District Population Statistics, 11-Bareiliy, Uttar Pradesh

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District Population Statistics, 11-Bareiliy, Uttar Pradesh I Census of India, 1951 ' DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH ll-BAREJLLY DISTRICT 315.42 ALLAHABAD: Plmn1No AND STATIONERY, UTI'AR PRADESH, INDIA 1951 1953 BAR DPS __ I Priee, Re.1-S. FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, to supply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for' scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise for rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population Jor areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre­ pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. The r~quired information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen cuated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National R.egister of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, R.aidas and Bhagat as 'Chamars'. (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob, Sweepers, Harijan, Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had returned thea caste by names'which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution ofIndia, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the tables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have heen arrIved at by actual counting from the National Citizens' Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of_t~hsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. RAJESHWARI ~ASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, <Census Operations, July 23. 1952.· " Uttar Pradesh. LIST OF ERRA1A TO DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS OF BAREIL;LY DISTRICT A-Errata to colu!pn ~, Code number and name of mohalla (Urban) (a) Correction in the existing names of mOballas Page For Read nO. 4 34-Nau Mohalla 34·-Nau MIlkl?, 5 7'3-Mllrlhllhllr ,73 --Maohoban, B -Errata to population figures (Urban) Page Particu1 ar~ For Read" Page Particulars For Read. no. '10. ,------- 5 76-Rflbri Toht 6\ 60 5 84-Kankar Tola 678 673 5 77-Q"1:i Tollt 164 161 5 86-Lodhia Tola 62 68 5 78-Q"Rai Tola 9 4 5 87-Chak Mahml1d 548 542 5 79-Kat:"uiyan 737 739 '5 SS-Nfli Ba"ti 680 8 5 SO-Gher Zafar Khfln •. 289 287 5 89-.T"gMpu1• 8 683 5 81-Bukh,wpLo.ra 691 699 5 90---Shah am atg8 nj 51 58 5 82-Rohli Tola 2.415 2.411 5 91-Zulfiqarganj 363 361 5 83 -,I{ot, 653 655 C-Errata to column 1, Code number and name of village (Rural) (a) AddItion of "new "mages Page particulars Addition" no. 7 Under pargan'" Aonla 63-Bhikhampur. 8 Dittc Sirauli 254--Mirzapur. 9 Ditto Ohaumahla 26-Baheri. (f» Deletion of existing viUages 7 Delete .. 254-Mirzapur and the entries against it. " 7. Under 299 delete "30(}-Paras. and the entry against it ". 8. Delete" 63--Baikhampur and the entry against it. " 10. Delete" 26-Baherj and the entries against it. " (e) Corre6tlon In existIng names of vlllage6 pa.ge Fo.. Read no. 7 53-Batima Ghuuhftn 53-Bf'hta Chauhan 7 64-Bhirnbar Rftsulpur 64-Bhimlaur RaRU Ipu1' 7 90-0ham a tpur 90--Clwmpatpur 7 IOO-DAliput' IOO-Dllj""ppur 7 178-}\}11anpur 178-Kn)ya npur 7 182-Kllgun Wanurill 182-KflllgaWRll t.rrla 7 243-lHllkgawa n .. ?43-MalgRwfln 7 249--~I~nchAndpul 249-Mau Chandplll" 7 267-Nahrawnn :Brahman 267-NaU!I;RWRn BralunRn 7 307-RRmpur 307-~:lip'H 7 IO-.'\.lampul' J"pBbud 10- '\lamplll' Jafrahad 7 45-Baquargarl' 45-Baqarganj _-8 163-Jaitpu,r Shalipur i63-JaitpUT Sharifpur 2 List of errata to District Population Statistics of Bareilly District-(concld.} (C) Correction in existing names of villages-(concld.) :page no. For Read 8 165-Jamampm .. 165-·J amfllpur 8 219-Kandnria Ikhtinrp= 219-Kundaria Ikhlaspl1r 8 268-Naugawan Tbakuran 268-Naugawan Brnhmn(ln 8 335-Sarehi 335-Sareri. 8 96-Chandpur Shrinagar 96--Chandpul' Shivanagar 8 120-Dhaurna.ura Mustakil .. 120-Dhanrera MustRkil 8 121-Dhaurnaura Ahtamali 121-Dhaul'('ra AhtnmnJi 8 174-Kaini Sh1'inagal' 174-Kaini Shivan"~ar 9 258--Lo<'hipur 2 58--J,odh;pn:r 9 296--Muktl1pur 296-Mukatpur 9 312-Narwua 31Z-N'lrAwa }O 77-Bhojpur Sar"li~ukh 77-Bhojpur Sarahsukh II 356-Purainiyana Tal 356-Purainl\, ':ral 11 278-Mawai QaziY"n 278-l\{awl) i Ka lIn l' II 303- MuranpuT 303-Mnrllrp.:Jr uri Murl'hflnrfl 12 349-Pipari 349-Pipoli 16 16-Bndra Sumpur 16-Badra Qaflimpnr 16 103-Dahdllo Ilaqa Jerh I03-Dnhlahoo-I-Jerh 17 181-Karanpuri Jagi)' 3erh .. 181--Karanpllr Ilnqq, Jerh 17 182-Kararipur I1aqn 8I'f\nknrpll'" 18Z-Karanpllr tlaqa Shflnkarpnr 17 213-Kunia Khera 213-Knyan Khera 17 215-Kania Ganpur 215-Kuya n UgflnpUr 18 330-Saldapur 11a'1" N"gnria Ahtflmfl ], 330-Saidpnr AhtmnJi 18 331-S"idapur Ilaqa N"garia Mllstnkil 331 -Saidpm' MURtakiJ 18 387-Udranpur Saral 387-Udranpur I1aqa Ja:raul 18 29--Bodheypllra Dhunipur 29-Badheypura IIaqa Dhamipur 19 85-Dandia Rayaram 85-Dandi", Daya R'''m 19 I 28--Harsari 128-Han"ni 19 141---J"gi Danid .. 141-.Tl1l!i nandi 19 161-Kathapur QlltuhpLr 161-Kitkapur urI Qntllbpllr 20 211-Mllak Mahmudpur 211-Milak Mohamm"dpnr 20 293 -Sahdeopur .. 293 ~S"irlOf)f"l- D-Errata to population figures (Rural) Page no. particulars 2 3 4 5 7 ----- ------------_.----. 6 P9rgana Aonla 42,708 35,788 78,496 1.3,045 .. ff:::a 42,612 35,622 78,274 12,976 6 pargana Sirallli 21,422 18,256 39,678 5,567 ' .. ffe:z 21,518 18,382 39.900 5,636 7 pargana AOllla " I" For 78,496 13,045 65,451 (Read 78,274 12,976 65.298 7 63- BhU~h"mpur .. ( For tRead 159 159 8 pargana RirauJi .• , For 39,678 5,567 34.111 t.Read 39,900 5,636 34.264 8 254-Mirzapul' .. ( For tRead 381 69 312 9 26-Baheri .. f For tRoad Notified Area DISTlUCT' BAR~uY '~ummary 'ofUrbatl Population PapulalllG!l Schedul~d Code no, and name of Town Males Female& T<9tal Musl!t118 Castes Others 2 4 S 6 7 11-1-23 AONLA MUNICIPAL BOARD 8,957 7,968 15,917 8,276 948 1,693 11-1-349 SIRAULr TOWN AREA 3,156 3,058 6,214 3,366 556 2,290 11-2-26 DAHER! NOTIFIED AREA 6,362 4,654 11,816 6,3()()\ 521 4,195 11-2-377 RICHHA TOWN AREA 2,133 2,165 4,598 3,933 20 645 ><\ 11-2-407 SHISHGARH TOWN AREA 2,098 2,150 4,248 3,321 1140 787 11-3-536 SHARr TOWN AREA 2,522 2,153 4,675 1,258 369 3,048 11-4-108 FA1UDPUR TOWN AREA .. 5,915 5,100 11,015 4,721 389 5,905 11 ....... -110 FATEHGANJ EAST TOWN AREA 1,206 1,030 2,236 349 141 1,746 11-5-240 NAWABGANJ TOWN AREA 3,018 2,645 5,663 3,147 318 ),198 11-S-29t SENTHAL TOWN AREA .. 2,969 2,630 5,599 40441 243 915 11-6-1 BAREILLY MUNICIPAL BOARD 104,969 90,481 195,450 79,15'( 7,589 ~08,71J 11-6-2 &3 BAREILLY CANTONMENT BOARD .. 8,543 5,009 13,552 1,562 J,358 ' 10,632 Total 152,148 129,035 281,183 119,833 12,583 148,767 Population aecording to Primary Census A"bstract 151,761 128,486 Z80,241 " Population of Muslims according to Table D-II 119,072 I" Population or Scheduled Castes according to 'I'able D-nr 12,189- 2 I>tS'.alel 1I.tBIJIk1.1i Population of 1'"_ b) NoJaaJ"';'Wards - . - ~""'" .. ~. Population Scheduled CO~'lW"an" 11_0 flf Manana Males Females Tot,,1 l\{uslims Castes Others ----_--- 2 3 ~ 5 6 7 ------- AONLA (MUNICIPAL BOARD) WarJ-l 1 Qila 827 739 1,~ t,109 69 311# t Qila llazaria 1,183 941 2,124 1,577 93 454 WarJ-2, 3 and 4· 3 Guni 3,766 3,275 7,041 3,063 215 3,763 WaTd-5 and 6 4 KatrJl.l?akka 2,161 2,113 4,274 1,959 427 1,888 Ward-7 5 Katra I{achcha .
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