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Ir II.. ,.'" ~ , I All the News of . Ii

\10(' .• '

Publi.hecl a. S•• oftd ClolS Matt .. at the 2Se Per Copy 32 Pages-- Two Sections-Plus Insert VOL 40-NO. 18 Po.' Ollie. _t Detroit, Mlehlg,," , , THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1979 $10,00 Per Veor


I Initial Step Aids fn Renal Disease Fiaht..... HEAo.~INES II iGrosse Finislled OIl I Ul ... .,. I II 'l'O"".•...... '" tii«Jlia L ~: ' ri WEEK I ITeachers Vote UOCUIJI~llt As Compiled by The I' ,Woods Planners Finish Grosse Pointe News I ...... 'To ol...~nL-- oca i Review, Make Adiust- WI"'"' J l I I ments; Revised Text Thursday, April 26 /,W' ,-~ ;iH I Scheduled for

i'RESIDENT JIMMY CAR. ,I - • - { ,f I Decision Via M<:!rgin of 252 to 228 Ends over Year I Drafting TER'S standby gasoline ra. of Controver.sy on Representation of Educators; RAW tioning plan was rejected by ! liB' I the House Commerce Com. Superintendent Coats Says Officials Will ThY Wogerd . PI ala. Wk' P 'f' M 'th U . e 00 s anmng ,mittee. despite a plea by the ,I .. or In OS! lVe anner WI mon I Cornmission at its meet- President. The scheme would have limited most motorists By Roger A. Waha ling . Tuesda~, ~pr~l .24, to 16 gallons a day in the Grosse Pointe teachers. in a Michigan Employ- completed Its 1 nIt 1a I event of a ,serious energy I' ment Relations Commission, (MERC), supervised I exar::ir:ation of the city's shortage. It was the third of ! dection Wcdncsd3v .• !I..pril 25. at Brownell Middle I prelImmary land use plan the President's four standbv School, voted to join the umbrella Local One unit I for t~e year 2,000, wi~h conservation p I a n s to be i of the Michigan Education Association by a 252 to a m~JQr part .of the dlS- turned down bv the commit. 228 margin, thus ending over a year of controversy cusSlOn centenng around tee in two days. Mr, Carter called the rejection "a very as to whether the Grosse Pointe Education AsSOCi-I the Seven - Mack Shop- sad mistake" and warned of ation, (GPEA), or Local I would represent teachers ping Center and the .n~ed gasoline shortages this sum- and librarians for future collective bargaining £Or both local. offIcIals mer and bigger ones next purposes. ,------1 and Saint ~ohn Hospital year. With this action. pOinte, N B d representatives toe x - A latldmal'k muve to provide treatment for in the St. Clair Professional Building, adjacent i ~~~~a~~rs~~~:t~~~~~d f]~g I :'lV U :get I f~~r~e:'~e~ f~~~f~e~se of persons afflicted with end stage renal disease to Saint John Hospital. JOSEPH BEALS, MD, Friday, April 27 teac~er~ In 1:1l\lacOmO \;oun- D.scussed I Aiter the plan tuok un a was announced Friday, April 27, by the board of chi,=f executive officer and physician director, ty dIstriCts. C1 new shape in March, e.g,., • A FED ERA L GRAND trustees of a new provider, the St. Clair Renal (extreme left), and ANTHONY MALCOUN, DO, ' Local union preSIdent Curt I GP P k I altering residential districts JURY charged the Velsicol Center Corporation. It is sponsored jointly by the associate physician director, (extreme right), Lan g e expresse:i pleasure n ar' from' categorical housing ChemicaI Company, makers St. Clair Health Services and the DetroitOsteo- are shown with newly elected officers of the ! over the final outcome, while - type definitions to a density of the fire-re!ardent PBB. pathic IIospital Corporations. This not-for-profit, corporation. They are, (from left to right), LAW- i feeling the closeness of the of dwelling units classifica. and two of its employes with vote, (in comparison to the' Officials Plan Further tion, the commission met on covering up the contamin.a- non-hospital based, 18-station majM chronic-main- RENCE BOGUSZ, treasurer; EDWARD J. tenance and home-dialysis training facility, will HICKEY III, president; and WILLIAM F. BA- wider 310 to 176 margin in a Meeting Prior' to Tuesday, April 10, and, after tion of animal feed with the union-supervised election last over 20 motions, concurred VINGER secretary. The patiept is CHARLES toxic compound in 1973. The be used for the treatment of patients who are JR., May), was the result of a Public Hearing with most of the plan's con- indiotment charges the com. afflicted with end stage renal disease, a chronic CACCHIONE. "harrage" of anti. Local I ma- tent in areas north and south pany and Charles L. Touzeau irreversible kidney disease. The center is located teriOlI allegedly sent to teach- By J'i>anne N. Gouleche of Vernier road. of St. Louis, Mich., and ~rs h! Board and/or admin- While calling it a "most Thell,uii the 24th, the co~- William Thorne, now living -lIllI- ntfY' LakelOlhol'e YSD's Fate ~~trat1on m,~ m b e r s at the conservative" approach mission completed its ex. in Ohio, with lying to inspec. GP's TQ.ke ~ 0 llt'h hour. toward the Headlee Tax ploration of the proposal. tors of the Food and Drug ContI I o} l\lee\s The Test Limitation flmendment in with a focus on areas aloRg Administration who were in- G d L k N B-' I oa att e OW emg n "I tJ~~nk Loc.al I ~as tr~ly the prepar~tion of the ~ack av.enu~. With thi~ ac- vesti~ting the cause of the 00 00 R, d B 1979.80 tested, he saId whIle pomt- 1979 80 f' 1 burl hon whIch IS of an adVISOry accident. - h T FIT' ing out that aU of the teach- - Isca year - t' 1 t d 1 * * * t a e oug t on wo I"Onts S ellUOUS ers who voted, (around 80 get, \~rk offi~~als ele.ct- ~~n~r~o~~~t~~~~:a~d'o~ ar.~~ . A C bl TV F didn't), cast their ballot for ed to rollback the mlll- Rogers will prepare a revised Saturday, AVrU 28 --- C C . -'---S-t-'--'-'t" te C' A . --- ti e;~theT \,.o~ ], 0" the GP~"'- \ age rate fron'l the ci.ty's .-. .... tbe. ~,,~ . FIVE SO ViE T DISSI'I MQst Officials Feel JQlnt OU?ty ~m'7"ssl~ner. elher", ulI.!\ ass c- Centtnuance of _~ureau a. f!let whicll he felt was Slg-I ~narter-l\tnl' Qt 2,Q"rn1U5, on tbe motions whiel1 'have ~~-, DENTS were flown to the', Meeting to Ex"'!ore I. hon SUit In C~rcUit g~l:''1'.A~a.lOst Road in Present Form Hinges I mriearrt.. Iinstead of f.rom the cur~ I ensued. -- U~ited ~tates from Russian Various Propo';als r Commission,. While ~t~'Clair Shores I .on Several Factors I sup~.rl~tendent of ,Sch(ti~ rer:.t millage figure or I Eyes Agreement prISons m exchange for two . I G d fd Lawyer Brings ClaIm to Farms J I d' S L I I I Dr. \\l1llam ~ts, \~h, u.( sons m the program who that instead of "spending any I roadwav celved an alignment and a . Correction anything we don t need,' som~ medium denSity reSl- figured in the previous HUP time" discussing. ea~le_ TV I .. ~ump and J.laint job fol!ow'l Pnor to the 1978-79. year, City ~ranager J.ohn R. Craw. d.entlal structur.es. Commis- s.c~ndal ,of .~he ear~y~97~5; '~It~ The Park in~IVldU~lIY,.~ I M.. :~~~:~ l~,,~~\l<~irl hI' In!: the accldcnt, he claIms. I ~~;~"t~:!~~~d":';~,,a~~~~;~ T.:1st wf'ek's sior~. '"League ford told counctl members. SlOner Peter Gll~zan urged I ae.Jays III llie p.tUb.l aUI dUU l"ar~ r~~rese~ltat.l~c. :::,i~utii~ i h~~." :lp -t-h;-~i't ---t ~i;-;;- Take Close LoOK I ro"'J _ ,.. : ; 00 :: ~~ lIrro.'O'Y'O " 'Vf"\tpr~ Pl~v AI.... The biggest departmental ~~at tne counCl!. l!ty ,AdmIn faIlure of contractors to ob. meet wltn oiner YOlllte 0[-"'-- fl._d : .. - _U:. a_ h._ 0:' n _ . the SChO.O~system naa preVl v. .. ~...~.. . ------. c",!.Jeiit~iti.jie idh:", ..." iil the .~trut0. Chc~tc. E. rctc;:~e;; tain building pennits. ficials at some later date to expense. IS hopmg that C1.ty .. Mr. Howes said. he .. has ously palo aro.und 20 percent tive Role in Area," submit new budget is police with a (Continued on Page 2) , " .. .. further explore cable TV pos attorneys from both Tne wasted a lot of time on of the cost, i.e .• the salary ted by the league. said that figure of $327.300 as com ------I Monday, April 30 Sib~~i~e~ffieiaIS in Thc Woods 1r~~J~ii~n~; ~~~ ;c~f:~s will ~~:~kS~i\}U~~ t~~~~s '''~~;; : ~to~~i~~li~C~~f!~~; o;:.~er~ ~~~!'dl~~al19~~V~ i~~l~\.p~~~:~ ~~r~d ~06~a~e~::~;s i;~~~.;~2 Center Dri YC also have. r.ecommended a The commissioner says he, surprised the commission I share of the YSD.s part.time of Womcn Voters of Grosse The department intends on C I. UT A FOUR-MONTH LONG joint meeting too, has blown out a tire on didn't decide to settle out of counseling program. Pointe Park following a re. replacing four police cars. a te lIng :p SEARCH for a Grosse lie A Mega Vision representa- his car from hitting a pot. court, terming their posi. Slim Outlook quest to the late Mrs. Clyde The fire MJXirtmellt fol- man and h,~o companions tive present before the Park hol.e in the roa?1 and ~c- ti~~ lIab~GlutisL" 1 . ( However. the division's Gehiig from ;:. citiz0n C':H'!- 10.....05....;ith ~ 1.74 p!:"rrt'nt i"4 The 'V ~.r ~!~mori~rs 1979 missing in a two.engine plane Council stated. howcver. that framed from makmg a claIm I thmk th~y re hopmg \ board-of managers (includ- cerned over some serious creaSe i rom 5462.639 iu Annual Family Particip:ltio:l crash ended with thc dis- he would like to see the only because of his status as I'l! withdraw the suit," he ing all Pointe city 'managers local problems. $470.700 Campaign n('('d~ o\'er S15.000 caveD' of the wH'ck"er :lhoul st!"O!1gsupport of all the fil'e a county employe. said. and a S('hool Board reore. The name as listed was in Trash rcmoval has gone up to reach the necc:;SJry goal five miles from Lake Placid, Pointes and would particu. 'Tv~ solicited (the cities"). Road Commission director I sentativc) approved a 'mo. correct It should ha\c lc

    nnatif)n ;)nd tIll") 1fl "I}pr true. 1l "'ill be ,thr flr ...:t timf' , nlC'nl ha~ lhp ~f'coIHI highC'st rn('!nbt."r:-; .\1(' going to ~ht~1 * * • 20600 Mack avcnue, at ~:30 New YOl'k Little Symphony. both North High School. 707 ~~-;.;t-r~q~.est-.atti,-c--- "-t anyone department. in thi~: hadgl't. about S50.000 behind tll"lr effort" to till' phnrw1C: Tursda)', Ma)' 1 p.m. It fe..tur(:s yiolinist Prior to joinIng the DetrOit Vcrnier road. and South Hi~h in~ Monda" ~'av 14If mee. i ca~~e. thl' polic(', will bl' ap i the polic,'. dUrlng :'ora.,. Gordon Staples. ('onccrtmas Symphony. whose conccrt. Sehool, 11 Grosse Pointe ~'~om th'~ 'f~~ling~ shared propri11I.Will be ,it-f1H'd fnlll1 ,\';"0('I;lll'>!1, ,111(\ .1"l1n :'01 , f I 1 h b 'I' tl U't d S t 2 "0 b th It'" '" ce I arl\ 00" last f l1 . I I. . '\ f. I' k I . \ I J resilient ,Jimm.y Cartcr 0 I Mr. Stap ('s, W 0 was orn slve y III 1(' m e .ta es, :.' p.m, at 0 oea IOns, 'e k th h f th ::ry lIcl r" S:urt' ,It. '('. \'IC("l'rl'SH cnl ani knllckling unrler to pressure, in Lns Angeh~s and hcgan Latin Aml'rica and Canada, i the drive is to aid students ~ C d e c. an('te~ ~ C and oil al,;O hwc ri~('n dra \\ ill 1>(' lip rtIl1..:hlv S~;)O,OOO(',lmpaign eh:lIrm,lIl .• 11',. ('on frrlll! thc oil lobhy to de-. playing the violin at age six. HI' also has appcarerl fr('! in rcr;istering for the Junc oar r approvmg 1'1.,0 per matically. as has ItH' cost of' from la,t vea .. ''If till' rt' f,dellt that tilt, 7IlaJor for VIolin ....nd Or! I flung peopl(' must be 18 ove.r the ~O p('rcent rcqul'st. ! thc offl('crs aw,lIt thl' c\('t('r.' r('('(lrd" and ,Ill' PIN Park h

    ion of th(' ac1rnini,tr"tion.: c('rts at 1~. and i\l 14 wa< I violin rcpC'rtoir(', which had' ami a re.'1ri('nt of (he munici analyze t~(' enllr(' <,III:lI;on : Ihi:; fiscal ~'('ar\ ,'

    I• ,I I P"ge Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS ThursddY, MdY 3, /979

    r~~'"..~;~~~~~I~ .~.~~;~ t'""1i Officials CO~Jll~teIni!!al St~p on .~~nd Use Plan . Ii:::;:~~E~~:~::::;v.i'''~~::"~::i~~I;i:~,;:L, ~ foJnRB ERS HO P - B EA UTY SA LO N 31 (Continued Crom Page 1) l1\1r. Rogers, who Cdt this. 1 and his substitute motion to'ling in the ,("ommunIlY :H! 'I nance ?""";'It:, nerTOnTldll(.e. Everv '1,h".;;, I! Has ~?V6d to st., ~lai, f"iolassional BIO\1"a<1}acentto 31 the commission and Mr. Rog. 1 would tak.e acres of .land off accept. the plan's ~ecom. high. de.nsity ~reas, Mr. G~lc from the 9' to the 21' wi II give you years of ~. is: John tHOSPt,tal'tQrOSUnd.flooCr,.tn;8111loub¥d' ~ iers to meet with hospital au. I the tax case. "It oehooves! m.endatiOn f,om H~nt Clu.b to zan ~ndlcated 'It would ber!m./ boating pleasure I Iscoun ra es 0 enlor I Izens an . ... . d clop a plan Grosse Pointe Woods to ini. Lltllestone as office, mInUS possible to se ect a par lCU . Beauty Shop Patrons. ~ I' ~~o~~I~~t l~ot;Vthe interests tiate, not knee.jerk react'l the. cay h.all a~ea which ~ar ~it.e with1?ut k~owi~g thc 1 Mako. .- WT.r... II Barbershop 885-5543. Beauty Shop 885.5995 of The Woods and the hos. a!,d force so~e joint.plan. would rem~m a~ I~, was ap. speCIfICSof fmancIng, SIze, et Mako bUilds only ce'lter. ~ Sal I Hnurill' Unnn"y_FrioIlY 8-6. Sal 1\.4 ....' uit ..l ;;:: hew th::.t property, mr.g undertakme." proved by a ma)onty of the a!.~.of ~ny p~p,~.s~.~~'.?~I.~: I console t,shlng boats' Thifl.. lohn,on e~ . bid I d We must" n'ave "leau'er,',tln 'I rommlSSl0n. I .L"J.1. i~.I.dU\.I.). 'U "'''-U''Ub ~...... I 1....I...... l." ...... n h::.c nrnf1Llcen ...... I U~U'~U"U ..... , • _ i&V ( I can e propery eve ope .' - r • d' d't t S .1 lbu"IU I (;' t J h d' from elt" officials and not From Llttlestone to Bo!-,r. eSignate SI e. a. . even lone of the fInest )U d' _am 0 n announce In , . ncmoulh now commel'Clal Mack wanted It elunmated OMC Sterndrive • I early March tha~ the hospj. let the ~dvance pl~nn1ng be I the com~ission approved th~ from 'any consideration, while 1 flshlngboatsavallalJle. EZ Loader Trailers. tal had entered Into a lease d.one b} the hospItal, con. 1 p I an's recommendation of calling the location "a hIgh I Complete PMtS u"POl • acquisition agreement with h.nued Mr. R?gers, who I medium density residential. I crime area." shopping center owners. The viewed. the location as mo.~e Mavin west to Allard and As a result, the commission Service Does Y04Ir PatiD pact includes an option by of a neIghborhood center. a St h g t th unanimously voted to delete 2 complete service. Need Limited Shading? the hospital to acquire the small community type of cen. an ope ov~. 0 de ~tany ieference to seniors' facilitIes center at the end of five ter," as against the sprawl. I pre.~w~~'1 m 1U~ eden~ y housing at Seven Mack as it Storagtl • A retradible, self.stDring .years, with the ckcision of ing Eastland. ~~:; a~l~~:e; bi Verni~; could go in any 'area desig. 6 cranes, 2 to 250 ton. awning is the answer! when to ac~ui~e depending Gui~e Own Destiny. on the north. to the Harper n:lted high density residen. on the hospital s long-range Agreemg that the city Woods boundary on the west lial. CALL plans. should take some initiative in to Bournemouth on the south: Meanwhile. Irene Sutton, 9666 Jefferson Ave.• Delrol'" M,. 48214 "', I The hospital has been leas. this matter, Commissioner to Mack on the east ex<.'!ud. chairman of the Scnior Cili. • 8231900 ,i; ",./~.:.1.~.;,.,..-.'...",,,." " ,,~... ,I ~~~!~:af~;o~a~~i~;'~~~p~~~~ I ~~s~~:1\P~.~~~~~~i~t h~~h;:' ,.~~;ll,~i;~cc~~e;~~il~~.~~f i~\~I" ~~~.~ h;~m~~~~.o~iv~~ ::i~; S 0r;.~UMt~\t~b~ ;~;;.' ~~OO~It~}~ogo ' .t~1~~';..p." ,d!~~~r:~~~~:~....!"...... ! 10 ~le2.~.~!'!g tt:\ (In, (!1~rf of Sp.vpn- rr:ediu~ si-e!!sity !"~~n;:antiaJ, senIor.:,' hOUSing In. ~he , at. . '.. 1n .. ~ ~ ~ 1 Hospital officials had. ear. I Mack is in that city), w~i1e I was approved. I Woods. urged. the ('omnilssl.o~ _ serving OOdt"" '"''''' !;"l j .. . - I lieI' indicated. in eying the Iadding he was ashamed of 1 lJou.inl!' for Seniors I to c':i1l31uer Its elderly cl11- r I five.year period, that. au. f ~he shopping center as it now I In ~otini that two elections i z:ns... . • . ." .. . ~ . _ " r', • .' ~(f£~(.,~(:)e.~ •.-(';e~<,;{' i; BEL- L.....E IS"LE AWNING CO .! :~ont~es were c~~~ently l~ a'lS.", . I for senior citizens housing at I ~~,',c~(:J(:~e,c-i.:l:J.~l',~",CO\:C,C".:L'.~~.~c.~(";t"i.:(,,; --'I~

    774.1010 holdmg pattern In relation II It s mcum.bent .upon .us Ghesquiere park. were de-I ~ ':!\ to any p.roposed long.range to do some~hmg wIth ~~Lnt feated. Mr. Kennedy moved I :s.; I fl'.#.....•.. '.' I~ plans, which woul.d be geared John. Hospltal authontles. that such housing .be exclu~ed I~ '/. . I':!\ to meet commuruty needs. LackIng that, we. should ~e. from the locatlOn, which ~ .... ~ _ _ _ _ I Must Take Action ! velop a ~lan that 1~ attrac~lve would be maintained as a ~ \j -,. . :;; MOTHER'S DAY GIFT TO LAS I A LIFa:TIMa: II Mr. Gilezan then moved! to lleVeJl)pe.rs .. We. neeo ~ i greeTl:ari:a, and ms ('ol1eagues i ~ I r: .~ I~ . I that the commercial, parking I plan to avmd ~etenorauon, I unammously ~ereed, . • I it I A..~.',...., Ir;; and medium density residen- sl~~s~e~ Mr. Gllezen. On. the subject of. senLor~ I "" ;;: \: , "1l SCUWINN@ L- ht . ht I Hal criteria be approved,. It s Incumbent ,!pon u~ to I~USlng: ~~r:!F:~nc~s. pr;,SI.j ~ I 1 -.\'_i'!,''';,:';Ii: ;~~>i'''\ ~ A New .11 .g welg I while sLipulating tI',e need. 1D.e~om~ ma~lers 01" our oes, I oent O! ;:,~,\;:,ell!0r; I"J~I ~l /.' ~."-:\.'" ..:"""'\.\1. ' lJl.f ~~.;..fi<~. l"l ~" fo.r city offi~ials to work tImes I~ t~lS area. ward for Cnange, Inc.), an... ~ '~,: :-\';.; : ..... ',,)ff~tL~;,,-\:.. ~ b I ,'Ci=!1 M h' D' wIth the hmi"llal toward de- Intef'Jechng, Mr. Rogers. a member of the Woods Sen. ":( y... \\~""" J. dt-' .';-""".' Itc, . ~. ')"t <' 01 ers ,ay IS 'd "0' C't' C" 1ti _' ,.... •.. 1", .. <"~, <~ f ..~ .';:'-. II velopmg." a long.term plan for sal., n zonmg, ~ou can I'lOr 1 r zen s ommlSSJon, ~ .•...'._ ).:-. ..;:._+~ .' • ' .. ,,',' it: I~. ..,~ .-;:4.~ ,,~, Sunday, May 13 - the property. His motion. I gmde your 0l:"n ~estln~~ Ev- . wante~ ~~n.ce~ from~~ ~ (,,:; ~..!,ri':-':',~ ~ :;. 'J. "jj!J.n-.-~~~0'1. and w~at could .be after some discussion, was I en though ~aInt Jo~n HOSPI' commlSSlOn Ulal; tnt:~'t:.wuu" .. !~ Jr..:.'.: .. ~'..'.""~...... '."'.r".~.':,'..:.;;' ~ (~C..I.}Y~',~J ~ t') a beller Sl.lipnSe, Iunanimously approved. Ital. buys property In Gro~se be ample. opportumtles for '~ .-:--...... ' ~ . _. . ":c- ~.. ~L:. 1~;""''<~J.i1~\ for Mom than a "I'~ in the dark .on the POI~te Woods. .:=ommerclal su~h, housmg In the future. \:.j 'j. :..,'-: .. .. ;,~,~",. ~ 1...'. r; , ".. new Schwinn light- hOspital's plans," s31d Mr. I zomng. (fo~ exalnple~: pre. I.m concerned that under. ,~ \'. '...'t ~"{,+.';\ i t:. -.. ..\ 1.1 :-jj . hi S . d Rogers, in viewing the lease clUd.es hospItal usag~. I no. circumstances should any~ 'I; ':.;~~, •. - • ';1)1 MADISON SLACKS" ~ - " how lum denSIty reSidential. (from mons and we want to spend I ..~ '\ so vou can wear them as onen 00; you ~ '\c~iL 1 I h~~pit;ll~f~ia~:\~~k"~ eco. six to seven dwellin.g. unit~ I the rest of .our lives herc.:' '~I \...... •. lik~. The side buckles, and the waist _ I' ~ ~~ 'I\J"';:, J. I nomi dev 10 m t d . per acre), commerClal ana I Noting that some semors '" ~',.. " . ':!\ \~~ I inves~ment~ "i d:~'t ;~ow,~~ parking was appro\'ed. , ~Te fin~ing it difficult to live ~ ~l:,~ ban~. are adjustable ..In a Wide chOice ~ NOW' ALL LADIES MODELS .. From Torrey to The FarnlS 1m theIr homes from the ~>. of solid colors, including tan, light blue. :;. • . '. In cltm~ah the c.ente:- as the bounda,!" the pl~n's recom. standpoint of costs and phys- ~ •...... •.•...•.....•.'...:•.'...... or yellow, ~ - Ionl~ l?C ?n wLth .u dow!!. mendahon of offiCe was ap- ical problems, Mr. Francis ~nrLi 0 ~ 'SPEC IALLYS PRICED town Identl~y, ~e stated It proved. .' I emj::hasized the need for such I\:.j I lifFiN£'- $42.5 li! ~as ext~a Wide nght.of.ways, On t.he ":est Side of Mack, housing, while seeking a fur. ~ tWi ....••.•..' ',..•..!.' I(]I , IS a major. center of employ. from VerJ?1e~ to Fleetwood, r ther unden.tanding of the r ~ f.,'X'::' ";: for Mother s Qay me~t and ls.part of an arC2 the ;omm1SS1on adopted the land ~se plan i:om.oificials' ~I i.': ...:1.. I~ WhICh contaIns no motels or o]an s nronosal of oornnlPr .... ~I'1''') .. rI,nf1' nn"nnh'!JIl Clf-ne r ..."",>:.:.:.: . ..1:.., ,... I '...J ~otel:-.< o~side th~pa~k)crest I ~al, .fwIiile. ~ the recommenda-I' uOM~:-:;e:~~d; ..~.O;~.~:dout" ~ I ~.""...... I~ __VILLAGE CYCL_ERY . ' ?!e 1':. arper ,00. s . 10n rom !~etw~od ~o HUll:t the designation uf a site at ~.( ~ file" 22316 HARPER ,,~~c s"/"7# (OffLcla~s) can t Slt b~ck. Club of mewum uensLty ~Sl' the Seven. Mack Shopoing I t;( I {;}. ~ D llVER T ~Vel,I and I.et Samt J~~n H~S~lt~1 I dentl~l~lS'O ,Vias,approvect. I ~enter. wh~le saying the plan i ~ l1:t.. I~ :. -;51- CLAIR SHORES . 77703S7 ;~~ ~ I ~ak~ It. ~~~~_1a~~_:u~, I~.~?t~ I . JUaI?~m ~reeneJ'7. . / Itself provldes several loea./ Ii< I 'MZ'i hh ..."., ~ -~'", l1L a bIg ru,,_uled' ~~mel, D10,ea ~J}~~~;~i~~i~~:~=:~~:'*~~h¥r~t~:~x:~~retf~o~~ iWi? ~~/ DrT Q ~ ed oC.fice clas;>ification ~as ing for seniors. ~ ~ ~ eed Our New shared regardmg a portIOn Seven.Mack Nixed ~ CHICAGO' DETROIT r:; Have You Tr. Of the city hall property For his part, Mr. Gilezan ..u ):; south .to the end of the prop. cited the northwest areaa.nd ~ ~ .~S'f~.~~;,~'i~AR.A~~~Wi;~~~~t~~6J~~~11y,a~ruori'~the \'~~~~a~ili:~'()~~~~e~'i~.1i ' "\~! . _. . . . e' I pr~perty wa~ vlewed. In r~-I Schools, if they cea~e Loexist II ~ _ I..,. ,..cX.;':~i'--O.>R';'''~'~P'".>'D.''••J~~'~ER''. ':'l'CE'~: latlO~ tome~l~m densltyr~sl. in their currcnt capacities. ~ ,. . WOODWARDAVE.• SOMERSETM~ I~ \., ft...... " 1f J .~ den.ttal, ~~flcally :egardmg Saying the proposal pro., ~, 1571WOODWARDAVE,.PHONE96.4.2300 DETROI~.48226 ,~: semor.evcr, Ite1t1zenswas deCIded,~ouSlng.becauseHow. vides a basis for such hous. I --'...c:.::::..:.c.:.c---'-"";;t~1fc¥tiJ~'iJ!fI¥riJ~;)riJ':S:#9~'iJ!FiJ'iJ~'iJ'!'fWtiJ'!'fW'.iJ'!'fWtiJ~fiJ~tv~tiJ~fiJ~'iJ'!'fWf'1,i. _

    ofhousethe andproximityensuing ofsirensthe firevia fire apparatus and the ambu. I_------~I..... _ Fast, iop-Ouaiity Iib""", . thllt "n "ffirp ~1assifi. I ! I,~~'ij;~~f~~d~~~~i:~~~~~an 1 I I Work with Active wear for Mr. J, from the ,~~l:::;:~ft~:~~~~~dt~Seb~..~~ I up Mack m vanous categones I Lacoste@ Collection by Izod@ Economy Prices to ease traffic congestion, II whiie e)"ing lhe office empha. "sis for tax base "pure and simple." Commissioner John .Ken- . Designeo .witt).slimmer fit for. the COLOR PRINTS nedy, however, felt the area young man, these casuals are easily around city hall should be recognized by the embroidered 135 PLUS DEVELOPING maintained as it is today 110 or 126 18C with appropriate greenery alligator emblem. S-M-L-XL. \ FILM SIZE FilM SIZE CHARGE I A. Alligator Lacoste@)nYlon>. I GETS PROMOTION I ..... I The National Education jacket with knit striped \ \ Corporation of california reo collar, cuffs and bottom .\. ' cently promoted R. Wayne Gilpin of Thc Farms to the position of vice-president. In banding. Na~y, t~n, $27.... ~. .. . '.. ", The CAMERA CENTER addition, he has been ap- B. Cotton knit shIrt, t: ...,.; 11114 Kercheval - "In the Village" pointed as the president of banded sleeve. Blue . ". ~r'/ ... j four RETS E 1c e t ran i c s I ft- ft I!' ""• 'r".L '7 I or naw, uv...,- ...... 11I1 C ....l-.,..,..l... +h.... ,..t'\.1"'nnO)nu !lilt-. I • $19. ..'\ y:.,o -' f I - ,. I! ~~'i;ed"las~'No;;~b;;." -. I I '~~~\, I MtttW lll~~-- ...-.-. W-. i I .i.\ / I Jr r.. \ -t" ~ I THE irA rLLTf,!!',~!f~ II I ~~. II ~\ \ l', \ ) II I 0Y I ... \ 1 The man who wears jine clOlblng wantJ fine qualily sportswear. He doesn 'I lower his standards II for weekends - and he shouldn't. Our If/aylite Blaze" h(/! the lailoring. the fit and Ii a fine, ligbtweight hopsack to please such a man. IIIII: Tailored In our natural sbouldcr, three.burton model in nat'Y, maize, AURujta Rreen, chocolate, natural and light blue, Ii 175.00 II II nR('!rI:l!.~,L AT ST. CLAIR. GROSSE POINTE I Opel) Tlmr.id"y r:. Fl'Ilingr '!i/ 8:45 II ~Jacobson's , • 1... _----_---,' --_1 • '1 .•

    • - , ..... ==+= .... ~"'_" ••• ~ •••• " •• __ "_lIIs.a_". "'."5"-"'''', ".4111l¥~4... -"!'I,4_~_ ...... -_--"""""""!~"""'.-~-""'-::-'""':"'""""''''''~'''''''~~'~--.--

    •• >~~"~ • '., - , , "'iIP-,J)J"- •. ' .

    . - Thursday, May 3, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thi'Go ------_ ..._------~_.~--_.~_._._--_.-,--._._---_.- , ii - The longest dav of the year I Se1f~iscip1ine is the key to: iIYou ng sters Play IAnn ieGet Your Gun J istndents Share I is the oay before payday. I happiness and contentment. : Illir!qo~ Drill .' i;"j;';;Nautical"'''i,,'~~W$~ SOMf;RS[:T'S ------Girl Scouls and Camp Fire B N. the I Girls frqm Dl'fer Sthool, ut Ice • . • ship's Qth I 1~i'!25Kercheval avenue, par. ticiputed in a di~ster drill We've Got It! wheel Wednesday, April 18, at Dea, ., ,_I' I coneS5 Jiospltal, J24a .l'..a5l i I Nautrlal GiftS & 1eG15_tllS ~ Af\Jf\JUAL I Jefferson avenue. i ~ I

    INVITATIONAL , rc~O~eni~~i~Lw:~r~~s:;~~~t~~ I SHl~ WHEn:~~~~~I' .~.~." .~~VAS and weaknesses in the event II SUIT....., .- ':..t-... WYHII I that a real disaster should ~..;,... OXPOllOS ART oec~r. I HID;:~:CD "~ .. ,,,.' ~" • :.' 1'':: ,;"" ','~ I Sludents were made up _., SHOW ..~~... ~~,~~<~!j~l'/''\I ~It~~~:~~:~~r~de~yb~~~~i~~ III :36~~~. i:.~~t.~...••..~.:~, .t;~,::-,::':;11,:; ".';'~ .... I Food' Market, 16711 Mack ------, MAY 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 f,;.. ~"'~' .{ •. ,...,< 'lVCnllP. tn makf' lhpm look • ~~~~~n and SETH THOMAS ~:~'~11~ . •... ;.;~ '> :.~:;;...... '. Ilik~i:~a\,:~::~er~~:li::'rtici.II" : ~1~~~:~:lrt QUARTZMATIC I~~..:.- ../ ,,- ~;:',<'\~1.-1~a~~t ~nl~~e(~;;t;lyw~~~;:,!r t~.,gfg:~I~n:d:.'~~ CLOCKS I' ! r.aura Rarrptte. Charlyn Car. I ,. • !d•.~! ro!..F~T...... -~ 'Ir~ ..~..~... .-... '.. ~~,,~., ! rier, Julie Harbold, Beth ~ ~t'B'ii.E"''''~;j'aU SOMERSET MALL !';} "'; Knight :lnd Ann ~!au!1'. I """'. ouldoor 'pOrt., BIG BEAVER RD. AT COOLIDGE, TROY The Grosse Pointe Children's The- are, (from left to right), FREDDIE i Other scouts who volun. i 't" : ater, which is celebrating its 25th BIBLER, DENYSE WICKLINE, who " teered their time were Lisa II • Nouticol Ship'. Wheel • Ship's Wh.el. THURSDAY.fRIDAY 10'9/SATURDAY 10.6/!iUNDAY 12-5 All SiJl:' 1a" 10 60" I anniversary this year, is presenting plays Annie in one of the two sep- i Mazur. Maria Minaaeo, Ann! tamlK ... All sires! I "Annie Get Your Gun" Fridays, May arate casts, PAULINE DIONNE and i ~l:oellering, Mar~aret Noro.1 • Chort.: Am.,ican " Ship'. Whe.1 II and 18, and Saturdays, May 12 CORRIE CARRIER Tickets for ad- I' Julie Sielaff, Teressa Trokey land Conadian Tabl••. all .ize. I , ...... ,.. 10K • " 1:1" lt $3 h'\ • . . , and Sally Wilson. G 1 '-k & C I I , ana ~~, HI 1.J1~ YV if1' J.V.1emOrlalS ,L'I"leS U...s are , Vl lL€ stuaent tiCKets are rea 1M es ocn a • S.,h Thoma, .-- Auditorium, 32 Lakeshore road. Get- $2. Group rates also are a\'ailable, Camj) Fire girls wi!') par. I Barome'.rs I ting into the mood of the action tieipated were Lynn Arm. ~ ------______bruster. Kerry Bruce. Wendy I 19605 Mack TU2-1340 ------.' J{;A' Tl t A..l . £' ....., 1. ""PU7f McAllister, Kathleen Keelan f Ope. De" ...... , J " •. I 1 ...... ,s ..•u~aer uViSO ..y ui"uUP l'~ameu. In lJ.. wand Tessy Ravmo. I'

    '\ ~ I 1. U f P Ends Season T~~ naming ~f members ~o I Others are Ge.o:ge Kallen. ------I I II Cltlzcrn; AdvISOl)' Comnus-l bach, SC~l[:'r Cltlzens Com. If you have not seen a sion as required for partid.' mission, Howa~d Hush, SOC. performance of the Grosse pants in the Community (Seniors Onward for Change, a!~~J)Jficnttd-Jnc. Pointe Children's Theater Development B 10 e k Grant Inc.), Al Adams, Mack ave. this year, don't miss the prog'ram, was finalized by the nue businessmen, and Bruce

    '-J"'-" I~ ;: f\ group's offering of "Annie Woods Council at a recent Van Farowe northwest area Gel Your Gun" on Frid'llYs, regular meeting. residents. ' , May 11 and 18, at 8 p,m. and I Thomas Fahrner will be I T~~ a p poi n t m.e n t of a : Saturdays, May 12 and 19, at the council representative I nanQl\:'d~d per~Qn IS SllU RE: GI:NERAl CONTRACTORS 1 p.m. while other "reps" includ~ forthcoming . r WE A••1. !lL . . !,,~rforma.nces wii~ ~ at the C~arles J. ya? Hove,. Plan. I City Adtninistrator Chester Onecall likes Cln of III your probl,.s WIlham Fries Auctltonum of mng QlmmlSSlOn, I)Qrts Ra, E, Petersen reminded the 'Ale IA/,"II.. the War Memorial, 32 Lake. haut, C it izen s Recreation council a Citizens Advisory VVl Vi shore road. Commission, and 0 the II 0 Commission objective is to 1 Cut Qff doors if your new rugs are The young actors transmit Cole c chi a, Beautification advise officials on, and pro. , I all t~e colo~ and zest of an I Commission, pose, alock grant projects. too thiok. old.hme wIld west show. . The group also will monitor 2. Replace .old hardware. .Sharpshooter Ann;p aims to....., . the progress of oroiects al. I be the best shot in the world, Liros.se I ready approved' to make I' 1- 3. Tightenstair rails.. i a.nd get her man at the same p. N certain they are in eomPli .. 4.. Roofing - Siding - Driveways lime. anee with federal regulations I' Through the years, many olnte ews I . -- ~~~~~~1~2.'~~~~~ed an~hil~;r~:se;h~~:~ PUb~;~;:~.:i~i~ay 1 ft. L. I, i ~:~~~~e;d~~~O~:~~ ft -, CUI'I'O' y.o-'u.. a- n'ew ~~.rne. I I gone on to careers in stage I D/D / A Ant ...... - P.....'I ..hpr" iI rliirnuiiis Ii. 8: RemOdeIYOUrOffi~.We haveworked III ~~y~~~~i fncf~~e ;x~~ 99'K~-r~h;~;I A;~~~--- I P- ---b--I-----? II TV's Suzanne Geha, George GrOlSe Pointe, Mich. 48236 ro ems. ! I in most downtown office buildings. Kappaz of the Hilberry The. Phone TU 2.6900 i 9. Build new office building. I ater and Gwen Humble from \ S.cond Clo•• Po.lall" paId at;~ .'. I • ~~~dt~~~~:;:":i:~~.litnt.. gTi;i:.M~:h~~br1~~:.\~Jl.{~~;E ;,.,\.,.:' ~~: hIS year tee Idrens MI., The ... dU.... for Itew. ,0PY \. . ..., 'gn SerVl'Ce allB,'labre or we rlri'~~S~~\\.881.-4988 : Des/ .' I' Th t d'ts d'rect I. Mond.y noon. .. --- " I :: ',','WOr-,," ••• :.~ ••_ .. , f!Jlr"hifl!llr:t t!1l C1' an 1 ,1 or,. I "11 .dwHtIsI,.. copy must be In . i " w, "'''" TVW' u, ...... - - • Sally Re~T.()lds, W!!l ~!!!'Ithe New. OHI••• 1' Tu •• dlll noon II '1 ~ ,,.: or interior decorator. brate ~heir 25th anniversary. to Ilmrre Irt...... ~. I. . _ .•• __. ... Ice The wild and wooly produc. I .: ' .. I TWlnty-slx ye.... conunuuus An I tion of "Annie Get Your I " , -- '. .t • . . - .1~~~:n~sthelastPlaYOfthe I TAU BETA CAMP FLOWER SALE . ~ I Tickets are $3 for adults. I _ LI AS E all~a2._~O:_:hai~~~~~h'.:In~l1g~~t.11I \ F I I " .r'. the all new~~ ~~ION w ~g;~:~L€;'~i;f,~~~tII t.Y Wlbatieflg GP Park Group I Sponsors Dance cgy the gOot etronlUmg A request for a pool side I per mo. dance at Windmill Pointe I cgy CBag~et " I Park, s po n s 0 red by the I the XII Grosse Pointe Park Civic As., Front Wheel Drive I 4 ",1./0 ...10. trons. 36 .-n. c-.. Ind LoaM i socialion for Saturday, June I $150.00 pt, _. 24-m.. CIoMd End u.... i 16. at 8 p.m. was unanimously Benefit the TAU BETA CAMP for Diabetic Children i "aPIJruvL:d by the Park Coun. I i cil al its regular meeting I with air cond., tinted giass, lH remote mirror, de. When: ~alurda~. :\la~ 19. 1979 frum 9::W to :~:OO froster, b!Jmp~r guards, rub stripes, wsw tires, de. Monday. April 23. I i "Disco Cruise" will be the I luxe wheel covers, custom interior, custom two , theme of the dance, which I, Where: McCann Rink. HHO Cook HQad, (;ro"sf' Pointe Woods tone, deluxe exterior, power steering, power brakes, will fl-alurc disco dancing! AM radio. for adults. I Order (}ca(lJine: Ma\ Hlh . Proeccds [rom the dance:' I,': I wi!I,¥o to.ward a Fourth of! ~ , ;: lB, I July Paraoe. II ..._..-R")~R FO...... ' I t;tl I II --II ~La-St-N-.a-m-e- --~~~-~'~ ' t .';,,,, N,m, --~-~\ \ 772-8000 I KEN BROWN L£ASiNG 'CORP. 72805 Kelly Rd. near 9 Mi, . .. •• ______. i ~::~'~<1'Ph"n'----- _:ty~"" Zip ~ I I L ------1 1A1rren maintenance IMPATIENS. $11.50 per fial (48 plants) Elfi,; variety about 12 to 14 inches tall at maturity. \ I 756-5031 I I Specializing in II HOUSE CLEANING, III GERANIUMS. $IUO pef basket (8 planls) Large, 11':al:by r!~n!s of superior Quality. dusting, vacuuming, I wall washing, tloor cleaning and waxing, fluorescent I Number of Baskets light cleaning, lavatory I ~1.00 ctf'livery charge. if un&ble to pick up. t'll "~i:. I,....\. t Lj,'ii:. ::: :IH~Y : ::\!tLl TOTAL \_$ 1 sanitizing, carpet cleaning IN rOTAL Please make checks payable to TAU BETA FLOWER SALE

    Mail to: Mrs. George Reindel III II S4f> l.inc0ln Road Grosse Pointc • BONDED AND INSURED Michigan. 48230 • MAID FOR A DAY 885-0286 I

    to. rd." .t1t ...... *i ••• MV. r' •• 'cd ..".. __ ••• G'G aim";. _'0,.: .• C'PEe ~ . g. '1 ~ __.m ::;;


    GROSSE POiNTE NEWS Thursday, May 3, 1979

    . I

    ..'WOlnan Hurt I li 4 '11 '

    , ... ress .g t ••• M • •• °2'577 me tsrno 2 7 a en.ra • '0 •• • J Th'u7~day,' May 3, 1979 e:;. ~ 0 SSE PO I N T E i~ E W S Page Five ------._---_._._._- - ._------._-----_ ..

    PR~FESSIONALlY BUILT IIWoods Planners A!!r..~~,~..',I \A'''t:~.!:~J'- ,v., r 1 .~.,>.r;;..,~~~.r.,:~"..~.J!'::.:..~ II 1. J c.",b!'!.~;'J i1 0I vI<: i meeting Tuesday. April 24. ,hearing regarding some po. LICENSED BUILDERS i The subject of fee sclled. tential work on his home. Price. Gll"d Th,u I ules. not onl\' in rE'lationto e.g.. an addition. wouldn't Tue.day, May 81h' 'Board of Appeals hearings, that increase his tax base, w. renrn the rillht 10 Phone- 296 - 1270 but also, I?ncompas~ing site with the city ultimatel~' .e. Umil qllonli".', o Fireplaces .. Quality Window Replacement plan reVIew, subdll'ISlOn re. couping some of the addi. ~; view and rezoning petitions,: tional costs.

    ~~~~~ ... '" h~s b:en disc~ssed for around ~1r. Wakely responded in / .f .. : :~~ t\'.o .)ears bj both the. com. the affirmatiVe and ~Ir, Rin. t.. 1 ~.f ... - .~ mlss~on and the cou~cll: aldi then moved that the fee 1 , With the com!,lllsSI?n sac. remain at S25 Howel'N, his' .,. IrJt's Spring Cleaning Timel I tlOn" the councIl WIll now motion died for Jack of SUl). j;:~;;4;,' li. conSider the recommenda. I port. . I '11. . 1 tian, pC$$:b~r :.:t one G! its meetings this month. For h:s part, COmmisslOner 'I )~If ,r=il In viewing a council rec., John Kennedy said he agreed •• ,. U.S.D,A. CHOICE BEEF ommendation mad e last. '.';;~~ ~:;t1": ~!r. 0q,,~?~ ,ntl 'l'U!ltIY I ~ I month to increase the Board ~fr. Rinaldi, suggest!ng that of Appeals fee from S25 to the S25 f~e be reta.med for SIOO, City Attorney George, the R-1 dIStTl~t. whIle a fee Catlin pointed out that ii' of $100 could De charged for '.y~ . . ;'f~ costs the city money to place i more complex requests. ...R_IBEYE STEAK ~:'I, appropriate legal notices in The commissioners were the NEWS, for paper and infonned that an estimated ,1- ID Jj pOEtage regarding mailing 10 to 12 such requests, both notices to affected property residential and commercial, ownerS and Cor clerical work are made during a year, with JUM~ .,' We bring our plant to youl to get them out. Mr. Catlin noting, sinc!' he II $ 99, I Officials also felt the fig. h~s been affiliated with the C .. ure of arOund $100 was need. elly for some 13 and a half k. • u..P T..O Ten Times More. POWerfU.1Than Other Methods. I I ed to break even. years, the $25 fee has reo BONElESS LB. :. 1 \~i:~OOMl>.ul.'l9 . Commissioner Peter Gilezan mained unchanged. J . Ollr !jell.contained Trailer MountM unitl SAVE I, said the city shouldn't be in Commissioner George CQu. , - Stays Outside O! ','QUI i'lorne. Only The a profit position whi:~ indio illard moved that the fee be U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF Cleaning Wand Enters Your Home Or cating the community also upped to $100 on all requests Office. shouldn't be sub sid i z i n g with .the exception of the Board of Appeals hearings. R.l district, but Mr. Gilezan S , .. 20% He expressed a concern felt the city would be sub. LB. o Carpet Dries Faster. '. TOP ROUND STEAK Z.69 over a flat fee in the sense sidizing R-1 requests and at ON CASH .. ' ; SMOKED, SLICED o Endor.;ed By Leading Carpet that some Board of Appeals least ~hould recover its out. CARRY RUB items only invobe proposed of-pocket costs. Manufacturers. l-LB. CLEANING adjustments to residences Commissioner Joseph Par. PI

    I Aik ;;bcut (!!U' t,,"omatlc ch.ck ...p program


    aM...... ' oeM ."'._'.0+."'.- .• "=,«' •• '. ttrcCDrr mdn • Page Six GROSSE POINTE,NEWS ------_._ ...._----- .. _------"------.. . I I I '..~.~..-....., Board Ado.pis.Poficy'- IJoggcn;'. ?-l~~<_..~';~"-'i"~'~~I'~"~~~s~.~~~~t~,~.~{~;~~~I.'js~~1~l:a~1/~~,or'~~a~mT,ilJ...ili••...IIIiI------.~~.JACOB SEN ______'I At ASSUulption ::;C!dum with a closed fist. loaded with wisdom. : .,,- By James J. Njaim he gentlemanly expressed hisi - 1------. '2"""1':'ii By a close 4.3 vote at a apologies to the full Board! Family members of all SUPER BAG'GER special conference meeting and to the citizen-s in aHcnd' i ages arc invited to partici. . d held by the Board of Educa. ance at the session, as well pate in the Runner's World Self Propelle. tion on Monday, April 30, no as to all LlJe personnel of the Fun Runs beginning Satur. . letters or notes will be erty, This could stop you from selling your house for three wood wrote that he strongly SChool B~rd obtamed at the ' FURNACE times what you paid if you had svch a client, - SAVE 23995 ' th t h • next speclal or regular meet- • AIR CONDITIONING reg. 259.9.:> $20 feIt t hat 10 e eae ers, f th B rd f Ed So we soy ask the lending officer to give you his onalysis W d d' A ') 25 1 lUg 0 . e oa 0 uca. , " e nes ay, prl • e ee- t' " Call 527 t 700 of the' assumption clouse, Some soy we ignore it others soy 20" Self Propelled ti.on to join Local One of the 100nt'h t' f. I' , I • thev follow it to 0 "T", In today's market this c~uld be for 95 ~•. h' Ed j' A' ers vo 109 of m: leso-, ' . Reg. 289 '.11(" tgan uca.lOn SSOCla- I t' T t . A Ar S.,.i"ll 'he G,.... Poi",., Si"... '1/49 more valuable to you thon a quarter percent on the interest rate, Mulcher 325'.95 ':rhe Lawn Mower People" tion that local control was u lo~ were rus eel; nn . '., i;Jvolved duS;S1 and Robert War~er, The assoc'ates at Grosse P?lnte Real Estate Co, ,88~-0087 20" deluxe Hand PropeUed 19815 MACK AVE., in the Woods 881-6233 The Board president sent a while those votmg agamst I study Reol Estote--

    (Continued from Page ~) Board member who sent out any communication, W h i1e adding he knew of no letters sent out by a member of the I administration, I understand other letters went out, 11e added, via members of the GPEA. I •• .;£>- The election itself beea.'llc a reality after the local union .1 agreed to hold a second elec- tion with MERC supervision, i with leaders saying this action ILIAS' BBO!HIB~_ was taken to help move con- tract negotiations along. Such talks are scheduled to begin sometime this month as the teachers' three.year agreement, reached in the fall of 1976 after a smte tact- finder ~ame involved, ex- pires this June. The Pointe no\v joins other LOcal I .dis.lridS. l<.,dudi!l'ili5 A~~l(Jr na.~ Cc ... q;~ ',' '.. .' Ll. ,OhiPpe'r: V~ll$y, ,-..n;.I.:'" ,,' to ale, Fral"'r'. LakeVlew, L'Anse Creuse, trount Clem. I ens, New Haven, Richmond, fun in Michigan Romeo, South Lake and Warren.Woods, " _ .. When asked if Poi nt e \ I I teachers will automatically strike if another LQeaI I dis- -III IAi i NI.__ trict decides to "trike, Mr. j Lange replied, "No, not at all. U ~ I This is a misconception which t~~~~~:- we've tried to lay, to rest. I Grosse Pointe teachers will not be called upon to strike when another dist;rict strikes:" He then painted out two tu",,< nf drikpr, !I nistrict aD. A ., .... tlAft ..@ .. .: .. ~ pr~~~h-a~d ~~-.a:r~a.wide ap. I proach. If a distl'ict decides • g.lIA.Lu.alt ""&.1.11& to strike, the district will take the initiative, he said, 3 lIIi.' Series 2000 Mini while indicating he hopes an • Motorhomes (America's #1 sellint a.rea-wide strike never occurs, I .Motorhomes! Mini Motorhome brand) However, if the latter hap. pens, Mr. Lange said local 10 AMF .Alcon Sunfish: Sailboats teachers will still have to I • vote o:.t~e matter. _,-, . I 10 Motobecane Moped Model 7 Motor • JUkes REC..,.'ES PROMUtlON I' David R. Thoits of The Park was recently promoted I 20 Sony FJr-310 Entertainment • Packages (TV, AM-Fl't'[Radio and 10 regional controlier at the \' .0 S ...... @ Republic Automotive Paris, • II ~~MI'jin Cassette Recorder) Inc., Regional Accounting I' .. I~ ...... Office in Pomona. Calif, In 48 Eska 10 Speed Electric Trolling his new assignment, Mr, • Motors -I Thoits will be responsible for! al! st:lff arcountinl! functions 1 I • 180 Wenzel SleepiI'..g ~..gs wf8t:mf sack covering the company's auto. ! Sailboats! ,motive warehouse distributors l and jobbing stores located in ! • 25 Wenzel Eagle 8'x 10' Cabin Te."lts southern California, He will I shortly be relocating in the I • 200 Wenzel Skedaddle Back Packs Pomona area. i -I • 200 Weber "S:mokey Joo" Port'..ab!e , BarbeqUe Kettles .

    • 200 Spaulding Championship Tennis 'IOMoped . Rackets w/caver • 78 Minolta Pocket Autonack 430 E Cameras w/buUt-in Strobe

    Motor Bikes I • 82 $2.80 Elias Gift Certificate Books "Good for allthe good things at Elias Brothers"

    Elias Brothers celebrates add to your plca.0ure by st.opPlIlg to eat at

    and today we pT'ovlde .lobs for' more than' 1jv i1I1~ill L1)t-~lIf ~It,Hd ~;t.at.e[; ()j' C;i.iHH~il. 1O,UOU M1Chtg:mdel'B. Emplo'yno:; of 1':/ in:; Br'ot.l1erR, it~l We want you to have an opportunity to advertising agnncy, II.:>f!'IU)(:! 1jgnon awl I I ~!L'0 one of } 000 fabulous pT'lzes thh.t. wJJl employeeH, ii."! jutlglnp, "r~a.n 17.n.t.lon help you have more f'lln In 01.)1' great state and momllflrn of theIr tmmnc11A.t.f1 That's why we're prfjsenting OUT' $}OO,OOO farrd1l85 !l,re !lot. oJ iglblo. Conl,os!. Anon tochmiOf H.fOafe "Hn ....e More Fu..'! !n Mlflhlgan" prize drawinp;. ~ May 20, 1979. Complel,c r1o!Jl.iJ:;Itvallablo 20179 MACk ot • MI. And as YOl) travel arxJut., T'p,Tr;eInrfrJT' YfJ1.Jflan Quality Food Since 1938 at ~;jla.qhrothorrJ Blp' Boy H~lHi,ltllr'~lli.l:l, 885.0242 H,,,do'" "PO" & Ma,rtt.-.oIlC' OPUUVIIYDAY. SUN. tt Ie 4 I

    " $M« r • m • • eM •• .e et tr ..' Thursday, May 3, 1979 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page Seven

    1 '1 Obl'rl.U' -a-'r'.'I'es ,..".,_.-_.~,... i.,r ~':;':;- ~...••" .,--"':''''.'''~'''~.''J- -.- ...... "'n. n 95 ~ , .~" I~~,::~:~h~~~h;'~Y. h'" ::;~:~I .if!,,",.,:~'~~" '",~nI '''' VY I I I ••_,'."1 ," ' ", ter; 16 .!{rande..Luren an,: i.' .. ..-----vil;uge~r.keJ. ... fly!; gr !c'~~, auUi:lliiuren. I ! ~ ~6 Colors Jt.' ""'~iilSS .ELIZABETH A. Mrs. Baldwin was the vice. Interment \',i1S in .Mount *' wi.. . CAMPAU • president and co.owner of the Olivet Cemetery...... Screen Porches ~ Services for Miss Campau, Industria1 and Marine Sup. PETER S, BRODHEAD 11321 MACK A¥EMUE ~ *' 58, oC Net! road were held ply COlnpanrShe was a life Seryice~ fJI' Mr. Brodhead, ~..POINTE SCREEN & SASH, INC. *m ~;~,In~t~s~sw'dearbe'e~h;a~nftd.1Ie'd~rb;ya~rt~h'~e:~I~~.ber of the Detroit Yacht ~~' ~~e~~e:;, r~;a~ \~~rfn h~~; .. "." ,c She is survived by a son, Verheyden Funeral H 0 m e Weelc.ls ~ 20497 MACK TU 1.6130 ~I'Verheyden Funeral Home. Edward, a daughter. Mrs. and Saint Paul Ont/w.Lake This ~ ~ She died on Saturday, April Patricia Wandel', and three Church. ¥:...... liIf liIf W W W .w. W ..w. ..w. ..w..w. lilt lilt. 28, in Saint John Hospital, grandchildren. He died on Friday, AprH Bell Ringers • : TTTTTTTTT:T'T7'r"!"",1 ua~~iS~ICt~:g~~t ~~;!~~t~~:,Sidt;t~~~l~~;!"';,i1~!bed~irHilI. ~~g~cJ~~~~~b1; after a boat. Priees EHective May 3, 4 and 5 I.. ~RV &TEIHER pments , 1ff ....- voted much of her time and MARTIN G, CHAPIN A native Dctroiter, Mr. CLOSED SUNDAY . .... ~ ,. .-.- Call tor work to the school as its Services for Mr. Chapin, Brodhead is survived by his : - n .II.r. Tickets alumnal) secretary. 37. of University place were grandl'1other, -'Irs. If e Ic n W. Close Wednesdays at 1 p.m. LIVE 884-6500 I She was a direct descend held on Saturday, April 28, Greene, two brothers and T'M'EATR-t:: Ch Iant of Jacques Campau. one in the Grosse Pointe Ml'mn. lhree sislers, N!.'G_ Master arge I of the area's earliest settlers, rial Church, Arrangements Interment was in Elmwood VISA I who came to Detroit from were handled by the Verhey. Cemetcl'v FRESH GRADE A STUfFED r: Accepted Montreal in 1708. Another den Funeral Home. TED J. BRUSKE OUTER DRIVE & E, WARREN I relatiVe was Joseph Campau, He died on Thursday, April Services for :\lr, Eruske, Chl'Jdren's Theatre BUDDY RICH I,.for whom the Detroit street 26, In ~on ~~ours l~osp\tal. 72, of Roslyn road were ROASTING '." n•• "m."d. Tho.. Campau fam. Mr. Chapm IS surVIVed by . Sat. May 5, 2 p.m. SAT. MAY 5 I ilyv -once-- owned- Belle Isle, I his wife. Diane; two d aug h.. heidthe A.un Friday,II, PetersApril Fun"27, ..III"l I• WIZARD OF OZ 8 P M i under its previous name. Hog ters, Raquel an~ A::ndf~~; hiS U",""o 00<1 <:',"01 1M" or Arr' . . (Islarld 'I parents, Mr. and 1't1rs.MarlIn Ch"'Ch~"u U~"" v __ I/ ;): ..;V"~ NATIONAL SHAKESPEARE CO. I :.ii~~ Campau was a rr:em' ChTap.ibn:and twobsisteras to j~~eu;eu Oil TUC,,"UiiY, Ap .. ; t d *" .~. '" CHICKENS b f th F A.'I Suc-ietvl rl u es may e me" . B S 1'\ 1 I Performino Live I er 0 e me. I.S .. I th lJ. t f Michigan I w4. In on ccours .OSpl a"

    Sigma ~aullIla Assodoti~n L 1', Sn~Ve?I.l 0 A bor .. Mr. Bruske was a re~irej I' MIDSUMMERS NIGHT ORE-AM THURS. MAY 10 I 00 and Chmt Church, DetrOit. :l " c , nn r F' t ,-alesm:m with the NatIOnal HA T b f Cremat IOn was a t ores . . MLE FAI. MAY 11 where she was a mem er 0 I L C t BreWing CorporatIOn He was i the choir and altar guild. :l\vn eme cry. , a member of the Msgr. Vis., El VIS MANIA SUN. MAY 13 She had no immedIate sur. LJ?ET M. DENTON mara K of C and a fourth I... vivors. Services for Mr. Denton. degree member of Leo XIII. I A receptIOn was held at 74. of The. Farms .were he!d I K of C. He was a charter I 69L~ ------I Un iverS'ily T.iggett S c h 0 ° I on . Mond~y, Apr:l 30, In I member of the Polish Cen. i .ent ONE-STOP following the Tuesday sel'v, ~hflSl Ep:scopal C h u r c h., tury Club and a member of I Con ven/ ices. ' Grosse POInte. Arrangements the Saint Joan of Arc Ushers ! , Int.erment was in Elmwood were ha!ldled by the WIlham Club. ~. 4 to 5 LB. DRIVE-THRU SERVICE'. Cemetery, where sevel'dl gen'l n. Ha~llton Company. . 1 He is survived by his wife, I j erations of Campaus are H~ dl~d on Saturday, APril, Dorothy; five daughters, Mrs. I .. AVG.

    buried. I 28. In hiS home. , Patricia Priesc ~,lrs. Joyce I J , (Stuffed with our own SNACKS - BEVERAG ES II MRS. IHENE BALDWIN I Mr. Denton was retired I Naey, Mrs. Judy Danielak. I ~ /' :age and onion dressing) In II (~ bai, iY... i_i. I EOSSENTIAGLSWISAN DSWHICOHpEpSE II' ~~:;Z~~!~~:~b~~tef~~~~7~I ?h~~fE~~f~iEtnloeif:W~~~~1: ~:~~~:~f::~r\:1~~~~;:t:.,' P NY KE Verheyden Funeral H 0 me he f~unded the family road ter.:;. . HE I onrl <::'o.int Philnm"no r.hnr,.h NmOrl'lIt'tinn firm in 1QMl T ', _ !_ n __.. I BILMAR fROzEN GRADE A ' Keg Beer _:..FREE DELIVERY Ii ~t.'.~.l..h.~....: ;~~ ..d- ~'~"~~~~;y~'~~rill~~~~~~~~;~b~imi:{,jr:~~I uo~li~~~i:::;;;;:o"1 Ask for Woody --..-J L 29, I~ Cottage Hospl~al. the DetrOl~ CI~b. . .1 Services for Mr, Larivee, I I ~--"1 ,I Pnor to her retlrement.l .. Mr ...De~L0.n.~s.suITlV.ed~:y 71, formerly of The Pointe, 881-1540~ ---=~C~...-1]~lr-. -.------i illS wl1e. lsa~tle, two oaugn. late of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., I LB. - S h ters, Mrs, M1JtO~ O. Cross III were held on Friday, April I IHB~A~E~!E~REASTS $1'.5 8 17900 E. WARREN .PONY KEG ~ ymp ony and Mrs, Denrus Zentner; a 27, in the A. H. Peters Fu. Across From E. WARREN son, ~eet E.; a brother and neral Home. A!!emon'.c; Flower Shop r (Continued from Page 1) two sIsters.. He d:ed on Monday, April, "THE ORIG/NALII dies its tireless rhythmic Intennent was m Wood. 23, in Plantation, (FIa,), I .------...- ..--1 yari~ty and vigor and its bold lawn Cemetery. HospitaL i but sensitive coloring." WI~LlAM C. RANDS Before his retiremerrt in I Thre~ otht"r selections will Services for Mr. Rand~, 78, 1964, ]\fl'. Larivee was super. I STUFFED PORK ROLLS $1.29 LB. I be featured on the program, I of Renaud ;oad w~re hel~, on I intendent of installations for I y I , un,der the direction of Felix I Tues?u , Ihay 1, m the ,,,ar- , r'l-It'cha. ni~al Handling Systems 1 BonelessPork loin cubed for extra tenderness, reh I I Resnick" ,ners Chu. . ~ . . . 0<.I Corporatwn, ! ,. 'I The.y include Mendelssohn's H~ UleO on I'rlO?y, Apm He is survived by his ..ife.! and stuffed witb our own dressing. I "Ruy BIas Overture." which 21,. In Cottage Hospital. Eveline; a son, Allen' R.; a I I I was' written for a well.known !\Ir. Rands was a stock. brother; a sister; five grand., I Victor Hugo drama depicting broker who. was fo~ many children and five great.grand. I' FOSTER'S GRADE A the court of Charles III of ~'.ears assocIate? WIth the children. Spain and was first perfonn, fIrms of Watlmg Lerehen Cremation was at Forest I ed in Leipzig in 1839: "La and Company and Unger. Lawn Cemetery. [ OHIO. DUCKLINGS I Valse" by Ravel, one of lei~er. and Con:pan ..l!. He \ STANLEY E. BEATTIE : 95~A. Franc. e•.s greatest comp.o.sers, ffi. 'amtl~m~tddan .acttIve I~te~~t Services for Mr. Beattie. \ known for his ,remarkable a.s a Iml e par ner 0 I. 74 of Pemberton :-oad will U.S.D.A. CHOICE GRADE (Top Round) lucidity of form. clal'ity of l:a~ C. :o~e.:' :~a~o~~i~~~: be' held tomorrow, May 4, in 'I' I. structure and refinement of . gra ua -:.0. . rin S a in t P a u 1 On-lhe.Lake ",. style; llnd "Serenade in E Slty schoo~. ()~ engmee . g" Church at 11 a.m. Arrange.: I .. 'f st,. .. "bv' Enll I'he served WIth the U.S. I • l. :__ l.~_';1~'; 1". I minor or rIngs _ .. - ~ LA rQuamermaster CorpSl i"'.UCULS QrC ...,cuJ.& u ....~~:"...... ~,J.I III land's renowned composel'.,.. rrw '1 W 'II the Ve r h e v den Funeral I III Sir Edward Elgar.' ., 10 Ul'l 'Ill • . ! Home.' i .~~~~R~R~,~\.E $Z~57~.'"", Ticket prices are $4 for. lMr. ~and~ was a truste~, He died on MQ:'1dny, ..:\priI ! .fine jewelry adults and $1.50 for students. of j\t~armer~ ~~urc~I andd d /30, in Bon Seeours Hospital. ! Fine ;or the grin with MeCOimidc£s, Marinade They may be purchased at the mem er o. e un reo Mr. BeatVie was a 1923 I II watches box office just before the Clu~, De~~o~t G~n Club, ~n~- graduate of the University of ! I 01' I U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS ROLLED SIRLOIN TIP ROAST 11 III concert reserved in ad. v~r~t~(;.UI>~.~.~~~trrLl.~!~O I Detroit ,High SchooL He re.: '2.58L8. II diamonds I vanceI uy phoning Mrs. Lyn. i ~~ ~e~r~'\r :"b"(hn -""h<~t:,'eeived his Bachelors degree:1 II I Idie1 R. M-artin at 822.714~_~r I "_~. Aao~~~:o~~"or eac e. from the University of Dc.! CALIFORNIA 'II l\Jrs J. Ross Hush at H~l-I "v.''.. n~".v~.u"~,,., b .' 'troit ,md hi" law nl'!!ref' frnm ,.'.1 I 'I I ! He IS SUrVlyeU y a liU!l I '. ., 9 6 h '. I 9558. \r{"l' C III and tw~ Harvard III 1930. In I 7 ~ : 24 SIZE ICEBERG h lam.., J Wj::~~_. p0 . a Beautiful Start! 'I TATOES = I~f~NS "110 lB. BAG$1.45 I PREVENTS to see your good I neigbbor agent CRABGRASS I AND Muss.llllan' 5 I NATURAL F~RT"'ZES'to I ILl • I Crobitide Green • Stop' crobg"", nnd APPLE olh,., gl<";Y week, I b,.lol(' they ,'nrt I .... - ff!ftrlilC~ fbr 10'1 JUICE g,eenup I CAR -HOME OUR PRICES I LIFE • HEALTH ARE COMPETITIVE Fred J. Zelcwski I tSQS M~, k at TouraIne 8H2.9.~OS ('~Wfu lll(f'I1~~","9""~'" I : i! Wm. J. ALLEMOM I I Ji ."ito,.,. J.'clrm I.. t~~ / Garden Supply ON MACK 'h 1\ 17727 MACK AVE. Gal. I Bot. ... 882.9085 .'I"4h 'Ulil _ OMN., _ ...... _ " ...... ~JIlA",,:, <"OIlI:PlUM. I - .~,,~~~~ ""r.;l .....~~,7 - .'( .. ----~~~~~--~-~~-~-r ,.;r.-__ _.. _ __ __ . I J

    ...- '-" _. __ :0..-.-...... --...- .~._.._..._...._...... -. _ ------_._-----~ - -_._-~_----.!- ~ ' .


    Thursday, MollY 3, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ,:.------Money talb-but uaullhil"'.'i.iI)'uiiiiwno kills time also I the people wh" ha~ it won't., r!'!'!.__:..':~-fi.::;~~un!ty. FflU! of Youth Service"Bit>ision Is Tenuous I Il't;;:~i..~;~;'I¥-tOr(",';~-~l:¥.ia'! « ; {ContlDued from Page 1) taken," Feeling that the re.l Aware of the feelings of the board of, '!Ianagers has :~;i~:em:~:e:~:~:he;uf~li~~' CA'fliNG ~ the situation philosophically, sponsibllity for the YSD is I school ()fficia1s on the 30 per. to make a decISlon and estab- feel inferior isn't the way 083' WAREPA.v'16~lE!~!dOCKED that in other communities more of a commuruty resPQn., cent request, Woods City Ush priorities for thtl com.. 779. I . youth servic~s are nonnally sibllity than one for the A\:Imlnistrator Cheater E, munities tegarding whether, to do It, @ a function of a municipality, school system;,he said, "Pea. Petersen, YSD coordinator, or not the YSD h2s ph,yed . • ----,---' DUPONT ANSO ...... III wit~, the, I_,.~-:>I_,. _,. ,.. ~ ,.. ""I '¥ added "[ can't answer that "If the School Board sees mflcant and growmg prob. • ~~+>+>¥++>+ .....- "... . I. " • I f bst b nd ....--...... 1- WIthout talkmg to all the fit not to Increase its part I- em? su ance a ~se a Board members," cipation to 30 percent, then ~as smce develo~ed Into. an ______mtegral commumty service. hinges in' large part on the I School Board's action, that r I ~I isn't the only factor affecting ,~ 'A'~ nv""'" n u r I its survival. II I • • t:: _...,• ~ - -- - I I. Another consideratio~, .1s Thousanas of area reSldenls have been plagued this , paet winter b~ r~!!!"!2 utmty ~C')t!ttA; roof 'ce dammlnn ~ I I ~~:~~I!cejlJng cave Ins, saggIng eaves and moisture laden ~~~r~~g~~~~~~t~~:~ntho:scaling paint - rent method of allocation to I9hb0rs .' the communities based on We can holp you fortify your hOmeS defenses against ne the unrelenting forces of Mother Nature next year state equalized valuation, while minimizing exterior painting maintenance and (SEV), reducing utility costs, .. Officials have pointed out 's why we'll rent you in the past that the Village's Our preventative. malnlenanc~ serv/cell. Include re- That roollng. ralnware &. Insulated aluminum siding and trim. For those who cannot afford to have maintenance a car at a lovable price, as ,MOTHSEA_R 'E_S DAY ~i~~~i~;~~1~~~11.work done twIce. please call 882-3100, ...... ;...... ,...... iil...... Un low as $12.00 per day. YSD offices for follow up, L Rather than follow the I ~Nl£NANCE ~ AlTERATION 882.3100 ' b d I SEV route, Shores officials ... CONTRACTORS • ROOFING. SIDING SAVE $10-$30 ON M1JlNY feel costs should be aIlocated i W• re near y. .. rop n 1"1 on a population basis. ' WI. •• THE HOUSE OdCTOR$ • ENCLOSURES - 17111l. WAIIIIOI. DmIOIT, MICIlIGU CH Yet another consideration .INJlRIOR REMODtUNG L-- A-DI-ES BICYCLES I"is the fact that the various I WE WILL MEET OR BEAT ALL municipalities are facing .------'---- another tight budget year, SCHWINN ADVERTISED SPECIALS (the effects of the Headlee Tax Limitation amendment 18001 MACK notwithstanding). ,- 884-7210 1I'0 Meet Again DETROIT GAS BURNER CO~ When the board of man. agers first considered the HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING YSD's proposed budget for At Your Service Since 1936 1979-aO, with most of the in . crease stemming from sal. aries/wages and fringe bene. I fits, Mr. Petersen didn't in. clude a cost breakdown per I( THE GREEN C

    .< ... !~~~,;~n".~,."., :~~~~~t¥r~881-7500 4 - 1 ft7 7""'n j City, $15.000, and The Shores, ,. 1 5l.."'.,:tv 1$13,000. I .1 I)J:.iQ f'Anll:UV on I~II:AC UAC'I{ A\J~ \ Ii I .The School Board is. pay-! I vtJ I U VMLJ IL. A "101. \ , .... ,'" ... ,,, ...... T ...... / I I ing around $41,000, i,e~, 25 I percent of the total budget. .;;~;Ir1i II t I I 521.4290 OF OUR NEW E!'ST SIDE STORE ~ I ; I IH I I GROSSE POINTE NOW TO MAY 8th ~ I : , FLORISTS BLANK VIDEO TAPE from ~m ~ The Brand The Pros Prefer ~CIIllJPNIY ~ 174 Kt:rby l-500 /2 hour tape for all Beta format recorders) ...' Reg. A Case 95 less than 10 ;," $169') 0110 $12 ... h s1395 each I , i 885-3000 VHS Format 3M Tape-Records up to 4 hours I .' Reg. A Case s less than 10 ,I $2495 of10 $1-n.llCh $189~ each I Send an FTD Big Hug Earl~ QUANTITIES LIMITED ! PETER PAN I VIDEO MOVIES j Play on any 2-hour Beta or VHS Format recorder. ! Give Mom more time i FLOWER SHOP S ) to brag about you. 14542 E. Jefferson l"~~?OIJAtb."'(, The original King Kong I, o-/\\vSi She'Ulo"e the FTD Big Hug@Bouquet-fresh spring 95 flowers in a hand-decorated, European ceramic "milk 822-3697 Ri~5Now $54 R~~5 Now $3995 can" vase. You can send one anywhere. Just call or $ QUANTITIES LIMITED $ QUANTITIES LIMITED visit your FTD Florist today, .. I' VIDEO CoMPUTER I Please order early. Mother's Day:/(.' ~ .. ~ .... !!rfot twcrins thIS' Friday. ','':'.,.•••.... MANCUSO BY ATARI . .."",-""- "'- - -'0 • • ",:'::'"." SYSTEM fiorist & Gift Shop Reg. $19995 I 95 I 16373 Harper Now $149 ! "TARIGAMU • Inc:ludlr.g"'- _~ I Iow1lng, Canyon Iomber, Mlnlalufe Goll, and Coslno, SAVE 1S'Il. \ 885..8200 ! Reg, $1995 - - , 95 \ Now $16 AlARr I "-NIlH"'~' C~I"T'''''./ .,~~r>O"'i cor-p ....,,~a MOEHRING'S 100's of Pre-Recorded Video FLOWERS Movies in both Beta. VHSFormats. Those FTD Florists really get around ••. for you. 16035 Mack -- The FTD Big Hu, Iloaquel is usually Ivailable for lell lhan $16.50, FTD Big Hug Plante, prices vary according to size ,:.~ an independent businessmlll. pch FTD FIoristlCU his own prices, Servic:echar,eund delivery may be add,l1onal. Most FTO AonSlS accept American Elpre".nd Olller rnajorcredlt carda, @1979 AoriSlS' Transworld Dell'ery 882-9732 ... ~ ~ ntertainmenl ill Film.Video E AlLEMON KING'S CHARVAT BARRETT'S WOODS 20531 Mack Ave. HOURS: FLORIST fLORIST FLOWERS THE FLORIST FLOWERS Grosse Pointe Woods, MI Sunday 12-5 p,m. (~ f. Wnrr.,;] 884.7740 Mon.• sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p,m, 14522 E. leHem.n 20923 Mack ;800 Vi, 14 Mile Rd. at Crooks Rd. Thul'$... Fri. 'lfl 9 p.m. 17931 E. Warren 18590 Mack at Warren 21142 Mack I Royal oak, MI • ~ 881-4233 822-0901 280-2833 j' . 884-6120 I w. occ.pt 01/ mojor C,.dit 881-7800 881-5550 ~ CordJ by phon. ,) ,1Z ! • •••• sn pppa?? ? P Fm p s 2 spass. SFP p 7 .PSE • ci. S i .•~'::-;;,,"i''' e__ IIIl. .q_...... _.....4_ ...... _ ..... ,..,. __ 4~..---r~~---~--r~~ e a $ 4 4 l

    Thursday, May 31 1979 G R 0 SSE P.o I N TEN E W S Page' Nine ------_._------_ .._._-_._------_._----.------_._------...... , New fql~,J!~~~..~ud!!et. J.~:Q,J.l.tainsMaior MjJ~tone I. MACLD ~la,~~_La~tMeeting. i .. , .. " .... __ ~- \oJ.. "... 1 1;,,, Gi,,~~C p,~~r'.~?,.rh,?Jltprll'hoJOlllst at. the Famll~.i-'IIANn.-'I. n-"n'nru" .-.8 po~~~llt::u$~:~~:'~1g~e~d), i th:f~i~i~~:'~rr;:~~;~~t~~ t ~~~~ti~~~ i~~~~!:~~~gg~~~!~;:fm~f::~rth:.~~~:~~~l~~~~~ II' ~~r t~li~~~~:g~~thAS~~~ra:.:~~r.~~:~~~ub~~~~; :;?~C;~ho~1 " "~"- 'Ii~.. . "0"" '-'U' " '~'r..'-[.MIOII..I-.a school psychologist. contract.s must be bargaine.d ~ ~llb,lalllial. increase ill park. severe winter weather, and eted. for the cleanup costs I ing at the Central Library. I They ar.e both therapisls al OF OUR NEW EASTSIDE 5TO with all employe groups thiS mg weler VIOlations. A dual the adverse effect of this aCter ,his year's ice storm, I 10 Kercheval avenue, on the Midwest Educational Re. year, the budget for legal effect o! the hiring was the weather upon our tree pop. The federal disaster admin. Tuesday, May 15. at 7:30 p.m, sources Center. ices m:xt yeai' has been I rclc:lsc of, ~:Jlice officers for ulatian," Mr. Brcmer said. I istration later decided not to William Irving and Gloria If parents with a learning NOW T:OM A V 8 '.:;:;:cd ~5 ~crcc::t. nthpr rlnhes ,,,,,.h ,,~~~pprl Rp(",,, rli~!,m,,1 ."MI~ "rp !'::::::!c!"rc!ie! :::~~~~t~,,"':,In "ny I R ... o"hvp will discuss the I disabled child are interested • I' ,1"\ I th Well over Its budgeted enforcement. The net res~lt currently .approachl~g, $80 a I M1chir,an communities, anj I "Emotional Aspe~ts of Learn.! in joining the chapter they" - _ ~mount for last year were has been a 50 pereent Ill. ton, he sa,d, while cllmg the The Farms is now stuck with] ing Disabled Cluldren." may contact Sue LeClere at I salaries in ~oth adrninistra- c:ease in co~\rt and traffic i~crease in costs as "illustra. an estimated $60,000 bill. I Mr. Irving is a staff psy. 884.6378. Stt..\,'E 'U'O "'"IU'" !;V"Q..~ tion and polIce departments, flOes. live of the types of cost in ---- 1"'\'" I ""'_ I with policp. falling short by The fire department stands creases over which the city $20,OCO of its projected fig. to receive :J new five.inch has little control," The city's n Super 8 Sound A1VA1i"\\/i.o. ~~.. ure this year. hose system, that is expected garbage bill will go up about VY I'V' Salaries for other employe to cost $5,000. Mr. Bremer, 35 percent this year,' due [ " groups fell fairly dose to notes, however, the city will mostly to federal and state budgeted figures, while the require a demonstration of pollution control mandates at fire department is expected the new system before it pur. the Pointes' refuse authority to wind up with more than chases it. incinerator plant. $10000 in surplus at the end The Farms plans to buy The public improvement i of the fiscal year, chiefly as four marked and one un. a~ount .has been increased i a result of the de\)artment marked patrol car next year. some $40,000 for next year, I being one man short for over Mr. Bremer. in response to up to a figure of $180,000'1 six months. City Manager a q~estion. ~r~m.. a cou~ci! ?f this, ~O,O?? is pl~n~ed t~ Andrew Bremer saId tests I memoer, Sl

    !. ca~~:T~t~ft~~e~ri;~d:le:.:1Fire Damages i 'Ont., Canada also are propos-' ' . • ing franchis~s to Woods of- Home In Woods ficials. srlhor~ti~Eye:nPd~ccattd to II Woods officers responded " W.. QO S CI zens I I e --_'_'_1 ... ~ ~ "no "l"rm fire ..c. th",,' n;tv in ~ 1::n.P{'!l.::-1 p:l",,,.t.inn I QUJC';A.1J' ,"v ...... ------, • I

    ::~~~~~F~~"fh:~J~~K-~;:~ii~~:'~~nts~~~itu1~~~~p.~:aYi:'I' "'.." tion into cable TV and the I nue,. on urs y', ' "';;',' ponsible authorization of a con11fmmg the bla2e to thde franchis via an advisuiY W,L .b:tween th e garage an ::.~: t e . the hvmg room. .. '10~~anwhile, in The Shores, The alarm was callej .in at r" Of' there are strung indications 12:45 a.m. when a ~eSl~ent ~:: that the city will accept a S!J1e~ledthe smoke as It filled, ,~:" franchise with Cox Cable, :~. 1 tne n~use. .. __ I cording to Village President I ,Off~cers, und~r,_~ne ~~I1~-1 ;;.:~ Gerald C. Schroeder. ltland of Lt. ,t'.1,,," S",b)i, ._~ Mr. Schroeder staled that promptly doused the blaze, , The Shores hasn't signed any but .not before there was' :x. ~:. agreenent with Cox at this tenslve s m 0 ked .am.a 0 ~ .: point, but is pre~p.ntly nego- . througho~t the. entIre .~~~ .'~. tiating with the company. I dence. Tnere alSO Wi1~ ~V!"1; I • - ," Q' "Ie ... "'-:on -~" damaee to the wall £eparatmg i:: -.;ox an "' ga v 1:)1 1 ", I; I - hr' I ,'~ similarly in the process of the garage from t e 1VmgI - . t h . d room , presen~mg e ~~ pr?pose I Th~ fire was blamed on a I ',: franchises to offiCials In The f It tl t .. th all as City and The Farms. au y ou e m .~ .\~ . City Manager Thomas w.1 the outl~t shorted a.na 1.gOltedI \ Kressbach of Grosse Pointe I combustlble material m the II City indicated that, while of- g2.~a~:.:" ,,~.. no"; i .r"t< reo ,; > ficials haven't reviewed either ~U"'"v.~.C ..~ .n,u.l__ , franchise proposal, it would ported. m3ke "good sense" to review The ex.tent of the total them with other Point~ com. d~mage w~ll have to b~ deter- munities to see what each mme~ by msur3nce adJustors, I cable company has to offer. offiCials added. , Farms City Clerk Richard ------I G Solak said officials will KNOW IT A.LL . . Int.nll....lnn th. r~view each proposal some. A college education IS an I aalauu.v...... u time in May when they are as~et except ~o stude.nts who brought before the counci! thmk therc IS nothmg else 1 for consideration. I to learn. Plainand SiDlp eLoan. There's more. We'll send you a final statement. It's different from the traditional type of install- It'sanother way ManwaCturer8 so there are no surprises on your last payment. ment loan. With our new Plain and Simple Loan, can heip you make it. We'll tailor payment terms to fit your budget. We you have flexibility, The faster you pay, the less offer you an optionallow-eost credit life insur- Our exclusive new Plain and Simple Loan you pay. It's up to you. Here's an example: ance policy. We have an automatic repayment actually rewards the borrower who pays early. plan. And, upon request, we'll send you an bJ John Lundberg Because the faster you pay it off, the less The simple interest loan annual tax report. You mighl say Ihal wine has Ihree lives. including interest you pay. Ihe ~'ineyard, Ihe val, and Ihe hollle. The quafil)' of vs. \'ineyard life has 10 flo ""jlh ~oil, .wealher, and .vine, The traditional loan You decide how you pay seeyour dealer orsee us. as weii as tiu~ (,;8i"cla~~.i by ::1;: "'lueYiu,.J lu.ulH'ietiif. Our new Plain Qnd S:mplc Loan. V"Jcthink it's a Compare how you can save. j1iU sai'B. Val life depend!'; on timing, fermenlalion, /lnd from, ...how much better kind of loan, and it's the only kind of loan whal Ihe val is made. 801lle life depends on lime • You borrow $4,500 for 36 months. You only pay interest for the actual number of agair., cGolness, end slahilily. 8UI,.1 Ihi.nk I fOTl/;ol one we make. It's flexible. fair, understandable, and • Your ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is days you have the loan. So if you make an early gives you more control over your money. So for imporlanl life, Ihe liff' of Ihe wIRe m. )'our ~oulh. 12.87%. payment-say, five days early-or jf you Thai depends ('nlirel,. on your tRsle and IS Ihe ultImate your next car, boat, home improvement or for e Your total FfN,<\NCE CHARGE is $944.64. choose to make a lump sum prepayment-say, If'st of any wine. any worthwhile purpose, see your dealer and • Your payments are $151,24 Pflf month for a after a windfall like a tax refund-your balance insist upon the Plain and Simple Loan from The ultimalf' lest of any heverag(> is Ihe pleasure total of 36 monthly payments equaling is reduced instantly and the FINANCE CHARGE Manufacturers Bank. Or visit any of our more and salillfaetion it hrinl/;s 10 thr ronsumer. Whalever $S,444,G4 is then figured against the new. lower principal. Ihan 70 offices. your parlicular lasle ma)' be, you will find a pleasing • You decide to make extra payments. Three And if you payoff the entire loan-say, six selection al FAHKiE's PAnT\' SHorrE, 17255 !M~!!k, monirls alter the loan )'uu mako 0:1extra months early-you SAVe six months of corner or :;1. Uair. 'We fcalure Ihe drinkable delighls payment of $300. 12 months later you make FINANCE CHARGES. So you can save a lot of Ihal pro\'ide Ihe salisfaclion to all tasl~s .. So Ii\'(> a money. It's up to you. lillie lasl ...a lillIe, and we are sure you WIll hnd some- another $300 extra payment. Ihin~ )'ou like al PARKIE's.I)i\RT,\' SHOPPa-:. Open I o With our Plain and Simple Loan, you save ~ .!.O~IO i\Jon;-":hurs., 10-11 hi. & Sal., nooo-IO Sun. $186.40 In Interest costs . Youunderstand exactly 11'1. 88i)-Ou2u. , I • With the traditional loan, you save only Toils $8.52 In Interest costs. what you sign. Mr iiaDIl:' If llllE IJ ISUOM: I All our loans are written in !;Uch plain language, • With our loan, the difference In savings Is Zinfandds Rrf' good with all red meals and fowl I you'll never have to wonder ~gain what you ~I Ihal is roasted or slewed. $177.88. ._-----1 signed to get the monoy i'l5u want. Member FDIC Equal OPDorlUMyL:..rler>:1er I I


    'S Rcr=C55 7 57.n •• p,snZRSOO.'tc"'-Z=er" '7'"it:rc? 3Se-'" • to _ n n '0. m.-.-. "---"~'--'---_. - -_ . - • ThvrsddY, May 3,/979 Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEV-IS , .,;.•.• ~. ,1'.'- '-:W:'.':~~ ...... ;...-._, .


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    Warning: The Surgeon Genera! Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Hcalth. Ughl~",l1 mg "tar,' 0.8 mg nir.otine av, per ciqarette, by FTCmethod. lOO's: 17 mg "ta( 1,1mg nicotine av. per cigaret1Fl, FTC Report May '78,

    - me e •• __ c- MM. -- - , .. ------_ .. ~.-----_-....-.--..-.._-_-._------~- e _!?_,__u..---- ...... ------... ------~~"" .. --<~. ------~. -- - • -

    TbrsdltY, May 3, 1979 G R 0 S"$ E POI N TEN E \41 S Page Eieven ~o excuse is as good as a I Winning an argulWl!1t .i:s a i . I I SERIOUS PROBLEM satl!:!z,:t!Jn' per!crmer<:c, ' ..l°M way to lo!;c a fr •.!., _ •.",'J1.$, Beats ,J;gnnis P OU?Pr'f; to Capture I nvitationa .c ,! .;'''~~~;{:;I~,,':;~~i:~~:;~'~~i~~.:~~ti~~~di~:r~e:;a:rt~ .-t••=.~-;I;~~'8CIXIELAND~ University Liggett School, and G:and Blanc e~C'h.c::~ "~~~y'~e!ln;~ . team arc Kris Imy phl'I'u'iio»Ily. as a coach I ~:~~~g ::::~1~.P:~~~e~:~~lll~;llf~~e:ith;tot:~~; ~i.~~t~~w.." end the (ULS)' took on the two de. two of the seven flights. Robblns, George Peck and and ~thletlc dlfec.!or, and I become a major disability in age children. . CH ET. BOGAN Wolv.rln. J.uB.nd fending state champions in However, ULS placed fh'c in- Doug Rl)se, that IS, 'Every time our "ii=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil-.- ..- Ivery TUESDAY g'P m AT THE LIDO Class A and B and five other dividual or doubles teams in "In my 14 years as varsity players walk onto a court ii ., , ..' . ' :. 24026 E JEFFERSON top ranked Class A Michigan the finals and this depth tennis coach at University they will b~ tested.' Today's I SAFE FLUE . Dmmg, Cocktads (Just North of 9 Mi,) tennis powers and came away I provided the final narrow I Liggett, this was definitely high school tennis player I I, -. . 'a winner. . margin. one of our biggest wins," wants the challenge-a 6.0, ' CHIMNIYIWIIP --~_I on~t;;'nk~dt tev~t~~t~:;'~~~! val~L~a;7~;~;;;; i:~~~ :u~~~ I ~:~.~~~~:e h~Chpla:::rt~ 6-~.~a~~r~~~~it~e~~ai~S;. jlj I - all high schools in Michigan, ber one Singles and Drew many tournaments, but this a thrill for all of us cC!1ncct. finished with 26 points to Mas('arin in the number invitational consisted of the cd with University Liggett to SPRII'IG narrowly defeat Grand Blanc, three Singles. top tennis powers throughout take on the best Michigan which finished with 25. University Liggett finalists I the entire state. has to offer and come out a CLEANING TIME The rest of the field fin- were Gar Knight in the num. "This tournament fits into' winner." ished as follows: East Grand her four Singles night and I F======- .....======....."""""=l'tl Spring cleaning should in- Rapids, 19, Kalaroowo 1.oy the number two and number C' dude a chimney sweeping. Norrix, 14, Rochester Adams, t3ree doubles teams of Mat. Fam-,ly Dental are 14. Ann Arbor Huron, 12, thias Oertle and Jason Ekel- Rid your house of that Midland, 12. and Grosse He, man and Tim Finkenstacdt "sooty" odor caused by a 4. and John Doerer. Other memo 18408 Morang 37060 Garfield dirty fireplace and chimney. , ,ULS, East Grand Rapids bel'S of this year's ULS val'. North of Kelly Corner of 16 Mile I Detroit Sterling - Mt. C. I 881 5893 --- !iTrio Rel)l"eSeni Pointe II ~,...., '''''~n 1,'1Phone - t;:~j::lat~:~,~"" "I In Big Tennis Event Ii o~'-w"v 286-3055 !Ii oC"m •• , .. ,••• "."., ..

    Three Pointe tennis cham. title. One of the country's I 1 pions will help represent most talented young players, Michigan in the "Seventeen" she wiIJ be jumping two age Sunday Dining magazine fourth annual Ten- groups to play in the lS-and- nis TourlUlment of Cham- under division this year. She 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. pions, Tuesday through Sat. is ranked number one in the Award Winning urday, May 15 to 19 in Mis. WTA 14's and number two in Menu sion Viejo, Calif. the country. She is number 31301 Cratiot at 13 Mile They are Susan Mascarin 16 in the U.S. 16and-under f(ose.iIJe res. 29:i-4500 of Webber place. Elizabeth rankings. ------I Wachter of Lewiston road A ninth grade honor roll and Evelyn Lucido of North I stuuent ai uJliversity Liggett I Oxford road. I School, Sue won the Inde- Winners and runners.up pendence Bm?,l IS-aad-under I I will receive trophies in. each tournament In Shreveport, I of three age divisions 14- La .• last December and was and-under, 16-and.under' and a finalis.~ i~ the national. In- IS.and.under. In addition, a do.or G~rls 16 ChamplOn- "most promising junior play. ships. Though only 14, her er of the year" will be an. past success makes it no sur. ' noun.ced at the tourney, se- prise she plans to become Iected from the field of 208 a pro. players by a committee of Sue is the daughter of Dr. executives from the United and Mrs. Telesforo Mascarin. ,States Te~mjs Associa~ion I Liz, 15, wi!! cum pete in and the Bnnker FoundatIon. 16-and.under play. A ninth I The most promising play. grade student at South High er will be awarded a trophy School, she won the state Eff~ctive Thursday, May 3, through Wed., May 9, 1979' fROM I and a. travel grant to cover high schoo! finals champion- ~ =- - ~ s~!'!nW!~f$ Itournament expen.ses for one ship, playing in the number I ~. TO StEAKS! year .. :such piayers ~s Tracy one posii.ion fui' the team. I IIAustm .and Anne SmIth, both Rankcd number 10 in the CARRY OUT : n?w highly-regarded profe~. WTA 14's and number 44 in I 'S NOR AVAILABLE i s.lOna.lS,.have captured thIS the country, Liz was the win- RAM . Senior C,'ixonl I htle In tn'! past. 1 ner of the Michigan State DilCount \0% Susan, 14, was the winner Closed 16's last June. She ~7U~01 . o RESTAUR ANI f~ilII'lw.,. 0'.1 $2.jOJ f 1 st ' 17410 MACK AT ST. CLAIR \ p.m.-10 !t.m. Q a years ,l4--and-under reached the third rounds of both the Western Closed 14's 7.tJ. ,0 . DAILY l' 'N. and the National Girls' 14 per annum W£OUA!EDFEASSMOOUTSSF,DIl SPECIALS Iggett I ne I c1ay Court~, and the round I n P t 2 W. Io~ 16 dUrIng the Interna-. :=ft:i:.:si~. I $3.ge J' OS. -- ~S ~~~i, O;r~ge Bowl Ws in 1\1\ • C-ul c ,'- • tclolfl ,.., y" • 2. 3 • r"," I'lso ' IIllftI W...... Irs., ., 4Ill The University L i g get t Liz is the daughter of Mr.

    :;=..Dt"=..~ C.~'IBaked Be~f Short Ribs . SChO.O.1•..(U.JLS. ~), basebaIl tea.>n and Mrs. Robert Wachter .. ("om ..... ~l with tomato sauce" maintained its unblemished Evelyn, 14. is an eighth \ •• 110Hili"L_ 11-..... "'- rt M 4: ,., ''",. d h Ii - c_ "._"",,rIM F..', ..,' I rprCOM"'Dy-"pOSting victories I g~a e nO!lor ro student at '. ... :u~ -. I'SCQliOPS or Lake Perch I \lyer RammuTt..:k ii~d Detrvit ~1.lr L!\d~ S~ar of the Sea i "" Tarter sauce & weCge of I Country Day last week. ULS uchopl. Sne 1S ranked num I ,; .. -, •. : BELGIANWAFFLESI lemon. currently stands atop the bel' six in the WTA 14's and I L~.A .. b'eakr.st0'" • d.... r'( SIt & S.... M., 5 & 6 Metro. Conference with a 4-0 n?mb~r ~. in the country. I effective annual yield* ti..r.-.....'."..'...... :.. ~:~.~~~ ...:'t:b~~~ Roast

    MAIN FlOOR $2.50 I ,.,"'. -'II :~:r:::~:~::::~€~~:~~:~:~::~~:::::::market certificates durmg 1ne term O[ -;,~ ac;l,;ouni. LOGE $3.00 I third Innmg. • Effectiveannual y.eldissubject to change at renewaland a.ssumes ..• I f T~~ "'!~ i;;~n thalthelnterestrat~~":~it~~~~Ca~:~~:,~~1E~.atbolhtheprlr\eipa1_ I ~~~;;;'l~1~~~~FiT5. i ~:::,,:= ~h1,'~19210 MA~K f l..

    ------11~u menm~~n~h:S plate i~ena ~--.--... w --I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IIIII!!!'!!~'!'iI!IIIIII!~IIIIII!IIIIII!!fIII!!IIIIIII!IIIIII!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!I ",l PERFORMING ARTS ~f~~n'~~v~rf:'~:vi~;~~~~l:u:n:u:i!:n:n:U:i!:HJ!Juuuu ~Iediterr&iieaii Lounge C!JCC!JCt:U:i[]OOCu!Ju Tues., Wed., May 8-9. 8:00 P.M. I'1;Inin th.e f!fth inning with [J Choice ".0 oz." .6390 t;a!litWarren ,',-e. £ X .l Impcl1edand Dom~.'I,e !J hIS sPl'onf'i hIt or the r1)Jv. "" __ , ~-iF •• ..,._!_. &;:, 1. _ II. fine • P'I "AN EVENING OF COMEDY" ,. _. - . -,~. - . -.... 'I a... "' " .. \.-, -.IJI "'N~ Pifli .. ~ \. by th1t C..as! or Bailie !=! I •U LS Will play t~c co.leader !J Potatoes, SouP & Salad . '. 4.35 , I 00 a m -2 00 a m - 7 Days A Week "fIIi;n$ f-p. ..1., 0' 1/2 l't.' C WITH SECOND CITY 01 the Metro \....onfcl'enee_ ~"c)"- "'""~"' •• i" ""d V'U (...c1>IC"oCU • n Main Floor $7.00 loge $8.00 Harper Woods. at the Liggett a r--c:------"'.~_-'-r.. "'''. .\.tbeaiaa U field in Cook road tomorrow, ti ~ Broiled Choice ... & oz:' I' ltlolher"s Day Spet"iab 5 Greek Square Pizza ~ THURSDAY, MAY 10,8:00 P.M. May 4, at 4:15 p.m. !J .'~ Sea York Strip Steak PRIME RIB •...... , .. $9.95! C G S SM .GE [J t • - I POlatoes, Soup to Salad.. /)45 I flO ST TU E $4 25 I Super heese. reek ausage. n "GROSSE POINTES OWN" P"I ~ A RK Y...... • • Green Pepper, Onion, U ""C ~------~---- BAKEDHAM , $4.25 c ~~~~ov~~snroom 4.05 725 C MIKE QUAlRO R R n R.b . (omp/.efe' dU'aner\ .,,(Iude SovP. Solod. il A pleasant drive ...... 'U' ... ~. '!L> . ~ G,.. k b,ood, do,,,,'. II'"'! Main Floor $5.00 Loge $6.00 D A table with a view n Soup & Salad . \. .' :.75 Cheese ~'~u~s~~roor~~mu~,.~~,Green C;.a 1------..----, M " of freighters passing I U 1/2 Order • nail)' S.)occial 385 675 SATURDAY, MAY 12,8:00 P.M. . .. and the most I:i Whole Order 7.95 SOUP & SALAD Ci JAZZ ROCK FUSION 0,. ~ ENTHf.C -~ I Cheese: Greek Sausage. Onion. 1"'1 SPYO GYRA SUMPTUOUS J I ~ Double Shi!lih-l\a-U.Jb L__~_ 2 35 ~~ Cheese Mushroom,. ;;: ::: ;.aD II !..! Syro"n Bflllld. Pota(oes & Main Floor $" ~o Loge $7.50 C Greek Salad, Soup. 425 Broned llh~t-= Fi ...h - PLUS - C Potatoes. Soup & Salad . 415 ALLPIZZASCOMEWITH II'"'! ~sunday I C Sew York Steak FREE GREEK SALAD "" SUNDAY, MAY 20, 8:00 P.M. P'I Sandwieh on BMn Fried Filet ot PerCh,Pot'loe;: Soup& s;~j51 (.reek !ialad P"I ~ I) I Small 165 "" "PUT ON YOUR ROCK & ROll SHOES" C W,lh POlltoes . SOup. 2.75 Broiled Filet ot Pickerel.Pot.toes.Soup& Sliad 4:J5 C JOE JACKSON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Mea'um 195 ~IIti Londnn Droil ---- .----. --. large 295 C Plus - THE ROMANTICS i~~~-~~~~Cookod 10 your Tasle Hou!lie Speelal t'rn~ .,e~, ~ C Main Floor $7.50 Loge $7.50 D Au IUS, POlaloes. .~ .~ 10:00 -2:30 C Soup & Slllad OS PotAtoes, Soup & Salad • OS Shh,h.Ka.Boh Saadwlch ." C ;;; 11 n • On Syroanaread. Soup. 2.25 C ~ .1 C r---(-~-';-~-'~-.•n-.--;;-~-.•-.~-~-,;;;n-~-d---~ MARTINI ~~::it.l ~ Delu~e pOI.t;:'.S;~C'd Ha. &. ~.S5 C "Pu,..C!" !!~!~~~Y..,~~."_""n... _ the. ..._ " 1 ~ Hannon,. Houae IGrolse Ple/Wllrrenl ~puntnU ---I! JU!'Y I:i I ur.OUnd ROuna. :;oup 145 ~ I ~ "00 •.• "'.~:~: ..~..yo' •• r "d" ..L. Swl~~"hee.e C Marty'l J. IBlrm.1 ~ .,. ""C'" I W,thCheose.Soup...... 16.5 -. , n D Fun Moon {R".,"... ,er) ~t~ w~lUJe C I W,l/lGreek Cheese,Soup ~ ~ _.n~iO" Gre&:k .. i'.~:t ~ San(1wlChWithahced Tom.l~a. So,",::, 175 Sam'l JemllFemd&1e1 ThNlr. for AI ReMon. Schoolkld.IA2) I C . Homemade Soup. bowl 65 ' 0 Coff... 5on.ocndT"" 45 cC .. , 0 Minutos from elfher tile Clldleux or More» i7 Mile Ad.1 exile on 194 .. C Fr,ed MushrOOms 1.S5 Ill;,," 45 21 Kercheval Ave. - Phone: 343-0484 I C Ci\R R T 0 (:TS 6~:n~;~~~es& Conage ""es .~ ~~:~;eacake 1.~ BAN QIJETS C Grosse POinte. 8elwl)o'l Cadieux & Moro!\s I CCCCCCCCCCCuCuCCCCCCCDCCCDCCCCDCDCCCCODCCCCCCD

    rt ~ -"' ...... '.-.-.~ _ • :ft .-_ ,- . •••e •••.-•• = rer •.-.. «.-'..e:._ ...... ,"0,


    -. ON APPEALING CUL-DE-SAC Charming 4 bedroom semi ranch home in lovely area of WOODS. Den overlooks backyard, dming WE ARE PLEASED room has bay window, bedroom and bath in basp,. men!. HIlS newer furnace. new rool and Is near TO ANNOUNCE THAT Sweeney Park. ON N. RENAUD Larger 4 bedroom semi ranch, Family room, ~ew dishwasher llnd disposal. In prime arc:a of ii I WOODS, !!! ~tifi4 Df S~a :.:erlsh, Re.rnes and .1 n;V~\';..;;.. ~H ~c~~~!.e. EITHER/OR I" H,'\S jOiNED OUR STAFF Pui<;ha~e house "lone or with a{\jacent lot in i this prestigious area of Farms. Constructed and I l,.lF PROFESSIONAL finished by artesians of bygone days, it would be difficult and almost impossible to duplicate at 1979 prices, A mini mansion with many bed. RE.'\L TOR ASSOCIATES I rooms and baths. A phone call will give you , '. ~ many details. _.r: ._ ,',. ~ GROSSE POI NTE SCHOOLS I For this 3 bedroom colonial in Harper Woods, .. nlCltching people and houses Family room has fireplace . I with imagination" I )!cmber of Grosse Pointe Real New Offering Ne'l(,'Offeri1!g Ectate Board and Metropolitan Listing Service. Beautiful 2402 square foot brick ranch with cen. Air conditioned home on a large lot with la.wn sprinkler s~'stem. Five king sized bedr<)oms, t\n\ tral air conditionin~ and a Home Wau8nty. 83 KERCHEVAL Three bedrooms, 2~ baths. Dining room, family fuli and one half baths. Big formal dining r\\{lm. I room fireplace, 1st !loor laundry. Finished base. the Florida room is 2C x 2'1 feet. Basement 886-3400 19846 MACK AVE, 886-4141 ment with a kitchen and IIz bath. recreation room. I,II 886*5800 886-4200 II The Right House •I open l\ouse For Your Family [-II Next Sunday 2.5

    1441 ALINE 656 LINCOLN A brliht and charmIng, 3 bedroom ranch with A dignlfled Engllsh style home, beautifully a famiiy rOom in a neij;lhborhood of homes that locl1t~d for convenience to Village shopping and show loving care. Priced below $70,000. schools. Three bedrooms, screeened terrace,' re- 886-4200 modelled kitchen, new wiring, new drive. Real. istically priced. 1826 HUNT CLUB When you see this home you will know why 886-4200 colonials are the all.time favuDte. It is just beautifully_liv!lble, ~ith it's two ni'epl~ces, n!<:'e n \ ';tanii\t 3 miip'ie.Uiliit ldtel:11ln with.' built In.! 19611l0Si-YH I ~.'l1if{;e' om%~,lCa'tPl!ntTg '\brul:lut.";...... ,. . ., ~ ""; ':":. " ~- . ~ A cheerful small home at a budget price, with , 886~4200 nice new decorating. Two bedrooms, updated kitchen with dining space and all apliances. 1209 NOTTINGHAM Finished basement. Spring cleaning wouldn't even be necessary in OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 r 'this newly d~cor~ted fau!" b~droom brick colonial. 886-4200 l'his is a griu;iuiiB family home with !!l! those 25 VERNIER ROAD essential modernizing jobs recently complettld- GROSSE POINTE SHORES iI{ new kitchen, concrete, furnace, gutters. It is a 2051 RIDGEMONT Situated on a nicely landscaped 96x173' site just off Lakeshore Drive, this well. I I maintained 3 bedroom brick 1% stor~' is icleally located. Its aecoruodatiom; include a Budget priced bungaiow (under $40,000) with a iiatun'il fireplace, s,,"parate dinin~ room with bay, paneled den, good kitchen break. Home Warranty which gives you nice protection. • 141:':O:~E~886-~200d'Y. fast area, 2 bedrooms down and a large 2c' bedroom up offering greai ~toiag€ arc::. Ii Three bedrooms, enclosed porch, first floor A most unusual SHORES buy at just $89,500. 88~-0600. laundry. Recently redecorated. Charming Cape Cod on a very desirable street. ALSO OPEN SUNDAY ... 1 Thl"i'!e generous bedrooms, two full baths, an 886-4200 17449 MAUMEE-A spacious Eng1ish Townshouse offering 3 bedrooms and 2'h baths PLUS 2 bedrooms and .I excellent kitchen, a beautifully landscaped y:U'd with sprinklers. Priced under $90,000 and that I bllth on the 3rd floor. Also' included-natural fireplace, large dining room, all fresh decor in a choice corner unit offering extra privac~'. 884.0600. '. includes all appliances, window treatments and 289 RIDGEMONT :: excellent carpeting. An unusual offering. 290 RIVARD-Another English Townhouse offering the spaciousness of a private home with the conveni. 886-4200 A spacious older home that has been lovingly ence of a condominium. 4 bedrooms, 2'h baths AND 2 additional bedrooms and bath on the 3rd floor. Also .:"I remodeled and restored tr.ruout. New heating, II included are a Horary, large dining rOOiil, lcitch€n .ount,ins. finished basement and new decor. 884-0600. :' 1832 ROSLYN NEW OFFERING roof and carpeting. Big dining room and a large iamily room \vith a Fr~nk!in !!rep!a.~e. Thrp.~ II gO STILLMF.ADOW-Luxurious 2'year-old COLONIAL in prime Grosse Pointe Shores location offering the Attractive alumUlum bungalow with an expansion large bedrooms, two full baths, first floor half finest in gracious living. Over 3,800 square feet - include .; b~l1ruums, p::nded den. f"mi1y room with fire. Hi I attIc. Low heating bills. Newer roof. Tiled and bath. place, beamed ceiling and extra large kitchen with all built ins. Immediate occupanc)' is available. 881-8300. partitioned waterproofed basement. Big 2:n car garage. Occupancy at closing. $44,900. 886~4200 1039 YORKSHIRE-Attractive and spacious 4 bedroom, 216 bath classic COLONIAL with many fine leatures ~~.. I 886-4200 including large bedrooms, kitchen built.ins, paneled den, 22.8x14' family room with Franklin stove. screened I: porch, attached garage and much more! 881.4200. ~.II 2065 LANCASTER 1105 HAMPTON NEW OFFERiNG III 1607 YORKTOWN-Lccatcd in the popular University. Liggett area. this 4 bedroom. 2\~ bath Colonial is a I nicely j:lanned .home well suited to family living. Master 'bedroom (24xI4') with adjoining oath, kitchen An attractive brick bungalow with rich stone Brick two bedroom Cape Cod. New roof, new built.ins, family room, fireplace, centr:ll air and ~ttached gara~e, Immediate occupancy. 881-6300. trim that just feels like home. Two bedrooms furnace, Drapes and curtains, Fireplace. library, on the first floor, a very large one upstairs, and n I ! I , s\ln room, remodeled no wax kitchen with a new OTHER FINE OFFERINGS SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT a cheerful Florida room opening to a pleasant dishwasher. Basement, Barbeque, Big ~W. c:u' patio. Formal dining room. Reduced to the II JUST LISTED in convenient Grosse Pointe Wuuus locatiun is this 3 bedroom, g~ bath brick 'R ANCH. Accom. garage. n I low 60's. odations include natural fireplace, separate dining room, large family room. basement games room and I 264-3320 886-4200 I'J attached garage. $98,500. 881-6300. I GROSSE POINTE FARMS-A "ready for new owner" 3 bedroom RANCH with farr.il:; r""m. Th~ llir ('ondi. i I' I SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT i tioned interior has ncarl~' all been redone. great games room with bar anj kitchen, and attached garage. I i 884-0600. ANOTHER NEW OFFERiNG liGGETT AREA HA:'.IrTON ROAD-Young marrieds-this well kept 3 bedroom RANCH handy to' ~rason School could be just right fo~ you. Natural fireplace. separate dining room, famiiy room, recreaiiun room and wooded lot I: I Beautiful English colonial condominium town. The perfect home to introduce you to a more i ! with patIO all for $65,000. 884-0600, house in the popular Berkshire Complex, Three relaxed way of life because it is covered by our I bedrooms, two are kinlt size. Two full and one Home Warranty, Three bedrooms, two baths, I LINCOLN ROAD-An outstanding 3 bedroom English offering comlortable family living in a popular Grosse half baths. Basemc~~, Attached garage with an formal dining room, family room, a great kitchen Pointe City location. Accomodation include an upto-the.minute kitchen. family room with built.in enter. clectric door. complete with appliances. Finished basement. tainment cente~ inclu~!ing wet bar, ~tereo and teleVISion. aii spacious roUIl1~ alld &lhll::hcu gatag>;, Transferred owner offers ImmedIate occupancy. 884.0600. 886-5800 886-5800 I NORTH OXFC?~D-.Spaci~us 4 bedroom, 2',~ bath. Earlr A'!1~ri('an Colonial with everything you necd for com. fortable hVlllg lllcludmg large bedrooms, famIly SIZe dmmg room with bay, paneled library gamcs room with fireplace, glass eMloserl tel race. central air and attached garage, 881-6300. ' FOURTEEN OFFICES IN FOUR COUNTIES STRATF:0RD PLACE-Exciting new con~truction ?f 4 bcdroom.

    A:\ake The Right One By Contacti ng A GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTt PARK GROSSE POINTE WOODS , - 82 Kercheva I 884-0600 16610 Mack 88l-4200 19790 Mack 881-6300 Member Broker Today! DETROiT OFF ICE - 11~OO Morang - 8.39-4/00 II I I , • 34 := 3 3 3 3 s 65353 3J 4


    MINI APARTMENT! OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5:30 WM,J, Search your memory Happiness Is 2303 SANDERS S. C. S. for the last time you . . . avoiding c6stly mistakes that are DON'T JUST DRIVE BY had the opportunity to apt to arise when one attempts to sell What you see is not what yO\! get Four bedrooms- pick up an all brick larger than average, two full baths plus a family Cha!!!ionANO COMPANY or buy a home without prop~r direction. fourp)ex in Grosse room demand your personal inspection. The 60 102Kercheval 884-5700 Pointe for under $80,' Just as it pays to have an experienced profes. seconds it takes from curb to front door may change sional guide with you while going on a safari ... your address. Under $60,000. r-:-r-R' ...,r 000 ... then call quick ln_..r-r -r .....; J "'\...-"]- I• you'!! also find it pay!: to put yourself in the Iiii, I" IIf hands of a professional real el>tate c(msultz:nt I I 11025 CRAFT \A./h;tti€r-HGYc~ cree 111 Oiiice Open !_iunday - S~turde;, 9:00-5.30 when you are seiling or Duying a ;JUme! II Super. neat, bungalow ready to move in quickly. I III ::lunday 11:00-5;00 , . OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 1 Di'ning room, two bedrooms, paneied den, natural We apply our daily efforts toward matters of fireplace in the living room, finished basement. Cus. OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 - 5:00 70 LOCHMOOR real estate in Grosse Pointe. II tom draperies and all appliances included. $33,000. I ,'. i 803 Pemberton Road Just off Lakeshore. On a spacious, attractively land. We invite you to use our services. I scaped yard in Grosse Pointe Shores, there's an RENTAL Fleetwood, Grosse Pointe Woods. Two bedroom Colo- SPACIOUS AND GRACIOUS! absolutely gorgeous Center Entrall~t! Colonial. The nial, 11/2 car garage, carpeting, draperies. Available This NEW OFFERING has a wonderful floor .. all new family room is just one of the outstanding June 1. $400 plus utilities. One year lease. Security plan and quality features - allowing beautiful features of this special 3-bedroom, 2'.11 bath Colonial. deposit. No children ot pets Prefer Couple Only. living space for the fortunate family who will Under $~OO,Ooo. Look Here!! , . Open Sunday 2.5 purchase this home. The large living room is en. ii 16921 E. JEFFERSON harn:ed by a natural fireplace and bay window. ., Attractive 3 bedroom. 2~ bath Colonial The over.sized dining room is next to an up. As sure as spring is in the air this exciting brand • Only 3 short blocks to Star of Sea dated kitchen. The separate breakfast room has new contemporary is going to be snapped up by I • Oversized kitchen-modern a large bay. The library is paneled in gumwood IIsome smart purcha~er who knows the valUe of a • Family room 22x14 and leads to a screened porch. Four bedrooms II " Central air~sprinklcr s)'stem and two baths are on the second floor. The base. .. truly unique Contemporary structure. A purchase I I now will avoid a big disappointment later-$179,5001 • Paneled ga,i;i;;; :,oom ment is completely finished with a game room, • Natural woodwork an att.active family room with a natural fire- SPECIAL CUSTOM RANCH • Quick possession place, separate laundry and furnace rooms. Close to schools and transportation . Unus!!!!! 6 room brick ranch. 2 bedrooms, living 19968 WEDGEWOOD .' South of Fairlord room that measu'res 30 feet. Professionally land. I,ll BY APPOINTMENT :scaped front with sprinkler system. Lot measures I 100 x 350 with fruit trees. Fireplace in dining Proudly Set I I room; no basement; central air. A real potential in a choice central area of Grosse Pointe Shores gas saver; nice residential East Detroit neighbor. I III near Lake 81. Clair, Star of the Sea Parish, etc. I head new at lIn extra reasonable $64,500! 19081 This newer 4 bedroom Center Hall Colonial has Collinson. I many desirabie ieatures. Custom built by Walter I Mast Co. Large rooms . . . Heated swimming " pool. Central air conditioning, sprinkler system, TAX SHELTER AT A NEW LOW PRICE and more. Move-in condition. Contact one of our ~nnbmuu $84,500 consultants for full particulars and/or appoint. ment arrangements prior to Sunday. Here's a 5/5 income in the Farms, now generating II 'ittet & 'inutrf $675 a month plus a great tax shelter to some wise First Offering III investor. Take a look at the money you're sending Choice Grosse Fointe City location near Village ' I 'to "UJIcl~ Whiskers" . . . then let us show you how shopping, neighborhood club playground, etc. , .. I ~ut. .. .to send him less! 316 Hillcrest. AND offering a dramatic ~ny room whieh over. ... looks brick patio, fonnal garden panorama. First r------For the discerning buyer------, SPRINGllME SHINES BRIGHTLY- ,. SURE IT'S SMALL, BUT ... floor bedroom, 2 upstairs. Call for details. $82,500. on this lovely executive home in Grosse Pointe :It's only $18,500 and cute as a button. It's a Cozy . Truly a house. for all seasons our llewly.listed Shores. Your assurance of fine quality, superb ~: cottage in Harper Woods, near Eastland and the Call us . . . The Helpful People offering just off Windmill Pointe Drive has design and construction is evidenced in this fam. :: .X.way. No basement, two bedrooms , . "is this that ily home. This splendid residence was designed ~ three lovely fireplaces to beautify and chase ,., ;elusive "starter home" you've been searching for? the chill from a cool Spring evening. For for livability. Spacious living room with connect- ... BORLAND ASSOCIATES Summer days a beautiful Marlex pool, land- ing screened porch, graceful dining room with .. of scaped to perfection with patio and gas large bay window, intimate paneled library with grill. The included lot provides a rare op- fireplace and convenient kitchen with breakfast portunity for the purchaser's choosing- area can be enjoyed with pride. Master bedroom whether it's to be just plain elbow-room. has adjoining bath, heated sun ~rt':h and fire. .-. ~"..~ . tennis court or smart investing. _A~new :p}ll,ee•. There are five adliitioll!fl. bl:~qc~.:l~!ld EARL KEIM Mutschler kitchen, with breakfast area over- two baths .on tne .se«lnd.,hoor."'hl!&.,li.ome-.\s i,. looki ng the pool is Clplus for entertaining I tastefully decorated, immaculately dean and per- fectly maintained. Please call for your private .,. IffiAliI'¥:-- I as is the large step-down living room and .. i family room. This gracious home oiiers the Ii' ::h.~'E!ng. I . .1 f gance in style and dimension and up.to-date 100 Ken:hevaI '" 'I s_u_p_e_r_b_c_o_m_.b_i_na_t_io_n__ O_f_ir_r_e_p_la_c_ab_l_e_e_l_e-__ , " convenience and maintenance. - ! Lt ~ ~i:rms, The Grosse Pointe Office III' ~ Here is a large. lovely family home at a small-house I price. For under $130,000, you'll fi!Jd a'l immac. I !II"~"~''''I:~,..l;.i,_•• ~. -..:...~ ...... _,~~~ 1 1,_1 _._39_S_F_is_h_er~R=o~a_d• l.1'emocr: Natiomvide :FIND.A.HOME__ 8_8_6._3_8o_0Service,__Inc. 11 ulate brick.front colonial, beautifully landscaped III 1 1 with large private patio, iive big family bed. I room!:, an especially large and gracious Master bedroom and bath; 2'h additional baths and lav in basement satisfies the needs of even king. sized families. The kitchen is spacious and mod. ern and the basement is finished with paneled recreation room and wet bar. Service stairs and LOOK NO FURTHER ... attached garage are features to save steps and if you are interested in purchasing a home HIGBIE MAXON, INC, lessen wear and tear. This is a happy house a TRULY ready to live in without the wear and I big family can be proud oi. tear of redecorating and remodeling. 1001 Price reduced to low sixtys. Walking distance to BUCKINGHAM ROAD offers the very finest, schools. There are very few houses of this size quality built residence, tastefully decorated lind ;md charm which will be sold in the low sixty's well maintained-PERFECTION in every detail! II The large living room opens to a breezeway cov- iil Gru5512: Paiute V{ouiis this j-"€ai. Yvu are m:s.s ing a real bargain if you are in the market for ered terrace as well as to attractive New Yurk a three bedroom home and don't make an ap. bluestone patio area. The formal dining room also ;.::., .4 ... , ..• pointment to see this home. . . opens to the patio area. To add to the charm of i, .lis...' this beautiful house, the paneled library has a Open Sunday 2-5 P.M. natural fireplace, as well as built.in bookshelves. The roomy center hall has two large closets and 319 Roosevelt-Grosse Pointe City-Hooseveli b a a convenient powder rcom. Upstai"!'S. yO\! will I charming two block long street, one block find four bedrooms, two baths, in addition to a - -~ east of Rivard. It.s populated with homes that large paneled room which is suitable as a studio. - --- - . ~ y.-. .. II range irunl 1...iiTi~uf~the~C€nt;..ii).and ours :h; one playrOOfll ot ~Atra bedroom. This iGC,ffi is plumb.. ~ . - , ~~ of the finest of its vintage around. Like all homes ~ ,...... , ,-:;::"" ~ ed to accomodate another bath if desired, Service III this one must be "iewed from the inside to be stairs, sprinkler system, two car attached garage. fully appreciated. We win teii you it has three and large lot are just a iew more of the Gut- Fm," OFFERING - • bedro.m, 2" bot' ".".\ly BUCKINGHAM ROAD - Attractive and meticulously bedrooms, a family room and a main floor lav standing features. air conditioned residence in newer section oi the iliCiir.taincd E;:r!y _~m~!,~r:lr. ~o!onial on spacious lot. and invite you to see the other features between I III 2:30 ::!:..! 5:00 p:;.r ~his ~~:n~~y Woods. A first floor den for privacy plus a family Paneled library with fireplace. There are also fire- room with fireplace. Carpeting and drapes included. places in the living Toom, the master bedroom and Warren. Mich. Fire and burglar ::!:lrm system 2 rar attached garage. the paneled rec room, Newer kitchen with built-ins. 19217 Eastborne I Thrl'l' h!,rlroom brick ranch located in one of War- A New price on this well built brick bungalow in Cement patio, 5 bedroom!: on second floor. Screened terrace, patio and 2 car attached garage. New carpeting and drapes III ren's newer subdivisions. Priced to sell. This move-in condition. There are 2 bedrooms on the first floor and one lar~e n(cely done bedroom FIRST OFFERING - Westchester Road. Colonial. in main rooms, hall and master bedroom. Lawn centrally located home will not last long and the sprinkler system. price has just been reduced. upstairs. It also has a full dining room, finished First floor den. '* good size bedroom 'on second. basement and 2 car garage. Located in the Third floor is iinished and has a large paneled bed. Detroit Grosse Pointe School district and close to trans- room with gas iir~lJlace plus another bedroom BALLANTYNE ROAD - 4 bedroom 2h bath cen. I 1 portation and shopping. Call for further details. and a bath Carpeting throughout. 2 car garage. tr:l1ly air conditioned Colonial in great Shores 14062 Pinewood. Solid 2 bedroom bungalow with den Low 90's. location. Family room. Patio with gas grill and I and fenced yard. $17,200. a heated pool with cabana for summer enjoyment. ------Income. Properties 3 BEDROOM quad. level with 3 full baths in Grosse Lawn sprinkler system. 2'h car attached garage. CHAMPION Pointe City. Natural fireplar.e in living room. Grossc Pointe Park-Windmill Pointe Dnvc. l"amily room has electric firep"'ce. 2 car attached DEAD END STREET in the Farms. 4 bellroom 31/" If you thought you missed out on this oul. Sally Clarke Penny Ledlie garage Brick with aluminum trim. Bulit in 1956. bath center entrance Georgian Colonial. Library. standing investment you will be happy to Ann Dingeman Evelrne Rupp Glass enclosed porch. Rec room with fireplace. hear it.s back on the market. One of the Dorothy Healy Jean Wakely WARNER ROAD - 4 bedroom 3'.11 bath Southern 2'f.l car garage attached by brcezeway. 119 foot lot. few truly large incomes built during the Shirley Kennedy Mary Walsh Colonial in ~hni('e' Farms location Attractive fifties. All the fIgures add up to great ben. Lorraine Kirchner foyer with marble floor. The family room and UNIQUE FARMS setting bordering the Country Club efits for the tax smart buyer. BROKERS the Jiving room both have fireplaces. 2 first of Detroit on 2 sides, Spacious Colonial with 192.194 Alter. 2 family flat opposite canal. last Catherine Champion floor lavs Finished basement with 32 foot rce library and study. 5 family bedroums with 3 baths :;trect in Detroit. Large Jiving room plus room, private office and a lav. Brick patio with plus maids' rooms on second. Opcn staircase to lar!'(e din1ng arca. 2 bedrooms. 2 car ga Cathy Champion Dillaman gas grill. C(!ntral air. Lawn sprinkler system and third floor bedroom, bath and playroom. 3 car rage. very nice Land Contract only-good Member the Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board 2 car attached garage. Quick possession. attached garage, 3,4 acre plus lot. investment! $68.000 oc

    612614 Alter. 2 family. opposite canal. 2 bcr!. rooms, 2 car !'(aragc. excellent building. 1 YEAR LIMITED HOME WARRANTY AVAILABLE Land Contrat! vlIly - great investment. "matching people and houses $65.000, with imagination" I Make The Right One I 83 KERCHEVAL 886..3400 I Q)nn~tttutt By Contacting A Member Metropolitan Listing Service Inc., serving Member Broker Today! O(::t;,C'it'sEast Side. Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods, 'itl.i~& 1!~n!J~r,~llr. II ::nd ~H of ~facomb CDunt)\ REALTOR 886.3060 93 Kercheval

    I I I

    777 sessss 7 so.e.«t. ....). J

    Thursday, May 3, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS .... I I I

    FIRST OFFERING: THREE MILE DRIVE ... South TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES of Jefferson, This custom built Center Entrance Colonial is on a lot large enough for a pool and tennis court. On the inside you will find a large S~ marble foyer opening onto spacious rooms in. eluding a family room with a natural fireplace. The 5 bedrooms and 3 full baths are all located Making &.1',~~~~~ 264 MORAN-OPEN SUNDAY 25 P.M.-This nop. uiar cusinm uuiit.-original o;=..'ncr, 2 bedroom, 1'h A '-'Where Stiles (IntI Friends Are Made" bath American Coioniai ift~iUljjjg family rcom, • I ~IT~:~:~)2~~/~0:~;p~~a::c:.~:f::a:~d:~i~:~:'::~: i! 1 I TIIREE FIRST OFFRRINGS i breakfast "L" off kitchen, oversized 21h car ga. convenient to schools, shopping and transporta- II rage, many other special features. Low 90's. tion. Lot large enough to accomodate a tennis Move? ' OPEN SUt\DA Y - 2.5 eNlr!. Unquestionable quality craftsmanship is I , FIRST OFFERING - 1992 SEVERN - Grosse Pointe WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS, this lovely home has evident throughout this custom buiit home that II Woods - custom buill - bl"3nd llew home - the versatility of providing the warm intimacy for was once the pride of a leading industrialist. The family living as well as an excellent home for Make The Right One possession of this new home can be >'ours immed. beautiful detail of the carved moldings, the chan- iately. Feat:Jres include: large living room. formal elegant entertaining. Our Cox & Baker Georgian deliers and fireplaces are appreciated by the Colonial is located on a cul.de.sac in prestigiou!l By Contacting- A dining room, kitchen with built.in dishwas~er- discerning buyer. A large marble fuyer opens disposal, range. Family room with natural fIre. Grosse Pointe Shores. It has 4 bedrooms, 27il onto a spacious atrium with terrazzo floor. The baths, family room, circle drive, central air and Member Broker Today! place _ 1'." baths .- attached (2) car garage. handsomely paneled library with its pegged oak Many extras - gas FA heat, full basement. all the other accountrements one expects in a floor and gracious fireplace compliments the ad- property of this caliber. By appointment only. joining living room with a fireplace. Entertain FIRST OFFERI~G - 1100.02 BEACONSFIELD - Grosse Pointe Park - brick 3-3 income. Felltures WHAT DOES A SIMPLE ASSUMPTION MEAN? It your friends in a charming dining room as you living room with fireplace, formal dining room, me~ns }''C!.! ~~!! ~~S~l!,!,~ this <-onventional m'ort. overlouk the garden through ~ bay winuu\ •. ThE: I kitchen with eating space, Florida room. Full ga.gc at lp'~ l\:). This could be a 21/4% savings modernized kitchen has a large adjoining break- divided basement - new gas steam furnaces - with today's interest rate at or near ii percent. II fast room. Everyone of the five bathrooms has OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 - 5:00 This most attractive feature places 12 STRAT- been modernized and each ~onnects with a spaci- 2 car garage - fenced yard. FOnD PLACE in an en ..:...blc position. Quality ous bedroom. Thp. master bedroom ~.as a large 2344 ALLARD-FIRST OFFERING-This neat 3 bed. 1430 HOLLYWOOD - G:o;;.se Pointe Woods - oniy I room brick ranch is just the ticket for either the has been the iirst consideration in the building sitting room. Purchaser has the option of pur. a few homes in the low 60's have as much charm of this charming custom colonial. Many beautiful chasing a buildable adjoining lot. Please call for starter or retirement couple. Features include a as this immaculate three bedroom brick bungalow. appointments throughout include spacious, for. more details. natural fireplace, an updated. kitchen, a large Features include: formal dining room - kitchen I basement rec room and a 17-foot family room . mal living room, dining room, family room, 4 bed- WAKE UP TO BEAUTIFUL VIEWS OF THE LAKE rooms, 3 full baths, 3 fireplaces, (20x4O) heated last but not least, a realistic price ... $57,900 . ~~~i~~;;:~r~~~~ lH:~e~OO! two11~~a~~~~ge all . . . This fine house, custom built during 1941 Call today for more net ails. pool and much more. Shown by appointment only. with seclusion is located in one of the most full~basement - built in 1941. New Listing: 22465 LOUISE, St. Clair Shores. Abso. desitJble Far.TIs areas. An entire half of a cul- 33 SIIOREHAM-Grosse Pointe Shores-Custom built lutely spotless and adorable! 3 bedroom brick de.sac with a portion for future development. in 1950, this extra large all brick ranch has a custom built ranch in excellent area. Dining Five bedrooms, four baths and powder room 886-1000 lot to offer the prospective purchaser. Three good "L", large kitchen, 2 ear garage. Please call us plus a real library paneIled with black walnut sized bedrooms, 2112 baths, family room, formal for an appointment to go through. with fireplace, garden room plus central air dining room large kitchen with lots of eating conditioning. Property approximately 400' from space, a beahtiful recreation room with natural OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. Why pay rent when you the lake, exceptional construction. fireplace arid wet bar, separate laundry room, could buy a 900 square foot condominium. 22592 Youn,blood furnace room, gas FA, central air, sprinkler Masonic-near .. Seven years old in IN GROSSE POINTE CITY ... Most attractively dec- orat",d Nmnom;n;l,m on I.hp mark"t 'J'hi" vprv system, Don't miss seeing this home very near eAL"eUenLc:ondhiolJ., ujj€ O~Jler .. Qne covered and RaGIIII.ftc. ~I;.. I to the lak~. conveniently Iucated C~~d~-~fie-rs a- ~e; .l\-ruts~h. III • one open parking space. - ler kitehen, new furnace, large master bedroom 19815 SALISBURY.- St. Clair Shores - for the dis- and modernized bath, plus 3 other bedrooms and III I :1 criminating buyer we oiier this immaculate four bath . . TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES 20087 MACK AVENUE • GROSSE POINTE WOODS I bedroom, 1h baih, center entrance colonial, fea- . tures include: 27il car attached garage,' central •. SPECIALIZING IN GROSSE POINTE PROPERTIES air conditioning, assumable 80/4% mortgage :lvail • • able. Call for your personal inspection. • Making Dreams Reality BEST BUY 1045 BRYS - Grosse Poinle. Woods - Immaculate :1 two bedroom brick ranch, with attached breeze- IN THE PARK way and garage - aluminum trim - natural 11 I fireplace' in living room. Hardwood floors - wet plaster - natural wOudwork - marble sills. Charming French cottage style featuring 3 bedrooms, These are only a few of the nice features you :1 1'h baths, 2 car garage, Near shopping and trans- will see this Sunday. 90 Kercheval I portation. Only $69,900. Immediate occupancy. I BY APPOIKTM.ENT ONLY :1 l . 00% !~U~t,gi~~,_~,:~ab~~ to).UJl~fi:dJ)~er. \ ;;~i>r,9~~"olefferson on the Lake - A j _.::.Jt~...,'" .~'A~.tII~""~~' .,*i ,. .. '1io"i'geoTiS"'.ora'~l:Olonialwhich has been remodeled W _ Gec)"i"S.ora1ms J{ealf~!'s \ into a dream. home.. Featured is the living ~oom I with natuml fireplace, which overlooks the lake. 1I 886-4444 Kitchen with all modern built.ins and snack bar. I Three full baths - three bedrooms - the master National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers bedroom overlooks the lake. Circuit breakers - Member Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board , all new aluminum trim - cement seawall - boat A Family Business For Over A Century I dock - boat ramp. 1'.. must see home - can for Member National Home Relocations Service your personal showing. For Executive TTansiers I ST. CLAIR SHORES-Most sought after condo-l bedroom, 1 bath~ Located at nivieia Terrace I :11 overlooking the in-ground heated pool-club I ho~se, sauna. Inciudes aU applianc.:s. Top floor I Unit. Won't last long! PURDY & TOLES CITY OF $Jw1lmJJ/J/Jd OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 to 5:00 <&rnssrJniutr 'ark GRA YTON 1405 - Just listed! Attractively decorated £. 11. tBJw1JJn t!lJlalJ.q DESIGXED FOR FAMILY LIVING MICHIGAN If you require four bedrooms an"- a home de. English conveniently located near schools and 20439 MACK AVENUE shopping. First floor contains a den, living room l signed for family style living, \ve have the I GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE I with fireplace, breakfast room and formal dining one. Special features include extra large rooms Members of The Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board room. 3 bedrooms on the second floor. An attrac- NOTICE OF. throughout, beautifully modernized kitchen, I 886-87i 0 tive fence providing privacy for the yard and family room 16'x15', newer roof, and three car I open patio area. garage. , ANNUAL I~,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~ GROSSE POINTE CITY - Unique to say the least! BUDGET HEARING DOUBLE LOT IN THE CITY Top location on Rivard Boulevard. 3 bedrooms I THE We are offering for your inspection a four bed. I plus garden room and family room. Beautiful i room colonial on a 100' iot in one of Groslic entrance hall, modern kitchen and utiiity room on II . Pointe's best locations. Large formal dining the first floor - add a studio apartment on the ~rnnnr Jlltutr room, modern kitchen \\.ith built-ins, den, p~nelcd II ledi of the properly -- it's really diff'PTp.nt and IJ.~Public Hearing will be heid in the Municipal Iii rec room, 21.'z car attached garage, new roof, you'll love it! new furnace, and ready for your family to move Building, 15115 East Jefferson Avenue, on May PUBLiC SCHOOL SYSTEM into. Call today! TRUE EXECUTIVE'S HOUSE - Grosse Pointe 14, 1979 at 5:30 P.M., at which time the City A III Faims. Beautiful grounds and f~~tllTing patio. C;ouncil will hear suggestions regarding the I III eDcr. Ai ~nTlrp; LOTHROP ROAD sprinkler system and gardens. House has 5 proposed budget of the City of Gr;::sse Pointe ~. "~5""'_ ....._ •• __ Thi~ 1.;;1ii!li':- hron)p family bedrooms plus maid's quarters. library Park for the fiscal year July 1, 1979 to June 30, I Iii II .e. nror"IT DA I I nTc. Woods area of the Farms enables the successful and family room plus recreation room. Tnere's 1980, which in summary is as follows: AU~I;.~ I '.f""~1).,.V I"n. .,rt.i...~ • ., executive or professional the opportunity to reo 5 fireplaces and central air conditioning Close to sthools, transportation, shopping and churches side in a truly "one of a kind" homf'. CALL FOR BUDGET REQUIREMENTS A good one!. A DETAILED BROCHURE. Administration and General $ 474,400 ANNUAL Public Safetv 1,298,000 THE HOME EVERYONE IS LOOKING FOR II \1 Parks and Recreation 170,600 SCHOOL ELECTIOt~ Four bedroom, 3'.';: bath ecntcr entrance colonial, Public Works (See Note) 717,200 convenient to schools, shopping, and transporta- Employee Fringe Benefits 637,500 MONDAY, June 11, 1979 tion, large family room, maintenance free exter. I Contingency 110,000 ior, tastefully decorated, and ready for occupancy I Captiai Improvement Appropriation 1l:l8,OOO at your convenience. ! GROSSE POINTE PARK-Ideally located for schools, IV-OT!CE is hereby gi\~cn that applications for shopping and transportation. Well maintained Highway Fund Appropriati:::n 82,000 absentee ballots for the annual school election Debt Service 42,200 . RANCH NEAR THE LAKE 3 or 4 bedroom Colonial with ('entral air con- to be held in The Grosse Pointe Public SchoJI ditioning. famiiy room, 2 car attached garage, C.E.T.A 30,100 Located in the Barnes, Star of the Sea area, this ------System on the above date will be received home has a large paneled family room with paneled offiec plus a hobby room in the base. TOTAL REQUIREMENTS $3,750,000 pegged flooring. den or $tlldy, attached garage, ment, Wont last at S77.500, from 8:00 <1m. In 4::11) pm., Monriay through full insulation for lower heat cost, and large Thursday, and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m .. Fridays, REVENUES 80'xl90' lot to enjoy the upcoming summer. Call beginning May H. 19';"(1 at the Administration one of th(, consultants listed below for VO\lr MfMUR Property Tax $2,365,000 NOflOMol InulfUte (1f 'Rrol [state !~ckefS Building located at ;~iW St. Clair Avenue. appointment. • Grosse POinte Real Euore Soord Miscellaneous Revenue 1,285,000 DetT'r)l t Boord of Rtaltars Appropriation of Surplus 40,000 NotlOf"ol I\~SOCta110n of Realtors. Applications will als0 be received on Satur- Federal Revenu<.' Sharing (See Note) 60,000 William R. :\feBrearty William G. Adlhoch day, June 9, 1979 from !J:O()

    f - ____ ~ ...- __..__._-__.-.. a a..m.. 5I1eCill•• a.. e 1III7.. 7.S.. S.. SIlS.a.. S.. S 7.7.. 7~S•• S d..l •a i j j j 3 j J j j J 5 5 5 s GG • 4 • • • • Page Fifteen Thu;s....J ay, Ma~' 3'I 11/7("""r- C,..... p.. 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S ~-IICourtesy consists in treat • I..'. .f' :iO;;~~t~~n~all~~~~;'~~~ ••~~~:L:'~~t:~.~~~:e~:;~ac~I~':t :fho~~ I.....lJ,~"-~l.!v'l~lkp.~.fll?~'~![t~te(l~ l'j,°1:4l!!'fh~~h~~:~,~~~ll~~:~..t{{.t.k~-L~nnye 'p~~-l-llts__ l,;:~t~;~~~;<)~ur.~2;~~~~~ ~-"'i< • .lawyer r&lher than ,i'l:u'.coi'i': ,'(;[aiial' lriangle ducslI'l solve North High School's track Iwinter while clriving his cab: the Ohio Track. <::lub. Thi~d 1/1 .... 'I thinks he is. science. it_. Wi\Sthe site of another Amer. in Detroit. . ' .. 1 r~~~~r ~!~~tSt~~d::r:~a~~::e~ GP PARK 'O'f doubles by Ted Metry and I ,------~llIIlII.-. ~ ~ ._. 1 ican racewalking record on , The.~a~e.~n .tn~.~2nu ~~s Woods resident Sally Mader. By Joy WUUams [Rich Cor~o~a, ~nd. the ~.d I ftrl ""'m---LOI1-g Luclte Embedments S d A'1 22 Th late l tHe MlclllglUJ; ~~U" 20 ....1- , The Park Little League Legs beat tne 1JOllgers, or!, Ir ENJOY YOUR MEMENTOS EVERY DAY ~ ~n ay, prl . e o!?eter.' (12.4 miles), cham. The team champlons~lp kicked off its 1979 season on in spite of a double by Bruce ' lU Get Your Cherished Souvenir, Heirloom or Award Out of ttie RIll ,Walker had set the p~onshl~.. The winner ~as wa~ tak?n by the Motor City Saturday, April 28, with a Benoit of the Dodgers. P ble ., ~~~~~~~~ Enjoy It In A Crystal. Clear Solid Acrylic Miniature American record lor the 50-I Jim Helr~ng O,f Racln~. W~s., Stn,ders team of Kraft, Ward parade and a full schedule In minor league action,l I ro ms_ PROTECT AND D!SPLAY AT THE SAME T!ME mile event thert! in 1974. r~p:~~e~~lnt_~~~_ E.~~erslty Fre~an and Roger Loder. lof opening- . • _ .••.. ; ' r --' I :-vas the bronze medal WInner championships to be ~eld at out the Orioles, 2.0. Ted Cen- feated Army, 1917. Notre i';/"",,'"~;{0 t '.'Tt__=0_: _~l_~.:.v._eTee. /'~~.o°'l)ue.:. Hr.,;w aeltphOl!'Jnftte~e~d.~;,. " :~s~t::n~::o:~ 0If9:h~:::: I ~itf~t~~~:~~:f~!~~:.1 ::~o~;l;~:r{;;g~£~~: ~a~7~a:~~r~~~:r:r;~~; II,.;.•...;.••J:...... U.k...... •.' ~ L..b ••,..••.••••••....•..••.•.•.•..•.•..•....•••...:.=.".....•••,.•;.1.. UI". (.,' n _ gl~ls track coac~ at North May 20. , 6.2. Cardinal Mike Seward W~terston and AI Varga.; ".,.. .nul'::,:;;)}t'•.• I . Hlgh~ \'!es the fl!'st woman I . l ~-d .w'" d....u ....._A"' ...... ,,1 •• i(,n I Ene !'-Iord humered for !""~v- i ,:;';::.:' ..:"-'::::: ..,<:,."~':; ..:::.?~~;~}':,:;,,:'>~:'!_j_:~!~8:~r~ I finish';!!', with II npw Mil'hi- I Live to do good and you'll I I~a '. U • v:,-:.:.<;~! ~'_,,:_ .~~:- I trp Damp-. Ii>_~ .•MftI '."''': • .fffiJl1 ~~Ei~;~JDE~~~~~RE 1fa~l-r.¥e~e~oJI;:~,n~'~;~::,b l~;~;il ~~I~'::: n" ,f YO"',mpl" ~f.n:i,:~cf::~::}:~11\r.~~l'~;t~~~~£:~;~I.!r~~i· 884-3100 16003 MACK 822-2580 SAIL POWER Br;~:s ¥~~t1tsWi~~w~~: h~~: homer. •• .'i''''!iJifl.IL 881-0477 OG SALES I FARMS AAA WHEN: 9:30 A.M., May 26. 1979 MARINE CATAL C...... By Phil Frame' WHERE:Along the tulip lanes 1\nJ-.400f0off _ MAJOR BRANDS PI MY...... Denver rapped out 15 hits ~a~~~~i~g beautiful Lake 1U"'7U Termin.li'IJ.PBn.... Spurge) to start the 1979 Farms AAA Th. ideeI ~.nent .. - ground Le 't' LENGTH:20 kilomelers No Sendt'ng A'liay - Most Items ~ ..- -..-.. ague season on a POSI Ive (12.4274 miles) Certilied course ...... p1ent to gr- in .. nnv- well note with an 11-4 victory Delivered I'n 3 Days • IhMIv 1 1i0lII wIl flilL H" A'l 28 T.s"irts and post run lunch to , jGroWi It hlli.,t ~~!! over aWaIl on pn . firsl 1,000 entrants. Awards in 10 OVER 3,000 ITEMS i....h.. PI.. t 6 incll. ~ II The opening-day gam."cwas divisions. Entry lee: $5.00. Send 50-$10.25; 100-"6.95 the only one scheduled in forentryformand in. .•I--' t- -"-"-,"MA.R'.....t..II~Uft_ I 50C - -~:- ; ,OCO - $1 '"''''-:- '1 the AAA League last week. formalionlo:PeopiesBankTulipTimeRun. 1;:::='~ Fi"ost quo!! .• nock, ~kI ""'. l PO SUA 211.A, PO' exPll'tlvPlCl%",' "... Ithe Norsemen with a 7-1 ree. ord ~t1{e,.~~n.ed their 'Bi" -:~~.- ~- J County League race. I In the first game, East De- -~ Ilroit built up a five-run lead . -----~--- - - in the first four innings as ,. North's hitting attack had Now You Itrouble getting started. Jeff Co T k A~' Hayes pitched a three-hitter, I n Q. ...,-1 while North's lone run ca!ne tDJSCO\~Y nJGIn'=. in the fourth on a solo home Fo Iy 510 001 run by Matt Costello, I r on • Sophomore Bill Babcock l••••••••••• I . went the distance in the sec- ~ I:~N~~~n,,~~ni~t~~~fi~ I.We"e

    Full menthol refreshment. That's what ARCTIC unique new ARCTIC LIGHTS menthol blend LIGHTS delivers. A very special kind of menthol comes right through. Result? You get the iciest. Mode4 # 1500 refreshment you just won't find in any other low. brightest taste in menthoi smokin~ - puff after $149 'tar' menthol cigarette. puff. Light up your first ARCTIC liGHTS. You see, while the filter holds back 'tar,' the Youjust won't believe it's a low'tar'menthol. ~~}~~!Tan. '199 Model #3000 $220 Arctic Lights: Kings (f/1OO's COMPLETE PARTS INVENTORY r"'lll AII ru A Dl.I~1 OW a."onr:LS •"ft ...... ,.•""",...... iVi -::"a.

    Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined '1 ThaI Clgarelle Smoking IsDangerous fa Your Health.

    9 mg. "rar". 0 .8 mg, niCOline avoper cigarelte by FTC method. ,c 1978 B&W T Co

    < - --. - <- - --; --- - - ~ ... - ~------~-~ - ssm nemm Page Sixteen ". GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thurs~ay, MayJ,IY79 d' ...... ,.;...... ,,"..."";.., "'",. '.': ~.~...'.j ~t'~J':-< ...":.,,~'(.•• "t"~~ ... ',:.;...;... ;-~,7::: ---::"~,~. '~';" ....'If:i":.ir;~~.•.... .~.~ ,.. '._

    ...... " - ', ,.----,-----.-~---ro-,--I...... - ..j JFI""'I'~n'e~ l?"~,".." .., T';.....~. Ip -",p L ".~._ Grosse Pointe News ,(>,,,.,.. A.I' ,I r(ho'i/"'''four ~cnoOiS ,',.. ~.!,.r-,,~, 4-t"c-u.- •.,v," • :~. (uSPS 230.400) 1JbZat; 11eVJ on ,"."'~'~'< •• ,.~.:. Published Weeklv Bv Robert B. Edl'.dr :1 "1. DIBI A Arzteebo Publishers Su::,~~::~~'':fCS~:~1s rFigh.ts Reye's, Syndro~~ I '------. --- •.--.------~ A "IHde.fQr.Reye's" Bike. few centers in the United OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT . . Recently published statts. \ ~Igh s.choo~s have been meet" I a.Thon Wlill be sponsored by States dedicated to research 99 K.ERCHEV AL AVE. hcs show that 628 percent 109 with JIm DeWorken, our the Grosse Pointe Jaycees, of the !!lness. .ft-IE )-lIll \ of veniUiiS W or ova h:d' supervisor {)f Career an~ Va. starting at the Three Mile Reye's S Y II d rom e has Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236 By Pat Rousseau Second Class Poslage Paid al UelrO!I, Michigan 11 j~bs in 1977. That was the! cati~n~l Education,. and ~th.er I Park, at the foot of Three I grown to be the ~lX:i)ii\l largo , ~Ighest pe~cent.age of Am~r. admm.lstrators .t~ ~evelop \Ii, Mile ~1"ivt: amI Essex. The e:1 viral killpr of "hndren in Add That Bri~ht Color. , . to your ward. CldJJi[ied Adliertisirzg & Su,;jcriptionJ 882.6900 I II I Icans workmg In recent hIs, structlOn.al achvltles related event IS scheduled for Satur. our country, and Michigan's robe for fashion's sake. ChOOS~ 11 "hlrt blouse DispldY Adliertising, 882-3500 • Editorial 882.029'. 'I tory and authoril:ies indio to career awareness goals. day, May 12, with the start. childi'en have incurred 11 in lilac purple sun-yellow or turquoise new , cate that even more people Some of these teachers I tog time set for 9 a.m. and percent of all cases reported at the Greenho'use 117 Kerr.hevaL This style wvuld have j?bs if thcy we~e have worked together ,....ith end,jn~ at 2 p.m. . nationally, FULLY PAID CIRCULATION I also comes in ne~tral taupe. New T shirts properly .. tramed for avaIl., c~ns~ltants from other in. In the event .of Incl,ement ------Member Mich. Preu Associalion and Nuional Editorial Assoc. with scalloped necklines arid sleeves ~ome in able posItions. slitutlOns in developing teach- w~ather, the aate will be LW1V I;"xplu- .-'e.... ROBERTB EDGAR. EDITOR and PlIBLISHER h ft d t S j M 13 : 0 white, red or turquobe. Both are m cool, . h I ing materials and evaluating S 1 e 0 un '3y, ay . "'.LI WIl.LlAM ADAMO. .. ADVERTISINGMANAGER We beheve. t. ~t schoo s available resources ;The Bike-a.Thon is to I P lovely cotton. . JOA:\1'\E BURCAR. CLASSIFIW MA!')AGER have a responsibility to pre. From these eff~rts have raise funds for Reye'~ Syn. ts rogram . . CREDIT MANAGER pare students to enter the come plans for student activ- d~ome Resea.r~h, so If you . The League Shop . , . is go- JANET MI:ELLER .FEATURE.SOCIETYEDITOR world of work, and have d~. ities involving self an.d career WIsh to part'1cI~te. sponsor As part of its local pro. ing to have a 20% off special on £JIl . ~ SOCIETY veloped c~reer awareness awareness concepts inte ra. sheets a.re available at all gram for 1979.80, which was 7k I ANN WAl.LACE. Lunar Yellow from Sigma start- .-;r;t ROGER A WAHA .. NEWS EDITOR ~oals focusmg on that be. tion of these conc~Dts fnto sc~oQls and churches in T~e recen~ly adopted by its memo ~ .NEWS hef. the elementary social tud' Pomte area. Honorary chair. I bershlp, the League of Wom. ing May 7. Good news collectors ~: !.'.~!E5J t\1JABA s les man of th .t . J •• t ,. "'''' ~ G 98 Kercheval, SUSANM,DONALD. .EDUtAJjuN, J'-1;~;S .. Some v1 t~:ese g0~1~. such: ~nrl !2!H~t!~H'!e.!I.rts (iurrit'1I1a TT_..3_1r l~, eve~ ,./~, err:Yj en.vo e:.s, tun V~1 o.:.rossc II :'" .....5, ScG:ns a l' qui r i n ~ in forma. I and publication of materials n,,'''''''' 0, ':",l1nnr •••• ews. . Po!!!te .!~ px,?lormg several,. DAVID KRAMER.. II,,~ I' • .t\l JOANNE N. GOULECHE. .NEWS II ti~ about specific occupa., for use by teachers. . . The~p WIll. be. three staT!' I are.as _ lnc.l.udlOg recreation II A New Display Lambcri",Bruw, In- 1>1.~RY I.OR!~1ER • ADVERTISING ! tions and understanding the At tne middle school level, , 109 pomts for rl~er convem'l anu euucalJul~. I tenors ... ie

    All T h t k' and director of Holley Car. in equipping them with ap. All poo,teTS wiil be judged dren with special require- I Two out of U'~"'ee major 11 ball teams -"ponsored by the Falls in GPW Cl lZtents avetho1iay,May _ Maintain an accurate ..0 en ell' as part of celebratmg Its 60th ann1Vers- The Woods Department of dlonslf':thO a WI... ' e na on Holley International. six million Americans are 3. at 4 p.m. The conteSt is census of a-typical children. the thousands of junior base. ary. . .public Safety is off to a 0 e preOlctlon comes . .• t ... f -,. mt.. 1 good start as the March de. true that the U.S. will need The third session will be currently un em p 1 0 y e d., open .0 sluuen.s u il~L a"es .l.ue league also supports ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::.: . 50 percent more energy t'han instructed by Marilyn Gun. Schools. h.aye t.o assu~e some an~ ...::;ny IJ'; and soft !innks the past winter, after suffer- cnmes .have dei:.reased20 nessman who also authors . . wHl be available at Brownell, ing several years of dol. ,WE'RE SELLING 'I'HEM A'I' OLD percent I~ ~omvaIl50 .. to th" I the "'iiull",,i Qi.i....-t~d:.. !~Y.'e~t. By Roger A. Waha r herent. sY~p'a~~YL~~I~~;~.:.~~ the central check poi~t. dru. m.. s, O\'erprodu~tion in its PRICES, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! same penoe. last year. I me~t Letter." New York ~s'l The Pointe's Out.Wayne Istemmlll~ Ll",'" uca ..... iano I V IT.- L i or car. noce and thro~! l'f"t> .E!~tsIn ~eetIng and workIng i Mat.h('\\ ~.unt. flr~t. g~aders May 12 at thc school 740 player to perform at your II( I lem~. With scnlOr~. she has an in-I A110rca "'"ill"ll ""'" "l;;;m).' Cadieux' iOdJ, from 10' A.m. ! next p:lrty, you 2!£0 could 11. ~ ~------,---- ,Ald('rton; s e con d graders to 4 p.m. I win them at thc Silent Auc'l . Me. local .uildil, WOMAN INC. , ~ Sunday Brunch 10 to 3 • I,' a \I r a Macdonald, BeCkY, In keeping with the ther.\;;, : tion Slavc Markct. codes require tldt Hunt. Annc TIPP and Katlc each class selected a partic. I Other slavc talents to be I' -.,.~ your ,roperty t.t do- '/1.411 /if Bower: and third graders ular country for study. Class silently auctioned includc. -a~~- a i JJ1.-..., i I lIp4a Ied prior t. ~ _ VVT ~ vv.,.r "\\" I Chris. r,angs, . Romcy Smith room decordtions will featurr baby.sitting. vi 0 I a lessons.' -.A:,.. J.. AD~ITIONS - ",..:z.\+ I and Stacey Srmonson. tha.t country's ~rt and arti./ math tutoring, hair frosting i sellin&or rt.re.tilc. ~~ REMOOHING bjo, this impm!. Shape Up For Spring! Mack at lochmool .. ~-, I Awardw inn i n g fourth facts. The Umted NatiOnS' and onglnal art work,. I Jte . Res. 343~061 0 I ~radl' poster makers were was contactcrl for extra in. Procccds from the PTO I', 777-6840 ~( llIeRt wllile ,ou are ,I'FIGURE. " FIT" '----.;;::;;;..------~ ....,ormation;Katherinc Hardwick and Kurt f and matena. Is. I ~pnnsore d "Maire Faire" will Iiwint it YOflr /lolli' IYIHINCa G ~ 1'11.9144 ESSION lII11miillllill"iilliii'iuliluiliiiiiij'jj;'iiiilllllllnmmmli" '111 Van Ticm, Laura Plansker, The ev~nt will feature 4~ i be us~d to pUIThase. materi.1 u.n SIOI AHD MINI S = = I Donna Jo:mery, 1'

    t -- - ~ ------~-_._--~--~--~---~-_.---'--- -_-...... ----~~---~~--_.~------_... _- Thursday, May 3, 1979 G R 0 SSE POi N T E t"-! E W S Page Seventeen ------~------_. Check Presented

    "'.-1 .. i BY D·SO.....Wom-e'n ------Group Raises More Than $/00,000 for Orchestra Through Special Projects And Sale I of Season Tickets I Highlighting the ann~al meeiing alia luncheon '''',~~1 ..I l;~1" .!~:~'i~~;~'~ 6~~~~;;;~;n:h~~:1~t:~i:j;:~ptr7; a?et~Zikl~~~= ;;'.'~ j)J.: 1#.. field Hills Country Club, was the presentation of a .'1- ',check for $109,940.0B by Mrs. H. Wayne Nelson, as- WOMEN'S PAGES '-. ,.. /'~ sociation president, to DSO board member Walter ,_ '. ... J~lO~~.rphy who accepted it on.~~h_alf of the sym-

    ,: .} rl, This year's check rep- :"\ewlyelected to offices ior _ .. I resents the profit from the association's 197980 mu. Short and to special projects conduct- sical year were Mrs_ Robert l~rom Another Pointe ed by the Women's As- A. Gerisch, of Bloomfield sociation on behalf of the Hills, president; Mrs. Eric The Pointe Wiltshire. of Bloomfield Hills, of View f1/# orchestra throughout the first vice president; Mrs. F

    By Jand MucH"i' . 1'1 ""LW--Vl-" n' "..~~ _r ro-'n I year, together with mon- Ross Birkhill, o[ Dearborn, . . .c. .I. ., .vi\. \' i.e...), V1 vi. U "I ,------' J furu 1ii.ilc, i:; ~::.thed!"~! 0Te~n~ ley rais"d thrOllP'h the sale vice president; and Mrs. of season tickets (CO:I(iiH.i€d (in p:;~c 20: pop~~~ ~~,ri:S~ati~e f~;3~~~o~~?b~~S;~ P~~~,t~~c~~~~ ~~tt~~dc~:~~e:r~~[~~:~~e~~ I'>;i'i~,jc\...."i,i "

    Groupbuffet sponsVI. Jred by Bon Secours ASsIstance League st.pnsemblesPaul, D.presentedetrOlt, wherea Bachthe I~i"<'**">',and hIS WidowISnow Chinese, Israeli, Pompeiian I Trenton, N.j., to discuss the I Blonde that didn't corne from Norway, or a Brown gerald, Robert Frear, Don T. Galvin, Jr., John B. • * • devoting her efforts to reo ~ and now Christian - new collection and speak on I on Brown that didn't come from Spain? Just give Hastings, Herbert G. Henchel, John L. King-. Leo MR. and MRS. MARK creating significant art of J sculptures are the beautiful) the history of porcelain, I us three little hours. Kulka, Jr., Daniel LaFerte, John Leonard, Harry O'KEEFE, of Mad i son ------I ' J. Mack, Leo A. Marx, John H. Mueller, Richard Heights announce the birth LES R. BELTZ, of Lakeland. SALLY FRAKES, daugh'l Jack Heifner's "Vanities" I. BL'RT EDMOND Schrage, Edward Shumaker, Gu~' Willetts and of their second child a avenue.. Paternal grandpar. ter of MR. and MRS. JOHN presented April 19 through HAILo, SillN ,'ND MAKl'-UP SALON Thomas Williams. daughter KAREN BELTZ ents are MR. and MRS. DON- FRAKES, of Blairmoor court, 22. She is a Grosse Pointe 1\ 1\ fi r. * * * March 27. Mrs. O'Keefe is th~ I ALD O'KEEFE, of S1. Clair is an Albion College fresh-I North High School 1978~ SHORES SHOPPING CENTER - 13 Mile . P t T d't' former JOY BELTZ daugh'l Shores. At home is big man and was a cast member I graduate. 31065 HARPER AVENUE - 296.3660 A noth er Sp~an9. or. Y ro I Ion ter of MR and 1t1RS: CHAR.\ brother DANIEL MARK. of the college's production of (Continued on Page 32) .' EVENING HOURS Once agam. It's hme to "Be an Angel and '. ------~ ----"------Come" tJ the benefit luncheon iind fashion show -., • _ •• spons?red by the Friends of Stapleton Center. II Rose :;oclety lr.:.eels ~laj" 9 , It's set this year for Thursday, May 17, in the ------I 9rosse Pointe War Memo~ial's Fries Aud~toriu~. Th~ Gross~ Pointe ROSe!th~t roses li~e ~o eat ~nd It starts at noon, and wIll feature fashlOns by So C let y wul meet next drmk. In hiS pres~!1tatlOn Maria Dinon. Wednesday, May 9, at 7:30 I next week he also Will cover I it raises funds for the facility at Agnes and in .the evening at. the Grosse th~ proper ways to prevent . D' h . h f 62 Pomte Central LibraI'J', Ker, mildew and blackspot, when P k ar VIew avenues, ,e~rolt.' t at IS. orne or cheval avenue at Fisher road, to thumb prune and disbud I elderly perSJns who reSIde In 50 studIO and 10 one- t:J heal' Angelo Taveggia, of and the proper way to handle bedroom apartments, I Lakepointe avenue, expIain blind growth, I And Stapleton Center truly is a home. Resi- his method of fertiliz.ing and The speal,:er is recognized \ dents have a bvely, landscaped courtyard in which I watermg roses, as on" .ur the p.~crrJcr gro\'.'- . ______(Continued on Page 32) Mr. Taveggia emphasizes llcan~rs ofRosef,ne rose~SocIety'sm theGreatAmer, Lakes. District. His garden contains over 315 plants of the varieties that grow best , in th is area. I Mr. Taveggia is a Consult. ing Rosarian, an accredited judge and a winner of tro. phies in most of the categor. ies that are offered in local COLLECTION I I and :;tatc rose shov.'s. / ..~_.(---- SHOWING OF I In 1972 he was s~leeted as / ~.'?~ I I the Outstanding Consulting DESIGNER I Rosarian of the Great Lakes I I I Di~!!,id LEISUREWEAR by The Grosse Pointe Rose Society. an organization of GEOFFERY BEENE, over 170 growers and rose BILL TICE and lovers, extends an invitation to anyone interested in grow. I I ALBERT NIPON ing roses to attend this meet, I SATURDAY, MAY 5 ~~~et~~~~~~~t~lr.w~~vebg~ 10 am to 4 pm. I I gia's program. i Tea Is Topic IF0'" Fox Cree k

    . STRAPLESS AND I The ",:'!indmi!1Pointe Chap- _ SUN SHAPES, TO ter of Questers' Charlotte Gorning will present a "His ISLAND STREAMS tory of Tea and Teapots" to OF TERRY AT DUSK. members of the Fox Creek C hap t c r loday, Thursday, TUNICS WAFTING :'Ilay 3, at their 1 o'clock I OVER NARROWED meeting in the Chalfonte ::','cnue home of Mrs Ken. PANTS, LANGUID neth Steketec who will be I assisted by co-hostess Mrs I LENGTHS SEEN FOR t HOSTESS DRESSING. ALL BY THREE Saint Paul Lutheran GRAND MASTERS Co-op +0 Fell:! Donna. IN FINE TALENT Saint Paul Luthcran Cu-up FOR SWIRL, INC. Nur,ery will be honoring Donna (Mrs_ .T()~ OR EXTRAVAGANT MILIEU, THIS SOFTEST OF SUMMERS. SIZES P-S-M-L.


    ... AND I'LL LIGHT LIP YOUR LIFfl . I Uv..'-:"lJ:..,.-.... ., I GIFT & LAMP SHOP Jht sbops of 18650 MACK AVE. Ned Ic Grollll PIli. Po" Office Jacobson's 885.8839 Watl"n.l'i~rc~ MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 13 P.S. Bring Your lamp For Cuslom F,lling GROSSE POINTE Grosse Pointe • Somerset Mal --~------_.~ ~- ~~----- .... ~ ------~---~----_.._----~-----

    Page Eighteen .,~ ,,' .u y 3 '97Q GROSSE POINTE NEWS ThU (:S1WC1y_ p'.,.".. •• .. ------_ .. _._--- - '{ron1 "'the Pointes

    --- -_._~-"--',- -'----'----",------, -'... - - ._---- _._----- .._-'._._--_.- --,--_.------.. _._-- ... _--_ .. lltly Wedd,"'g- l)nte Is "i"l/() F II B 'd E d B t th d ""I've POl',Jle - (:, R. lVilliaul.s 10 Clailll Bride Mr. and Mrs. ;an{el-~an:' stui);ing f~r f~:degr;f~ in a n engage e ro e l~__._n-t;:~-;:.OL' Dr. anti Mr.; RODert Bur.! in Pltts!Jureh in 1972. SheJs <:Ie!" W", .. l, of lIn.n", T ,:,1< .. ' ('''un H"pnrl iOl! lIl'r fi:lnce. I >JC(ttS V" Il,L(;"'I ., ton Atwell o[ l'it.tsbul~li,'" member of the JUnior 'have announced the cn/tage! a Grosse Poinle South llii'h Pa., and John', [:;lano, v(?ro Lea~ue "I ~~<;',. Yo:-!; City,

    ment of treir dau#(hter, I Sehool alulllnus. all ends },J" :lfrs. A, John K i r sel, vi;'

    Mrs. Ronald C. Rayl, of Bed- Mechanical Engin",'\'ing Tech 12:30 o'clock for Pive Pointcs I Char1P" Hockll'ell WillIams, Her fiance, an alumnus of ford road. A late July wed. nician, Garden Club's annual meet. r SOli of :lfr. and :I'lrs. Richard ~ccrflCld Academy, Deer . 'ding is planned. He is witll Efficirnt Engi. d I J C I t ss E Willial'lS of Prl"ll,nncal field Mass., was gra:iuated I'lIlg an unc leon. O'IOS e.. I . , , - .'. 'd f h V' The bride.elect, a Walled m'eri~g Company. In his sen M . II Id H ff I' road. An October I\'eddmg IS cum lau e rom t e nlVer. , . I WI' hl"h school y'car III' was es were rs. aro e ne I _'0 d sitv of Virginia where he was I Lake Central High School ~ and lIfrs Gordon W. Long. I Im,nnc . .' . . ~ .. . . regional vic,' prcsi[ll'nt for I :\!is.; Atwell, a graduate of I a ~ember .of St, ~Imo ~[all. alumna. is attending Oak. Voralional Industrial Clubs The program featured elee'l The Ellis Schoo!, Pittsburgh, i He J:>associated With Cu~slne ~~~~o m_~.~3j_t}~~~!!ege. i of J\nll'r!l:a. tion and installation of om., and :;mitl~, Col!ef,c., I~'a.sp:c: Maga~lIle ~s, an advertISIng

    Slate Chrysanthemum Society May Meeting cers for the coming year. sented at L11C ClIldcrdla Ball, reprcscntatl\<:: _ Mrs. Kirsch will serve as ,1 ------.------The May meetingof -the' 'dening at the so c i e t y's I president, Mrs. Franklin E. DOG GROOMING . Greater Detroit Chrysanihe. GweJJc H;;V,:ii PiOj"ct in ~,m 1-/::--'> ' ~~ I Qua!e ~<; virf> rrf>.~idp.nt. Mrs ..1 . mum Sodet" will take place ford. gq. _ iiit.li"...:-.:..~' 1l\lark Loush as recording iI c-JI C'"ll f) n' . Sunday. May 6. at 2 o'clock Mrs. Joseph Neat(JIl will I --_.. - I I M ..M'"~' M~. T~r"mo N" " • II i J/ • " {II . in the Tel.Twelve Mall Com- discuss various III:W varieties The engaeement of JANET Photo by Be,t Hushand StudIO r The engagement of JU'I ;~~'t~~'~~ c~~.r"~sp~~d~i~gs~~: I Jhlj n .Jnat fUr r e j I JIlunily Room. • I in the eurrcl'\ l'!ant list pr('- :lIAIUE lIA:\D1ER and James 1'~(' en gag e men t of DITH LYNN DO~fZALSKf I rpiary and !\Irs Hcffner 'as 19443 MACK by oppoinlmt'lll 881.9007 • - Paul E. Machuga. National i pared for the society's an- Nev:ll~' Fl~her was annaunczd I SUSAN J. REINHARD and I Ilnd Lance K. Olson, sOln of I treasurer. , Chrysanthemum Society di. nual plant sale, scJll'duled b h M' 1\1 D::.vid P Thomson has been Mr. and :\lrs. Oscar L, 0 son, .. __ _ ,- rector and permanent na. (or Saturday, J\I

    Kappa, at ten de d Central sne ,1IIl.ll"',,"U .. l.a ~.. : Omega II sity of Michigan, ,: YOUR FASHION DOLLAR AT... I Michigan University and was I fraterlllty, last year. ------I ! . graduate:! from Carnegie In. She is currently employed, S " E d il'lother's Day.SPECIAL {) , j siitute, Troy. as a I\Iedical by Owens.Illinois, Inc.. in eason :.0. S I ol.eej Assi;tant. Pittston, Pa., wh~re she ~s in For \Tillagers I . He expects to be graduated charge ?~ SpeCial Projects j May 3 Ueltt"r & Hesigner Apparel, Accessories ami Furs I this month from Central and Aud1tlng. ,-- in "Almosl New" condilioll call gi.'e }'OU up to Michig~n U~~versity w~ere Mr. Thomson, son of Mr. Villagers Din n e r Dan~e I OFF Through 4 limes the wardrohe for your mOlJe~' at Lee's. he majored III .lournahsm. and Mrs. Douglas G. Thom- Club members and the1J'1 May 12 20339 Mack Ave. (Near 8 Mi.) 881-8082 I J1linored in Business and is son, Jr., of Tenafly, N.J., also gue~tsanticipate a tlalmy I 10% I News editor of CentraJ Michi- was graduated last year from enning this Saturday, May Mon.-Sot. 10-5 Consignments We/come I gan University Life. Hillsdale College, with a 5, for their final event of the on ALL merchandise ... except finishing Bachelors degree in Econom. season. 1/- ics and Business Administra- Cocktails will be served at tion. 7 o'clock on the veranda of : ! He is a Tenafly High the Detroit Yacht Club. Din. I School alumnus. His trater- ner, featuring prime ribs of I , nity is Alpha Tau Omega. He beef, 1S at 8, and ihe group •i ,• is a sales representative for will dance the night away to • _... Thomas J. Lipton, Inc., in music ~y the Blue Note i ~~ Boston, Mass. Quartet 10 a return engage . • ~" ment: I ." ~ , 1/ The din.ner dancers will ~(] I ,\ • ~... . Edson-Creagh I greeted by 11k and l\Irs. WII-I '''-~\\U...:~~Troth Is Told liam N. Mont~ome~y. immedi'l 4/ ate past-presldentHll couple, " '" "'"",'.~I ,.-- Iand other club ,officers. I I E,- "'f Mrs. J'ames G. Creagh, III, _ .;~ of Notre Dame avenue, is an- b . .,~#' nouncing the engagement. of Maco~ SecretarIes ,~. P' her 'daughter, Nancy E1Jza- Honoring Mary Lou .gl.<. ers/an beth. to Petty Officer Arthur ,;~.:, • "Shirai'!; .~, HS?&J.~.:' son of Mr, and Mary Lou Reg!lnltmasJ hon~~ 4'1r.b 7 f "11 nol£ii •• =>;...... L. Edson, {)f ored as Secretary Qf the Yeat"" :.~~Y. t.,. \O~R~~Q_~:a;~, FI:. ~ ~un~! by the MacomQ Challter OfJjl , ." '~b50. r HlOO. we~uluo JS Pl~n,,~u. i the Nationai Secretaries AS' i NMii.wllri: iGiis T.ki-lI'iIDii Tilii IJ The bnd(]-elect, who IS also sociation (Internationai) at I III the daug~ter of the late Mr. a National Secretaries Week \ Creagh, IS employed by Bu~- banquet WednesdllY evening, rugs • rou.gh Em p 1 0 }~.~ e s Cre


    \, "". 1" '~~"'I \ ~"';~./%,./~, ,\. Each gift is personalized for a Mom only, .or for a Grandma only. Precious and practical in colorful printed canvas by Apres, they will also delight the giving child. In our Children's Department. "World's Greatest Cook" apron, 27" long with handy pockets, $7; Matching hotpad repealing the praise, a large 8114' square, 2.50. Strawberry bath bubblies in S"H totes: A pound of bath crystals with scoop, 3.50; Bubbling bath oil in a pair of 8 oz. bottles plus bath crystals, $6; Etched bar soap in pouch, 2 OZS_. 1.25.

    A "Love & I\I~ses". " :J~,..M, .\I.JIC-. - '"'-'''""''-'_' ,.~"'I.'th ~eaI "'!'In'__.,ay ....IdCl~"'''~"'''','~"4' Jacobson's .~."II i MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 13 II I~/ I ~85-5946 16239 MACK DETROIT, MI.

    ~., " 1 ...... , is* .... -'I

    (,; R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W' S Page Nineteen -Women's 'rage- b..'\I..,, -U.~'.'J:l...,.. (ill(1;",,,~,~'.d~_for~.,.".,.,,.P ointe Wo...,..,..~..mell

    New Suburban Women IFaculty Wives East Pointe Adelines I Local Church Women to Meet Golfers Year Has Begun Prepares for 70th Anniversary Seek More Members -- Mrs. Bernice Bates, preSi'j with the grown women, $ )Plan IJullcheon Suburban \Vomen Golfers I Women, (ages 18 and dent of the Women's Associ. Prizes will be awarded. . Nine Hole Group, one of the Grosse Poi n t e i'"aculty over), Interestea In sinl:\inl:\ !'tkm of !.hp GroS!;e ~ointe 'T'h~ wnmpn ~l.... have been . oldest and largest organized wives have scheduled their '. d .d I Congregational/Am e r I can asked to bring clippings golf leagues in the area, annual business meeting and are l~vlt~ to conSI er m.em. B:lpti~t Church, will conduct slips or plants from thei; . opened its season yeslerday, s.pring luncheon for saturday, bershlp In the East Pomte I the group's monthly business homes or gardens to sell at , Wednesday, May 2, at Part. May 5, at noon III Gino's Surf Chapter of Sweet Adelines, meeting at 11:15. o'clock next the meeting: a "share your ridge Creek Golf Course. Lounge. Inr., and may call Pat Kimel,! Tuesday. May 8, In the church! plant with othm" idea. The social season had be. The gala tr"ditlOnally hon. chorus president, at 821-8'{66110l~~g:~heon, served in the Wi ll,i a m Perry,. of tlle I gun in February with a lunch. I eon at The Wellington chair. or.> the group's reliring offi or 527-7100, or Ellen Newak, social hall by the Mary Evangeh~al Home m. ~(:st ed by Marilee Williams, a cers: Mrs. Roger McCaig, 881-8807, for further infoI" Group, will follow and a Outer drive, has been Inv~ted member of the 1979 board pre sid e n I, Mrs, Charles t' varied afternoon planned by to speak and show a ftlm, headed by Bernadine Sunday, Hitch, vice pr",sident, Mrs. ma IOn. Mrs. Robert Choate, program :'O~~ Hundred Years of Servo president. James Haskell, secretary, and The group recently enter. chairman, begins at l::~O Ice. . Other board members are Mrs. Kenneth Gutow, treas. taincd Easler shoppers at o'clock Reservations s h 0 u I d be nulh SChatzberg, Ester BO!'1 urer. Macomb Mall. Future spring Members have been asked made at the church office og~~, Gloria Bi(lkI~r, RuUJ I .. ;-;; ) Officer.> for 1979.80 will be performances i n c Iud e a to bring baby pictures of before noon next Monday, Lane. Nancy Trefzer, Peg 1- ::;" elected. C!!~h;>i!'ing Ih", riay 1 mother-daughter banquet and them.>elves, and there will be May 7. The piugi ..m is .o~n Carty, Darbara Florek, B~ I Tare Mrs. Ernest Hurst and. Girl Scout and Camp 1"lre a contest to aeiennine whu to ..11 women. Baby 5!tl1n~ barn Krauss, Shirley Persson, II Mrs. ~~ay~rd Leigh. i functions, can "match up" the baui~, wiU be Qv..:l::b!::. Fran Fox, Dottie Tiedeck • and Marge Quinn. June plans can for a SCotch Photo by Art Sherman I Ball tournament for memo MRS. GRANT J. WEITZEL, symbolic elegance of yesteryear, to I bers and their husbands. An., (left), of West Emory court, first be used as table decorations during I other tournament is on the vice nrcsident of the Daughters of an anniversary luncheon. From I July agendll, and September I the British Empire in Michigan and Agnes Weitzel's left are MRS. CE- I will bring a Fall Festival social chairperson for the DBE's ClL CARRADUS, MRS. G. DANN i Golf and Dinner honoring . th~ tournament winners. I 70th anniversary celebration, is pic- LINSDEAU, MRS. STEPHEN H. I .For a Limited Time Only! Prizes will be awarded fol. tured with Grosse Pointe DBE ,,ASHMORE and MRS. WILLIAM H. lowing a Septem1Jer louwiI'l Chapter members who have created DUNNING. I THE ARTISTRY OF HERITAGE UPHOLSTERY DESIGNS menl for members, and in miniature people, dressed in the _____ 1 October there will be a fall I ------!IIP~1!~"\"PRICED AT EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS AT FO~STER'SI Prize Award Luncheon for The state b?ard of the ters, will observe the anniver. sions, and the state board season play. DBE. representmg 11 (hap. sary at their annual Found. will be hosting members of :r;',1!\\\~~\ . '. ers Day Luncheon, sched- the National Society at the uled for Friday, May 11, at luncheon. ~{L~ noon at Dearborn Inn. where Mrs. Russell H. Skitch, I ( !i \ the biennial convention of M.B.E., of Balfour road, is I I I • \ r it r / I I the National Society DBE the National DBE's current \, . '~I I J i I \"1.." ~ will be in progress, , president. Mrs. William A. Many Michigan members Koontz, of Mount Vernon, will be &ttending the ses- road, national first vice pres- ! ident. is social chairperson i for the convention. I Other officers who will be ; present are the Mesdames I F.D. Fletcher, Waller Jinka,]' Ralph Close, Raymond Pa-, Sofa. reg. frOm $1,133 larchio, John Burtwell and I' Ralph Edwards. SALEI from $849 Mrs. Willi!lm N. Apple. I , \ \ \ GIVE HER A I ~:~t\~Vlc;~~~~deD~~h:~~~~ I.' .... "\?'. i cheon. Mrs. Skltch WIll bnng I second-to-none , )"", anniversary greetings from: I j' Qucen Elizabeth II and from G1ft Certificate ( /'." Michigan's Governor WilHam! from ~I' ' G. Milliken. ! JlIlI,. chaltl 7f ' '1Tllt.~&.Ur-C'I I B*i~hS'c:n~~l~;e~.~r~tv ~ii•.1 JIll' &r ~ -illamns&: \!J, 1\. YII I I brmg greetmgs Hum the ..1 ". ~_,-_ •• A _ , .... , ...... I ~ I United Kingdom. Mrs. Lin.' :lUb:l1 MA\"l\. ,",y J;;I"V~ ton, honorary president of 'I 2 Blocks South of 8 Mile Ithe Michigan DBE, 'will be a : CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY, gU~~~~~i~ng~'nsul T. Frank 11 881-0606 or 881-1157 < !farris will bring greetings \ . frorrj' Canada, and Mrs. Har. 'I Eve",", Hours, Mondly. W.dlllllday, _ ris wm' be a guest of honor. I Thursdaya. Fridl'{ h.r-_I .Mrs. Donald L. Waddell, reo i' fI gent of the Windsor and Essex County M un i c ipal Chapter of the lODE. the DBE's sister organization in Canada, will bring greetings. II Mrs. Elmer D. Lincoln, na- I tional president.elect. will be II I I 1 an honor~d gupsL The ReV'~11 Pick the Sunflowers. I I I erend Wilfrid Holmes-W'alker III will give the invocation. From rompers and The program will featu~e tunic-pant sets a Parade of Flags, songs ana I British traditions, A profes'l I I to long or short sional musical review will hostess dressing, follow lunch, and there will be prizes, collected by a com. , SAVE the coolers are mitt",e ineh.ding Mrs. Apple. II here. Chenilles, ~'ard, Miss Rose Barton, Mrs. i Chair. reg. I I Beverly French and Mrs. AI. I from $429 Forster's urges you not to mil;s this unusual terries, velours, ired I\fontbriand. prepared! SALEI reg. opportunity to save 25% on famous Heritage cottons and gauze by a committee including ~ custom upholstery handcrafted to your exact I Mrs. W.J. Wharton, chair. i from $322 specifications. Choose from six chair, sofa for brunching. a I person. .Miss Barton. l\Irs. I and love seat style options ... 51 inches pools\de parlance Kenncth Bollon and Mrs.] t0120 inches, , . to meet every decorating or lovely, easy Henry Heatley. i need. Over 800 designer fabrics inciuded Officers of the state board. I featuring the latest, most fashionable colors, entertaining, regents and members repre'l patterns and textures. You save 25% but senting state chapters will remember ... this special offer ends May Thursday, May 10 scrve as hostesses. ' 31st! . 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. IIusb and S, friends and I guests are invited to share I Mw_ 01tn_ DosognSo<"l'/ . in Ihe celebration. Further lIS IA information may be obtained IIII! ' by calling 882-8292. The Daught~r$ of !h~ Bri- LINGERIE . lish Empire. founded in 1909 r~. DEPT . in Xew York, is an organiza. A- ,~ . !:nr. for ',"{)n1l'n of British I , , . ancestry living in the United ~,~ .....~ Stales. The DBE supports .,PiE •• 1 regional home~ iii the United . States for senior citizens. and -ii/ contributes to local charities.

    MARGARET L. MART!N . •h.u#:hler of :\lR. and ~IRS. ROBERT ~fART[N. of Loch. moor boulevard, has been elcrteo to Phi Beta Kappa at Albion College where she is a s e n i 0 r French/Spanish major. Chair. reg. from $484 SALEI reg. from $36-3

    I Jacobson's 12200 ~IALL ROAD {M-59) • STERLING HEIGHTS, M!CHIGAN • 739.5100 I rBe/wten Van Dyke rref'wayand LakeSide Mall) Open Man, Tflurs & f" 930 10 9, a/her Days 930 /0 53Q MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 13 C'osed :;

    L. e ...... • •• " -oe = • .,.., • e •••••.•• _ •••••••••••••• Os e« •••• ...... ------... ------._-...... -.- ....- - ....-- • - • = ... .- • ------...... -~ ------GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thundl1Y, May 3, 1979

    ....:.~:.~"'.....-,_..,'",."'.~., Society News

    ------~--_._------_ .. ------_._~._------




    SERIES~---- oo= _ ILLUSTRATED OPERA LECTURES Dr. Jack C. DuBois Coffee 10:00 AM • Lecture 10:30 AM I I ~~ Clarence M. Kelley I Former Director of the FBI A GEMPRINTisa photo fingerprint of your diamond using the latest iaser technology. A copy of YOUi diomond's distinctively unique fingerprint is permanently filed with the Gempr;nt CE\!ntralRegistry. as a referral source to iaw eniorcer nenl agencies should i1be lost or stoien. In lessthan a minute, we can give "youpermanent protection for your investment. As Mr, Kelley says - it makes good sense! . VV6include a Gemprint registration certificate with the sale of any V2 carat diamond l?rlarger. edmund t. AHEE jeweiry co. 20139 Mack Avenue Appraiser. and OOOS I Grosse Pointe 'w Buyer. of 886-4600 Diamond. I


    Serpentine $950 BRACELET GREA (ACCENT FOR 4ft) B(;RNS DRIVE SPRING FASHIONS Detroit, Mleh. 48214 Step Into the comfortablelile \~. wlttt SCholl Exercise sandals NOW OPERATING ON A MONTHLY ••• the patente001, dining rooms, at- : Reg. 15.95 tended garage. • the Whittier's iocation conveniently places you r=:::' ~.. 29635 H-ARPER in the heart of "Whc~':; happt',i;"i,j" - the .,... " ~ 5T. CLoIllR 51+0RE5. MI _.,...} 1,1~~,, , "Ren.Ce,," - A~ Muse-ums, Shoppes, pork~ and Church,~~. Ir ~rl DESIG~iE{S 771-6320 FOR INFORMATION REGARDING RATES: I PLAY THE D/dL Y LOTTERY AT I~" I iilll _~.. L __, -.J 19325 MACK AVE. 882-0922 of the Whitti~r Towers I\...rIiIiiC ... -~ .Y"


    _ • __ .a~ •• _~~~ •••••••• ~ •• ~ •• _._ •••••• < •••••••••••••••• _ •••• ft ••• _ •••• eM -- •• a.2••• a••••••••• -----., -"---- ...... , --~(~-- ....---..,..._ .._---~~-----:. "-- -"-

    Page Twenty-One _Thursday, May 3,1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------


    War Memorial, was Helen boulevard, Mrs. James E. \ o'clock at Grosse Pointe i, Milliken, Michigan's First Meyers, of Whittier road, Memorial Church, under the I L1!dy. The Rever end Nancy direction of Charles Gleason. j Board members, sponsors, Doughty, of Detroit, and I :JuIUf}; O.IA.JJ;// honorary 'members and sup. John E. Graham, of Birming. The program will include i ~.yr French and American bal. I porters of the private, non. ham. ~.r~ Open Mother's Day' lads, popular and liturgical I profit family planning ago John W. Liston, of Bishop music. I ency, founded in 1922 with road, will serve as treasurer. . Noon to 9 p,m, The club. founded in 1915,! 1 the ultimate goal of enstU'"a Corresponding and r~cord- " .. ~~._., : .... _ ....._. ~". •...,•.• ~ ~...... ,,.. j I ing that "each child born is I ing secretaries are, respec.\' It:ilLUIC:) o)JU6C1;) .,L.lt.VUI .. uv ! a wanted child," gathered tive!y, Mrs. Theodore Jaco. than 10 communities sur. 754.5555 for the program during bowitz, of Southfield and rounding the Greater ~etro~t)1 , area. Concert donatlOn 1S 13330 E. Ten Mile Rd. Warr.n, Mich. ..:p:.... """ ' I $3.50. (slude:ll.s and senior A~r~H "(1M Ri.Cnunty Hospital rNew Orleans DIXIELAND -II I citizens, $2.50). II CHET BOGAN wOlv.rr:: }~:zBind 'I ~v.rV TUESDAY, 9 p.lA. AT THE LIDO I II NOW'S THE TIME TO . DininK. Cocktails ~j~~Jort;~~R~9.~ I STORE YOUR FURS, COLD FUR STORAGE! MAIER & WERNER -Coiffures- ClaniN; - f:?smocktng - f:?pai1'ing PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 17670 MACK AVE. 881.7297 or 885-2466 MEN - WOMEN ATTENTION CALL 885.9000" VITO IS BACK Co-chairmen J AN (Mrs. Thomas) items. It's set for next Wednesday, FINE FURS from ltal., with new ideas in Spring Hair Fashions COULTER, (seated), and PAULINE May 9, fr.om 10 in the morning until for Men & Women (Mrs. Joseph) LACKEY look over 3 in the afternoon at the church, WE SPECIALIZE IN UNIPERM plans for the spring preview of the where elevator service is available APPOINTMENTS AVAlLA9LE MON. THRU 1979 Grosse Pointe Memorial Church and luncheon will be served from &imJtl;1t-~ SAT. & THURS. & FRI. EVENINGS Fair, featuring plante; and garden ac- 11:30 until 1:30 o'clock in Fellowship if GROSSE POINTE • Free Parking At Rear • cessories plus many craft booth Hall. All are welcome.

    Mrs. Ralph Polk, of Bloom. I road. Mrs. Verne C. Hamp'll comb counties with contra. 20467 MACK AVENUE Don't know what to do with field Hills. ton, of Oxford road, Dr. Vir- ceptive medical services. GROSSE POii-iTE vVCODS, MICH!GAN 48236 New appointees to the ginia S. Cleland, of Pleasant cancer detectiop. procedures, Fred H. RolUus. Jr. young people this summer? board include Mrs. Roger Ridge, and Ms. Marsha Co. screening for hypertension Dcoug1aH A. May Murray C. Kuter Frieholm, or Kenwood road, hen. Ie! Detroit. and administration of tests Robert D. Miller j au f ei"r&50n Mrs. David Gaskin, of Bishop Otner "incoming boa r d for venereal disease. 81veI... .1 Ideal.dlcatlYl Ind,.lIin prulnll " I members are Peter Kauff- With the growing epidemic man, of Bishop road, and of teenage pregnancies, the 21 st Annual Student Visits to Europe. PLANT PARTIES Ligens P. Moore and Eugene league's Community Educa. A summer of learning, fun and 3xcitement. Commercial E. Pettis, both of Detroit. I lion Department is giving I High School age 15-18 College 19-25 I Planned Parenthood pro- special help in its clinics to vides a broad program of Iyouth, plus providing educa. medical and educational ser. tiona! programs and work. \ For brocllure and details vices geared to low income shops in schools and church. de Barv Travellne. families. It serves men, I es, presentations th.rough the \ 17lso M.um" women and teenagers-B,OOO media and rap sessions at Corner Fisher Road, Grosse Pointe Gurut'" Grom,S,.lea. patients in 1978 alone - in The Teen Center in Puritan 881-3747 Op.n S.turd., unl11'12:30 Mirellle Wilkinson Elaine Reynal au & Ctn. Pmaudou I w;::~:,::;,~:';=:::'~:ncertsI NO TRIP TOO SMAll FtJR USI ,------Mus i c Director Ani:al VISA charge card customers Dorati ,will be joined by \ may order tickets by phone P1.anist".blt\rdo\t," Serk\n\n at 962-5524. ' " ,,- "' performances at Ford Audi- I Rudolph Serkin made his tarium . with the Detroit I first appearance in the Unit- impressive decanter sets for S,'mphony . Orchestra this ed States in 1933, playing I , evening; Thursday. May 3, I with the Busch Quartet for r serving favorite beverages Saturday, May 5, and Sun- a specially invited audience dllY, May 6. at the Coolidge Festival held

    with a touch of elegance. The Thursday and satur" at the Library of Congress. I' day performances are at8:30 His formal debut in New o'clock. Sunday afternoon's York, with Toscanini and the .1 Kresge Family Concert starts I New York Philharmonic, fol. I I at 3:30 o'clock. , lowed in 193f!. : The program consists of I . ! two works by Beethoven: ]1 WI , , I I The Symphony r-lc. 4 and the J !1 ~. I .Fourth Piaon concerto." . Rudolf Serkin was born in I Eger, Czechoslovakia, in ORO un ' , ~:~ea~~ ~~~~::~d ~~n~i~~i~~ n I Professor Richard Robert NURSING and composition with Joseph II I!.'f~~ and Arnold Schoen. HOME ~I . ., u"'':t the age of 12, he made j ungaro illuminates spring with art to"We8.r... striking costumes from his debut with the Vienna i' .'t Symphony. He began 1'0n'I' . . a gallery of artistic silk prints in a palette of superb colors.

    :u~~~~inII !' ~~~l~~jr~n~~/~~~i~'I H(}I~:T~~,~~~r.~~:ON , The New York Times has : . called him "by unanimous ' 821-3525 emanuel ungaro .' consent the outstanding Iiv. I It Q . , . . Renaissance Ce-nter (Tower 100) e Detroit. 259-7290 ing exponent of the Germ:::: .' ualll)' Sursrng (are I UNGA~U HUU~I UN u"'u""-;;';O t:!AL ~Aj;;OOUR i..ir,jG"~O P":,,M a~ACH . LJNGARONEW yORK . Romantic piano tradition." I 803 Ma(],'Son Avenue SFA Center BCliIHarbOur S"ODS 205 Wortn Avenue This is his eighth appear 1800 SOut" .Po!.! Oa ...~O::\(] <, ance with the DSO. He first I" , ~{:.~~ appeared with the orCh.estra I . il( Ii in February of 1945. His last . appearar.ce with th~ DdroH' . M!MJhA It' H- . 1 --kimr.I.I"!'I!".~"- I , Symphony was io January of nrg~ . 1976. I , r""-~~..~ I Tickets for the Thursday .. and Saturday evening per. ;-f. I,! ~'-lJ I . I . \ j! formances are availahlp at . S10, $8, $7. $6 and $4. A II aC= ,. ~'" \;-1{ limited number of $2 tickets I . I" ' for these two perfonnances, I I shewouidnl I . \..! , for students and senior citi. .., I zens, will be available at the 1'" give herself. '-, I~ ~ .' door starting at 7:30 o'clock • on concert nights. . i~ I r,\ c Tickets for the Sunday Just a couple of the great array .. afternoon Kresge Family of fine furniture gifts destined to ..". d~~!/ Concert are availabl~ at 87, ;. l\ give Mom the Mother's Day she'll $6 and $5. .'... Tickets may be purchased never forget. , at the Ford Auditorium box .."' b ~ office. Master Charge and Don't miss the fantastic savings .. r throughout the gallery. ". MONOGRAMMING ~ ! ENGRAVING If you prefer to let Mom choose ... NOW AT her own gift, Tradition House Reg. $230 offers gift certificate,; in any NOW $184 denomination. Clear or etched glass decanters with matching glasses, from Toscany. Perlect for entertaining occasions at home or for thoughtful g!ft-giving. In 7-pc. sets. Tradition House . A. Gove wine, $30; B. Riesling wine, $25. " or cOI<.lial, $20; C. V.!i!ton I."::ne, $25. i(~g ~C'iY.Y:> NOW $539.95 "-" S600 EAST EIGHT MILE ROAD (AT MOUND) .'" J!loobson'~ .'.. STORE FOR THE HOME. 17141 KERCHEVAL AVE. Low., in'; 01 OPEN DAilY 16-9; SAT. 16-6; SUN. 12.5 .' rite Amill''''''''' 366-6512 MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 13 17100 Emll, .. 1 884.1798


    7 Ih he _- • ....., • 9 5 R R P 2 .2 2 • n ) 22 to - , . - , 5 -, • 7 t 7 7 2 sr. 7 • - P tp_ , 0 • h',' n s ? ) 7 n D t •• s • m 27 ? 7? S? 7 g 7 7$ ?? gpc.rS? S 77 G ReS SE P0 / N TEN EW S Thursday. May 3. 1979

    ,.,.':Iu,.-o."l·nt'.A Q:., P ...... "'v'O

    Set Slun1ner Pops Progra,n at ,i)1eadow Brook 'YJf/CA l'feetillg Exhibit Days Begin at Pewabic Pottery , Meado~ Brook Music Fe~.. Slua!'l Hyke, the festival's / and.. !p~\:h, ~~!e:"~-,'-.-. -. I .. The. ~oo~c chan~es to rag./ Dralvs Pointers ..,WinJ.1ers of 'the ~iehig~~ I teacher a,t ~lfred University" school's cera:nic~ dep~rtmeh hval's ntne. week Sun day managmg director, explal ns n c • c lIuP'''5 ...... ram: I' tmlc JUly II :IS' the :''':",',I.r , I Li'ranllC" 79 competitJOn will i Alfred. 1'.. "1, i as a stuo(>nt In 1901, SIXy('ars Pops ,Series wiII feature the the focus of the 1979 .t:'0ps lies will pa~k up thl'ir picnic New. England Conservato,ry A pair of Poir,ters, Bessie b2, collecting $1,000 in prizes . Mary ,Chase Stra~ton parti'j belore ,oeC?m.lnll rewaol~- DetrOIt SymPhO,ny Orchestra Con c e r t s programnung:' suppers and come out to the I Ragtime Ensemble led by Its Hunt executive directo, r and thiS Sunday, May 6, as the clpated In the openmg of that Pottery s artistic founder. ' performing ,f i v e coneerts. "We've designed this year's fesli~al grounds on Sun~ay founde~, Gunther Sehulle~, a Barbira Locke, will be a{nong Michigan Potters. Ass~ia,tion ...... ;;;;;;;;;. ==....-----=-==. plus a vart('ty of popular Sun~ay Pops Series as Ideal evenIngs to rel~x and, ~nJ.oy' note,d Interpr~ter of ragtime 12:1 member. from the, YWCA opens two ,sho~s In M1Chlga:n LORIO R-OSS conductors and performers famJly fare. Our programs our COllccrts, It s a deltgnhul musIc and a lllghly respected of Metropoiitan Deiroii join., State Umverslty's PewalYie ! • on four other Sunday evc. will offer a wide range of way to end a summer week contemporary composer: per. ing 2500 Iellow participan'~ Pottery. .NTIIRTAINM.NT AGENCY nings this summer, entertainment-music, magic end'" , forms "A Salu!e to Ragtime." in th~ 28th national conve~~' Michig,an Ceramics 79 d.rew Versatile musIc to satis~ allsp6S. J The Seas?n bMe~lhnsSluT~dlay, J Alnn aM.O)flf?s )pedrforman.ce tion of the Young Women's 400 entnes from 140 artists, Benefits. Weddings. Private Parties -- ~:'-~~~1 Z4 h 2g T une . , Wit IC ae I son u y WI me u e a varle. Christian Associat.ion of the 41 of whom had work select. C' d N' G P R 884 0300 r YORKSHIRE ~~~'O~~N :rhomas eonductin~ the DSO ty of selections. from Vien. United Stat.es to be held ~d for the competition e.xhib,it • In Y avarro, ., ep. - Im an a!l.G('r~hwm concert nese operettas to Broadway May 17 to '22 Th d In the gallery of the histone' . entitled" "That's Musie By hit~ by ~ogers and Hammer. through Tuesday' in ~~l:% pottery in E:lst Jefferson We Can Improve Your UHF Reception " I George! stein. European conductor Tex • , avenue, SAVE" On Quick Carry-In Servlcel GeSe~c~i~nsBwilldrangeh,frOm b~~~Allers wII~ lead the Before during and after The free public show will monoa,.am :::J-S/,;,.I ~'Pec;al I .W,A.flfl.":MTY SE!WK'E CENTER FOR: rs Win s .roa way ,l~S to ,. In accompaniment. ofril'ial ~ll'narv ~f'S!"ion~_the be. open fl'

    otic Independence Day pro. ry Blackstone. Jr., one of the their f~milies 1 , approximately 2,500 pots at • CANVAS 101E- Get ready for gram July 1, as Leonard B. !U0de.rn day maste~s of mag. They also' wiII address its spring sale in Pewabic's $12,00 includes Smith and the Detroit Con. I~, Will perform With the as. themseh'es to the concrete tile loft. hand pointed . ' cert Band present "An Eve. sistance of an u~usual! multi. goals and <>bjectives of the A third attraction for \isi. nome or initials SUMMER. ning With John Philip Sou. talented cast. Includmg an national YWCA during the tors is the exhibit of Pewabic Lose those excess pounds. sa." All musicians will drl!ss elephant. a tiger" a donkey next three years tiles and pots ,in the second • LUCITE in authentic Sousa.era band and a chorus of singers and At' ' l' floor Pewabic Museum. BRACELET at Daily Diet Counceling@ costumes, dancers, .mong n a 1 ~ n a ~ssues, The next courses offered $6, includes name or initials N A,TlHE L An added atlraetioT\ will., ~?~,~eadow B~ook spot. ~~~i~t~herr~~~t!~~~. w!l~nbe at Pewabic Pottery by MSU's o'l'I\ OS/!\t' be the Meadow Brook Estate, U~lH ~lIl1leS Ull Bal'Oiil. 'a Cuok, . :.... _.... ", " ... ':. :- ...... "p....c', Lif"iong Etlucation Programs ~ DAIL Y Q a group of Oakland Univers. one of !he outstanding mg. employability of wom~.1 start May 21. The $<:hedule o D ~ ity singers and dancers. In Broadway smgers of all time, an.d ,tee~s, sex and ~-ge ~lS' for the seven.week summer ~ ~ lET ('1\ traditional Fourth of July Aug~.st 12, H~; co~~er,t, "The c~l~matlon ami afflrma~lve term includes both aVOC'ation. \.. COUNSELlNG@asty!e,agigantiCfireworksIGre""s?ngs WIll mclude a.•tl~n pro.f: ram s, racr,sm, al and eredH courses. 882-5885 !' display will follow the con. many 01 he,r most famous ~~r~tal ,and_sexual. relatlOn'j Sharing the Michigan Cer. , cert. I Broadway hits. Wally Har. :hlp~,. wife ~nd child abuse, atn-ic. 79 prizes donated by I Riehar.d Hayman. a favo .. per, M.iss Cook's music direc .. Juvenile, de!mquen~y, ca.ncer ,I local and national Iinns are '11 Pre-School rite pops conductor with tor, Will conduct, preY'~ntlO~ and Umted S~'8tes Mary Jo Bole. Tom Phardel "ACATION CHu"rH SCHOO Meadow Brook audiences. reo The Promenade concerts. pOSitIOns In world relations. and And.ree Valley, of Ann yo K~ L turns July 8 to lead the De. or 'proms, are the English Many of thes,e concerns a:re Al1oor, Cynthia Boug.hner, of Vacation Church School Program for pre.schoolers troit Symphony in a concert equlValent of. ou~ Pops con. ref Ie c t e d In commumty Birmingham, Jessica Straus, h h d entitled "Duelin' H~!"moni. certs, and a hlghltght of each YWCA programs throughout of Bloomfield Hills. John "Master Charge & VISA Welcome I w ° ave nct otten ed kindcrg;:;;ten. cas." Proms season is the final the country, G.Jickand Joe Zajec. of Farm. June 4-8,9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Hayman, well known" for prog~am. The YWCA st:u~ture is ington, an

    ]--ioun ri i-:a-VsL' 'L"u~1. r ce~~j :e~~~a~t e;~3~n~'cf~~ f~~w;s~~:to~:'~~~:,!y c:~I~: ~~~Ac~~n~ry 'Torch .1 ,,/t L I ~ U and are held in outdoor Bal. out the directives and goals Drive Agency. PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICf .ttl 1 Lh· dwin Pavilion on the Oak. 21138 Mack.- Grosse Pomte .wOOd! A l J '._' .~:":".~.' ,', .~ ;. 1 ::.JJ,~ ..• ". '.' - • - 881-6942 J.f :;"1;~1~.,frlW{firll/Jf:irJ2~,f{f~f.(~~;~~~h~k~{n~~~'~i;l~t~~;~, , ? . eiety wiII take place May 20. 7934. Reservations are limit- '" St M I MOd "Sunday Stroll Through ed to 35 people, High up'in the . a~y S oms, a 'Sj' Downtown," conducted by The fee is $3.50 per person Tho~~s. Hol,leman, his, tor~anl per "stroll," (~2,50. for me!U. I . ' 4" magnificent Set Polrsh Country Fair -- arch1\'1Si: WIth the archltec-, bers of the Histone:!l Socle. ~.' ~f \. Blue Rid>:!e The Moms and Dads Club tural firm of Smith. Hinch. ty). -~">-, ';':"':"" •• i - _ - --~. Mountains ] of Saint Mary's Preparatory I man lInd Gryils, wm cover, Sundav Strolls scheauied I SChOl,Olp"l~llhprcesent its an. I' samet of ~ownt '.::J V'''1r..- V} ~ .l.It_ ...... - J~' -=' I ~nday, June ~, from 5 to 11 gems, su~~ as, .the ~ay~e Corlctown and the Cultural In the evenmg. Satur;1ay. Co~n~y, (1 rat lIe cou,rt), Center. Brochures and regis- four-season resorts. Here you'll find a beau- (jr ~ J~ne 2, from noon to 11 BU1.1dl!1gand t~e Guar(ilan, tration forms may be obtain- tifz:l.18-holegolfcOt~rse, ~ennis, except~'onal .. - o clock. and Sunday, June 3, ,fMlchlgan National Bank), ed by contacting the Histor. jl.~t."...~..,. from noon to 9 o'clock on the Building, as well as the pub. ieal Society cu.'Sl11e,a heated swm~ng pool, ant! In the ~ ~;" ~,~ Ore-hard Lake Schools' cam. lic art which dots the area, . _ wznter, uncrowded ski slopes. And nght -.' -'\ pus, "0 e t r 0 i 1's architectural G am e s. entertainment, beauty is often blurred by Oakland's Art now, you'll find you canti ve here in luxury, l !i Iprizes and Polish ethnic food the fast pace of our aut<>mo. -.. • ., fully protected by 24-hoursecurity. The .<'d ft. \ will be .r~tured, as well as Ibile so~iety," states Hol}.e.1 Focus on GIftS OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 tours or tne campus and a I man. "The only way to reallY Lakes Condominiums at Hound Ears,$160-$225,000. For documentary on the visit of appreciate what this city of. I Th M -d--B 0 k Art GROSSE POINTE - 870 Lincoln Rd. Pope John Paul II to Mexico, fers in public art and archi. e ea ow r 0 . Center entrance, brick colonial, large living room more infornmtion, call Keith V\kber or Pat Ritchie \ at (704) 963-4301. Hound F.HYS Club I~~~~t::;~~arhe e~~~t;~~~~~ I ~~~t~;d i~;fk!~£t out of the ~i~~l,~ryne~ ~;~l~ft~,~:~:~tII :\i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,f~~~~~i~~~r~~o:. (~~~~~~ ~j. ' ernment, Those intere~ted in partici. GIftS t? the Umverstty Art plus 2 more bedrooms, bath has sep, arate stall r.o.BOX 188. BLmv::~c ROCK, N.C.28605 CollectIOn," opened Sunday, I TALK TO? A p r i 1 15, and will run shower, all beautiful natural oak floors, enclosed ~.','I -----1 I WANT SOME OfilE TO I, • : through Sunday, May 20. It sun room, 2 car garage, large lot. : I...., t 1 Need Helo With A Problem? I is free and open for viewing Mal\e a rare momen I CaI/882-LIFE (5433) l~~~~u;htoF~~~~I,OC~ ~:e~;~ ~ WALKER - ALKIRE:I Ebenezer Baptist Church ~IO'CIOCkSaturday and Sunday] REALTY COMPANY :, -Itell-me ! Life-LIne . and 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock on ,. 'I .- last a I evenings when there is a I I ------.1 • h...... 1'. I " M••_:~d.o•.•w,....Brook Theatre per. I. 774-8200 882-0216: ,'Hl"«.,," I~ East Detroit 'Wit a ra~eI I gilt. \ 'II CA- M---P A- K-DUY.I•• -.-u-C: II The gallery is closed Mon. I i. A PRIVATE CAMP FOR GIRLS ~~~~~n;~:as~~~w closes the 1_ \3On .-~-_t;;-~-~..-....-~-I------~= Applications now being accepted II A majority of the gifts on I :::: I !I lor J979 summer session from exhibition in the gallery in I!J -- "" 11 June 24th to Julv 21 st II ~~~~~p~;~~ly ~~~isl's:i~~~lutz ,--- I July 22nd to AY!l~st 18th ~l~~i~~~~~~a~:l~~p:te:~~ I WEEKl Y SESSIONS i'. Richard Lindner, G d T 8a R. M' h' I Among the works are I ran raverse y eglon, Ie Igan Appel's series "The Sun. FOl Information: call 881.9442 alter 5 I shine People." Lindncr's ~ SELLING YOUR I,------I"Shoot" scries and Edward I Ruscha's organic screenprints CONDOMINIUM. 'cont'lining "News." "Mews." l~'~4C?) SPRING WALL WASHING "Pews." "Brews," "Slews" and "Dues." There are also ' CAN BE AL prints by Mark Tobey. "Man. SPECI darin and Flowers," "Chi. ". nese Memories" and others, PUZZLING! We will do any 5 rooms in your Two paintings by Euro. pean artists on view are the home, walls and ceilings work of German Karl Pfah., The diamond solitaire. ,ler and Michael Challenger, When you put it all of Britain, together - there is only, ~ I as low as One smgle diamond. Set simply 1 Includcd too are sculp-' one answer, , . list with': and elegantly, To sparkle on its own. tures by thc American pop I The Condominium ~ Of lasting value. because no two dIamonds artist George Siegel, an op "Specialists" construction. "Black Moving are alike. Come in to see our beautiful I Pllines," by Mon Levinson selection ot diamond solitairt'Jl.:'weiry. i • All work done by machine and a wood carving by K. M. And you II know why it's the gift I Chung. a Cranbrook gradu. Phone: 771.9030: I ate, that maKes J rare and • No dripping or streaking I ::. ..i i The unive~sity .h~s re: I wondertul moment • 1 ~utllr .• A. I. I • Satisfaction gvun:mtced :'':~'.''~'d;~ "r fit ,1",. ! last a lifetime, I Iworks in this exhibition I from individuals in Michi. ~. Ill/}, () I. I Call lor appointment. gan. Also, through the ef. Condominium JaCenle (Jewelry I forts of the Martin S. Acker. I Realty Company ~~~k, ,"inN' 19.11 I LAKESHORE CLEANING \~~~a:~if~n~yo~at;:.1 ceived works from collectors II I 16601 E. Warren 881.4800 II in New York, Conne-::licut The Condominium Counsellers Monday-Friday 9 to 6, II 774.1730 and Paris, France. Saturday 9 to S I

    • ...... - .A._. "'"'- ..-. --...... _ _ .- __ ..-. ~ ~ _ .- ---...... - c1i-' • d • d d" d 1 + 4: • 4 ,. •••••••• _ ,. •• ~---.... __~...... -.. ____.A_ ~ __ ..... Page, Twenty-Three _ Thursday I May 3, 1979 GROSSF. POINTE NEWS

    W. ~"~en's.\.1]:"[1 ,aIld for Pointe Women


    , I Give Mother a Break

    On Mother's Day you know what she wants and so do we ...

    k.\\JD I ret:Qg!1inon . . . and a "Lilly!"

    G~nealo9icar Research total lOOK specla!i~~s. S~~iety Meets May 12

    'program for the Detroit Society for Genealogical Re- @REDKEN sea:tch's meeting. Saturday. salon May 12, at 2 o'clock' in the E~p!!}re!'5 ROl)m of t.he De~ trait Public Library will be a slide lecture and presenta- tion, Tombstones and Brass SEBASTIAN INT!lL. HAIR Rubbings, by Mary Jane 12'1427 MACK ;~!>ut. of the Michigan Stat!:" Across from St. Joan of Arc:::...... lbrary. .• ff(l;;II'

    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 o . 0 ~ ~N;~ • o 0 I 0000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000

    v~~~0J.IJl r<~ % TiMt J~. iN HIS NE\V LOCAliON I I 20445 MACK AVENUE, GROSSEPOINTE WOODS I . (OPPOSITE BONANZA) 18 BEAUTIFUL PRIZES 1~...... ,«;oolG ,....1...... ,.,T..... ---L __ ---.1: n===_ ...... _~~ If_ .4 I III .,.,U ••• U•• U:...... rI .. "'~~~•••e u.•••"e.- u, I You Must Be 18 Or Over To Make A Free Guess. I Your Guess Must Be Made By May 15th. The 18 L"osest Bill Bin One Of These f'ine Gifts. JUS' IN TIME FOR MOTHER'5 DAY ••• SAVE 30% ON ANY ITEM IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK. *That Is On Everything Except SEIKO WATCHES ... THEY ARE 20% eFF! • We maintain a complete inveniory 01 the F:~.JESTDIAMCf"JDS, ffr-JDANTS and DiAMOND EARRINGSand mountings •II i 'E''tfJilI FREE GIFT Open 10.5: 30 Daily • WRAPP~NG! 20445 MACK AVE (Closed Monday) I I 886-2050 •

    _L-o..I _ ... ~------...... -.-.-.._~------..--. -----~..~.~._.~._~~_._._._-...... -....- ..... --_.------...... ------~--~-_.~-~._.~--~---~-~._~----~---~------_.' Page Twenty-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. May 3, 1979 [Society"News Gathered f~_~~ the Pointes

    ! Plan Panhellen.ie Day Program at GPYC I 'Girls' to Lunch at Roat tluh I BaroqulJ i\fusic Fe,..,it~a.lSet at Cranbrook ~ Th~ n~troit Alumnae Pan. r to aU sorority members and, Gamma Phi Beta. ! Asaisling Marilyn McCaf'i b r 0 ugh t' by Els:l smoke.l Cranbr~ok Fe s t i val '79'-I--S:lt\lrdd~' is' 'Bach night. I The Wayne State Unlver- ~..lt!'n;<, A,,"O{'i~tion will hold 1theirg~erts. Mrs. James I. ~e .four :ee:ipie~ts of pan., ferty, chairman of the De'l Luncheon at i wiii be jol •• celebrates :t~ 14th sea~on His magnificent Magnificat sity Chamber Choir, Harry Its annual meehr.g and lu~. ~nthank 15 accepting reserva. lll

    il ••••••••6666666 i i •• 6 6666 i ~0 Ii.o. 0 0 6 6 6 68 ~ I Al~~anss~~:h~~c.l!eOn and ICenter Officers Ii FCi. Bel!e Biscayne IISlcH~:.~~~~~;nJy iull tliiil<.. ".roo '11i~ 171 S4 Weet.rloG :jlj ( p--n... - fashiOn show ::re bemg h~n. I . "._"_ n:~~~.."n ("h ~t ~esslOnal ~hamber orchest~a ::: (b tw St CI . II N ff G P . t C'ty 48230) '.' S=ou'-.. - 0-' Gift ~~~~~, c';;rt~a~~~~:I~~J I Max Gardner, M.D.~. of I c:;;~:r ~;W~;{I~~A~~:iC:~ I~~C~~~i~re:s s~~;~o~!1nt~:' m e cee"LEA' alrRA~eN' rCDssEeDI elL'"E !~~~ H 8 her committee: Mrs, O. P. Barela;,' read,. a pl'ach~mg Business Women's Associa- major chamber orchestras In ::: -! ~.1.~1 Beauvais, Deita Gamma, Mrs. psychoanalyst In The Pomte tion has scheduled its re u. the. wo.rld. . . . ::: and Flower. Onthank Alpha XI .Delt~, area, was recently elected ~ g Pianist GIlbert Kahsh, one:~: SA ':.; " and Mr~ Michael Welsh, president of the board of di. lar monthly meetm~ for next oi today's finest interpreters ::: HOURS ::~: BRIDE'S SPECIAL Sigma Siima Sigma. rectors of The Children's Thursday, May 10, at the oi. baroque cl~ssical music,::: : :::: ______Center, the largest and old- Polish Century Club, where ~lll per~orm In the Thurs.::: 9:30 - 11:30.nd 1:30.3:30 ;::: , For May & June Only! Offer Meadow est community based pro. cocktails at 6:30 will precede I aay evemng Mu~art prog~an:. '::: .::: ; _ vider of mental health ser- . • I Armando Ghltalla, prmcl-.:. Tu••• , W.d., fhur ••, Fri. :::: Our GIFT for the Happy Couple one IIB k M. vices for children. (infants dmner at 7 0 clock, pal trumpet. of ~he. Boston :::: 10.00 12'00 S.turd.y :;.:; Bouqllet or Centerpiece FREE with your roo OVle th.rough teens), in Michigan, The Cancer' SocJety will SFY~dPhOny,"":111 hlghhght the :::: C./os-ed'MOndays :::: __ \\Ith headquarterf on Alex. provide the guest speaker rt ay evemng Haydn pro. .:.: ',' order of flowers for your wedding party. I I~ observance of the 50th andrine East in Detroit's Vocational speaker is Ma~ gram. ':~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:;::: SPECIALIZING IN SILK & DRIED - Ianmversary of one, of south. Medical Center. . . . , FLORAL DESIGNS FOR THE eastern Michigan's most pic. Blalk and, as May IS ABWA s ENTIRE WEDDING PARY & RECEPTION I turesque historic siles, a new P ~lfred t~' Reu~he~. ~lso a SchDlarship Month, the chap. Mlk. TMt --....1 D- HIYI1.-.- ...... color film is !lv~;l?"le fot' dioltn er, t e ~denetrhs Imbme' ter's scholarship recipient ~ -~ _..... -- civic organizations that want I a. e pas .presl en, as een .. ' J Drapery 15200 Houston Arrangements to include it in their pro. elected chairman of the Domta SI~PSO~, a Wayne Engleside _ By "L YNN" gramming plans. board. St.ate Umverslty stude~t, 838 5200 20% OFF on all "Meadow Brooll: Hall" is a Mrs. Jack Pickering, of wlll tel! how. the scholarship Open FrJ. Eve. PrInted Napkin. 13.minute presentation on Rivard 00 ulevard , haS been fund has aSSisted her. to pur. . and Carpet Cleaners , Till9 p.m. • Mitch Coy.r. the background and preser. re-elected vice president, and sue. a college educatIon, ~e. vation of the 100.room home Mrs. Perry TeWa1t has moved scnbe her progress and diS-1 NO OTHER CLEANER IN YOUR AREA CAN eQUAL '! :;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiii __ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... ;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiii... of the late Alfred G. and from secretary to vice pres- cuss her g(}als. OUR WORK, SERVICE OR PRICES r IMatilda Dodge Wilson, who ident. ' Guests are welcome. In . was the widow of auto pio- . . terested business women .( PEN 0 LEljOI' N ~ Ineer John Dodge. . Other di~ectors who reSIde inay contact B.. arbara Meer. " _ The hall was completed in In The Pomte are Mrs. Jo. schaert, chapter president, Drapery Cleaning .: 11929 at a cost of $3.5 million seph J. Marshall ~nd. Mrs. evenings at 371.7456, days at 21Jat. OFF .• . Iand was given to the State Edward Gushee, Ootn re- 755.()90(), Extension 210, for I COU NT RY . ..) of Michigan with a 1,400-aere elected to three:year terms, further information. ~~ ~a~~~a(~gp~h~~;)d J~~~~drapes Thru May I H \ f\" i'f'"" .. II estate which is new the earn .. Don~cl. E. McK~,lJght,;;.o~ ~ l,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;__ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. We clean clear through ... Color & whites come sharp and clear. -".iU1--1 H' '-t:Q Jj. ~'. '4l ,....- -, ".,.,~.,.1Tl",,,,,..dtv I assocllue. memuer, ulc ..a,u II" II L..: V) . .~ Kliud. C 711'U;h~' w';~~"i~';i;;tifi~~~~e ;;nRinks and K.Peter III. f~:;~g , '-';' of the hall was officially . arp81-~ G-.-ea.n""lng'~~~i;c1:ner~~~iJef~~ a~i~:~fJ:~:• .; BUSY C We use color brighteners and soil retardants., 1'\ () A n I ", r~" irecognized in ],976, when Dr. Gardner, who has been We carefu!!y move and replace aU furrtiture. i d BEF \::iU~.:>~ l..7"UtU(l(' J 1 ,-~~-..... the llIichigan Historic ~om. a Children's Center director - " ". mission named it to the State more than 12 years, is a past. f'lp"'''g ganef' '. - ..' Register of Historic Sites. president of both the Grosse 1: ~ flUl ~ .,. ' The 16mm travelldocu. Pointe Rotary Club and the mentary was made possible Family Life Education Coun. by a $10,000 grant from First ciI. Federal Savings and Loan In commemoration of its Domestic Se;vlce Association of Oakland. 50 years of service, (1929- Upholstery Cleaning General Housecleaning i&), i.o lhe Dt:h'ult iiii:tropol. to~~ 0 ~ :~:::. Beautifully done by either steam or dry foam. :tdf~''re:r itan community, The Chilo CommercIal "Meadow Brook Hall" con. \~I dren's Center will hold a Transportation FurnIshed tains seldom-seen a e ria I two-day educational confer. Carpet and CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE vi~y.rs . ~f, tq~.,,)exJ~rio~, and Upholstery Cleaning i73-6190 839-2500 en.c~'i'."T~e ,New ~nUer:' Wan' W~I~ClC. 1 i , .'Ml~ at. G~ Mecfc I'''' ":Mlle at.Ha~' . In~t .. Space" in' the Inner t ~".~4!" \\I ,&r~~t,-i;e~(}~~~~~'hi;;kes :a IT. CUIll SII0RES DET1IOIT ".,?~('~"'; n Insured, ~ (). Ifeatured appe1l?\Wce in the City, (Treatment l;fethods movie, haviiig''' volunteered and Issues with Children and 792-5684" Our C_ulianbl .,. on d,,'tVfrom 9 to 4 dally to V'•• you .xpert Informilflon llnd price!. his professional services in Families in the Urban En. FREE PICK-UP' AND DELIVERY personal support of preser. vironment). Wednesday and * * vation .for Meadow Brook Thursday, May :7.3 and 24. at Hall. Joe Weaver of TV.2 the R ac k ham Memoli!!l ------~-~._------.\JJartlep'£i Ol.l\teCUJoods Information on reserving be obtained by calling 831. "Meadow Brook Hall" for 5535. 881-5090 Igroup presentations may be , obtained by calling 377-3140. LINe Family En joys Dinner 19001 Nine Mile Rd. Ent D.trolt (1.le • I Mile) Most of LINC's, (Linking " , 774-1000 Individuals to Needs in the 0.". BodennlUl.r Mgr.lPro Community), functions are fund misers, but on the last Saturday in April members of the LINC family of volun- teers and their husbands en . .; . PEOPLE ARE joyed a progresmve dinner: a chance to become better acquainted in a strictly social setting. OUR MOST Cocktails were sipped in &4STPOINrE I the homes f)f M'r. 'and Mrs., Frederick Metry and Mr. I Herald the arrival of spring ... celebrate the beauties of all the and Mrs. Michael Marston. R4CQUET iMPORTANT Then the two groups split .- world's offerings in cuisine, fashion, home decorating and more . into three, for Cornish game CLUB hens with all the trimmings All through the month of May we'll feature an exciting array of at the homes af Mr. and Mrs. interesting events amid an enchanting atmosphere of flowers, ASSET I- 1_'...... ,_ ...... 3.... I ,~~o~~~:P~lt:~da~.,,~~~I greenel)', and Orientai iantems and fam•.Tne stage is set to I I lift your spifit..s cut of I.'.~nter'sdoldrums. Come, follow us tJ"ifough M~s ~h:O::d W;;~:~~. the i a fresh, new world of fashion for you, your home and famiiy. :.1 I'three groups mel'ged into one I JOIN US NOW! for dessert and an afterglow I I at thE':home of Mr. and Mrs. Summer Memberships Now Available Dennis Perkins. May 3. 4 and 5 St. Clair Dining Room-A Special Chlne.e dish I featured each day. Individual: $35.CO May 3 Cottage Ho.pltal B,n.flt Breakfast IWindsor light Opera II Couple: $45.00 Is Presenting 'Kismet' 9:30 A.M. St. Clair Dining Room Family: $55.00 II May 3 and 4 Health Awaren.s. Fair-free blood pressure, health Sr, Citizen: $25.00 Betty J. Campbell, 'Deputy I information, brochures, and nutrition tips. Court Cler)t, Civil Division, Ma'y 4 Visit the Cosmetic Department and receive your III ~itYa~~v;r~:.e t~~in~j;~:; I complimentary Opium perlum@ sample. NON-MEMBERS LOOKING FOR THE CLUB THAT IS" A BIT Light 0 per a Association I Informal modeling of suits and dresses for BETTER" FOR NEXT YEAR NOW HAVE THE PERFECT OP- which is presenting "Kismet" Mother 11 to 4. weekends at Cleary Audi. I PORTUNITY. j ~~~ium through Sunday, May May 5 Informal modeling - MI.s J, lower level 11 to 3. De.lgn.r Lelsurewear Showing - informal LEAGUES AND LESSONS ARE OPEN TO NON-MEMBERS modeling. 10 A.M. to 5 P,M. THIS SUMMER! May 9 Olde Fashioned Englllh Tea Party, 2 to 4 P.M. Leagues for Men, Women and Children I~ Store for the Home Singles and Doubles.a.m. or p,m. May 9 Mr. Leedy of Levi Gentleman Jeans in Men's for Department 10 to 5. LESSONS - SELFISH! Guarantee yourself a practice BE" May 10 Lelsurewear, Patio dressing - informal modeling partner. Join one of our exciting clinics and your friend joins free! Lingerie department 11 to 8 P.M. Beginners $10.00 week for tour weeks 1112 hours . I~ Searl tieing technique. in Accessory department Advanced Beginners $10.00 week for four weeks 11/2hours 10 to 5 P.M. IntArmArJiates $10.00 week for four weeks 11/2hours Ms~'7-'2 Mothers' Gift Boutlque-Acces~"!': Oepartment Plav-Drill Sessions $6.00 week for six weeKS 11/2 i-n)Ui5 .I. ~I MilY ~2 ;;;:viiiiS! mGdE::ii;-~v1;ss J Lower !..eve! 11 to 3. Women's Competitive $i0.00 week for six ,....ceks 1~/2hours Il~.~, :.~! Ladies League & Lessons $8.00 week for six w~~ks i Y2 nours ~~17!1 . ~ 1e\egrom S I Dayt!me and Evening Sessions Ai6 Now Forming! 1he '~ I Jacobson's CALL 774-1000 I 800-318-5033 ' GROSSE POINTE '==_::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!------!l!!!l!I!!II---- ....

    '.. 2 .z, _ a c • • I

    Thursday. May 3, 1979 GROSSE PO!NTE NEWS Page Twenty-Five

    '.lA-PERSONALS i 2B-TUTORING AND [ 4-HELP WANTED l4-nEi.r WAt~"TED \'4-B£!.P WANTED J 4-HElP WANTED I 4-HELP WANTED 14-HELP WANTED Marche AUK Puces . tiJUCATiON I GtNtRAL I t:iE~E~"'l ,GENERAL I GENERAL_. I GE!'t~IlAL IG:NIUL I ~~ (Flea Marlc.et) TUTORING I THREE C's Landscaping -I GAS STATION attendant -I MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST IPERSON DESIRING to b~ SUMMER HELP as house IInGT'riEri':; rmr..PE~Y-,:,'!' Please make a tax deductable . ALL SU BJ ECTS Foreman to operate lllwn evening:>. part time, week. for Pediatrician's office. trained i n switchb:lard painters. Interior and ex. day-Friday 2:4.5 p.m.-6 p.m. donation of your throw. maintenance crews. Good days of weekends. 822.1 884.6700. work. 11 p.m ..7 a.m. every terior. Experiencl' perter. 2 chUdren, ages 8 and 9. aways or discards to our GRADES~l THRU 12 I 7w5a7g.5e3s'31callfor interview. I 9310. I L.EGAL SECRETARY _ Ex. other weekend. iiome hoB. j rea, but not required. Good Cloverly and Charlevoix. annual Flea Market. Call PROFF-SSIONAL FACULTY ------, days. Please mail your pay. (Chris C.), 886-9030 885-S958 after 6 p.m . . . 882-2055 or 886-9102 for in. WE CAN HELP I' BUSINESS Writers - Free perienced and excellent written application to or 886-9494. ------formation, pick.up and reo GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE SALES lance. Experienced in AV skills for RenCen law firm. Marie J. Moore, 17016 AVON ceipt for donated goods. LEARNING C&.~TER and training. Call Davis Call.JoAnn at 259.0470. Mack Grosse Pointe Park DOCK MASTER - Summer ARE YOU WORKING YOUR ______63 Kercheval on the Hill AAA Real Estate Office iT. Assoc. 821-1167. WANTED-Stock person for Piea~~ include your tele: employment, bejin as soon WAY THROUGH COLLEGE? ,,: NEEDLEPOINT and crewel 343.0336. .881.821J1,. 8t Cl'lair Sh.o~es sheek.s StD1[ef~ -E-X-P-E-R-I-E-N-C-E-D--fu-l--l-c-h-ar-g-e dress shop .. Call afler 6 phone number. ~ as po ...... __Ible. en d La bor Day. Get ready for tuition !IeIIIng .' pillows blucked and finish. peop e to Jom t elr sa. . . TU 1 0748 1 ------40 hours per week Must world famous "Avon Prod. ed. Also needlepoint In'12F-SCHOOLS I 'Free training and many accountan~, p.art.tlme, for p.m. '. SHIPPING and RECEIVING I be a good sailor,' Great ucts." High earnings. Flex. strurtion. TU 1.7073. TU 6. . benef..i..ts .. We are the Pro. I a law Off!9cle39Jn85dow262nt4ownI LAD.Y NEEDED to care for IINDIVIDUAL NEEDED FOR I Lakes Yacht Club, St. Clair ible hours. For details call ,;;...... ">1" J; GROSSE p""",V I J"I ...Ie,r Il,~SiulH.uS.• .... , ~SA.A' for SUO. I area . 961. , 8. . wife, and house. we~kJTAL RUGS I tv\US!C looking f~!, individuals to Northeast DetrOIt. Lank I DETROIT I CLERK _ TYPIST/ReceptIon. I SECRETARY Private or Class Instruction CHARTER OAKS 779-9792/ worK on ~I1~ ~u..iit€i. fi.illl 'I'ygard, 839-6500. ~'. ,--- .. --~--" i"t Mud be able to type FULL-PAR:. T TIME WANTED . . or part time positions are I .I!.Oxpenence~'''lC:'''''', ...... l'v .. 1 '.. , .. .. . '- - ~-- - .... - I M U S I C _ plano, VOIce, ..' FULL TIME secretary for siblity for heavy lifting 45 wpm to 55 wpm dieta'11mmemare tlV\I!U"e 'u, ~,_.~ one or many strings wind instruments $3.50 PER HOUR ava!hble, Work experIence 1 t t [f' th d bll't t d 1 'th' phone fiUng 9 to ,;, Mon individual experienced in . '. ., ' B 1 2' ht f d b t t rea es a e 0 Ice on e an a I y 0 ea WI ,....,. , . Private collectur wi!l pay strmgs, gUItar. wmd m. uspcrso.ns or DIg s per pre erre. u no neces. I Hill. Accurac or aniza. . d work and job \ day through Friday. Fisher general office procedures. bl' struments, and organ. week. call your own sched. sarro Call 885.3400. Be.. . y, g vane. paper, Buildin 812.5583 must type 4.5 w.p.m. Flex. any rcasona e pnce. ART-Drawing and painting ule. East Side Best Rock- tween 93 Mon ..Fri. sand'l honal ski~ls and. neat.n~ss f~nctlons. Excellent bene. 1_. g. . ible schedule available. 1-482-5427 Distinguished Faculty Disco. "TRUMPS JUMPS". ers Cleaning. are esse.n~lal. typmg, fllmg fIts, days only. Call ~er. DENTAL ~stant needed. Good starting salary and TU 2.4963 Apply NO',',' :::t 9 p.m. at I LAN'lJ-;;;'~A'o;;-l;"~ ._. ... -.. ~~~,,!b:l~~y ..:~tl~ee~p~~~ ~~n.,nel.~871.1,000, extrtensllotnI Experienced pre.ferred, will benefits. Convenient down- THE BAHA'I FAITH 16360 Harper. Detroit. ""V ... ~. I'Ve u.,,,... t'''uu" "'" .. ~~-~_. -;';' ;;:::.. ~'P!!'. °P.PO un Y train th!.'!!!h li'ull time or town location 872-8317 _ 365.9536 I 2G-CONVALESCENT peorle to work on lawn Box C.30, Grosse PomL employer. part time 1J82.2300 I . . I CARE SERVICE STATION I and garden crews. 881- News. I " GOOD PICHE Hair Cente!, patron~. ATTENDANT 0292. I EXPERIENCED barmaid and SATURDAY MAINTENANCE man want'l HOUSEKEEPING oj We regret yourlmcot~Ven.I' BEAKON Professional (mini) WANTED TY.PE.FILE CLERK full' waitress. must apply in ed, for printini concern. SHOPS , ence-our new oca IOn IS N . S . I 533 . ....',. Sh ld h ..- 1 r st. Clair Pro f e s s ion a 11 ursmg erYlce. nc.' 9 MILE AND tlme, hlgn scnouq;i'iiuu&tc, ' person. S I e r:; !~~!!l~~. HELP ER ,ou ave some .... OW'. 962.9850 ext 285 \. Building adjacent st. John I 9693.. ) EFFERSON SHELL 50 w.p.m. Downtown eam. 14150. East EIght MIle, I I edge at. electrical work, ------~ Hospital. Ground floor, FAIR ACRES nursing home. APPLY IN PERSON I pany. Call Mr. Fisk, 963- DetrOIt. 1 Junior or High SChool stu., carpentry and plumbinl. YOUNG MAN for food mar. 1 main lobby. Phone 885. Armada, i.U. 313.784-5519. 7225 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. GENERAL OFFICE, part., dent needed for 3-6 hours Call 961-3969, ask for Tom !tet, will train. Apply 18330 ~: 5543, Salon 885.5995. Ap. Private nursing care, fully QUEEN REAL ESTATE is time, Gros,e Pointe Park. of miscellaneous errands Brockett. Mack. ~. poill;tment ~r walk in. Man. li.censed nu:-sing st~ff, spe. having "growing pains" REAL typing. invoicing, filing, on Saturdays. (e.g. lawn, BABYSITTER - Must drive DENTAL ASSISTANT ;: Icumt. avallable 8~ Mon. Clal food dIets. private or and invite you to grow etc. Please reply Box A-2l, cleaning), $3.~O per hour, to work part time 714. ;.; day.Fnday. Saturday 8.4. semi.private rooms. Phys. with us if you qualify( We ESTATE Grosse Poi n t e News, 1954 Littlestone. Grosse 2Z87. 'to • Are you looking fOf a :t'. ical therapy available. All provide an excellent train. Gros3e Pointe Farms 48236 Woods. 881-3280. ------change? or thinking about ;~ TO WHOM l.t may concem- rooms on one floor. ing program, furnish sales .2. at' ------.WAlTRESSESI apply in per.. getUn, back to work. Pos!- j: As of April. 26, 19~9, ~ am ,. .., aides, leads, referrals and Expanuing corpor !On now TEl LERS DENTAL ASSISTANT - ex. son part time 788 Lake. lion open May 1st, which .~. not responSIble for articles 3-LOST AND FOUND pleasant office facilities. hiring 2.:i select individuals _ perienced 4-handed, bene- sho~, Grosse Pointe. will pay the highest salary ,( left at 1336 Maryland. , For an interview call Bill to bee 0 m e Professional fits. 294-1550. in the Groase Pointe area. ~ LOST _ Man s gold p<,cket I Queen 8&1.4141 Realtors. We offer compu. --- NOW HIRING full time or No evenings or saturdays. 1. WEDDING CANDIDS, Grosse I watch on a gold chain, sen. ' . terized Multiple Lis ti n g PART.TIME DENTAL Receptionist, ex. part time, spring and sum. Benefits. All replies confi. ~.. Pointe's finest. Over 100 . timental keepsake, vicinity JOIN the All Pro-Team. Cen. services. Free SChooling NO SATURDAYS perienced, benefits. 294- mer jobs. Walters, waitress- lential. W r i t e Bolt S-2 't proofs. F'ree newspaper of Mack and 8 Mile. Re. tury 21-Shore Pointe. 771. and training. Cash bonuses. 1550. es, bartenders, banquet ex. Grosse Pointe News. ~.."" photo. John S. De. Forest. I ward 882-4098 or 884.2451. 0061. Free trips to Carribean Requirements are good math NEAR EAST SIDE manufac. I tras,washersbusandpersons,mai ten dish- 1------4.&. HELP W ...... TED :to 884,4852. FOUND-Black kitten. Free RN's.LPN's _ needed part and Europe. No experience aptitude, 1 year prior cash. turing company deslles reo $3 to $6 per hour.nCa?a:: ""- """ ~~2-EN.TERTAINMENT I ~o good home. Victim of time. S1. Anne's, Cadieux necessary, will train. Mr. ier e~perience, and aVai!' ceptionistlswitchboard opo 3252'. . DOMESTIC .r '..' !,:e st"Tm. ,;nable to keeD. ! at HarDer. 886-2602 I Alastra, 778-4720. able tran~portation. Po.!!. efatQfo Must have 200d vel'. ------lWANTED Li'- t .~ VINTAGE piano bar-Enter-j Housebroken 8B2.1432 .. I . . 1.- . 't I tions reQwre 3 weeks tram./ 1...1 .... ~ ,.,../u .." ';;'mmunf.1 DENTAL RECEP'n---- ..... ' - ve.w or ou . ~ tainment for cockta..l.'.lpar. .. NURSE's AIDE needed _ LOCA\ ~fflC:d E~~~~~~~r', ing, 40 hours per week. I ~;ti~'~skiiis~--with mini-l ~xperlenced.. MUS~CJ~~~ I Cooo. MaidS. Housekeep- I .~::: t~es, dinner recepti?ns, spe. LOST-:-March ~1st .. All gray St. Anne's Nursing Home,\ ~e%ct ~ n~ / I er.' .. I m.urn typing' of liD wpm. I dentai insurance. 3;1 dayii. I eanr!d'D.. ~O~~eal!!nl~O'" Cp~Ul"V~.!:~. ~.~. clal events, speCIal mo. PersIan cat wIth bIg yellow I 6232 Cadieux Rd. 886.2502. --- r72:~:~Oerepa r p Part time hours are var!ble. Good sli1ary and :fringe 881.9400. "V - •• .~ ~~ ments. Phone 862.4406 or eyes. Dedawed. ~ rom son.. 18.24 hours per week. benefits. Experience de- I homes. Grosse Pointe Em. I :t~861.3232. ~orth Sxford a~d F81rway. START ~O~ - Local Am. EXPERIENCED pay l' 0 11 sired but not essential. DENTAL ASSISTANT, ex. ployment, 1851. Mack, at "....~______.ewar . 876.8663 or eve. .way distributor offers op. clerk and experienced ac. Please a p ply Wednesday, 579-1100 perienced 3.... days. No eve- Cloverly Road, {.;I' 0 sse .....2A-MUSIC nmgs 885.2648. I portunity for good earn- counts r~eivable c I e l' k May 9, between 10 a.m. . I nings or Saturdays. 881. Pointe Farms, 1185-4516. ~ EDUCATION I LOS,!" white silk scarf, blue ings. Y~u pick the ~ours. needed. If interested call and 3 p.m. at; Demonstrators--MERRI-MAC 9400. I PERSON-for geneni clean. '.. INTERLOCHEN t d t'll border with dogs on cor. We tram you. For mter. 5i1-3000, ask for Olga. offers the best party plan . . Ing every other Thursday I v S; s u en WI k' k "'t f v1e-.vs call Tom 882-5169 CITY NATIONAL program anywhere Our IF INTERESTED In doing or Frld- $25 including , give guitar lessons, Rock. ner, eepsa e, VICIniy 0 ' , • PAINTER'S HELPER-Start ..' bookkeeping in our home I "v, '.. Jazz, Classical, $5 an hour. Cunningha.m's in Village. EXPERIENCED hair dresser immediately. Some exper. BAN K ~aranteed hne of toys, Call 885-"'''14 afYte 8 ' transportation. References. :' 886 A234 f Call evenmgs at 9 823- . . . f' .. .., " 7.rIT ~';;;';;'-A- .lnfts an.'! super Hostess - r p.m. 1182-3185. .. .." a ter 6 p.m. 4521 '''lith cltentele, needed to lence pre errea, OUt WlU 0 .u ...."U~ Program alees It a f \ . ------• :: PIANO LES ONS - . . take over some clientele. trai~. Contact Dale Flor. 15800 E .. 8.Mile Road ~u toer:m $$$! e N~ ;:. RECEPTIONIST for doctor's GROSSE POINTE FARMS- :~ U. of M. Grfduate h, e'" LOST - Sll1..-nese ~f:.t, "dark,' 2\:lOoth rental spaces av'~lt ,an~i~,()~:L4 .. ' Detroit, M;ic~., 4S2OS vestment,.deliverinlj or eol. ~r~ ~inte Park. ~~ days, )1",t housekeep. + 0. in Your Home ~ color~d, Seal ,Pomt~. Re-' able. 884-0330. ,... ! BABYSITTER needed part. Equal opportunity employer 1ecting"c;an collect now- -__ p. . lD', Uve.lii,and care fOl' 2 ;~ 371.2213 ward. 773.6961.or 57 ,.1559. ELEME~TARY SChoolluncli time," own transportation. M.F.H Ann Baxter. 319-55fhCl8811BARTENDER. waltresa, hOlt daughters, ages 2 iUld ~. ~, ------~ .. - I STOLEN -BenOit's l().speed room lUdes _ Short hours. 886-6129. ,PA!NTE..~S and 1 JIIacK 885.0024 - ses, cran rry. P bli Sch 01 343 2017' ------, ' I • " ... I colored rims, tri.focal. Fon. u c 0 s, - . ~roJt. ~ust have good. typ- FULL TIM E experienced I Saturday, Sunday, 3 to 91 !l.:.!I! -:- L!!:rge ~ De- 1152 Guitar, piano, th.eory. tana Lane, University. MATURE live.in, 3 children, mg ~.k~lls. and e~~f!e~_c.e~~autician needed, Ca.. p.m. approximately. 886- trait SW'Iic~ practice is 1------Home or studio. Mack area. 884.1086. lovely congenial Grosse on alctapn0ll;e eqU1Pmt:~IL'1 Qleux-MacK area. 882-0877 0911. . ~g • regiat~~ _nurse. LIVE-IN housekeeper for el- ______.:- . Excellent frmge benefIts '1. I surgeon's IpeClallZe ln sur. dei'ly l.dy in .pu--.ment ______....,-~ LQST-Male cat, gray long.] Pomte home. 5lh days. own and salary commensurate SERVICE STATION CLERK-RECEPTIONIST for aery of the hand. Immedi. Own room, TV, 821.1117.' PIANO LESSONS. Qual1~le! haired. Bishop.Outer Drive I room, TV and phone. Pre- with experlen:e. Send res. M.A_l'ilAGER/MECHANIC ~ohnsi~n Optical dis'pets. ate opening available. Full ~.------teacher, my home. 882.7 ,7~. I Reward. 888.7430, fer non.s~oker, and own I ume including salary his. I Certified and experienced, !Dg offlc~: ExDerience help. time posItion. M 0 n day WOMAN WANTED for 3- PIANO L E S SON S 'th ------transportation. 921.5811. tory to: Personnel director day shift. Salary good plus ful. TU :>-2935. through Friday Hill day room apartment to be W.S.U. student. All ;:;'~s.I4-!:!ELPWANTED SERVICE Station attendant I P .. 0. ~ox 375. East De: medical and vacations. I. WANTED private duty R N on Wednesday: Call 982- ~~::u~:e~d af~:~ Especially beginners. Calli uENERAL _ full time 6 days day trOlt, Mlchlgan 48021. 94 and Chalmers Standard 3-11 shift C f i te" 3695. p...... 7"0;' . I. ' , ------1 Station 822.9310 k f . ome or n r. ------___ .m. _. --.. DIane. 886-5575. i shIft. 822.9310. IWAITERS and waitresses, Phil or' Bill ,as! or view. References. TO 1. DRIVERS full or part time. -nr------i NURSES I . I experienced only. Excel. . 5844. Start today, 88l5-10'10. . .. ANTED HELP with house 2B- TUTORING AND ~ ME~HANIC - LIcensed, day lent working conditions. ONE RN for private duty ------_ ------1 cleaning, once a week. Ref. EDUCATION Enjoy your freedom I shIft. salary, references. Apply in person, Push Cart with some physical therapy COOK EXECUTIVES' WIVES erences and own transpor. I Your Fomily 822-9310. I Cafe. 1488 Winder Stre~t training. Must have refer- Full time pas.lUon, pleasant . PLA~ tation. 886-12M. TUTORING grades 1 through Your Profession 11"------, in the Eastern Market. ences. Come for interView working cOJjdition, excel. Quality part time employ- 3, reading and math, your I EXCEPTIONAL TU 1.5844 . 1 t b n ment opportunities. lnfor. HOUSEKEEPER wanted 2 or home. Preferably Grosse I TOP WAGES OPPORTUNITY GUARD.S for all shifts. Ap.' I I Applyen enein I person,s. No sundays.Jacob- mation and intervIe- ~... Fri. 3d daysdabla week,..a must be Pointe vicinity. 7731401 or I ply m person. W. D. Gale, PAR K r N G ATTENDANT son's. 1703C K e r c h e val day .May 11. 1 p.m. 281 epen e an ... have ref. 882.2782. I RN's $7.00-$9:35 The hert pay goes to pea. Inc., 6400 Mount Elliott, Pan.time. Best suited fo; Grosse Pointe. 'Washington Road. erencea, and be avanable SUMMER CHILD Care _ per hour pIe who have ieamed I Detroit. 921-4030. Larry, retiree. 882-6240. 1 ------I' ADDED INCOME, flexible ~~ra:1~~.rview. 886-1148 Baking, gardening, crafts, LPN's $6.00-$8.35 how to sell. We will NEED BABYSITTER for 2 HOST-The Granary Bar and I GOLF COURSE and swim. hours, part time, call 885.! field trips and more, with per hour teach qualified appli. children. Must have own Restaurant. Waitresses, kit. ming po 0 1 refreshment 2842. COMPANION for elderly la. experienced teacher. Call cants how to sell the car. 886-5213. chen help and cook. 881. ~tand operators, start work IEXPERl dy, to stay over night, 6 TS most popular. best sell- l-::~=------3086 Immediately. 8 hours per ENCEn retaIl sales pm-a a. Call da m 8823-85.6 . BENEFI I ing prnduct in its field. I SECRETARY WANTEI1 for' dtiy/6 days per week. Must persons tor brand' new 3823: ev~ngs, HO r:700i PRIVATE TUTORING Uniform Allowance No previous experience e.st!lblishe~ aitorney with CERTIFIED TEAC'tiER for have transportation. Loch. wallpaper and decorating anytime, 777-5899. in your cwn home. All sub. V p necessary. We also help CIVil practlce, in Common. parent co.op nursery. Part I moor Club. 886-1010. shop, some professional ------jects; all levels. Adults and ocotion ay YJU develop self reliance wealth Building. Goo d time. St. Clair Shores area ------knowledge of retail sales GENERAL housecleanini 1 children, Certified te:lchers. Malpractice Insurance thrllugh h 0 n est sales wo~king c.onditi()ns, I-girl Experience required. 779: I SAKS or decorating preferred. day a week, Grosse Pointe DF,T:S':bR~~~ ~~~~~AN ~~~o:\\'Yl:~~~al i~~in~~~~a~~ ivou::n~~~~ ~t~~~~~~~~\~"Ytr~~~h ~~~~ I 9760. • I FIFTH AVENUE 884-1021. \ ~~~~s. Call after 4. 356-0099 Holiday Pay this ad, you probably Cross:BlOe Shield and paid' DESIRE liigh ."liuur grildu.' . DETROJT ,SWITCHBOARD'!,!cePtionist: f -J,"T-T-'-T--...------______Inservice Education are tile parson for one vacatlon. Must have accur. ate for real estate office Part time professlOnal sales 1 must type, snarp anQ' ------7!ME housekeepe~. GROSSE PO INTE of the full or part time ate typing !l~d be a rZ3i. full time. Typing, short~ needed for Saks, Fifth . alert, for busy electrical ~ustodlan fo~ 2 children LEARNING MEDICAL. positions we have open. dent and cItizen of Mi:hi. h~n~, some bookkeeping, Avenue, Detroit, flexible contra~tor. Good working In Grosse POInte, send.re- - N' • N' • t~L' C. A. Fahrner. Holiday gan, 961-8535, 9.4:30 Mon. wlllmg to learn office pro. days only 11-4-12.5. 20 conditIons, pa~ and fringes sume and salary reqUll'e. CENTER Inn, 1.94 at Connor. day.Friday. cedure. Speak with Ann hours per week 30% dis- Cali for appomtment 921. ments to Box C.9, Grosse DOES YOUR PERSu Conference Room 224, 1------Goodman GoodmanPierce ' t C 11 ' 1871 5811. Pointe News, Grosse ' 030 GENERAL OFFiCE, perma. and Bou~r Inc. C86.30a~0 1cOOOounta. 2P57ersoEnneI' . ------1 Pointe Farms, 48236. STUDENT POOL Monday; Mny 7, 1:. nent, 3 to 4 days a week. ~ " ~x . qua opo WANTED short order cook, ------NEED HELP? Grosse Pte-,~.o\t. Clemens ~~gn;;:32~~~a~: ~fed :::~~\~~~P~~ a;d ~ Ii Off' . E 1 • portumty emPIOye~. ~~~~~erco:rs~h :~t~~~ ~?N~~~~o~rso~ ':~ Professional Faculty offer. 882-6640 May 8, 10:30.11:30 a.m. Box 495 St Cl' Sh '11 Ice xpanding hOU~EPERSONS-light cus- time .. Call 822-3252 hour. After 5 p.m. 881. & (L-76) . aIr ores ~ 1 ' • ..a•• 1 l ..ten!ln~e . "" ... -At ....U'NGI /VIllATH .20..------. p~ . 4M80 ':::a esperson needed. I 'uw'u "... . ", ....-.------1 ~OA. R. P . d -eAM ) 1.- ....1. arrange furniture for func. I WANTED, person to drive ..~..~------Tutorlng - nmary an lr:======.\ ------Bon,uls pl~n: .. If you can I tions/5 day week, good I truck and wash boats. 4C-HOUSE SITTING Secondary Levels: CAMP ADVISORY set ,2 mlillon you sho~ld pay and fringe benefits, Chauffeur 1ice n sere. ------All subjects. SERVICE TEL L ERS ca~l George Pklms for apo I Must have transport8t1on qulred. Gregory Boat Com. ESTABLISHED. G r ('l SSe 63 KERCH EVAL Gcnl'ral and Specialty: potntment. Lochmoor Club. 886-1010: pany, 823.1900. Ask for I Poi!lte bouseSltter. will be on the Hill tours. ranches and ~um. Michigan's largest savings and loan association has G 1------_____ Greg avaJ1able for next Job Mav -0836 881-8281 teller positions available at office locations listed eo, L, Palms Realtor BABYSITTER - odd hours.' I IS. Live.in care of your 343 mOerschools. For 0 vedr: below; Candidates must have ability to meet the 886 4444 ,C 0 U 1d live.in. H a r per INSURANCE pets, plants. Three.month 3 years have he pe1 ' - I Woods area. D()Al887. Grosse Pointe insurance ago minimum. No fee. 882."""". parents se Ieel summer Public and be accurate with figures, Positions ency is seekin" ex"'"rl" I ------'6oIV THE READING ' offer excellent workin~ conditions, and competi. II======~;;::;;;;;;;;~~...... ~;;~=;:: ...... HOUSE SITTING F RAJ LROAD i programs th at mee t eac h enced commercial property . ormer A REA DING Improvement. child's nceds. Also cOlin. tive salary and benefits. Th~ City of Grosse Pointe Woods is receiving appli. rater. Salary commensur. Grosse Pol n t e couple

    Center. Professional Fac. selor placement servicc. I OFFICE LOCA TlONS, cations for seasonal summer employment in the fol. ate with experience, excel. (Florida residents) will ulty, Enroll now. ~\Isan S. Klingbeil Dctroit-Gratiotl7 Mile lowing job categories: lent benefit package. Call house sit your home while 886-0750 8855176 Conant/S Mile Life Guard; Mr. Lovelace for appoint. YOIl are away. Excellent ______,_~.=-_:::::::_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_. ment. 884-MOO after 9 a.m. references available from 1A-PERSONALS E. McNichols/Hoover Bath House Attendant; -=-==-=------1 former users. Will pay _ .. __.. _ . __ . I:~ Part tim~. Tennis Instrl~ctor LEGAL SECRETARY own phone and utilities. Full time and part time. teller pool positions also Swimming Instructcr; I Full or part.time. good typing I !day15 to July 1. Minimum ' available. G d k I typln, important. Expert.' 3 weeks. 42~.~. CONGRATlJLATIONS ; roun s eeper; ence preferred. Sal"''' ------jG .Part lime ..."ositioii3 rcr::u:rc~ full days of work Mon. uUS0 -.Uriver,' commensurate with experi.-~ 15-SITU..t.TIO"" ...... days and Fridays. Plus other days to be discussed. W.t. uTED I ., J E EP Rubbish Collector,' III ence and ability. Down.! A'" ',''ERS..Aoy Apply in person 10 a.m. 2 p,m .• 5th floor, Personnel Laborer,' town. Call 961-9139. -Q-U-A-U-T-Y-""--ea-lt-h-C-a-re-- y I'l. OCpl. M~in "fflre at \'.'oo:!',','::rd ~r,d Michigan in ---- . in ON YOUR 14TH ANN 1 Downtown Detroit. Parking Enforcement. .1 your home, hospital or ~~ I~~~/;~~~o;o~e~~gt~~~es~:~~~. and special person FIRST FEDER.AI SAVINGS OF DETROIT .0\11 ll~pItCll"tc; m~lc;t he R rp~ident of the Citv of 11 MA~~~E;..,~~CE I ~~~~~i5si~lr'':orG~gr;t~~~~ Grosse Pointe Woods, be able to pass a physical ex. IfI AND LAWN CARE II HUlse,), Ik,mse<1 pr.c,kal MANY THANKS 100 1 \VOOD~IARD aminlltion. We are an equal opportunity employer- I 40 hour week. Must be nurses. and nurse's aides Morc haJ:'py anniversaries!! DETROIT, MICH. 48226 ~enioT5 welromed. Aoplicatlons available at Municipal II ft••,l!!!Ne Saturdays. Own J are available 24 hours • LOVE, YOUR FA"". ILY AND FRIENDS B'lil1ing between the hours of 8;30 a,m ..5:00 p,m.. I transportallon. ) day. 7 days a week. Phone Equal Opportunity Employer Monday through Friday. I 921-5811 I 882-6640. Medical Person. '-- , ' :. -1 ', 1' 001 Pool. Day or night.

    , ~------~------~----~~------...... ~--- -...... -...... ------.-...... ------~-~+~------"""-----._-~_..:..- --- ~_._.'- . ,. ..

    Page T~enty.Si)( G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, May 3, 1979 1 ~=~;~~1IgH lS-~l~~lgN,,.."',...,[~r~~.~~;~!iJP _ _ \~~~~~~~~~H~D ~_16~:tJt~~?~_..----I ~~~~:T::Q~~s~Nf~at I:NC~:;,'~~~S~~~e s;~:8-A=::~~~~sF~~ SALE NEED SOMETHING moved'l' BABYSITTING: experien~ed ,I TOWNHOUSE-2 bcdro')ms,' GRJSSE p()!!IJ'r.,,~woovs- \'b~R'LAi-: ~ -}ly Tra\'.;r,.;:' ;:'. ,~.'.:'r~hf,'''1\' j'l. the Park 222;', ~~."H:."~'3:!d, 5 blocks FASHION SHOW ~, Two Pointe res!d~nts wi!! I mother will care for your , 1~ baths or. charming CuI. I Lovel~ 3.bedrJom, 21k.1 City. Completely furnished I area. Im.mediate occupan. south u~r.:n-,,:"'Ciy~H'ruii.;' lIf~!',':I.~ .. 1l...P'}.!!~.., __ -.:move or remove ~arge or I child in my home. 882-4279, , de.sac. immaculate! $~75'1 bath Cobnial with iamiiy! 2 bedrovm holtle on lake. cy. Call 398.3441. after 6. day through Saturday, 10 Dessert and \"Ollee ;(smnl1 quantities of furni'l . 1 802.1978. room and library c.n q'liet Sleeps 6. excellent fishing CHRISTiAN hit h to 5 777.6551. Quality con. $2 per person '. ture, appliances, pianos or LA WN mamtenance-By co . ,'" court. AV:lil:lble June 1. and swimming boat in. • s.: 00 eac er. sign'ments welcome Door Prizes I I what have you. Call for I l~gtl studenls. For free es. LOWER FLAT - ?I.oross. $850 month plus security I eluded. $175 'per week. 32 years old, wants. 1 bed. . St. Clair Shores Rec. Center free estimate. 343.0~81 \ tlmates call 885.6900, Mack.I94 area. 2 bed. deposit. Lease required. R •. I t ro~m aparlmenl or Income, CLEANING OUT? Call OP. 24800 Jefferson e t' rooms plus den, 2.car ga. 881 6300 eservaLJOns on Y, no pe s. thiS area. On MOll.I,g and ERATION LINC, 331-6700. , LEADED GLASS : LAWN SERV!CE-2 c(l!ll'g~, r;:gc. !hdshed basement, . ''''''~TC'",.",11.1'''' R. 885.Q654 or 772.2997. Mor:>ss. 885.22~4. We help charitable organi. SP.onsored by: : •• ,. !_~\" ... r-n'" I n I students. 4 years experl'l refrigerator, stove, diSPos'l "v ..... av.'~ - I '.. I St. Clair Shores F.O.E. "IV 11-...00 VV ~Lr 1'""\,., ~IlC~. 113~.,;,ree. ..i, -:alpd. dr:op;:;;, $~OO __ .~~.~_STONE H~HBO~ .~~~1~9s-s1~~~:I RF},L~~,~,,:~~~~~~~~ !~~llJ~' zations. Donations tax de. Aux. No . .3619 Also buy leaded glass doors 1 . I:lus security Heat includ. II HARCOURT _ <;;.p~~iouslux. 0. tv 0, • '2 UdLU', HLU""'" '" " .... "." .... ,,~". ow ~ .. ~ ."'" ou('libl" You drop off or.., ' .• and windows, HA \. E A beauhful. lawn ed l.year I~ase no pet u ; .'t- 2 b d kitchen. 4 minutes to sandy no pets, seekin~ to rent 3- we pick up. GARAGE :SALE, anllque,. 882.5333 thiS summer. Get It de. 3725246 ' s. ry uppe; bn~h f ~I . beach, tennis courts. 8112. bedroom house with base. furniture, toys. and many . thatched now. Call Mark, roo,:"s, d k' ~ s, ~t ~ 2597. . ment for .July 1 or August FU RS WANTED misc. items. Priced to sell. TONY VIVIANO I 881-9961. I ST. CLAIR SHORES--3 bed. I ~~~~ki:st a~~a,en se;a~ate HEATED POOL 1•. 1979. Reasona~le rent. Consignment or Buy Saturday, May 5, 10 a.m.' IIF YOU'LL name the job room, full basement, n:.~ar II dining room, den, powder 18 HOLE GOLF COURSE Will take .care like, own. LEE'S 3 p.m. 545 Lakeland. No Handyman OUwant done we'll do it! wat.er, $380 a month, se. room laundry room glass. S d b h II I k P Grosse Pomte only. Ref. 20339 Mack 881-8082 pre.sales, Carpenter Work Y. ' curltv 526-4326. ' ,an y eac. sma a e, e. erences. Please call collee! and Licensed-Insured. Stokes . . ed terrace, separate base. toskey area chalet sleeps 519734-8683 ' . . YARD SALE! Moving. Tup- Miscellaneous I Multiple Service Co., 824. RENTAL _ Grosse Pointe I' ment, gar~ge, Pr.estige any size group. Dishwash. '. SCHWINN reconditioned. bl' perware, snow blower. 2- Repairs 9509 or 8249172. City! Prestigious Town- rental area .Just 20 mmutes er, T.V. 647.7233. RELIABLE BACHELOR, 27, cycles, I a r g I,' selection, 26" bikes refrigerator, 881-2093 WILL WATCH your children house in immaculate con. from Renaissance n Center. seeking to rent Carriage 20373 Mack. much more: 21131 Morass, 'n my home Monday dition, custom finished oak i $€O:lJOmHonNtshT'08 84 .OJ&OD, CHALET on lake near Char. ~Iouse •. apartment or flat SCHWINN recondition.ed bi. Thursday, thru Sat.. 9 to 5. after 5 p.m. I N E levoix, swimming, fishing, P t PI 11I through Friday, Grosse floors, new, beamed ceil.' JOHNS ON 'color TV stereo, phone. m om es. ease ca cycles large selection. 822. . 'PR'I'v'AT"'c NURC:I"JG I Pointe Cit area. 881.9li7 ling, kitc!le.n witl1.. eatin~ i _~_ ~ I, f' I b t' 1 d d D,oa.vneat 293-1365 or 7731 4130.' MAPLE tWin beds complete, ,. Around the C;~;k I, I after 6. • ~ace, t~?I~anCes IncII~d.=d'I' EXECUTIVE 5-bedroom COI.I. ~:~~' 77~ :055'"(' II P 'I' .~q". II WANT TO t!l: .. ., • $50._~0~~~ f;ame be~, ~ox j.ll.hiolum'ife,e,'RNliO.SsP,itL<:plNC~S,nAu!'i"d-iensg,. I. SA-.S-I'~I U"A.-,,'U-;w,.. I,ormarccm withmmg!irepJa!:e,room. Qook.Ivmg 1onial..-,-;:.. -.,.or __1 acre:_~ ofI hndT_': CAPTAINS' CABINS . for rent APARTMENTcouDle HarDbyr Woretiredds and keep a.it eoff?011 welgm-lTry the SpflJl6,Court West,""'''. call49951afterW!llHI~5:3 . hIS d {\ 3\ o~ ~""uuuU'6 !,UV" ... ~ I . . eo. ~T •• ,.. tV' ht f' t .. I 8B6.2038. companions. male attend. OOMESTIC s eves. econ oor,. favorite Grosse Pointe 10. on Elk Lake, Northern I 'Warren 5t 'Clair Shores .. u.~.:.c .. c;g... _on.o I d d ------bed.rooms. 1 bath~ t~lrd cation. central air. auto. Michigan's fin.est, by week area, 839.1637. • Plan. Call Tom 882.5169 -S-T-O-V-E-3-6-'-'-S-4O-.-2-b-ar-st-o-o-ls, ~ants. live ins. Screene ~n I LADY WISHES days or of. floor sludlO comple.ely I matic sprinklers. $2,000 or weekend. Located 17 . __ ... .__ for details. ' _bonded. 24 hour se.rvlce. fice. References, 0 W n d~corated. and carpeted {I monthly. 884-9591. Prefer. miles north of Traverse ELDERLY LADY wants to $25 each, vinyl porch fur. . Licensed nurses for msur. transportation. 924-7607. With b~th. 1.2 y.ear lease. ably 810 p.m. City. Call 885.9365. rent small apartment or G U A RAN TEE D Amway niture, $20. 881.7913. ance cases. ------I d I I I bl • h products for every need ------POINTE AREA NURSES BUSY.BEE Domestic Qnd mme la e y aval a e. ------ouse near Village, B81- are just a p!lone call away. 8.FT. ALUMINUM. brake, TU 4.3180 I Commercial Service "Maid I GOODMAN, PIERCE and GROSSE POINTE FARMS .1-1 SUM!dE~ i~ ~0'yii:.SO~~;:,2492. I WI' (jpJivl;'r Call Tom 882. Coppertone refrigerator, . " tor a day", General house.' BOYER, INC. bedroom Ranch new cus.1 SWim, Doa~. U~lI. ~Ull, llUt. -C----.--- - , .. -- I' d lly tools knic I ..HOME NURSI NG cleaning. Transportation I 886.3060 I tom kitchen, c~nt~aI air,l 778-4824. 1 ~~~~fur~~~:~~~~rt~~:~~ i 5169. I ~;:ce:s~ la~de~s, baby bas: '_ I . t W h' .1 furnished, Insured. 792. FIVE.ROOM upper _ Stove, garage opener. sprmklers,' HILTON HEAD at Palmento or room for Cornell gradu. ELECTRIC STOVE, gas dry. I sinet and much more. 9 Tbt.... patlen car~. I' av,e "'<><>A on Lothrop. $875 monthly. ., 'd S t aIdes, compamons. R..1\f s. ! ""'", refrigerator, $185 plus se.1 SlIl4.QRal P,. .. f ...."hlv 11.10 dunes on FaZIO 18th fair. ate student serving as ad. er, bankable wall units, a,m, to 5 p.m. Fn ay. a. r 1 PN's, OT's,PT's, RT's for! A.l CLEANER desires house cUl'ity deposit. 823.5643. I' p~~'-'-. .. . I" ay. 2 hedrooms,. den or :'3 ministrativc resident dur-, and drapcs. 884-2414. I urday, May 4, 5. ~17 immediate placement. 24 or office work. Own trans. bedroom new Villa, fully ing period May 27.iate Au. . Beaconsfield at Munich. hour availability, vortation 823-1842. 1321. SOMERSET, G r 0 sse I, GROSSE P0INTE WOODS'I equipped, easy. walk to gust. Contact Mr. G. Vasse BICYCLES! 2 boy's 10 . - ," ".,.,,~ p~~~~~. par~: new :.floor carpeted, 2-bedroom, alum. golf. pool, tennis, oce,an., . Assistant administrator at speed. 1 girl's 26 in., 2 MOVING SALE-~verything MED - CALL IWOMAN Vw ._1:'.S Thurs. I dUI'~t:...., 2 l ... ge bedrooms, I inum immediate pos'es. Hyatt. No pets. WetlKly I 884-8600 ext. 2600. boy's 26 in., good for paper must go, 1327 Amta. Grosse 897.8941 559-8090 days. Grosse .Pointe, Refer. refrigerator, ~tove, dish. sion, • $300 plus secu;itY'1 I'ates. Call weekdays £49- . route, cheap! 885-8215. Pointe Woods. Saturday. _~ .______ences. Can m~hts 869.2867. washer, carpeting. drapes. Avalon 751.8003 1424. 2 BEDROOM house or flat m ------Sunday, 10 to 4 p.m. TYPING AND transcription I I $400 per month. Imm~di-I . . j -'-' .------I ~etroit, 8 Mile.Kelly.Gra. R E COR DCA BIN E T - _. Diversified, by experi" COM.PANI.ON N U R S E - ate occupancy. 88£.6331 I WOODBRIDGE EAST Town. I. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath home tlot area. Quiet older COli' Framed pictures bed" GOLF CLl:BS, Ben Hogan enced Executive Secretary. w~uld like 2 or 3 ~ays. a ------house, $425 plus maint;ln. on Elk Lake. 200 feet of pie. 893.1941 after 6 p.m. I spreads, drapes. iuggage, Apex irons. 2 t~ru wedge, I Phone: 771-6867. I :-v~.e~~>o.wncar, nQ lIve m. I RI~~~~~ ~R~~.£:,,:;'~l1do~ I ance fee. 2 bedrooms, 2"h sandy beach,. By week or 1------. laces. ribq,ons. buttons, $95. Woods avaIlable. 824- 29;j.IMlll. I ..u...... ~ u,,~.~~....~. -, LU;,;:4- A-" :>I'r •• ;on. er Dnve. $200 mcludes the goL course a mmutes. conditioned !'>r.HWTNN hi. 5250 2 beautiful bookcase an I ------1 ~\UbUtlCll'llw:"h. 0 at 88 a6 s II C Excel'l-e-n'tt:.re-fe'L3renc-e-s.""7'5..1" heat llllti.5u65. BEACONSFIELD neili' J;;f from o!:ean. 362.3669. CallI c"clc" 'P" •• ~;:;:i~--.:...:~-.:I :._a~ ."'_:"dd '--'. OD'l. I size, $35. Sewing m.:l.Ch1ne, t.'o a l. rl~ a .. 6 14 9 . ~ . I I b t 8 d 1 J ""'" ..... '"'~.:)'v...Qu...t:: .11:'.1\.:::. 'I u'lU'\..oI. v£. "",uuu. AVUA-. 'AlV I ~35 Po.,oI.ahfp: TV 19" ...15 ;;' ;'"3.07"';, , I 5314. ferson: 2'bedroom upper, e ween an 4:30 p.m. Villag~ Cyclery 777'()357. 0170: .. . 1\.1' ..• , ~~ 1 T • I ., or , I I~V. 1 UPPER - 3 bedrooms, nat. clean, carpeted. Separate _ , ' 885.7992. . COLLEGE PAINTERS 6--FOR RENT ural fireplace, ha.1f base. basement and utilities. No BONITA BEACH (near ~~.I"ALMOST:NE~" APP~RELI2 FAMILY garage sale, fur. GAS DRYER. $40. gold rock- _ . d U ....FURNISHED ment, stove, r~frlgerato~, pets. $235..778-6477 after 6. pies) 7th fbo; .condomml. aecessones, turs ana an', niture carpeting books ~ ~30 1 t b d ~west. prIces aroun. Ex..... $260 plus securIty depDslt _ ~m on magmflcent shell. tiques at a fraction of the ' '.' e.. 'r • wa nu . e room " per 1 e nee d, References. I -W-E-'-H-A-"-'-E--a-p-a-rt-n-le-n-t,,-- required. B85.1151. 6A-FOR RENT mg Beach with view of original cost ~: Ifan~n °i~::S:~O%~~ set, $100. Elec~nc st~ ,I Pete. 776.3052. Lafl'~, 882- houses and flats to rent I. . I FURNISHED Gulf and backwater bays. We Buy Furs '5.' nco. .., i $20, plus smalllt~ms. -,5359. in all areas, Call La Von's 16 R~OM g-pper flat. Grosse I . I 2. bedrooms, 2 baths, .t~n. . Consignments Welcome I 1 8106. y CHARLIE'S DELUXE BOAT I Renting Service. We get POinte. ark. 331-4935. BASEMENT a....partmen.,t. $1.3~ ms, pool. saunas, a...c.'.tIVlt I ... L. EElS . SALE, 21133 Ardmore Park. CARPET AND PADDING . .. SERVICE _ rH do every. results.:\ 1~c. aCCi::pt;~<:.CLEAR'NATER-Wat€!'frQ!!! per n:.0~th I~~~ud_e.:'-,U~I~~, rooms. 682.5163. ... 20339 Mack 881-80821 St. Clair Shores, Thursday I 140 yards, wool sh'lg, pale. .' thing for your boat _ landlords Itstmgs. 773. Condominium, large 2.bed. ties. thn~ll:rt:, .•t" 8a50572'~ HIGGINS LAKE '------1 and }c'nday. Solid walnut 1 yellow, cost $ll.OCC2 YC:l..'"'l: I \~tender loving care clean, I 2035. room, 2 bath. Newly re- man eCUrI Y. . . 3 bedroom, sleeps 12+, rent ORDER YOUR table and chairs. 2 chrome ago, Custom drapes enough '- ing, fill.ups, boat sitting, GROSSE POINTE WOODS lecorated, completely fur. TEACHER OFFERS 4.bad. by week or weekend. AMWA Y HOME PRODUCTS chairs with natural covers, for 35 feet of windows . I . bartending. I'm 18. strong, 1965 Hollywood off Mack, nished, Adults. No pets. 90 room furnished home for 1-286-4022 AND VITAMINS lamps, lots of household Best offers. 779-3616. , _eager,courteoustqepend. n.orth Of. Vernier Roa.d 3. day minimum, evenings, July, August. .2 blocks BLACK LA'KE b. h.. 884-4560 - Georg.e or.K. a.y ~misc. items al).d old brick. yon t th . be St . J::able,l-.ll>,,;Yll'~l~ri,ence ',,'bedroom brtckRancb.'F'ire. 881.9512..,' . ')'J 1 f.r~m.1ll:ke. 882~5117. . t f ... 1.h/W.~.~c4-;;";!i?dt~)i."":'_:o-i, "," 1 ,a_\lra<7k. : .. 9R,. ~ .....,';'8n. fe ml. t . l~ .~ali ..types bo.~~~. 886.2737., I h lh . .. .-) . age, urn s eu. De .. VVIOi' BuY sell or trade an. ------wnmg room u ure. ______pace: ~a.s eat, 1 .. patns,I WAVRTTRN.VERNOR.. lower I GROSSE POINTE FARMS- rooms. fireplace, all .h'eat.tique jewelry watches LAWN MOWER-sunbeam' 0.nly 2 pieces left! Kittin- ti.ANDYMAN 2... G e n era I comPlt~telysren. o~tau:du,ne~t [-l-a-t-l-b.edroom new.ly dec'l 3.bedroom, HZ.bath Colo. [ All ;;tHH:c~, .....ccd',.. ihat. n'nn\,o tl;o\,_ L .... T.,~. t>~ alant..;. "'''''or! ,.,..nrlitinn ger Crown glass China cab. ~, '4 I carpe mg eCUrl y eposl i .. ' •. I ~'V~"~.• ~~.... V~"~'''.~1 vu ~.~~ _.~, "V~_ ---- ... -.. ' : services. For the unusual. I ,,- • • " _..,_ -' orated. $145 a month. De. mal. Screened porch. In. £81.2680 or 8840600. Kercheval in the Colonial 882-4866. inet. oval Queen Anne ("C 11 f 6 E II t I _no re!ereml'~ n:quueu., .. ~ - - ' duues all a-li--- •• .,"'''''' ------'" -' ,n'. -,. t bl fq bar eter a a ter. p.m.. xce en No pets. $400 per month. I .POSlt.88tHl860, after (j p.m. [ h I I'll ",~"c~d'"'v~" I BURT LAKE resort _ Lake., ,'euera, .,.ullumg. 885-5755, ------a e, an I ue om r<:f<:r<:nc<:s.775.7362 "' ,_._ ~. nnll 004------. mont pus secunty epos'l ------1 TWIN BEDROOM SET, drop in working order. Wedge- I : I r UL ..l'lIv...... e...... u ~& I CAVALIER MAi,roR-2 ..1'i75 it. LeAse required. AvRil. front. 2.bed!<:om, . f u 1.1Y FORMER FLORIST working leaf dining room set !iv. wood bone China for 12, 9DD. JOBS - Painting, ~las. 1340, 886.1068. Kelly near 10 Mile. LUXUri-1 able June 1.. e ~~ I P P ~ <1bl~o~seAKceplllgI a~ home, sp~c,aiLc.es in ling ruom iuh,iture.' S3S. 1 mahogany folding tray ; termg etc., gutter el~a~mg. I PARK _ 1426 Maryland 6. ous. roomy, 2 bedroom ST. CLAIR SHORES ~ On um s, aval a ~ In ugust. sl1ks and drIed flowers. 7561. tables, 886.2214. (After I _ For services call Bill 882'1 room lower. nicely de~or.1 apartment, fully carpeted. I Jefferson with 60 feet of 885.5337. Wedding/shower speocialist. ------May 5th.) I , 5464. ated, $350. After 4. 882. Appliances and central air. sandy beach. Lower flat.. ST. PETE'S BEACH, h~W I $1~ and up. Compare .my EXTOGONAL, pecan pedes------I I; COLLEGE St d nt _ Pai t. 8259. Newly decorated. $325. 772- 3 bedroo"!s and 1~ baths. waterfront condo furnish. pnce and work agamst tal table w/leaf. $140. 296- 2 ROOM. air conditioners, (l I . . . u e. n ------1 3649. Central air. Beautiful con. d 2 b d 'b h anyone. 839&434. 2168 energy saver). Dehumidi- I mg, mtenor-extenor. Ref. I TV,'O.DEDROOlil duplex _ I dition. $70:> month pius e, e rooms. 2 at s. ------. fier, work bench and vise, erences.886-8960 2022 Vernier, $360 a CHANDLER and Outer Drive security deposit. Lease reo boat dock. 573-8456. 1 KATHRYN OF THE 2 APARTMENT size washers custom gun cabinet, large qRADUATE STUDENT-In. I mo~th."~ec~:lt~ ~eposit. section, ~ room ranch, 2 qu.ired. No pets and no 6E-GARAGE FOR RENT POINTES and dryers for sale, 1 metal desk, boat diree . . terior. exterior painting. Open ,." c.emng~, 10.5 marble fIreplaces, carpet- children. -- I . . • brown set (new) and 1 tional radio, gas fireplace References. 885.2994. Saturday and Sunday. 884. ing, stove. and refrigerator.j- HIGBIE MAX~N .[YOUN~ responsible woman W-, E:?,~rl~~:e"~,a~e~~~e ~11 white set. Best offer. call, unit. Panasonic and Magna- ______1 7625. 881-3221.\ 886.3400 seekmg same to share I I: iu v...... ~. ~...~ ;.-_. 824-7954, vox stereos. 2 custom pine RETIRED handyman-Minor . - . ------hous" 371.4362 After 5 Your Household Furmshmgs ------1 b k d 7 ~.. b' t 'repairs, carpentry, eiectri. MOUNT CLEMENS-Newly LJ\KESHORE V IT. LAG E \ ATTRACfIVE Grosse Pointe . pm -" FOR 2 COMMERCIAL gar age 00 ca:s~ an u. ca me . decorated .., 2.~ed,.room_town.-I Tow.nhous.e two. bedroom I Woods 'home available 2.'1 '. MOVING OR ESTATE .>------,"-_.' ''' ..0 A~n" I Log plcmc table. 886-2214. 1 cai, pli.ifiit.ing, painting, .. '. I UUVi~1 ~C~l.JUJhU, ..i.u.....u 1o.Ir''''u.- . ------. broken windows and sash ~ouse, 1'12 Dams, Ienceo. larger umt. Kitchen buill. months, June 16 through 6F-SHAR.E I.!V!HG SALES ings, St. Clair Shores. 823.1 SPRING garage sale, Many I cords replaced, etc. Rea. m. yard, fully carpeted, reo ins, carpeted, draperies. August 18. Call after 6 QUARTERS . Also Will Buy. 3733. things to go. 10901 Wor. son.ble, References. 862. frlgerator and stove. $315. air conditioned, finished p.m. 8Bl.7236. ------Oriental Rugs, Small Fme ------den, between Moross and ~6759. 1.468-5495. basement room, sundeck. ------WE HAVE people on file Furniture, Paintiugs, Crystal, BICYCLE - Boy's Schwinn Morang, Detroit. May 4th ______UPPER FLAT, Ashiand _: C()rn~r unit adjoins pool. 68-ROOMS FOR RENT who want to share their Sterling, China Sting Ray, 5 speed, like and 5th. FAMILY MAN forced into clubhouse and tennis court ' home in an areas. Fu!' bcstl 775.{)366 liew condition, '!:-75ur best i------I South of Jefferson, stove, . FARMS K't h . '1 g .,. , : unemploj"ment for summer refrigerator, carpeting, no City golf privileges. ,Avail. - I C en pnVl e es ~eSUsltsc~ll La Von's Rent. Ple;:s() calrl before 10 a.m. or offer. 886.5763. BLANKET CHEST - Very in desperate need of land. able approximately June 1. for employed woman. Ref. mg ervlce. People screen. a ter 5 p.m. 1 ------large, light oa!< $300. 881. _ scaping. lawn care, paint. pets. $150 plus security. Lease $4..25month plus se. erences. 88?6152. ed. 773.2035. I SANYO STEREO-Excellent 4629., . ing, :Jnd mise. handyman. 331.()986. curity ~nd utiHties. 882. SLEEP inexppn~ivel.v for SilO .WTDOW . h t MOY IN G -;> condition, 2 months old, 1------, References available. Call 7903. . .. ,' WI~ e~ same I) • $175. 822-2337. Call after GARAGE SALE, furniture, 450 NEFF-2 luxury apart. a week. includes kitchen, shar e G I PO NTE I I Mr. Dave Farmer, 824- ments aval'labl" June 15. h d 1 h . I,' Xpen s e s. rosse AR I ' 6:30 p.m. Weekend - any. drapes, boy's dOlhes, baby 3308. - MARYLAND - Detroit 6. s ower an te ep one, 10. Pomte area. References. PROFESSIONALS time. things, toys, miscellaneous. Completely rem 0 del ed, room lower flat, $150 cated near Grosse Pointe CaB 824-1409, Monday thru I Will sell your household ------19816 Salisbury between 8 TIIREE TEENAGED new kitchens with latest month. security dcp0sit, Park, ideal for responsible Thursday. furnishings. MOVING SALE-Furniture, I and 9 Mile off Beacons~ BR.UTHt:t!.~ appliaD!?"'" ;~ bedrooms. no pets. ca!! ~ft('r 7. 8RI. woman working days, for I Estate and Insuranc garden tools household field. Thursday.Saturday 1"h baths over 2,400 square 3580 more inform:ltion, cali 882. COTlNTRY LIVING 2 bed. . e . .' . L3wn Service-Spring clean.'" " 1 .A.ppr,nsals Item, misc. merchandise 104, ups. Free estimates. 5 years feet. 873.I30(), ext. 13,8 to. ! 6247. room condo to share. sau'l Free ConSUltation-Advic. e I' marked, Saturday and Sun. ------experience 5 Monday.Friday. 'POINTE. Three. bedroom, ROOM and garage, use of 90a, tenms. 286',1505 after For more information call day. 9 a.m.'S p.m. only. SWORDS WANTED, also F.'••' STOCK\"ELL two . bat h apartment. . p.m. I after 5 p.m. 344 FI'sher Rd. daggers, guns, medals. 774. K - -y ST. CLAIR SHORES-3.bed. h ' . kitchen. Working woman. 886.2737 room b. k R h f' sower .. carpetmg, app1J. 8825t26 R f 6G STORE OR OFFIC Pointe Profes3ionals ------9651. _._.______TIC anc, Ir:) ances. N ear shopping, '. e erences. - E Donna Lander' 882-8654 MINI BIKE, 3 h.p. Briggs & ,..-. _ I ~~.~ ... ~,. ,..,..""""'" -'_ place, 2cal' attached ga. P'rk n._.,- O~ieren ~ ------RENTAL ~ uI\ ....uu'uJ:. .H \.JLJ""" ... ". rage, recreation room, ear. 8;5.i20J.v,~" ••• ..c~e. l;C-OffiCf fOR RENT ,_. i .Teannl' Roddewig 881.7518 ~tratlon'6engine, good con. I USED BOOKS - Bought. sires exterior p:Jinting. Ex. ly occupancy. $450. No .___ ------GR[)SSE POINTE VILLAGE I Established 1971 (l~tlOn, ::; 5. Lady Kenmore I sold. Fiction. non-fiction. perienced, reasonable rates. pets. 881.5514. NC>TTINGHAMl\lack.5.room' HAMPTON SQUA RE upper office available for 1------dIShwas her. $20,goo d con. Hardcover, paperback - references, Free estimates. 1 lower. Deposit $250. refer. BUILDING prnfessional use. 16840 I AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. As dition. 1219 Beaconsfield, r.oon 'til 6 p.m. Tues. thru Call Dan 8854042. DETROIT - 3.bedroom, 1'12' ences, $235 month. 884. 22811 MACK Kercheval next to Walton. i low as $25 quartcrly buys Park. I Sat. BOOKTIQUE. 15243 NL;ltSES AIDE _ Livdll, bath home, $325 month 3515~, VFARIOUS SIZE Pierce Days call 9627742 I Compulsory No Fault In. C II Mack Ave., between Lake. I I:lus security depOSit. Cali ._ 0 FleE SUITES ev!'nin'g:; R22.S034. • i surance .. 881.2376., 9.PI.E. E beautiful mahogany poin.te :md Beaconsfield . . cook and light duties for between 6 and 7 p.m. 885. TWO . BEDR )01\1 duplex. AVAILABLE ------__ I exvenenced serVlce nmlg room set. reasonable. I ess ""65 patient. 7791270, 9449. Grosse Pointe Woods, fam. ~5~~2.~~ __ ._ FEsMhaAreLEh'108u'3s3eyeal'nrsGOlrdo'stsoeI' -----~----- 526-0796.' II -. I PROFF:SS!()'\:AT. lawn r-::rc ~... ily room. garage. 5403 OFF INSTANT COPIES -----.------by experieneed students. un, EA:-IPT0i'; .-,'",-~, mom;;, ~6': 6:;:0. ,Ie SPACE-12x26 fel~t, Pllint? F II r m ~ $If)~ a, 1 ('I,. Landscaping. painting. odd Pointe Woods, 3 bedroom ------.----.----. utilitics inch.lied. 21027 month. 886.3835,' FeR SALC - USCD Bungalow. No pets. 2.year RIVIERA n:RRACE luxury l\lack Avenue, 8!l15U4 or 1-----.---- WEDDING INVITATIONS jobs Call Dave 885.5583 Qf lease. 881.8817. condominium, 2 bedr()oms, 778.1905. 7-WANTED TO RENT SCRATCH PADS. 40c LB. • 4 Piayer Pinball M<1('hinl's Phil 331.6905. -- .._ - 2 baths, including heat, ------...------Artists PMT Stats • Juke Boxes CLERICAL odd jobs done in LARGE 6.room lower flat, air. carpetin~, all a!lpli. COLONIAL EAST PROFESSIONAL WOMAN, Open Mon, hru Sat. 9.5 p.m. • Foose Balls my office: Typing projects, appliances included, fully ances, balcony, carport, 9 Mile.Harper. 2 room suite nonsmoker. needs small ECONOMEE • Video Games 'I' dd'" t carpeted. fireplace, very pool, sauna, harbor vic\\'. Air conditioning, carpet. apartment in Gi'OS5e PRINTING ma I tngs. a ressJn~, e.r.. dean. 7i4.3246, -- - ", ~l . P' t b . 774.9811 or 521.2154, $4/;) .. ,749384. Jam,or. L.CSC to X Way. om e egmning approxi, UNION MUSIC CO. C-O-L-O-N-IA-L-D-U-P-L-E-X-,-2-b-e-d. ----- ..-----.- .-- 881-6436 mately May 15. No chilo SERViCE 886.8500 EXECuTIVE S e c r eta r y, ONE.BEDR"lOM apartment.: ------. ------dren, pets. 8827250 or 15201 Kerchcval rooms, . stove, refrigerator, Grosse Pom. t I,' P ar,k a 11 6D- VACATIO'"I~ 2225996. at Lakepol'nte knowledge in office proce. carpI,' tmg, extra storage, t'I'1" I d d $250 'r------....;, dures, public contact. tele. d bl u I J les me u e, ,p2r RENTALS ------Grosse Pointe VA 2.7100 ou e insulation 11k.car month. 823.4021 . .______U N I V E R S I TY.associ------phone. 773-8779. garage, semi.finished base.i------PE'rOSKEY.•. .,." , CHARLEVOIX a t c d physician, sinele, FLEA MARKE T FASHION Photographers - mcnt .' No pct-,),. 1 year RF.ACONSFIELD - 2 bed. rrh'" arml.ng AI'pmes t \IIe cha. npf'tls ~par'mpnl or hou.se~ EVERY WEDNESDAY MOVING SALE minimum. Nottingham.Mo. rooms. furnished kitchen. I t J t d d' tl multi.agency model, will do e , OC3 (' 'rec v on bel(in".it'~ July or Au<'ust. ALCOMO'S CASTLE ran" $290 Please after t1arag~, no pets Rl'fcr I .ttl T B' F " photo work in exchange '" , ,'" .1 (' raversc ay. ca. 1979. Prefer near lake. 9 MILE BETWEEN MACK Our Entire Stock of for prints, 52'/.6667. 5:45. 8818390. ence.' 33I.025g, ttm~5 inr.I"fie ~ hl'c!rooms, (' t AND HARPER T-W-O--. -BEDROOM----upp~;:_ THREE~F.DROOM-);;-;~' 2 baths, Frank:;" :'''eplace 2~;.7~~toArca Codc (513) ------.-'----- TYPiNG DONE quickly in Ma!''': !''lrl V"'rT\il'r, r.r;)ssr flal, living room, dining and ('olore:! TV. Comfort. ------RUMMAGE AND I PAINT 1Il,lo' hQrnc. 371.2394 after Pointe Woods, Fully car. room, kilchen wit'. "PllI,- :!b!~' s!!'!'!,< 8, Ava;hhll' 'R ~ r. I A R r. Jr: Ollil'! conn):, six r.m, peted, stove, refrigerator, ances. porch. fencd yard. June, 8859325, , want to rcnt furmShCcl BAKE SALE . WILL BABYSIT in my home gara~e. r.~< ~nrl ...l""lri~ gara~e, 82:1,45511after 6. 'FioRinA-KEYESRc~~rt"'::: I ;l~arlml'nt .Iuly, All~llSI Gro,se Pointe Association off "icu:k t,t:~.n'i:~n e and 9 included. No pets, Refer. NE~~F-R:)An-":::'-~o:l:b~d;o~~: Approxima~ely. 1 h 0 u r i ~~~il~~¥~~n~~~~rcrcnc~s for Relarded Citizen, Sat. Supplies. brushes. window shadeS included' Mile, 774-8592. enccs. &G4.4776 or 836.7551 :.:;'!;'!cr unit :l\'ailahl::, !or south of MIamI. 2 bedroom' ._ ..__ . .. May 5. 103 p.m, (WCAR) TROMBLEY, cheerful, bright immediate occupancy. New 2 bath condo on Gul~. ~o::t TWO OLDER ADULTS need, Workshop. THr Sl:~\TEP.chiid7are-Cr;lfls, I t PAINT BOOTH gardening, movement, cdu. upper flat. Np.w carpelin~. carpeting, garage. $195 dockage: ~eep sea flshmg, a 2 bed~oom lower flat. i 9200 CONNER fireplac(', central air. Price monthl\!, !I81.420D, skIn (hvlng. rcc room, condommlllm or apartment Near Harper 14939 Krrcheval. at Wayburn edtior.. C('rtified ~{ontcs r('duction. Immediate occu. JO;"/NSTONE & hNlll'rl pool. Off sea~on ncar prescnt residence, or' 839-3144 daily 10 am. 'Iil 2 p.m, , suri teacher, 882.0136 or l- I:11 t paney. 884.6200. JOHNSTONE ralcs available. 884.1351. I ncrby suburbs, 822.5760. : !l11L';S/J2.

    ...... me ...... • __ eM ••.•...... d sA « • em n .• c . c, c.• t d d 1 « •••• d • o. C • « d c rt g= 1 C •• , t1 Ed « « d" . >

    Thursday, May 3, 1979 G R 0 SSE POI NT E N E \Iv S Page Twenty-Seven

    8-ARliCUS FOR SALEI' ~A-R-T.-I-C-L-ES-FO-~-.-SA-u'.-I-a-'-A--R-T-I-C-LE-S-F-O-R-S--A-LE; 8-~~TICL.E~!C?R_~~£Ei8 __~~~I~~!.~_~~_-~-~--_~-E-8-A---M-U-S-IC-A-L------I-!---.A-. iHICLES- WANTED I l1-CARS FOR SALE HO~SEHOLP ITEMS -. 8. EAR~Y AM.ERICAN hutch, PINE ROLL. TvP desk, FOLDING pool table, $50'1 ANTIQUE Kentucky fHniiuck ! .:.-~STRUM~NTS.. . WA.'1TEO: French doors'.1 AiJT0.MoBr~E !~~S~RANCE I y PIece. d.i~Jng room. sUite., I a.nhq. ue plOe., fu!! ,.''' foot, Craftsman hC:lvy.duty elec., 331.6621 after 6 p.m.. r.We, Remington. VII MM I, H iBART CABLE upright pi. I. .Oka. . 11 llroke.n. Bevel.e,d, CI.I).' , liiw liS ~3.1... fer e {f'f.:. 2 S1,dt!h~~~ ..;.~e.r.~~~_... ~id~: lik.e hl:W, ~l,';'JV. Ai~if'I'"(ric edger/tiiml.d; ,/"l'~";:.i'~'< -.,' .' ,... .~. •'" i,: ..:~~':[:1;: .illUl~ ~;f~t~, Win. I ano, $'150. "'l:;.1t;;""'ioe_.~,.also I~~d~~, _gl:ss pa",els,.l •.. (T_onth~.. ~~11 Che~ney In~ .., ~•. A;;=D1IJ;~';;~~;~~uv. I ~~;~~502~e:a~~23~ounters. e:, law~ sweper. 685~5~89.1 ~QO~ISJ~~~ [~~e~~~I~i~eOrd~~a9:e r~~lre.~~~~I CJNN-;i:ajMBoNE;2Y;';;;;: ~ilt;i~k ~p"'8iZ~4:, •.tI' ~~~;~~:':~~~~~'~~Ol~;~f;'~~'. ______14.CUBIC.FOOT Frosl.rree' I 839 -8-3 ,0J(l, mmt, $200.881.6658. 1------.--1 884.53::17 Chrysler Air Temp, 10,000 COLORED TV _ 15" RCA. GE refri~erator (white) 3 SALES I ern guns. ... :>:>..... I ..•. ---.,------, SAfES WANTED-Almost --.' '.-.. - BTU, Philco, 5,000 BTU, XLlOO, portable, $2?5 firm, yean old $20;). 3:l3.1710 CHARLES KLINGENSMITH Rm.fMAGE'S AL -E-::":-St HAMMOND ORGAN console jl any condition. Woods Lock AUTOMOBILE OWNERS.AS fireplace andirons, grates. evenings during week. 886 after 6. LAUREN CHAPMAN I'hi'J[jps and St. Steven'~ full pe~al. board. Mo~el and Safe. TU 1.9247. low as $25 quarterly buys rt"f" i 1 lectric logs and ------JII 1 WILLIAMS 'I A.JOO Similar to B.3, like C I N F It In a I IC a e 9215. 3.9 FEET single Pane door- . ' , ..' Church, Frankfort a\ New- 'n"w 'Lcslie speaker in. I SERIOUS local collector will ompu sory 0 au . screens. Bigelow oriental . walls. Ideal for l1[assinl! in lnvlte you 10 VIS'~ our s.hJP, porI, Hal 8. 9:30.4, May. 9, c'iClQ'ed. Reas~nab[e. Cali purchase all signed Tiffany surance. 881.2376. rug, chair and ottoman, BEAUTIFUL 9'plece pecan I now open twn days a \Ieek, !l~02 Jewelry clothmg . . ------.-- Sheffield silver candela. dining set ineludes oval screen porell, $50 each. Tuesdays awl Thundays I f". . . b' after 6 p.m. 8654351. lamps: Hand!Jl~. PeJrI~omt. We have all.typeS of cars to . 8868481. 2 i or wholp family, Tick a' ------..------I JellcrsOn anu I\'IU':Bridges' •... bras Magnavox Hi.Fi and ta bl 1', 6 cane back chairs, I 10 a.m. tu Il,m. . h",,4 l.;t"flcr \\"rc. and KNABE ", foof 9 I'noh Grand . I lease-l'll:W , 'I large buffet and china -.------. ------;- I 15115 CHARLEVOIX 1 _.~, .. : <."" I: ", I I ...... '... 'I amp s. All transactIOns CORVETTES, LINCOLN'S, SP'ledal.kfl.eersr,'OIWdeSttybpeenwdrl'tehrUs',$875, Saturday between 2 MOV[NG: ElectriC stove, kit. GROSSE POINTE PARK ,I h.O.us.eoold a.rtlCles. bar. Refinished. New hammers I strictly confidential. Please I ELDORADOS m chen table 4 chairs 2 !tal T. ., gains' old keys. Tuned to con~ert ~ I • 6 628 2 . £tallds, dictaphones and p.m,.4 p,m., 3447 Bedford ian Prov~ncal wingback Consignments, est~,t:" apprai3 1 ~ ~ __ ... ! pitch. 885.6953. col "fter p.m. 88. 1. on .floor. Call AlI.State Audographs. 891.9575. I off Mack. ehair' 3.piece seetio I als and house Sa,.;". j B b AUT I F U L Thomas'/ I TOP $$ P' 'D for color TV's I leasIng. We also sell late ______ESTATE and 4.family ga. co!fe~' and end tab~:s', We have an excit~n~ new .in- ville fruitwood dining room 1 PIANOS WANTED needing "';cP:lir. 774.9380. I ~odel used cars. Ask for 2 FAMILY garage sale. Golf rage sale. Couch, tables, I Serve.All ga:l refrig2rator, v~ntory IncludIng chOIce set .. hutch, t"ble and 61 GRANDS, Spinets, Consoles I . I Jim Imhoff. 521.1111. , clubs, water bed, b~by lamp, dishes, storage cab. electric r:>aster and stand. PIC,~es f~om a well.known I chairs, tea cart, $1,200.865. and Small Uprights. II ARE YOU MOVING or sell. I 1972 PINTO -- $500 or best clothes and accessones. inets, old chandelier, golf ~loor P?lisher, dehumidi de:~gner,. ~~tale. :[50 an- _~:.6:.~~~ _~ or weekend. TOP ~RICES PAID !ng an estal~? We arc. bUY" offer. 882-4017, after 6 p.m. Men's and women's cloth. clubs, bag and carrier, cur. Her, m:scellaneous. 8391 1l.nt.qUe sll\er plCces. oCtlll - - t VE 7-0506 109 everything. Furmture, ------ing, dishes, sheets. Miscel. tains, clothes for everyone. 3111. slO~al tables. commodes, a DINING ROOM. Magnavox glassware, knic.knacs. dish- 1976 CADILLAC E[d'lrado, laneous. 37()() Buckingham, Toys, lots of misc~lIaneous ---,- ..------,----- va:lety. o~ chests of drav.: I ste~eo, .gas stove, dresser, 8S-ANTIQUES FOR es, household i.tems: adds I low miles, reduced to $8,- Detroit. Sat. & Sun., May Thursday and Fnday 9.4, RED~CORATJNG. Must sell 1 ers, chIld s bedroom furm I cabmets. t~bles: la~ps, SALE ann ends, mUSical mstru. 800. 879.£832. 6th, 9.5. Saturday 9.12. No pre 85mc~ Colonial sofa, gold I t~re, ~ahogalJY ~eproduc-I ~(Jts, execerclse bike, p.amt. ------I ments, Hummels, Hummel, , . • • I sales. 425 Cloyerly, Grosse 3-cushlOn. $200. Call 882, tlO~ ~ner~b~ __Sl~~~o?.rd,:I ~~g and more. Evemngs,. MAHOGANY carved tw.in plates, old dolls and paper I 76 I.'0NTIAC GICin.dLeMans, FORMAL dmmg room set, I Pointe Farms. I 2592 after 6 p.m. I anuque ll!iiILUball.\' u!Up,ca, I ",,53523, ! beus, Circa 1864, $1,200 back books. 774.7142 . trLpl~ bl~ck. aIr,. power mahogany, 6 chairs, Chma .. _------,--.--.--1 table, antique walnut drop. 1----- .,~. -'._--':~-..-1 Queen Anne dining raom ------I steermg, or~kes, ""1r.~1ow~, g cabinet, buffet, excellent GE 19 CUBIC foot refriger.1 TWO, GIRL S 2?mch IIght-' leaf table. early 19th Cen-I ANTIQUf:,~ walnut Ol,nln I set, 9.piece $1,500. 64:). ESTATES WANTED I door Jo;ks, 'AM.FM stereo, .condition $400 Call eve. ator (pink) freezer in bot. Welg~t race bikes, .1 year tury mahogany desk, :lnd I room,. buffet, 2 server" ,ta- I 1975 We will buy complete estates rear delOggel', rally wheels, nings. 527.9195: I tom $50. sdars Cold,pot 19 old, hke new, $30 ea~h, or I bea~tiful oriental rug 8 ft., hIe With 3 leaves. 8 c1mrs, I . or household liquidations. Landau top. Immaculate, ______.--- cubic foot side-by side re I $?O, fo.r both. 1 20'lllCh I ~l !fiche:; x. 11 It. Fealur' uj)holstered sea t s and PAIR Eastlake-style. small Also buying antiques. chi. $3,000. 372-1856. FAMILY ROOM furniture, 1 frigerator (white) with ice girl s bike, $15. 8rll-898l. mg also flOe porcelains. I backs. 885-5508. I chairs, t<:!l bookshelf an1 na crystal silver jewelry 1 ------1 Lazy Boy reclin.er, 1 year I maker $125 Screen panels I W....I...LS.."ON Ia...d.. ' If 1 b 21 other antique furniture 1 R ALE I G H 10 d r ht desk. clothes tree, bras') fu~s Dainttngs ivory cloi: MER~1?ES 280-S-Excel1~nt old. gold, $125. DOUgh-I and. stor~' ghss panels, woods 4 i~o~:o us~d~ :85. crystal and rugs. 'weight center -S:~I~ ql~iCk birdca~e. other items. 881. son'~e' and Mei~sen. p;ompt I c~n 1~lOt, ~vOry ex~enor: boy map'le table, $6. Maple vanous Sizes, 1 storm " ----.---- ... ,0502 or 885-2223. , 33 c ocola ~ r~wn ~n ma end table, 1 drl.e. UllIl.IJ~ ~~a~!l: anu ,.X I bowl (lg. Size), $17::1.MIS' purchased August 1977,! ~ ORIENTA~ RUGS . I .~rystal, silver, lamps and A 1973 ______Saturday, 9.7. Sunday 1.7. Duxbury. ..,,~lrs, chests, cellaneous.331.1556. 1 $75. 371-6515. I Expert appraisals, estates Victorian aec~ssories. Will CONTINENTAL GREAT YARD SALE! Hurry 16760 Strieker, East De. o.dli chaIrs, ~IX place set- 1------' . , 1 purchased. Modern, semi. pay reward for informa. for the bargains, Saturaay, troit. !lngs, Sterlmg flatware, METAL MASTER kitchen ta. I GLIDER, mat~hlDg chair and I antique and antique. Ex. tion leadi~g to successful 2 door. absolutely clean, bur. May 5, 9.3. 11233 McKin. ladderback. settee, color !.lIe 4 chain hwnmo.wer3 I r?cker,. antique setee, 65. pert cleaning and repair- purchase of Belter furni. gund~', black interior, (reg. ney. 685-B707 or 371-8474. REDECORATING SALE. 78. cunsole TV, Lazy Boy l' d 2h i Piece dwn,erware set. 886. ing Will buy anlique s ture. Days 869.7522, eve. ular gas), runs excellent; ______. h hI e Trad.tional s:>fa chair, lawn tools, picnic ahwn sprea er,. . ...1.1.ee I 2472. Call after 1 p.m. al'~ Able to pay ~O'" dol nin"s 88'> 8692 mc U 1 - 'tabl' t bl I d w ee lbarrow, mlsee ane- I ______1 ~. . . ..' b' w- • radial tires, First $1,850. WALNUT DESK , $20 ,x12 15 2 gold velvet and cone e, p.mg.pong a e, a - ous 831.8107 1 CYNTHIA PATTERN F t _ lar. 547-2100. ------839.9122. . gold rug, $40, new Presto chairs, 2 Fruitwood drum der3, mls~ellaneous. Grosse .' , os 0 ------__ WANTED. Dining and bed,I _ pressure cooker, $8, new tables and end table, 2 Pointe Park, 343.0116. I ELECTRIC PINBALL ma-' fir s~m;are-water gob- LARGE selection of antiques ~om furnit~re, an~. m~. '77 CAMARO-White, beige bar cart $10, snack tables I Stiffe1 lamps. A[so red chine $15, 3 horsepower e s'. s er ert. g.oblets, $8,~. I and collectibles for sale - hogany fU~I!~:-:', VA ,j'1 interior, 27,000 miies, AMI in stand, $5. Metal files $3 velvet highback arm chair. PORTA-CRIB, playpen, baby Brigg, & Stratton lawn Nonta~e ml.mature ch~ld I leaded and stained win. 4688 or PH CHnfiO. I FM, $3,995. 779-0420 afte'r each. 3 shelf cart, $4'1 6650757. swing, convertiblp. carriage mower, $10, 89" sofa, au- ~et, 6 piece dmner s~t, mm- , dows and doors, round oak p Shopping cart $5. Old sheet , stroller, highchair, infant tumn colors $110. 886.8291. Ilature cut glass wme set. tables chandeliers and oth. ANYONE wishing to sell _5_ _._m_. _ .,. B"Y S BIK'" 16'I'nch Ross clolh T 2 kt '1 t bl 885-5845 . 11 costumes for children, par. , . music, thimble collection, I oJ. • ~ es '. coe al a e, . er mlsce an.eous items. ticularly animal costumes'l 78 GMC ~elux~ wm~ow van. small Avon ~o!!ection, a.nd , (w.~~~trt.~hml~gA."wh,.e,e..ls$.2.5.. Cosco cart, fruit jar>. 886, THREE GOWNS-Size 8-10 BASE N Buy or sell. Hours: 11 a.m sl'zes 7.12 Please call All optIons mcludmg rear ...... _ _ _< n nucla "75 pet,:te. worn once. One .... ME T SALE-671 and t 5 30 . souvenier commemorative "" ...... :--._' -~ ...... ' 'u . I tl17 V . 0: p.m. Tuesday thru N'ancy But't'on, 88').l~I~(u-or I air. conditioning. Ye r.y gon WIth wrought Jron ------soft aqua, one dusty blu~, I .• ermer, Grosse Pointe I "I d ?4h .. plates. All reasonable. 882. ., " DINETTE SET, metal bed- I W d M 3 6 Q 6 F 1 ~a.ur ay. - -. our answer. Nona Blum, 4.,.09-4095. clean. $6,600. 882.0823. ' 2535 base, 4 SWivel cl)alr,. $100 t d d' h d one black and white. 682. 'tOO s, f ay -, -'. . ur. ing service, 12553 Gratiot 1------. . or best offer, gold vinyl s ea, IS es. 0 ds and 7727. ,. m ure, reezer. stove, ap- South of 6 Mile. 521-8612: SLOT MACHI1"JE wailted. CLASSIC MARK Ill. 1969, GARAGE SALE, Friday, M:ay recliner $40. 861.2576. ends. 881.7559. I pliances, old clocks, dish. I ------.--___ Any condition. 751.2182. white with black leather 4 Sat May 5 9 ~ m -6 ------STOLEN, Benoit's lOspeed BEDROOM SET for sale - e" glassware, TV, bed. FURNITURE refinished reo ------interior, cruise. AM/FM, P.;; 15845 Fai~~res~' De. GARAGE SALE. Saturday, white Peugeot, $50 reward. Mediterranean style with I spreads. clothing, toys, an.d paired. stripped, any type BOOKS NEEDED for Univer. excellent condition. $1,175 . .t 9 a,m. to 3 p.m. 972 West. £825917 2 chesls and hutches, desk miscellaneous. I of caning. Free estimates, I sity Liggett School for used TU 5-2932. trol . chester. . . with chair, night stand, ex------i 474-8953. book tent, tax deductions ------CAR TOP RACK and cover, I FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator. ESTATE SA~E, 14173 Bring. tra l:>ng twin bed, excellent \ WINDOWS - wood. double available. 885-4020 for pick. 1974 BUICK Regal - Air, '!:!.-:5!:!. m~t ..l puppy gate. !:ce~e!" ~irlp.. bv . side 19 arol, 8 Mile Schoenherr condition. Call 8853212. hung sash. single glaze OR IENTAL RUGS up. power steering, power _~~ dO,"n I . I --. 9th. 1 - • - " with matching aluminum PlJRCHASE I • I brakes' t t' tr . OOi)'V""''''' ~ubic fO(lt frost.free cop. :area, May:.!. ,10 a.m.' ME C H ANI C 11. L D ._ ' au oma lC ansnus. ______1 - ' _~ "_~ ~~1T_ __ •• ~ll:":~~; I storms and screens. 3 units I . HOMEOWNER looking for . !II 500 881463 rs.,Fn'., pertone $250. 882-1405. :l p.m. ,jU,UUU D!UO, """ W"' \ 01' 'i . , '. BY A COLLECTOR I large oriental rug approx. S10n,. ,..... 7. GARAGE SALE, Thu . $135 I $35 861.7674 ~ wmuow~ apprOXlIll".ll:' \ F ------.--- lQ.4. 20929 Frazho, St. MOVING SALE _. Friday. MATCHING CRIB. w/mat. _ ! sa e. . IJ: 5 fect high by 7 fect or the highest prices imately 15x22 feet, or 2 FIREBiRD Fiirmula 400 I Clair Shores.' Stove -c;},ots Saturday, 10.2 p.m~. 1274 tress, Armorie dresser; BO$'S';SC:tiW1NN 5.speed, ,wide. and 1 singh 'Un,;t. 1.663.7607 smaller matching rugs. Will Comp1etely1restored; 1972, of misc. . I Vernier at Marter. 2 Sim. blue w/floraI, $100 .. 865 2QiI, IfBO. like new. Firm. Ideal for enclo<;ing porehes OR IENTAL RUGS pay top price! 886-1666. regular gas, classic. Every " mons metal twin beds $25 0068. 881.7674. or other buildings. Very I --- available. 'option. Silver, " G~~;~l~~~~F -:I?~~~~~ , each, 2 end tables $5 each, . ------reasonable. 882.9460. WANTED 185~~MreIfleNxSsforcamKOedraak,R3e1t3i: gray, black interior. Min(, lauy's bike $25, 2 twin TWO FAMILY gang:: :md CHR~ME kiteheh set, 4 ------.. ONE OR MANY $3 500 882.()955 446 fabric, books, dishes, glass. blue gingham spreads and moving sale. Children and I chaIrs, $50, old dresser BUYS. 1440 Fairhoime iliay I Pri,'ate CoiieclOr Win Pay' 724-8430. ' . or. i ware, small appliances, curtains $9 each, Aurora adult clothing, toys. Full $35, 881.7674. 4.5. Baby e qui p rr: en t. Any Reasonable Price. WANTED . f 11 _00>_"_1_. _ jewelry, craft supplies, racing set $15 Magnus'l size crib and mattress, $20'120" GIRL'S Schwinn Breeze c~othe~ ,to (5x). boat,SI.J,n. 1-482.5427 VW Bu~ l~~~es~Onrlpesartl.o~ 1975 FO~D LTD-Landau, 2 I ;~~~~n~~~s 1~~~7m~~~~~::. ~~~'~~r o~~r~r,$8,n/~rn~~c():.!, Old things, household $50. 20" girl's Hi-Rise, .$35: fiSh, bikes. II KENNARY Kage Anti ue- lar, can'vas ~overin!', ~~r I door, air. m~~y extras. Ex. East D~troit, 3 blocks E.I plus books, games, pUzZles'1 £. a.m. to S5 ~.~., ;27613 BGJh in ex('e!lent cr:>nrJiti(lnI SATfTRnAY, M:.y 5, 1~ :. m . Hours: Wp.dnp.sdaY.Frfda;: front of~~~. 885-4447. cellent condition. 778-0487. of Grahot and 1 block N. , toys, etc. and more. 7~~~~~n, t. C au Sores. 1 68 .6115. ~a.r.p~.i~.I 138..6 ,Mc.Ki. nne)'. 'I 12-4.,Saturday 9:5. Cadieux I PRIVATE PARTY wishes to 1'76 . ~.mnD--E:.:::clknt c.o:: I of 8 Mile Rd. ' --, .. '. ---.--- " 'l\lAHOG.".NY Duncan Phyie' ~ s galo:e ~ 1 at \\ arren. 882-4396. ~urc.h~se, mink stole or d.ltJon, full power, cruIse, ------.- I HEAVILY-CARVED French I K~.T>"""''r.' __...: ~ I nininl1 rOcnl ~ t V' t . I N"'Ht'" . ,------..,.--. '~!.!!n ';"'~uj : ,,,~\ ~p". slIver and cranberry. $4- DRUM SET-Good for begm. Provincia'l chairs Royal "'.'",UVl"':' ,,,,wwl;' " l .. e. _ = - l ce,. I('orlan e.w ,.UsTOM pIcture framp I ABLE TO PAY top dollar 6- 2 '~_ .._. , ,. - _. 200 886-2277 . I 1 I --I' ners, $75. Brown Vista, 5- Do u I ton Chara~ter Jug, lIke new condition. 885-1 wmg.ba~k sofa (very long) I ~olding, Gold or chrome. I for used Oriental rugs. \ 99 Call after 6 pm. 1 • • - -- - speed bicycle. good condi. "73" Schmid Hummel plate 0338. tuft bac.k, $5?0 Ma~ogany SI;!es for 6 to 40 inches. 454-4483. GROSSE POINTE Bookseller 11977 l\IARK V Ll1lcoln. 1: ull;., tion, $40. Call 821-2167. SUO, Spanish lace bowl. I MOVING _ U ri ht freeze; secretar~ deSK, booLas~. 61 Frames $4 each. any size, ------desires signed limited edi. loaded. Tape, moon roof, 13.PIECE Rittenhouse cedar Wedgewood Jasper war2. • 20 gallon fi~h gtank corn: ~~17;~e~~O~~~R~:rf~~lo~abl~' , ;'1rdw~re incI~ded. Ideal A~~W~~ci\~ ~~I;.LLE I Hons. f~ne illustrated, chil'l low mileage, $7,800. 881. 'ture, best offer. Drexel dining room set, 14 plete. Hammond Piper claw feet $225 R~sewood or) ~ otos, pnnts, water.' M '4-'56 .~. drcn'~ lit., ::::t, photography, 9163, log furnl karat broach set with . .' .' co or" etc. Sat., May 5, 9.2 ay - I Amencana Detroit C' '1 Roper double electric pearls, coin silverspoons, organ. hke new. Antique sl?e table with. Ormulu I 19229 R.aymoni b h' d St' New Baltimore, on 23 1\Ii. Rd. War 0 It A ' IV! I 1969 PLYMOUTH------station stove, 2 years old, $250. 8 VI'ctorl'an. sl'de ~h.al'rs, Hel': I desk, blue upholstered I trim $195. Chippendale T.L_ TT"p'U,Ala!las.ter lam.ps $75.,' SMOKELESS home gas m'j' iO a m to fI pm th ' ,an r-,.,n.t tpon."~"'~"n~ 881- pooer, brand new, $20. 886- sell. Colonial Shop, 25701 649-1975. cinerator and G.E. electric Sunday, .N~on to '5 'p.m. ~~~eet~ohnl:el'nbal°olkSland,. or ~ 5835~ .• _.._...V"~'.V". 3 PAIR lined linen curtains, -.------...-- drye g d d' . ' ca egones ~I 3724, 779-0362. Jeffer,on, near 10 Mile, 6'xlO' long, 5'x6' wide, L~RGE outside sale, featur. ~'l 00 con ItlOn, r2a. Free Admi~sion Cash paid ::nd immcdiat~ -1-9-78-"-..1-0-!'-~'1'1:'-,-"'--C-A-P-.-L-O-T-"-n. Monday through Saturday floral pattern on ll'ght blue mg antique furniture ap. sona e. 881-8756 Free Parlcing removal d '1 PATIO BL0 CKS - 90, 2x2 11.6.772.0430. Ii I _ t ' . • ------. au. (SI ver), loaded, rust. ft., $150. 885.2771. _--______background, $30. Gold vel- fan~n~cs. am~".2 H:Vl' PORCH furmture-6 pieces, ANTIQUE SHOW and sale- GRUB STREET proofed. Must see! $5,275 ______GARAGE and h(lllsehold vet lined curtains, 1 pair g[assw~';a~ge; S~~\:t:gt s~s: J 2 end ables, 1 cocktail la. ~rchard Mall, West Blo~m- A BOOKERY or best offer. 372-5007. CHEAP! Down tweed sofa. sale. Furniture, typewrit. 10'2"x3'8" wide, 1 pair h' " 1 ble. 1 sora. 2 ch:li::s, whitc fJeld. Mav 10-13 DUring 15036 M k G ------light yellow sofa, 2 orange ers, square dance dresses 10'2" long, 5'5" wide, 1 c IDes, chll~ren s c1~thes, wrought iron with blue/ Mall hours.' ac, rOSSe PI. Park '7(,~ .)NTIAC Grand Prix. velvet chairs, red print Co- s:ze 10. EV2rything must pair 10'2" long, 7'4" wide, school de~k,. toys, diShes, white ani yellow floral ------_ 824-8874 excellent condition low -- 1.oma. 1 ....n~.V~, chal'r . Best go. May..35th 20537 Amta.. $1~O. Green !'Ilk. lined cnr- wondenoutSide 1,'1'111,pla~Denblby etcstrollerM: pa tt erne d cushions, 9x12 8C-OFFICE 10A-MOTORCYCLES ml'1eage, 1oa de.d 371'A707, . offer. 862-7310 after 4 p.m. Harper Woods. tal!ls, ~ "pai~ 9'8" long,. 11 5. 6. 10 ta 4'. 20330 'Litl~~ and 4x6 matchinE! arE'a EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1975 FORD LTD. good condi. paIr 92 Wid $50 rugs, One occasional table. GENERAL ELECTRIC 60" FURNITURE SALE, dining. All in g'oad C()~rliti()n ~r stone. Harper Woods. Best offer over $200. 885. AMERICAONWNPEREDVIOUSLYNORTON Commando stock, I tion, 46,000 miles. Asking 6 burner, 2 ovens, $60. 2 kitchen. bedroom and of. .----, $2500 or best offer 331 ' 82 -89" f. 772 5295 9' 0448. I GIRL'S 26" Schwinn Breez~, 8764. 23416 Groater Mac" O\"ned clean! low mileage. $850.' . . 1ight fIxtures. 1 ..4. Ice.'.. until 5, I 20" convertible bike. Re~se ~ r ,y 343-0523. I 2778 or 823-6914. ------after 5:30, 8613329, 1160 1 GE REFRIGERATOR 91 I .1 h't h l\W.VING-Sft.LE-Desks, De. We specialize in topof-the------SOhFy"ld'\e.B3E90D-o,2l:>08i'u.'\;Viinauga- Eifurd COUrt .. . .". .raler.1 C , E.Z lift sway sIgn f k' h line previously owned of. -19-7-7-S-U-"-Z-U-K-I-T-S-7-5--d 1978 MONTE CARLO Lan. 1 years 010, goou wOrlon~ I uar, uurrors, rJof Ii",k er so a. ItC en set. r;,.." r ... 'f t1.. . ,roa dau 7000 miles bla k I re 1 I J..A DY'S BIKE, 3 wheelar order, $50. 881-0448. hand mower childre~'.~ floor lam»s. basement re- -m'-e-nt-t.!!!-tt:. an_ e '!!!f :md tr~i! bike, 300 miles, '0'1": " _.: __~c ~:!~n SL OP bl - " -- I . .' frigerat hI' Men Ion our a d or !"I. lik $450 881-898 lac ..., lOaoea. ;;>;l,vuu.oo~- ATE T game ta e - 535, 521.0203. SOFA. love se::t. R:::.:h!:md . ...:'wlmIn~ pJol. 8810364. or. was er, e ectric 5% discount. 772.7990. e new. . I. 2625 after 5 p.m. 4 leather chairs, excellent - ! .-- dry!'r, vacuum. knic-knac3. ------.-- -1-97-3-H------condition, 3 piece sectional SUMMER MAT ERN IT Y House, matc~e.d light earth DOUBLE 0": E N e[e~trk lots of household items 9 AkTiCLES.W' ...... P' ... ,~NDA 35~, low miles. i ;77 CHEVY S b b - clothes, size 8.10, chil- tones, traditional. good range. furmtur~. miscel. 482 Hidden Lane off Morn. _. A" I 11:" I excellent COnGltlOn, many I . . u ur. an .

    I .1 I ~~~n':od:II::,h~~Od~~w~~;~ _~JRg:ition. 8850977: 7751_~~~pt°Y~~k~~i~;~~~~~~~~~ ~11fi~~.~r~d:~~;;;a;~I~~~Y' R~~~~~1~;Gya~i~/~~~i:~~~ I ~~~~5~550 or best offer. i !~~~:~~~ilionl,O:~~~' ;~~~~ p:~~::::~:_:;;',:~:' 1975 : good condition. 885.2794. chair and baby rocker. Call SAILFISH, 9 ft., seal hlue IG::>::>DYEAR ra:lial>, LR78x GAR ..\GES:"'Lli~Fri'dav. s;;t: f~;;;~~;'~ee;le~o:I~~~ha 1 HONDA XR-75 - $250 ! -'7-7-l\-tG-B---.----.--- Thursday 885-1213. pacific, mounted. A.I con. 15, g;)od condition, $30 urday, 10 to 5, 63 iTaple. compani~s dan. kO b~cO or best offer. Call after 41 II - ~':" miles, ex. '. dition Colt Pythan 357 I each. 8866614.,...... t "an JU e ox, I p.m. 884.4573 ce ent condition, after 5 I .. .' . • .. __ ._ ...... on. penny arcade, popcorn and . 1 pm. 469-1042 I APPRAISALS - LIQUIDATIONS 4 mckel plated. $400. 885- BICYCLF:S-Girl"s 20.in::h" RRT-E-~;r;'------, gambling machines. Willl1973 HONDA 750 approxi-I . 0977, 7750726. I 26-inch, b::lY's 20':nch. 88S: - .. - _ASE. l(l...~scat, erys. P"y finder'.s fee. Days 869- I mateiy 1,WO miles, askina 1977 CHEVROLET Impa.la . filA YF A 1R SHOPPES ------.---- 66 t!ll !'tem ....an •. Persian lamb 7522 I ... 4 d . 21518 Bh..RPER CL'S\~~! ePHOLSTF,RF:n ~, __ :'4:__ stole, Nrs('o cooker parI' . eveRmgs 882.8692. ! ~1.600. Cusomized. ($2,500 oor, power st~en~~/ I'.I. -."'-':1_. _n'" I ~. n t . ~ NFED ------. Invested) work 967.1640 brakes, air. eleclnc \Hn. ST. CLAIR SHORES """ ..,,'" "Ol", Ui\<: w..... ", ....AGE SALE, S"t."J";,, _ravs, mam'lT!!)r' 772-5216 '~ ~~:~~ment size gas I 9-5. . dows. rear defogger. excel. I $250, 881-8419. 10.4, Sunday 123, Air con i MOVING:- "------sl~)ve \W-JU weill, and reo ! ------lent condition $3 500 294. 0rle 774-QIJU BAB'y QUILTS-handmade. ditioncr. stcrC:J. 12-incr,' ..: T~. c.o:n.:n : . t~blc, fngerator. 881-8582. : 106- TRUCKS FOR 3262 ," We do complelely professional and confidential ap. SI $3 FIb black and white TV type neSK. !,laSS,\are. KI1Cnen .. '. , SA' E . ------praisa[s and liquidations of entire estates and 7. 5. u I size rown/ writer vacuum \\:()~den \I?rr. glftware. s\I'it('he~. WANTED-wooden file cabi. ! --,---~-- --'''--- 1978 FORMULA Firebird- households. Visit our shop for a pleasant experi. gold quilt. 882461.~:-__ high ~ha'r, strolier, aqu'Ir _ "Ilscell~neous. 8856747. ~~~'12. 3 or 4 drawers. 822 .. 1978 FORD 250, 16,000 miles. Fully loaded, excellent con. ence. or call anytime Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 6S0FA--- BED, queen size, ium, much mor.:', 2 i i35 SOLiD ..... ~ ~- - -- - ._-~.g ~ydraulic lift gate. bed' dilion. $5,695. Low miles. .m, dailv.. [2 noon to 6 p.m. Sundays. multi.colored plaid, Good Hunt Club, Harper Woods room ,\I~\It[)\1bAIN-ffdbinin W'[LL-'B--l-)\-;-G'-RA.N-I')'-A-N.'O- Imcr. cxcellent condition. I Must sec. 9627742. 822. P ...• _._ _ ...• ' 'SC. ror ea ta )('.2 885.3559 condition, $150. 862.7418. GOLF CLUI3S-Matcllt'd M~ j:!r('('n ("hairs. de('orator fa. PLAYER PIANOS, ANY __ . . .__ 6094. ,~ - __ ---- __ --.! -- ...------Gregor Tourn,." l.r,'llS. ,\1 brie. twi;] hC3dboards and CO;-';DITlON, ~31.55)7 1967 CHEVY pink.up \vI'th -,,------WICKER tub chairs. set of .," fra ' 1978 CADILLAC Seville - so matche:l 4 I'r.~n s.~t.. ;') mf's. new typewriter. snowplow. mileaae 57,000, 4 in excellent condition. u [u ' t t I ------... Blue fire mist paint. blue woods, TU 5.7214, gi,agc, ma ching chair INSTANT CASH good condition. $1.200 331. with solid corduroy cush. ami draperics, oil paintinl( 8621 after 6 p.m.' top. blue leather. cruise. WANTED ions. Call 882.2189. ~OViNG SALF~-Air c:mdi. 8843118. $ $ $ __ . ,_. .. _ auto lights. power trunk, --- ..------.------honer, larly's 3.S:1i'c:i bike -, _. 1976 FORD pickup F.150, rear defog .. 10.000 miles. by PICTURE FRAME li!(c new. chii:ircn's ebthe~ SA-MUSICAL . ----- Paid for comic books. sci. Power stering air condi. $11,500. 823.2457. 3 DAY SALE FisherPrice tOYS Thur'" INSTRUMENTS rflec fiction paper backs, lioning. 38,000 mllsc. 1. r----~~------~------_ ,IQUID.ATJO;'ll , day 10-4, 17fl;l Oxford ., BAl'\' GR' - - etc, Call 24 hours: 282- ownE'r, spotless clean, 885. 1977 ELDORADO. TRI. F[NAL I• " > T ANO piano. 5 vrars 0 DuMouchelle's Thursday, Friday. Saturday '3--1\ N TIQ lJ '" HId. ex('cl1('nt condition 119. 8258, PLE BLACK. LEATHER Tn> 'I'()"fl~" OFF i '.. J. upholstered $2 il ' ' 1 SEA TS. YOWER STEER. ari~;:~::!~.. 1\ ntir;"t'< • ~'lnf' Pmntmgs • Jeweiry II -~'.- ::. ... ,, . i c!:am;, ::,e"l;;c(' 5crc(';,; '~ ' 00 or. bE'st offer. Must! ('",---- .-.;; 11-CA RS FOR SALE :::< • lNG, BRAKES. WIND. Fine Furniture. Crystal. Sterling. Ch:"a ,~omc IIlr ::'1. '"CY I;v"a b". I l:>~d, mallrE's!' and SPTl~gs. srll-)\loYInl" 777,(l~R~ : I n ....\I"'\l.'C I :'~/1L~T !:",'.t!~~CER '74. #;. OWS. CRUISE' CONTROL. I My retail frame shop and I red and blue ct' . 10". .\ LJ'-'V".J I' Complete ESTATES or Single Ilems porlrait studio will he 12 perfrct lOIl~Te 109) x l\NABJ>: 5'!l" Gr,m;l, r.'fin. i Go~d s('cond hand and an. cylinoC'r automatiC'. Good AM.FM STEREO TAPE c10s d ut Kc c Hi g" I IOn, argc Ish•.•l. 1\1(';\, h1lmmcr3 and ~ tiQlIaJ"ian books in many shape. Good looking Good I DECK. POWER MOON. . co., cp :I n I wooden kitl'hcn table, 882. k".ys. tl1n~,.T tl) ('o~~erl f' Id iNSTANT CASH or on consignment ml' for wedding candlds 4461. ' " ." Ie s pl1r('hasrd, (Some I running. Asking $1,575. I ROOF, POWER G ¥l A Y I and f1!mily groups at home. . pItch. 88;').(i95:l. paperbacks, 100). Cash 7781556. 3 EA TS BOTH SIDES Phone Us At I PAl'L GACIf N""W Cllannl !\l~ t I ATITI L ',l;;;c\, ."l.'ase n:>.,.i.J-~,'nn WTLL WHOLK'>" LF. To' • J, . •• "s er rn or an II ,r;Y FJ.IJT;';--Exc('llcllt ~ " .. I 963-6256 or 963-0248 1972 c:mVROL[<;T [moala. FIRST 56.500. CALL 823. 399 FISHER ROAD tenna, cOlnlllctr. $50, 755. ,fnr b('ginncr !'luclrnt,$:lO King 4 door, air, nl'W tires. $495, 881.0500 1322, d81.1071 . '- 96_1_.06_22 : 1163. after 6 P,n1. 4992339.

    te •• lhl a S7 2 7 R ? r ?? 2n? nRP2P.2? .277 .~TeE7? SF 7 2 777 R .sac R 22 Fsm I

    Page Twenty-Eight ' G R 0 SSE PO! N TEN E W S Thur~day, 'M~y 3, 1979

    ,:'....~.\>,..";.:-.@a :-.:: ~"')<,!;;,-.~11-CARS FOR SALE I ll-C,AR.S F.OR SALE "ll'l-CAis FOR SAl.E ! I1-CA, it,S,FOR SALE 11IC-BOATS AND I' 12D-LAKE AND RIVER'!13=:UAL ESTATE I ' -_. ' ",,' I - ,--_ .. '-. -- : MOTORS PROPERTY FOR SAl.E 1978 GRAN!) PRIX LJ, like I76 MONTE CARLO - Ai~'11975 T.BlRD" sil.ver, red 1975 MUSTANG Ghia~.bad. MARK IV, tr,ple bhck.1913'i ~~''''',-''''~,c~=', ". I .• -.. ',", ,,,1,; .•;,, .... _. . .,' , ..,.•• ~.~~ pew, full power, most, landau roof, good condl' I eat her mterlor, 25.000 ed. c,,<,ell ::1' :;',1';: .!j': ,".,~ . ..;'~;:.:,~~'~:?".'~\,~C'U1512.THISTLE, 17.foot racmg sall'l BURT LAKE FRONTA:(..~:"'''1 .Z'0;'.:;:;.t:'L-.:;>J .... ';,;..;',, -:~,' . I le options, $5,400. 882.1949. tion. $3,39:>. 88H161a. llli,tJ>, air, power every., 649.4722 !-.--': ~ 1 ", .' _ .? 1 boat, fiberglas~, '1. "'.',i' "~ I 4 b.~dron~ Bavarian stX See picll:res and detail!! in : _, I I thing, wire wheel covers, __ ...... __ 11912MERC.UR} l\1unt"fi'y,._., sails, full race gear, sp:::. cottage With a lofty VI~W 'l'he Grosse poinle "For' 1978 BU,ICK. LeSabre Cus., GRAN. TORINO. 1~73-Auto. lighted make.up mirrur, PONTIAC. LEMANS 197,6, I door. Be,t offer. 331.1202 naker, traBer, mooring ~ov. \ of Burt Lake and th,e diS' Sale By Owner" Newslllt. , tom, air, tilt wl~eel, rear I matl~ transmission, power full stereo. new brllkes new low mllesge, dea!l, aIr, I 197-2 P LyiiOUTH S.ports "110'11. er. Excellent condilion, tant shore line. Rustic ceo ter ' defOgg.er ..8,000 miles. Must I sleer1n~, new brakes, reg. battery 3 new Michelin ra. pJwer brakes, p::l\l'cr steer ..I . J d d ,J d.t' $2500 882.9303 dar interior walls and ceil. . h 8' I " 11 $5 400 :>852259 I I 50000'1' ing small !l $2995 885 I!Jn, Ja e ,1,00_ con 1 IOn ,. . . RIDGEMONT-Hlg 0 S,- se. , ' " u ar gas,.., ~1I, es, dials, cruise control, excel. ' .,. $)50 Call after 5 p.m. 26'1- ings, oak floors, bay wm- 885.1686 : 1'978 CHEVROLET Ca rice i Good d"l'Iv1ng condition. lent condition, $4,875 firm, ~~ . 7004' COL.UMBIA 26, ~972, new dows, fieldstone fireplace, . Cl . L d d 1'U 2 ~787 I $950. 34".9152. I Grosse Pointe owner, 884. 1975 C~RDOBA _ Excellent \ -.' . Jails, fully ~9uIPped, .ex., attached garage and addi. 241 HlLLCREST.-$123,00lh-- aSSIC. oa e . . . '78 BUICK Re al _ 9200 1672.. I condition, power brakes, I 1977 OLI~S BB, 2 door, hard. cellenl ,;~~~~~lOn" movmg,! tional off shore building 886.583~. , : 1971 MUSTANG Convertible. I miles loaded g mint cO~di'I------pow;:,r steering, air, make top, a!r, ster.eo, power $9,800, .~'.. --. pOInte Park I site. All apPliances., inven. 268 MORi\N-$9B,OOO -- 885- red with black top. Good . '4.8507 1976 OLDS O~ega, luggage, oHer. 372.0567. I locks, doors, wmdows and 343-0118. I tory of quality furniture, 6111. , condition, $1,850. 881. ... tlon,: 82. . , ?rOl,I'nmetallc, powe~ ste~r. I: 1 Q I more, 331.1252, .___ WANTED, dockage for my boal an~ equipment. $151.. 1285 GRAYTJN-886.5959. '.' 9387. 11972 DART Demo~ _ Au~o I Ingl br coll-:c., 1!J74 PINTO wagon. 4.spetd, 22 foot sailboat, 8 foot aoo. EriC Powell, Broker, 23124 GREENCREST, Saint_ , . I maticAM radIO white I 38.000 miles. Excellent con. tlble. stereo, 351. air, I h t $1545 beam draws 21/2 feet 881'1 616.347.7941 \ Clair Shores - $01900 -- , '73 !MPALA wagon, no ru~t, I ~idew~IlS, $850. 881.1357. 1\ dition, $2,800. 8866643. $1,0:J5. 886.8497, I ~7;~6383~us s~e, , . 6842.' . '. I 7794168. ' , e.•tra clea.n, automatic, . . , . 1978 FLEETWOOD Broug. I BEAR LAKE, near Manlstec, 1302 HOLLYWOOD - Mid power steermg and brakes, 77 FURY Sporl-Automatlc, 73 JAVE~N., 49,000 miles, ham D'Elegance 8000 1972 DODGE DART Demon, t7 FOOT REINE~L, 120 h'P'j nl)\\! 3 bedroom year.round 70' -ml6.8t62 or 7776630 : air conditioning, $750. 886. power s~eering, power I c~s.tom mterlOr, great con. miles. Loaded with extras., 6.cylinder., automatic, ai~, Me~c, power trim, Pameo custom ranch. Lake prhi. 2333: EDSEL FORD Saint ' 1" 1654. brakes, air. stereo, and dlbon, After 4 p.m, TU 4- Call 886.3081 aft 4 I 35,OOG miles, good condl. trailer, full canvas top lc~es plus many other fea. . , ' more, 23,000 miles. Great 1 7306. . er p,m. lion, $1,250. 824.5882 and dark cover, fully I tures' Excellent fishin and Clair Shores - $46,:>00 - , 1 OLDS '73-98, 2-door, good condition $3 395 885.5636 IP74 C')UGAR XR.7 power - equipped, 886.0126 after 6 .' ~ g 886.6047 or 779.5755. I , condition, full power, win. I _ .,' " . 1975 .J?~TSUN 280~, good stering, brakes. ~indows, 1967 CHRYSLER Newport, p,m., or weekends. sw!mmmg, $39,800. Own~r 676 SHOREHAM-$134,000- I dow, seats, cruise, air. AM. I '77 MUSTANG II _ Brown, I cOnlllt~on.' 34,00.0 mlles~ ~ew cruise, AM-Fill cassette, i 2 door, 37,000 miles, $200. : ---.-: I ~ullder. 885.0654 or 772. 886-3724 or 7790362. FM stereo, new tires and 2?,OOO miles •. good conni. \ . ~erelll t!!CS, air condition. sood condition, $2,,500 or I 882.2679. ..._1 CHAR~E~. A ~lshJng, boa.1. 2997. .. 15510 DEERFIELD, East De. : brakes, $1,395. 775.2881. tlOn, new tires, AM/FM mg, 4-speed, rustproofed, best offer. 884.4504. r . . SP~~,"!!?\!1g I ~ '\llll~)ie . troil-$69.900-774.5752,' __ cassette $3 500 or best after 5 p.m. 882.0956. 11975 CORDOBA, superior I flshmg. Captam Walter I ST, CLAIR 1 1976 VOLARE Premiere offer 882.2247 I 1977 CHRYSLER New Yor:<. f condition, power steering, Herec, 882.3018 evenings. VERY S E L D 0 M does a 430 ROLAND-$87,900-B82. I wagon, special, small 8, . . '71 CADILLAC Fleetwood er 4.door, leather, full powe~ brake?,. A~1.FM ste. , I house of this stature come 9861. with ove~drive, air, crUiSe'j CADILLAC CQupe de Ville,' Brougham, must sel!. runs power, 19!O,OOmi]es, excel. reo, air condltlO~mg, speed I SAILBOAT .wmches ~nd h~n. on the market. This top. 2073~ WENDY LANE-Low ' stereo Ziebart low miles 1976. very clean. $3,995. good, some rust, $750, 884-\ lent conditIOn, $;),20(). 521. i control, rear \nndo\\' de dies, Meissner 9 s, 10 S, q""Hty Contemporary brick 80 s-886.3336 after 7 p.m. bums' regular,' 20.22 mpg: 881-1040. 0299 after 5. 4688, I froster, power door locks, 18's. Better than Barlent, h~fu~' is situated in the G R 1 N D S TON E CiTY - th 11 1___ power windows. new Fire. below wholesale! 884.2268, ' . $75000-517.738.7436 ' o:',er,extras, exce ent con. 77 THUNDERBIRD, two. '64 VOLKSWAGBN, 50,000 1976 cnUPE de Ville, Cabri. stone 721 steel.belted ra. 881-6842. most deSired 8re.a, 2 ml1es, .: dltlon. $3,400. 881-8981. tone excellent condition original miles run.s excel.l olet top, loaded must sell I dial' new "--\,.M new North of St. Clair on 120. Call 881.2044 for a Newslet. 1977 FlREBIRD Formula'l only' 7,000 miles. 881.9178: lent, $300. Aft~r 4 p,m. TU 881.4058.' sho;ks new b'at~~;y' 'Zie. '73 CHRIS CRAFT fibre glass I foot of ~i\'er!:°Lnt,~ith d~ck tel' or to advertise your . ' . ~300 ' -' . . ' . 25 feet, excellent condi-I and hOist. l' auuHJl.iS vie'.... home. power steenng,. brake~, TRIU"PH '71 GT6 some ~( , 11965 MUSTANG-V.8, 289, b::rt, sJlver With maroon t.io~, 10"' hours, s/s radio, from magnificent lot high i AM.FMU I da.trackd '11air condl-t rear". end damage, "rebUilt ,69 MERCEDES 280 SE, pow. au.o.mat l'IC, 5200:)1• ml es, overLandau$2900roof. DBestn't offeri $9,;)00.- 791.3716, on a gentle hili,. overlook. INVESTMENTS o~, oa e , exce en con., engine 4 new tires new erpack and pinion steering orIgmal owner, $1,5c;O.'e32. . " 0 m ss iog miles of Canadian ALGONAC-29~ acrCf. ",ith dibon, Best offer. 886-8466.\ battery' new exhaust sys. sunroof, German styl~ 8605. thiS o~et' musLt.kbe sfeen to 23' SEABIRD, fiberglass, new shores Sumptious white about 1,000' fro ~.'\,!c:. on I , appre~la e. I e ac oryt t d . . .. 197~ CADILLAC Coup~. de tern etc. Reasonable. 882. front end, 778.1051. 11977 DODGE ASPEN RT, ne\v condition. Bg3.42~2,' op an rear covers, Win. formal hVIng room, ~~lo. Michigan Avenu with, Ville, excellent condition, I 1352. SUBURBAN Chevrolet 1976 12,000 miles, p:>wer steer. 1l-4. Ask for Jack. . I ~~~,c~:';thS~~U~~:~or~o~: nade entrance t~ dlm.ng water and sewer adjacent: low mileage, full power, _~~_.. "~' ~K V . t d excellent condition doubl~ I ing, power brakes, AM.FM I plete, "':1,500. 773.2911 or ro?m, master ~Ulte With excellent for housing de. new tires, 881-4810. l.lljJo .... ~~ ,rom e.mo" air Srd seat s~ats 12 I stereo, rear defogger, b:.lc' 1973 CAP R ICE Classic. ,,"" prIvate bath WJth sunken velopment -$50,000. , Tnple burgandy, low mIles, 0 ~ n e r will' wholesale: ket seats, $4,100. 884.6870.1 ,53,00.3. miles, good running 776.28...0. tub, 5 other bedrooms, 4th ST. CLAIR - 26~ acres; 72 CADILLAC. EldoradO., loaded, 568-4682 or after I. $4 200 774.5376! . , condItion, 882.8549. IALWAYS A BJAT SHOW baths, game room and beautiful property in ex. Front wheel dnve. :regular 6 777-8394 or 772-0790. ,. . 1974 DATSUN pIckup 64,000 C h . C ft J h B grand family room wilh cellent location, so me I! gas: Leather interior. :Many TRANS.AM _ 19'79 all 0 .11976 ELDORAD~ convertible ~ne.s, 4.s~eed, AM-~M 8. 197~ FORD wago.", automa. ton r ~hal~~.O'~a;~~':. ~s~ walk-out terrace overlook. woods, with over 1,400' options. Must be seen, $1" tions 3000 miles' $7 60~ Stored for 3 winten, 3,000 t. aell:, 8 h!es and wneels. h.c, power stee~1ng, brakes, Boston Whaler Harpoon':' ing river. Let us show you frontage on Carney Drive; 950 or best offer. 885-3273, 886.3724 or 779-03'62,' . !!liles. All accesories. Ser. ~~~~:. ~~1-~;43 ~:fir~:~~;:J4.6i;48~~te~~~s $1,200. Boston Whaler Inflatables. this outs~a..n~in! home. water and sewer nearby; CO:~, :\o~::~~~e~~~: BUICK 1978 Electra Park ~~usof~:e~~9~~8 ~:~~~ p.m. $1,800, 1977 DODGE Maxi regular ~~~d~oader.Brokerage. and We have available on the St.=:~:~~t:Zell~c~o~~r a~~~~; ,

    power brakes. 20,000 miles. Avenue-4-door, burgundy, p,m. 882.3944 8 a.m ..7 p.m. 1972 HORNET, automatic, 6- gas, loaded, 1978, custom. GREGORY'S _ 823.1900 Clair River a 2 bedroom 2 ing. t One owner, like new. 885'1 6,7?0 miles, excellent con. MAVE~l(,\( 1976 2.d cylinder, sunroof, cassette ized interior, must see to 9666 E. Jefferson bath custom designed brick ED SASS, REALTOR ' ditlon. 884-4952. a t "&-t~-' 28 00'0 ~~~' player, 54,OnO miles, $5::10. apprzciate. 8B6.2854. Daily 9 to 5:30 ranch. Spectacular living 1315 S, Riverside Avenue: t 1579. u oma IC, , ml, 882 8012 S t 9 t 4 S room dock and hoist fabu St CI' MI 48079 " 1979 MUS TAN G T' $1,9~5. Du~tc'r, 1974, auto. '. . . 1InQ DODGE M . V I I a. 0 - un. 9 • 4. lous ~iew. $140,000. ,. . air, , :MGB..GT _ 1972 hatchback, uroo matic, 5,200 miles, $1,250 - - . --, _. aXI an, ow I Phones: 329.9003, '785-4013 : I y I white new tires brakes charge, AM.FM stereo, CB, after 6 p.m, 8(16,:>693,both CHEVY BLAZER 1978. Chey. !llile~, luxu.r customiz~d PARTNERSHIP - lease in I' BEAUCHAMP , L 1 exha~st, no rust. $2,200: rustproofed, burglar alarm, enne, 400 engine, 4.wheel mterlOr, 885-333~. loaded Cal 34 available. ell NTON COUNT'(, r GP Park. 343-1)118. many m~re extr~~',,33 miles ~ars. dr.ive'd~~~omatic, aIr, ebc. 1978 CHRYSLE. R LeBaro,n, ft 882-8400. I R3E2A9L_4T70SRSS RANCH ;.'; !' _ _ __ . __ "T_ ••• I "per gauon. $...,.....0. 886'11975 CHEVY Monza 2 + 2•.V-8 trlc locks, electric th Id 4000 I I 71 CHRY:SL!!.R,, 4 duol .i~.",,- ..304. Hat.chback lJower steermg,l tailgate window, cruise,' ~on so,,;. ml e,~' CATALOG SALES -10-40% Super clean broadfront brick a r I . port, .runs excellent, clean, power brakes, sport pack- custom tilt wheel, ta::hom. II t . ,; aUh~ol't:x,r~l'l" Landa.,:, I off major brands Pointe LAKE LOT-90' Lake front-, ranch with attached ga~ : MERCURY MARQUIS, 1975, eter all gaug di'lgl I an IV 1 e exce ent ~on01.' M ri 1983 .' - . 'I -. .. ,... T _I.~. ~ 3 hoilrn 2 f I" $500 . 776.1343. 4.door, air, clean, extras, age. Excellent condition. I k' h't es, h a I tion $'f 953 882.1349 eve I a ne, 0 1VJack, G.P. age on ~aUll\,jll:; ... "'...."1. rwge,. ,,~... _oms. u ~ ' 1,895. 882.2465. low mileage, new radial c oc , 110' I e wagon w ee sl nings ' . - Woods. 885.2203, daily 9-5. Lewiston, Michigan. Ca I baths, family room, fire; 1978 BUICK Estate Wagon, $ tires plus snow tires 835. with all terrain radials, ga. . evenings. 779.4999, place, and much more, or. I fully equipped including 1978 CAMARO ~28. Air, 6110 after 5'30 pm' raged, excellent condition '76 MERCURY Grand Mon. . SAIL - POWER 2 acres of high land sur~ i 403 V-a, stereo, air, trailer stereo, low miieage. Mint .. . 882.6137. . arch Ghia, 4 door, Ver- Marme Catalo.g Sales. 10%. ST. CLAIR SHORES - Gor. rounded by statel6', whis' , package, etc, $6,000, 886. condition. $6,000. 8B~3. 19771,2 DODGE Van - Low 1969 IMPALA Custom, pow- I sames interior, loaded, low 40%. off major brands. No geous lakefront home, 140 pering pines, overlooking 5063. miles, wheels, tires, air, er steering/brakes, aIr, mileage, $3,975. Owner. sen.ding a~ay-most items I foot frontage, new sleel Saddle Lane. the c1eanes~ 1978 REGAL, blue, power 1977 CADILLAC Coupe de cruise. insulated, more. new battery and starter. 886.7319. delivered 1D 3 days. seawal,I, 2 boat hoists with area in Macomb County: I . . Ville, excellent condition, Call Steve work 881.8075, 821 7268' OVER 3000 ITEMS large boat house, one of a I This is the first offering; , I brakes and steerJDg, au', I loaded, $o,OiiiJ. 88::;.Zs:JO. I home 685-7921. ' - . 7'l CHEVROLET Caprice 4 POINTE "T" MARINE CO kind. A k f R ' V.(l. remote mirror, pul- . 1 .• door low mileade m '\ s or ose. I 1900 {', .. "''',,. T .... III non 1 Q'7fl MARK IV V ry . 11972 CAMARO, automatic, I f' 1 .":' .oon 19830 Mack - G.P. Woods C EN T U RY I WM LOCKARD REAL1'Y , sating wipers, mint condi. . vU"" ';''''~' --,-- - I -- . - . - e nIce. no "or of",;n" AM FM I roo, oaded wltn exu'ii.S 1 •• - -.- M • f' n\" ~.-l .' tion. 771.0850 after 5:30 J~l1le!, 6.cylmd~r: automa. $5,195.. Call between 6 and I r •• \.::~ -.- ..... _ •. , .' ; ~a . $i,GGlJ, "aU o'"nc::-. 836' I ft~:~':.~':" o. ~.~~:.. ;;-;. I 792.1100 . 468-9866 p.m. ~ $800.\ 7 p,m. 885.9449. ~ew~~~~~~o r~i1:s~s~lN~ \ 7319. \ ' OOih.,""V,. re~odeled, 3. l 1976 ou am best offer 824-6408 t' b r bedroom cOlomal 2 fire- I ,I Landau roof, Velour inter. . . el'ts eert:~g, power rakes, IFOR SALE. Car! 1970 Chev. I' duty trailer, priced to sell. \ for. lease.-" Mack Avenu~ I places IlL bath's sun a .. "' ..,., .. --". "~ft~" 1M f" . au oma h., stereo 9000 . 779 5967 L h 2 400 ,"2 • Ir RAYNAL II JU.'..,W1L".UU/"" "pu, ".""~'" IW'6 ~OtJ~AR-3~,~~ ml1~~, ;nile:; ;nint II~II ;''71;. rolet Caprice, 4.door, call _ . . n. ear oc moor. '. porch, breakfast nook den, Zle~arted. Every avaIlable stereo, all' condltlOnmg, alII 6949' , ,vv.....v, 88li-li2117 aiter 5. ($500) I WAN'l't.:lJ 50.:-- . ,. ~quare ~eetftftpl.~sAnpartial I family room work' shop BROTH ERS optIOn. $3,400 or best of. power, good condittion, . to nor~epU\\tJl I Dasement. OOJ'U.U throughout including: cen. , mission, power steering, Excellent condition, must $2,600 offer, 885.6148. ~~he~, aut~m~lc, Al\'I-FM lr JI and ~level control 11 E-BOAT DOCKAGE ville, Mich. Beautiful sandy tral air, power humidifier, and brakes unless indio sell! Ask for Spike, 7 a.m.' 9 F . ~\~ndt'ape 88~c7i5 E xcellenl 6,OGOmiles. 884-2052' AND STORAGE beach. 885.7167. electronic air filter, burg7 ' I 7 cated ether wise. I 5 p.m. weekdays only. 779. I 1 77 - ORD ,station \;ag_~n, ~ lon, . .' lar and smoke alarm sys. 6800. I p[)wer steermg/b~akes. :lIe. 1974 PLYMOUTH Satellite I 1969 CHRYSLER Newport, FO~ REN.; covered boatwell. LELAND: for sale by owner. terns, Culligan water soft. 1978 DODGE bart, 24,000 miles, 8B1'1 custom paint, excell::mt I ex.cellent .condition! .80,~0[) \' Up to _5 feet, Harbor Is. Large remodeled and win- ener, new carpet through. • I IJ U .. ~1I.TJTM Vii' :iii, VA IiI 1!!7~ F!REBH~D. For~u_la, I 9653. condition, great on gas miles, aIr I condltJon~ng, land, yearly only. 822.5900. terized home in town. Near out, custom drapes. Ideal i I I At~#B5-' $i695 - -- .-, , aIr, power wmao~~A lOCKS,1 CORVETTE, one of a I' 823-588'1:after $. . , power. ~raKe"s, sleermg. , . . Like :Michigan and Leela. location, walking distance 1977 I 1~'76 DO DGE I 19~:d o~~~:~::s. o~:-:~::.~i~~ ~~~:c~~~\~'g L~;~;~: 11978 MOlNl'E CA~~O silver. I r~:~~.~~'8~~~~63o:.fer af. 11 F-~~~~~~~ANi) I ~:c~ ~e::Jt~:~1g~~f~d~~~~~~'1 ~ss~~~~:= ::~~g:;:~~~~: I n Aspen 2 Door #59 $1995 I AM F 8 ' 52'65942 " , excel ent condition und- I lOl, 2 car garage. $54.000 ''''9 9 O r~form""o (1) . ". . ~1 .~rack stereo, ve. -.' ercoated, a!r, stereo, $5,500 11 B-CARS WANTED TRUNK TOP camper, (Jiffy. firm. (616) 256.7481, Box "", u. .. ,w.1 n :. 1976 PLYMOUTH IOl,lr mt~rlOr, rea~ .de~og. 1975 DUSTER 6 t r I 8824414. TO BUY Camp). New condition. I 194 Leland, 313.426~OOO, Carol Mahk, 2 Door Grand Fury Broug. ger. a I r conditlomng, . ' au oma IC, Best offer. 885-6148. I ' ExecutrIx ham, V8, Air, #129, $2,995. power steering, pow e r ~~~~e:lllles, d~2,~0~44'i::i- 1978 BUICK EI,;~~ra 4.do[)r, ' WE BUY junk and running " . I t2E-COMMERCIAl GROSSE POINTE WOODS- ' 32,300 miles. brakes, c h rom e spoke eo ra 10, - . AM.FM, radials, $6,200. cars. Free towing. 36!!. CONCOR~ 72, ,~3 ft. lr~ller, I PR E Y wb.Ieels, Tuff. coatedd•.. low 1977 FlREBIRD _ Skybird 886.0;;37. 4824, 546-0983, 585826i. sleep.~ ;), sead conta.m,ed.,d t OP RT__ 23-bedroomblocks frombrickLakeshoreColonial'. ,' 1976 DODGE ml cage. mmt con ItJon. package, air, AM.FM 8- awnings, goo con I JOn, GREATER MACK between 8 Charger, V8, air, #73, Best offel. 774.6805. track $5000 after 6 p.m. 1978 CHEVETTE 4.door, air, CASH FOR CARS $2,750. 331.8763 after 6 d 9 M'l R ds-8't large living room, fire- I I 33,<:CO,,'.il,,~, $Z,C2S. 77R.9R62 ' 4.-speed, luggage rack ra TOP DOLLAR PAID p.m. an. Ie oa .-S~I e place, formal dining room, 1976 NEW Y 0 R K E k . oio. 7,O~O mile •. ('x~('il?nt MIKE MAfnm CHEVROLET -- ofhce d~luxe bUlldl,ng. large kitchen with built~ 1 1976 CADILLAC " Brougham, 4 door, loaded 1973 VALIANT, 4.door, V.8, condition. After 5 p.m. USED CAR LOT TITAi'i 22 It. mini '76, rocf Central air, Rear parkmR ins. 2 12 car garage at. I Seda~, DeVille, Full pow. \ v.ith extras, regular gas, air, AM-FM, power steer. 884.9017. EAST JEFFERSON AT air, stereo 8, sharp. 774'1 clOt. , tached, family room. Near er, au, #10, $4,295. \ snow tires. excellent con. ing/brakes, regular gas, A TER ROAD 9625 775.1040 INTON TJWNSHIP - Ferry, Grosse Poi n t e '78 TR A I DUSTE dT 884-7033 5 1978 MALIBU Classic wagon L " Zoned light industrial, 10 N rth U' . . n L R I JOn., 2~~~.0 milse. $1,30;). 88€- Light Camel, Estate pa::k. 821-2000 I1G-MOBILE HOMES 'I acres with 1~0 foot front. anodSt. JO~~~~s~~c ~~~~~\~ ; ~ ,,:hee~ <:!!'itve.IVfl;t Air. 11'1957 THUNnF.RBIR:D CouPe, age, loaded, 881.2783. VOLKSWAGENS . aRe on 15 Mile Road. Call 884-6731 after 5 p.m. I rulse 0 n r.o ,s ereo. 390 cubic inches, new brake TRANS M,l 1978, Solar gold 12x60 MOBILE HOME, parl' MACK AVENUE - Grosse No brokers, Only 3,276 miles. #768, line, master cylinder, pow- Limited Edition, T.tops, 1974 CAMARO Z.28, AM.FM WANTED ly furnished, 2 bedroom, Poinie FatA near Cadieux. $7,995. er booster, battery. Fully warranty, immaculate. 295. stereo, new tires, needs located on the water. Best Office or retail building. I wor:<, $1,000. 824.1050. Highest Prices Paid r . 1976 ASPEN i restored. Tripie biack. ot::;c 5711. offer. Call 824.7954. Amp I e parking. $500 GROSSE POI NTE S.E. Wgn. V8, Air, #522, I offer. 778.1051. 1978 OLDS REGENCY 93 1978 OLDS)WBILE Custom Gra~~~tO~ ~!ilYt~m;~7:2600 MOB I L E HOME 10x:>5, month. ,! F.ARMS I I 28,100 miles. $3,295. : 1972 GRAND PRIX-silver Coupe, white/light blue, Cruiser, V-8 engine, fa::. North Port Huron. lake lot, HIGBI E l\IAXON 'I' McMillan near Charlevoix B 63 197 6 PLYMOUTH . loaded, low mileage. Ex. tory air, p;)\\'er steering. PRE.1942 AUTOMOBILE - ~2 '00 8843736 8 400 ' i grey. black vinyl lon, air., 1 power brakes, prime con. extras::. ,'t. . . - ...- ! 3 bedroom colonial, cen. Wagon, Fury Sp:>rt, 6 pas. i excellent shape, $1,200.! ce bnt condittion. 2~3.9345 dition. Caii j,H.3u:>1 after Packard, Auburn or other 12-SUBURBAN BUSINESS AND • tral air, H2 baths, fire. senger, Air. #253, $2,995. I RB24935. I days, 773-4490 evemngs. 5 p.m. classic style roadster or C E G INVESTMENT place, paneled rec room, 1974 AUDI FOX 1977th C')RVETTE, black~ convertible sedan, Consider A RAE PROPERTIES screened porch. David 2 Dr. Automatic, Radio. FORD L,T.D. '77. '* door, 14.' air, lilt te!esco ..nic, AM.F~I 1976 TRANS A~!, p:Jwe~ any condition. Will pav,"" . ~~~~ L '-d'" ...... :. ". 1 .! W. Baal, Broker. 500 miles, excellent condi. ste~ring, pJwer brakes. air, finders fee. Days 869-7522, I lU i\~[\C." UUUll"~ U)' "'~'L ....xc. U :; I v C • Y I I #254, $1,495. tion. power steering. and stereo tape. rear defogger, automatic. A:lfnf 8tr J~k, evenings 882.8692. I forest, near Mackmaw City, SALES LEASES 886.6680 1977 ASDEN brakes, air. AM radio, rear Sport mirr:>rs, convenience 40.030 milcs, $4,303 or .. good county road front EXCHANGES , defogger. Pricej to sell. package. stored winters best offer. Call after 5, WANTED CLEAN '71 thru age, excellent investment Virginia S, Jeffries. Realtor - -. ~;E,5'9W5gn. 6 cyl.. Air, 150. i 779.0213, Mint. $9,500, 7760391. . Sa6.5B;TE CARLO landau, miles, loaded, $5,300 or 1973 CHARGER, air, power 1---' ._ .. --_.- GROSSE POINTE PARK OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 full power and extras, $2.. b t ff 52 steering. power brakes vi. WE BUY Junk cars We pay 12D-LAKE AND RIVER 7.unit commercial building I 1302 HOLLYWOOD 395. 886.2943 after 5 p.m. __ es 0 er. 64326. nyl top. Sl,05U. 8B49(J42, ' ~~~4~~~tar~ Free pi::k.up. PROPERTY Excellent condithn, gas heat,' 3 bcdrooms. 11~ baths Co. 1976 DODGE I TIRES 8 1974 VENTURA GTO V.8 196-'8--CADILI'-C--"-~'-b- , ' ------Fully occupierl. A money Ionia! in the Woods, W200 Club Cab, 4-whecl (5) J7 .15-gla~s bell. a'~tomatic AM FM ' d'" ..., convertl Ie ----. " I PRIME Lake Huron front- maker Terms, , ed go d nd't. $125 . ,. " ra 10,' Im.m,,-cu"J'''-'''', ::-,..... CORVETTES Wanted 19;,3. E II d b h Wood burning fireplace drive, V-8, #244, $2,595. , 0 co 1 Ion. or I Ziebarted. excellent condi. I .• ~rro" car, .. . age. xce ent san y eac . best offer. 7758268. ! tion, $1.853.8848576. I Must sell. "Investors", 1967, any.condlt:on. Call Almost 2 acres of virgin CROWN REALTY in living room, large J 975 CHEVROLET __ .__ ....__ .___ , 293.4J68 after 4. Greg evemngs, 778.3745. pine and birch. Exclusive VA 1-6S00 kitchcn. finished basco G20 Work Van, V-8, auto. '78 ~IONZA 2+2 Sport, V6. i 1977 PC>NTIACG;:;;d'S-';fari I 1976 .. 11c':"'::sOAT-S- A ..ID.-- a::-ca. 21'z h 0 u r s fro m ment, and screened-in matic, power steenng and 8.,700 miles, 4 speed, eve. wagon, g.passenger. air, 'I VOU\R~_ slatlOn; .w~ I" TJ:\T :'.1cLJ:JNALD & SJ~ porch. Easy walking dis. brakes. #17, $1,695. , mngs 7764055, ! power windows and In!

    Grosse Pointe Woods - 2,200 square feet, 2'12 bath~, living room with fireplace, famliy room, formal dining, country kitchen with appliances. recrea. tion room with fireplace, 60x2oo lot, large patio, double gas grill, central air, new roof. Immediate I occupancy. $134,000. 8863724 or 7790362. I

    OPEN HOUSES SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2.5 1684 Brys - 3 BR - Grosse Pointe Woods 1224 Elford Ct. - 3 BR - Grosse Pointe Wools 1629 Prestwiek - 3 BR - GrQsse Pointe Woods 889 Lakepointe - 3 BR - Grosse Pointe,Park

    NEW OFFERING Introducing a comfortable, well decorated three bedroom house in the much sought after Grosse Pointe Woods. A beautiful new kitchen with new appliances, living room, dining, cozy den, basement divided and paneled, new driveway, 2 car attached ga- rage with new door and new floor. The competitive price is in the low 70's. Imme. diate occupancy, too.

    I NEW OFFERING Condominium-it seems everyone is search. I ing for them!! Here's a beauty just over the I border from Grosse Pointe Shores. It's a 2 bedroom. living room, dining room, quiet location. There's central air, new furnace, l new refrigerator and stove, carpeten thru. out. Hurry on this one priced in the low 4{)'s. l;, 1"~~\VOFFERI!~G Just listed. A little charmer! 3 bedroom ranch with fonnal dining, Florida room, patio, central air:and lots of extra living :;p::cc in the, !ow~,:,level. If it's still avail. able. it will be open Sunday 2.5. 80xl00 foot lot.

    TOP CLASS CHARTER OAKS 779-9800 This glorious Hanch overlooks Lochm,oor Country Cinb~ on an acre uf pticely Gi.'osse Pointe land. . FOR SA LF. hv owner SL A 3 bedroom, the extras include a family room, I Clair Shores, 3.bedroom I.' library. massive living room, two marble fire. California home, fen~ed ....- L-. , places, terrazzo foyer. and lots more. For the yard. fully carpeted. dra. ------.. ------. - --- -. ------IN THE FARMS sunny days rapidly with us, there's a glorious out. peries and kitchen apPli" 328 FISHER door pool. For this magnificent setting you have ances included. $45,000. 408 NEFF ROAD BY OWNER ta ga far. Land contraN t!'!'TI'!, cnn~irll'rl'r1 Call By appointment. 773-8251. us today. . 1526 LOCHMOOR, beautiful II GROSSE POINTE CITY QUALITY LEASES 3.bedroom Ranch with 26' I \x!c i.:~•.'H~ h~q!2!_!dt~;;:.r!"~r!.~t0p.-::las3 ret~i1~,..<; ~r. ~~mily room. e~pansion at. Thi~ hou~e is in excellent condition and musl be seen this fine location in a Grosse Pointe mini.mall. lie, new CaCp~l.lnJ;; iiJl-uLl~h. i ~ Call us for your appointment. out, 100 foot lot. Central: in stove. dishl':ashcr. pantry and eating area. air conditioning, f'nished 1 Larg~ living mom with fir \",,\ har \\ jilt fl' BOB TRUDEL frigerator and ('arprt. CAPE COD 294.5896 McBREARTY & ADLHOC'H, REALTORS, is a professional and Large kitchen with fll!! h"ll 'll ;1;'i'\I:U)....' \n]. aggressive real estate organization. As members of the Grosse Pointe nul cabinets and paneling. \I ;,i., 11\ ,';,,':ry al1,1 lar.:l' IN THE FARMS 2O--GENERAl SERVICE eating area, plus patio \\ilh 1.';,. :;ri/l J ,W;,' ('arl'dcd ; :!41 IlILLCREST AT lUDGE: ------Real Estate Board, as wp.ll as the Metropolitan Listing Service and living and dining room, r()s('" "1,1 1,,11','10',1 (kll. tll''' McEDRA Multiple Listing Service, we are able to furnish our sales car attached heated gara~(' II it!~ ('I'rra[or, e1rain. (:nl' of tIll' Farms fcw c-!:15sic cape cods, features l\ NO JOB Fully finished bas(,lIll'lIl, I ',I:, ',('i"lt: finishell i.lr;.:,' I:' fool hy :!:.' foot family room with bay TOO SMALL :::.~:;~:r.tc:.'.d~!lt!'e ~"d 1-';' t" n::lf" inhrmation. Our sales commis. ceiling with wet har and ':'1"" ".,ll''',,1 h'.IIHlr\ '.'.,,"1,; ,\ k,t!'lll'n "I-I'n, Into ~p:rCiOllS breakfast RESIDE:'oITIAL room WIth ccillng and cl'/l,,1' ,'.".' '"",." "'nl'klf r ~ :'1, I.'" ;~;. Z-.,,;;;; ;l~l:-i n~!l:::,:d n!'"°pl~('( .. f"::.;i~1al sian plan rE::alisticall~ reaches thp. point where the sales associate CHAoIN Li:,K FE:,Cii,G workroom area with fini-hl'd l, Ii:,' ' dll'ln~' '.""11, :~ h,'dl'noll1s \II', IL, baths, ccntral receiws 75(:;' inl'tead of the t1SuaJ fiO-5tl split. If you are now licensed Fully carpeted and dr,';'I'I", '!""\I~h":l! tl'h pro" an- :! jar :ltta .. herl garagl'. wilh automatic door INSTALLED AND REPAIRED or have thought "hou .. selling real estate and wish further details, fessionally decorated hom(', I '(W r .. : ail' lot"tennls, ,I)ll'n.'!'. :''''tlng :,Ill'd. lot is 85xI5'J, close to and attic fan. schools, 8128,000, ALSO COMMERCIAL please call Mr. Wiljj"m McBrearty or .\~r.William Adlh:-ch at 882.5200. A very superior home wilb lJJ;,n.l' many extras, r.tlARD RAIL mint condition, $195,000, NO BHIlK RS INSTALLED All replies \\'Jl1 be h,';d in striet':st ('{)Ilfidt'ncc. r FOR APPOI NTMENT R. RIVARD AND SON APPOINTMENT ONLY 886-6716 CALL OWNER - 886-5833 774-6887 AFTER 5

    ~ . ~ __ c~~~~-_=~~ __~ ~_~_~_~__... ~_...... _.. ~...... __-_ .. ~ . ._ .\ 1 I

    Page Thirty G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Thur;day, May 3, 1979 21-MOViNG '--:-21 E-5TORMS 'P,JG.-. - ~lF'=H-O-M-E------21.f-PAINT!NG--AND '21-f-PAINTING, 121 K-WINDOW /21.0-CEMENT .AND 121 p-WATER------SCREENS IMPROVEMENl .. 'D~t:Utf...:T'~1;'; . DECO~ j,~"'\I.'r-i"."01.":"., .•_.. WASHfN'i '"'' ..•..,,~,,_.,'.-~." ...!"'...'" u.., l ...~~ ""'~"'-::,;;:;:,S'.~}.)£iJ{; NEED SOMETHINC moved. - ~ - ('1.. 1.1....- -- -' i'> ':"T.., --- delivered or disposed of. EASTVIE\AI -.- VOCCIA------'-R~T'L:"'NDUYT AND ANDY-'K,EI~;~ De,co~at;;r- ~ 1- HOME SERVICES". I ---- .-.--- i WATERPltOOFIN? - Re~. Two Pointe residlmts will ALUMI NUM INC ASSOCIAT/,;S I'rJfe5SlonaJ pamt'ng and I n_~t~M;~_.l ... ; .. Il"w wa!\h. i R. R. CODDENS . erences. Reasonable. Est!.

    move or remove large or ,. CONSTRUCTION PaperiJanging and removal. wallpDperlng. Fr-:! esti' 'l~~o=~d'~~in'ti'~g,-ComPI~te I' CEMENT mates. C!llI 8R1.3682 small quantities of furni. 17oo!l Mack near Cadieux. CO I NC IJainting. I:lastcring, min('~ mate- Refer~nl'e' 881 ONTRACTOR ! Grosse Pointe Park '/' ), - . o. • horr.c upkeep. C J. W. KLEI NER . ture. appliances, pianos- Additions repairs. Profession:ll work 6269 'VEEKDAvS 95 I' or what have you Call for LICENSED. INSURED Dormers Dt re:ls:lIlaole price,. 885. _ .... -. ---- ... --- ' 821490'0' I Family business [or 55 years Basement Waterproofing free estimate. 343.0481. ALCOA PRODUCTS Garages 0:161 . 8!36fO'lG Arter 6, , INTERIORS ---.-.-.------1. New and repair work All Work Gt:aranteed _____ Storm,. S,"ri'"n" SiriimL Rnof Ki!"I"'n,, 526.0307. BY DON AND LYNN EXPERT WINDOW' • No job too small LICENSElJ 21 A-.PIANO .__ 5...E..R..V_I_C_E_ ings. Awnings, White seam. Fireplaces --. _... ; Husband wife te:lm, Paint- NG I. Driveway~ tnd porches TU 2-0717 . PIAN-O-T-U-NiNG and repair. less gutters, Vinyl storm Brick Dnd Cement work THE ing, wallpaper perfection. WASHI lour specla ty ---- .. ing, W 0 r k guarantE'eri. doors, windows, sid i n g, Dank financing available, PAl NT COMPANY ists. References, 527.5560. Wall II<' ash in g, gutters • Pa~ios - CHAS: F. JEFFREY '!ember Anti, Ed war d Wrought Iron, Porch I'll Complete Prompt service, Ref e r'l • Chimneys 882.1800 " ,,.In.".\Irp..~... Exteriol' painting. '1'\\'0 very DONALD BLISS • Waterproofing f' F I k 465 6353 Hom~ '.Iodernl'zatl'on . d G ences • Basement Waterproo mg e s e.,.. 881. 1060 or 527.5616 1 '2816 ~ .. 773.1105 £>xp£>nence rosse Pointe Decorator '. 822.5394 V'10Iat'IOns repalre. d • Underpin footings COMPLETE piano service. CAU, ANYTBiE 777 painters, college students. ' CALL ANY TCIIIE d Tuning, rebuilding, refin. -2-1-F---H-O-M-'-E-- -F-L-O-O-R-S-A-N-D-I-N--G-,-p-r-of-c-s-,i. ~;~~~;l.e~tal;I"D+~~lF:~r6~~~~ ~Ue t~o50 G. OLMIN- , 886 -5565 • Cracke~e~:r~~~:s .in walls, ishing. lit c m be r Piano IMPROVEMENT onally done. Dark staining 40 Years I'n Gro se P l'nte WINDOW CLEANING ------Licensed Insured' Technicians Guild. Zech. and finishing. All worl; SUPERIOR s 0 SERVICE HAROLD ------Bossner, 731.7707. ------.. ------FREE ESTIMATES CODDENS ~_.______ALL WORK ~~~~6~~~.cd. fre!: estimates P/\ll'JTING EXTERIOR WE ARE INSURED CHAUVIN t : 21B-SEWING We will do any job .____ AND DECORATING Painting is not kid's stuff, 372-3022 CEMENT CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION MACHINE • Cement work :,'A- J H''U-M' . -t DEPAIR Interior/exterior, plastering, Call us now for. an esti. ALL TYPE OF ESTABLISHED 1924 I ______i • Storms and Screens " paper hanging. All Iypes mate, and a summer start. ------CEMENT WORK All types of basement water. I . COMPLETE tune.up S3.95, • Tree work : We do it. all. carpeted, roofs, o! c~:teri?r painting. 111. in!: date. R. C. Mowbray GROSSE PWO!ILN,JEDOFIREMANT, • Walks • Drives • Porches proofing. 7 years guaran. • All makes. all ages. All R f : gutters. chimneys. porches, A . t 331 3230 tee. References, 886.5565. pilrt~ stocked. 3857~37. • 00 109, etc. . i brick. work, aluminum sid. sured. Grosse Poinle area SSOClaes, '. WINDOW WASHING AND • Patios ~ 'Waterproofing ------ED. 885.7974 - cad 886-5597 , i!lg. Licensed. references avallabl~, Free MICHAEL'S GUTTER CLEANING • Pre-Cast Steps 21Q--PLASTER WORK

    ; 21C-£LECTRICAL: HADLEY I' 293-7755 est i mat e s. Reasonable • Tuck Pointing ------'~, • SERVICE prices. For work at its best PAl NTI NG 821.2984 • Chimney Repair' RESTORE YOU R anti.que •: iI' HOME IMPROVEl\IENTINC. 1-----21G-ROOFING -.' call Tom IIIcCabe, 824S576. DECORATING I A.OK Window Cleaners. Ser No job too small, plaster and cornice work, • RETIRED master electrician. COMPLETE REMODELING I SERVICE Interior-Exterior Service vice on st?rOls and screens'1779'84~ree Estlmate~821473! also large and small plas. I : Licensed, violations, serv'l SERVICE ------. WALLPAPER Painting and Wallpapering I Free estunates. Monthly L' d i ler repairs. Grosse Pointe : ices increased. Also small, Kitchens. baths, rec rooms I ALL ~HASES ?f roohng. HANGER Antiquing and varnishing rates. 5~1.2459. I '10 Y lce~se P . t : only. Call anytime. 882. jobs. TU 5.29t>6. and additions inClUding! LifetIme res 1.den t of ',"I!L '1'•• A.K'V N'l':W WORK Stripping and staining ears In 0111 e ._ 0005. ______I ' . Pointes. 10 ye:m roofing' -- - - I 21M . SEWER SERVICE ------.. - f Y BURAK ELECTR IC I co.unter to~s, ,cabmels~ ~an. experience: Dell d ire c t IMMEDIATELY Complete. kitchen refinshing - - ! BRICK R E P A IRS, Work i Ql!ALI.T WORK •. t~ilored • el~ng, alummum sldmg'l with subcontractor and VERY GOOD RATES Free estimates - 885.3230 ,. ALLRITE, , I guaranteed. Porches, chim 'I. repairs, cracks elimInated. : ELECTRICAL trim and gutters. I sav~. Call Jim 831.5785 EXPERIENCED IN ALL i BACK IN BUSIN~ SEWER CLEANING 'nevs sidewalks basement 30 y<,ars in Grosse Pointe. , CONTRACTOH I 8860520 I after 6 !l.m. PAPERS & FABRICS Rep.air fauc.ets and c.lean any I lea'ks' and cra'cks. Tuck Ii For fre estimate call Jiin • Painting: - Decorating BI k 11 VA 1 7051 I ; Complete wi r i n g system>. I I ------.---- CUSTOM PAINTING Wall Washing. Elmer T, sIze dram. RepaIr sump pointin~. F r e e estimate. ae we , '. I New and old ~ork. , REMODE~N~. roofin~, .gut.j ROOFS and DEC KS NO JOB TOO SMALL pumps 7794245 Code updatmg I ters. pamtmg, ad:lItlOns, i GUTI'ERS AND INSURED, WITH LaBadie, 882.20£4. CALL 521-c447 .. i FREE ESTIMATES 8628575 or 881-4278 I basements. From top ~o bot. I DOWN SPOUTS REFERENCES LADY PAINTER-Painting I ALL WORK GUARANTEElJ 'I \' PLASTER REPAIR ______[ tOill. C"l1 for free estlmat.e. _.. ., __ , ~'._L' ~A AR K H()'"'~JER ------CHAS. F, JEFFREY CALL RON POPE • P g T R d r 293 uUller~ l:il!UIICU auu uu,,,,,.1 • ¥" .. _.- .'- l_J\I faenmdl'ndl'neeCotroaUt1c'nhg.with the), 21 N-ASPHALT WORK. MASON CONTRACTOR 774.2827 ; ALL TYPES of electrical e ree emo e mg. . I New and Repair Work 779 1545 ,.,"'... -.-----~ work. Ranges, dryers ill- BOlO. ) Licensed and Insured - I LICENSED - INSU",""u I21 - stalled-D.emodeling, Elec. ! ADVANCE 1I1AINTENANCE --E-X-P-'E"R"I'-E-N--C-E-D- I : ~~~r~~~e~t~~ting 1 AL'S A~r.';~~~~4:AVING • :rbCekm:n~I~~r: Stone 1 R-:~::n~URE trical repairs, fixtures. Li. STORM WINDOWS, 3.track I 884.9512 0 Minor ~epairs . I Owner supervision and plan. . • Waterproofing I .. . censed and insured. Col. aluminum, be s t quality. -_. -_. ... PAl NTERS • Decoratm.g Consultahon I ning. Guarar,tee quality • Tuck Pointing ARE YOU~ chaITs, antiques ville Electric Company. ~2.59 installed. S t 0 ~ m Professional gutter service. Low prices, Pete 776.3052, • Free EstImates. workmanship at reasonable • P \' f k' d I' 01' furmture loose or Evenings 774.9110. Days uv--ors '. the Best 11'-<4',thick I Reasonable, Reliable. 9ge Larry 882.5359. 88 1-8924 rate~. ~ r' "PORcAESa 10SAa SPECIALTY"any In b1'0ken.? Excc 11en t war.k I LA 6.7352. $100 mstalled. Aluminum I and up per foot. I do my: ------.- ~EAL CuAT_NG 882 '800 776.0934. ______1 replacement price windows I .own work QUALITY PAINTING EVER LAST PAINTERS - SPECIAUST .~ ------: MAJOR, minor repairs. Door and trim, siding and gut- 0 N' SERVICE Interior, exterior, very rea. State li~ensed and insurance 1------I CUSTOM ANTIQUE uphol- bells"switches, plugs and ters. Phil's Home Service. J H WILLIAMS INTERIOR- wnable rates. Have refer. References , RYAN I stering, draperies, bed. all other electrical work. Established 1958. Licensed.j 885.5813 EXTERIOR ences if needed. For esti. 281.0526 284.55341 CONSTRUCTION I spreads, slip covers made " No job ~oo small, Immedi. Cai! 371.3724 anytime. . EXPERT REPAIRS 'JO 'ear pr fes ion I mates call 822.8194 after C & J SP A T Cement and Block Work lo your specification. Rea- ate serv1ce. 885.0654. I ~) s a s a 6:00. Ask for Steve. Mural _ A H L D . P f 1"1 ors ' sonable prices. 885.0860. , ----.-_____ t------NEED I SMALL JOBS experience painting available PAV~NG. INC. < rives. a 10S - 0 I ; BOB'S ELECTRIC. licensed I 774 9651 MATT FLETCHER ' Improve the value of your I Porches .. Walks. FUR~ITURE. refinished, re- : c?ntractor. Violatlo.ns, ser., IMPROVEMENTS? I nOa " 11'"'- GUTTeD S 4151 Buckingham TU 6.6102 THOl\IAS GUASTELLA ~ome with a profes;;ional Garage~ bUilt or rals~L! , palre-tl.,. strIpped, an~ type rl ; vIce change. No Job too Call the specialist in Dilths, i '" r II 'll.:l, I"'" ------• The Complete House I lob, Over 20 years serving I Free Estimates. ProfessIOnal I of caning. Free eshmates. ; 18a8r6g.6e2'15no Job too small! k.itehens, rec. rooms, addi 1 H-CARPET ._.- WA LL PA PER Painter I Grosse Pointe in driveways Work. Licensed and Insured. [ 474-899993 or 956,7492. 21 • Interior - Exterior and sealing. F r e e esti. 778-4271 469-16941. , . . I tlo~s, ~Iumbl~g, elec. up. CLEANING • Qualitv. Results mates. Owner supervI'sed. UPHOLSTERING by. retired j I • ------GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY , datmg, msulatlOn, commer. ------REMOVAL Guaranteed Referen.ces included and ------~ b' k t ~ I up lIt10 s cl'er. Gooa war.k mercial office.s, lounges'l K-CARp.ET I / . I . ALL TYPr.. rlC, S on", Reasonable. VA 1.4900 .. t t I d .. • Free Estimates I msurance. bloc'K anu' concrete 'vork.l . H0 OV ER rl'nessuarUerda.ns, lcense an" CLEAN! NG BY JEFF 774-7768 •A.LL7738087'ANYTIM E Archways, steps, porches,' I UPHOLSTERING 25% O.F.,F F/.CTORY AU'.l'HORIZED I Fi\EE ESTE\1ATES , CO,AAP,.A,NY Free Estimates - Insured ------I'"'r., , l:GE DA tNTER' ~_____ patios, waterproofing, new lId my a r~a y Iow pn~es. SERVICE I CALL 824-1292 I CARPET (Low Hates) '-\-/1..1...... I T\l ' ....1 ADVANCED PAViNG- AS-I and repairs. De Scnder Free estlm~tes. Free pick. POI NTE VACUUM ------~ SPECiALISTS. 779.5235 882-6594 Lowest. prices around. Ex. phalt paving, concrete and 822.1201. I up and dehvery. Call Bob, FREE PICKUP AND I M. J. K. I.Steam Extraction 1------per I e n c e d. References, seal.coating. Licensed since ------.-- 881.2818. DELiVERY [ ••• I ~ I..... n I A 1o.1I'"'e; i.Shampoo K ELM Pete, 776.3052. Larry, 832-/ 1955. 548.1702. R. L. STREMERSCH ------

    I .fV\.J-\II'II I ~1 ... n.I.'l'-L.. I@S!.!n'.!l.n.rl__~t.~.,.'I!ln, ,~.mnv"1 Floor Sandin", Rcfinishino" 5359. 'I' ------/ I 21s-CARPENTER I NEW REBUILT PARTS P I r! \ - -. - - ~ n. n b ------I ~~... A ...... ~' .. A"'''' I CEMENT CONTRACTOR I SEI>VI .. TU 1 0700 I' amtmg, pas t r lng, ree • Upholstery Cleaning Old l"lours A Specialty. GRADUATE student desires I"" !V-I,.I:NU:N' ',",W i Cement ' !"., !:. I -". ! ro.oms, lill types of remod. i 17 ..• at affordable price, Expert In Stain. 535.7255 exterior" painting, Experi. BRICK WORK Driveways \ ..------210 I 02 "tACK I e!lng, \' 8820688, ------I R BERARD , 885.1518 885-1839 , M.J.K. ern£cerdecerSeaFsonabletun', rattes,\ G, W. SELLEKE B~aktios k I CO' 'AO '1.. '11- 'S'!: ~t El'.ECTRIC , . 1 ,' • '_,_. e ,~, ,n ,'~ ree;.~s •. a es, .j', ,CEMENT, " TIe WOI' f'." . \ D. J. QUALITY ,1-._. I' ',;r''lIl::J-,'~~' I k CUSTOM CABINET MAKER ReslN'UiO~dJt{oa~".-toCoGmS:mmarlclci:d~ NO JOB TOO SM,ALL ~r-LI::~A'N' Pr-l:C1IAL r-.•••,,~MAINTENANCE••;o,... ~_.v..tnr.l_.o..r Painting. Call Dan 885.4042.--- Driveways.t E w at s, hpatios, Basement StepsWaterproofing 0 k a d forml'ca kl'tchens ~, • - c, CUSTOM PA!NTING~ Inter., s e.ps, xper porc reo an' , 885.2930 Carpet Cleaning - 2.Step Complete line o[ home ior and exterior. Harry I palr, wate~p~ooIlilg. Qual. Tuck Pointing counter tops and baths, Li. Ii ______RESIDENTIAL, CHAIN , Method, Window and Wall Improvements Fiala. 5270725. ~ty tuck po~ntmg and patch. Free Estimates censed and insured. b ; LICENSED electrical can. LINK FENCING I W&shing, Licensed and In. 8851518 3851839 I ~;;,;~~;,~--:-- [' mg.!'-ll brrck anj chimney SPEC IAL ON SMALL 271.8683 OR 273-7267 tractor. all types work. INSTALLED AND I sured. ------1 A HM1.PSON I Ii Older homes specially. Vi. I . REPAIRED nON _ 463.5514... R. C. MOWBRAY REsIDENTIAL I rer;~~E ESTIMATES JOBS AND REPAiR --C-'U--S' UMANO Glations corrected. Free ALSO COMMERCIAL I, JOE - 372.G3~uo'" ~""nf'r A'1'F.S ' ~" ..." WORK I ".~------'~ INTERII)K, EXT'RRinR i "a .. 80...4391 rn", JST, Q•. ur_T. l.()_ N.. I IfOf ~~_tl_m_.a_te_s_._P_h_o._ne_5~3B_.4_-B_3__5! GUARD JUtIL INSTALLED t 2-1--!--.-P-/&-J-~...-,:-,I-t--~,~-g-,---- T~~!g~i~~;'~ri~,,~~:i~t~v:n~aJ:~: PA;~~~j.I~ING i ---:--, ~-l;-_:_-;2-f-c:L-.:i-~-,~-~-~-'G-.-- 8_8ti_.._15_~_I____ -_.- CO. 't 21E-~~~:rJs AND I R'7~~~~8~DA~~~RS~N (1 D_E_C_U_-_K_A_T_i_i"l_OG or_a_ting..5~i_l._3_.3_1-_3Z_~_O_._ 40 ;~i~SE~;lJJ~~~iCE \' PORCHES AND ESXUTPEEkR'IIVO-'R.R' COMPNLOE~J~O~t:~!;;~~if.L!NG I• ______.__ ~ ', C. H. MAINTENANCE C:) M P LET E IJainting and CHI'INEYS REBUILT I Call after 6 p.m. and " I 2864613 FREE ESTIMATES-Alumi.! ;::======:; I CARPET SPECIALISTS decorating service. Inter. WEEKENDS I AND REPAIRED WE S PEe I A LIZ E IN: num doors windows door. ANNOUNCI NG Our 3 step process - ior.exlreior by Ralph Roth. 21519 SUNNYDALE I' CAULKING BRICK PATIOS, WALLS ' , walls and porch 'endo. II' • Shampoo with soilguard References in the Pointes.. ST. CLAIR SHORES Advance Maintenance AND WALKS. WE ALSO WAYNE'S CUSTOM sures. Screens repaired. FONTANA I. Steam extraction 8868248. 771.9687 \ 884.9512 DO CEMENT WORK. NO REMODEL! NG Free pick up. CONSTRUCTION I • Spot & stain removal JOSEF'S ------JOB TOO SMALL. FOR Kitchens, baths, basements, Fred's Storm and Screen QUALITY WORK- EXTERIOR Painting. Quality MA.SO.NRYREPAIRS -:- ~pe. FREE ESTIMATES CALL formica and ceramic spe. 521.5810 or 839.4311 MODBE.AR-CNKIZIANTIONi DInT CHEAP PRICES • Insured work low prices. Call 774. \ c1~hzed. Tudck hPOmb~g. 792.4053 OR 791-2695. ASK cialists. All types of interi. Call anytime ;, FREE ESTIMATES • Reliable 5866'. ch1mneyanII t fpore repaIrS,C 11 FOR :LARRY OR BOB. or decorating. Guaranteed _____ Residential, commerciai, I Ill:lz.5325 e Exp"rif'nceil exce en re erenees, a ------low bid. Guaranteed good 20E-INSULATION industrial moderniza.' .------Estim;;te5 at no charge or PAINTING Interior.Exterior. after (} p.m. 775.7362. j. W. KLElt'-lER work. Call for free esti. I tion. ,Additions, kitch.! GROSSE POI NTE obligation. 776.8267 5 years experience. Low 1 LAETHEM CEMENT CONTRACTOR mates and ideas. Licensed. ens, 'bathrooms. rec.' CONTRACTORSI INTERIOR and ext e r i 0 r cost. Quality material. Free I MASO N RV CEMENT. BRICK. STO"E 774.5200 or 773.4355. I I SUDRO INSULATION rooms, dormers, family CUSTOM PAINTING AND. 'nt'ng a d pap rh g'ng estimates. 571.6616 or 882., . Patios, walks, porches, steps ------I Since 1948 rooms. Also, electrical, i oal I n e an 1. 3685 I WATERPROOFI NG Prepare now for skyrock- pi u m bin g, carpentry, "Ex';~~~P;~~~d~~'1G ~:;~~~~~I:. ~~~~a~~;:;::~ 3 COL~t:GF; studenis looking IR::-.i.dcrti:ll and ~ommerdal TU('~I~~~~~~:g~~~~~~ing Q~ :rL~v1~ ~v~~~ob;'e('aa:sp:~ I I, eting fuel bills while in.. plastering andpainl- I,. 885-8155 822-7335 after 6 p.m. for work, services include: LIcense.d 5218725. aft er 4 SP EC IAL IZ I NG I N perience in Grosse Pointe. I sulaUnn costs are reason. ing repairs No job too . . d t' . t pm Kitchens remodeled. base . I . able. !nsull1tion is blown small. Serving Grosse FREE ESTIMATES WAYNE'S Painting and dec. mterlOr an ex erlOr pain - --'-' -.------SMALL JOBS .ments paneied, room addi in walls and ceiling. In. Pointe since 1115:!. lm. INSURED orating. Inf.-.rif)r and exte. ing Experienced, reliaple, GRAZ 10 FREE ESTIMATES tiC' r" vestment pays for itself. medi~~;;::~~. !l_I_ic_h_a_el_S_at_m_a_ry_J_r___~~~~It~~i~~I~g~~~:o~:srsi~~:; ~~~~~s~~~lu~8~~~t4 f~;~3;~: CONSTRUCTION Tuc2~~~~ 7 1tfo~~ij~b~' a('c~~~~~e_I~_.l_~_~: I' Comfort at lower tempera. CONSTRUCTION CO. GROSSE PO INTE estimates .. Licensed. 774- 4735, or 331.2222. Cement drives. floors, patios. tures. 15% tax credit. John Fontana 885.0654 PAl NTER'S, INC. 5200 or 773.4355. Q-'U-A-L'I-T-Y--P-A-I-N-T-lN-G-(-In.porches garages raised and 881-3515 I Painting interior _ exterior __ ~ __ -.------.- teriors. exteriors). done by repaired, new gar age ___ .. .. ' J.l000 ". I "'RT PAIN'TING b'J B EAST SIDE CAB CO. . • Reasona blc Prices PAINTERS r.X'r_ I ,paper re UI t. asemcnt water. '- ..... ,. PedlO Conrro".a PaCkaga Oell.e,y • Good Work hanging, Free estimates. proofing. 29 years experi. sen""g fu, S,cIe oe,,,,,, end Su!>u~ • Cail- noivb too small Et'ROPE:\", EXPERTS G. Van Assche. 881.5754, ence, 526.5646. "BEAT INFLATION" 15% ~2 9987 Interior, exterior, \\allpaper -. .. ------. 15% :> 6- ing. ]litchin!:. plastering. WALL WASHING, painting, BReCK. BLOCK work. new PROFf:S~~[O~Ai~-Floor Sand. window puttying. caulking. reasonable. prompt. Tlj 1" or repairs. 25 years in ROAD SERVICE & TOWING Property Investment and Management Company de. ing and finbhing, Special G(,oil work. Gro,~e Pointe .'\306. after 6 p.m. Pointes. Al DeMeyer, 824- i7.ing in dark ,taining r {' fer (' n c C s. Reason. .-----G .. 0193. for Grosse Pointe Park, City and Farms sires operating capital. Will pay 15% interest able. Free estimate Call 2lJ-WAU WASHIN -_.--.------"Supp!y' own power" Call INSTALLATIONS OF on 5ecured loans, paid monthly, in amounts of for free estim~tc, \\". Abra. .!nhn 3nyt!nvl ~RR.;)n~R. K-~'-:\l>\-i~~TE~~~-,\~~-Cf;-Com CAll DIRECT 823.6500 if no aunr 133&.11111 ham. 97!}~,')1}2, pany, wall washing, floor PRECAST $15,000 to $100,000. For information call: Day. .------1 ------STAR PAl NTERS cleaning and wax;ng Free CONCRETE 3J l'l!!iS's ...~rrllicl'ltll'r. ~Jnt. time-372.35B3 or evenings until 9-S854384. 21G-ROOFING Interior. Exterior, ('om ['slimates. 8820688. STEPS 15302 I. 1.If.pson at ••• condi.'" SERVICE nll'reial ,Hlrl residential CALL FRANK. 777.3309 ,------, Fre(' I'stilllalt's (j Yl'ars EXPERT ,__ . --' CASHAN ('xp('ri('n('(' in till' WALL WASHING PATIOS 21G="ROOFING SERVICE ROOF ING Pointr" Sintl Bowles. Wi ndo\\ washing, gll!t£>rs. Are our only business. "Ask SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES _ _ ~ . _. - ~R:) 08:i6. rrompt ,en.ice. References, ahout our ant i qua t I' d fOR OVER ~/2 CENTURY Roof. roof rrpair. al11mi 1l22.56!l4 brick." num gutters. hot roofing. PATIO MAGIC b,ry Sty/. 01 F."" quick service, Work guar. GUt/SSE POl:-;TE INC: . 779.6864 776.3338 ; e,.ct.d 'or y •• JOSEPH NOSEDA AND SONS, INC. anteed. 886324,1. ESSIAN FIRE:\IA:'-i WILL DO WALL WASHI",G BAND C i WI 1.6282 PAINTING 821.2984 R~olir.g experts since 1913. Gutters, siding, flecks CEMENT 1 HEDEMARK i"cI,,4ill' I:I CONTR.ACTOR 21K-WINDOW CONTRACTOR ! Chlli~ Li"k AII.St•• 1 lI"d ROOF!r--JG WASHING Al.1. TYPES OF CE:lfEi\T i I:'-iTERIOH . I~XTERIOH "'UlriC Licensed and insured, Free Estimates, Repairs. Reroofing WORK : S"I" K . WINDOW Cleaning Com. Specializing in hol tar. Free pstimates. w~.lks. drives, porches, patios, . Jlllny. SIMms, screens, gut. ~arage floC)rs~ I Lh:cjj:)(;d - Insured rall anytiml'. I ters. aluminum cleaned.' FREE ESTI:-.1ATF:S MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. VA 2-1878, 343 0642 I .~...... ~ ro('''''''~'. A ~T:'C' BaB I~f,.SI/\ N 1 I nsured. Free estimales. LICENSED 10403 HARPER RlSIDENTIAL. INDUSTRiAL I ____ I .;.1 __ r_I_H_,U_a ....;_~'_d_~o_..~_"_._._.u__ 1 '-1 P._.R_?._4~_8_1 _ 882-0688 839Pl23 or 772.1649 .....------~~"~ ,I ,I j I t 1 - . . a -••• «.« C c-' d« C c •• «c Cd codd' rt 'n am • j L • '. d .. r PCU 4 .. , • --- ~------r Thursday, May 3, 1979 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E VVS Page Thirty.One . '~"-'-----"---_ ..------,------~ 21 $-CARPENTER ,2lZ-LANDSCAPING & I r · · ID.. S. ! .r,,_~~_~:ICE, " . ,,,',. y.SN~~ ~~E~o:ALI~e~!~~r_~Ial~~ County Needs Adll,tlonal oml~l~~,~.: etsl r"/.,rt •.. '~"~-.,.<.~...'-..... '"aj"l.,-!lcL l".';'Jt, ''':;''!!'!'!!t\.l ;-,,... !n'~-, "V'-',' " . 5" " ... ,.j,.;" ."c-!rt.s J:.C:'ltl,."!J,.,...,,,., '~ ~- eUng, partitions,. cei!ings, I SCaping" Co~pll:"e service. - ,-, ,. " "--: .JL I~l}otters tor Ii)'''' "(vU:,n i __ '_"" : " . kItchen, small jobs, re.] UcsIgn ~pcclmcn plants, . -- . I I Anothcr "first" Cor DO'Ilini.• pairs, etc, TU 2.279;;, I "WE PLANT TREES" salnt JOfhn .tHosPlta!(SJIlH )'II There's a need for. addl~.-IL-T-h-,e-s-ession, sponsored by! c"n High 8<'hool, (,1740 Me.! ------, 3236662. as part 0 1s ongomg ro. . ... " A I ' H '.JIlJll!ff!ljmlUPl CUSTOM I f 't . f 'ma I tiona! spotters In The Pomte the ma' KJn1J!'Y a ve n u e. arper TRIMMING" removal, spray. g.ram? commu~l y In~: " area for the Wayne Cuunty I' teur R6.5044 I Icommunity service Too often ,. th t' I't . and r\~ep a fIO'.... of mforma I. and cveryone IS InVIted tf). Worship Services In e me ropo I an area ID , h d ' , . th t 8 30 d 1I 00 ------885 - 1900 what people intend. to hap- Level IA of the National tl~? back and forth, e note. partiCIpate m e even, : an : a.m, HARRY SMITH '," I pen when planning their es- French Contest, sponsored by Should a funnel cloud or I. Sunda.v School BVILDI"- CO. ROB S Lall n SerVice, sprmg tate J'ust doesn't hapl)en I th A ' A . t' f tornado be reported by a L'(U' '1 p, k' . • e merlcan SSOClaIOn ° , '1; f"P CI . C 9'10 am Established J'n c ean.up. 0 \\ e r ra mg "We also want to inform T h f F h (AATF) spotter the report IS ImmC'~.-' u O'ltlt orps . '. i 'n W kl lawn care eac ers 0 renc. . t 1 d' . t d 11 Grosse Pointe Area Since 1937 all" eC:j.. . them of the many opportuni. She will be honored on !"ri. ::,e.y .Isserntna e .on. a Sl ~. U Wednesday Night Service for Healing R~sidential and Commercial L lI: II n ferhhzmg. Free ties they have to save their day May 11, at "Prize Day" a vall a b 1e eommu:lI.eatlons ales !oJ 19n- p 'Remodeling estimates, TU 5.4485. stat monl'es hId' h t "'I channels to communIties and 7: 15 p,m. ------e e, e eae- year a .' ayne h W th S .ce Station Alte!'ations and .Maintenance THREE CIS "This seminar is geared State University and support.~: e: er ,er:vt rationai The Grosse Pointes Clown I '4 ~~~_-~~~~~~~.!!'.!!'.!!'.!!'_-.!!'.!!'_-.!!'~ New Construction I toward keeping people in- ed jointly by the Alliance e. ne r,em~I~~ ,~Pfifted b Corps will be holding a memo r'l------. ....------.. 885-3900 885.7013 LA~D?CAPI~G formed of the ever.changing Francaise of Detroit and the ~:tlk~~"w:d~ dl~r.,Koz.aJ! bership d:ive on ThUrsd~Y'1 St James First Entlish '. . DeSign m. g~rdemng tax ~aws as well as towar,d AATF. . . ~he se~sion ~as arranged May 31, m the commumty I L h I "h h EVI Lutheran HANDYM~N - Major, mI-1 speCIalists helpmg them upuate theIr On "PtIze Day," the AlII. t t a' additioml spotters room at Woo:is Public Safety I uf .eran" urc • nor rcp,urs, carpentr;'. door, • Commercial & Residential I personal estates. So often ance Francaise of Detroit t~ ';":~~~ve the current short~ Department headquarters, 11 Church •- !ocks, paneling, book shelv. [ _ Lawn and ~ardell I ~usiness and personal sitUl!'1 ,,:i!1 award J)ri~es and cer. i ;~~uir.d he hopes interested I 20025 Mack avenue, at 7:30 liOn The :-liIl" lUg and all ~ther carpentry • Power ~akmg hons change and these cha~g- hr'l~ates of ment to the f~l. citizens will participate, I p,m. I Mc~lillan near Kercheval Vernier Road at Weclsewoo4 work. No job too smalL • Top SoIl, Sand Peat, es should be reflected m lowmg students for their I eh' n Arthur J Kueh.' TV 4.0511 Drive. Gro:assePoint. Woods g , ,Immediate service. 885. .. Fertilizi.n ' personal estates." . outstanding. achieveme~t in H.I.G.HWAY TOLL I nel U:~:~.lIinterested yo.ung Worship. Services: 884-5040 I 0654. - Tree Removal and Repairs Following the formal pres. French thIS year:. eIghth Al st tw 'lron people people to participate in the 9:30 and 11:00 a,m. I Church Worship: ,~ L• Shrub and Tree Planting Ientation, speakers will, 1111- graders Jordan Mehck., Lee. mo. .~~I,~ million dr;v" with t'il['!)S members (Nursery both services) Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. ALBERT O. THOMAS I- Landscape Design and swer questions from the [salot and Susan Parkmson; nhave bedJt:d.":'lU d.~2 672 '1-' taki~g ~rt i~- a variety of Sunday Church School . I~.IC I"'~ .. d"u"tion floor seventh graders Tessa Bar. aye en lDJure In lIU • '... .• 'd' _ d 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9 30 am .' . h . ~_..-...- .... roll and Ron Hull; and sixth lion highway accidents in a~uvlhes In(:l~ mg p"ra es, : .. We are general contractors Fully LIcensed a.nd Insured Free parkmg WIll be avaIl. . D hI' d th US d' th I t 50 bIrthday partIes and other Rev. George E. Kurz Rev, P, Keppler ' 'Gerald J Christ ' able in the west 10. adjacent graders Peter a mg an e., unng east Rev. George rtL Schelter Rev. David Bonde ' ' .. One ~all. t~kes care of .all Clement A' Chargot to the hospital N~ reserva. Eric Pinder. years, according to the In- even s. . , your buIlding. remodeling 757 "3'"0 t' . The Alliance also will ree- surance Information Insti. For further information, '~~~~~~~~~~~ .... - -l ' . hI I' 11 ." " IOns are necessary. .. . '''186 _ ,:' pro ems arge or sma . M B tt I . d' t d ogmze s eve nth graders tute. call Mr. Kuehnel at 881-0 . r-. .... ------r. u ery In lea e K h' H' d T ------W : TU 2- 0628 COMPLETE L~ WN CARE- that the seminar was a part at erme el~ an e~sa GROSSE POINTt , ' Lawns. sprmg clean-ups, of the on-going program on Barroll for theIr out~andi~g BAPTIST CHURCH St. Paul Ev. LE'tO power raking, shrubbery Personal Estate Planning Fr'enc.h essays submitted 1D 21336 Mack Avenue BUILDING COMPANY work. Small planting jobs. Saint John Hospital has con. a national essay cont~st, Lutheran Church Grosse Pointe Woods Since 1911 778.6285. duct d thr gh t th The accelerated e I g h t h CITY OF 881-6670 Custom Building ----______He dd ou au ,e year. grade French class spent A Worm Welcome T " . .f:a;nilJ' rt'oms our specialty. LAWN CUTTING, Spring e ,: ed. that ltterature TuesddY afternoon, April 17, Awaits You Chalfonte ond Lothrop , alteration~. kitchens. Cleanup. Professional work or: th.w subJ~~t mar be ob- as guests of Mrs. Robert J, Morn"'g Worship g ~rn1in.rJniutt 'ark 11:00o.m. Worship Services TV 2.3222 at reasonable prices. Free ~a1~edIby ;mt;n VlDtcenst.E. Sillery of Lakeland avenue. Sund School 9:30 and 11:00 , estimates. Evenings 881. u er Y. .eve opmen, amt Mrs .. Sillery, who was born 9:450.m. .. Attics. ~ Porch En~loseures 1944. John !I0spltal, 22101 Moross, in Morocco, 'gave the students Ever"!ing Service Sunday School 9:30 6:30 p.m. ", • Addltions. • K~te~ens • DetrOIt. a tour of her home to view INVITATIO'N TO BID .~~ Nursery 9:30 and 11:00 p Nursery • CommerCIal BUlldmgs \ WAf. FREEMAN LandSca ' ~the numerous articles from II All Services Rev. K. R. Lentz, TH.D. J 1M SUTTON ing - Spring c1ean.up,l BEEF STILL KING I Morocco and from France to Sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk of I Rev. Wm. Toft I \t~:~ Rev. Paul E. Christ 1677 Brys Drive ~awn ~ain~enance, gar~en'l Despite high prices, Amer-Ilearn more about the culture 1 I I TV 4-2942 TV 2-2430 In.g, trlmmmg and soddmg. ieans insisted on having their of these countries, the City of Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan until 10 I I -----. ----~I Bill 754-2339. Itrimmed and nroeessed beef ------I A.M.• May 10, 1979 in the MUnicipal Building, 15115 II1I j . c;,~.. ~ !,,,i.'• • 2iT-Pi.UMiiNG«: ------lin H,7'i at thA rat.. of Ar.i.2i ... o 0 __ .1_ TT_. __~ II I ~t United 1 1_----- _ ; . . HEATING I MELDRUM Pounds per capita, Compared \\JC .I. arh. J:I.Ulllt 1\ E. Jeiien,,,fl Avenue, for the fencing ~f four (4:) ten. 1\1 \ f\ MC~'9"H'hU'CR"'C"HISTIII - . .. to 73 fJ pounds in 1965 He 1 Th' f nb courts at the Windmill Pointe Park. l IiHR.liTiAh ~. ELECTRIC .scwcr cleaning, I ILANl'"'\uSCAPINr. f""nl'cke'n c"onsu.-., -"'.l'on .....~- to' I).V,.t Ie , .... Mo .;.R~d . SCI ...ftCE . No footage charge. T;;le- I \ '-' ~ 'v ..•....,.,.._ '" II I ~ •... , r..... - .. . phoile price. 20 years of "A Name in Landscaping ';4.9 p?unds from 33.1 anal..... -.- Bid .envelopes shall be plainly marked on outsideo£ III ' 886.2363 . I experience. C a 11 Roemer For Over 50 Years" fIsh climbed to 12.2 pounds Stereo. equlpment and a envelope "Bid on Tennis Court Fences", and direeted , 9:15 .a.m. Family Worship FIrst ~~~::t~:Christ, Plumbing TU 2-3150 BUSH AN'D BRD CARE from 10.9. calculator were r e par t e d . and Church School . . . ------stolen trom a Wayburn road ' .. - - - '" _.. _. • G ...... GRADII'TG SODDING 1 h Th d f II.. to tne anemwn 01 l~. J. UflISI, l.llY 1,1CTK. Iii 11:15 a.m. Worship -(OSSe romie rltflttS BOB DUBE PLANTING PATIOS 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL om.e . urs ay a ternoon, !, Service parned__~-_Npu('.rOsleryand 28% Chalfonte 1)T 1'Tll....-oT'tI..tf'"'i .,...... 1 Ut;'lA'1'T'I\!f'! - -C ... ~ - ApnI 26 1 .,.. t" '11 b . '1'" . th P bl' " near tl'e';"y :1 ' A UV'UUA.,,,, uu~ "~'."'~ I SPRING CLEAN liF • lJ' u~ "rING Harold' Robinson told Park I Delaileu spec111ca lOllS Wiu e . • RepISeopal LA WN CUTTING by depend. ~ ~ .~~ ,I .~ v \j Ben Donaldson, Subdivider). WI" .._-~~--- 381 KERCHEVAL able high school student.., ~ ~ • v 61 Grosse Poin!t' Bhd. The Grosse Pointe FAR!lIS Reasonable rates. Park, ~ ~ ~ S I . ~. , 885'18-t I ~,,' • ~ The plat shaH remain on fiie in the City 8:(}() a,m,-Holr F.udmbt MEMORIAL (HURCH 21W-DRESSMAKIHG 8826361. ~ 0\ .~ ,,/1 /J.t':z~ ~ Clerk's office for 30 days after May 4. ------'iI ~ " N.dZ'Od-",r£ 9:15 a,m.--lIol; Eucharist United Presbyterian AND TAILORING LAWN Maintenance - By ~ ~ /44:W ~ At any time wi(hin the 30-day 1979. and Sf'rmon 16 Lake Shore Road college students. For free ~ ~ ~ period any person or public bodv havino (Nursery avallabl~) PROFESSIONAL dressmak. estimates call 8856990. v , 0 For information. night or . ing, tailoring and all alter. ~ \j ~ an interest in any lands affected by the 11:15 a,m, Hniy Euch:.rist day, call 882.5330, dial a .ations in our shop, 20733 LA WN Mowing service - and Scrlll.ln !:it Sun, ~ • plat may bring a suit to have such plat :\lorning Prayer and prayer 882-8.770. Mack at Vernier (3 Mile). Quick in and out service. Ask for Anna, 881.5585. Call for estimate, 7745866. ~.5 corrected. Sermon other Sundays 9:30 and 11:30 WI'I'kclal' Eucharists Worship Services ,~ , If no such suit is brought within such DOES YOUR wardrobe need TWO Experienced landscap. [dO a.l11. T\lt',,<1,,) 10:30 Study Hour help? Call 884.6861 for I crs will do Spring Clean. .~ ~ ~ time, the plat may be approved by the 7::Wa.1\l 'I'lll,r"lal' professional dressmaking Up'. 1; u , ~,j Hi g:.n!.cning, ~ ~ ~ Planning Commission. 5:30 p,m, :->aturday Holy Communion and alterations. ' seeding. fertiliz.ing or odd "'rh., Hil'h"" of His Glory" jobs, Reasonable rat e s. ~.. ~ If suit is brought. approval shal! be Ray H. Kiely 2.1Z-LAHDSCAPING &, prompt service. Call after ~ ~ withheld until it is decided. If necessary, SNOW REMOVAL: 5 p,m. Davc 8858114, Mike The Grosse Pointe ~ 'i the plat shall be revised in accordance with Cungregationol MAC'S SPRING CLEA1';t'P, •_ ~20000: __ ._. _ ~5"- ~,,'~'.Io' such decision, then approved bv the Plan- ' /811.'1' I a1,,1 W1': SPECIALIZE IN plant now, reasonable SU PERIOR :::::.:= _ ning Commission =:=::.:=.:= _..::: =_:: i American Baptist BIBl.E STUDY rates, quality Service. Yard EXTERIORS and (,hri~,ian Friendship work, shrub and tree trim. ! " I Church For , \ .5TC~,,,U"'- Said hearing will be held on Monday. I ming. etc. Call Tom, 526- : h the b (,s tin. 0lutsl.de LAKe" /..- \ 240 Chalfont£' at Loth,op 5766 882.019- . om(' C, , • LA WN CARE I~// ~~~\ Council Chambers, 17147 Maumee, Grosse I \\'or~hlp ,",'n 1,'(' :Il,d • GARDE;oo.;ING FELLOWSHIP" 1'1. "" 1 Chllrch s,'~\,1111 ED CHEESEMAN • SODDING ,I, \" Pointe (a non denomination iI !l:30 and 11'15 . (':I....r(~1~ • SEEDING .. .,\, "What's It ,\1\ .\bout ".. LANDSCAPE CO. • BRICK PATIOS I(I \\ \ T. W. Kr••• bach Yale and Harprr • Free Estimates Guest Sl'L';,l.er: I • CE~IE:';T \\\ !II City Mana~er.C1erk Sl. ('lair Shore.s, nr., 11 Mi. • Cl(~ajj t~p ~~d T.I ('01 Ib"f"Llnd (';,rc,'; I :\0 johs tOll small. \~ ~I Planning Commission Secretary I Wllf~.,\T SClWOL Lawn S('rvicl's T1H~:--:-:, y 1 141 ai(er p,m, VIOl' ff('(' t'~limates call ,\' //1 st':\lJ.\\S 10:30 A,M, :> ."-.;::--; ~v .... G.P.N. S,,\,IO,17-79 Dr, H..y It II,,:, \' '"r, 294-8'713 I 881.5311 or 463.0762 792405:l or 791 2695. Ask for Rob or Larry. " .--=~",' Rev, Terry J, GIll:': John Ludlam, Pastor

    ) , \ . I Page Thir+y ..Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 3, 1979 • ...J , * "'It' I * * * * * * I I I' i Pointer of Interest Short and to II From Another Pointe of View] -"h 0.' I (Continued frOm Page 17) T e r 01nte to relax and reminisce. There's a fountain in the I'- J I courtyard, and the garden theme reflects the four (Continued from Page}'7) seasons of the year: spring, summer, fall and win- HELEN and ANDREW ter. NlCH,OLS,of Colonial road. A large gazebo in the summer scene was fur- recently hosted DR. MATINA nished by the Friends, who also provide monthly HORNER, president of Rad. birthday parties and aid in celebrating holidays cliffe College, their cousin, thr::ughout the year. as their dinner guest. She * * * I was guest speaker at a recent Mrs. William P. Chester, Friends president, has symposium commemorating invited Florence Neyer to chair the spring benefit. the college's looth anniver- . sary for area alumnae and. She is being ass~sted by. Mrs. Josell~ Shaheen

    , !, 'r;c"dC III charge of reservations, which must be m by next I' ... ~. • * • I Thursday, May 10, and by Mrs. Ri~hard Mrowczyn- ',:" •. , DONALD J FERGLE. son, s,k~, i:~IVitatio.nsj ~.ary Marshall .and Mrs. Fred

    :~l...... DONALDof PointersFERGLE,MR. an~ISMR~'1a fl' Mrs.~chrewer,Charlespnzc:i;T. Fisher.mi"5. andR~be~tMrs.Th!bCldeau,Harry Mack,models;dee- '..'.'nance chairperso~ and jUllior orati0!1s; Mrs. Joseph E. Bejin a~d Rosem~~y Dow. •I.l I ...•.W.; t~.class ~ep~esentat~ve ~t Cen- ney, fmance; Mrs. Jer.ry T. F~amgan, PU~hClty; and :{.. :'.. tral Mlchlgan Umverslty and Rachael Ryan, who WIll prOVIde the musIc. { . " u'.:'.1 :o~~:~~~\~~:~eo~t~f::c~:r:: IMCF S 'Th k*Y *, * .~ . , • • • ays on OU ',",;"\ ..•.,. Pointer JOANNE ISBEY. A highlight of the Michigan Cancer Founda- , . ~ ...... a~ Photot>yDove KramerI .an associate professor of Eng. tion's third annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner piece par:tt and ~r~ look." gr~at In na. J wI.th whl'"""1 MRS. ROSS T. KOGEL, OF HAMPTON R()I\D !ish at Mercy College of De. yesterday evening was the presentation of honorary A one ~lece SUit In black IS sca~tered ~lth whIte , 1______troit, has organized Old awards. including a special placque to Grosse bu.tterfh~s. Other Gabar ~ne plec~ SUIts feature By Janet Mueller th E t Ct. d th B Norse Studies for the 14th Pointe's Murray MacDonald honoring him for a prmt skIrt-tops that are s1lt to show color pants. "We're all ~err,ific readers. It's part of being Iha~as~ We'~:s c:r~sed ~ai:~ Inte~national . Congress in lifetime of service to canc~r patients ~nd their There are many swimsuits that have been selected part of our faml1y. ' And that's obvious, for in the and Nantucket." There's Medieval Stu~le~ to be ~eld families. for post-mastectomy patients. Florence Riley and Kogel house there are books everywhere, on bOOk-I more than a hi:;:.t of the a~tWesterny Mlchlgan UnIv~rll- Mr, MacD:mald, a retired vice president of Marianne Sielaff will be attending Mastectomv shelves built by Lynne. She's a. terrific wood- \fa. nderer in Ross, who took Sl y. Mta 11. She also WI Detroit Bank and Trust and a well known fI'nan- Update, a seminar sponsored b-y- the American wor k er, too. 1.-----.------.,' a post.;:ol1ege year off.. to. presen a paper.. ",'.. cial m.anager in Michigan, played an important ifCancer'.loU wishSociety,to .attendMay the23. Formeetingmore atinformationRoma Hall orin All the t 00 Is'. (t able saw, Lynne took "a little longer meander .through Eu:ope, t Missouri Military Academy Ipart m the formation of the MCF. lathe, et al~:, ~~'"~h~l base- than average" to get her de. N~rth Africa and the Middle cadet MICHAEL MISZCAK, He has served on the foundation's board of di- Livonia call The S~cieiY.* ~~ntmaraedhe.fvo.r-..t-h---G.!lr.01! Isegree from UCLA. That was I E~'~at suits Lynne ).u t' 1'1' son of the EUGENE J. MIS.! ~ectors and as its treasur ..er, and as president of the '" e e os es because she worked her way 1 s ne. ZCAKS f Sh h d uetroii i-n-St''t" • ~ n \.. \..4' • G 0 E d Wh Pointe Fall Art Festival sold I through More than a hint of the wan. ,0. ~re am roa , . I ute or \,..,Ulcer .1\esearcu ..,c,ore Its " ourmet r very ay . . atever your for $200 Unfurnl'shed . . I derer remains in her too was the reCIpIent of the merger With MCF. cooking needs, the experts at Mutschler Kitchens, . . At UCLA she was olle of' , . E I H M d 1 f h' H' s h' . Inc. can design a kitchen that's '.Iours alone. Stop But well worth the price, 1'" students 'selected to go to Family pets are minimal agte' t~nor e at ffor emIS C e IF an d o~Jrary hfe member of the Michigan ... f't b tif 1 It. - I "h . . . con n bu Ions as a sam . ancer oun ahon in today and see the varietv of cabinet styles avail- .or I .~asu .eaud ~~ ..a ~a India on a summer program ~,Y'e. a.vebabird. ~n~ snails." ber of the school newspaper. . * * * able from Wood-Mode, Coppes, Rutt and Poppen- oox WIn eame all'" ;;.uc- sponsored by the State De. mUSICIS Ig, KrIstm plays ------1 . pohl, 20227 Mack Avenue, 884-3700. co~d ceilings, ",:unseoting. a partment. ,Competition for a the violin, young Ross the. . . '1 Also cited for s~cial recognition was the Col. third floo~ With random place in the group W8Sstiff, cello. Gretc~en tried piano, lor Clh~ens Day. T~e Musl' ~my T0'Yn Clu~, whIch received a plaq~ honoring . * '" * plank floonng , . . for its assignment and Hiner. but has deCided literature is cal Artists ~and. (Its memo Its speCIal carmg for cancer patients for over 33 The Beautiful Spring ... of Jontue by Revlon is a When Lynne Kogel does ary were fascinating. her forte. She writes won- bers rang~ 10 age from 60 years. 7 new /tift packalte of coloJOle and colo~n~ spray with a a thing, she does it right. The young Americans gave derful stories. to 7 ), wil~ appear from 2 I The club originated the Cancer L CI t p~etty card, al.ready to lOve. Perhaps for Mot~er's Day? I. As chairman of i~e Uich- I a series of assemblies at In- Lynne is a Gi~l Scout lead- ~nhJ 3:30 III .the a~terno~n Fuundation in 1946. Since then it has~ajd dO::' Fmd her favonte fragrance at the Notre Dame l'harmacy.I Igan Mayflower SocIety's ed. t dian colleges and univer. er, troop orgamz3r for Ma- Ill, ~entral "Library s . Mal.n Loan Closet with over $2000eO ' p y e e * * * ucation committee, she's been sities Each presentation was son School. Her - involve. Readm.g Roo~. The Kiwams item'n d d ' ,m eq~npment-any 5cnding a copy of the May- follo~ed b a uestion.and. mell,ts in Adult Christian Ed- Bus Wln proVLdetrans porta. ee e t~ sen e the. canCer patient at home, ." 1tf q Those Charmmg LIttle Lamps .. . I flower Compact to every ~ d L h d 1 ucation at Grosse Pointe Me tion to the lilJ.rary for senior from wheelcha)rs to hospItal beds and dressings- . t' t th answer perlo. ynne a a - . T Iand medication . .you, seare h for are JUs _ I~ a e ,. ' school in Michigan that reo ways been able to think on morial Church have included CIIzens. . . ' . . S9U1rrel s ~est, 19649 Mack .Avenue. ': quesls one. It's a pr.oiect she ,I her feet; in India. that ability a four-year' commitment as ~~~?runyon:. are ;~~~I~~ +h ~~l Sup~~~s., an~.,. equ.lpment are distributed Fmd them m brass or ceramIc. began when she took on the was finely honed a Bethel Teacher. upstaIrs at Ce~Hral JwUJlal-'j... roush the ","...,FS O.... ices m 'Vayne, Oakland Ma~ * * * education committee chair- "It was a really enriching And there's always wood- Thursday ~vemng, ,May 10, comb and Monroe counties. ' . d h' b' working N t t t . and on Fnday evellllig May . '" From California ... to China and man~hIP, an. s e seen expenence," she says. "Not . : 0 con en WIth 11 there'U be a special film. '" '" .. " .....- the bermtiful islands in-b~tween. on ::~~tnc~poi~~f~:~rtyOyt~~/h~:; only did it give the In~a~ ~r~~~:1~~ b~~~:=elvLesall sh~wing for the whole fam- Spring Is Flower Time •.• . " ~ • "" .. _~ T .~ .. > , ' students a chance to see ' ynne'l t . t C' t 1 Th and h t b tt t he tncomparaote lUlya~ v ."''''11 ...... ~.ljusi about every school. "11,,, rl'. .' _~ whipped one up for hel' hus. I y ups airs a en ra . e .' . . w a e er way to order your 1m- MB. Travelwise trat'elers always ask for contacts says "Yes please" ~me ca, ~t gave u:;-thJll"~;' band's office movie is "The Silver Streak." patIens, by the flat, and Geraniums by the basket l t Mr. Q, 886-000.5 'iieip W te'd . I Ica - ~_~~~nc~ o;ee Ke~'l S'he finds' working with and there'll be free popcorn' 1 than thrcugh the Tau Beta Camp Flower Sale? ' .. ~1 I11 \".cuuvrn1o, ...... 085 .. 00e • and nflP accompan l'ng 't N t 1 d . '" '" '" She's been doing it herself, re-entered L y n n e Alcott's ~oo~ very satIsfying. "And Satti~da]', Y. I. . . (); on y 0 you get perfectly beat:tiful plants Win ..• pne of the many fine watches and other but she'd like to get some life. Actually he'd never 1t glves me a great excuse d ' nY' fay 12, I: ~hil-I ~t v~ry r~asonable prices, ($11.50 per 48-plant flat exciting lIrlu\' at Tony Cueter'1IBijouterie 'Grand Opening, helpers. Doing' 'it herself really left 'They'd been to read, because al1;.'sorts of r~n ~ ay. O~.er t l~m;s Itor impatIens, $8.50 per eight-plant Geranium bas- 20445 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe, beginning .May 3. All I mcans she can't eontaot every friends sinc~ high school _ ?~?ks have been written on ~~rol ~~~:;:d~~c ~ese~~ ket) , but your money goes to a ~ery good cause: )"01: do is d.1'{lPIn and guess the number of diamonds ?n school every year, which' is THE High School _ and It. a musical re" , ..If ing The Tau Beta Camp for diabetic children. display. Eig~teen lucky winners who (ome the closest will, ubv!ouSly the RIGHT way to I whenever Lynne stoppp.d off __ . Library p~trons. I Pants," at 10:~~e~v~the a~~rn.1 This year's sale chairmen are Mrs. Benjamin take home the pri2es. Tony Cueter's fine jewelry, 20445 do It. in The Pointe on her way 1 NOT. th

    smart ratnwear at Ma.rtha s Closet. Our hghtwetgb I' iJ ...... \, .. 0 i>,,,sent at tile AliU .(OS~ lookeu _v b"'" ., .. '01:, JI1 Clh.,g" play in the case at Cell" ..!. '. ,1 , rain coats are found tn the pastel shades of laven- sign109 of the Magna Carta, in his unifonn ... "We were "I Llo~aLY~'cek, Bookmarks, with a list of fa- i~~~.UJS a :,ot of BOOKS fll, I HIe",.;, .'''. IIlUle. -- u, der, aqua, sandlewood and straw. Corne Tain aT t~ Charlemagne and beyond engaged two. weeks later." l' ~~at s ne~t week, and ac- mous people who were native Ib:ary, sa?,s Lynne Ko. Lynne to 2ero in on the shine and let us help you at 375 Fisher Road .. 1 him, back to the fourth cen- The re1ationshio survived IVldhe~lstar-Monday, May 7, Uetroiters on the back will gel.hFnIls are fme. but when heart of the matter, then . d" tury . . . - . an WI1 flow through Satur b' t L'b . ' . 1 pus comes to shove that.s I work outward I, 886-7566. P. . Evemng bags arc fea.ture m our . Callforma, 1Oclud1Oga long day May 12 and h d' ~ .glVen,OU. .I. ranans wl.I what it's all about ' It. h . t half-off cornerS this week.' I .Lynne and Ross have con- distance period when Ross, th ' , '. eac ay VlSlt Grosse Po1Ote's publlc, "A I"b . b k" I. s er style. Doing it l _ '" * * tnbuted three twigs to the still in the service drove . ere s somethmg happen- schools. telling about the li- I rary IS 00 s, Lynne' right. " " ., .. I family tree: K r i s tin, 11, eve weekend from San mg. The .week's schedule brary and talking about what Ron Ruel says, For Spn.ng 79 Ron believs In small Gretchen nine and seven. ry. D' t' b has been designed to appeal LI'b Wk' 11 b t f;~ •• .~ . 1 h' '1. tte 0 f R • "PYRA ,. FranCIScoto San, lego 0 e t II' t rary ee IS a a ou . JW.Y '--v'~~ ~, ,; CIean and slm~ e alr Sl oue s. ne 0 0l!' s '1 year.old Ross. They're all at with Lynne EvenutaIIy, he a a In erest and age groups. It's All Free 'L .. I~ i MF.TRI~cuts:~ give you a clean and soft lUIn1no~seffect Mason, "A won de r f u 1 was stationed in Long Beach. Memorial Church's Boy And this is all. (with the., znaerze LINGERIE ~<". for Sprmg, h~"_ees softness and eas~ care a Spnng and school," Lynne says. "I give and that wasn't so bad. but S~out Troop 96 will open exception of the Friends Din-I i b ;diP Summer must. Call Ron for an Appomtment. 886-4130. it four stars." they knew where they were I4brary Week Monday eve- ner), free. The only thing . Lt. OUTLET l'~.\ * '" '" Lynne Alcott's G r 0 sse going when his service time nmg. at 7:30 o'clock, with a you can buy dUlling Library I J LilIv Pulitzer's designer French jeans Poi.nte elementa~ school was was up. program m the ChiI.dren's Week ~s a plastic-Ii!1edbo?k. I Mother's D_, G.I~n••s ). I, with two zipper:; ih front in her distinctivf' hand! ~.a1fE::!I~r famIly moved to Home. To Grosse Pointe. Area at the Central Llb.rary, bag. With a charmmg. child I ( .l.ne "OInt....._...1..~_ ... '!.. ,," ~..'..,'"' ....,I ....'["~ t .1 . h ~. Kp.rf'hpval 8.venuc ~t FIsher motif The bookbag' screened prints are at Hartley's Country Lane . ' ~ WIlt,n ~"'; nu,: ~ hiS .am~ ':i 15 ,ere, an" so IS! ,. ;--. .. .. I .' ~ are 20641 Mack Avenue. Short shorts b Lill and Sixth grader.' .From Maire a j!ood part of hers. roaa. .. availabJe;Jt $5 c::ch. I """ "A_~n"f f\~«: .1 WIV(, . ., ' y y she moved to Plerce, then to Ross is in the wholesale T~e annual FrIends DIn' Proceeds fro m bookbag i1U"711 VII " ..... n i " 1845 fieetwood ,{! l~A ," her sohd coordmatIng tops are also new. THE High School, (South tire business. Lynne picked ner IS set for 7o'clock Tues- s.ales go, of course, to the VISA,Maller Charg.. '#alc(lme Gr:~,~:~~n~:::~:d. * * .. High now), graduating in up a Masters degree, in Hu da~. May 8, at the Grosse library. That's where all: 881-6567 The 'Drled Flower Want Some GreeneiY ... in bright i960. II ruauitit's, frum Wayne State POIn~eWar Mem.oriaI Speak. monies raised by the Friends . .;;;~...... ~ 4 bl~•. So. 01 Vernier ~ indirect or curtain-filtered sunLighi? OUT ~ And then she rea I 1y University after Kristin wa:; er Will be DetrOIt Symphony go. The Grosse Pointe Libra. i --- ~ I I f Boston fern will grow well for you. Char-. movked A. fbtuhsinetssLtrandsferI born. As ad iamiiy: they I ~~~hestra Maestro Antal DO' 7ri ha~ t~e I:hrgestt~roup °d il"Ir------;;;;;;;;;;- ~:at the f;']n7i.<;t, 18590 Mack Atwnue, 881- 00t erh a er 0 on on, camp. ski an -especlally!- .. en s lfi e na IOn. an • 7800. E::;;l::::d. ::nd Lyrme 1':ent t" '5"iJ. ! S?eclal honor will be paid1 those Friends recently do- It a * '" * scho.ol in Switzerland, os l Ross is a veteran of many I uUlillg tjit' c"t'iiir~ to "som~. 'I :!ated $27.~~ .for r~furbish.' r ft p,.. A • r I tenslbly to learn French. Mackinac races. It's a Kogel lone who really uses the h. mg, refurmshmg and land- t\.1 An Amazing new game from Lebure "Actually, I learned to ski I tradition. It's a Kogcl tradi b,rary ~ lot." It.s the first, scaoing at Central Library. II, ) r nL' 1- ~ Learning, "A.Maze.Ment" is ideal for travel. It's and mountain climb." Ilion. too, to win. There'vc I ~Ime Ih1s has been done. and I That's extra, in addition I' ... tJI ) . \ $4.98 at the School Bell, 179ii4 Mack Avenue. Europe at ner Fcct been many three.generation Lt may/may not b.ecome an I to Friends' sponsorship of on, ~ * * * She was 19, and all Europe 'I family yachting holidays, and I' ~nnu:11:1ward. "~!lIS y~ar. it i gOing programs through the I r------==------T 1111' th ' n M 13 G'. h was her backyard. Shc had all the kids have been down )us.t.secmed a mc.e thmg to Iyear.. such as the Famil)' FlIm I I FR ,nO ... ers_ay ay ... Ive era do r I S I ESH CUT place for all her jewels. Solid mahogany :l lovely time. I the Intercoastal Waterway. I ' ,ynne exp am.,. erIes. an.d annual events. S 169 I h t 'th b tr'rr. g ld el et 1" . g Then it was back to The I Water Wanderers ,Something for Seniors such as LIbrary Week. I DAISIES I c es s WI rass 1., 0 V V mm, R~ Slales. to C:r]ifornia, where, "Wc've been up and down I Wednesday. May 9. is SeD "And don't forget: the I, I 'bunch I fruit wood finish are $65 to $93.50. Bur- gundy leathter is $11 O. An Italian leather A~. - I i I Reg. $ i .99 I three drawer box is $155 ... oriental red Gijt SlLgqestions For Mother's £.-c. I Brighten Your Entertaining ... with new frosted i I Expires 5/7/79 I lacquer finish music-jewel box, $50 or a . Day ... from E. C. White's Old House ~.l..:4-A'A' lemon yellow or lime green frosted glasses. Other glassware. .------_J leather-like box with lift out tray and. . . '. hand-inlaid, Florentine imported ~JI th~~!<;ne~ at Wright's G~ftand .Lamp Shop feature :ennis: Ii i------i drawer for $25. Shop early at Harvey's music boxes play charming tunes and I salling shlP.and horse ~~cmg(h~slgns.Lots of Mothers Da~ I 'I Vaughn's ROSE BUSHES i Compleat Traveler, 345 Fisher Road and are priced from $55. There are cute \e(b1bou~r cards and gIfts are wa~Ing co: you :t 18650 Mack Avenue. [ I 99 o0 make Mother's Day a happy one. copper pie molds to add to her co!- , .' I NOW I' '" * * lection. Take exit 11 from 1-94 to ~. I At WIcker World, .. new shipments of Wicker I 52 or 2 for S5 I 26717 Little Mack open Mondays, . furniture and accessories are arriving daily. How' I Reg. $3.99 eo. Expires 5/7/79 I . Le~'s, Inc: ha~ a nc'l;V shipment ?f orinetal ~rf Thur.~Jui( ... ,,;or! frid!J.:Js 1Jnfil 9 p.m. . ... 1 timely~ There is also a new selection of whimsical &.------_J objects mcludmg tVory, Jade and clotssone ... a.so 776-'6230 .. 'prints nicely framed at 20643 Mack Avenue. . a large selection of Malachite carvings. 20339 Mack .. ' '. * * I' * * * ' r------., Ave.nue, 881-8082. Spring Is In The Air ... and wind Robert Of Robert's Place, .. saliS it's a matter i I All Bulbs Including Dahlias, .. , "'. '" * .. .'. ~hime~ are a .~rrect ~ccompaniment.. At I of chemistry. The Ph chemistnl of olir Sensor Perm. I Cannas, Glads & Lillies . Perml s •.. op~ns datly at 3.p.m. and (rom ~ p.m. I ~ the lIttle st~re t~ere .IS a ~reat selection I It is programmed to your hair by our experts. The I q 200t until 4:3. 0 pm. t~ere ISa good selection of co~plete dm~e~s i...... ?f unusual wl~d ch~~es mclu~m~ the charm. i results are so natural, so. m(.l1la eal>le 1101('11 fecI I 10 OFF I for $3.45. Make It your late lunch or early dinner. ~t'nm S! :, .. ,.. m~ p~?ple Wmd. (hlmes .. Thls and more at i Ol~ were born with it. it puts hodl into winter- I This week end. only Must show coupon I opens Sundays at 11 a.m. and there are many speCIals on ;_. .-. ..the 1I,t11' store,' 17()37 Kertheval hetween : '!It' d l' I. C I' 886 41?O.l I v I ' I lre lTnp laz.r a I.- )- lJ ------tbe Sunday menu. Perini's makes it own deUcious brea d I St ... hir and Notre Dame. ,. ". * ~ and pas~. Tw? ~o~v~nie~~ ~arki~gpar~a~. are well I~g~t~~:I . , * .. ~. : Update Your Furs ... Call Dou.a;JassA. May, masler Arriving doily thousands of blooming plants :\!;Ikc}'OU!' !'!o:':H ",H" ,Dr u~mn;; :!. _ !!rl!,'!l, 10721 Whitt .." : At Twu s Comp<:ny ... choose from a new de~!gn('r at Sullivan.Rollin, 20467 Mack ,\\'enue. Ll't him $2.88 to $50.00 lor Mother's Day ... DR 1.2484. II variety of merchJ look next .. .. -- .. Woods Optical Studios ... has very nic'e look- , jewelry, ribbon headhands to watchbands ... 399 :winter. No~ is the time to restyle your rurs. ('all 885.9000 Allemon t,lorist int; frame:; tor chiiurcli ... 5vrr:~ r~::dly prptty ()n"" ! FIsher Rnan, :for an apPointment. j"l liltle girls. Did you know that there is a one I " ' I ,* * * \"(';,r guarantee against breakage of fram.es and, The P()l1~te Fasillons . , . has a good selectlOn I Everyone Smiles .. .' whpn yO\! ~: