
Binder Page _____ Name ______Period ______Video- Liberty’s Kids: “The First Fourth of July” Date ______​ ​

1. Why does believe that they need an official Declaration of Independence? It will gain more “popular support.” In other words, it will get more Americans to join them.

2. Where do Hessians come from? ​Germany

3. What word does James use to describe the people who catch them? ​Tories (“Watch out, Henri! They’re Tories!”) ​ ​

4. of wants the Second to vote on three resolutions: 1. That the colonies are in fact Free and Independent states, and absolved of all ​ ​ ​ ​ allegiance to Great Britain. 2. That the independent states seek to form foreign Alliances (like with France, for ​ ​ example) 3. That the independent states establish a plan of confederation (to make a new ​ ​ government)

What does Sarah think of Lee’s resolutions? ​They are “treason.” In other words, he is a traitor to his king and country.

5. What does Mr. think of Independence? Why? ​ ​It is dangerous and impossible. Dangerous, because the Indians on the frontier will start killing people and maybe another country will take us over without the protection of Britain; Impossible, because the middle colonies ( and ) do not support it.

6. Who gets chosen to write the Declaration? ​

7. Who are the group that get a ride from James and Sarah? The delegation (who are just elected and have come to vote for ​ independence. Where is of ? Why was he not at the meeting of Congress? He is deathly ill and at his home in Delaware. How does his vote change things? ​He will bring Delaware’s vote to independence, making it unanimous.

8. What day does think will be the most revered day in American history? (It’s the day the vote took place.) ​July 2nd What happens after the vote for Independence? They have to edit and revise the draft of the Declaration.

9. What day does the signing take place? ​July 4th, 1776 Who signs the Declaration first? ​ What does Ben Franklin say as he signs the Declaration? “We must all hang together, or most assuredly, we will all hang separately.” ​ ​ ​

10. What happens on July 9, 1776? ​The hears the Declaration read.

11. What does James say that the Declaration of Independence will make it easier to do? To get more popular support (like Washington said) And to get France’s help in the war.

12. What happens to the statue of the king? It gets torn down. According to legend it is made into bullets.