Ringim and Aliyu Proceedings of 6th NSCB Biodiversity Conference; Uniuyo 2018 (13 -18 pp) Bird species richness, relative abundance and conservation statuses in protected and unprotected areas of the Hadejia- Nguru Wetlands RINGIM, A. S.1* and ALIYU, D2. 1Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University Dutse, P. M. B. 7156, Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria 2Kamuku National Park, Birnin- Gwari, Kaduna, Kaduna State, Nigeria *Corresponding author:
[email protected], 08020605060 Abstract: Protected Areas (PAs) are designed for biodiversity conservation, and as refuge for bird species. Despite the significant importance of the Hadejia- Nguru Wetlands as Ramsar site and an Important Bird Area, little is known about the bird community. Bird species richness, abundance and conservation statuses were examined and compared between PAs and Unprotected Areas (UPAs) of the wetland. The study was conducted from October to December, 2015. Point count method was employed during the study. A total of 99 census points spaced 400 m apart with radius of 100 m were surveyed from 14 wetlands (seven in PAs and seven in UPAs). A total of 42, 255 individual birds of 148 species belonging to 23 orders and 50 families were recorded. UPAs had 133 species and PAs 121 species (p = 0.4514), however, PAs had higher birds abundance than UPAs. The two areas shared a greater percentages of species composition by 85%. Two globally threatened species were also recorded, the European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur (Vulnerable) and Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus (Near Threatened). White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata, and Garganey Spatula querquedula were the dominant species in both areas.