
no 215

Over 100 documents, mostly relating to land and property in the area, but some relate to marriage settlements, separation, bankruptcy or Wills. Areas, other than Leeds, mentioned are: Barneby-upon-Dunne (Nr. Doncaster) 2 Carthorpe (N.E. of Masham)* 27: 44 Cauldall (?) L 3 2 Hemsworth 39: 95; 97 Kirklington (E. of Masham) 27: 44 London (St. Paul’s area) 51: 101 Skircoat (Halifax) 85 Thorpe, Idle (Parish Calverley) 15 There is also considerable information about the Goodman family, OF LEEDS etc, relating to Wills, Agreements and family relationships. Nos. 105:106:107:108

1. 22. 6.1636/^Rty^lr£

MP 215 (cont^d)

8.22. 8.1689 Robert Chippin of Leeds, Clothmaker and William Dodgson of Leeds, Clothworker. Copy of Division deed. They purchased together messuage or tonament used as two dwelling houses, etc. in CPU LANK, Leeds, AND Close of land, ELLINGSHAY, 2 acres and appurts in HUNSLET • 9. 28.12.1693 Bryan Dixon, Gent to Caleb Askwith and William Leake. ^—' Lease for a year. Between Bryan Dixon of Hunslett, Gent, 1st; and Caleb Askwith of Leeds, Linnen Draper and William Leake of Hunslet, Clothier, Other. Two closes of meadow ground WETLANDS adjoining upon each other, the lane BLACKMAN LANE lying on the South or South-West of one, and the Beck SHIPSCAR on the North or North-East side of the other AND 1 Close of meadow ground in BEESTON, LITTLE SIDDALL CLOSE, etc. etc. .10. 29.12.1693. Settlement on 3ames Thwaites etc. Bryan Dixon, Gent to Caleb Askwith and William ^eake. Settlement on the marriage of Nary Dixon and James Thwait6s. Two closes. WETLANDS, near. BLACKMAN Lane. Leeds, and one at OEESTDN LITTLE SIDDALL CLOSE .11. 4.12.1694. Small note containing extracts from WILLIAM HANDELS will. and note re relationships 12. 7. 7.1698 COURT BARRON. LEEDS (in Latin) re Christopher Stirke of Woodhouse Co. Yorks, Yeoman and Thomas L...... Yeoman 13. 30. 8. 1703 Samuel Stables to Samuel Oldroyd. Lease for a year. Between Samuell Stable the Elder of , clerke and Samuell Stable of the Citty of London, Lynen Draper, sonn and herie appairent of Samuell Stable the Elder, 1st, and Samuell Oldroyd of Leeds, Yeoman, Other. Dwelling House or Tenament containing four roomes, with fronts and backsides thereunto belonging and adjoining on West side of Leeds Bridge THE TENTERS, together with etc. etc. 14. 31. 8.1703 Mr. Stable to Samuel Oldroyd. Conveyance. Between Samuel Stable the Elder of Goldsborough, Clerke and Samuel Stable, City of London, Linen Draper, son and heir at law of Samuel the Elder, 1st; Samuel Oldroyd of Leeds, Yeoman, Other. Dwelling House or Tenament containing 4 rooms and with front and backside, on the West side of Leeds Bridge, THE TENTERS (situation given) together with etc. etc. 15o 1705. (in Latin) Final Concord. [John Hey, George Ryley, pits. Lawrence Bucke and Christiana his wife, Dames Ibbitson and Anna his wife, Deforcs. re property in THORPE, IDLE (Parish of Calverley) 160 14. 8.1713 Between George Nettleton of ThorneOver, Yeoman, and Leah his wife, 1st, 3ohn Aspdin of Leeds, Yeoman, Other. Undivided moiety, or half part of Messuage, Dwelling House or Tenament, croft or backside in MTLNF HILL Leeds, together with etc. etc0 17. 15. 8.1713 George Nettleton and John Aspden. Release Between George Nettleton of Thornover Co. York. Yeoman and Leah his wife, 1st and 3ohn Aspden of Leeds, Other Undivided moiety or half part of one messuage, dwelling house or tenament, croft or backside, MILL HILL. Leeds, etc. etc. 18. 23.12.1713 William Currey to John Sharpe. Lease for a year. Between William Currey of Leeds, Innholder, 1st and 3ohn Sharpe, ffurryer, son- in-law of the said William Currey, Other. Messuage, Duelling House or Tenament near Kirkgate Leeds, BODLAM INN. Outhouses, barns, buildings, etc. etc. .19. 24.12.1713 William Currey to 3ohn Sharpe. Writings belonging to BEDLAM INN (as in 18, above) .20 (numbered n2n ) 1. 7.1715 Mr. Henry Ellis, conveyance of.THE PADDOCK and OX CLOSE to William CornewBll. Between Henry Ellis of Hunslett, Gent, 1st and William Cornewell of Kingston- upon-Hull, Merchant, Other-. Close of land, arable, meadow or pasture, with appurts in Leeds beside a lane called Bowman Lane on the South part and by the River Ayoe on the North part thereof, and called THE PADDOCK, 1 acre AND 1 Close arable, meadow or pasture, 0XCL0SE in H0LBECKT lj- acres MD215

HP 215 (cont*d)

.21. 29,11,1716 Foeffment Deed Between Isaac Hancock of Leeds, Goldsmith, 1st; Samuell Isles of Leeds, Salter, Other. Release of right, title and interest to all ways and priviledges through and over the upper end of a plot of qround_THE PYGHILL to Water ino place, adjoining to a close of Isaac Hancock called HALL CROFT on the UJest and to a Croft on the South side of HALL CROFT on the North (reference to sough) AND plot or parcel of qround,,PYGHELLfl or way leading to the watering-­ place, Length on North 15 yards, and lower or South side, adjoining to the lane, 9 yards, and in breadth 10 yards on West and 3 yards on East (situation given) 22, 5. 6.1719. Martha and John Matthews to Joseph Briggs, Lease for a year. Between Martha Matthew of Leeds, widow, and 3ohn Matthew of Leeds, Yeoman, son and heir of Martha, and John her late husband, clothdresser, deceased; and Elizabeth Matthew of Leeds, Spinster, 1st; and Joseph Briggs of Leeds, Clothdresser, Other. Thosa several rooms and dwellings, part of a messuage at LEEDS BRIDGE, towards MILNHILL, Together with etc. etc, 23, b, 6. 1719 Between Martha Matthew of Leeds, widow; John Matthew of Leeds, Yeoman (son of Martha); and Elizabeth Matthew of Leeds, Spinster, 1st, Joseph Briggs of Leeds, Clothdresser, Other*, Absolute conveyance to Joseph Briggs of ''several roomes or dwellings" part of a messuage at LEEDS BRIDGE and towards MILNEHILLf with outhouses, ways, priviledges etc. etc, 24, (numbered "3") 24. 8.1719. Between Thomas Ellis of Leeds, Merchant, 1st, George Dover of Leeds, Merchant, Other, One Close, arable, meadow or pasture with appurts. Adjoining Bowman Lane and River Ayre. THE PADDOCK 1 acre. Together with etc, etc. 25a (numbered "S'^/^l'EweSn’^fiornas Ellis of Leeds, Merchant, 1st; George Dover of Leeds, Merchant, Other, One Close of land, meadow or pasture, and appurts, ad joining Bowman Lane 1 acre (situation given) 25b (numbered '»3") 25, 8.1719 Thomas Ellis of Leeds, Merchant, and George Dover of Leeds, Merchant, Bond for performance of above (^5b_) 26 (numbered "G") 20. 3,1720 Mr. Dodgson's Mortgage to Mr, Thomas Fenton, of houses in Cowlane. Leeds for £200. Bond for performance of covenants. Between John Dodgson, Leeds, Merchant, 1st; Thomas Fenton of Hunslett, Salter, Other Two messuages, dwelling houses or tenements, with appurts, in Cow Lane, together with etc, etc, 27. 2. 4.1720 Mr, Dodgson's Recovery Between William Booth, Kirklington and Dane his wife, only child of Michael Wilkinson, Dent, Deed.; and John Dodgson of Leeds, Merchant, 1st; Nicholas Lindley of Grais Inn, Middlesex, Gent, 2nd; John Booth, Thorpefield, , Gent, 3rd, Messuage or dwelling house at KIRKLINGTON, 2 closes, STABNEYS 20 acre AND HORSE CLOSE (Blaymires) 12 acres AND SMAYTHORNE 16 acres AND 2 closes, arable, meadow or pasture. THE NEW CLOSES 22 acres AND 2 Closes, THE INGS and THE LORBINE 6 acres AND THE CROFT 3 acres, all in Kirklington, Close, CRANSHAWE 2 acres, in CARTHORPE. Yorks plus etc, etc, ALSO 2 messuages with barns in LEEDS in COWLANE. with outhouses, barns, buildings, shops, workhouses, cottages, stables, tofts, crofts, fronts, guinells, orchards, gardens, yards, folds, backsides etc. etc» Pgd 28. 1, 2, 1721 Lease for a year, George Horseman, Little Woodhouse, Clothier 1st; William Pendlebury, Little Woodhouse, Clerk and Ann his wife, Other, Messuage and Close of land at LITTLE WOODHOUSE 29. 2» 2,1721 Lease for a year, George Horseman of Little Woodhouse, ClothiBr^ 1st; WilliamPendlebury of Little Woodhouse, clerke, ancy his wife, Other. 1 Messuage, dwelling house or tenament with appurts in LITTLE W00DH0USE. One close of land adjoining it, .THE CROFT, together with Outhouses, barns, buildings, work houses, lead houses, dye houses, stables and edifices etc.

I MD215

nD 215 (cont*d)

30. 28,10.1722 Samuel Oldroyd to John Thompson. Lease for a year Between Samuel Oldroyd of Leeds, Gent, 1st; and John Thompson, Ne&some Green, Whitchurch, Wyredrawer, Other. Messuage, dwelling house or tenament, West side of Leeds Bridge, THE TENTURES, now divided into, three dwellings or tenaments. Together with etc. etc. 31. 29.10.1722. Sam Oldroyd to John Thompson. Mortgage in Fee Between Oldroyd of Leeds, Gent, 1st; John Thompson of Newsome Green, Whitchurch, Wyredrawer, Other. Messuage, dwelling house or tenament with frontstaad and backside on West side of Leeds Bridge, a place called in 3 dwelling houses, or tenaments, together with etc. etc. 32. 11.11.1722 M. Bywater to Martha Tottie. Further charge of £50. "This is concerning £50 lent uppon the same mortgage to Mr. Bywater the Younger in the year 1722. Between Matthew Bywater, Chappell Allerton, Tanner, 1st; Martha Tottie, , widow, Other. Four closes, arable or pasture, in CHflPELL ALLERTON. 16 acres, SANDBECKS, with etc. etc. Reference to lapsed payment.•."Be it Remembered C that I, Elizabeth Lowther of the City of York, widow, executrix of Martha Tottie, late of Seacroft, deed...... hereby acknowledge to have received of John i Roguier of Leeds.. ..Merchant...the sum of £153. 5.7-^, being principali and interest due up on the within mortgage and I do hereby promise to execute an assignment of the the said John Rogier....etc" 33. 11.11.1712 Matthew Bywater to Martha Tottie. Mortgage for 1,000 years for securing £100 and interest. Between Matthefi Bywater, Chappell Allerton, Tanner, 1st; Martha Tottie of Seacroft, widow, other# Four closes, arable, meadow or pasture in CHAPPELL ALLERTON. 16 acres. SANDEBECKEo With etc. etc. 34. 29. 6.1724. Joseph Horsman and wife to William Pendlebury# Lease for Year Between Joseph Horsman of Woodhouse Car, Clothier, and Sarah his wife, 1st; William Pendlebury of Little Woodhouse, Clerke, Other. One messuage, dwelling house or tenament with appurts at LITTLE W0PDHQU5E and one Close, THE CROFT (or West Ing) plus all other lands^to the messuage belonging. With all houses, outhouses, etc, etc. 35. 30. 6.1724 Joseph Horsman and wife to William Pendlebury - Conveyance. Between Joseph Horsman of Woodhouse Car, Clothier and Sarah his wife, 1st; William Pendlebury, of Little Woodhouse, Clerke, Other. Property as listed above in No. 34. .36. Trinity Term. 1724 (Latin). Fine Between Joseph Horsman, William Pondlebury and others, relating to land3 in LITTLE WDODHOUSE and other places around Leeds 37. 27.11.1724«, Faith Oldroyd to William Brooke. Lease for a year. Between Faith Oldroyd of Leeds, widow, relict of Samuel Oldroyd late of Leeds, Bayliffe deed.; and William Oldroyd of Leeds, Yeoman, nephew and heir at law of Samuel Oldroyd, 1st; and William Brooke of County of York, Other. Dwelling house or tenament containing four rooms with the fronts and backsides West of Leeds.Bridge in a place called "THE TENTERS" Together with etc etc. ,*■ 380 28.11.1724 Faith Oldroyd and another to William Brooke. Lease & Release Between Faith Oldroyd of Leeds, widow of Samual Oldroyd, Bayliffe, and William Oldroyd of Leeds, Yeoman, nephew and heir at law of Samuel Oldroyd, 1st; William Brooke of Killingbecke, Gent* Other. Dwelling house or tenament containing four rooms with front and backside on West side of Leeds Bridge, THE TENTERS *------.39. 2. 7.1725 Samuel Crooke, Clerk and wife, Thomas Archdale Gent. Release of tenament with appurts in HEMSWORTH etc and other premises.

m MD215

PIO 215 (cont*d) ^

40. 16« 7. 1725, Between natthew Bywater the Elder of Moore Allerton, Leeds, tanner, and Matthew Bywater the Younger of Little Crofton, parish of Kippax, Yeoman, son and heir apparent of the said Matthew Bywater the Elder, 1st; and Thomas Barnard of Leeds, clerk, Other. Four closes of arable, meadow and pasture ground with appurts, in CHAPEL flLLERTON. 16 acres, STAND BECKS. 41. 17. 7.1725 Matthew Bywater The Elder, of Moore Allerton, tanner; Matthew Bywater Junior, Yeoman, to Thomas Barnard of Leeds, Clerk. Release-of land at: . four closes, 16 acres, STANDBECKS. (numbered "9") ------42a. / 26. 2.1728 Reveley to Dodgson, Release of premises in CAW LANff and TOLLS OF AIR CALDER NAVIGATION Between Martha Reveley of Leeds, Spinster, 1st; John Dodgson of Leeds, Merchant, Other, Two messuages or tenaments, with appurts. in CAW LANE, together with houses, outhouses, barns, sttables etc. etc, AND RIGHT OF TOLLS OR LOCK DUES taken for the passage or caniage of cloth or other goods upon the rivers of Air and Calder, lately made navigable from Leeds and Wakefield to highland in the said County of York. /['■ -;■ _42b. 25. 2,1728. Between Martha Reveley of Leeds, Spinster, 1st; John Dodgson of Leeds, Merchant, OthBr, Two messuages or tenaments with barns etc, in_ CAW LANE, etc. etc. etc. 43. 30. 1.1730. Mr. George Bowes of Leeds, Stuff Maker, 1st; to Richard Wilson Esq. of Leeds, Other. For £300 and interest. Messuage or tenament at LEEDS BRIDGE, AND all that other messuage or tenament with appurts THE TENTERS, and all other the messuages, cottages, lands, tenaments and heriditaments of George Bowes in Leeds, together with etc. etc. • i * ) 4 4. 1. 4.1;tab. Hodgson to Lindley Between William Booth, KIRKLINGTON, Gent and Jane his wife, daughter and only child of Michael Wilkinson, late of Kirklington, Gent, deed, and John Dodgson of Leeds, Merchant, 1st; Nicholas Lindley of Graiss Inn, Middlesex, Gent, Other. Messuage, tenament or dwelling house with appurts. in KIRKLINGTON AND 2 Closes. STANNEYS, 20 acres, 1 close HORSE CLOSE (Alias Blandmires) 12 acres, 1 close SMALL TH0RNFIEL0 16 acres, 2 closes, arable, meadow or pasture NEW CLOSES 20 acres, 1 close THE INGS 4 acres, THE CROFT 3 acres, all in KIRKLINGTON AND 1 close CRANSHAWS 2 ^cres, in CARTHORPF, York, etc. etc. ’ 45g 24. 3.1773 Richard Sharpe to William Teale. Lease for a year. Between Richard Sharpe of Leeds, Baker, 1st; William TBale of Leeds, Butcher, Other. New erected messuage, dwelling house or tenament near Kirkgate end in Leeds, formerly called BODLAM INN, etc* etc. Together with houses, outhouses, etc. etc. 46. 25. 3. 1738, Richard Sharpe to Chris. Langstroth. Mortgage for a term of years for securing £80 with interest. Between Richard Sharp of Leeds, Framework knitter, son and heir apparent of John Sharpe deed, 1st; Christopher Langstroth of Leeds, Innholder, Other. Messuage, dwelling house or tenament near Kirkgate, Leeds,.BEDLAM INN, with outhouses, barns, stables, etc* etc, 47, 25, 3,1735, Deed of covenant of copyhold estate, Thomas Flos of Leeds, Salter, son and heir of Samuel Flos dece, 1st; William Preston, Merchant of Leeds, and William Preston the Younger, son of William Preston...... "Whereas the said Thomas Flos hath this day, according to the custom of the Mannor of Leeds,0....surrendered out of Court by straw into thB hands of the Lords of the said Mannor by the hands of Ralph Bradford, a^customary'tenant of the said Mannor.....Cottage or easement and garth with appurts. in GREAT W00DH0USE, in several occupations of ...... and land at. LITTLE WOODHOUSE HALL CROFT, 3 acres. \ This document contains many references to Manorial Customs, — 45b; 25. 3.1773 Richard Sharpe to William Teale. Mortgate in Fee for securing £320 with interest. s \ Between Richard Sharpe of Leeds, Baker, 1st; William Teale of LeBds, Burcher, Other. New erectsd massuags, dwslling house or tenament near Kirkgate End, , Leeds, formerly BODLAM INN, together with etc. etc. MD215

MD 215 (cont'd)

48, (numbered »4") Mannor of Leeds, Court Baron held at Moot Hallf Leeds 28th April 1735. Presented to Court that Samuel Isles,^customary tenant of the Mannor, held a cottage or tenament with appurts, with barn, garth and certain building called an "Eiling" orlfAylingH to the same belonging, in .GREAT WOODHOUSE, formerly in possession of Richard Stork,,,now in possession,. ALSO close of land, HALLCROFT in LITTLE WOODHOUSE, Leeds, 3 acres, Thomas Isles, his only son, is next heir and of full age, etc, etc,,... 49, 10, 9,1735, Robert Hawden to Joshua Rayner, Lease for a year. Between Robert Hawden of Great Woodhouse, Leeds, Clothier, 1st; Joshua Rayner of Leeds, Stuff Merchant, Other, Messuage or tenament with appurts, on the MILNHILL in Leeds. NEAR UNTO THE OLD MILLS THERE, and all that moiety or half part or South side of the garth or croft to the said messuage, AND all and every other the messuages, cottages, lands, tenaments and heriditaments of Robert Hawden of Milnhili, together with etc. etc, 50, lo & 11, 9.1735, Hawden to Rayner, Lease and Release Between Robert Hawden, Great Woodhouse, Leeds, Clothier, 1st; Joshua Rayner of Leeds, Stuff Merchant, Other, Messuage or tenament with appurts, MILNEHILL, Leeds, near unto THE OLD MILLS THERE, and moiety or half part or South side of a garth or croft to the said messuage adjoining, and all and every the other messuages, cottages, lands, tenaments in the occupation of John Rayner, together with etc, etc, 51, 25. 8, 1736, Pratt and Moseley, Lease for a year* Between Thomas Pratt of Stratford, West Ham, Essex, Esq 1st; Elizabeth Moseley of Richmond Surrey, Spinster, Other, Messuages, tenaments with yards or gardens behind same, on the West side of New Gravell Lane, PARISH OF ST SAUL, SHADWELL, MIDDLESEX, i,e. All those six messuages or tenaments with the yards or gardens behind the same in front towards NEW GRAVELL BANE 93ft 5ins of assize, and in depth etc, etc, AND 13 other messuages or tenaments with yards or gardens behind, containing in front next NEW GRAVELL LANE 96 ft 2 ins of assize and depth etc. etc, AND other messuage or tenament with yard or garden behind the same containing in front next to NEW GRAVELL LANE 17 ft of assize and depth etc. etc».....(Details of position given) AND six other messuages or tenaments with yards, gardens etc, between NEW GRAVELL LANE 97ft 2" of assize AND other messuage or tenament next NEW GRAVELL LAf'JE AND 11 other messuages or tenaments in WILLIAM COURT, next behind messuages in New Gravell Lane* (Thin document contains other references tn lands etc. in New Gravell lane, and .the William Court district, in Middlesex,) 52, 17, 3.1739. Thomas Barnard of Leeds, Clerk, 1st; John Roguier of Leeds, Merchant, Other. Release of lands at CHAPEL ALLERTON» Four closes arable, meadow and pasture with appurts. in Chapel Allerton, 16 acres STAND BECKS 53, 16. 5,1739 Mr, Barnard to Mr, Roguier, Lease for a year. Between Thomas Barnard of Leeds, Clerk, 1st; John Roguier of Leeds, Merchant, Othor, Four closes of arable, meadow and pasture with appurts in CHAPEL ALLERTON 16 acres, STAMDBECKS, Together with etc. etc. 54, 4.10.1739, Richard Brooke to Joshua Rayner, Lease for a year. Between Richard Brooke of York, Gent, younger son of William Brooke of , Gent, deed 1st; Joshua Rayner of Leeds, Stuff Maker, Other, Messuage, dwelling house or tenament containing four rooms with front and backsides, on West side of Leeds Bridge in the place called THE TENTERS, etc. etc, 55, 1,12,1739, Between Richard Wilson of Leeds, Esq, Richard Lepton of Leeds ‘ * Esq, and Robert Lepton of Leeds, Gent, 1st; and George Greeri of Leeds, Grocer and Mary Oatos of Leeds, widow, Other, George Bowes, in two years or more in trade of merchant, fciuying and selling broad woollen cloth, other goods and merchandise, became indebted to George Green and Mary Oates and others, his creditors, in sum of £600 and upwards,,. The said George Bowes, being so indebted, became bankrupt. Messuages, dwelling houses or tenaments, cottages, shops, warehouses, workhouses, heriditaments and premises were siezed for the use of his creditors, George Green and Mary Oates were to receive the proceeds and distribute to the creditors* MD215

HP 215 (cont'd)

55 (cont*d): "this day was acknowledged by Robert Lepton, Gent, one of the Grantors therein mentioned, at Leeds in the County of York, second day of December in the year of our Lord 1739, before me, Master Extraordinary of the High Court of Chancery,...Tho* Barstow" .56, 19« 3.1743 Samuel Stead and Peter Nettleton* Lease for a Year Between Samuel Stead of Leeds, Stay Maker, 1st; Peter Nettleton of Thorner, Stone Cutter, Other. Two messuages, cottages, dwelling houses or tenaments with stable and croft adjoining (except a piece of ground 7 yds x 5 yds in North-West corner, and, a wav for all uses 2 yds in breadth from the street MILL HILL through the croft on the North East corner, by the said Stable door etc. etc* 57. 20. 3.1743 Samuel Stead and Peter Nettleton, Deed of Partition. Between Samuel Stead of Leeds, Stay Maker and Elizabeth his wife 1st; Peter Nettleton of Thorner, Stone Cutter and May his wife, Other* Property in MILL HILL Leeds, (Division and description of property given) .58, 24. 2.1744 Mr. Read and Miss Buxton. Articles previous to marriage. Between William Read the younger of Leeds, Merchant, 1st; John Buxton the Younger of Wakefield, Merchant and Richard Buxton of Wakefield, Merchant, brother of John, 2nd; Hannah Buxton of Wakefield, Spinster, sister of 3ohn and Richard, 3rd, 59. 14, 5.1745, Nettleton and Rayner. Mortgage for'£30 Between Peter Nettleton of Thorner, Stone Cutter and Mary his wife, 1st; Joshua Rayner of Leeds, Stuff Maker, Other. Two messuages, cottages, dwelling houses or tenaments with stables, out buildings and croft, in MILL HILLf Leeds Together with etc. etc. 60* 19. B.1745. Peter Nettleton to Joshua Rayner. Lease for a year. Between Peter Nettleton of Thorner, Stone Cutter, 1st; Joshua Rayner of Leeds, Stuff Maker, Other. Two messuages, dwelling houses or tenaments, now divided into four tenaments, with stable and outbuildings and croft etc. etc. in MILL HILL, Leeds0 Together with etc. etc. J51* 20. 8.1745. Peter Nettleton of Thorner, stonecutter, and Mary his wifB, 1st; to Joshua Rayner of Leeds, stuffmaker, Other. Two messuages, dwelling houses or tenaments, now divided into four tenaments, with stable, outbuildings and croft, in MILL HILL, Leeds, together with etc. etc. 62. 7.10.1745, John Wood to Joshua Rayner, foeffment of a few yards of ground at MILL HILL. Between John Wood of Leeds, Sadler. 1st; Joshua Rayner of Leeds, Stuff Maker, Other. Piece of ground, MILL HILL in Leeds, 11 yards length, 1 yard breadth, on which piece of land the said Joshua Rayner intends to build a wall of one side or end of a house he is erectino there. (Riohts of lioht. windows, etc. recited) •63. Michaelmas Term, 19th George 2nd (1745). Peter Nettleton’s Fine Final Agreement, Westminster...... Between Hans Busk and Joshua Rayner, Pits. and Joseph Rishworth and Hannah his wife, William Rawlinson and Ann Jus wife, and Peter Nettleton and Mary his wife, deforc.. ..t-Three messuages^! aiBre of land, 1 acre of meadow, 1 acre of pasture, with purtenances.JN LEEDS nn 64. 19.11.1745 Brelsforth to Rayner0 Lease for a year Between Robert Brelsforth of Sheffield, Maltster, 1st; Joshua Rayner of Leeds, Merchant, Other. Several cottages, tenaments or dwelling houses, with appurts. MILNEHILL,near LEEDS BRIDGE ENDo Together with houses, outhouses, etc« 650 20.11.1746 Brelsford and wife to Rayner* Conveyance* Between Robert Brelsford of Sheffield, Maltster and Ann his wife, 1st; Joshua Rayner of Leeds, Merchant, Other* Several cottages, teriaments or dwellings with appurts. MILNEHILL-, near LEEDS BRIDGE END, Together with etc. etc, 66. 30* 1*1747 Richard Wilson to Samuel Stead, Assignment in Trust to Attend inheritance. Between Richard Wilson of Leeds Esq 1st; Joshua Raynor of Leeds, Stuff Maker, 2nd; Samuel Stead of Leeds, Staymaker, 3rd. Messuage or tenament, Leeds MD215

MD 215 (cont’d)

66 (cont *d) Bridge End, and all other messuages or tenaments with appurts in Leeds,...THE TENTERS, and other messuages, cottages, lands, tenaments and heriditaments of George Bowes, in Leeds 67a (this document was tucked inside No. 65) Final Agreement, Westminster, day of St. Martini in 15 days. 20th GBoroe 2 (1747) 3oshua Rayner, pit; Robert Brelsforth and Ann his wife, deforc. Six cottages with appurts IN LEEDS 67b Wilmer - York, Rayner and Brelsford. Final Agreement, Westminster, day of St. Martin in 15 days. 20th Geo. 2 (1747) This is,a duplicate of 67af and was tucked inside No. 65) 68. 11.11.1748 Timothy Cookson and Satah Lapage. Demise with Proviso. Between Timothy Cookson of Leeds, Cloth worker 1st; and Sarah Lapage of North Elmsall, spinster, Otlper. One close, arable, meadow or pasture, WEST ING, near LITTLE W00DH0USE. Together with etc. etc. ,69. John Sykes and John Sutell 3nr. Fine Final Agreement, Westminster, Day of St. Martin in 15 days, 25th Geo. 2nd.1751 3ohn Sykes plt0 and 3ohn Sutell and Elizabeth his wife Deforc. 1 messuage, 1 cottage, jr acre of land, acre of pasture with appurts IN LEEDS .70. (numbered "S”) Final Agreement, Westminster. Holy Trinity. 31st George 2nd. 1757. Between Edward Wilks, Gent. pit. and Timothy Dighton and Hannah his wife, Ruth Dover, spinster, Henry Stainton and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Walker and Sarah his wife, 3ohn Calverley and Mary his wife,' 3ohn Walker, Michael Wood and Ruth his wife, William Walker and 3oseph Walker, deforc. One stable, 2 acre* of land, 2 acres of meadow, 2 acres of pasture, * common of pasture for all manner of cattle, common of turbury, with the appurts, IN LEEDS. f 71 (numbered "S*1 and "le”) Final Agreement m^de at Westminster. Holy Trinity, 31st George 2nd, 1757. Between Edward Wilkes, Gent, pit... Content the same as No. 70. 72a (numbered n5n) 4.11.1757. Mr. Dighton and Others to Mr. Wiiks. Lease for a year. Names and places as in 72b, following:- J72b 5.11.1757. Mr.. Dighton and Others to Mr. Wilks. Release. Between Timothy Dighton of Dewsbury, Salter and Hannah his wife, late widow of Thomas Walker, late of Dewsbury, Salter, deed, Ruth Dover of Leeds, spinster, Henry Stainton of City of York, Gent and Elizabeth his wife. (Hannah, Ruth and Elizabeth, three of the daughters of George Dover, late of Leeds, Esq. deed?, and devisees of his Real Estate), Thomas Walker of Dewsbury, Salter, 3ohn Calverley of Leeds, Grocer and Mary his wife, 3ohn Walker of City of London, Druggist, Michael Wood of Ardsley, Gent and Ruth his wife, William Walker of London, Merchant, Joseph Walker of Dewsbury Merchant. (The relationships of these people are given).lstEdward Wilks of Leeds gent, Other One close of land, arable, meadow or pasture and appurts. in Leeds, THE PADDOCK. 1 acre, adjoining BOWMAN LANE on the South and the RIVER AYRE on the Northo Also stable or helm on the Close. Together with etc. etc* 73. 21. 7.1758. Between Thomas Oldridge of Leeds, Clothdresser, 1st; Samuel Ward of Leeds, Gent, Other. Five Dressing shops in CAW LANE, LEEDS (description given), together with other tenaments of 3eremiah Dixon, recently purchased from him by Thomas 0ldridgec (Rights of passage, etc. recited) 74. 22. 7.1758. S. Ward*s purchase from Thomas Auldred. Between Thomas Oldridge of Leeds, clothdrawer, 1st; Samuel Ward of Leeds, Gent, Other. .Five dressing shops in CAW LANE. Leeds, two of them being low rooms and adjoining on the south side thereof to a KILN, and the North sitle to the stable, and other three dressing shops being chambers over\the said two low dressing shops etc. etc. Right of passage from Caw Lane through the said premises into Briggate. Together with etc. etc. ,75. Two Copies Final Agreement, Westminster. Holy Trinity in 3 weeks 34th George 2nd, 1760. Between Thomas Lb b Esq. pit. and Edward Wilks, Gent, and Mary his wife, deforc. 1 stable, 2 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, 2 acres of pasture, common of pasturo etc. etc. JN_LEEDS

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76a (Numbered "6"). 18, 7.1760, Wilks, Gent, to Lee Esq* Lease for a year# Between Eduard Wilks of Leeds, Gent, 1st; Thomas Lee of Leeds, Esq. Other. .THE PADDOCK, 1 acre, adjoininq_BQWMAN LANE on the South side etc, and stable or Helm, together with etc# 76b (numbered "6") Wilks, Gent to Lee Esq. Release ,19« 7.1760 Between Edward Wilks of Leeds, Gent, and Mary his wife, 1st; . Thomas Lee of Leeds, Esq Other. Close of land, arable, meadow or pasture, with appurts.THE PADDOCK. 1 acre and stable, adjoining BOWMAN LANE on the South side etc. Together with etc. etc. , 77. 12. 5.1761 Mr. Lee to Mr.^Jottie and another. Lease for a year Between Thomas Lee of Leeds* Esq/and William Tottie and Jonathan Priestley, both of Leeds, Other. One close with appurts THE PADDOCK. 1 acre, adjoining BOWMAN LANE on South and RIVER AIRE on North plus stable or helm in the close, together with etc. etc. 78. George Bowes, Writings. 2.11.1723. Between William Coppendale of Wakefield, Tobaconist, 1st; Margaret Wood of Woodthorpe, widow of John Wood late of Woodthorpe, Yeoman, deed and also of Zachariah Moore, heretofore of Wakefield, Tobacconist, 2nd; Grace Coppendale of Wakefield, widdow, mother of the said William Coppendale, 3rd; Christopher Coulton of Staples Inn, Middlesex, Gent, 4th; George Bowes of Leeds, Woollen Stuff weaver, 5th. Messuage or tenament near North end of JJreat Bridge called LEEDS BRIDGE at the lower end of the Great Street in Leeds Called BRIGGATE, or BRIDGE GATE. One small parcel of ground THE TENTERS in Leeds, with the barn or stable therein standing with the said messuage,. together with all houses, outhouses, e6c# etc# 79ac 18. 3.1768 Elizabeth Ward, John Dodgson Ward and others to Mr# Myers, Lease for a year. Between Elizabeth Ward of York, widow, John Dodgson Ward of Leeds, Merchant, Robert Ward of London, Woollen Draper, William Ward of London Linnen Draper, Thomas Bradley, Hunslet Lane, Merchant and Alice his wife, 1st; Joseph Myers of Leeds, Innholder, Other# Messuage, divided into 2 dwelling houses or tenaments, 1 warehouse, 2 stables, in CALL LANE, Leeds (situation given) Together with etc. etc. (Brewhouse, stable, and right of way mentioned) 79b. 19. 3.1768 Elizabeth Ward, John Dodgson Ward and others to Mr. Myers Conveyance of tenaments in COW LANE (Details as in 79-, above ^ 80. 19. 3,1768# Counterpart of Conveyance of Tenament Between Elizabeth Ward of City of York, widow, John Dodgson Ward of Leeds, Merchant, Robert Ward of London, Woollen Draper, William Ward of London, Linen Draper, Thomas Bradley of Hunslet Lane, Leeds, Merchant and Alice his wife, 1st; Joseph Myers of Leeds, Innholder Other# Messuage, divided into dwelling house or tenament*, one warehouse, two stables, in CALL LANE# Leeds, etc. etc. 81# Copy of Final Agreement, Westminster. Morrow of All Souls. 176.8, Between Urbane Metcalfe, pit. and William Metcalf and Margaret his wife, Hannah Haist, spinster, William Estoneley and Roberta his wife and Richard Haist, deforcs. Two messuages, 2 barns, 2 stables, 2 shops, 2 gardens, 1 orchard, 20 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 10 acres of pasture, common of pasture, etc* etc. in CHAPPEL ALLERTON 820 1. 2.1774 Miss Catherine Langstroth of Leeds, spinster, executrix of Will of Elizabeth Langstroth, 1st; Mr. Richard Sharpe, Baker, of Leeds, 2nd; Mr. William Teale of Leeds, Butcher, 3rd; Thomas Stokes of Leeds, Cabinet Maker 4th. Residence, messuage, dwelling house or tenament near Kirkgate End in Leeds, "BODLAM INN", outhouses, barns, buildings etc. etc* (f.Y' <- ' . r 83# 27,11,1780. Release, Mr. William Tottie to Mr. Milnes Rayner, Release or Conveyance of two undivided 13th parts of Close of,land and buildinga j thereon in Leeds, Between William Tottie of Leeds, Merchant, 1st; Obediah Dawson of Leeds, Merchant, 2nd; Milnes Rayner of Leeds, Merchant, 3rd; Two undivided 13th parts of a close of land or meadow toith appurts* "THE PADDOCK” 1 acre, which ad joins BOWMAN LANE on the South and the RIVER AIRE on the North etc* etc#

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84. (Numbered "S") 2b.11.1780, Mr William Tottie to Milnes Rayner. Lease for possession. Peppercorn rent 85. 20. 3.1781 Hr. Wainhouse to Mrs. Wood. Lease of Possession. Between Michael Wainhouse of Halifax, Merchant, 1st; Ann Wood of Halifax, widow, Other. Messuage farm or tenament in SKIRCOAT. HALIFAX. MEERCLOUGH BOTTOM, with buildings, orchards, gardens and heriditaments. ALSO several closes, arable, meadow or pasture. THE.... or HOLME. THE MIDDLE HOLME. THE MILL. HOLME. THE PIGLE NEXT THE EAUSElilAYr THE CINNAMON BANK. THE LONG FIELD. THE CROFT. THE DYEHOUSE BANKT THE TENTER..... THE LAITH BANK and the LITTLE FIELD ABOUE THE CANAL, together with piece or parcel of land containing one day*s work ..... the said close called MILL HOLME, now enjoyed with the mill, called MEERCLOUGH BOTTOM MIL!_____ which premises contain in the whole 26 days* work or thereabouts* Together with, etc. etc. * (The left margin of this document has been cut off, and with it, some words from the text) 86. 9.11.1787 Lease for a year. Ann Rayner of Leeds, widow, John Dixon of Allerton Gleadhow, Richard Lee of Leeds, Richard Anthony Salisbury (late Richard Anthony Markham) of Chapel Allerton Hall, William Tottie of Leeds, Gent, Obediah Dawson of Leeds, Merchant, Milnes Rayner of Leeds, Merchant, Henry Priestley of Leeds, Gent, 1st;, William Smithson of Leeds, William Smith the Younger, Merchant, of Leeds, Other 87. 10.11.1787 Release. In Trust. Ann Rayner of Leeds, widow, John Dixon of-Allerton Gleadhow, Leeds, son of Jeremy Dixon, Richard Lee of Leeds, Richard Anthony Salisbury (late Richard Anthony Markham) of Chapel Allerton Hall, William Tottie of Leeds, Gentl. Obediah Dawson of Leeds, Merchant, Milnes Rayner of Leeds, Merchant and Henry Priestley of Leeds, Gent 1st; William Smithson of Leeds and William Smith the Younger, Leeds, Merchant. Other. Close of land, arable, meadow or pasture with appurts in Leeds, THE PADDOCK, 1 acre adjoining BOWMAN LANE on the South and the RIVEfT AIRE on the North. Also CALLENDER HOUSE. STOWE HOUSE. DYEHOUSE and other erections and buildings lying in the close of land. Together with etc. etc, 88. 20.10.1799. William Teale to Stephen Barrett. Release, being transfer of Mortgage in Fee of Tenaments, which lease }.ate the estate and inheritance of Richard Sharpe, deed. Between William Teale of Leeds, Butcher, 1st; Stephen Barrett of Dun Keswick, parish of Harewood, Yeoman, Other. All those new erected messuages, dwelling houses or tenaments near Kirkgate End in Leeds, formerly called BODLAM INN. (Reference to money still owing) 89. 23.10.1789. Thomas Stocks, by direction of William Teale and Henry Barrett in Trust for Stephen Barrett. Assignment of Mortgate Term in Trust Fee. Mortgate in Fee. Between Thomas Stookes of Leeds, Cabinet Maker, 1st; William Teale of Leeds, Butcher, 2nd; Stephen Barrett, Dun Keswick, Yeoman, 3rd; Henry Barrett, Dun Keswick, Yeoman, 4th. Messuage, dwelling house or tBnament, Kirkgate end, BODLAM INN. Toqether with etc. etc. 90. Letter, dated 15. 1.1793 from "Topham" (?) at Wakefield to Messrs. Nicholson and Upton, Attornies at Law, Leeds, re search for deeds etc. re Obediah Dawson and land in BOWMAN LANE, Leeds (situation given) 91. 17. 5.1797. Dr. Duncan and Mrs. Duncan. Articles of Spparatinn. Between John Duncan of Sheffield, Doctor of Physick, and Eleanor his wife, 1st; Thomas Bischoff of Leeds, Merchant, 2nd; Hannah Creed of Leeds, widow, sister of Eleanor Dundan, and John James Bischoff and George Bischoff of Leeds, Merchants, 3rd. Refers to marriage settlement between Duncans. M D 2 1 5

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92« 19,10,1789, William Teale to Stephen Garrett. Bargain and Sale for 1 year. Between William Teale of Leeds, Butcher, 1st; Stephen Barrett of Dun Keswick, parish Harewood, Yeoman, Other, New erections, messuages or dwelling houses or tenaments near KIRKGATE Leeds, "BODtOAM I.NNfl« and every the other messuages, outbuildings, tenaments, heriditaments, described in a previous agreement 93. Three copies of a printed notice, dated 25,5,1803, ’’Leeds* Whereas Thomas Pawson, of Farley, in the Parish of Leeds, has, for the benefit of his Creditors, assigned over his Effects to nr, 3ohn Goodman, of Hunslet, the Rev, Robert Bownas, of Br£ham, and Hr, Benjamin Goodman, of Leeds, you are desired without delay to pay what you stand indebted to the said Thomas Pawson, at the Counting-House of the said Benjamin Goodman, in Hunslet Lane, Leeds" .94. 23.10.1804* Thomas Pa*wson to Messrs* Bownes and Goodmans* Release of Trusts. Between Thomas Pawson of Farnley, Woolstapler, 1st; Rev. Robert Bownas of Bramham, Clerk, John Goodman of Hunslet, Gent, Benjamin Goodman of Leeds, Woolstaples, Other*. Re Messuages, cottages dwelling houses or tenaments, Mills, lands, heriditaments and premises, parts, shares and moieties of ., before of Thomas Pawson atTFARNLEY and in BRAMLEY, Stock in trade, household goods, wearing apparrel, etc, etc. etc* 95. 30. 3.1805, Robert Archdale of Hemsworth, Gent - Messrs, Firth and Field. Mortgage by demise for term of 1,000 years, of premises at HEMSWORTH County York, for securing £410 and interest, with covenant to insure* John Firth, Clayton West, High Hoyland, Farmer) Executors of 3ohn Eastwood 3os. Field, Skelmanthorpe, Manufacturer ) of Skelmanthorpe, Weaver* Messuage or dwelling house in HEMSWORTH, with barn, two stables, fold and other necessary outbuildings and two gardens and orchard* Also croft adjoining messuage, W3 roods, 3 perches* ALSO allotment or ground adjoining croft THE NEW ENCLOSURE, containing 2 acres, 2 roods, lately part of the Church fields, etc. etc. 96. Easter Term. 47th George 3rd, 1806* Final Agreement, Westminster* Between William Wilkinson, pit. and 3ames Atkinson, Deforc* of one PRESS SHOP with appurts, in LEEDS. The aforesaid 3ames hath acknowledged the Press Shop, with appurts. to be the right of William, as that which the said William hath of the gift of the aforesaid 3ames 97. 1* lj»1807. Robert Archdale, lRte of Sisset, Hemsworth, Gent, now of Snaith, to Thomas Bischoff, Merchant, Leeds0 Lease for a year* Messuage, tenament or dwelling house in HEMSWORTH, with Barns, Stables, Fold and other necessary outbuildings, 1 garden, 1 orchard, croft 3 roods 3 perches AND allotment adjoining croft THE NEW ENCLOSURE, 2 acres 2 roods, lately part of the Church field 98. 27* 1*1819* William Smithson Esq, 3oseph Buckton and his Trustee. Conveyance of land in Hunslet, Leeds* Between William Smithson of Heath, Esq 1st; 3oseph Buckton of Leeds, Merchant, 2nd; 3ames Buckton of Leeds, Merchant (Trustee named by 3oseph Buckton) 3rd. Absolute purchase of the fee simple of three several pieces or parcels of land THE DUNWELL INGS, 1 acre 1 rood, 18 perches in HUNSLETr abutting the new Turnpike Road. Together with etc. etc. (A plan is affixed to the document^ 99. 29. 4. 1819* Thomas Barrett to Rev. 3oseph Sharpe. Lease for Possession Between 3oseph Barrett of Heathwate Hill, Dunkeswick, Yeoman, eldest son and heir at law of Stephen Barrett, Yeoman, deed, executor of his Will, 1st; 3osoph Sharpe of Bexley, Kent, Clerk, only son and heir at law of Richard Sharpe, late of Leeds, Baker, deed* Other* Several Messuages, dwelling houses or tenaments, near Kirkgate End in Leeds, formerly known as BEDLAM INN* together with etc* etc. 100. 30. 4.1819o Release. Thomas Barrett 1st; Rev. 3osh. Sharpe 2nd; Thomas Barrett, Thomas Mallorie 3rd; Benjamin Speight 4th. Messuage and other heriditaments on North side near top of KIRKGATE in Leeds. Also surrender of Mortgage Term. MD215

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101. 112. 1.1825. Counterpart of Lease of premises* Between Mary Hardy Fitzsimons of Turner Street, Commercial Road, widow, 1st; Abraham Ov/erall of Fawden Fields, Old Gravel Lane, Bricklayer, Other. Messuage, dwelling house or tenament, West side of NEW GRAVEL LANE. _PARISH OF ST PAUL, Shadmell, MIDDLESEX, No. 82 of the same street, and lately used as a Chandler's shop. ALSO piece or parcel of vacant or building groundsc adjoining. To hold for 31 years from 25.12.1824. (Conditions recited re repairs, and building work to be done*) 102. ?. 4,1825 Mrs (?) Headlam of Leeds, spinster, GBorge Walker of Killingbeck and Edward Oates of London, Gent and another. Leasehold Estate in LEEDS and £1.000 money. Messuage,, or dwelling house, out buildings etc. Household furniture, pictures. Rest to sell to Ann Rayner * 103. 1.1.1829. Thomas Robinson, Esq of Manchester to Mark Phillips Esq. (Thomas Robinson was executor of William George dates, late of Leeds), 1st; Joseph Henry Oates of Leeds, Merchant, 2ndj Mark Phillips of the Park, Prestwick, 3rd. Assignment of term in estate at CHAPEL ALLERTON. THE OAKS,. Four closes arable, meadow or pasture at Chapel Allerton. .NEAR OAKS 3 acres 3 roods 2 perches, FAR OAKS 7 acres 2 pepches SPUR ING 3 acres 2 roods 22 perchesm LITTLE CLOSE 1 acre 1 rood 35 perches 104. 21.12.1841 I.C.B. Borough Esq and Others to Mr. Eli Tetlow. Lease of premises in.MEADOW LANE, Leeds; messuage or tenament now used as an Inn, Iflotel or Tavern THE RED HOUSE» Etc. etc. 105. 13.10.1865. The Beneficiaries under the Ji/ill of SIR GEORGE GOODMAN , Knight, deed, to thB Trustees of the same Will, Benjamin Goodman Esq and Alfred Goodman Esq to the Trustees of the Will of Sir George Goodman, Knight ducd. Release dates 29. 9, 1871 13.10,1865. Between George William Goodman of Connewarne Lakes, Victoria Australia, Gent; Benjamin Goodman of Leeds, Wool Merchant; Alfred Goodman late of Leeds, Wool Merchant, but now of Ilkley, 1st; William Milliken of 4, Threadneedle Street, London, Gent, Secretary of the Bank of Australasia, William Waterston of London, Gent, Accountant of thBBank of Australasia, 2nd; John Goodman Clapham, late of Leeds, now of East Sinclair, Heywood, Australia, John Eyre of Maydown, Tyrone, Ireland Esq. and Ann his wife, William Clapham of Portland, Victoria, Australia, Gent, Elizabeth Clapham of Leeds, spinster,. Samual Clapham ("the son") late of Bradford, now of Balmoral, Australia, Gent, Eleanor Clapham ("The Daughter") of Leeds, Spinster, George Bennet Clapham of Baildon, Manufacturer, Benjamin Clapham, late of Bradford, now of East Sinclair, Heywood, 3rd; John Goodman ("The Brother") of , Leeds, Esq, Samuel Clapham ("The Brother in Law") of Leed s Esq. Eleanor Clapham ("The Sister") his wife, 4th; Darnton Lupton of Leeds, Cloth Merchant; Charles Chadwick of Leeds, Doctor of Medicine, Arthur Lupton of Newton Hall near Leeds, Esq. 5th. Reference to Will of SIR GEORGE GOODMAN, late of Leeds. 17. 1.1857. Four large pages of detail. Numerous signatures. ,106. 28. 6.1871. Benjamin Goodman Esq and Others to Arthur Lupton and John Darnton Luccock Esqs. RELEASE UNDER WILL OF LATE MR BENJAMIN GOODMAN Between Benjamin Woodman of Gledhow House, near Leeds, Gent 1st; Benjamin Goodman and Alfred Goodman of Tunbridge Wells, Gent, 2nd; Benjamin Goodman 3rd William Milliken of 4 Threadneedle Street, London Gent, Secretary of the Bank of Australasia and William Waterston of the same place, Gent, Accountant of the said Bank of Australasia, 4th; Alfred Goodman 5th; Arthur Lupton of Head- ingley Bsq and John Darnton Luccock of Leeds, Merchant, 6th. REFERENCE TO TRANSACTIONS FOLLOWING 1845 WILL OF BENJAMIN GOODMAN Deed.■ 107. 18. 7.1873. John Goodman Clapham, and Other, to Executors of Sir George Goodman, deed. AGREEMENT RE SIR GEORGE GOODMAN'S WILL OF 1857 MD215

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108, 22« 2.1878. Mr, John Goodman Clapham and Others to Arthur Lupton and John Darnton Luccock Esqs, RELEASE UNDER WILL OF LAKE MR BENJAMIN GOODMAN, Eleven pages re disposal of estate, which give», many family details

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Lilian Robinson February, 19*»’ ) _____ ’'___

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