Das 2020 SOCIAL PROGRESS INDEX Methodology Summary By Scott Stern, Petra Krylova & Jaromir Harmacek Acknowledgements ConstructinG the Social ProGress Index is a siGnificant research effort which involves months of desk research, data collection, cleaninG, transformations and calculations. This would not be possible without the leadership of Michael Green and Luke Greeves, alonGside the Board of Directors, and support from all our colleagues. In particular, this year’s index would not have been possible without the invaluable research assistance of Rory Rolt, and Tawab Safi. We also want to thank Tamar Epner and Amy Wares for layinG strong and well documented foundations for the Index which enabled us to pick up the baton. Our gratitude also goes to Brent Nagel and Alex Stetter for their editorial support and ensuring a very smooth communications and design process. Suggested Citation Index Social ProGress Imperative: 2020 Social ProGress Index. Social ProGress Imperative. WashinGton, DC. Available at: www.socialproGress.orG Methodology Stern, S., Krylova, P. & Harmacek, J.: 2020 Social ProGress Index MethodoloGy Summary. Social ProGress Imperative. WashinGton, DC. Available at: www.socialprogress.org/global/methodology Contact For technical queries regarding the index, please contact Petra Krylova (
[email protected]) or Jaromir Harmacek (
[email protected]). For any other queries, please contact Brent NaGel (
[email protected]) or visit our website www.socialproGress.orG. 2 | socialproGress.orG 2020 Social Progress