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1979-05-03.Pdf I;:1'811;3 •••• '"'.:.: Ils.a••• •• _., .,.•$II!I!lJI.. .,.' , I .ii._... _IIII~ ..-------------..--¥--------~-~-----------,-~-. Ir II.. ,.'" ~ , I All the News of . Ii \10(' .• ' Publi.hecl a. S•• oftd ClolS Matt .. at the 2Se Per Copy 32 Pages-- Two Sections-Plus Insert VOL 40-NO. 18 Po.' Ollie. _t Detroit, Mlehlg,," GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1979 $10,00 Per Veor /' I Initial Step Aids fn Renal Disease Fiaht..... HEAo.~INES II iGrosse Finislled OIl I Ul ... .,. I II 'l'O"".•....... '" tii«Jlia L ~: ' ri WEEK I ITeachers Vote UOCUIJI~llt As Compiled by The I' ,Woods Planners Finish Grosse Pointe News I ...........'To ol...~nL-- oca i Review, Make Adiust- WI"'"' J l I I ments; Revised Text Thursday, April 26 /,W' ,-~ ;iH I Scheduled for i'RESIDENT JIMMY CAR. ,I - • - { ,f I Decision Via M<:!rgin of 252 to 228 Ends over Year I Drafting TER'S standby gasoline ra. of Controver.sy on Representation of Educators; RAW tioning plan was rejected by ! liB' I the House Commerce Com. Superintendent Coats Says Officials Will ThY Wogerd . PI ala. Wk' P 'f' M 'th U . e 00 s anmng ,mittee. despite a plea by the ,I .. or In OS! lVe anner WI mon I Cornmission at its meet- President. The scheme would have limited most motorists By Roger A. Waha ling . Tuesda~, ~pr~l .24, to 16 gallons a day in the Grosse Pointe teachers. in a Michigan Employ- completed Its 1 nIt 1a I event of a ,serious energy I' ment Relations Commission, (MERC), supervised I exar::ir:ation of the city's shortage. It was the third of ! dection Wcdncsd3v .• !I..pril 25. at Brownell Middle I prelImmary land use plan the President's four standbv School, voted to join the umbrella Local One unit I for t~e year 2,000, wi~h conservation p I a n s to be i of the Michigan Education Association by a 252 to a m~JQr part .of the dlS- turned down bv the commit. 228 margin, thus ending over a year of controversy cusSlOn centenng around tee in two days. Mr, Carter called the rejection "a very as to whether the Grosse Pointe Education AsSOCi-I the Seven - Mack Shop- sad mistake" and warned of ation, (GPEA), or Local I would represent teachers ping Center and the .n~ed gasoline shortages this sum- and librarians for future collective bargaining £Or both local. offIcIals mer and bigger ones next purposes. ,----------1 and Saint ~ohn Hospital year. With this action. pOinte, N B d representatives toe x - A latldmal'k muve to provide treatment for in the St. Clair Professional Building, adjacent i ~~~~a~~rs~~~:t~~~~~d f]~g I :'lV U :get I f~~r~e:'~e~ f~~~f~e~se of persons afflicted with end stage renal disease to Saint John Hospital. JOSEPH BEALS, MD, Friday, April 27 teac~er~ In 1:1l\lacOmO \;oun- D.scussed I Aiter the plan tuok un a was announced Friday, April 27, by the board of chi,=f executive officer and physician director, ty dIstriCts. C1 new shape in March, e.g,., • A FED ERA L GRAND trustees of a new provider, the St. Clair Renal (extreme left), and ANTHONY MALCOUN, DO, ' Local union preSIdent Curt I GP P k I altering residential districts JURY charged the Velsicol Center Corporation. It is sponsored jointly by the associate physician director, (extreme right), Lan g e expresse:i pleasure n ar' from' categorical housing ChemicaI Company, makers St. Clair Health Services and the DetroitOsteo- are shown with newly elected officers of the ! over the final outcome, while - type definitions to a density of the fire-re!ardent PBB. pathic IIospital Corporations. This not-for-profit, corporation. They are, (from left to right), LAW- i feeling the closeness of the of dwelling units classifica. and two of its employes with vote, (in comparison to the' Officials Plan Further tion, the commission met on covering up the contamin.a- non-hospital based, 18-station majM chronic-main- RENCE BOGUSZ, treasurer; EDWARD J. tenance and home-dialysis training facility, will HICKEY III, president; and WILLIAM F. BA- wider 310 to 176 margin in a Meeting Prior' to Tuesday, April 10, and, after tion of animal feed with the union-supervised election last over 20 motions, concurred VINGER secretary. The patiept is CHARLES toxic compound in 1973. The be used for the treatment of patients who are JR., May), was the result of a Public Hearing with most of the plan's con- indiotment charges the com. afflicted with end stage renal disease, a chronic CACCHIONE. "harrage" of anti. Local I ma- tent in areas north and south pany and Charles L. Touzeau irreversible kidney disease. The center is located teriOlI allegedly sent to teach- By J'i>anne N. Gouleche of Vernier road. of St. Louis, Mich., and ~rs h! Board and/or admin- While calling it a "most Thell,uii the 24th, the co~- William Thorne, now living -lIllI- ntfY' LakelOlhol'e YSD's Fate ~~trat1on m,~ m b e r s at the conservative" approach mission completed its ex. in Ohio, with lying to inspec. GP's TQ.ke ~ 0 llt'h hour. toward the Headlee Tax ploration of the proposal. tors of the Food and Drug ContI I o} l\lee\s The Test Limitation flmendment in with a focus on areas aloRg Administration who were in- G d L k N B-' I oa att e OW emg n "I tJ~~nk Loc.al I ~as tr~ly the prepar~tion of the ~ack av.enu~. With thi~ ac- vesti~ting the cause of the 00 00 R, d B 1979.80 tested, he saId whIle pomt- 1979 80 f' 1 burl hon whIch IS of an adVISOry accident. - h T FIT' ing out that aU of the teach- - Isca year - t' 1 t d 1 * * * t a e oug t on wo I"Onts S ellUOUS ers who voted, (around 80 get, \~rk offi~~als ele.ct- ~~n~r~o~~~t~~~~:a~d'o~ ar.~~ . A C bl TV F didn't), cast their ballot for ed to rollback the mlll- Rogers will prepare a revised Saturday, AVrU 28 --- C C . -'---S-t-'--'-'t" te C' A . --- ti e;~theT \,.o~ ], 0" the GP~"'- \ age rate fron'l the ci.ty's .-. .... tbe. ~,,~ . FIVE SO ViE T DISSI'I MQst Officials Feel JQlnt OU?ty ~m'7"ssl~ner. elher", ulI.!\ ass c- Centtnuance of _~ureau a. f!let whicll he felt was Slg-I ~narter-l\tnl' Qt 2,Q"rn1U5, on tbe motions whiel1 'have ~~-, DENTS were flown to the', Meeting to Ex"'!ore I. hon SUit In C~rcUit g~l:''1'.A~a.lOst Road in Present Form Hinges I mriearrt.. Iinstead of f.rom the cur~ I ensued. -- U~ited ~tates from Russian Various Propo';als r Commission,. While ~t~'Clair Shores I .on Several Factors I sup~.rl~tendent of ,Sch(ti~ rer:.t millage figure or I Eyes Agreement prISons m exchange for two . I G d fd Lawyer Brings ClaIm to Farms J I d' S L I I I Dr. \\l1llam ~ts, \~h<l e 19..,0. I TIus draft 1s now sened. convicied Soviet spies held I S 00 ea nc u !':'~ c~oo 5 ~a:.., th~..t~~t~on last May The new millage figure is uled to be considered by the in the U.S., the White House I --- II By David Kramer PartiCipation j ;t;a~.. ~ .~~.fiC'le..t to .change 20.55 witI119.44 fo;: opcn:ting commission at its meeting ~nnounced. The dissiqents Bt. Jo~~~~ ~'_ ?o_~l~:~e~. :rhe Battle of Lakesho~e Road is presently. be- --- ~:rg~~~n: ~:;ltscl:~~~ u~~ mill: and lY. mi.Hs for de~t !uesday,. May ~, and then, mQlud.e well-known AI~xan-I' l.ne ral~ a.ppt::at" LU u," Img r::ught ufl two fronts: In the F:lrms MuniCIpal By Roger A. Waha pe~ised by MERC be held in service. ~hlS IS, In compa.n- In co~phane~ With the law, de~ Ginsburg, a human rIghts fakmg a SImIlar stand as Court and Wayne County Circuit Court where The fate of the Youth IT' h Po'nt said h al ",ays son t? la_t year s to~al null. a public hearmg on the doc- __•..• w"'~ "a" h~e" CO,,_ '1'1." '~T",.,,1' _, e I e, e' age figure of 1950 Wlth 1870 t' t th I' ""lH.OL .~v u v. ~~ ". ~-"_ 1.1..... .. ~~~s concernIng, suits .. "u ... h.,on hrnlloht ;;J(,(,u.';ino the \Vavne Coun- Service Division (YSD' viewed the situation as an in- . f " . umen pnor 0 e pan s tIenbced to e l!5htYt~Srs~tt~ara 'I cable television as both, tv RoJ~d' Co~;;;is~i~;"'~f- f~iling t~ adequately main- ,'in Its present iorm Ci~~ IItErn.:!! m:m~r for m<:'JTIhpTSof l ~I~ls u.?r ,,~~ra~~f- f~~:~~i a~0ption must be st.'IJ.",olJlpr, a or or IS an I- oVle pro- il' t t. tl I" L h b ., - I all" .uv v. v"'... --- --- -, with at Iea-' 'c -'---- --"-- f h . _€Slre .0 mee Jom v. ;a;- .I.~ ~" .. rl 1------------ IS' - r_, .'-- t p amalmnl! unlOn. CO"";I'P "t ..." ua)'" UVLlLC tests. The two spIes were con. I ( rl .bl 'h h".'Lu ....... ""'.... I .. pear t:e~uou" J.uI tUCI-- h-. -. "h ttodl---',---. ,bcin""ivcn. t- t ,. g' ,;m pOSSl y Wlt ot er I Wavne Countv Commls- hp <:lie! "T thmk that It'S 1 1979-80 fIscal year as [ At t e sume tim~, e s a ~ 'I Tn~ 1I~1V mill'o ~.
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