Over 100 Documents, Mostly Relating to Land and Property in the Leeds Area, but Some Relate to Marriage Settlements, Separation, Bankruptcy Or Wills
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MD215 no 215 Over 100 documents, mostly relating to land and property in the Leeds area, but some relate to marriage settlements, separation, bankruptcy or Wills. Areas, other than Leeds, mentioned are: Barneby-upon-Dunne (Nr. Doncaster) 2 Carthorpe (N.E. of Masham)* 27: 44 Cauldall (?) L 3 2 Hemsworth 39: 95; 97 Kirklington (E. of Masham) 27: 44 London (St. Paul’s area) 51: 101 Skircoat (Halifax) 85 Thorpe, Idle (Parish Calverley) 15 There is also considerable information about the Goodman family, OF LEEDS etc, relating to Wills, Agreements and family relationships. Nos. 105:106:107:108 1. 22. 6.1636/^Rty^lr£<jl S^hi^les. Deed of ffoefment. Between Augustine Smith, son and heir apparent of Alexander Smith, late of Callane, Leeds, Chapman, deed, 1st, and Elizabeth Scholes, daughter of 3ohn Scholes. 1 Croft or toft “BECKWITH CROFT" and one cottage or tenament, with houses, edifices etc. in t eeds Kirkoate. adjoining Callaine towards the East etc. etc. 2. 4. 4.1638: Richard Walton to William Handon. Foeffment Between Richard Walton of Leeds, Chappman, 1st: William Handon of- Leeds, Clothier, Other. Part or parcel of freehold land. Roger Portington of Barmbie upon Dunne Esq and Ingram Hopton, son and heir apparent of Rafhe Hopton of Armley Hall, Esq, and Robert Lee of Dunscroft, Yorks Gent. At request of Roger Portington and in performance of Trust re diverse lands, tenaments and heriditaments in BARNEBY UPON DUNNE, CQULDALL, LEEDS and eleswhere in Co. of York (reference to deed of 1636; AND part or parcell of land at MILL HILL. Leeds, and the Freehold KILN HOUSE lately erected in the South end of the said Garth or Croft, with appurts, in Leeds, MILL HILL, near LEEDS CORNE HILLS....NOW.*. all that said part or parcel of freehold land, somatime part and parcel of the aforesaid Croft, now divided therefrom with- rayles, and also freehold KILN HOUSE thereon, with appurts, etc. etc. J3. (numbered 115" and tt12,t) 13. 5.1682. Thomas Atkinson, Barwick in Elmet, and Alice his u/ife and others to Dodgson. Release, Thomas Atkinson, Barwick in Elmet and Alice his wife, and Elizabeth Scoles, Spinster, daughters and co-heirs of Thomas Scoles, late of Call Lana, Leeds, Clothuorker, 1st, and 3ohn Dadgson, Gent, Other. Three several messuages, cottages or dwelling houses in CALL LANE, with etc. etc. AND Closes, Great Solmes and Little Solmes. 6 acres in Hunslet. etc. etc. t4. 26. 1.1688 Between Dohn Matthew, Leeds, Clothdrawer - Dames Kent, Gent of Leeds and Uohn Matthew, Gent. Counterpart of Deed .Marriage between John Matthew and Martha Rownthwaite. daughter of Richard Rounthuaite. Re rooms or tenaments, parcels of a messuage or cottage, J-EEDS BRIDGE ' £ 5. (numbered “I”) 26. 3.16B8. Thomas Elies. .Writing for The Paddock Between Nathaniell Walker of Leeds, Gent; Dorothy Walker of Leeds, widow, 1st; Henry Ellis of Leeds, Clothdresser, Other. Close of arable, meadow or pasture ground THE PADDOCK. 3 roods, and appurts, in Leeds etc. etc. 60 26. 3.1688 Receipt by Nathanial Walker and Dorothy Walked, of Henry Ellis of Leeds, Clothdrawer, the sum of £40 in full for purchase of X Close of arable, meadow or pasture..THE PADDOCK, in Leeds (ru O .7. 26. 3.1688 Dorothy Walker, widow, Leeds, re Dower-THE PADDOCK. Leeds, and money. Quitclaimed Nathaniell Walker M D 2 1 5 MP 215 (cont^d) 8.22. 8.1689 Robert Chippin of Leeds, Clothmaker and William Dodgson of Leeds, Clothworker. Copy of Division deed. They purchased together messuage or tonament used as two dwelling houses, etc. in CPU LANK, Leeds, AND Close of land, ELLINGSHAY, 2 acres and appurts in HUNSLET • 9. 28.12.1693 Bryan Dixon, Gent to Caleb Askwith and William Leake. ^—' Lease for a year. Between Bryan Dixon of Hunslett, Gent, 1st; and Caleb Askwith of Leeds, Linnen Draper and William Leake of Hunslet, Clothier, Other. Two closes of meadow ground WETLANDS adjoining upon each other, the lane BLACKMAN LANE lying on the South or South-West of one, and the Beck SHIPSCAR on the North or North-East side of the other AND 1 Close of meadow ground in BEESTON, LITTLE SIDDALL CLOSE, etc. etc. .10. 29.12.1693. Settlement on 3ames Thwaites etc. Bryan Dixon, Gent to Caleb Askwith and William ^eake. Settlement on the marriage of Nary Dixon and James Thwait6s. Two closes. WETLANDS, near. BLACKMAN Lane. Leeds, and one at OEESTDN LITTLE SIDDALL CLOSE .11. 4.12.1694. Small note containing extracts from WILLIAM HANDELS will. and note re relationships 12. 7. 7.1698 COURT BARRON. LEEDS (in Latin) re Christopher Stirke of Woodhouse Co. Yorks, Yeoman and Thomas L.......Yeoman 13. 30. 8. 1703 Samuel Stables to Samuel Oldroyd. Lease for a year. Between Samuell Stable the Elder of Gildersome, clerke and Samuell Stable of the Citty of London, Lynen Draper, sonn and herie appairent of Samuell Stable the Elder, 1st, and Samuell Oldroyd of Leeds, Yeoman, Other. Dwelling House or Tenament containing four roomes, with fronts and backsides thereunto belonging and adjoining on West side of Leeds Bridge THE TENTERS, together with etc. etc. 14. 31. 8.1703 Mr. Stable to Samuel Oldroyd. Conveyance. Between Samuel Stable the Elder of Goldsborough, Clerke and Samuel Stable, City of London, Linen Draper, son and heir at law of Samuel the Elder, 1st; Samuel Oldroyd of Leeds, Yeoman, Other. Dwelling House or Tenament containing 4 rooms and with front and backside, on the West side of Leeds Bridge, THE TENTERS (situation given) together with etc. etc. 15o 1705. (in Latin) Final Concord. [John Hey, George Ryley, pits. Lawrence Bucke and Christiana his wife, Dames Ibbitson and Anna his wife, Deforcs. re property in THORPE, IDLE (Parish of Calverley) 160 14. 8.1713 Between George Nettleton of ThorneOver, Yeoman, and Leah his wife, 1st, 3ohn Aspdin of Leeds, Yeoman, Other. Undivided moiety, or half part of Messuage, Dwelling House or Tenament, croft or backside in MTLNF HILL Leeds, together with etc. etc0 17. 15. 8.1713 George Nettleton and John Aspden. Release Between George Nettleton of Thornover Co. York. Yeoman and Leah his wife, 1st and 3ohn Aspden of Leeds, Other Undivided moiety or half part of one messuage, dwelling house or tenament, croft or backside, MILL HILL. Leeds, etc. etc. 18. 23.12.1713 William Currey to John Sharpe. Lease for a year. Between William Currey of Leeds, Innholder, 1st and 3ohn Sharpe, ffurryer, son- in-law of the said William Currey, Other. Messuage, Duelling House or Tenament near Kirkgate Leeds, BODLAM INN. Outhouses, barns, buildings, etc. etc. .19. 24.12.1713 William Currey to 3ohn Sharpe. Writings belonging to BEDLAM INN (as in 18, above) .20 (numbered n2n ) 1. 7.1715 Mr. Henry Ellis, conveyance of.THE PADDOCK and OX CLOSE to William CornewBll. Between Henry Ellis of Hunslett, Gent, 1st and William Cornewell of Kingston- upon-Hull, Merchant, Other-. Close of land, arable, meadow or pasture, with appurts in Leeds beside a lane called Bowman Lane on the South part and by the River Ayoe on the North part thereof, and called THE PADDOCK, 1 acre AND 1 Close arable, meadow or pasture, 0XCL0SE in H0LBECKT lj- acres MD215 HP 215 (cont*d) .21. 29,11,1716 Foeffment Deed Between Isaac Hancock of Leeds, Goldsmith, 1st; Samuell Isles of Leeds, Salter, Other. Release of right, title and interest to all ways and priviledges through and over the upper end of a plot of qround_THE PYGHILL to Water ino place, adjoining to a close of Isaac Hancock called HALL CROFT on the UJest and to a Croft on the South side of HALL CROFT on the North (reference to sough) AND plot or parcel of qround,,PYGHELLfl or way leading to the watering- place, Length on North 15 yards, and lower or South side, adjoining to the lane, 9 yards, and in breadth 10 yards on West and 3 yards on East (situation given) 22, 5. 6.1719. Martha and John Matthews to Joseph Briggs, Lease for a year. Between Martha Matthew of Leeds, widow, and 3ohn Matthew of Leeds, Yeoman, son and heir of Martha, and John her late husband, clothdresser, deceased; and Elizabeth Matthew of Leeds, Spinster, 1st; and Joseph Briggs of Leeds, Clothdresser, Other. Thosa several rooms and dwellings, part of a messuage at LEEDS BRIDGE, towards MILNHILL, Together with etc. etc, 23, b, 6. 1719 Between Martha Matthew of Leeds, widow; John Matthew of Leeds, Yeoman (son of Martha); and Elizabeth Matthew of Leeds, Spinster, 1st, Joseph Briggs of Leeds, Clothdresser, Other*, Absolute conveyance to Joseph Briggs of ''several roomes or dwellings" part of a messuage at LEEDS BRIDGE and towards MILNEHILLf with outhouses, ways, priviledges etc. etc, 24, (numbered "3") 24. 8.1719. Between Thomas Ellis of Leeds, Merchant, 1st, George Dover of Leeds, Merchant, Other, One Close, arable, meadow or pasture with appurts. Adjoining Bowman Lane and River Ayre. THE PADDOCK 1 acre. Together with etc, etc. 25a (numbered "S'^/^l'EweSn’^fiornas Ellis of Leeds, Merchant, 1st; George Dover of Leeds, Merchant, Other, One Close of land, meadow or pasture, and appurts, ad joining Bowman Lane 1 acre (situation given) 25b (numbered '»3") 25, 8.1719 Thomas Ellis of Leeds, Merchant, and George Dover of Leeds, Merchant, Bond for performance of above (^5b_) 26 (numbered "G") 20. 3,1720 Mr. Dodgson's Mortgage to Mr, Thomas Fenton, of houses in Cowlane. Leeds for £200. Bond for performance of covenants. Between John Dodgson, Leeds, Merchant, 1st; Thomas Fenton of Hunslett, Salter, Other Two messuages, dwelling houses or tenements, with appurts, in Cow Lane, together with etc, etc, 27. 2. 4.1720 Mr, Dodgson's Recovery Between William Booth, Kirklington and Dane his wife, only child of Michael Wilkinson, Dent, Deed.; and John Dodgson of Leeds, Merchant, 1st; Nicholas Lindley of Grais Inn, Middlesex, Gent, 2nd; John Booth, Thorpefield, Yorkshire, Gent, 3rd, Messuage or dwelling house at KIRKLINGTON, 2 closes, STABNEYS 20 acre AND HORSE CLOSE (Blaymires) 12 acres AND SMAYTHORNE 16 acres AND 2 closes, arable, meadow or pasture.