Redalyc.Predictive Distribution Maps of Rodent Reservoir Species Of
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Mastozoología Neotropical ISSN: 0327-9383 [email protected] Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos Argentina Porcasi, Ximena; Calderón, Gladys E.; Lamfri, Mario; Scavuzzo, Marcelo; Sabattini, Marta S.; Polop, Jaime J. Predictive distribution maps of rodent reservoir species of zoonoses in southern America Mastozoología Neotropical, vol. 12, núm. 2, julio-diciembre, 2005, pp. 199-216 Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos Tucumán, Argentina Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Mastozoología Neotropical, 12(2):199-216, Mendoza, 2005 ISSN 0327-9383 ©SAREM, 2005 Versión on-line ISSN 1666-0536 PREDICTIVE DISTRIBUTION MAPS OF RODENT RESERVOIR SPECIES OF ZOONOSES IN SOUTHERN AMERICA Ximena Porcasi1, Gladys E. Calderón2, Mario Lamfri1, Marcelo Scavuzzo1, Marta S. Sabattini3, and Jaime J. Polop4 1 Instituto Gulich - Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales, Centro Espacial Teófilo Tabanera, Córdoba, Argentina. 2 Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Virales humanas “Dr. Julio I. Maiztegui”, ANLIS “Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán”, Pergamino, Bs. As., Argentina. 3 Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina. 4 Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Agencia Postal N°3, 5800 Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina. <[email protected]> ABSTRACT: We model potential distribution for three species of rodents known to be reser- voirs of zoonotic diseases: Calomys musculinus, Oligoryzomys flavescens and O. longicaudatus. These models provide general distribution hypotheses obtained using environmental data from record localities. Satellite remote sensing is then used to extrapolate climatic and ecological features of potentially suitable habitats for these rodents. In the three species mapped, we found high overall correspondence between predicted (based on environmental data) and specimen based distributions. The maps proposed here provide several advan- tages over dot and shaded outline maps. First, the predictive maps incorporate geographi- cally explicit predictions of potential distribution into the test. Second, the validity of the predictive map can be appreciated when localities of previous records of the studied species, not used as training sites or used as control sites, are overlaid on the map. In this approach, environmental factors, criteria and analytical techniques are explicit and can be easily veri- fied. Hence, we can temporally fit data in more precise distribution maps. Key words. Environmental factors. Geographic distribution. Rodent reservoirs. INTRODUCTION Museum records constitute the primary docu- mentation in the process of outlining the bound- The distributions of many taxa are poorly aries of a species. Distribution maps constructed known in most of the Neotropics in general based on these data represent the probable and Argentina in particular (e.g., Redford and geographic space inhabited by individuals of Eisenberg, 1992). For example, most regions the same species. Historically, two types of in Argentina have only received cursory and maps based on museum records have been unevenly distributed surveys. However, the produced: dot maps and shaded outline maps. geographic distributions of species have a grow- Dot maps (documented localities plotted on a ing number of applications in conservation map) depict a species’ range of distribution in biology, evolutionary studies, viral disease host a very conservative way, leaving the reader to and invasive-species management (Mc Arthur, draw conclusions regarding the true distribu- 1972; Ricklefs and Schluter, 1993; Kerr and tion. By contrast, shaded outline maps attempt Ortrovsky, 2003). to extrapolate a species range among and be- Recibido 5 octubre 2004. Aceptación final 1º setiembre 2005. 200 Mastozoología Neotropical, 12(2):199-216, Mendoza, 2005 X. Porcasi et al. yond known localities. They are highly depen- Meyers, 1996; Lek et al., 1996). New model- dent on subjective knowledge of the group ing paradigms (e.g., logistic regressions) ac- under consideration, on the study region (Jamas count for these shortcomings by accommodat- and McCullock, 2002), and on the assumption ing binomial errors and have been successfully that a species’ spatial distribution is linked to used (Osborne and Tigar, 1992; Green et al., specific habitat requirements. These associa- 1994; Austin and Meyers, 1996). Anderson et tions constitute approximations of a species’ al. (2003) suggest that use of the Genetic Al- realized ecologic niche, defined as the con- gorithm for Rule selection (GARP), which junction of ecological conditions within which works with stochastic elements and yields it can maintain populations without immigra- multiple solutions, can be successfully em- tion (Grinnell, 1917a, b; Mac Arthur, 1972; ployed in cases where only presence data are Peterson et al., 1999; Peterson et al., 2002a, b). available. Recent advances in remote sensing of cli- Modeling approaches provide a new global matic and ecological features via satellite have framework in epidemiologic studies by access- begun to be used to identify particular envi- ing new variables which could improve epide- ronments that are suitable for different species. miological modeling for emerging infectious Techniques that model species’ requirements diseases (Linthicum et al., 1987; Croner et al., using environmental characteristics of locali- 1996; Beck et al., 1997; Cheek et al., 1998; ties of known occurrence represent a great Dale et al., 1998; Engelthaler et al., 1999; Beck advance in the production of range maps et al., 2000; Boone et al., 2000; Glass et al., (Walker and Cocks, 1991; Carpenter et al., 2000; Anderson et al., 2002; Chaput et al., 1993; Skov, 2000; Peterson, 2001). Plant spe- 2002; Pikula et al., 2002). One of the most cies composition and vegetation structure are basic pieces of information for designing and important determinants of habitat quality. Fur- directing a prevention program for any disease thermore, the spatial arrangement of different is a more accurate knowledge of the geographic habitat types within heterogeneous landscapes distribution of the reservoir species that de- has been shown to be a strong influence on the fines the potential endemic area of the disease size and persistence of animal populations. (Mills, 1999; Singleton et al., 1999). Factors such as terrain slope and elevation, Two rodent-borne diseases have been con- temperature, humidity, soil texture, and veg- sidered major public health problems in Ar- etation, exert a profound influence over the gentina (Sabattini and Maiztegui, 1970; distribution of many species (Wilcove et al., Sabattini et al., 1977; Maiztegui et al., 1986; 1986). Geographic information systems (GIS) Mills et al., 1994; Calderón et al., 1999; Mills, use these environmental data from locations of 1999; Enria et al., 2000). Argentine Hemor- a species’ known occurrence to produce a rhagic Fever (AHF) is a human disease pro- model of its requirements in those environmen- duced by Junín virus. The virus is maintained tal dimensions, and then projects them onto in nature in the sigmodontine rodent Calomys geographic space in order to create a map of musculinus and is transmitted to humans pre- the species potential distribution based on the dominantly through aerosolized particles of modeled environmental parameters (Hay et al., contaminated rodent excreta. The disease oc- 1996; Engelthaler et al., 1999; Pikula et al., curs in a small but expanding area on the cen- 2002). Predictive distribution maps suggest tral Argentine pampa, representing only a small where the species is likely to be present portion of the total distributional range of the (Ricklefs and Schluter, 1993). Models used in reservoir species. ecology to predict species abundance have been Calomys musculinus has been captured in based on linear relationships among environ- disturbed fields of crops and stable habitats mental variables (Manel et al. 1999), and as- (De Villafañe et al., 1977; Kravetz, 1978; sumed to be normally distributed, raising sta- Kravetz and Polop, 1983; Mills et al., 1991; tistical and theoretical concerns (Austin and Polop and Sabattini, 1993). The mice exhibit DISTRIBUTION OF RODENT RESERVOIRS OF ZOONOSES 201 distinct habitat associations within their range, are known from localities with differing eco- and detailed studies of physical and environ- logical conditions, extrapolation is necessary mental factors influencing their distribution to estimate the species’ distributions. The ob- have been carried out (Crespo et al., 1970; De jective of this study was to develop a predic- Villafañe, 1970; Contreras and Rossi, 1980; tive ecological distribution map of C. musculinus, Kravetz and de Villafañe, 1981; Kravetz and O. flavescens and O. longicaudatus using digi- Polop, 1983; Busch et al., 1984; Zuleta et al., tal databases of potential environmental deter- 1988; Bilenca, 1993; Polop and Sabattini, minants. 1993). The other rodent-borne disease is Hantavirus MATERIALS AND METHODS Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS). In Argentina, five genotypes are associated with human disease: Appendix 1 shows the localities of field trapping Orán (ORN) and Bermejo (BMJ) viruses in used to define each