No Funding for Financial Aid Hike
, .• ( I VoL 63, Number 3 Baruch CoII,ege· City University.of New York 'October 13,1992 r- By Sue-PeDcChua . BaruehStudent Employment 12'f1 of the student popUla- Barueh'eGllep'm'waiting Prcigrammust alSo obey the tion,' said:'Mur:PJiy~Mo8t,Of for a legal opinion from the law of giving 11.8. residents the money international stu City UniversityofNew Yor~s priority, added,Murphy. dents receive is from the legal department and a law Carl Kirschner, director of Gra4uate Assistant Program. firm specializing in immigra- studentSupportServices,said "In the case ofobtaining con- ' ..tion an!! naturaliZation ~es that.CWS, which is federally ~ flictmg-opinionsfromboth In-. that will affect international funded, has to obey the pro- vestigations, President ' students and,theiron-eampus ·,no~mentsoftheINS.,How-· GoldSt8in must then decide," . ' employment oppcJrtunities. , ever, the ,BSEP, which is ,saieJJohnson. Thefederallawenactedby fi.uidedbythe Be~dBaruch Ifthelegal definitioh ofdis- ,CongressandenfOiCed,by the -eil~tsand"privatecon- place is like Kirschners', it Immigration and Natui'aliza-. tributions,shouldnotbesuQiect would giveintemational stu tion Service stateS that CICfor- to1helaw,added Kirsclmer. dents a much greater chance eignstudents may accept on- Through th& BSEP, "all at on'campusjobs. ~pus employment which Baruch students'ehouldbave Angel Lung, an interna- . does not diSplace.a,U.s. r8si~ . equal,oppcJrtunity baSed on tionalStudentfromHongKong, JamesMurphy, ~irector'of Financial Aid dent.· The law gives U.s. need~andmerit,wherecitizen- worked during the summerat - citizens and permanent resi- 8mpis not anlssue. Hil¥ing a ' the Institutional Research dents priority.over -interna- ,position opm'and giving it to Centeron 22 Street, is willing tiona! students in respect to ,anintematlonalstudentisnot but so far bas been unable to job placeme~t.
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