Severe Peripheral Neuropathy with Areflexic and Flaccid Quadriplegia Complicating Legionnaires' Disease in an Adult Patient
Case Reports and Reviews Severe Peripheral Neuropathy With Areflexic and Flaccid Quadriplegia Complicating Legionnaires’ Disease in an Adult Patient Leonardo Calza, MD,* Elisabetta Briganti, MD,y Stefania Casolari, MD,y Roberto Manfredi, MD,* Giuseppe d’Orsi, MD,z Francesco Chiodo, MD,* and Tiziano Zauli, MDy (Infect Dis Clin Pract 2004;12:110–113) normalities, including brainstem and cerebellar dysfunction or peripheral nerve involvement, are relatively infrequent and tend to persist beyond resolution of acute clinical egionnaires’ disease is an acute systemic bacterial infec- manifestation.5–7 L tion that generally occurs as a severe lobar pneumonia An exceptional case of severe peripheral neuropathy associated with multisystemic extrapulmonary manifesta- with areflexic and flaccid quadriplegia in a middle-aged tions. Any species of the Legionellaceae family may cause woman with Legionnaires’ disease is described. this form of pneumonia in both normal and compromised hosts, but the most frequently pathogenic species is Legio- nella pneumophila that accounts for about 90% of all CASE REPORT human infection.1,2 A 48-year-old Caucasian female patient, who smoked about Ubiquitous in aquatic environments, the gram-negative 30 cigarettes daily, was hospitalized owing to persisting hyperpy- rexia, chills, asthenia, anorexia, and dry cough for about 5 days. Legionella organism is a facultative, intracellular parasite of Physical examination at the time of admission showed pe- freshwater protozoa such as the amoebae. The prevailing ripheral cyanosis, tachypnea, dyspnea, and a high body tempera- mode of transmission is probably by direct inhalation of ture (398C). Pulmonary auscultation revealed a respiratory silence aerosols that come from a water source (including air- at the right lung basis and diffuse, bilateral rales at the upper lobes.
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