CUMBERLAND ISLANDER , Library With' Which Is Consolidated the Cumberland News

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CUMBERLAND ISLANDER , Library With' Which Is Consolidated the Cumberland News t '( CUMBERLAND ISLANDER , library With' which Is consolidated the Cumberland News. Ma, m CUMBERLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA FORTY-SIXTH YEAR—No. 30. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 192 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: TWO HOLLARS PER ANNUM Boat building by amateurs in Cum. Cumberland Review, No. J7, of the Flames Destroy Number Of berland has been quite the thing, dur­ W.B.A., at Its meeting last evening, ing the last few weeks.Messers J. II. welcomed home its past president. Colliery Employee Drowned In Cameron and A. Thompson success­ Mrs Mary Frelone, who represented Houses In Japanese Settlement fully launched their power boat on the British Columbia Reviews at the Monday evening, on Comox Lake. Flume At Puntledge River Supreme Convention held recently iu These two gentlemen built the baot and Installed the engine. All their Port Huron. .Michigan, and where the Mr. Crawford Thompson, 5"> years COLLIERY PUMPING UNIT DID GREAT WORK spare time during the past few weeks delegates were guests of the Supreme of age, a resident of Bevan, and an was devoted to the work and the fin­ Lodge at its Summer camp on the employee of the Canadian Collieries was drowned In the flume, at what The Cumberland Fire Department ished product would be a credit to a shores of beautiful Lake Huron. A professional boat builder. most interesting account of her trip NOTICE Is commonly termed No. 7. As far as had a hectic lime during tbe laat could-bo ascertained ,at about 2:30 in THREE FOREST FIRES Mr. Oeorge J. Richardson of Mary­ and of the work accomplished at the week. On Monday morning last, the afternoon, Mr. Thompson and -Mr. port Avenue.also hud the pleasure The Annual General Meeting shortly alter eight o'clock, a call was Convention was given by the delegate, John .Miller were engaged in repair­ ON VANCOUVER ISLAND of launch ng a fine row-boat whicli of the Canadian Collieries received from Chinatown and on ar­ at the close of which Mrs. Covert, ing the company's flume about three he had built during his spare mom­ (Dunsmuir), Limited Employ­ rival at tbc Oriental settlement, the president of the local Review. calleJ hundred yards from tlie entrance to Several lire outbreaks were report­ ents. In this case Mr. Richardson took ees .Medical Fund will bc held lire lighters found the roof and upper upon her lo accept a lovely bouquet the penstock. They were putting in 1 ed lo thc District Forester, and con­ his boat out to Little River being In Ihe lecture room of the Ath­ Btory of Lai Vuena restaurant ablaze braces, handing them through the fl­ tinued hot weather Increases the drawn there by the reports of big ca­ as a small token of appreciation and letic Club on Saturday, July Quick work hy tbe department got ume from one to the other. Miller probability of further outbreaks. tches of salmon. welcome. 30th, 1927, at 7:30 p.m. Hie lire under control without a great Two fires on the Bloedel, Stewart & heard Mr, Thompson shout and look­ deal of damage being done. Welch operations at Menzies Bay, By order of the ing back saw him struggling in the Appointed Inspector Of Radios LITTLE RIVER 8.HAM, BLAZK AT THK CAM? Vancouver Island, were reported to water, hanging on to a rope. Mr. hc of some magnitude. One is near MEDICAL BOARD Miller ran and caught the rope, and A bush fire wus discovered on Mon­ About eleven o'clock tlie sumo Elk Falls, where a bridge across the Mr. R. Alnslle, formerly ot La/.o Immediately he did so Mr. Thompson day evening at 7 p.m. by Mrs Bruce morning an alarm was turned in. the Campbell Hiver is under construction Wireless Station, lately of Point Grey lost his hold and was carried down and children at tlie back of tlie Bruce brigade making a quick run to the and where the Willamette Co. is sur­ Wireless Station, and Mrs. Alnslie the flume, the water running at the home Mr. McGIrr was quickly on NEWS FROM W. B. A. CON­ residence of Mr. J. .McMillan. West | veying for its pulp mill project. are visiting at the home ot MrB, Ai'i- rate of 18 feel per second. Mr. Mill­ Cumberland, where it was found thai slle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Beck­ tlle scene and did some quick work, VENTION AT PORT HURON er then ran down to the screen where Ibe roof was blazing merrily. With ensell, of Comox. Mr, Alnslle lias Just followed by Messrs. Vessey, Wcstrui* he got a pike pole and succeeded In both trucks in attendance, it was- Cost Of A Spree been appointed Inspector of Radios and Bond. Thanks to their timely Rambler roses, gladiolus, baskets getting Mr. Thompson out. apparent­ subdued, the roof alone suffering in for the Province of Alberta under the assistance, what might have been a of pink and white poppies, against a ly dead. Artificial resperatory meth­ this Instance. High In Cumberland Department of Marine and Fisheries, very disastrous fire was averted. background of evergreens provided ods were applied but failed to revive with headquarter at Calgary and The origin of lhe blaze Is not known. an attractive opening reception of the him and wheu (lie doctor arrived iu THIRD KHIi-; I'ROVKD DISASTROUS John Prldge, a resident of Royston wlll take up his duties there Immedi­ quadrennial Suprniee Review ou a few minutes he pronounced life ately after his vacation. Once more, this time on Tuesday Road, Cumberland, was, on Tuesday .Monday night at Port Huron summer a few mlnules he pronounced life ex­ r Fuel Oil Hurts last, about 5 p.m., tbe brigade was ol this week, lined $2,> and $2.50 costs, camp of the Women's Benefit Associ­ tinct. ation. Lighted lanterns in the pretty called to a lire in the No. 5 Japanese charged by Chief of Police Cope with An Inquest was held at. Cumberland halls greeted five hundred visitors •settlement, and on arrival, one bouse heing found in au Intoxicated state ln Local Ball Tossers Island Coal Trade on Wednesday by Mr Conway, when and delegates from all parts of tha just behind ihe store of K. Ahe ,a a public place, contrary to section 38 a verdict of accidental death was re­ United States aud Canada. Among blaze was located. Owing to the lack of the Government Liquor Act. As Beat Loggers' Best Local Product Outsold in turned. of hydrants and low water pressure, this wns Iho accused's first offence them was Mrs, .Mary Frelone, of Cum­ California hy Cheap The deceased, who was of a very it was almost impossible for the fire­ he was let off with the minimum line. berland, Supreme Representative for Home Run by a Cumberland quiet and unassuming nature, left to men to successfully light this lire anil Second offense calls for a fine of $50; Washington Product British Columbia. mourn his loss, besides his wife, three owing to the residences being built nnd for tlle third offense, three "Babe Ruth" Wins Game Thc delegates to the convention arc sons and two daughters. so closely together, it was only a months In Jail without tiie option of For Locals in Ninth Victoria; July 23.—Tlle aggregate being royally entertained, social even­ matter of minute* before several a fine. output of the collieries of Dritish Co­ ings, dancing and fancy drills being The funeral took place this Friday houses wcre ablaze . One section of lumbia in the lirst six months of the held for their entertainment. afternoon, interment taking place in tbe firemen, assisted by a number of The challenge issued two weeks ago year wus 1.240,858 long tons com­ the Cumberland cemetery, under the residents of Cumberland, turned their Tennis Doings by the Cumberland baseball team to pared with 1,002,343 tons ln the cor­ auspices of Cumberland Lodge, No. efforts to the tearing down process. the Comox Loggers, was accepted,, the responding period in 11120, according Mr. Gordon Lowe, who has been 2ti. A. F. & A. M. Prior to interment Whilst men. women and children were On Suturduy a tennis team repre­ to figures compiled by the provincial the guest of Mr. P. D. Graham for the a short impressive service was held game taking place on the Recreation past week, has returned to his home busy moving the furniture from the senting the Central Sports Tennis department of mines and issued by a*. Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Rev. Oround, Cumberland, before a fair in the Hub City different residences to a place of Club of Nanaimo; journeyed to Cum­ Hon. William Sloan, minister of E. O. Robathan officiating. safety. Creed, color and class was berland to play an lnter-clty match crowd of spectators. Thc loggers mines. These Rgures show an In­ forgotten. All worked with one pur­ wilh the local club. Saturday waB one came down with the strongest nine crease over 1925 of 178,515 long tons, pose—Jhe saving of aa much of the nf lhe warmest days of the year which possible and ln the early part of the an Increase due chiefly to the long- belongings of ihe unfortunates us was probably accounts for the small at­ game it looked as though the locals 1protliacte d cold spell during the humanly possible . Tlic lire played tendance. The matches without ex­ spring months. THE FIRST TEST MATCH would be swamped. If the same havoc with tbc flimsy wooden build­ ception were very Interesting alld ex­ *•*.•• + ••*••*• *•••*• • * •• • brand of baseball as played last! The putpul of the Vancouver Island ings, and it was only a matter of few cellent lennis was played, especially coal mines totalled 672,309 tons, as minutes before No.
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