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[email protected]. The Sermon On The Mount Curtis Byers 2004 Front Cover Dante Gabriel Rossetti, stained glass window located in All Saints Church, Selsley, Gloucestershire, UK (1861), depicting Jesus delivering the Sermon on the Mount. Only the center window panel of a three-panel work is shown (see below). The disciples presented are Mary, Mary Magdalene, John, Peter, James and Judas. FOREWORD “The Sermon on the Mount is probably the best-known part of the teaching of Jesus, though arguably it is the least understood, and certainly it is the least obeyed” (Stott, p. 15). That judgment has been expressed by many and is sadly true. Unfortunately, to say that the Sermon on the Mount is the best-known part of Jesus’ teaching does not say very much, as so little of Jesus’ teaching is known today. Even that which is known is not understood. How can one only know small pieces of Jesus’ teaching and expect each piece to be understood apart from the whole? And the notion of obedience has fallen on hard times even among those who claim to be followers of Jesus. The Sermon speaks to those who would be citizens of the kingdom of God. All of Jesus’ teaching centered on God’s kingdom, but while many of Jesus’ parables highlight the worth of the kingdom and the pressing need to enter the kingdom, they do not tell us of the character of kingdom citizens.