EUROPEAN LANGUAGES, LITERATURES, ANDSpring CULTURES 2007: updates since Fall 2006 are in red Department of European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (CLS, EUR, FRN, GER, IAM, ITL, MVL, RUS) College of Arts and Sciences CHAIRPERSON: Nicholas Rzhevsky DIRECTOR OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES: Robert Bloomer ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Marie Sweatt Office: Humanities 1055 Phone: (631) 632-7440 E-MAIL:
[email protected] WEB ADDRESS: Majors and Minors in Classical Civilization, European Studies, French, German, Italian, Italian American Studies, Medieval, Russian Faculty Medieval Studies Minor, Ph.D., Rutgers Anthony Rizzuto, Professor Emeritus, Ph.D., University: Medieval Italian literature. Columbia University: 19th- and 20th-century Harriet Allentuch, Professor Emerita, Ph.D., French literature. Columbia University: 17th-century French liter- Fred Gardaphe, Professor and Coordinator of ature; French women writers. Recipient of the Italian American Studies Minor, Ph.D., Univer- Nicholas Rzhevsky, Professor and Chair, Ph.D., State University Chancellor’s Award for sity of Illinois, Chicago: Italian American Princeton University: Russian and Soviet litera- Excellence in Teaching, 1990, and the Presi- Studies. ture; Russian theatre; Russian intellectual his- dent’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1990. Aaron W. Godfrey, Lecturer and Coordinator of tory. Gioacchino Balducci, Lecturer, Dottore in Classical Civilization Minor, M.A., Hunter Prosper Sanou, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Lingue e Civiltà Orientali, Oriental Institute at College: Latin; medieval studies. University of Minnesota: French language and the Uni-versity of Naples: Italian cinema and Sarah Jourdain, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., pedagogy. theater. Indiana University, Bloomington: Foreign lan- Birgit Grosse-Middeldorf Viola, Lecturer, D.A., Robert K. Bloomer, Associate Professor and guage pedagogy; second-language acquisition; Stony Brook University: German language; Director of Undergraduate Studies, Coordinator applied French linguistics.