Churches and Industry Group Birmingham & Solihull Supporting the workplace Caring for people for Caring Annual Review 2016—7 CIGB Annual Report 2015-16 Introduction It has been another effective year for CIGB, as the number of our workplace Chaplains increased to 54. Our Chaplains are welcomed by management and staff in a growing range of enterprises, and we have seen a steady flow of practising Christians asking for Chaplaincy training. These new applicants recognise both the call of God on their own time and energy, and also the opportunity to have contact with people who otherwise might be unreached by the Church. We are encouraged and grateful when employers appreciate that life is more than work, and that their staff may have spiritual needs, whether or not they profess a religious allegiance. We take note when management says that Chaplaincy brings added value to their own provision for staff. Our Chaplains are available to offer an understanding response to pastoral need, and a faith angle on significant life issues and occasions. And, by their presence, they encourage workers who live by faith to be more visible in their own discipleship. At the same time we aim to raise the profile of work and employment in the thinking and the prayers of local churches. So I want to thank those business organisations that welcome us as partners in caring for men and women at work. I want to thank all those Chaplains who, under the umbrella of CIGB, exercise this ministry of outreach and availability. And, on behalf of the Management Council, I wish to express gratitude to all who support us in this ongoing work.
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