[ VOLUME 4 I ISSUE 4 I OCT. – DEC. 2017] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138 Role of Indian judiciary in protecting the rights of the victim of Rape: An Overview Aarti Sharma Assistant Professor Law Department, University of Jammu, Jammu. Email id:
[email protected] Received Oct. 16, 2017 Accepted Dec. 09, 2017 General Introduction Rape is unique among all crimes due to the treatment meted out to the victims of rape.1 They pay a double price, where they suffer the terrible toll of physical and psychological injury and they also suffer the burden of defending the legitimacy of their suffering.2 The criminal justice system moves with the attitude of disbelief and hostility and treats the victim with suspicion instead of sympathy. Judgments in cases of sexual violence relating to women reveal a deep rooted gender bias in the judiciary which has found expressions in many ways, with judges making harsh, disparaging and unwarranted remarks against women, believing the accused while disbelieving the victim and at times being more sympathetic to the accused than the victim.3 The biased judicial approach is reflected in the tendency of the courts in according to undue benefit of doubt to the accused while overly scrutinizing the conduct and character of the victim. Barring a few decisions, generally undue sympathy is exhibited by the judges to the accused, while imposing the sentence. Many a times, very vague reasons have been considered by the courts, e.g., young or old age of the accused, the time lapse between the date of commission of crime and the award of sentence by the courts etc, for providing lenient and lesser punishment to the accused.4 It is true that judges are not free from human frailties and are subject to prejudices, hostilities and other human problems that may colour their interpretations.