Lowy Institute Paper 29 China and the global environment LEARNING FROM THE PAST, ANTICIPATING THE FUTURE Katherine Morton First published for Lowy Institute for International Policy 2009 PO Box 102 Double Bay New South Wales 1360 Australia www.longmedia.com.au
[email protected] Tel. (+61 2) 9362 8441 Lowy Institute for International Policy © 2009 ABN 40 102 792 174 All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part Katherine Morton is a Fellow in the Department of of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, International Relations, College of Asia and the Pacific, or transmitted in any form or by any means (including but not limited to electronic, The Australian National University. She is a specialist on mechanical, photocopying, or recording), without the prior written permission of the China and Global Politics with over a decade of experience copyright owner. working on environmental problems at the local, national, Photos © Katherine Morton copyright 2009 and international levels. For the past six years, she has been Maps © ANU cartography copyright 2009 conducting research on the Tibetan Plateau looking at the impacts of climate change on local communities as well Cover design by Longueville Media/Nina Nielsen as the implications for regional security. She is currently Typeset by Longueville Media in Esprit Book 10/13 working with international partners to develop a visual National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry cartography of climate related risks across the Greater Author: Morton, Katherine. Himalayas. Dr Morton is also the Chief Investigator in a Title: China and the global environment : learning from the past, Ford Foundation funded collaborative research project on anticipating the future / Katherine Morton.