Domain Shadowing: Leveraging Content Delivery Networks for Robust Blocking-Resistant Communications

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Domain Shadowing: Leveraging Content Delivery Networks for Robust Blocking-Resistant Communications Domain Shadowing: Leveraging Content Delivery Networks for Robust Blocking-Resistant Communications Mingkui Wei Cybersecurity Engineering George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 22030 Abstract according to the Host header but have the TLS connection still appear to belong to the allowed domain. The blocking- We debut domain shadowing, a novel censorship evasion resistance of domain fronting derives from the significant technique leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs). Do- “collateral damage”, i.e., to disable domain fronting, the censor main shadowing exploits the fact that CDNs allow their cus- needs to block users from accessing the entire CDN, resulting tomers to claim arbitrary domains as the back-end. By set- in all domains on the CDN inaccessible. Because today’s ting the front-end of a CDN service as an allowed domain Internet relies heavily on web caches and many high-profile and the back-end a blocked one, a censored user can access websites also use CDNs to distribute their content, completely resources of the blocked domain with all “indicators”, includ- blocking access to a particular CDN may not be a feasible ing the connecting URL, the SNI of the TLS connection, and option for the censor. Because of its strong blocking-resistant the Host header of the HTTP(S) request, appear to belong power, domain fronting has been adopted by many censorship to the allowed domain. Furthermore, we demonstrate that evasion systems since it has been proposed [24, 28, 34, 36]. domain shadowing can be proliferated by domain fronting, In the last two years, however, many CDNs began to disable a censorship evasion technique popularly used a few years domain fronting by enforcing the match between the SNI and ago, making it even more difficult to block. Compared with the Host header [2,3, 38], which makes domain fronting less existing censorship evasion solutions, domain shadowing is effective. lightweight, incurs negligible overhead, and does not require domain shadowing (Ds) dedicated third-party support. As a proof of concept, we im- In this paper, we debut as a novel plemented domain shadowing as a Firefox browser extension censorship evasion technique. Similar to domain fronting, and demonstrated its capability in circumventing censorship domain shadowing also leverages CDNs to achieve censorship within a heavily censored country known by its strict censor- evasion. However, domain shadowing differs from domain Host ship policies and advanced technologies. fronting in that it does not manipulate the SNI and the header of an HTTPS request. Instead, it exploits a legitimate CDN feature that specifies the connection between the front- 1 Introduction end and the back-end domains. Specifically, we found that most CDNs allow users to claim arbitrary domains as the Domain fronting (Df) is a censorship evasion technique pro- back-end of a CDN service without imposing any limitations. posed in 2015 [18], which allows censored users to circum- To circumvent censorship, a censored user can set an allowed vent censorship by exploiting the following two facts. On domain (namely the shadow domain) as the front-end, and the one hand, many content delivery networks (CDNs) solely a blocked domain as the back-end, of a CDN service. By rely on the Host header of an incoming HTTPS request to sending HTTP(S) requests to the shadow domain, the CDN determine the origin, even though this header is inconsistent will faithfully fetch the web document from the back-end, i.e., with the server name indication (SNI) [13] used to establish the blocked domain, and “repackages” the response into a new the transport layer security (TLS) tunnel. On the other hand, response with the URL, SNI, and Host header all “rebranded” the censor can only see the SNI of an HTTPS connection but as the shadow domain, enabling the user to visit the blocked not the Host header inside the TLS tunnel. A censored user domain “in the name of” the allowed domain. can circumvent censorship by sending an HTTPS request to a Compared with other censorship evasion systems, domain CDN requesting an allowed domain, but set the Host header shadowing is lightweight and incurs negligible overhead. Be- to a blocked one. As long as both domains dwell on the same sides a valid CDN account, the operation of domain shadow- CDN, the CDN will route the request to the blocked domain ing does not require any support from a dedicated third party, as most other systems do. The essential task for a user to 2.1 Internet Censorship Techniques use domain shadowing is appropriately configuring the front- end and back-end domains in his/her CDN account, which Censorship techniques for identifying and blocking website is a one-time task and can even be automated using CDN- browsing have been extensively studied in many research provided APIs or SDKs. The only performance penalty would works [1, 23, 43, 46]. In general, these techniques can be be waiting for such configurations to be deployed by the CDN classified into three categories: IP filtering, DNS interference, when a domain is being visited for the first time, which costs and deep packet inspection (DPI). less than 20 seconds most of the time. On the other hand, IP filtering checks the IP address a user attempts to connect the subsequent web browsing can be even faster than directly to and blocks the request if the IP belongs to a blocklist. connecting to the origin server. IP filtering is low-cost, straightforward, and effective if the As a proof-of-concept, we implemented domain shadowing prohibited website has a static IP known by the censor. In the as a Firefox extension based on Fastly’s CDN service [15], age of cloud computing, however, IP filtering becomes less which automates all configuration procedures using Fastly’s effective since webservers hosted on clouds may be assigned web APIs and is intuitive to use by regular users. We demon- with dynamic IPs by the cloud service provider [23, 30]. strate that this extension enables censored users to access In DNS interference [25, 26], the censor intercepts and blocked websites within a heavily censored country known inspects the DNS query message sent by a user. If the queried for its strict censorship policies and advanced techniques. domain is prohibited, the censor may simply refuse to respond To summarize, our contributions are: or respond with a fake IP [23]. However, the user can skip the DNS query step and directly connect to the webserver’s IP 1. We exhibit domain shadowing as a novel censorship address to bypass DNS interference. evasion technique leveraging content delivery networks. We Assisted by machine learning and data mining techniques, analyze its potential and demonstrate that it can circumvent the deep packet inspection (DPI) [46] inspects the content of most censorship techniques. the packets among the censored network to identify suspicious 2. We demonstrate domain fronting can corroborate with traffic [20,25]. However, DPI is unable to inspect encrypted domain shadowing and proliferate its resilience. The com- packets such as HTTPS traffic, as long as the underlying bined solution, namely the DfDs (domain fronting + domain encryption algorithm is not compromised. shadowing ), can achieve even stronger blocking-resistance. Although all of the above approaches have their shortages, effective censorship can be achieved by using them holisti- 3. We implement domain shadowing as a Firefox exten- cally. We refer readers to [23, 46] for more comprehensive sion and showcase its capability of circumventing censorship evaluations regarding country-level censorship techniques. in a heavily censored country. We will open-source our im- plementation to benefit the research community. 2.2 Content Delivery Network 4. We thoroughly evaluate the benefits and limitations of domain shadowing; discuss tactics to stay ahead in the poten- Content delivery networks (CDNs) have emerged as a new tial arm-race among the censor, the CDN, and the user; and business model in the recent decade and have undergone sub- analyze domain shadowing’s security impacts to the CDN, stantial growth [27]. Technically, CDN combines the charac- the publisher, and the user. Our work paves the way for fur- ters of both the reverse proxy [37] and the shared cache [17]. ther development of a full-fledged censorship evasion system As a reverse proxy, a CDN edge server is placed in front of the based on this newly proposed technique. origin server and intercepts HTTP(S) requests and responses between the client and the origin server. As a shared cache, an The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Section2, edge server caches static web documents from multiple origin we introduce background knowledge related to domain shad- servers and uses these caches to serve duplicate HTTP(S) owing, and in Section3, we explain in detail how domain requests. Domain shadowing mainly exploits CDN’s first fea- shadowing works. In Section4, we demonstrate our exper- ture, and we leave detailed explanations to later sections. imental implementation of domain shadowing as a Firefox browser extension, and showcase its capacity to circumvent censorship. In Sections5,6, and7, we discuss domain shad- 2.3 The Rise and Fall of Domain Fronting owing’s advantages and limitations from the perspective of A CDN is shared by multiple domains and relies on the Host usability, censorship blocking-resistance, and security impact, header of an incoming request to determine the domain to respectively. Related works are discussed and compared in forward the request. Domain fronting is a technique proposed Section8, and we finally concluded our work in Section9. by D. Fifield, in 2015 [18], which exploits a “quirky” implementation shared by many CDNs [3]. 2 Background As explained at the beginning of Section1, many CDNs do not check the consistency of the SNI and the Host header of an incoming HTTPS request, and only rely on the Host CDN is accessible by the censored user within the censored header to forward the request.
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