Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop

0. Requirements - on the PC must be installed a version of 32- or 64bit Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop - you need Internet access

1. Preliminaries - installation of required software a) Installation Muon (optional - for a more comfortable installation) - open Kickoff Application Launcher/Computer/Muon Discover

- search for muon and Install

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 1 of 17 b) Installation of wine - open Kickoff Application Launcher/Applications/System/Package Manager

- search for wine

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 2 of 17 - mark for Installation Meta-Package wine

- accept marking of more required packages

- apply Changes

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 3 of 17 - authenticate

- download packages

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 4 of 17 - accept the license for TrueType MS-CoreFonts

- Continue

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 5 of 17 c) Installation of gdiplus (a Windows program-library for graphics and formated text) For installation we use the shell-Scripts winetricks (was installed together with wine) - open Kickoff Application Launcher/Applications/Wine/Winetricks

- wine-system creating and configuring (.wine in $home)

- mark: Select the default wineprefix

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 6 of 17 - mark: Install a Windows DLL or component

- mark: gdiplus (MS GDI+ Microsoft 2011) gdiplus is downloading from Microsoft and installing

- close all winetricks-windows with cancel

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 7 of 17 2. Installation of Database Workbench 5 - open file-manager in folder you have downloaded Database Workbench installation file

- right-click on installation-exe-file and select Open with Wine Windows Program Loader

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 8 of 17 - select: Next

- accept agreement and select: Next

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 9 of 17 - confirm path of installation (recommended) Note: - on a 32bit-kubuntu version (or an enforced 32bit wine version) path is: C:\Program Files\... - on a 64bit-kubuntu version path is: C:\Program Files ()\... (analog to Windows syntax - because Database Workbench is a 32bit-application)

- mark your database-engines which you like to have and then: Next

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 10 of 17 - leave preselection and select: Next

- select: Next

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 11 of 17 - select: Next

- select: Install

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 12 of 17 - (optional) select: Click here to test-start the internal server

- select OK

- select Next

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 13 of 17 - unmark preselection of Start Database Workbench 5 Pro and then: Finish

Note: It's recommended to do the first start from the desktop and not from a running setup-program in wine

Setup finished and returned to the Kubuntu desktop

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 14 of 17 Database Workbench 5 first start - open Kickoff Application Launcher/Applications/Wine/Programs/Database Workbench 5 Pro/Database Workbench 5 Pro

- start Database Workbench 5 Pro

- submission of your license - which has been send to you by email

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 15 of 17 - now you can register database-server

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 16 of 17 Now installation finished, Database Workbench 5 is running with wine in Kubuntu!

Installation manual Database Workbench 5 in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop page 17 of 17