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January 15, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E7 TRIBUTE TO BRENNA AILEO HONORING EULESS TRINITY HIGH Terry was best known for his SCHOOL FOR WINNING THE 5A groundbreaking research on the source of DIVISION I FOOTBALL STATE Hantavirus, a serious respiratory disease that HON. CHRISTOPHER P. CARNEY CHAMPIONSHIP is frequently fatal. He began his work in 1993, OF PENNSYLVANIA when many people in the Southwest began dying from an unknown viral disease. In col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. KENNY MARCHANT OF TEXAS laboration with the Centers for Disease Con- Tuesday, January 15, 2008 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trol and Prevention, Terry examined speci- mens that he had collected over several Mr. CARNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today Tuesday, January 15, 2008 years, that were residing in the museum of to recognize Brenna Aileo, a U.S. recipient of Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise Southwest Biology. Through his study, he was the International Committee of the Red today to extend my congratulations to the able to pinpoint a species of deer mice as the Crosses, ICRC, 41st Annual Florence Nightin- 2007 Euless Trinity High School football team carrier of the Sin Nombre virus. The National gale Medal. Every 2 years, this medal is upon winning the 5A Division I State Cham- Science Foundation named this research done awarded to qualified nurses who have shown pionship on Saturday, December 22, 2007. by Terry and partner Robert Parmeter as one exceptional courage and devotion to the The Trinity Trojans’ 13–10 win over Con- of its ‘‘Nifty 50’’ discoveries—projects funded wounded, sick, or disabled or to civilian vic- verse Judson Rockets in the San Antonio that have had the biggest impact on American tims of a conflict or disaster; and to those who Alamodome gave the program its second lives. have shown a creative and pioneering spirit in State title in 3 years. It is believed that de- Most recently, Terry published a paper on the areas of public health or nursing edu- fenses win championships and this game was the relationship between weather and deer cation. no exception as the Trojans held the Rockets mice populations. He and his co-authors were Mrs. Aileo earned a BSN degree from East- scoreless during the second half. Despite the able to predict increased health risks posed by ern Washington State University and an MA in fact that all of the scoring took place in the deer mice to humans in specific parts of the Health Services Management from Webster first and second quarters, the second half was Four Corners area. This research also pro- University in St. Louis. She served as a nurse just as thrilling as the defense stopped the vided the New Mexico Department of Public in the U.S. Army for 21 years, including 2 Converse Judson’s offensive attack while the Health with the necessary scientific evidence years of enlistment and 19 years as a com- Trojans’ tireless running offense wore down required to give advanced warning to people missioned officer in the Army Nurse Corps the Rockets and controlled the clock. Under living in specific parts of the state that they where she achieved the rank of lieutenant Coach Steve Lineweaver’s tenure, Euless face increased risk of exposure to Hantavirus. colonel. Her posts included the Walter Reed Trinity has amassed an 88–16 record and has He has published a total of 126 research Army Medical Center in Washington, DC and won 14 of its last 16 playoff games. papers. the 85th Evacuation Hospital in Dhahran, I am extremely proud to represent Euless Terry was an honorary member of the Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia she treated Trinity High School in Congress and I con- Board of Life Sciences of the National Acad- wounded U.S. soldiers, including many from a gratulate the players, coaches, fans and par- emy of Sciences, as well as an honorary Pennsylvania-based unit who were injured in a ents who made the 2007 season a memorable member of the Society of Mammalogists. This mortar attack. and victorious one. is the highest honor that the Society bestows upon an individual. In response to the attacks on September f While his professional enthusiasm was for 11, Mrs. Aileo began volunteering with the TRIBUTE TO TERRY YATES research and pushing back the frontiers of American Red Cross. She worked with dis- knowledge, Terry loved people and had aster relief at Ground Zero and at other dis- HON. HEATHER WILSON friends from all walks of life. Every year, on aster locations throughout the United States OF NEW MEXICO Kentucky Derby Day, Terry had a party at his and Guam. During a flood in my district in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES house complete with mint juleps. But he in- 2006, Mrs. Aileo heroically managed a shelter sisted on never sending out invitations. Every- at Blue Ridge High School in New Milford, PA. Tuesday, January 15, 2008 one was welcome and no one was excluded. Since 2001, she has worked at the local, re- Mrs. WILSON of New Mexico. Madam Terry Yates was a great mind and a vibrant gional, and national levels. As the first ap- Speaker, on December 12, 2007, Terry Yates, leader. He fought for life to the very end with pointed service area staff health volunteer Vice President for Research and Economic humor and grace. Of his final illness, he told consultant in Susquehanna County, Mrs. Aileo Development at the University of New Mexico people, ‘‘I expect to get some patents out of distinguished herself by developing and pre- passed away. He was a remarkable scientist this!’’ senting key disaster training programs. In and professor, and UNM has suffered a great He challenged us and inspired us and will 2004, Mrs. Aielo worked as a health consult- loss with his passing. He lived a life full of en- deeply be missed. ant for the Red Cross Armed Forces Emer- thusiasm for science. Our thoughts and pray- f gency Services, where she reviewed and ers are with his wife Nancy, their sons and his cleared staff for overseas deployment. No staff entire family. HONORING THE LIFE AND member who Mrs. Aielo cleared has returned Terry Yates came to the University of New ACHIEVEMENTS OF DAVID JOHN from a deployment due to medical reasons. Mexico in 1978 as an assistant professor of FESMIRE Mrs. Aileo’s professional experience in- biology, and went on to become a professor of cludes working as a community health nurse biology and pathology. He helped create the HON. MIKE THOMPSON administrator for the Pennsylvania Department Long Term Ecological Research site outside OF CALIFORNIA of Health’s Northeast District and as a nursing Socorro, New Mexico, and he was the curator IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Genomic Resources for the Museum of supervisor for the Northeast Veterans Center Tuesday, January 15, 2008 in Scranton. She also worked as a charge Southwestern Biology on the UNM campus. nurse in the Montrose General Hospital ICU Terry Yates was appointed Vice Provost for Mr. THOMPSON of California. Madam and as an instructor at Walter Reed Army Research in 2004, and served as Vice Presi- Speaker, I rise today to extend my deep sym- Medical Center. dent for Research and Economic Development pathies to the family of David Fesmire, includ- from 2004 until his death. During this time as ing his loving wife, Karen, his three wonderful As an active member of our community, Vice Provost and Vice President, Terry in- daughters, Kindra, Katti and Mikki, and his 4 Mrs. Aileo sits on the Board of Directors of the creased the total amount of research awards grandchildren. Garden Club Federation, Susquehanna Coun- from $247 million to nearly $300 million. David Fesmire’s passing is a great loss for ty Library, and her church. Her interests in- UNM’s President, David Schmidly, taught all of us. He was a true hero who dedicated clude gardening, wine making, and travel. Her Terry as a graduate student at Texas Tech his life to improving the lives of others. He son, Jason, continuing Mrs. Aileo’s tremen- University in the mid-1970s. ‘‘It was his exu- honorably served his country in Vietnam, his dous dedication to public service, served in berance you remember most about Terry. He state with the California National Guard, and Iraq from 2003 to 2004. was always ready to examine a new idea or his community as a paramedic and firefighter. In closing, Madam Speaker, I ask my col- take a trip to the field to explore a theory. I David served in the Army from 1970 to leagues to join me in recognizing Mrs. Brenna think he was happier out in the field than he 1973, with two tours in Vietnam. He was high- Aileo for her continued service to our country. was behind a desk,’’ said Schmidly. ly decorated for his service, receiving 2 VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:32 Jan 16, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15JA8.010 E15JAPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS E8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 15, 2008 Bronze Stars, a Purple Heart and 34 Air Med- Leipold took the reins of a storied program ant. However, Mrs. Lewis’s greatest contribu- als, among others. He went on to the Cali- with a rich history that includes the likes of tion to her community has been her over six fornia National Guard, serving as a Crew long-time coaches Bob Berezowitz and sta- decades of service as a missionary for the En- Chief in the 126th Helicopter Company.