Mostly sunny High: 68 | Low: 51 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE Tuesday, August 26, 2014 75 cents White Pine power plant, refinery sold ing. specialized work we do in creat- the underground chamber. n Prairie Plant Zettl said the group has been ing plant-based pharmaceuticals Zettl said the company is Systems also buys working since last November to would not be in jeopardy as a removing some of the floor to pro- close the deal. result of power outages.” vide more ceiling height and UP Power Marketing White Pine Electric Power is a He added, “This strategic expects to complete that expan- 40-megawatt natural gas gener- acquisition to maintain our own sion in December. The long- By JAN TUCKER ating power plant. White Pine supply of consistent power will range plans of the company are
[email protected] Copper Refinery offers refining ensure that there will be no delay to build a plant to manufacture WHITE PINE — Prairie Plant capacity to produce 85,000 short in the development of the drugs its own pharmaceuticals in Systems, owners of SubTerra in tons per year of anode quality in our pipeline.” White Pine. Several years ago, White Pine, said it has completed copper, and Upper Peninsula Zettl said the acquisition by the company purchased addition- its purchase of the Traxys Power Power Marketing is an electrical Prairie Plant Systems positions al land in White Pine for that Group Inc., which includes the supply broker company that buys the bio-tech company as the first purpose. White Pine Power Plant, White and sells onto the power grid.