1 Welcome Message Thanks to the political emphasis placed on sport since 2010, sport activities is highlighted by the steadily rising indicators in the development of sport, once again, has achieved a promi- tourism. The Hungarian capital - thanks to its geographic loca- nent position in public life, and sport itself has been officially des- tion - attracts sport enthusiasts from the world over, from north ignated an area of strategic importance; all of this recent focus to south and east to west. on sport has contributed to the growth and successes of the immediate past. Further proof of this is the fact that Budapest Budapest also plays a major role in the spreading and exhibition István Tarlós has won the right to host the 2017 swimming (and other wa- of the spirit of fair play. For many years now, the president of the mayor ter-related sports) world championship competition, that Bu- International Fair Play Committee (IFPC) has been a Hungarian, of Budapest dapest is now bidding for the title of „Sport Capital of Europe” in the person of the famous fencer, Dr. Jeno Kamuti, who is also and that - based on the precepts of Agenda 2020 - it has a the president of the Hungarian Fair Play Committee, as well as decent chance to garner the honour of hosting the 2024 Sum- the director of the organization enfolding the capital’s sport ac- mer Olympic Games. tivities, the Budapest Sport Union. Ladies and gentlemen, honoured guests Thanks to sport, the recently began rejuvenation of Budapest We consider our most important task to be the extension of the can receive an added boost, as sport is such a dynamic force spirit and idea of fair play to our youth; it would serve the reali- I would like to welcome you on the occasion of Budapest’s bid helping to connect generations, form communities, strengthen zation of our concrete, creative and innovative ideas if Buda- for the title of „Sport Capital of Europe 2019”.
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