Great Western Railway
,,, (No. i7.) 190 0. PARLIAMENT OF TASMAN IA • . GREAT WESTERN· RAILWAY: CORRESPONDENCE. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellencis Command. (No. :17.) GREAT WESTERN R A·IL.W A Y. CO R·R ESP ON DENCE. 1-Iolbroolt Place, Hoba1"t, 15th Felmw1·y, 1900, SrR, IN the event of the Great Western Railway Company failing to begin the construction of the line in a sti-ightforward and bonafide manner by the 1st Augnst, the time prescribed by the latest Act of Parliament, I have to say I prepared, to undertake the construction and equipment,,of the railway, in accordance wi,th the provisions of the ·Great ·.Western Railway Acts, for the :lump sum of .£600,000, or £1,600,000 less,than the amount of the· combined share and debenture capital of' the company ; and that, in the• ,event iof, this o:ffe1'. being . accepted at any time within the current year, I will deposit with the Colonial Tr.easurer, ,through the Com mercial Bank of Tasmania,,,the: sum 0£ £20;000-as a guarantee of good faith~this, being double the amount deposited by the: Syndicate. ,All. the land concessions. ,and water-rights of the. moribund -company to revert to the Government. I ,have. the honour to .be, ., Sir, ·Your ·obedient servant, ; R. C. FATTERSON,iJM, Inst, C.E. The 'Hon: :the P1'einier,, floba1"t. 2nd .Marcli, 1900. Sm, . I HAVE the honour to acknowledge .t.he rec~ipt,of your .letter of. the 15th .. ultimo, in which you offer, in the event·of the Great \V e;;terri Railway Company failing to begin.
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