1159058 No. Charity Registered & Museum Accredited Independent An

01420 511275 [email protected] www.gilbertwhiteshouse.org.uk [email protected] 511275 01420

of the house and the three explorers of the natural world that we celebrate. celebrate. we that world natural the of explorers three the and house the of

An introductory talk is offered to all groups at no extra cost, and will give a further insight into the history history the into insight further a give will and cost, extra no at groups all to offered is talk introductory An

Introductory Talk Introductory

catering options can be added. be can options catering

£7.00 per head. This includes a introductory talk and admission to the museum and gardens. Tours and and Tours gardens. and museum the to admission and talk introductory a includes This head. per £7.00

Winter Package Package Winter During the winter months (November, December, January and February) admission is is admission February) and January December, (November, months winter the During

be added (Valid March (Valid added be October). -

includes a introductory talk and admission to the museum and gardens. Tours and catering options can can options catering and Tours gardens. and museum the to admission and talk introductory a includes

The standard admission price for a pre a for price admission standard The Package Peak paid group is £9.00 per head. This This head. per £9.00 is group paid - pre booked, -


arrangements can be made out of hours. hours. of out made be can arrangements

Our opening times are listed on our website, however special special however website, our on listed are times opening Our details. the of unsure are you if

attached form to confirm your booking. Please do not wait until the last minute to send in the form, even even form, the in send to minute last the until wait not do Please booking. your confirm to form attached

mail or telephone, once a date has been agreed, please complete and return the the return and complete please agreed, been has date a once telephone, or mail - e via us contact Simply

How to Book to How

house. house. - brew White’s see to chance a and

The café and entrance situated in Gilbert’s historic stable yard will has direct access to the garden, a shop shop a garden, the to access direct has will yard stable historic Gilbert’s in situated entrance and café The

In 2018 we are unveiled a new visitor entrance with a new café perfect for groups that can sit up to 50. 50. to up sit can that groups for perfect café new a with entrance visitor new a unveiled are we 2018 In

restored heritage garden and natural conservation. conservation. natural and garden heritage restored

garden for our visitors to enjoy. The garden is beautiful all year round, and a fascinating mixture of of mixture fascinating a and round, year all beautiful is garden The enjoy. to visitors our for garden

We are lucky to be situated in one of the most beautiful areas of the South Downs, and have 25 acres of of acres 25 have and Downs, South the of areas beautiful most the of one in situated be to lucky are We

Victorian explorer and , member of the tragic Terra Nova expedition to the South Pole. Pole. South the to expedition Nova Terra tragic the of member Oates, Lawrence and explorer Victorian

Explore the museum that commemorates , pioneering 18th Century naturalist, Frank Oates Oates Frank naturalist, Century 18th pioneering White, Gilbert commemorates that museum the Explore

centre. visitor and gardens

The beautiful historic house that was once the home to Gilbert White is now home to an eclectic museum, museum, eclectic an to home now is White Gilbert to home the once was that house historic beautiful The

Be inspired by Gilbert White, Frank Oates and Lawrence Oates to take a journey into the Natural World. World. Natural the into journey a take to Oates Lawrence and Oates Frank White, Gilbert by inspired Be

Collections Oates The & White Gilbert to Welcome

Café | Shop Gift | Garden | Museum | House

2019 Pack Information Group

1159058 No. Charity Registered & Museum Accredited Independent An

01420 511275 [email protected] www.gilbertwhiteshouse.org.uk [email protected] 511275 01420

charge. of free use to available shops and toilets café, a have We M3. The

Gilbert White & The Oates Collections is a great place to rest on a long journey situated between the A3 & & A3 the between situated journey long a on rest to place great a is Collections Oates The & White Gilbert

Refresh & Stop

20% discount in our café. café. our in discount 20%

Drivers and group Organisers can enjoy free admission. Drivers can also collect a voucher to allow them them allow to voucher a collect also can Drivers admission. free enjoy can Organisers group and Drivers

Drivers and Group Organisers Organisers Group and Drivers

be flexible and for you to get the most out of your visit. your of out most the get to you for and flexible be

free as possible. Let us know if your group have any specific interests as we aim to to aim we as interests specific any have group your if know us Let possible. as free - stress and enjoyable

Please contact us if you have any queries or wish to make a booking. Our aim is to make your day out as as out day your make to is aim Our booking. a make to wish or queries any have you if us contact Please


or telephone 01420 511275 to pay by debit or credit card. card. credit or debit by pay to 511275 01420 telephone or

your visit. Please send a cheque payable to to payable cheque a send Please visit. your Collections’ Oates The & White ‘Gilbert

We require payment in full for group admission, tours and catering a minimum of fourteen days prior to to prior days fourteen of minimum a catering and tours admission, group for full in payment require We


commemorating him, is directly opposite the Museum, and well worth a visit. visit. a worth well and Museum, the opposite directly is him, commemorating

Selborne Arms Pub. The village church, where Gilbert White is buried, has two stained glass windows windows glass stained two has buried, is White Gilbert where church, village The Pub. Arms

Selborne Hanger. There is a pottery, a selection of village shops, and a café on the high street, and The The and street, high the on café a and shops, village of selection a pottery, a is There Hanger. Selborne

South Downs National Park. There are superb walks, including up Gilbert White’s ZigZag path on to the the to on path ZigZag White’s Gilbert up including walks, superb are There Park. National Downs South

often as they please on the day of their visit. The pretty historic village of Selborne is located within the the within located is Selborne of village historic pretty The visit. their of day the on please they as often

On arrival at reception members of your group will be given stickers which allow them to come and go as as go and come to them allow which stickers given be will group your of members reception at arrival On

Selborne Village Selborne

bys approximately a mile distant either North or South of the village. the of South or North either distant mile a approximately bys - lay in parked coaches and House the

Selborne Arms. The car park can take cars and coaches; when it’s busy visitors can be dropped outside outside dropped be can visitors busy it’s when coaches; and cars take can park car The Arms. Selborne

The village car park is a 3 minute walk from the House. It is situated just off the main road behind the the behind road main the off just situated is It House. the from walk minute 3 a is park car village The


simultaneously. members all seat to possible not may it and

also visit the café without a prior booking, however please note that at times the café can become busy, busy, become can café the times at that note please however booking, prior a without café the visit also

option. Depending on availability larger groups may have to be divided into two sittings. Your group can can group Your sittings. two into divided be to have may groups larger availability on Depending option.

options and prices see the attached booking form. All members of the group must be served the same same the served be must group the of members All form. booking attached the see prices and options

before your visit. For For visit. your before days 14 than later no this for pay and book Please . arrangements catering booked

White’s Café opened in 2018 and specialises in locally sourced food made on site. We can offer pre offer can We site. on made food sourced locally in specialises and 2018 in opened Café White’s -


person. per £2 charge We only. arrangement prior by are Tours All

rooms. the of size to due people 15 under groups

Get a special insight into the house and galleries, with an guided tour. Only available to to available Only tour. guided an with galleries, and house the into insight special a Get Tour House

writings. his in described features and plants the and Gardener

focus on 18th century planting, a garden tour is a fascinating way to learn about Gilbert White the the White Gilbert about learn to way fascinating a is tour garden a planting, century 18th on focus

With over twenty acres of ancient parkland and some five acres of restored gardens with a a with gardens restored of acres five some and parkland ancient of acres twenty over With

Tour Garden


1159058 No. Charity Registered

www.gilbertwhiteshouse.org.uk [email protected] 511275 01420

visit. your to prior days 14 least at full in required is Payment

Gilbert White’s House & Garden, High Street, Selborne, GU34 3JH 3JH GU34 Hampshire Selborne, Street, High Garden, & House White’s Gilbert

to post and print or [email protected]

You can fill out this form using the ‘PDF Sign’ facility and email it to it email and facility Sign’ ‘PDF the using form this out fill can You

Date Signed

Form Booking Visit Group to add to TOTAL

Tiptree jam and fresh clotted cream. cream. clotted fresh and jam Tiptree

£6.00 Cream Teas: A homemade scone served with a pot of of pot a with served scone homemade A Teas: Cream

£2.00 Cake Platter: A platter of small tray bake cakes cakes bake tray small of platter A Platter: Cake

(served 14:30 (served Option Tea Afternoon 16:30) -

fruit.* and garnish,

£9.50 Quiche served (warm or cold) with crisps and a salad salad a and crisps with cold) or (warm served Quiche

£9.00 Mixed Sandwich Platter, served with crisps and fruit.* fruit.* and crisps with served Platter, Sandwich Mixed

£7.00 Homemade Soup with a Granary Roll and Butter (V) (V) Butter and Roll Granary a with Soup Homemade

available. Options Vegetarian *

(served between 12:00 between (served Options Lunch 14:30) -


Filter Coffee or Tea served with a homemade shortbread shortbread homemade a with served Tea or Coffee Filter


(V) Shortbread and Coffee

Required Required person

11:45) - 10:30 between (served Options Morning No. per Cost Total

Society / Group of Name

Visit of Date

vegan, dairy free and gluten free. Simply ask us before entering your forms. forms. your entering before us ask Simply free. gluten and free dairy vegan,

coffee and water included. We can cater for all dietary requirements including including requirements dietary all for cater can We included. water and coffee

. All options come with tea, filter filter tea, with come options All . option same the served are catering requiring

members of the group group the of members ALL that understanding the on offered are options These

Café | Shop Gift | Garden | Museum | House

Form Order Catering Group

Registered Charity No. 1159058 No. Charity Registered

01420 511275 [email protected] www.gilbertwhiteshouse.org.uk [email protected] 511275 01420

Signed Date Date


completed) order per (as charge Catering Total

no.) group x (tour charge Tour Total

no.) group x (package charge Package Total

you. Thank time. this after made cancellations for made be cannot Refunds

or telephone to pay by credit/debit card. credit/debit by pay to telephone or

Collections’ Oates The & White ‘Gilbert to payable cheque a send Please

deadline, however these will be charged our standard admission and catering rates. rates. catering and admission standard our charged be will these however deadline,

We are always happy to accommodate additional numbers after the 14 days advance payment payment advance days 14 the after numbers additional accommodate to happy always are We

rate. prevailing the at visit your to prior days 14 least at full in required is Payment

3JH GU34 Hampshire Selborne, Street, High House, White’s Gilbert

to post and print or [email protected]

to it email and facility Sign’ ‘PDF the using form this out fill can You

Ons - Add Group Select Please Introductory Talk (Free) (Free) Talk Introductory

(£2) Tour House (£2) Tour Garden

(£9) Peak Tick) (Please Package (£7) Winter

us? about hear you did How

Arrival Time Time Arrival Departure Time Departure

Date of Visit of Date 10) of (minimum Group in Number


Number Telephone

correspondence) (for Organiser of Address & Name

Society / Group of Name

Café | Shop Gift | Garden | Museum | House

2019 Form Booking Visit Group