do so at almost twice the rate. nia will require a college degree; right now, 44% of On top of it, the National College Scorecard brings us Pennsylvanians hold a degree. This information was back to the beginning of the conversation. There is a perceived as so important that Pennsylvania’s Council growing market need for two year and vocational de- of Higher Education, part of its State Board of Educa- grees as we offer here at Manor. This means that since tion, voted to approve a college attainment goal closely Manor graduates already have higher than national aligned with the market-needs of our society as they average starting salaries on the Scorecard, they are unfold over the next few years. In turn, this approval poised for an increase. permits the Department of Ed to achieve a six figure grant that begins to aim us, statewide, toward the has an excellent value proposition: college attainment goal. Planning to get us from point Manor College is a transformational institution that A to point B will be a part of the Department of Ed’s offers an excellent, values-based education and fosters process. student success by keeping classes small and tuition affordable. Because Manor’s classes are small, our Can you guess where the biggest gap in degree-need amazing faculty and our students have opportunities was? It is vocational level college education and two for 1:1 conversations, guidance, mentorship; and the year degrees. Of the 63% needed by 2020, 33% will result is not just being immersed in new materials, but require some college, associate’s degree or a postsec- learning because our students understand the concepts. ondary vocational certificate. This is what we do at Student understanding itself arises from available and Manor College. And while we approach topics based fostered conversations with faculty. It’s not something upon good data and needs-based studies, we are driven that happens everywhere. Our success is because we by who we are as a Catholic Basilian institution that care in a way that embraces every student toward their transforms lives. success.

As you read these pages of our Annual Report, know With our long term vision for becoming a bachelor’s that Manor College serves our community in fulfill- granting institution, there will be no comparing to us, ment of our mission. We are one of the only small pri- because we will hold onto our values, our excellent vate Catholic two-year colleges around and with a 9:1 faculty, our student teacher ratio, our better than any student teacher ratio, we are positioned very differently private college affordability and our place as an asso- than small private four-year colleges as well as com- ciate’s granting institution. We’re beginning to think munity colleges. Compared to the four year private of ourselves as a 2+2 institution. But we should stop colleges, we are the most affordable in Pennsylvania, there. That’s for next year’s annual report… bar none. Compared to the community colleges, our student teacher ratio is far better; and students of


2015/2016 Annual Report.indd 2 12/8/16 4:39 PM MISSION

Manor College believes that personalized education in the Judeo-Christian tradition generates a commitment to a peaceful world, which inspires confidence in the present and hope for the future. Manor’s Basilian environment enables students to fully develop as individuals and instills an understanding of scientific, humanistic and ethical- principles so students form a global vision. Manor also believes that graduation begins a new chapter of lifelong learning.

By maintaining academic excellence through current, innovative programs and encouraging students to develop a sense of inquiry, their critical thinking, effective communication skills, and by providing opportunities to serve the community, Manor graduates are prepared to serve society effectively and compassionately.

Congratulations to Elonzo Fairbanks for being awarded the Mother Josaphat Medal at the 13th Annual Founders Day on January 22, 2016. The Mother Josaphat medal goes to a student that has exhibited a responsible lifestyle, evidenced through Reverence, Respect and Service to the community.


Leonard L. Mazur, Chairperson Sandra A. Girifalco, Esq., Trustee Dr. Brenda L. Roselle, Trustee Roman (Ray) Gramiak, Mary Kolodij, Trustee Kathleen J. Sandoski, Trustee Vice Chairperson & Treasurer Sr. Miriam Claire Kowal, OSBM, Trustee Joseph E. Toner, III , Emeritus, Trustee Dennis M. McGrath Sr. Dolores Orzel, OSBM, Trustee Judith J. Ward, Trustee Vera Kalata, Secretary Sr. Laura Palka, OSBM, Trustee Anna Melnyk Allen, Trustee David A. Puerto, DVM, Trustee

2015/2016 Annual Report.indd 3 12/8/16 4:39 PM WE CARE ABOUT OUR STUDENTS AND OUR COMMUNITY



Manor College CARES about our students and our community, evidenced by our core values:

Catholic Basilian Tradition of Community, Hospitality and a Global Vision of Humanity

Academic Excellence Through Personalized Education, Effective Teaching and a Belief in Lifelong Learning

Respect for the Dignity of Each Person The Justice Studies Association hosted a conference on Justice Studies and led a Experiences that Transform Our Students clothing drive to support Career Wardrobe, a non-profit organization that provides women Service to the Community professional and business clothing to help them get back into the workforce.

Student, Kyle McIntosh poses with Liberal Arts Professors Mike Landis and Dr. Madeline Seltzer upon being inducted into Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society - a collegiate honor society with the mission to recognize academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders.

Last Spring, Student Senate presented project proposals to the faculty, staff and administration of Manor College with the purpose to have their voices heard for student concerns in order to make the Manor College experience a better one for all. One group proposed academic concerns, specifically with the current grading system and requested student input during the faculty hiring process. A second group suggested ways to make our classrooms more student friendly and equipped for a better learning environment.

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Anamata Hashmi, a Liberal Arts major was the 2015 recipient of the Service Leadership Scholarship. Anamata is a campus leader and currently involved with: Rotaract, Manor ANAMATA Ambassadors and Phi Theta Kappa. It is HASHMI scholarships that make Manor College a great Class of 2017 place for students to thrive inside and outside of Manor College the classroom. Liberal Arts Major 2015 Anamata comments on her receiving the Recipient of the Service Leadership Service Leadership Scholarship by saying, Scholarship "This scholarship helped me stress less about the amount of money I had to pay for college and this scholarship gave me hope that I would be The Justice Studies Association hosted able to attend college and made me realize how a conference on Justice Studies and led a much of a leader I am becoming." clothing drive to support Career Wardrobe, a non-profit organization that provides women professional and business clothing to help Students, faculty and staff participate in a Business Card them get back into the workforce. Exchange hosted by the Manor College Rotaract Club. The Rotaract Club participates in many community service projects throughout the year, projects include: Jenkintown Rotary Pancake Breakfast, NE Sunrisers Spaghetti Supper and Infinite Steps Program to Congresso.


2016 I MANOR 5

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“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Manor College officially began a new chapter this year - one filled with hope and prosperity.

This is the beginning of the transformation that will change our potential into reality. Our ambitious vision is for Manor College to become a bachelor’s degree- granting Catholic Basilian teaching college of distinction. Manor will be known for our diverse, thriving student body; excellent academic programs that prepare our students for contemporary careers; outstanding faculty Sources of Revenue and staff who are dedicated to our students and our Other Educa$onal; Auxiliary community; and a safe and inviting campus worthy of a 2.3% Enterprises; 8.7% Other; 0.2% college of this caliber. Contribu$ons; 3.2%

Investment Income; DONOR SPOTLIGHT: ANNA MARIE MONAGHAN, CLASS OF 1972 0.2% Grants & Appropria$ons; The Anna Marie Monaghan Scholarship was recently established in honor of Sister Mary 3.5% Tui$on & Fees, Net; 81.9% Cecilia Jurasinski, OSBM, President Emeritus of Manor College who inspired Anna to achieve her academic dreams. Anna graduated from Manor College in 1972 and went on to receive her B.A. in Education from . The Anna Marie Monaghan Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior or employee of Ann’s Choice, a senior living and continuing care retirement community in Warminster who wishes to attend Manor. The scholarship provides up to $8,000 ($4,000 scholarship awarded each Spring and Fall semester) to an academically qualified individual.

When asked, “Why did you start the Ann Monaghan Scholarship?” Monoghan’s response was, “Ann’s Choice gives out scholarships and I wanted to be a part of that giving. I wanted to give back to the college that meant so much to me. Sister Cecilia motivated me to get started again after my husband died and that was very important to me. She always encouraged me and it was very appreciated. Adult Education was not common around that time, so it was a big deal that I went back to school.”

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For fiscal year ended June 30, 2016, Manor College exhibited strong financial stability despite the decline in enrollment seen nationwide. Our balance sheet remains strong, operating results are positive, and liquidity is healthy. Total revenue increased nearly 5% while expenditures declined almost 3%. The purpose was to control costs in an effort to ensure affordability to our students.This is evident in a 0% tuition rate increase for the fiscal year 2016-17. The college's net surplus enabled various capital projects to be completed around campus. These projects were intended to benefit existing students and help in the recruitment of new students. The majority of revenue is generated through tuition and fees, making up nearly 82% of the total revenue. Auxiliary enterprises comprised of cafeteria services, residence hall, and the dental health center contribute almost 9% of total revenue. An area of optimistic growth resides in contributions to the college in the form of gifts and donations. Currently this area makes up only 3.2% of total revenue. Grants and federal and state appropriations contribute 3.5% to total revenue. The remainder is made up of other educational, investment, and other revenue.

Sources of Revenue The bulk of operating expenses (64%) have a direct benefit to students Other Educa$onal; Auxiliary 2.3% Enterprises; 8.7% Other; 0.2% through instructional education,

Contribu$ons; 3.2% academicsupport, and student services. Auxiliary Enterprises make up 9.4% of the Investment Income; 0.2% total expenses, while the costs to keep the college up and running in the form of Grants & Appropria$ons; institutional support make up 25.6% of 3.5% Tui$on & Fees, Net; 81.9% total expenses. Manor College strives to eliminate wasteful spending while continually looking for cost efficiencies.

Expenses by Func-on The market value of the endowment Public Services; Ins(tu(onal 1.0% Instruc(on & increased by over 11% to $2.67 million. Support; 25.6% Academic Support; The Manor College endowment plays a 45.2% significant role in helping to support students through various named and unnamed scholarships. The board of trustees has adopted a spending policy which requires the college to use 4% of the 3 year average Student Services; return on the market value of the endowment. 18.8% Auxiliary As the endowment continues to grow, Enterprises; 9.4% more money can go towards funding

student scholarships. 2016 I MANOR 7

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Mother Josaphat Elevator Project Macrinian Society Blue and White Club Founders Society Fourjay Foundation Donations of $250-$499 Donations of $100-$249 Donations of $10,000 and above Charles Cohen Nemesio J. Alvery The Beneficial Bankshares Seminack-Cwiek Family Katherine Denega Alicia Behn Foundation Award Joseph Burke James Bond The Craig Foundation Stephen and Ava Seminack Teresa Gillis, 1964 Erica Marie Branch, 1972 Leonard and Helena Mazur, Oksana Hrubec, 1967 Bristol-Myers Squibb 1963 Ukrainian Heritage Studies Vera Kacza-Sushko, 1956 Foundation Center John T. Krebs Cherie Crosby Endowed Scholarship St. Sophia Religious Associa- Dr. and Mrs. Edward Mazze Teri Bachman, 1995 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund tion of Ukrainian Catholics, Inc Stephen Nachesty Cecilia Markham, DMD Leonard and Helena Mazur, Sr. Dolores Orzel, OSBM Robert and Roma Dockhorn 1963 In kind to the Dental Donna Schmale, 1968 Sarah Dodd, 1961 Stasia M. Mento-Moloney, 1986 Center Ihor Shust Bobby Doscher, 1963 †Helen Skoufis Dr. Stephen Apple Marialice Stanzeski Sheila Gillespie Barbara Zajac, MD, PhD Taras Szmagala, Jr. Dennis Goloveyko Manor Associates The Loomis Company Mykola Haliv President’s Circle Donations of $500-$999 Kevin Welsh James Jurasinski Donations of $5,000-$9,999 Comprehensive Investment John W. Winicki Sister Mary Cecilia Williamson Restaurant Solutions LLC Jane Zegestowsky Jurasinski, 1956 Johnna Corbett, 1986 Acker’s Hardware, Inc. Eileen Konecke, 1963 Monsignor George Appleyard Stephanie Konyk, 1964 Endowed Scholarship Joseph Dishler MB Charitable Foundation Granison Eader Lilia Chaika Ivan Koropeckyj Howard Gallop Mary Lou Chin, 1958 Joseph Korszniak Rosemary Kelly, 1965 Mary Lizzul Agnes Kowal Basilian Benefactor Merck Partnership for Giving Ralph and Norma Hall George Kozub Donations of $1,000-$4,999 Regina Pape, 1961 Harcum College Louise Krulikowski Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Barbara Zajac, MD, PhD Holy Family University Sharon Mair, 1973 Credit Union Charles Cheleden Anne Knop James Markham Dr. Joanna Bassert Anne-Marie Craig, 1964 Dr. Diane Pevar Zenon Masnyj Alex Stogryn DiPalantino & Sons, Inc Kathleen J. Sandoski Phyllis McGovern, 1972 Peter Chornomaz Elena Giannasio, 1967 Luba Melnyk Nickolas Milanytch Matthew V. Piotrowski Gloria Zannis, 1964 Miriam Moody Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Michael Poloway Young, LLP Service and Leadership Anna Psiuk Steven and Karen Huynh Endowed Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Edward Mazze Scholarship Melanie Radzinski, 1974 Frances Boccella, 1969 Cherie Crosby Carol Ratko Marylou Delizia, 1966 Dr. Leonid and Irene Gwynedd-Mercy College Sr. Mary Cecilia Jurasinski Allied Health and Rudnytzky MB Financial Bank Scholarship Marylou Delizia, 1966 Mathematics Division James Sanzare Scholarship Dianne I. Saridakis Young Chin Steven Pressman Madeline Seltzer, PhD Mary Harbison 2015 Class Gift Student Chapter of the North Stephen Shubiak Linda Kachmar-Guarini, 1969 American Veterinary Techni- Elevator Project Catherine Solotwa, 1964 George Rendell cians Association Barbara Zajac, MD, PhD Stephanie Stalega The Lubrizol Foundation Endowed Scholarship Ukrainian Heritage Studies Edward Thomas Association of Independent Sesok Memorial Fund Dr. Deborah Sesok-Pizzini Center Suma Yonkers Federal Credit Colleges & Universities of PA Marylou Delizia, 1966 Union Kathleen J. Sandoski In kind to the Ukrainian Robert J. Orsher, VMD Joseph Toner, III Assunta and Pasquale Pace Heritage Studies Center Joseph Walton Sue Ann Southerland, 1987 Memorial Fund Dr. Patricia Sisca Pace Daria Kravets Nancy Watkins, 2014 David Puerto, VMD Marko Stawnyczyj William R. May Funeral Home Sally Mydlowec, 1966 8 MANOR I 2016

2015/2016 Annual Report.indd 8 12/8/16 4:39 PM Mary Angner 1964 Ukrainian Heritage Studies Catherine O’Shea Jurasinski, Scholarship Barry Cohen, DMD Center Kathleen Padlo, 1966 Elizabeth L. MacNeill Darlene Curran Robert and Rome Dockhorn Nancy Pasak Frances M. Stevenson Civil War Historical Society of Rev. Frank Patrylak Blue and White Club Round Table Montgomery County Joan Posselt, 1983 2015 Class Gift Donations of $100-$249 Most Reverend Stefan Soroka Adelaida Quintanilla, 2014 Schaneen Alexander, 2015 Nemesio J. Alvery Jean Drach, 1987 John Sereditch Afya Cain, 2015 Alicia Behn Friends Saunders, EdD Donations of $1-$99 Christine Cramer Sheaff Lydia Campion, 2015 James Bond Christine Erdner, PhD Michael Skweir Sarah Clymer, 2015 Erica Marie Branch, 1972 Edward Ashe William Gemmell Roman Badiak Roman Slysh Lori Cohen Bristol-Myers Squibb Gemmell H. Elizabeth Marty Smith Katherine Devine, 2015 Foundation Randol Beck Stephen Grieco, PhD Joan Behan, 1981 Mary Ann Smith, 1967 Theresa Gessner, 2015 Cherie Crosby Mary Jane Jacoby St. Michaels Ukrainian Catho- Leanne Giampa, 2015 Teri Bachman, 1995 Sheila Betasso, 1960 Mary Karn Adam Blusnavage, 2003 lic Church Norma Hall Cecilia Markham, DMD Daria Lissy Joanna Sym-Lipsky Regina Hughes, 2015 Robert and Roma Dockhorn Joanne Buccellato, 1968 Lee Ann Maginnis, 1976 John and Larysa Carr Daniel Turner Bogdana Kimak, 2015 Sarah Dodd, 1961 Angela McGowan, 1964 Ronald Wagner, 1980 Mary Jane Kleinfelter Bobby Doscher, 1963 Samantha Clark Diane Meehan, 1989 Patricia Conroy, 1987 George and Elizabeth Wesner Natasha Kopa, 2015 Sheila Gillespie Stasia Mento-Moloney, 1986 Elizabeth Whitman Volha Liashkevich, 2015 Dennis Goloveyko Casey Schmoyer, 2003 Sally Mydlowec, 1966 Stephanie Moyer, 2002 Jerry Wojt John Madsen Mykola Haliv Irene Nowak Barbara Wood Nigeria Mixon, 2015 James Jurasinski Michael Tanitsky Gilbert Ridgely Jacqueline Donohue, 1982 Rose Worobel Lindsey Newbert, 2015 Sister Mary Cecilia Natalie Rudyj Stephen and Victoria Wozny Vera Penkalskyj, 2015 Jurasinski, 1956 Amelia Drobile Christine Schoettle June Dupnock Hanna Zyruk Regina Price, 2015 Eileen Konecke, 1963 Dr. Julie Senecoff Marlynn Alkins Jacquelyn Riloff, 2011, 2015 Stephanie Konyk, 1964 Walter Dziwak Silva Printing Associate Eileen Engel Theresa Boyce Natalie Rudyj Ivan Koropeckyj Matthew J. Smalarz, PhD Linda Buchanan Andrea Sabo, 2007 Joseph Korszniak Stephanie Ermolowich Very Reverend Monsignor George Fenyo Elizabeth Colonna, 1969 Madeline Santiago, 2015 Agnes Kowal Waslo Luba Fedoryczuk, 1971 Elizabeth Trimber, 2015 George Kozub Kathleen Flood, 1967 Leslie Weinfeld Marie Githens, 1967 Lorraine Gastrock, 1965 Sr. Marie Francis Walchonsky, Louise Krulikowski John W. Winicki John Goral OSBM Sharon Mair, 1973 Jameel Gordon, 2014 Jane Zegestowsky Kathleen Grasmeder, 1957 Christine Graumann, 1986 Roman Zaharchuk James Markham Margaret Hennessey, 1989 Zenon Masnyj Beverly Halchak Endowed Scholarship Carol Hodges, 1984 Ukrainian Heritage Studies Phyllis McGovern, 1972 Anita Haley, 1967 Sr. Mary Cecilia Jurasinski, Anna Kiczula, 1971 Center Luba Melnyk Thomas Hill 1956, OSBM Frederick F. Hough Jeanne Ann Linguiti-Schluth, Tetjana Danliw Miriam Moody 1970 Free Library of New Hope and Michael Poloway Maria Iskiw Service and Leadership Patti McEnery Solebury Anna Psiuk Anna Janjanin, 1966 Scholarship Elaine McFadyen, 1983 The Manorly Bead Club Melanie Radzinski, 1974 Alyssa Jann, 2007 ABG, Upsilon Chapter Jean-Pierre Cap Sergiy Merkulov Pine Run Villagers Carol Ratko Beverly Mozersky Dr. Leonid and Irene Theodore Johnson, 1978 Sr. Mary Cecilia Jurasinski Luba Nowak Assunta and Pasquale Rudnytzky Andrew Kapustiak Scholarship Carin O’Donnell, 1965 Pace Memorial Fund James Sanzare William Kataryniak Jean Drach, 1987 Zorianna Klufas Margaret O’Rourke, 1972 Francis Pace Dianne I. Saridakis Vera Kalata Sr. Bohdonna Podney, OSBM Madeline Seltzer, PhD Konrad, Sonia †Sr. M. Emellia Prokopik, †Deceased Stephen Shubiak Myron Kuropas Mary Wolchanski OSBM Catherine Solotwa, 1964 Arlene Laserow Scholarship Edward Lewandowski, 1995 Olga Ozorowskyj-Gwynn, Stephanie Stalega Sr. Marie Francis Walchonsky, 1976 The Lubrizol Foundation Mary Ellen Lieb-Way, 1972 OSBM Maureen Matakonis, 1965 Veronica Papson, 1985 Edward Thomas Daniel L. Pevear Suma Yonkers Federal Credit Carolina Moeck Elevator Project Eileen Monaghan, 1997 Theresa Powell, 1985 Union Dr. and Mrs Edward and Ann Rafferty Robert J. Orsher, VMD Bridgit Mursch Mazze Patricia Myr Gerri McGowen Schmid, 1965 Joseph Walton Roman Sepell Nancy Watkins, 2014 Ladimer Nagurney 2015 Class Gift Elizabeth Whitman William R. May Funeral Home Maria Schrems Nichols, 1982 Student Senate John A. Orichosky Sr. Laura Palka, OSBM Sister Mary Cecilia 2016 I MANOR 9

2015/2016 Annual Report.indd 9 12/8/16 4:39 PM FY 2016 • HONOR ROLL OF DONORS

Mother Josaphat Roman Gramiak Macrinian Society Samantha Clarke Founders Society Vera Kalata Donations of $250-$499 Carlos Manuel Contente, 2012 Donations of $10,000 and above Acker's Hardware, Inc. Claire Di Criscio Leonard and Helena Mazur, Endowed Scholarship Thomas and Mindy Alvare Delaware County Bar 1963 Roman Gramiak Vera and Roman Andryczyk Association Alex Rovt Steven and Karen Huynh Beverly Bisaccia Katherine Denega Dennis McGrath Joseph Burke, FSC Marialice Stanzeski Endowed Scholarship Samuel Cimino Sarah Dodd, 1961 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Scholarship Marylou Delizia, 1966 Bobby Doscher, 1963 Leonard and Helena Mazur, Association of Independent DiPalantino & Sons, Inc Gallop Printing 1963 Colleges & Universities of PA Teresa Gillis, 1964 Dennis Goloveyko †Helen Skoufis Mary Harbison Ralph and Norma Hall Jameel Gordon, 2014 Barbara Zajac, MD, PhD Gerald Jones Beverly Halchak Assunta and Pasquale Pace Rosemary Kelly, 1965 Mykola Haliv Scholarship Memorial Fund Anne Knop Stephen Harley, 1996 W.W. Smith Charitable Trust Sue Ann Southerland, 1987 John Krebs James Jurasinski Christine Linvill Aneesh Khushman In kind donations In kind Contributions Eugene Luciw Janet Kirk Weldon Family Partnership Louise Cohen Ivan Koropeckyj Jonathan Peri Sr. Dolores Orzel, OSBM Sr. Miriam Clair Kowal, OSBM Manor Associates Dr. Diane Pevar Agnes Kowal Donations of $500-$999 Lubomir and Helen Pyrih Natalia Kuropeckyj President's Circle Lee Ann Maginnis, 1976 Donations of $5,000-$9,999 Frances Boccella, 1969 Melanie Radzinski, 1974 Sharon Mair, 1973 Stradley, Rodon, Stevens & David Puerto, VMD Natalie Rudyj James Markham Young, LLP Timothy Davidson Saint Basil Academy Drexel Neumann Academy Ihor Shust Stephanie Marks Walter and Alice Strine Diane Meehan, 1989 Anna Marie Monaghan Granison Eader Subaru of America Foundation Luba Melnyk Scholarship in honor of Sr. Gallop Printing United Ukrainian American Anne M. Monaghan, 1972 Mary Cecilia Jurasinski JFS Wealth Advisors Brian D. Mullane Anna Marie Monaghan, 1972 MB Financial Bank Relief Committee, Inc McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney John Winicki Stephen Nachesty Jane Zegestowsky Daniel Neubert Richard Flynn Scholarship & Carpenter, LLP Irene Nowak Fund Neumann University Robert J. Orsher, VMD Teresa Flynn O'Connell & Company Sesok Family Memorial Regina Pape, 1961 Scholarship Dominic Pileggi Dr. Brenda Roselle Dr. Deborah Sesok-Pizzini Robert and Roma Dockhorn Basilian Benefactor Dr. Leonid and Irene James Sanzare Donations of $1,000-$4,999 Rudnytzky Sr. Mary Cecilia Jurasinski Dianne Saridakis Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal The Loomis Company Scholarship Donna Schmale, 1968 Credit Union Ukrainian Heritage School Sr. Mary Cecilia Jurasinski, Self Reliance Federal Credit Meridian Bank Barbara Zajac, MD, PhD OSBM, 1956 Union in Newark PhotoMedex Inc Suzanne Mayes Madeline Seltzer, PhD Thomas Jefferson University Stephen Shubiak Jessica Orzel-Hulsebosch, 1952 Allied Health and In kind Contributions Marty Smith The Craig Foundation Mathematics Division Karen Fennelly Suma Yonkers Federal Credit Roscommon International Inc Scholarship David Puerto, DVM Union Alex Stogryn Mark Tarnawsky Anna Allen Melnyk Blue and White Club Service and Leadership Donations of $100-$249 Stephanie Walker Catherine Eckhart Nancy Watkins, 2014 Dennis McGrath Scholarship Nemesio J. Alvare Cherie Crosby Mary Angner, 1964 Kevin Welsh Joanna Bassert, VMD Xcel Maintenance Supply Co John Sarvady Teri Bachman, 1995 In kind to the Dental Alicia Behn Johnna Corbett, 1986 Mary Wolchanski Kathleen Sandoski Center James Bond Alice Brittian, DMD Erica Marie Branch, 1972 Scholarship Nickolas Milanytch Marie Francis Walchonsky, Peter Chornomaz Jean-Pierre Cap Mary Lou Chin, 1958 OSBM 10 MANOR I 2016

2015/2016 Annual Report.indd 10 12/8/16 4:39 PM Ukrainian Heritage Studies Louise Krulikowski Nicholas Zwarych Center Bohdan Kulchyckyj Hanna Zyruk Robert and Roma Dockhorn Myron Kuropas Federal Questers Michael Landis Endowed Scholarship Sarah Landish Kathleen Seweryn, 1968 Assunta and Pasquale Pace Nicole Lapp, 2014 Read Camille’s Memorial Fund Edward Lewandowski, 1995 Sister Mary Cecilia story below and Dr. Patricia Sisca Pace Volha Liashkevich, 2015 Jurasinski Scholarship learn how Mary Ellen Lieb-Way, 1972 Rita Stremba, 1956 scholarships from donors like YOU Friends James Lutz impact our Donations of $1-$99 Kathy Malone Ukrainian Heritage Studies students’ lives! Carolyn Agrusa, 1999 Dorothy Manley Center Roman Badiak Phyllis McGovern, 1972 Ann's Choice Questers Randol Beck Sergiy Merkulov Tetjana Danyliw Joan Behan, 1981 Mark Minnick Queen Annes Lace Questers Adam Blusnavage, 2003 Allison Mootz Round Meadow Runl Questers Theresa Boyce Sally Mydlowec, 1966 The Manorly Bead Club Linda Buchanan Patricia Myr Gentiann Canole Ladimer Nagurney †Deceased Nancy Ceranic Stephen Notarfrancesco, 2008 Nadine Charlap Charles O'Connor Larry Chirlin John A. Orichosky David Cipolla, 2007 Veronica Papson, 1985 Lori Cohen Kelly Peiffer Christina Colella Daniel Perez, 2006 SCHOLARSHIP IN ACTION Danielle Decker, 1986 Philip and Martha Murray John Dempster, 1999 Joan Posselt, 1983 Sandy Dunstan, 1963 Chrystyna Prokopovych Walter Dziwak Carol Ratko Eileen Engel Kennyadda Rice CAMILLE Dr. Christine Erdner Mariann Rooney HARPER Stephanie Ermolowich Andrea Sabo, 2007 Class of 2016 George Fenyo Janice Salerno Manor College Kathleen Flood, 1967 Virginia Saunders, EdD Pre-Nursing Transfer Cecilia Gallagher Casey Schmoyer, 2003 Lorraine Gastrock, 1965 Christine Schoettle Sheila Gillespie Joanne Scorpio, DMD Madeline Seltzer, Dr Linda Golkow, 1985 Camille Harper is one of the recipients of the Helen John Goral Dr. Julie Senecoff Paul and Irena Gramiak Michael Sentman Mahanic Skoufis and Peter J. Skoufis Scholarship Fund. Christine Graumann, 1986 John Sereditch Donna Guerin Christine Cramer Sheaff Aleksandra Hanas Jamie Simpson It was in the Spring of 2015 that I'd decided to start Chris Hartman Michael Sims fresh, and I'd made a promise to myself that I wouldn't Michael Skweir Margaret Hennessey, 1989 skip a single semester without registering for at least Carol Hodges, 1984 Roman Slysh Maria Iskiw Matthew Smalarz, PhD one class. I quickly exhausted all my financial aid for Anna Janjanin, 1966 Mary Ann Smith, 1967 the Spring semester, and since I was not financially able Joanna Sym-Lipsky Theodore Johnson, 1978 to pay out-of-pocket for classes, I was unsure how I Vera Kacza-Sushko, 1956 Miriam Tehrani Andrew Kapustiak Daniel Turner “was going to continue my college degree. William Kataryniak Barbara Vivona James Kelly Reverend Monsignor Waslo Being awarded this scholarship not only fully covered Anna Kiczula, 1971 Leslie Weinfeld my summer class, it also helped me keep my promise Auburee King, 2014 George and Elizabeth Wesner Elizabeth Knauss, PhD Elizabeth Whitman to myself as I am looking towards a career in nursing. Joseph Korszniak Barbara Wood ‘Thank you’ to all who played a part in allowing me to George Kozub Marguerite Young, 1972 continue my journey here at Manor. Maria Krislatyj Maria Zin 2016 I MANOR 11

2015/2016 Annual Report.indd 11 12/8/16 4:39 PM Something extraordinary is happening at Manor College... be a part of the transformation.

WAYS YOU CAN SUPPORT MANOR All donations can be made at: manor.edu/donate

Make a monthly gift and Join the Manor College become a Blue Jay Donor! Leadership Circle!

When you become a Manor College When you support Manor College in any of Blue Jay Donor, you join a special group of the following amounts you join the people whose monthly contributions ensure Leadership Circle. a quality, transformational experience for Manor students. Make your first monthly Legacy Circle $10,000+ contribution and we will send you a Blue Jay Basilian Circle $5,000 to $9,999 Donor pin. Wear it proudly to show your Macrinian Circle $1,000 to $4,999 support of Manor College. Fortitude Circle $500 to $999 Caritas Circle $250 to $499 *Amount indicates total annual gift made to Manor College

LEAVE A BEQUEST FUND A SCHOLARSHIP Leave a legacy to ensure our students futures Set up a scholarship that will benefit Manor and include Manor College in your will and College students and give them endless estate planning. opportunities to obtain their degree

To find out more about bequests and scholarships, contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at: (215) 885-2360 ext. 215 • [email protected]

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