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abortion, 37, 149, 154 Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO), Acceptable Behaviour Contract, 46 44–52 Adam Smith Institute, 182, 184 and blurring of civil and criminal Advisory Council on the Misuse of law, 58 Drugs, 116, 178 and breach rates, 46 Advisory Council on the Penal and business interests, 49–50, 189 System, 40, 175 and dispersal powers, 54 aggravated trespass, 107 and grounding orders, 122 Alderson, John, 108–9 and human rights, 50 America and populism, 192 and ‘governing through crime’, and ‘zero tolerance’, 112 168–70 as a welfarist measure, 68 and imprisonment of ethnic criticism of, 50, 51 minorities, 118 public support for, 193 and influence of neo-conservative use against beggars, 48 morality on Britain, 149 use against children, 46–8 and institutional explanations for use against prostitutes, 48 punitiveness, 136, 210 use against the mentally-ill, 47–8 and ‘Megan’s law’, 99 use in Northern Ireland, 52 and punitive culture, 135, 192, use in Scotland, 52, 80, 117 210 Antisocial Behaviour [Scotland] Act and retrenchment of welfare, 169 2004, 52 and rise in imprisonment rates, Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security 119 Act 2001, 38, 116 and the ‘corrections-commercial’ anti-terrorism laws complex, 173, 174, 187, 189 and extension of police powers, and transportation, 93 105, 108 and use of the death penalty, 127–8 limitation of reach of, 38 link between imprisonment and normalisation of, 108 employment rates in, 134 see also, Anti-Terrorism Crime and link between imprisonment levels Security Act 2001; Terrorism and social spending in, 169 Act 2000; Prevention of prison population of, 17–18, 127 Terrorism Act 2005; Terrorism population of, 181 Act 2006 visit of Home Affairs Select Australia Committee to, 182 and transportation, 93 anomie theory, 164–5 resistance to punitive trends in, 128 Antisocial Behaviour Act 2003, 49, 53, ‘authoritarian populism’, 197 55, 58, 107, 112 Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction bad character evidence, 60 Orders (ASBIs), 48–9 Bank of England, 143 Antisocial Behaviour [Northern Beccaria, Cesare, 24, 164 Ireland] Order 2004, 52 Becker, Gary, 164

243 244 Index begging, criminalisation of, 48, 130, Children and Young Persons Act 189, 208 1969, 71 Belfast Agreement 1998, 106 Children [Scotland] Act 1995, 79 Bentham, Jeremy, 24, 102, 164 Children’s Act 1908, 67, 70 Berlusconi, Silvio, 130 children’s hearings, see Scotland bifurcation, 25, 26, 31 Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Biggs, Ronald, 65 Bill 2010, 80 Bingham, Lord, 201, 202 Chirac, Jacques, 130 Blunkett, David, 110–11, 112, 178, Christian Socialist Movement, 155 184, 192, 201 Churchill, Winston, 30 borstal, 70 Civil Partnerships Act 2004, 154 Bratton, William, 111–12 CIVITAS, arguments re links between Bridewell, 62–3 crime and prison rates, 19–20 British Crime Survey Clarke, Kenneth, x, 122, 124 and crime rates, 19, 20 communitarianism, 155–7, 166–7 and drug use, 21 see also Etzioni, Amitai and perceived leniency, 15, 193 ‘community payback’, 40–1, 42, 43, and perceptions of antisocial 117, 198 behaviour, 45 community policing, 108–13 and underestimation of crime see also neighbourhood policing rates, 20 Community Rehabilitation British Retail Consortium, 56 Orders, 39, 87 British Security Industry Community Support Officers, see Police Association, 183 Community Support Officers Brittan, Leon, 32 (PCSOs) Brixton, riots, 106, 108, 109 Confederation of British Industry (CBI) ‘broken windows’ theory, 111–13 and relationship with New Bulger, James, 22, 72, 129 Labour, 145, 173 Business Improvement Districts and prison privatisation, 183–4 (BIDs), 188–9 and the punitive turn, 22 Conservative Party Cable, Vince, 183 and prison privatisation, 182, 183 Cameron, David, 120–6, 204–5, 206 and the punitive consensus, 38, Campbell, Alistair, 198 120–6, 206–7, 208 Canada, 128 Constitutional Reform Act 2005, 203 cannabis Control Orders, 38, 116 recording of offences relating to Coroners and Justice Act 2009, 60 use of, 21, 59 corporate crime, see ‘crime’ and reclassification of, 115–16 ‘white-collar crime’ see also Advisory Council on the Corporate Manslaughter and Misuse of Drugs Corporate Homicide Act 2007, 173 Canterbury, Archbishop of, 147 crime capital punishment, see death against business, 188–9 penalty and anomie, 164–5 Carnarvon Committee, 63 and drug abuse, 48, 73, 82–3, 206 Carter Review, 59, 145 and unemployment, 134 Carter, Lord, 145, 177 fear of, 1, 2, 6, 72, 103, 111, 112, Casey, Louise, 68, 95, 101 134 CCTV, 102–4, 182 media representation of, 15, 197–8 Index 245

perpetrated by business, 49–50, 97, and mandatory minimum 172–3, 196, 208 sentences, 28 rates of, 2, 19–20, 22, 133, 180, 193 and parole, 33–4 see also drugs offences; homicide; and relevance of previous knife crime; sex crime; street convictions, 26 crime; white-collar crime and the aims of imprisonment, Crime (Sentences) Act 1997, 115 5, 67 Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and the conditional caution, 58 and ASBOs, 45, 49, 51 and the Single Community and child curfews, 53 Order, 39, 48, 87 and creation of reprimands and and the Suspended Sentence final warnings for under Order, 41 18s, 74 and tougher penalties for sex and Home Detention Curfew offenders, 100 (HDC), 34 Criminal Justice Administration and partnership approach to Act 1914, 67 policing, 112, 188 Criminal Justice and Court Services and populism, 192 Act 2000, 87, 88 and creation of Youth Justice Criminal Justice and Immigration Board (YJB), 73 Act 2008, 29, 58, 75 and the Detention and Training Criminal Justice and Police Act Order (DTO), 76 2001, 53, 54 and the Drug Treatment and Criminal Justice and Public Order Testing Order (DTTO), 83 Act 1994, 22, 107, 122 Crime and Disorder Reduction Criminal Justice [Northern Ireland] Partnerships (CDRP), 45, 91, 103, Order 2008, 29 188, 207 curfews Crime and Security Act 2010, 47, as community penalties, 39, 40 105 for young people, 53, 54, 122, 130, Crime and Victims Act 2004, 60 192 Crime Sentences Act 1997, 27, 33 see also ‘grounding orders’ and Criminal Anti-social Behaviour ‘Home Detention Curfew’ Orders (CrASBOs), 50 ‘cycle of deprivation’, 154 Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, 98 ‘dangerous classes’, 93–4 Criminal Justice Act 1948, 30, 70 ‘dataveillance’, 103 Criminal Justice Act 1967, 30, 32, 41, death penalty 201 abolition of, 25, 192 Criminal Justice Act 1972, 40 and deterrence, 164 Criminal Justice Act 1982, 88 opposition to, 22, 128, 162 Criminal Justice Act 1991, x, 25, 26, support for, 162, 192, 193, 194 33, 88, 179, 181 use of in England, 25, 118 Criminal Justice Act 1993, 22, 26 use of in the USA, 127–8, 132 Criminal Justice Act 2003 De Menzes, Jean Charles, 108 and abolition of procedural Demos, 152, 153 protections, 60–1 Demotion Orders, 49 and Indeterminate Sentences for designated areas, 53, 189 Public Protection, 28 Detention and Training Order (DTO), and limitation of HDC, 34 76–7 246 Index detention centres G4S, 181, 182, 183, 184 for immigrants, 181 garottings, 32, 63 for young people, 70 GEO Group UK Ltd., 182 Dispersal Orders, 52–4, 189, 192 Germany divorce, 154 and adoption of punitive penal doli incapax, 69 policies, 129–30 Doncaster, HMP, 182, 186 and resistance to punitiveness, 128, double jeopardy, 60–1, 99 129, 135 Drinking Banning Orders (‘booze and the welfare state, 139 ASBOs’), 50–1 prison population of, 18 Drug Interventions Programme, 83 punitive sentiment in, 193 drug offences, 21, 27, 32 Giddens, Anthony, 133–4, 152, 167 Drug Rehabilitation Requirement, 83 Giuliani, Rudolph, 112 Drug Treatment and Testing Order Gladstone Report, 64, 70, 84 (DTTO), 39, 42, 83 Gloucester, HMP, 63 du Cane, Sir Edward, 63–4 Godwin, William, 63 Grayling, Chris, 122, 123 East Sutton Park, HMP, 95 Green, T. H., 64 Electronic monitoring, 39, 42, 79, ‘grounding orders’, 121–2, 124 90, 130, 181–2 see also Home Detention Curfew Habitual Criminals Act 1869, 30, 118 Equality Act 2006, 154 Halliday Report, 26, 33, 34, 35, 201 Etzioni, Amitai, 155, 157 Harris, Ralph, 139–40 European Commissioner for Human Hayek, Friedrich von, 139–40 Rights, 50, 52, 116 hearsay evidence, 50, 60 European Convention on Human Heath, Sir Edward, government of, Rights (ECHR), 50, 54, 105, 41, 181 116 Highways Act 1980, 48 European Court of Human Rights, Holland, see The Netherlands 38, 106, 116 Home Detention Curfew (HDC), 34–5 homicide, 20, 21, 173 family courts, 71 Housing Act 1996, 49 Field, Frank, 157 housing injunction, 49 Finland, 128–9 Howard, John, 63 Fisher, Anthony, 139 Howard, Michael, viii, x, 22, 120, 126, Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs), 55, 176 57 Howard League for Penal Reform, 81, focus groups, 195 175–6 Fox, Sir Lionel, 70–1 Human Rights Act 1998, 27, 116, France 123 and adoption of punitive penal Hurd, Douglas, 176 policies, 130–1 and resistance to punitiveness, 128, immigration 129, 131, 135, 210 and the ‘risk society’, 133–4 prison population of, 18, 130, 131 as a key electoral issue, 126, 197, punitive sentiment in, 193 203, 207–8 Freedom of Information Act detention/removal centres, 181, 2000, 20 182 Fry, Margery, 98 public concern about, 195 Index 247

Indeterminate Sentences for Public Lewes, HMP, 95 Protection (IPPs), 28–31 Liberal Democrats, 125, 126, 186, and delays to release on licence, 34 204, 206, 208 as driver of longer sentences, 28–9, Licensing Act 1872, 37 115 Liverpool, 104, 189 use in Northern Ireland, 29–30 Local Government Act 1972, 58 see also Order for Lifelong Local Government Act 1988, 154 Restriction Local Government Act 2003, 154, Individual Support Orders (ISOs), 46, 188 47 loi d’orientation et de programmation inequality pour la justice, 130 and crime, viii, 170 loi d’orientation et de programmation under New Labour, 145–6, 170 pour la performance de la sécurité under Thatcher, 147–9 intérieure, 130 see also social exclusion loi sur la sécurité intérieure, 130 Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), 7, London 139–40, 152 Aylesbury Estate in, 150 Institute for Public Policy Research Business Improvement Districts (IPPR), 92, 183 in, 189 Intensive Supervision and development of Metropolitan Surveillance Programme (ISSP), Police of, 105 75, 76, 77 murder of De Menzes in International Crime Victimisation underground in, 108 Survey, 192–3 restriction of demonstrations Italy in, 108 and resistance to punitiveness, 129 use of CCTV in, 103–4 and support for punitiveness, 130, Longford, Lord, report by, 32 135 prison population of, 18 Macmurray, John, 156–7 Macpherson, William, 108 Johnson, Lyndon B., 168 Magistrates’ Association, 201 Jowell, Tessa, 155 Major, John Judge, Lord, 201 and application of ‘just deserts’ judicial independence/discretion, 25, sentencing, 115 200–3 and application of the Criminal just deserts, 25, 26, 114–15 Justice Act 1991, 179 Justice [Northern Ireland] Act 2002, and ‘back to basics’ campaign, 81–2 150 and David Cameron, 126 Kalyx, 182 and prison privatisation, 182 Kelling, George L., 111 and reaction to Bulger killing, Kilmarnock, HMP, 186 22 Kirchheimer, Otto, 134 and the Private Finance knife crime, 72, 121, 198 Initiative, 144 Kray brothers, 23 Mallon, Ray, 112 Manchester left realism, vii, 196 riots at HMP Strangeways in, 67 legal aid, 59–60 use of ASBOs in, 51 Letwin, Oliver, 123 mandatory minimum sentences, 28 248 Index

Martinson, Robert, 65–6 Offences Brought to Justice (OBTJ), Megan’s Law, 99, 115 5, 59 Merton, Robert, 164–5 Offender Assessment System Millbank, HMP, 102, 180 (OASys), 31 minimum wage, 143, 146 Offender Management Act 2007, 90, Mitterrand, François, 130 181 Mont-Pèlerin Society, 139–40 offending behaviour programmes, Mountbatten Report, 65 85–6 Murder [Abolition of the Death Old Age Pensions Act 1908, 65, 94 Penalty] Act 1965, 27, 192 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Murdoch, Rupert, 198 Streets Act 1968, 168 Murray, Charles, 94–6, 133, 153 Order for Lifelong Restriction, see Scotland NAIRU, see unemployment Osborne, George, 183 ‘naming and shaming’, 9, 50 National DNA Database (NDNAD), Panopticon, see Bentham, Jeremy 104–5 Parenting Orders, 47, 58, 61, 79, 81, National Insurance Act 1911, 65 83, 154, 169 National Minimum Wage Act Parkhurst, HMP, 69 1998, 143 parole neighbourhood policing, 109–11 and IPP prisoners’ difficulty in neighbourhood wardens, 54, 110 obtaining it, 29 ‘neo-rehabilitative ideal’, 67–92 and obsession with risk, 35–6, New Deal 179 New Labour’s, 82–3, 171 and reoffending, 31 Roosevelt’s, vi, 168 and stricter eligibility conditions New Liberals, 64–5 in Sweden, 129 ‘new penology’, 84 limitation of, 10, 31–6 Nixon, Richard, 165 Paulsgrove Estate, 99 Northern Ireland Payne, Sarah and ASBOs, 52 mother of, 99, 101 and average sentence lengths, 23 murder of, 99 and community sentences, 43 see also Sarah’s Law and dispersal powers, 54 Peel, Sir Robert, 105 and , 38 penal servitude, 30, 118 and IPPs, 29–30 Penalty Notices for Disorder (PND), and parole, 32 54–7 and penalty notices for and children, 55 disorder, 57 and netwidening, 56 and police numbers, 106 and use in Scotland, 57 and policy convergence/divergence Penitentiary Act 1779, 63 with England, 116–17 Pentonville, HMP, 63 and probation, 105 Perben, Dominique, 130 and punitive sentiment, 15, 192 Phillips, Lord, 34, 201 and restorative justice, 81–2 Polanyi, Karl, viii, 149 prison population of, 16, 17 Police Act 1997, 172 Northern Ireland [Sentences] Act Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1998, 16 1984, viii, 106 Norway, 128–9 Police and Justice Act 2006, 58 Index 249

Police Community Support Officers Probation of Offenders (Scotland) (PCSOs), 54, 105, 109, 110, 207 Act 1931, 87 Police National Computer, 55, 104 Prodi, Romano, 130 Police Reform Act 2002, 50, 110 prostitution, 48, 130 Pollard, Charles, 112 Protection from Harassment Act populism, 51, 100, 136, 195–8, 1997, 107 203, 210 public opinion Powers of Criminal Courts and punitive sentiment, 192–3, [Sentencing] Act 2000, 28 194–5 Prevention of Crime Act 1908, 30, and the judiciary, 22, 201–2 66, 70 and the media, 197–8, 199 Prevention of Harassment Act 1997, influence of, 133, 174, 176, 190, 59 191–2, 197, 200 Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005, 38 on ASBOs, 193 Prison Commission, 64, 70 on children, 78 prison conditions on the death penalty, 192, 194 and overcrowding, 86 Public Order Act 1986, 48, 107, and privatisation, 184, 186, 187, 109 208 following Mountbatten Report, Reagan, Ronald, 8, 165 65 Reducing Burglary Initiative, 177 in Germany, 129 Referral Order, 74, 75 in nineteenth century, 63 Reformatory Schools Act 1854, in Sweden, 119 69–70 in young offenders institutions, Regulation of Investigatory Powers 70 Act 2000, 123 prison population rehabilitation and judicial failure to reduce and competition with other aims it, 210 of imprisonment, 40, 65 composition of, 16–19, 171 and conditional cautions, 58 decline in, 162, 163 and IPPs, 29, 31 expected increases in, 121, 124 and large prisons, 186–7 increase in, 16–19, 123 and prison, 84–6 of England and Wales, 16, 18 and probation, 87–91 for international comparisons, and public opinion, 193 see under separate countries and social democratic consensus, Prisons Act 1898, 64 65, 175 Private Finance Initiative (PFI), 144, and the Gladstone Report, 64 182, 185, 186 and the New Liberals, 64–5 probation and widening of the penal net, and risk assessment, 31, 88, 90 66–7 in Northern Ireland, 43, 91 and young people, 69–82 in Scotland, 91 decline of, 65–6 private sector involvement in, 90, in eighteenth and nineteenth 181, 184, 187 centuries, 63–4 reform of, 87–91, 124, 180 see also ‘Community Rehabilitation trends in use of, 87 Orders’ and ‘neo-rehabilitative Probation of Offenders Act 1907, 67, ideal’ 87 Reid, John, 15, 184 250 Index

Research Assessment Exercise, 178–9 and the Order for Lifelong Respect Campaign, 68, 95, 101 Restriction, 30 restorative justice prison population of, 16, 17 as alternative to retributive justice, Secure Training Centres, 76, 122, 114, 212 182, 184 in Northern Ireland, 81–2 Secure Training Orders, 77, 122 in Wales, 81 Seldon, Arthur, 139–40 in youth justice system, 74–6, 114 Sentencing Advisory Panel, 201 see also Youth Rehabilitation Order Sentencing Guidelines Council, 201 (YRO) separate system, 63, 119 Restriction of Liberty Orders (RLOs), Serco, 182, 183, 184, 200 see Scotland Serco Institute, 183 Rice, Anthony, 31 Serious Crime Prevention Orders Risk of Sexual Harm Order, 100 (SCPOs/’super ASBOs’), 51 risk society, 133–4, 167 Serious Crime Act 2007, 37, 51 Road Safety Act 2006, 37 Serious Organised Crime and Rusche, Georg, 134 Police Act 2005, 107 sex crime, 15, 20, 28, 32, 99, 100–1, Sarah’s Law, 99, 100, 118, 192, 198–9 115, 129, 154, 172 Sarkozy, Nicolas, 130, 131 Sexual Offences [Amendment] Scandinavia, see under separate Act 2000, 154 countries Sexual Offences Act 2003, 100 Scotland Single Community Order (SCO), and ASBOs, 44, 51–2 39–41, 75, 83, 87 and average sentence lengths, 23 situational crime prevention, 180 and ‘Children’s Hearings’, 79–80, Smith, Adam, 139–40, 182 118 Smith, Iain Duncan, 152 and community sentences, 42 Smith, John, 155 and demonisation of young social exclusion, 92, 94–5, 151–3, people, 78 157–8, 170, 171, 206 and dispersal powers, 54 Social Work [Scotland] Act 1968, 79, and double jeopardy, 61 91 and fixed penalty notices, 57 Special Constables, 109 and HDC, 35 Stigler, Joseph, 164, 209 and parole, 32 stop and search, 38, 106–7, 108 and police numbers, 106 Strangeways, riots, 67, 176 and policy convergence/divergence Straw, Jack with England, 116–17, 210–11 and Christian Socialist and populism, 81 Movement, 155 and prison overcrowding, 86 and HDC, 35 and prison privatisation, 181, and link between crime and 185, 186 imprisonment rates, 19 and probation, 87, 91 and out-of-court disposals, 57, 59 and punitive sentiment, 15, 192 and victims of crime, 99 and recalls to prison, 34 and youth justice, 72, 73, 78 and Restriction of Liberty Orders street crime, 28, 51, 97, 110, 172, 196 (RLOs), 42 Supervision Orders, 71, 77 and retention of DNA profiles, 104 Sure Start, 154 and section 28, 154 ‘sus laws’, 106 Index 251

Suspended Sentence Order (SSO), unemployment 41, 83 and the link to imprisonment, Sweden, 128–9 134 Sweeney, Craig, 15 and the New Deal, 82 and the ‘underclass’, 94–5 tax credits, 146 benefits, 148 terrorism, see anti-terrorism rate, 143, 148 legislation United States, see America Terrorism Act 2000, 38, 106–7, 108 Terrorism Act 2006, 38, 107 Vagrancy Act 1824, 37, 48, 106 Thatcher, Margaret Varinard Report, 131 and cultural change, 153, 192 Victim Focus Scheme, 101 and death penalty, 162 Victim Personal Statements and failure to roll back the (VPS), 101 state, 140 Victim Support, 98 and inequality, 147–9 Victims’ Advisory Panel, 101 and irreversibility of her Victims’ Champion, 101 policies, 147 Victims’ Commissioner, 101 and law and order, viii, 37, 72, victims of crime, 97–101 162–4, 165–6 and imprisonment rate, 19 and legitimacy crisis, 149–50, and managerialism, 179 197 and ‘rebalancing’ the criminal and morality, 149–50, 153–4 justice system, 61, 88–9, 92, and neoliberalism, 142–7 93, 97–8, 114 and right-wing think tanks, 152 and the Conservative Party, and society, 151 125 and the police, 109 and the Liberal Democrats, 125 criticism of, 147, 150 and the media, 118 New Labour’s continuity as drivers of punitive trends, with, 143–7 99–100 The Netherlands, 2 businesses as, 188–9 The Wolds, HMP, 181, 182 reparation to, 58, 74–5, 82, 98 ‘three strikes’ laws, 1, 27–8, 115, role in criminal justice process 128, 193 of, 98, 101, 118, 196, 212 tickets-of-leave, 32 young people as, 51 Toxteth Riots, 109 see also left realism trade unions, limitation of power Violent Crime Reduction Act of, 8, 140, 145, 147, 148, 160, 2006, 50, 100, 169 206 von Mises, Ludwig, 139 ‘trickle down’ theory, 149 Wales, distinctive approach to underclass youth justice in, 80–1 and impact of Thatcherite policies, welfare-to-work, see New Deal 147 white-collar crime, 20, 49–50, and New Labour, 94–5, 96, 153, 166 96–7, 173–4 and social exclusion, 151–2 Whitelaw, William, 72, 162, 176 as targets of crime policy, 95, 117 Wilson, Harold, government of, values of, 94–6 65, 71, 72 see also Charles Murray Wilson, James Q., 111, 165 252 Index women in France, 130–1, 210 and prosecution of prostitution, 48, in Northern Ireland, 81–2 130 in Scotland, 79–80 and workfare, 170–1 in Wales, 80–1 as PCSOs, 110 see also ASBOs; dispersal orders; attitudes of female prisoners, 95–6 penalty notices for disorder; in prison population, 16, 18 cautions violence against, 20 Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Woolf, Lord, 34, 68, 86, 201, 202 Act 1999, 74 Woolf Report, 176, 186–7 Youth Inclusion Programme (YIP), 77, Wootton, Baroness Barbara, 46 103 Youth Justice Board, 47, 53, 73, 76, Young, Peter, 182, 184 81, 178, 184 Young Offender Institutions, 17, Youth Offending Panel, 74, 75 76 Youth Offending Team (YOT), 47, youth justice, 69–82, 162, 169, 180 73, 81, 87 and imprisonment, 17 Youth Rehabilitation Order and punitive attitudes, 193 (YRO), 75–6 and the Conservative Party, 120, 121–2, 124 ‘zero tolerance’, 111–13, 123