Deriving the Full-Reducing Krivine Machine from the Small-Step Operational Semantics of Normal Order * Alvaro Garcia-Perez Pablo Nogueira Juan Jose Moreno-Navarro EvIDEA Software Institute and Universidad Politecnica de Madrid EvIDEA Software Institute and Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
[email protected] Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
[email protected] [email protected] within the hole, and recomposing the resulting term.) A reduction- free normaliser is a program implementing a big-step natural se mantics. Finally, abstract machines are first-order, tail-recursive implementations of state transition functions that, unlike virtual machines, operate directly on terms, have no instruction set, and no need for a compiler. There has been considerable research on inter-derivation by program transformation of such 'semantic artefacts', of which the Abstract works [3, 5,12,14] are noticeable exemplars. The transformations consist of equivalence-preserving steps (CPS transformation, in We derive by program transformation Pierre Cregut's full-reducing verse CPS, defunctionaUsation, refunctionalisation, inlining, light Krivine machine KN from the structural operational semantics of weight fusion by fixed-point promotion, etc.) which establish a the normal order reduction strategy in a closure-converted pure formal correspondence between the artefacts: that all implement lambda calculus. We thus establish the correspondence between the the same reduction strategy. strategy and the machine, and showcase our technique for deriving Research in inter-derivation is important not only for the corres full-reducing abstract machines. Actually, the machine we obtain pondences and general framework it establishes in semantics. More is a slightly optimised version that can work with open terms and pragmatically, it provides a semi-automatic way of proving the cor may be used in implementations of proof assistants.