Relations between Science Education and Environmental (Science) Education A NARST Symposium Strand 08 (History, Philosophy, Epistemology) March 27, 2001, 8:30-10:00 AM Yvonne Meichtry (Organizer), School of Education, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY 41099,
[email protected] Michaela Zint (Co-organizer), School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109,
[email protected] Panelists: (In order of appearance) William Carlsen, College of Education, The Pennsylvania State University, Universit Park, PA16802,
[email protected] Paul Hart, University of Regina, Regina, Canada SK S4S 0A2,
[email protected] Ali Sammel, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario NSG 1G7,
[email protected] David Zandvliet, Simon Frasier University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6,
[email protected] Justin Dillon, School of Education, King’s College London, London SE1 8WA,
[email protected] Introduction Yvonne Meichtry, Northern Kentucky University This symposium is an outcome of a NARST 2000 meeting held for interested participants to discuss their interests in environmental education, relevant support networks, and potential roles for NARST. Participants of NARST who attended the meeting concluded that it was necessary to pursue the 2 establishment of an environmental science education special interest group within NARST. An Ad Hoc Committee on Environmental Science Education (ESE) has subsequently been established. Other efforts made to promote and support the work of environmental (science) educators include the organization of conference sessions which focus on ESE, the development of ties to other groups within NARST with relevant interests, and the creation of a listserv to share information and dialogue. The challenges faced by science educators and environmental educators in respect to the distinctions and interrelationships between the two fields have been many.