Brooklands Aerodrome & Motor
BROOKLANDS AERODROME & MOTOR RACING CIRCUIT CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN Brooklands Heritage Partnership CONSULTATION COPY (June 2017) Radley House Partnership Brooklands Heritage Partnership, established in 2010, consists of representatives from Brooklands Museum, Historic England, Surrey County Council and Elmbridge Borough Council. BROOKLANDS AERODROME & MOTOR RACING CIRCUIT CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN PREFACE This document has been commissioned by Brooklands Heritage Partnership with funding from Historic England (formerly English Heritage). Brooklands Heritage Partnership consists of representatives from Brooklands Museum, Historic England, Surrey County Council and Elmbridge Borough Council. This informal Partnership was established in 2010 as a result of growing concerns regarding deterioration and lack of management of some sections of the former Brooklands motor racing circuit. Brooklands has a unique motor racing and aviation history and the heritage significance of its surviving features has been recognised by their designation as a Scheduled Monument, statutory listings and through the site’s Conservation Area status. A Conservation Management Plan is a document which analyses the history and fabric of a site, identifies why it is significant and then puts forward recommendations for retaining this significance for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations. The aim of the Brooklands Conservation Management Plan is to provide information and guidance on best practice to landowners, residents and other stakeholders in order to inform future decision making on proposals affecting the area and to make recommendations for projects to ensure its future conservation. The study has built on work carried out for a previous draft document produced in 2003 on behalf of DaimlerChrysler UK. This document is the subject of wider public consultation, managed and overseen by Brooklands Museum and Elmbridge Borough Council, for a six week period.
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