FOR SALE | $3,000,000 Starbucks and Jack in the Box Portfolio Sale Southern California Locations Each Asset May Be Purchased Separately BLYTHE, CA COACHELLA, CA 745 WEST HOBSONWAY, BLYTHE, CA AND 52144 HARRISON STREET, COACHELLA, CA Capital Markets | Investment Properties AFFILIATED BUSINESS DISCLOSURE CONTACT US AND CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT Reg Kobzi Joel Wilson Senior Vice President Vice President CBRE, Inc. operates within a global family of companies with many the information which prospective investors may require to evaluate a +1 858 546 4604 +1 858 546 4651 subsidiaries and related entities (each an “Affiliate”) engaging in a broad purchase of the Property. The information contained in this Memorandum has
[email protected] [email protected] range of commercial real estate businesses including, but not limited to, been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but has not been verified Lic. 00917639 Lic. 01237516 brokerage services, property and facilities management, valuation, investment for accuracy, completeness, or fitness for any particular purpose. All fund management and development. At times different Affiliates, including information is presented “as is” without representation or warranty of any Michael Peterson Erica Mittendorff CBRE Global Investors, Inc. or Trammell Crow Company, may have or kind. Such information includes estimates based on forward-looking represent clients who have competing interests in the same transaction. For assumptions relating to the general economy, market conditions, competition Senior Associate Client Services Specialist example, Affiliates or their clients may have or express an interest in the and other factors which are subject to uncertainty and may not represent the +1 858 646 4749 +1 858 404 7208 Hobsonway property described in this Memorandum (the “Property”), and may be the current or future performance of the Property.