Beach^Dthepfobl^Presentedinthisstudyis,Howisfoebackpackers^Utppiam^Presrate^ Inthenovel.'Thestudyintendstoidrati^Utopiam Ejastsi
"v A' u-A ' i'l ^ \'^Joimiidof^gHshand^duc^on^^^J_No^J_Jt^^007^ ,', Ml: r j ^ .nBackpackers*'lJtopianism in ' ' I' ' i o. ; ,1^ I ' • ' r,,.1 ' 'lift' r V -iiIrma! • •,Windy.'J Astuti.'I, ' 1-1 f. , ." V'(f- . '. i'. ' 1,!,. English-Study Erogr^Diploma3, , , ^ .; i ,. .V FacultyofPsychologyandSpcio-Gultural,Sciences •; r m. I Islamic University,offodonesia, <• ,i i n . , j ' f , M f I ' ' '' U': I 'I > ' / / '' - abstract^' ;'iThis,Study• y I ''i' focuses' on,analyzing thenit •backp^ackers''*T' ' 'I .I'.x,utopianism- /• /j U-ih''Alex",i' • C^rand|s•M. Tfie Beach ^dthe pfobl^ presented in this studyis, how is foe backpackers^ utppiam^ presrate^ in the novel.'The study intends to idrati^utopiam ejasts in the backpackers' community/^ novel. In this case, foe literary resekch is used and tlie objective theoiy'is^^ployek'as the basic principal'offoeanalysis.'''•-nMr) m- • "" Havin'g adesire tb'foidand'e?q)OTencesomefomg'impiial W4ki£Ferentdhough travel is' what drives many young westem backpackers to Thailand'with adventure oii their mind.' Unfortunately what they findjs no more.thanjust a dirty reality ofmanyiOyemin tourist resorts instead ofa tourist^free tropical paradise they long.iExisting among fooselpopularizeditouristi resortsis apparently, foebeach,knownfor,its beautyandnaturalpuiity;The.beach happenstpbe' an improbable tale among.backpackers and;travelers.' Howeyer, for sorne other backpackers,, this beach.does,exist._Guided byi,quite a,tpp, secrettmap, three backpackers.find.foeirjpristine. beach? pn|.an,imsppiled isl^d p.fThailand. Once foere,' they,are convinced that,.they haye: discoveredEden, or,atle^ttheirvery ownyersioniofit; We.^ed;bymMy oyeiTun tourist spots, and impressedby the beauty of foe beach, those backpackers decide toJive,on foe beach area eternally and secretly.
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