Android Appcyclopedia: Apps for Media Creation with Smartphones
Android Appcyclopedia: Apps for media creation with smartphones by, Twitter: @smartfilming, Kontakt: March 2019 (Please note: things may change quickly in the app world, some info might be dated) Video Cameras App Why is it useful? Functionality & Features Notes Availabitlity Price (€) Filmic Pro Support for external mics, manual exposure control (ISO/SS) limited availability, not all limited (full 12.99 & focus, exposure and focus lock, focus and exposure functionality/features are Camera2 API (+ 12.99 assistance (focus peaking, false color, histograms, waveform), available / work(s) well on all required, Android for precise white balance adjustment, visual audio meters, audio devices, Cinematographer Kit 5.0 & up) Cinematog monitoring, PAL frame rate option (25fps/50fps), vertical and with advanced image controls rapher Kit) other aspect ratios possible, LOG/flat image profiles, support (LOG, flat profiles etc.) is an for additional (rear) camera(s) if phone maker allows it, in-app purchase support for high speed frame rates (120/240fps), continuous recording beyond file size limit, simple editing tools within the app, fantastic UI, good customer support Cinema FV-5 Basically runs on all Android devices, support for external no shutter speed control, (almost) all free (lite- mics (even Bluetooth!), manual exposure control (ISO/EV) & audio monitoring only before Android devices version) / focus, exposure/focus/white balance lock, visual audio recording, only presets for (Android 4.0 & 1.99 meters, audio monitoring, PAL frame rate support (25fps), white balance, not all features up) histogram, continuous recording beyond file size limit work well on all devices, development seems to have ceased „Be fair - declare!“ - This list may be used for educational purposes but please do give credit (
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