Finance 1890

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Finance 1890 C· (No. 47.) 18 91. PARLIAMENT OF TASMANIA. F I N. A N C E, 1 8 _g O. C, Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. No. 1.-CONSOLIDATED REVE.NUE FUND-BALANCE. SnEET-1 January lo 3! December, 1890. C -· ,•- . ' ~-r.18 BALANCE;S ON 31 DECEMBEU, TRANSACTIONS DURING BALANCES ON 31 DE_CEMBER, c,,-:i 1889, BROUGH1' l'.'ORWARD. 1890. 189>0. AO HEADS OF..... ACCOUNT. ....r,qf>;; mr. Qfr. mr.. €r. mr.. '1!:r. -------------- £ s. d. £ ~- d. £ II, d. £ 8. d. £ 8, d. £ 8, d. '255 Consolidated Revenue Fund, 18&9 .• 167,469 2 7 - - - - - Balance transferred to J 8!)0 .... - - - 167,469 2 7 - - 255 Consolidated Revenue Fund, 1890; Balance transferred from i889 .. - - 167,469 2 7 - Receipts ..... .............. "929,505 15 - - - 8} ·132,767 15 0 Disbursements ............... - - 0894,804 8 1 - 29i Treasury Bills mised temporarily in aid ~f Consvlidated Revenue - HS,480 0 0 120,000 0 0 111,520 0 0 - 14U,000 0 0 258 Debt of the Colony .............. 5,103;870 0 0 - 1,425,530 0 0 176,200 0 0 6,353,200 0 0 - 259- Debenture Account ............. - 5,103,870 0 0 178,400 0 0 1,427,730 0 0 - 6,353,200 0 0 305 208 Outstanding overdue Debenture Ac- count .... ······ .............. - 2500 0 0 2200 0 0 [jtO 0 0 - 840 0 0 519 Suspense Account- For redemption of Debentures and Trea,ury Bills - 233,300 0 0 172,900 0 0 - - 60,400 0 0 301 Stock Act Fund .•••......•.•.•••. - 426 4 !J 4141 14 9 47!)3 18 7 - 1078 8 7 303 Light-house Rates .............. - 663 16 0 5286 16 2 5163 1 11 - 540 1 9 307 Marine Boards .................. - 2116 1 3 19,3;!1 2 4 19,809 6 7 - 2604 5 6 Advances- :no To Heads of .Departments ...... 11,298 18 0 - 11,832 6 2 11,471 4 2 11,600 0 0 - 312 Fire Brigade Boarcld ........... 450 0 0 450 0 0 450 0 0 4,50 0 0 - Deposit Accounts- 317 Assurance Fund, Real Property Act - 57 0 1 ll0O 0 0 25ll 2 8 - 1468 2 9 318 Escheated Estates ············· - 2fi0 0 7 111 10 6 77 3 0 - 225 13 · 1 515 Contracts for Pnblic Works .... - 21,34:! 14 11 12,194 .3 4 70Jl 15 0 - 16,160 : G, 7 322 Ocean Lights ....... , ......•..• - 104 .6 10 3923 12 0 3729 5 2 - - 324 Tasmanian Permanent Exer.utors ar,d Trustees Association, Limited ... , ..... ·....•...... · - 5000 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 - 5000 0 0 326 Telegraph .................... - ' 1168 9 3 10,209 13 8 10,536 9 7 - 1495 5 2 327 Hobart Corporation Loan ...... 3.J. 16 11 - 7588 3 8 7601 '8 4 21 12 3 - 513 Fixed Deposits ................. 43!J,0G6 1 9 36,489 11 8 358,266 '1 !) 117,289 11 8 - 514 New Zealand Accident Assurance Company .................. - 5000 ·o 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 - 5000 0 0 331 Perpetual Trustees, Executors, and Agency Company, Limited 5000 0 0 250 0 0 250 ·O 0 - 5000 0 0 332 Launceslon Corporation Loan .... 20 :1 10 - 6116 12 (i 6114 3 6 22 10 10 - 348 Military Stores ................ - 500 4 9 15 1 3 122 1 0 - 607 4 6 514 Tenders received in London ..•.. 1345 0 0 1200 0 0 6!J5 0 0 - 840 0 Q 516 Equitable Life Assurance Society of United States ...... ······ - 5000 0 0 - 250 0 0 5250 0 0 516 Dock Labourers' Relief Fnnd .... - -'- 26 9 6 26 9 6 - - Sale of Municipal Reserves,Delo- " raine .... ········ ........ ,. 73 17 6 151 7 6 77 10 0 - - 513 Light ];3rigade J?und., ....•...• - - 6 0 0 5 0 0 - - 51-t Citizens Life Assurance Company .. of New South Wales ........ - - - 5000 0 0 - 5000 0 Q Suspense·& other Special Accounts- 339 Snndry P. W. Suspense Account 2002 16 0 - 4608 5 6 4998 2 11 1612 18 7 - '336 Public Works ditto ............ 4108 10 3 - 5546 11 7 4066 11 3 5588 10 7 - 338 Gaol, &c. for l\Iales ditto'....... 0 '0 10 - 4812 19 5 47!J4 10 3 18 10 0 - '339' Stores ,Suspense Account ........ - 48 14 0 48 14 0 - - - 340 Campbell Town Water Supply ditto - - 297 10 0 297 10 0 - - 342 Expenditure under Treasury Bills, 49 Viet. No. 53 ...... ,:....... - 951 6 10 203 0 0 - - 748 6 10 Carried forward . : ...... 5,728,320 8 2 5,5_37,297 ,16 9 3,097,73:i 1·6 2 3,271,582 13 5 6,622,631 8 11 6,605,457 14 0 ,_ • Including Receipts on account of 1890 during January and February, 1891. h Including Disbursements on account of 1890 during January·and February, 1891. .·· :• ... •· '\~, BALANCES ON 31 DECE1r(IrElt,: -·· TRANSACTioNs DURING BALANCES ON 31 DECEMBER ll.8~9,: BRO:UGHT FORWARD, iB90. 1890. HEADS OF ACCOUNT, ~--'----·~-·'---··--,,·"---···---~ .. €t. ., -1-------------------'----'-~•--'---·~---~_....;'--'---------1s-------1--,----------------il!h:, il!lr, il!lr. <!l'r. .' . £ ·8 •. d. £ ·a, d..... £ ,· a, d,· £ 8, d. -.: £, ,. d. £ s. d• Brought forward ... ,,, ... ,,.. 5,'728,3M· 8" 2 5,537,297, 16 9· 3,097;733 16 2 3,27i,582 13 5. 6;6£:2,631 8 11 6,605,457 14 9 Suspense, &c. Accounts- · :." ' ·. 344 Storekeeper's Personal Account,, 231203 1 2 . .. :·· 24,814 10 8 24,656 3 3 !:3,361 8 7 315 Agent-General's Public ditto , . .40,711 8 1 - 58,009•·· 7 2 106,557 4· 11 7836 9 8 347 ConsolidatedBank, General Acct. 17,192 6 8 - 336,467 5 7 267,218 lr · 6 86,441 11 9 393 Government of Mauritius. 112 I 8 - 448 6 8 448 6 8 112 l 8 346 Stores-Track to Linda Gold . , Field ...................._. 359 5 0 ~ 207 2 1 261 17 0 304 10 1 340 Stores, Tracks, West Coast...... 74 9 8 - 21 8 4 4 11 7 91 6 5 351 Expenditure on account 189U, Suspense Account ...••••. _.~,, .. 1140 18 8 1140 18 8 510 Expenditure on acconnt 1891, Suspense Account .•••••• , ... 24 1 7 24 1 7 393 Purchase of School Sites Suspense Account ................... 2248 0 0 2248 0 0 364 Submarine Telegraph Account .. 22117 3 221 17 3 356 Post Office Savings Account ...• 1766 19 6 44,650 15 2 . 45,152 0 10 2268 5 2 . ,358. Premiums on Debentures and Treasury Bills ...... , ....•.. 525 0 0 525 0 0 361 Tasmanian Railways Stock Acct. 8062 15 10 23,526 15 · 3 20,170 15 2 ll,418 15 11 512 Defences of Colony Suspense Account .............•• ,, •• 2300 16 4 2300 16 4 373 London and Westminster Bank .• 63,250 0 0 35,500 0 0 27,750 0 0 396 Railway Suspense Account .. , ... 473 1 0 473 l 0 365 Repayments under Resolutions of Parliament (Boards of Works) 64 4 6 64 4 6 366 Sinking Fund-Launceston Marine Board Loan •....... , ...... 400 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 367 Ditto-Treasurer and Latrobe Rond Trust ............... 105 3 2 21 5 0 126 8 2 383 Ditto-Globe Town Board .. 62 5 0 6316'6 12fl l 6 368 Glebe Town Town Board .. , , .. 75 0 0 75 0 0 369 Federal Council of AustralW1ia Suspense Account ........... 915 9 l 0 7 0 915 9 1 0 7 0 371 - Police Provident Fund, •.... ,, .. 49 0 4 6874 5 7 5961 6 4 863 18 11 372 Home Government Suspense Account ................... 7 9 l 14 13 5 16 19 2 9 14 10 391 Codlin Moth Act Suspense Account 160 18 0 555 6 0 671 2 2 45 l 10 396 Government of Straits Settlements 11 10 6 43 17 8 46 14 7 8 13 7 406 Monnt Cameron Water-race .... 97 5 1 97 5 1 434, Freight Stolen Jewelry l 13 .6 1 13 6 5i7 Urgent Repairs, Damages by Floods ............••.••.• , 38 3 7 1233 0 6 143 18 11 1050 18 0 T,llI.L. Railway Company Sus- " pense Account . .. • . 17,330 2 l 2590 18 9 -19,921 0 10 518 Government of British Guiana . 49 18 5 199 13 8 199 13 8 49 18 5 510 Telegraph Ouse to.Zeehan ..... 764 2 8 764 2 8 -· General Defence Commission ... 13 12 11 13 12 11 Commission Consulting Engineer, England ••••..••. ,,, .•.... 481 10 9 481 10 9 511 Census of 1891 Suspense Account 126 13 3 126 13 3 Goods lost in Ethel Suspense Ac- " count •••................. 36 0 0 :;36 0 0 ,, -Noxious 'l'rades Aren, Mowbray , 67 4 6 67 4 6 512 Fire Appliances, Cascades 68 12 0 68 12 0 Launceston Cemetery .....•..• , . 1509 19 6 1509 l!J 6 519" Auxiliary Force Ammunition Suspense Account .•.••.••.. · 125 0 0 152 0 0 27 0 0 Ditto Uniform ditto ..... 2828 9 11 2828 9 11 " Rooerves­ 374 For Roads, 13ridgeN, Jetties, &c., undorW.L.Acts,1863 andl867 . 215 15 7 16 13 10 232 9 5 375 Ditto, nnder Waste Lands Act.. 1870, sects. !J9 to 102 .... 5866 6 8 ,5866 6 8 376 Ditto, ditto, sect. 2!) ....... 19,098 2 0 19,098 14 6 18,702 8 0 l.8,701 15 6 377 Ditto, uncle,• Was to Lands Act, 1881, 45 Viet. N' o. 5, sect. 17 .. 374 U 8 119 16 1 494 7 9 518 Outstanding Expenditure of 1889 .. 44,027 11 l 44,027 11 l 518 Outstanding Expenditure of 1890 35,650 19 3 35,550 19 ·3 379 Outstanding Receipts of 1889 .... , . 1740 3 3 1749 3 3 517 Outstanding Receipts of 1890 1754 8 10 1754 8 10 Loans and Pnblic Works Acts- 385 Roads under W.
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