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[email protected] have been working on trans- ferring the intercom system,” When what appeared to be Principal Mike Henriquez a lethal gun was discovered said via e-mail. in a Key West school When the lockdown was Thursday morning, the ordered, “The intercom was school staff was directed to not functioning. We had to e- lock down the campus. mail staff and call team lead- But the order didn’t come ers to notify staff to lock- via intercom, where everyone down/hold in place.” in the school could hear it, but “This basically means through e-mail — because the teachers hold students in their intercom system wasn’t rooms and lock the classroom working at the newly con- structed wing of the school. ● See Lockdown, 2A ISLAMORADA F/18s like these are common in Lower Keys skies as naval air squadrons from throughout the nation come to Naval Air Station Key West for air-to-air combat training.