"' L-* Fr#1'w3r/ f3r F72 #2& Pr3)6 Peter Robinett
[email protected] for DUSE VI, 2010-06-30 W,3 #1 I? ● Background in web programming with interpreted languages (PHP, Python, Javascript, etc) ● Likes long walks on the beaches ● Lift + Scala programmer for one year ● Loves both cats AND dogs ● Lift committer for approx. 6 months BUT only has minor commit to lift-flot to my name ● Likes fine wine and smooth jazz ● BUT active on mailing list and wiki ● Isn't very good at making funny bullet points W,#6 . L-*? Lift is an expressive and elegant framework for writing web applications. Lift stresses the importance of security, maintainability, scalability and performance, while allowing for high levels of developer productivity. Lift is inspired by Seaside, Rails, Django, Wicket, and beyond. W,9 F72? class AskName extends CometActor { def render = ajaxForm(<div>What is your username?</div> ++ text("",name => answer(name.trim)) ++ <input type="submit" value="Enter"/>) } class Chat extends CometActor with CometListener { private var userName = "" private var chats: List[ChatLine] = Nil private lazy val infoId = uniqueId + "_info" C31'6 private lazy val infoIn = uniqueId + "_in" private lazy val inputArea = findKids(defaultXml, "chat", "input") private lazy val bodyArea = findKids(defaultXml, "chat", "body") private lazy val singleLine = deepFindKids(bodyArea, "chat", "list") // handle an update to the chat lists // by diffing the lists and then sending a partial update // to the browser override def lowPriority = { case ChatServerUpdate(value)